Thank you so much for praying for our family as we traveled to bring our adopted baby girl home from Ethiopia! It was a very long trip and we are completely exhausted, but we’re doing really well! It honestly could not have gone any better. Aster was an amazing little traveler!
The only bump along the way was that our flight from Frankfurt to Washington, DC was delayed so we missed our connecting flight to Charlotte, which meant an additional 4.5 hour layover. We ended not get home until after 12:30am Sunday morning. But Jesus was right there by our side keeping us company and helping us enjoy the incredible journey we had coming home. Here are are few fun memories:
Aster loved the airport with all the people, lights and sounds she’d never experienced. Here we are filling out customs paperwork and eating dinner at midnight before we get on the plane.
Playing with her big brothers on the plane.
She loves the sounds of plastic spoons beating on bowls, and the fact that Joshua’s face turns purple when he puts it on his nose.
Sleeping in the bassinet in front of our seat. Sweeeet!
We found a great restaurant with a shopping center all around it at the Frankfurt airport. Eating, shopping, changing diapers, walking around, changing diapers and eating again. What else could we do to pass time in the airport for 6 hours?
“Okay, I’m done! Thanks for trying but peek-a-boo isn’t even enough to entertain me anymore.”
“See even daddy is ready for a nap.”
“Me too! Thank you mommy for being my bed.”
“What are Joshua and Andrew doing? Writing books? Why aren’t they tired?”
“Oh now I see! When I wake up they go to sleep.”
“Why is Daddy smiling so big? We just missed our flight and I am pooped!”
“Okay, well if you play with me maybe I’ll smile, too.”
“Oooh, I like this play pen mommy made for me!”
“Oh, it’s not only a playpen but a baby bed, too. What’s mommy doing in here?”
“Who are all these smiling and huggy people with balloons and welcome home signs? Shouldn’t they be in bed? It’s so late! I guess they are really excited that I am here!”
“Hmmm. Who is this? He’s really snuggly! They say he’s our pastor but I think we could be related!”
God has done a beautiful work in Aster’s heart since we left Ethiopia and headed home. She is SO HAPPY and feeling so secure in our love. She is laughing and playing, making new sounds and being so cuddly! It has truly been a transformation before our very own eyes. She is already a display of HIS splendor, which is the promises God gave me for her life exactly two years ago today!
I have tears in my eyes right now. I think it's so awesome that your whole family went together to get her. What a blessed baby girl!