Have you ever gotten that awful pit-in-your-stomach feeling after finding out you let someone down?
It felt like the wind had been knocked out of me as I read through an email from a client, sent to my manager and forwarded to me, describing how I had let some details fall through the cracks on a project.
A horrible sense of discouragement and embarrassment moved in for the kill.
In the past, I would have welcomed my uninvited critical thoughts to stay a while, resigned to the fact that I must be unable to do anything right!
But not this time; too many hurtful experiences had taught me to recognize failure as an opportune time for my opponent, the devil, to devour me with feelings of inadequacy and shame. This enemy is bent on making me believe that when my best isn’t good enough, I’m not good enough.
Fortunately, times of pain have also included hours of poring over God’s promises, gathering wisdom to deal with this unwelcome intruder. I have learned to be alert to the devil’s schemes and ready to stand against them. In 1 Peter 5:8-9, Peter tells us how:
“Keep your mind clear, and be alert. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion as he looks for someone to devour. Be firm in the faith and resist him, knowing that other believers throughout the world are going through the same kind of suffering” (1 Peter 5:8-9).
After reading the email and letting my thoughts run wild for a few minutes, I knew I had to clear my mind. I asked the Holy Spirit to help me un-clutter my thoughts with the clarity of truth from logistical, circumstantial and spiritual points of view….
Read the rest of this story and what happened in my Encouragement for Today on the Proverbs 31 Ministries blog. But BEFORE YOU go…
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including my Confident Heart Devotional and Lysa TerKeurst’ new best-selling
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How to ENTER: She your thoughts about today’s devotion OR how you’ve walked through needing to remember your best is in good enough in God’s eyes even when it’s not good enough in the eyes of others.
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Happy Fall Ya’ll!
one of my bible verses for today is Psalm 73 “my heart and flesh may fail but he is my strength of my heart and portion forever.” Humbling moments come, I appreciated your questions to help evaluate the situation and learn from it. But, what I find mist helpful in my weekly meltdowns on not being enough is that He is, and that is exactly what He wants me to remember. Noy my inadequacies, but His sufficiency. I am so thankful that He is my strength and so thankful for others that also seek Him in the storms.
Hi Rene,
I am so grateful for todays devotional and for you and your books and website. Thank you so so much I have always whipped myself mercilessly. I have struggled for many years with Approval Addiction and trying to be perfect, which i never will be. Self Acceptance and loving myself as God loves me unconditionally is part of my recovery process. I have come a long way with the Grace of God. This morning i was whipping myself over a little incident at work. I realize now that Saton was trying to rob me of my peace. I will not allow that to happen. I have the power to choose,how exciting, thank you for todays devotional which set my mind on the right track, the Lord Bless you and keep you Rene.
Today I decided to take a little time to read my numerous unread emails from Proverbs 31. I haven’t not wanted to read them, I just haven’t had the time. Or so I thought. Turns out when I took the time to read God’s word, He had a message for me. This semester at college has been brutal with all that I have going on and I have never felt more unintelligent or more crunched for time. I strive to do the best I can in my classes, and time commitments. But, when things don’t go right, I feel like a failure and feel stupid. This (and You Can’t Cram for What Matters Most) devotion helped me to remember to stay confident and keep doing what I know is my best while making small blocks of time of more value. God is on my side and I need to bring my prayers to Him when my best isn’t good enough. Such a great eye-opener!! Thank you so much!
Thank you for reminding me that it’s what God thinks that is important! I have always been a people pleaser, and it is exhausting. Many days, I feel like it’s never enough. Thanks again for your encouraging words, and reminding me of the promises I already know!
Ohhh – knowing our worth in Christ even when we don’t feel we measure up — this is so where I am right now in my life. It’s an ongoing challenge – to listen to Him and hold that Truth in my heart and now allow the enemy that room.
Thank you for sharing. Such a strong powerful message to every young woman, mother and child, I am enough.
this was a great read for me as I made a big mistake today and let someone down…. I just found your blog and the Proverbs 31 site~ I look forward to reading more. THank you.
Last winter I went through a 6 month physical, mental, emotional and at times spiritual time. I lost nearly 30 pounds (not on purpose) and was constantly falling apart anywhere and everywhere. It was made worse by getting anxiety all the time and had many panic attacks. I finally decided to make a “note ” to myself and continue to add to it regularly. The note is called “Words to live by” which consists of many scriptures and inspirational sayings. I was often wondering, why is this happening to me? I was constantly down on my ability to be a wife, mother, daughter and daughter in law and a friend to others who also needed a friend because I was such a mess but then I would constantly read my note and add to it and it would give me more peace and even use my situation to be more understanding of others. Devotions like yours are a great help, thank you.
I loved your devotion today. It was what I really needed to hear. I try so hard to please my husband but no matter what I do it’s wrong. I know that without God I will never please him. He is a good man but I am a failure as a wife as he said. I know through prayer and faith it will get better. My faith keeps me strong and I know God will get us through this. .
This is one website I don’t mind hanging around longer than I should. lol God’s word NEVER comes back void, and I need it every hour! A mother of 5 and a very busy husband can make for a bit of stress and “whoa is me” attitude. But God knows what time of day it is, and your devotions help me keep my mind and heart focused on ‘His will and not my own”. God bless you! Diana:)
Thank you for reminding me that I am not the only one who feels they never reach the standards they set for me. I am a pastor’s wife and I know I set the standards to high for myself. Thank you for reminding me that God just wants me to be who He made me.
I know if I have failed someone else or just failed in all aspects of my life . “I will fall
(Righteous) seven times, they rise again”(proverbs 24:16) I need to keep my eyes fixed on God. As it says in Romans 8:28 ” I am assured that God works for my good in all circumstances. ” I feel that it’s so reassuring for our confidence in life that “God is always with us. ” Thank you, Renee Swope for your 7 day Doubt Diet devotional it has truly given me the tools to help my walk with Christ in all areas of my life.
This was so timely for me, although I found it a week later than it was posted. Just two days ago I fought this same battle – leaving work feeling like I’d failed AGAIN and so, of course, I was a failure. In this case, I wasn’t even entirely sure what I’d done wrong, because i’d been told, “We’ll talk about it another time.” On my ride home I battled my thoughts with God’s truth. I KNOW I am loved, forgiven, precious to Him. As one of my current favorite songs states, “He knows my name”!! I know those truths. But I forget, and I let Satan have his way with me. This devotion not only reminded me to fight that battle, but gave me the ammunition to not only wage that war, but win it. Praise God!!
I’m a registered nurse who caught a medication error that I made before I gave it to my patient. Even though no harm occurred, I have been tormented by this mistake. I needed to hear this. Thanks for sharing this devotion.
One of the biggest regrets of my life is that I wasn’t enough, and that ultimately led my husband to move out and “seek happiness” 2 years ago. Our divorce will be final this month, after 29 years of marriage and two daughters. I wasn’t pretty enough, thin enough, open minded enough, flexible enough, didn’t make enough money… the list goes on and on. It is a daily battle now to give all of that to God, and know God’s truths that indeed I am enough for Him, and that’s all that counts.
I tell myself that trying to meet everyone’s expectations in everything I do in a day means I’m taking away the focus on meeting God’s expectations. If I could meet one person’s expectations, I’m in a better place at the end of the day if I’ve focused on God’s purpose for my life. I can so easily be down on myself at the end of the day for not doing enough in other people’s eyes.
I loved this devotional…speaks right to my heart.
I sure did need to read this today. It seems no matter how hard I try to do something it is never good enough. So I give up and say what’s the use. I need to pray more that God will give me the wisdom to discern what is truth and the lies of the devil. I need to commit I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I need to do things to please Him and not men.
Thank you for this. I have recently experienced this and this devotional was so relevant. God has been teaching me to trust His truths over my feelings. It is His promises that keep me going. Thank you again.
Thank you for this devotional. It was perfect timing as alway. I felt it was written just for me but see how I am not alone. We need to know we are good enough and not believe the lies.
The devil loves to remind me how “awful” a person I really am. I have a situation in my life that reminds me how much I need God’s grace and I need to remember that is all I need. It is a struggle because this situation is a consequence of my sinful nature. I am going on faith that it is not what defines me but God’s grace is. Thank you-Jennifer
I have felt like I have never been good enough from a very young age- I am now 48. it is something I am trying hard to work on- I know I am good enough for God, but the devil sure tries to derail me.
I am definitely a people pleaser and I find it really hard to say no to anyone- another thing I am working on as I have spread myself too thin and I also have health issues that have hit me hard since the beginning of the year. I need to learn to say no sometimes so I can say yes to myself and family more often. Stress obviously makes my health issues worse, so I have to learn to say no. One day at a time.
I know this feeling well. Feeling like one is never good enough. Praise God He is teaching me to think like He thinks which goes something like this most of the time, “That is a lie from the enemy. If you are misunderstood, so what. I was misunderstood and it is okay.” I praise God for His constant teaching and training me to be and think more and more like Him.
I was really moved and touched by this. As God teaches us to be encouraged through Him is the best I could gather!
I am on my fourth marriage and really, truly thought I had finally found my prince. I thought everything was good – we have some problems but mostly I chose to overlook them as he is a good man – not a good husband – but a good man. Five months ago he blindsided me with the fact that he wants me out, immediately if not sooner, he just wants to work and kill zombies on his computers. I am 61 yrs old, can’t work and he is my sole support. I’ve begged, cried, pleaded, bargained, done everything I can with him and God. I don’t want to leave. I’m scared to my bones. I will have to leave my two little furbabies behind as he won’t pay the extra $100 it would cost for me for rent to have them. I am falling apart and it is only through the Christian love and encouragement from some new fb friends that are helping me and my strong faith in God. I’ve been crying for five months now – when do the tears dry up?
This was so helpful! I could say so much, but I will narrow it down to the point that motivates me most. Being in management I am big on accountability. Unfortunately, being a perfectionist as well, I often find myself wallowing in self-pity when I am in the hot seat of being held accountable for my own mistakes. In order to get the heat off of me I often resort to “blaming” rather than “claiming”. I love the 3 steps, but most of all the first step because it challenges me to look at what I’m being held accountable for “logically.” This is pure, raw truth void of my opinion, excuses, and emotions. Approaching it logically first, will help me to be able to proceed to the next two steps with a better perspective considering the feelings and perspective of all parties involved and not just my own. Thank you for this! I’m going to make a template of the steps and follow this process whenever applicable in my life moving forward. My life is forever changed. Thank you again!
I am very much a people pleaser. So, I inevitably, end up letting someone down somewhere along the way. The devil does a bang up job convincing me of how big of a failure I truly am. Letting me believe that my best just isn’t cutting it. I want more, Lord. I want so much more!
Yes. I was a meth addict for twelve years. During that time I came out pregnant with a child I didn’t want to have. Growing up being sexual molested I had shut my feelings out so I wasn’t excited about this pregnancy. I kept using and had my son in bad environments. My mother ended up taking him when he was a baby. I had my son and Continued to use. Well once he started school we noticed he was not catching on and not able to keep up with students. Come to find d out he had a brain disease. He deals with retardation. Every day for me use to be hard to wake up and face this when I got clear and sober 9 years ago. Christ came in and turned my life around and restored my life with my kids but when my son struggles this is the first thing that I feel Satan uses to attack me. It’s not easy having to watch your 16 yr old boy struggle and have the mind of a seven year old. But my story is God’s story so glory to God now
I have felt my best wasn’t good enough for a long time. I went through twenty years of depression, being a perfectionist and a people pleaser and it was exhausting. I couldn’t do it anymore. When I finally stopped trying to control my world and let God take over, it was the most freeing feeling I have ever had. I still slip from time to time but I know that God knows I am doing my best. I looked in the mirror one day and asked God to help me see me the way He sees me. That changed my life.
Jennifer, I am exactly in the position you were in, addicted to being a perfectionist in my professional life, working overtime, exhausted, and not taking time for my own physical and spiritual health. For various reasons I’ve felt inferior in my personal life for 30+ years, so I’ve focused solely on my profession where I strive to make an impact on others’ lives. It is a process to change thought patterns, but I am blessed with an amazing faith-filled supervisor and co-worker who are encouraging me along the way, and an even more amazing, glorious, & forgiving God who knows my heart, loves me for who I am, blesses me in what I do, and is ever-patient with me while I learn to “Let Go and Let God”. I thank Him and Proverbs 31 for these daily devotionals that are so meaningful and a blessing to so many.
I love this post because it is so true. It took me a long time to realize that little voice I hear telling me I’m not good enough is actually the devil telling me lies. I had to stop what I’m going and just pray at that moment and that always helps!
I loved this post. I am currently separated from my husband and feeling like I can “do no right” with my husband or my children. It’s just a hard place right now. But thank you for reminding me to turn to God and not let the devil in!!
I am so needing to hear this today. The devil is filling my head full of bad self thought and negativity about my life right now. Need to keep repeating this verse over and over. Thanks so much!
Your words are words of wisdom and truly come from the heart because they blessed my heart today. Thanks for sharing them and continue to do so. I will share these with others just as they were shared with me in hopes of warming someone else’s heart that needs it.
I let those thoughts over power me a lot and then I hear the soft whisper through a verse or a devotion like this! That’s when I write those verses or quotes on index cards and put them around the house! Thanks for the reminder!!
I’m a huge fan of Encouragement For Today. Every time I read them, the Lord speaks to my heart. This one was a reminder that I was not created to be defeated, guilty, ashamed or unworthy… I was created to be victorious. There are days I fall short of victory! If I remember to look up, spend time with Jesus, I regain victory. Thank you for sharing God’s Holy Word. Thank you for sharing your struggles, it is encouraging to know I’m not the only one. Blessings! Mary Wescott
It is so easy to jump to those negative thoughts when things don’t go right. It is always me. I am never good enough. I just can’t do anything right. Yep- it seems that I jump to those thoughts each time. But I don’t let them take over anymore. I fight them with God’s Word.
I read A Confident Heart for the first time a few years ago. Your book really helped me change the way I look at myself and how I react to things. Thank you so much for writing it and sharing your heart.
Thank you for continuing to share your heart. God Bless You!
I am so grateful for today’s devotion. I have been struggling so much lately with feeling inadequate. I have always had a problem with negative thoughts running rampant in my head. These two things paired together have made my last 3 years so tough. My husband left me, I lost my home, I am living with my in laws and feel like such a burden…but I am doing my best. Your devotion reminded me that my best is enough for God, and he is all that matters. I love receiving the daily devotions from Proverbs 31. Thank you for the wonderful words of encouragement you all provide!! God Bless you!