JJ is doing so much better after his four-day stay in the hospital for Thanksgiving. I have a feeling being home has a lot to do with it (along with many, many prayers!!). He and the boys were joking and laughing Sunday night at the dinner table as he sipped his beef broth. It was good for my soul to see my guys together with all smiles.
It was also nice that no one was taking his temperature and giving him medicine at midnight, so he got some extra sleep. I slept so much better with him by my side again.
He stayed home from work Monday but he’s going to try a half-day at the office today. We’re still waiting to hear back about some test results. We’re not sure exactly what he had still, but we do know that what he had this time isn’t like anything he’s had before.
And if you want to pray along with us – please pray for his medicine to COMPLETELY get rid of this bacteria. If it’s the C Diff, then it has a tendency to be dormant and come back later. But in Jesus’ Name we are claiming full extermination of it and full occupation of his intestines with good flora! Have you ever heard such a prayer!?
this is my first time on your blog and i have beenimmensely blessed. i hve to sit down and think and pray so that i can honour my husband. thank you for teaching me the way. yes, i wanted to encourage you and tell you that, in the Nameof Jesus, no bacteria can withstand the Blood of Jesus! i am a physician and i see daily what the Blood can do that medicine cannot!. be encouraged! he is healed no matter what the blood workup may show. God bless you. Alberta, Ghana, west africa.
Amen to the good flora, and Amen to having your wonderful, patient, beloved husband home.
I’m definitely continuing to pray.
Glad to hear about all the smiles!
Yes, one day in September I was praying for a preemie to poo and for a sweet eight year old girl to have fat juicy veins for the blood work that needed to be done before her scans to see if her cancer had returned. God is faithful ~ baby Hannah did poo ~ big Hannah is cancer free.
Renee – I will be praying right along with you!
Also-thank you SO much for your sweet comment on my blog and for your prayers! Wow, I felt so loved and blessed. You made my day!!
And yes we are adopting again – this time from the states. We are excited and apprehensive all at the same time! I’m sure you can relate.
How is the adoption process going for you? I remember awhile back hearing the hard news that you weren’t going to be able to adopt those 2 girls. Praying for you!
Never had quite a prayer request, but am honored to do so. How’s the bump on the head?
Smiling at your prayer request. Hey…if that’s what you need, that’s what I’ll be praying for – might as well be specific!
Praying that as JJ’s days, so shall his strength be! Praying for you too, with love,
I am so glad he is home!
And I am so glad we can cast all of our cares on Him…even flora!!!
Love and prayers,
K 🙂
(Note: If I lived anywhere near Texas, I would for sure come to the Ladies Night Out and give you a tremendous hug! But if never here on earth, some day in heaven…there’s a hug reserved for you! Thank you, again, for your prayer!)
Hey if we could pray for our son to “put his poo-poo in the potty,” I can pray for good flora for JJ’s intestines! God wants to hear from our hearts and He asks us to pray specifically.
Funny but true story:
I had been praying that God would bless my husband with seeing a BIG buck this year, and to get a shot at it. Well, God blessed him in just that way. He saw a buck of a lifetime, got a shot with his bow, but did not recover the deer. So, I changed my prayer to this: “Dear Lord, please give my husband the opportunity to see another buck of a lifetime. Allow him to get a good shot at it, to take the deer, recover the deer and bring it home to put in the freezer.” Guess what? God honored that prayer and we will have a REALLY BIG 12-point buck hanging on our wall sometime this spring. (My apologies to all of the deer lovers out there.)
Be blessed and thanks for the update on JJ. Praying with you for good flora!
I’m so glad he’s doing better. What a regrettably memorable holiday it was for you guys! (Did your kids have fun in spite of it all?) Will be praying he’s kicked the bugs.
So glad to hear about JJ’s progress, Renee. Keeping you all covered in prayer here in the middle of the state.
Love and Blessings,
Gotcha’ covered. And may I just say…..it is an immense honor to pray for your hubby’s intestines……..I think?!?!
Hugs from snow country…..Karen