Have you ever gotten that awful pit-in-your-stomach feeling after finding out you let someone down?
It felt like the wind had been knocked out of me as I read through an email from a client, sent to my manager and forwarded to me, describing how I had let some details fall through the cracks on a project.
A horrible sense of discouragement and embarrassment moved in for the kill.
In the past, I would have welcomed my uninvited critical thoughts to stay a while, resigned to the fact that I must be unable to do anything right!
But not this time; too many hurtful experiences had taught me to recognize failure as an opportune time for my opponent, the devil, to devour me with feelings of inadequacy and shame. This enemy is bent on making me believe that when my best isn’t good enough, I’m not good enough.
Fortunately, times of pain have also included hours of poring over God’s promises, gathering wisdom to deal with this unwelcome intruder. I have learned to be alert to the devil’s schemes and ready to stand against them. In 1 Peter 5:8-9, Peter tells us how:
“Keep your mind clear, and be alert. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion as he looks for someone to devour. Be firm in the faith and resist him, knowing that other believers throughout the world are going through the same kind of suffering” (1 Peter 5:8-9).
After reading the email and letting my thoughts run wild for a few minutes, I knew I had to clear my mind. I asked the Holy Spirit to help me un-clutter my thoughts with the clarity of truth from logistical, circumstantial and spiritual points of view….
Read the rest of this story and what happened in my Encouragement for Today on the Proverbs 31 Ministries blog. But BEFORE YOU go…
ENTER to WIN a Fall Book-Bundle
I’m giving away 3 Fall Book-Bundles
including my Confident Heart Devotional and Lysa TerKeurst’ new best-selling
book, The Best Yes! I’m giving away 3 bundles that include a copy of each book
plus a fall-scented candle from Bath & Body Works!
How to ENTER: She your thoughts about today’s devotion OR how you’ve walked through needing to remember your best is in good enough in God’s eyes even when it’s not good enough in the eyes of others.
Just click SHARE your THOUGHTS below this post and you’ll be entered to win.
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Happy Fall Ya’ll!
I am constantly battling feelings like I’m not good enough. I am such a people pleaser that I always worry about what I’ve said or haven’t said. Having been a former pastor’s wife for 20+ years, this happens quite often. But I have to constantly remind myself that God loves me just as I am and I am not perfect. . It’s amazing how when we feel better about ourselves, everything in life is better, including our relationships. This devotion really spoke to my heart and I would love to win the books and candle. Love Proverbs 31 team and pumpkin scented candles!
Thank you for reminding me that when I feel like a failure it is a lie from the devil. The Lord always sees me as His precious daughter. I am so thankful for that.
Just early this morning the Lord spoke to me about this matter. Almost two years out of a horrible, abusive marriage at the hands of a self-professed Christian man, I still sometimes feel the shame and inadequacy that he put on me. God said His love for me is unconditional. What a wonderful, secure feeling! God is the best provider, protector, and Lover of my soul.
Having been diagnosed with Bi-Plor in the 80’s I felt useless, afraid people would consider me insane or retarded. It really played out bad. Then started getting a handle on it and started letting go and letting God take care of my life . I started getting better and feeling better about myself. I now claim 2nd Timothy 1:7. God has not given me a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind. God has been so good to me in this area of my life. I feel confident and at peace with myself. To God be the glory and praise. Thank you for sharing with us. God bless you and yours . Kay
It’s hard at times specially when you are the Pastor’s Wife and you need to counselor and serve.but thank you for your support and counseling. First of all it reminds you you are not alone. There’s other women going through hard times and that the devil uses that to discourage you. But we can do all things through Christ who gives us the strength to continue
Lately I’ve been realizing that the being “more” for someone else’s perception of me isn’t truly following who God has called me to be. I have also learned that giving God what I have and letting Him do the rest is a lot less stressful than trying to manage it all on my own!
Boy, could I relate to this devotional. I work very hard to get things right, to say things right, to strive for excellence. But, sometimes I’m misunderstood or I make a mistake and someone calls me on it. Then I take it personal and feel like a failure. You have given me some practical steps to help process the truth. Thank you.
This is something that I have to battle every day. I am not perfect and never will be but God still knew me before he created the world and created me anyway. I know that he loves me more than I will ever know on this earth and I try to thank Him every day and do my best (with His grace) to act like it.
He is forever faithful and I just have to keep my mind on that. Even when I feel like I’m falling, He is already there to catch me, provide for me, keep me safe, offer peace…. I could keep going on and on…
I have been on a long painful journey for the last 2 years that is starting to show blessings in a way I never expected. Since a young girl I have feared God was not going to allow me marriage and a family of my own. I have wrestled with that for years sometimes really feeling His peace and sometimes feeling so defeated I questioned my faith ( not God, but me). 3 years ago I met an amazing man. I was 35 and he was 41. Neither of us has ever been married and it truly seemed like a match made in heaven!! We had complimentary personalities, and our beliefs were very much on the same wave length. Then …….the tsunami hit…..he was let go from his job of 20 years and I found out through an er visit I had some advanced reproductive problems. He was unemployed for over a year, and after a horrific year of finding new things that should not be growing on my reproductive organs, I went in for surgery. Fast forward…..he got a great job, and i recovered from surgery quickly and we thought we were on our way to a place where we would finally be able to settle down and eventually (but quickly) start a family. And then it all caught up with us. The stress of his new job, and my continued hospitalizations for complications have driven a wedge between us and he is angry and I am at times hopeless. Now, if I were talking to anyone else I would easily say, and believe, that God’s plan is perfect, and His grace will get them through this. I just can’t seem to believe it for myself. So I made a decision….. I am starting a best yes book club with some girls through my church (so that book-if I were to win the bundle-would go to one of them, as I already have my copy and am loving it!!!!) And we would burn the candle during our time together, and when the evil one jumps into my thoughts, instead of bring hopeless, I am praying for hope for other women who desire children and are experiencing some of the exact
Wow! This was yesterday’s P31 devotional, but I didn’t get to it until today – just now. I could not have heard it’s message yesterday, but today God had me ready for it! Thank you for these words that help reinforce what I was hearing in my own heart today as I struggle through some things right now. I do need to take an honest look at some situations, balancing both responsibility & mercy for myself: embracing grace.
I have often felt that my best wasn’t good enough, and sometimes with people, that is true. But, I have learned that God isn’t like the rest of us, and my best is all He asks! thankfully, I don’t have to worry about what people think.
I so needed this today! I have been totally tapped out! And having my son express some hurtful words to me in the midst of all that’s been going on, really cut me right to the core. Communicating the Truth in Love is such a delicate balance, isn’t it? And with our family, those closest to us; sometimes its even more challenging. Thank you Renee for all YOU do to encourage us! We are sisters in Christ, with the spiritual bond that no person can break.
It’s encouraging to me since I recently list my job and am looking for work. I’ve gotten a lot of job rejections so far and have been doing my “best.” I know god will take care if me but it’s been encouraging to me to know that he’s not disappointed in me right now also .
Thank you for always sharing your heart and God’s faithful love for us. I went for prayer today and once again surrendered to God all my burdens and people in my life. I was encouraged that my righteousness is found in Jesus. The scripture that comes to my mind…
“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.” Philippians 4:8 NKJV
Philippians 4:8 in all English translations
Lately my best hasn’t been good enough for myself. I’m very much a textbook people pleaser. Either I’m forgetting to pack a cold lunch for the 6 year old since she doesn’t like what’s on the menu today, I’m arguing with my husband about something petty, or I’m giving half attention to a position I said I could take on. I feel like I’m spreading myself thin and not giving credit where credit is due. I have to start knowing how to say no, to remind myself I can’t save the world, and stop worrying about things I have no control over. I feel I spend too much time focused on what I’m doing wrong in my day and not starting my day focused on what really matters, coming to God in prayer to start my day out in the “right light” and to do everything for His Glory. As long as I giving it my all, no matter if the outcome isn’t picture perfect, I shouldn’t feel that I didn’t do my best. God sees our attempts and attitudes and thank goodness because I only see the finished project at the end of the day, not the big picture.
I am 52 years old and I have not had a girl friend, since high school, that I can share my thoughts with so reading all the comments has been an ah moment for me. I have a wall built around me for fear of rejection, not saying the right things, not doing the right thing or looking the right way. I have listened to the”roaring lion” for so long and I am so ready to see what is on the other side of that wall. God knew that I needed this today. Thank you.
Yep. Right there. That’s where I am. In the middle of a doubt-war! Wishing I could more easily tell the difference between my doubts and reality – what I really can do and what I just fear I can’t.
It’s always good to remember that God is there to help us when we need it.
Thanks Renee! What a wonderful reminder to ask God to help us through the difficult times as opposed to allowing the devil to make the difficult times even worse!
This devotion reminding me to clear my mind of self-doubts and “not good enough” thoughts was truly an uplifting part of my day! I pray that I can keep these words close to my heart and use them whenever I start to feel like I’m drifting back into thinking I’m failing myself or others. God knows my true heart and I have peace knowing I am pleasing to Him. Thanks so much for being a blessing to so many of us!
I needed this today. I am in the middle of striving to please everyone, to living up to an idea of who or what I am supposed to be, and I feel like it is all falling down around me. As I read your blog post I kept wishing I was sitting next to you watching you go through your bible and find these truths. I struggle hearing the voice of the Lord, I struggle trying to spend quiet time, and listening for him to whisper these truths to me… Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
You did an excellent job of being real, accountable, transparent and followed it up with practical processing tools. Thank you so much for sharing how to mentally and emotionally bring Jesus/The Word into our everyday life! You are an amazing inspiration of overcoming victory in Jesus.
Wonderful thoughts on how we are to trust God even when we fail at the things and turn to him for continued guidance.
Thank you for the encouraging devotional today. Many years ago I when I was struggling as a young pastor’s wife, a mentor reminded me that “God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity but of power, love and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7) Her word of encouragement to me really helped me to not listen to my fears but to trust God through them.
The devil is really coming against me right now. I am feeling like what is the point of life at this point. My son is off at college, my mom died 9 months ago, I broke up with my boyfriend this year and have not a lot of motivation to keep going. I have a good job and a beautiful son and am truly blessed with our relationship and have many blessings and things to be grateful for, yet it doesn’t seem to be enough. I have been reading Gods word and listening to Elevation Church online, Joyce Meyer. I am just in a bad spot now and depressed and I know I will get through it by the grace of God.
The Lord has taught me so much through the years and we will let others down as they will also. But if we know that and have the gift of mercy and compassion and understanding all will be put into the right prospective.
I recently went to visit my son in Seattle. I was very excited to go and as much as I loved seeing my son it was also sad because even though I am sold out for the Lord he has yet to be. I have prayed so many years and am still praying and believe with all my heart that a time is coming for his heart to be the Lord’s. But upon coming home I so appreciated my relationship with the Lord, my home, my lovely plants, and all that the Lord has given me. I am so comforted to know that no matter what is happening around me, I am covered, loved and cared for by our loving Father. We do learn in the hardships of life to dig our heals in, forgive and live in peace and light..
Blessings, Diane Arndt
This devotional was a great reminder that I won’t be able to please everyone, sometimes I will let people down and that’s ok. I am human.
Thanks for this devo! My 12 year old son and I homeschool together, and we have really been struggling with these types of feelings and attacks this week. I started reading this to myself, and then immediately started over, reading aloud to him as well. He payed attention throughout and even asked who wrote that…very big compliment from the boy whose apparent apathy for all things “Mom” has grown in direct proportion to his feet and hair. 😉
Anyway, thanks for opening this door for us to have an uplifting and honest conversation about God’s unfailing love for us!
It always amazes me how some days the devotionals seem to be tailor made to what my heart needs to hear. I’ve felt like such a failure today so this was just what I needed to hear at just the right time. I would love to read A Confident Heart Devotional. It soulds like it is just what I need everyday.
I often think this way when it comes to my children and providing for them. Sure I provide what they “need”. But its sometimes the things they want that I feel I let them down.
For example: my eldest just graduated from High School. All her friends are now gone to college except her.
I feel as though she is missing out on her college/friend experience and somehow I have let her down.
Although I know it is not entirely me, she did have a hand in her own outcome (ie not finishing a class online and not registering and not having the grades needed). However, the pain and guilt seem to be the same.
Also with my youngest child (16) going through some friendship situations. I feel I let her down in not knowing how to pick the friends that are your actual friends and knowing that meaning. Not rainy day or when things are good they want to be around. Actual real good life long friends that stand up for her as much as she stands up for them.
Lessons we all learn and have to go through, however, still does not make it easy in a mom’s heart.
Thanks for sharing this devotional. I need to pin it up as a daily reminder. My cultural background and upbringing made me hold a high standard to myself and others. Not only that I need to remember this motto for myself, but I also like to remember it for those around me and be pleased with their best, no matter what the outcome of their effort is. Thanks again!
Thank you for this devotional. It seems daily I’m reminded I am good enough in God’s eyes. I grew up in a divided household where my mom was a believer and my dad a fallen believer. It seems I never measured up in my parents eyes which in turn I grew up being a perfectionist always putting myself down in my mind and later becoming a huge people pleaser and having others put me down always wanting to be complimented for what I did do right. I seemed to need that to survive to just know I did something right. Slowly I am working thru this with God’s strength to hold me up. But the devil does play in my mind on a daily multiple times a day basis. With god I will get thru this he reminds me often I am good enough I am who he built me to be. And i will conquer satan as many times as needed in all areas. Thank you so much for understanding what I believe all women believers and nonbelievers go thru daily. Bless you.
I’ve been sharing with all my friends to visit this website for it’s motivational and thought provoking content. I am blessed every day, in different ways. Thank you!
Man looks on the outward things they see but God looks at our heart, our attitude and what we do because of our love for Him.
I so understand that feeling of, “Oh, I failed again.” It is something I am working on with the Lord. There is no way I can always be that perfect wife, mother, daughter, sister, and /or friend. I am trying to learn to just be me and what that means.
Thank you so much for this; I continually struggle with feeling good enough. I hope I can take these words to heart and realize that I am good enough!
I read your encouraging words on the Proverbs 31 blog and they resonate with feelings I have battled for most of my life. No matter how hard I ever tried, my efforts were met with critical words from important family members. I have been set free in Christ and no longer need to accept my failure to satisfy someone else. Our God knows our heart and when we give our very best to serve him- that is enough! Thank you for your message!
Thank you so much for these words and exactly the right time! God knows timing! I have had a couple of weeks of work where I am fixing and cleaning up problems created by others, but yet I feel the boss only sees his work as being done correctly and no one else, including mine own. These words from God helps so much! Thank you.
I just read a quote today: ” My imperfections will never override God’s promises. God’s promises are not dependent on my ability to always choose well, but rather on His ability to use well.” By Lysa Terkeurst. Those words of truth paired with your devotional, was what God used to set me free today! My heart thanks you.
My life has been in a wait and see mode for so long… that is my normal. Without my blog sisters encouraging me everyday I would not make it. For the past three years God has been doing a new thing…. tomorrow. Road worn I can say today… it is well with you soul.
The Lord’s been working on this with me for the last several years. He’s been trying to teach me to keep my eyes fixed on Him; to look to Him to get all my needs met and not to look to or rely on anyone else but Him. It’s such a hard lesson to be learning. I find so much encouragement in scripture where it talks about how much God loves me, how He wants the very best for me, that I’m created in His image.
I know n my head God’s grace is for me, but my motions and mind tend to run wild with my failure and my perfectionist standards that are not from my Heavnly Father. Thank you for being real and your faithfulness to share how much God truly loves us in the middle of our mess. 🙂
I am so grateful for you and your ministry. The Lord has used your book and blog to challenge me and help me many times….that includes this devotion. The Lord showed me that I am giving Satan room to discourage me when I don’t keep my mind fixed on Him and His Word . Blessings to you and your family.
Renee –
I love your thoughts/posts. It is so easy to fall prey to negative/former ways of thought and feel as if you are being devoured. One tool I used was to carry verses of truth with me in my pockets wherever I went so that whenever I needed to combat the lies, the truth was right at hand. It also aided in my memorizing several vereses.
Thanks for sharing your heart.
Sherrri Woodbridge
It seems no matter how much time passes between my visits here, When I return, the devotion for that day seems to be directed at me…Speaking deeply to my heart & soul….Thank you, I desperately need all the encouragement I can get….
Good morning:
I’m currently reading “A Confident Heart” and enjoying it tremendously. It is so appropriate and hits so many areas in my own life. My purpose for entering your giveaway is actually to “give it away” to another. So many hurting women out there.
thanks for sharing your thoughts and your life
Thank you for sharing this. I often feel like I am not good enough and have let everyone around me down. I now see I need to look at my committments and schedule and see what is really important and what can be cut. And God does not call us to live our lives as failures….we are daughters of the King. Just wish I could remember that all the time. 🙂
I think as women we are especially hard on ourselves. We have to be so many things to so many people….wife, mother, daughter, employee …its a full cup for sure. I know I am hard on myself. I recently failed on a project at work and I beat myself up all day. My boss was respectful about the issue and moved on. Not me I couldn’t move on….failure set in. I spent the day questioning if this was a sign I should be doing something else with my life. I know this for sure, with God there is always forgiveness and thankfully, second and third and fourth…..chances to get it right!!! We are not perfect because then we wouldn’t need God…thats his way for us to need him and to stay connected. We look outside ourselves for answers and only need to look inward to God!
I needed to hear this truth today. Thanks for sharing . Doubt and fear make us judge ourselves harshly
Thanks for the encouragement! I often feel not good enough – as a mother, as a friend, as a disciple, as a worker…appreciate the reminder that in God’s eyes, I am more than good enough. I am His.