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“What a [woman] desires is unfailing love …” Proverbs 19:22a (NIV)
I had everything I wanted yet felt empty and confused.
My life was full of relationships and accomplishments I’d worked hard to gain, but none could fill or fulfill me.
Frustrated by my aching emptiness, tears streamed down my face as I thought about the guy I dated through high school and college. Our future plans had crumbled under the pressure of me expecting him to be all I needed.
I had been crazy about him — a little too crazy.
Like the time a friend mentioned my ex-boyfriend was heading to our hometown for the weekend. We worked near each other, so Friday afternoon I parked by his office and waited for him to leave.
We both “happened” to be at the same fast food restaurant, at the same time and bumped into each other. After getting my order, I got in my car and followed behind him, hoping he’d see me, realize he couldn’t live without me and signal to pull over so we could talk.
Seriously, what was I thinking? As you can guess, he never stopped. I was hopeless and humiliated…
A few weeks later, I was taking a walk around my college campus. My eyes drifted to the buildings, dorms and other landmarks of memories. Suddenly my mind filled with a collage of faces, reminding me of my efforts to win the approval of advisors, friends and professors — hoping their affirmation could fill my emptiness.
Although I was graduating soon, had a few great job offers and achieved success in many ways, my heart still felt restless. And I couldn’t help but wonder: Why was all that I had never enough?
A thought rushed through my soul, stringing together two words I had never put next to each other. I sensed God answering me.
Renee, all you have ever wanted is unconditional love.
Unconditional love? I didn’t know there was such a thing. Then God whispered into my soul: You’ll never find the love you long for in anyone or anything but Me. I AM the unconditional love you’re looking for.
The thought of God loving me without any conditions was inconceivable, yet something deep in my soul told me it was true. I’d been looking for love that didn’t have to be earned. Love I didn’t have to fear losing.
Honestly, it was hard to see how God’s love could fill the emptiness in my heart. It took time, but I came to understand that God created me with that need for fulfillment so He could meet it.
Proverbs 19:22a, says, “What a person desires is unfailing love.”
The word “desire” comes from the Hebrew word ta’avah, which means: to greatly long for, deeply desire or crave. Interestingly, unfailing love is mentioned over 30 times in the Bible, and not once is it in reference to a person. It is only attributed to God.
Could it be that God gave us a desire for unfailing love, because He knew it could lead us back to Him?
If today’s post resonated with you, I hope you’ll ENTER TO WIN (This giveaway has ended, but I’d still love to hear from you!)
a copy of my new Confident Heart Devotional. I truly believe the stories and truths in it will change your life {like they have mine}!
Based on honest struggles we all have with comparison, self-doubt, fear of failing, and the life-changing lessons God’s taught me and ten other women, {whose stories are in the book} you will discover how to change the way you feel by changing the way you think – which will transform the way you live!
Expanding on what readers of my first book LOVED most: “When I say … God says …” statements, I’ve written 60 new devotions and new {WISGS} statements to equip you with a new a thought map and a promise – to live in every day!
ENTER TO WIN (This giveaway has ended, but I’d still love to hear from you!)
Share your thoughts in the comments below to WIN one of 5 copies of my A Confident Heart Devotional or a copy of The Five Love Languages: Singles Edition for you or a friend. Be sure to let us know which book you’d like to win!
I loved today’s devotional!! So much truth that I needed to hear. I am constantly finding my worth through the approval of others. It’s a good day when I feel everyone liked me or thought well of me. And a bad day when I disappoint people. My emotions can be so up and down because of this imperfect and human roller coaster I am on. I NEED to re-train my mind and heart to find my worth and value in the God that created me. Oh what a relief that would be, if I could only believe it. I really think this book would be a great bible study for me and several of my friends and co-workers that struggle with these same insecurities. I really hope I win 🙂
What a thought provoking post. It mde me look at all the times I expected someone else to fill me and ended up disappointed. God is the only one that can truly give me that fulfillment.
I was asking God in my prayer time this morning………..what is wrong………..why do I feel this way when you have supplied all of my needs…….and then I open my email and here was my answer. I love “God Moments” like this…….He is always in remembrance of me…….thank you for your obedience to God and your calling.
I really needed this devotional today. I have been feeling spiritually and emotionally empty and could not seem to find satisifaction in my daily life. Even though I know that God is all I need and that He has that unconditional love for me, I continue to look for people, things and/or accomplishments to make me feel good about my self. Thank you again for the great Word and devotion. My focus and goal should be to please God and not others.
Although I know that I would benefit from such a read, I believe my teen daughters would benefit so much from reading such a book.
Thank you, for this devotional today! Lately I have had a lot of hurt and disappointment from the people closest to me. This devotional has helped me to realize that I need to focus and go to God more.
So glad that God can fill our need for unconditional love!
Learning the true volume of Gods love seems to be an ongoing process. Some days I get it, some days I don’t. I would love copies of your books. Thank you for encouraging daily..
This was EXACTLY what I needed to hear this morning. Thank you & God for bringing it to me! I would love to win the Confident Heart Devotional. Thanks again!
Your post touched me – I have had a restless heart for sometime…depression I think has a pretty good hold on me at the moment and I often find myself seeking affirmation of others as you mention – to help fill the need for that unconditional love and acceptance. Thank you for the reminder that the one I need to be seeking, is the only one who can make that restlessness – become peace.
This offered a great reminder to me. I often drift in and out of allowing God to fulfill me. Once I fill full I often neglect to return to Him to remain full and can unconsciously end up searching for something else to bring me Joy. I needed this constant reminder to continue to allow His unfailing Love to fill me up. I absolutely can relate to your situation with the ex- boyfriend and having unrealistic expectations of others. No one else can provide that unconditional love that God can and it is not fair for us to expect that from anyone but Him. I would love to win either one of the books.
Thank You
Your experience said “that’s me” and someone else has been there too! Although I keep trying to believe that I’m good enough, I struggle every single day. I stop at our chapel periodically, talk to God all the time begging to have this feeling go away; somehow I’m not hearing God or do I understand. Being single in my 50’s and overachieving and alone, I feel desperate. I would love to have a copy of your devotional. I’m ready to change how I feel about unconditional love. Thank you.
This devotion was much needed in my life as I have been praying for a fill of what I sometimes feel is a void. God’s love is unconditional, just to know that fact, comforts me. He is all we need, even through disappointments in relationships with family and friends. My prayer for all here is that we push through and are able to display the same love (regardless of the current situation) God shows us ALWAYS! To God be the Glory!
With all these comments it will be hard to choose someone who really needs this devotional. I started reading the book and today read about God’s unfailing love. Then I read it again on encouragement for today devotional. I know I really need to understand it with my heart. Have always based my value and identity in what I do and then two years ago the rug was pulled out from underneath me it nearly destroyed me. Still trying to recover from that traumatic event in my life but doing better. Being married for over 28 years and not being fulfilled there either I know I really need to find faith and trust in Christ alone to give me the desires of my heart. Thank you for writing this book!
I would love to win the devotional! Sounds like exactly what I need right at this time.
Thank you for sharing!
I would love this book for my daughter who will soon be turning 21. She has struggled for as long as I can remember with wanting unconditional love. She knows the Lords love in her head but still struggles.
Wonderful message today! Thank you Renee!
WOW! I am in a season of life of waiting on God. The world is asking, demanding, rolling its eyes at me as I try to find approval as I wait on God. Busyness is not the answer, but knowing Whom I serve and having confidence in His perfect unconditional love is the only thing that fulfills me and validates my life. Thank you for your encouraging words and letting God use you in others (my) life. Blessings to you.
I would like to win a copy of A Confident Heart. I think I would be a true help in my walk with God. However, if I did win the book by Chapman I would pass it on to a sister who’s godly but single and though she trusts God and HE is her all, I think the book would be an encouragement to her.
Thank you for the chance to win and thank you for the reminder to lean on God for all things and let Him fill me b/c He won’t leave or forsake per His love is unfailing but people will let you down,even those you thought loved you-like my spouse who just stopped caring and won’t divorce but ignores me totally and dislikes (hates) me and we have no relationship-sad but it only shows God is all I have and He and I are so close these days so really it’s a huge heartache and such a lonely road but God has cleansed me for my sins and I talk to Him through out the day and He is my husband,father and friend and I think God wanted my whole attention and cor me to know Him more deeply and thus thru trials I am learning He is the God of unconditional love.
Should have said I’d like to win the *Devotional* not book-I already have A Confident Heart so this devotional book would be a great thing to have in addition to my book:)
This is something that I’ve struggled with, looking to others to fulfill me when only God can. I’ve tried friends, boyfriends, I’ve even tried to overcompensate the emptiness by overindulging the love I give to my son. I read A Confident Heart and it truly blessed me because at times I felt like you were speaking directly to, and this devotional this morning re-affirmed that I can only depend on God to make me whole.
(I would like to win the 5 Love Languages for Singles)
I have found myself recently divorced. Slowly God is trying to show me that I had made an idol of my husband. He was my everything. Every waking thought revolved around pleasing him. When he left, I struggled with wondering why I wasn’t enough, what could I have done differently? I have come to realize that the pedestal I had placed my husband on was meant only for God. He should consume my thoughts, and I should work to please Him. I always have been and always will be enough for Him.
I struggle with the concept of God’s love for me because of the rejection I felt from my husband. But his love is unconditional. The more I believe this truth, the more peaceful I feel.
I want to say thank you. Today’s devotion “Unfailing Love” did resonate with me. Surprisingly! As I read your story, I immediately though “Well, I’ve never done anything like that, so can’t relate”. But my heart cried “Yes you can!”. I have struggled with depression and sadness because I fill so unfulfilled. I am rather accomplished, but yet I’ve always struggled with feeling empty. Today I learned that I am empty searching for unconditional love. Thank you because I can share the testimony that “God created me with that need for fulfillment so He could meet it.” Only He can meet it and I prayed and will continue to pray that, “Jesus, help me stop searching for fulfillment in anything or anyone but You. Will You satisfy me with Your unfailing love and help me depend on You to meet my deepest desires and needs. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
THANK YOU & My Love to you!
How very timely was this devotional. My husband is currently at a sexual addiction rehab searching and seeking God and restoration for our marriage. I am so encouraged by what I see God accomplishing in his life but it also makes me aware that the longing in my heart for unfailing love must truly and will only come from God Himself. The book I would like is A Confident Heart Devotional
I am receiving so many confirming messages on this week that the love that I am looking for from my husband can only come from God. Yes, my husband loves me. But there are times that I don’t feel like he loves me the way that I need to be loved. That desire, I am coming to understand, came from and can only be fulfilled by God. Thank you for this message.
Thank you for this reminder that I am complete in Christ. That oh how he loves me. I am a very head strong, independent woman but Im also a people person which in return makes me a peopl pleaser at times. I tend to look to people for their love and approval, instead of reminding myself that God is enough and his love is unconditional. Than i wouldn’t feel so ddisappointed, hurt, or incomplet. Your ddevotional today was refreshing and brought revelation. ..Thank you. I would love a copy of your new devotional …God bless you, for all you do to help bring truth, healing, and freedom.
i so need this book. i have felt empty for so long. i believe in God and try to pray to him almost every day but there is still an emptyness in me and my faith getss shook . i just don’t feel like i have really found God .
I would love to win a Confident Heart Devotional!
Thanks for the reminder Renee. Sometimes, all we need is just that – A reminder. God bless you
I would love to win A Confident Heart! Your devotionals always seem to be speaking to me. Thank you.
Wow your devotional really spoke to me today. I am in such a funk with our horrible Midwest winter, busy with job I don’t like, crazy kid schedule and no time for myself. On the outside I appear to have it all together but am crying inside. I’ve never posted a comment to a blog before but wanted you to know God sent this to me today as I really needed to hear it. Would love to win the Confident Heart devotional as think it might be just what I need in this stage of my life, I’ve never been good with sticking to a bible study or doing devotions but think your devotional was Gods way iof helping me get back in track! Thank You!
I really needed to hear this today! Great message. Thank you.
It’s so easy to think of husbands, kids,careers ect. can fill those empty places in our hearts but nothing can fill them like Jesus can.
This past year has been a journey for me, as I pursue acceptance into medical school and therefore faced with thoughts of my future including relationships and other plans. I have seen looking back that I was trying to be fulfilled with other things and people besides with the only hope & love that will truly make a difference in my life. As I am in the process of surrending all my thoughts, plans, and desires to God the perspective of knowing He will never leave nor forsake me is the most beautiful and freeing. He has shown me to focus on those around me by showing and sharing His love with them, and I will be filled all the more with His great love so the 5 Love Languages: Single edition would be a great resource for me! Thank you for your post.
Your story resonates with me because I always am searching for someone or something to love me unconditionally. Just bought a new picture for my living room. I love this picture and how beautiful it looks in my room. But after reading your story I looked at this picture and thought what am I doing? It’s a picture. I now see this picture as a beautiful, colorful, work of art, but realize I’m not receiving that unconditional love I’m looking for. The happiness I feel when I look at this picture is temporary, but the love I receive from God is forever. Things in this life are just that “things.” Your story is a continual reminder to me that all I need is God in my life to be happy. Thank you.
Thank you for this message! The freedom of knowing that God’s love is unfailing is so comforting and wonderful. He truly does have us in His hands. There is no way He will ever abandon us, abuse us or leave us alone. He is love, unconditionally and eternally. Thank you, Lord!
I would love a copy of your Confident Heart book. I think it sounds like a great read based on your devotional today. Thank God for his unconditional love <3
Renee you are a wonderful author & teacher. Each time I read something from you, it touches my soul. When we grow up in a broken place it is such a hard thing to believe that we are ‘beloved’. It has taken a life time to start to understand and believe. thank you for your teachings. God Bless
I too have not been satisfied even though I have everything I could ever ask for. I would love a copy of your book to help show me that my satisfaction comes from God and no body or no thing could give me that love that I long for but Him.
Would love to win a copy of the devotional book. I would like either book because I think the 5 Love Languages would be great book for my teenage daughter. Love reading your posts on Facebook.
In this crazy hard world we live in there is only one who is completely and totally for us. Thank you Lord for your unfailing unconditional perfect love.
Thank you….this is such a truth, that I need to sink in every day 🙂
Raising four daughters that I see desperately searching for unconditional love, this devotional really would be a God send..literally. I try to drive home the point that The Lord loves you first and then you must be your own best friend, before you can share your love with anyone else. This would help!
I enjoy reading the proverbs 31 devotional posts daily & many messages resonate in my life to help stay on track with my walk with the Lord! I would enjoy a Confident Heart copy if I were to win in the drawing. Thanks for your words of wisdom & reminders of God’s unconditional love!
As a single “by someone else’s choice” a simple synonym hit hard this morning. I have known and am extremely grateful for God’s unconditional love. Seeing the word unFAILING love, brought to life a storm of emotion. That’s it! Love that will not fail me!
Thank you for sharing this devotional! It hit home for me as I am constantly searching for love and acceptance from those around me, when I have unconditional love and acceptance from my Father in Heaven!
I would love to win one of the devotional books, plus my name is Renae also! 🙂
Your devotional touched my heart. Unconditional, unfailing love is what I am searching for and it’s been here all along. Thank you, Renee! My brother and sister-in-law are divorced and it is hard to know what to do or say sometimes. I would love to win your Confident Heart Devotional along with Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages: singles…after reading each, I could definitely pass it along to my family members. Thank you for your inspiration!
Thanks Renee for sharing your story and weaving into it our need for unconditional love. It was a good reminder, and one I will share with my daughters.
Hit right on the mark, 9 days before Valentines day my singlness is so evident to me.
Thank you for your thought today. While my head knows I’m enough, my heart still struggles with that.
My goodness. What we all long for deep in the recesses of our beings. Thank you for this, there has been so much tragedy and loss this last year and this truly hit my soul. Many thanks, K