I have a special video message – just for you – from Chapter 10 of A Confident Heart. In it I share about the power of knowing God by His Names and learning to living in the security of who HE is! Praying it will really encourage and inspire you today!
Message Notes
Download video “Message Notes” in a notes in a PDF or in a Word doc here.
Knowing God By Name – printable
Download and print an list of the Names of God – the ones I shared in the video and more from Chapter 10 in A Confident Heart.
Last Week’s GiveAway Winner: Barb K. you are the winner of my “Come to Me” stress-relief gift pack giveaway which includes a Bath & Body Works Eucalyptus Mint candle, God-iva Dark Chocolate and an Chamomile Lavender scented Anti-Stress Comfort Wrap.
Names of God Giveaway: ‘m giving away 2 beautiful 5×7 prints with the Names of God by Shelly Ann Guinn. Enter to win by sharing your answer below in the comments.
What did you learn in today’s video message about the importance of knowing God intimately and experiencing aspects of His character to build your trust in Him?
{Be sure to ask God to help you, and look for promises that assure you of His faithfulness. Journal how your confidence grows as you depend on Him more each.}
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Renee, thank you for your videos lessons and words of encouragement. Each day is one day closer in a relationship of the Lord. Yes I am a child of God and yes he knew me long before my birth, I just long to be closure to him. I find that my days are encouraged by songs, scriptures and knowing that if I fall or fail, the Lord is there for me to help pick up the pieces and to move forward. I know deep in my heart that the falls are there to bring me closure to Him and the help teach me to walk closure with Him. Some days I just like to walk on the beach, for with my footprints are His for He is with me. I seem to being having some hard days, where I continue to doubt myself (for instant: when I ask why? or I am not cut out for this type of work? Why do things happen this way?) I have always been an uplifting person for others and I put on a smile no matter what is going on in my life, so really no one knows if I am hurting except the Lord, and I tend to be really hard on myself when I make mistakes. So your lessons and verses have helped me.So now I will add the names of our God, for when I more fully understand the character and substance of God, which is revealed in part through his various names and descriptions, then I can begin to know him even more which is my true desire daily. Thank you again, Renee for your ways of encouragement, thru the Lords words.
thank you dona from honolulu for your encourageing words! It is hard to stay encouraged sometimes,! This is online classes I want to take with Liberty university, They need me to do my g.e.d. because I didn’t finish high school credits. math is on the g.e.d. test. It will take me forever! to study for math! First, I need to understand the basics before I can go on! I’m praying about this! I’m only studying the bible! and i think it’s silly! that I have to go through so much! It’s crazy! I’ll keep praying for people to understand they need to be more helpful! But donna thank you so much for your encourageing words. This is the first time ever anyone has responded to my comments in this course!
Right this very moment, I am so very discouraged. I am completely thankful for Jesus and grateful for having the Holy Spirit in my life. God has done wonders in me. So,, why do I continue to struggle? Struggle with trusting others, struggle with relationships with women. After all, I am a woman!! The stress at times gets the very best of who I am and leaves me so desperately wanting to just run away. As a single mom of 4; 2 who have grown and moved on yrs ago, and now with two teens still at home (13 Boy – 17 girl) ,and a new grand baby girl, only 5 weeks old’, a precious blessing from my 17 yr old daughter. Sigh….my daughter, who is she? I don’t know her anymore. I grieve the sweet young girl she once was, only just 2 years ago. So much has changed in her. For the most part, I handle these things quite well and in stride. Lately, that’s been challenged to the utmost. I know my bible verses which instruct me to place it all at the foot of the cross, and leaning on Him in all things, and I do, today…well more like these last few weeks,,,shesh,,who am I kidding, these last 2 years have taken their toll on my heart. Including my relationship with God. I no longer attend church or teach Sunday school, no longer am I assisting in video production and VBS designer,nor Sunday School decorator and sadly a year has passed since any involvement in church. I miss it so so very much, I long for it, and I believe it is where I should be, but <– (there's that 'but',) I have lost trust in the leadership. And I am completely longing to return to worshiping,praying, and surrendering to where I know I should be; truly something is keeping me from there. Is it me?
My confidence is low; and not one person in my life would ever ever see that in me. I have been so good at being a strong encourager in others,and stable minded friend, it sure is a tough job keeping that stiff upper lip and putting on a happy face. I admit, I am feeling pretty needy in my day, today. Ya know, sometimes, just a hug and wee bit reassurance as a mother, as a friend, and above all, as a daughter of Almighty God; who I adore as my Father. Sometimes, it really does make all the difference to a gal like me. May I humbly ask for your prayers?
I didn’t allways know God, as a child I wasn’t raised in church.I started going to church when I first started dateing my husbund at a Pentacostal church.We both fell away for awhile and now we go to a non-denom church. I have finally truly found the Lord and thank him for leading me away from my sinfull past.My husband had a grasp of who Jesus is that he is God with us ( Emmanuel ) I did not have that grasp I was so confused growing up the way I did and also having friends that think he is a totally seperate being.One day I was watching a movie, The book of John about Jesus.Well the begining of the movie starts out just like the Bible, I’m sitting there listening and watching and it hits me and I’m ok wait a miniute, what was that? So I got my Bible out and sure enough there it was
In the beginning was the Word, and Word was with God, and the Word was God.
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, ( and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
WOW!!! Praise God Thank you Lord for showing me the truth and leading me to you!!!!!!
Please Pray for me I am going through alot right now I am soooo trying to keep the doubts out of my head I know I have to truly give everything to God just having a hard time getting myself out of the way!!!
Love and Blessings to All!!
Hi Renee/all: Thanks for the confident heart, blog, video etc. It helped me in my recent job transition. Now, I ‘d like to know how I could help a 32 yrs old bible teacher. He knows the bible inside out; & young & old enjoyed his bible study . He taught for a couple of years. Most recently, his girlfriend of 3 months, broke off with him.. When we asked why he was not teaching bible study after a regular break, he said (quote) “I dont like most of it- full of fables and false hopes. I get nauseas thinking about it.. & about Jonah-Its probably a fable bc people cant survive in a fish” .
Is there a confident heart for man? He is our dear brother, who has lots of head knowledge of Jesus, prayed amazing prayers & has helped many in their struggles. Now he is crying out for help & I don’t know how to help him. Other church guys could ‘t help him also. Please, if you have suggestions, let me know how to help this guy who has fallen into the pit? I am also afraid he might bring others down with him also. Thanks for your help!
I think this is my favorite video. Loved all the scripture references especially His promise in Psalm 37:23-24 ~~ “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.” What an amazing promise I will not fall because He upholds me with His hand! Love that and can picture God holding onto me ~~ sometimes by the hand, sometimes by the collar, and always by the heart!
Thanks friend!!
Hi Renee!! Thank you so much for the encouragement shown in your Confident Heart study..The verses are so encouraging!! So often times I have felt that GOD could not even listen to the least of my prayers or pleas for my family, loved ones and friends prayer requests.
But one day when I was really needing encouragement at my job, I thought, GOD, I would just love to hear just a “word” from you now…..then over the office radio came a song by Rod Stewart, which goes, “Have I told you lately that I love you?????…..I listened to that song and the words just reeled in my head…a “secular” love song, but the WORDS seemed to be from GOD HIMSELF!! It lifted my day up….
I hope it lifts yours, too!!!
Just wanted to say a belated “thank you!” I can’t remember ever winning anything, so this was a very welcome surprise! I just returned from spending a week at confirmation camp with 60 14-year-olds, and while it was such a pleasure to be with them, I am TIRED! I can’t wait to receive this package and do a little de-stressing 🙂
I’m pretty hard on myself, and don’t really give myself much credit for things I’ve accomplished. God has blessed me considerably, but whenever something happens, and I fail, or fall, I think what a loser I am. God has always been faithful to me even though I have not always been faithful to Him.
When we more fully understand the character and substance of God, which is revealed in part through his various names and descriptions, then we can begin to know him even more, and delve into his love. Each of his names reveals part of his character and part of his nature, and we can call on those names when we are in trouble. Jehovah Jireh, my provider, is one of my favorites, and also El Roi, the God who sees and knows what is going on in my life and cares deeply about all my concerns and fears. How can we not love and respond to a God like that?
The names of God are such a comfort in time of trouble. This is a beautiful poster.
Thank you for the reminder that GOD is all I need. He IS sufficient. I think that as we get to know God in all the different ways that the names described our relationship becomes more intimate and we spend less time “down” after a fall. Because we can be confident that God is there no matter what. Satan wants us to stay defeated but Christ offers us a VICTORIOUS life!
The reference to fear in Chapter 10 really spoke to me…I spend a lot of time saying “what if this happens….” fear is paralyzing at times. Your story of being home alone and conquering your fear gave me hope and inspiration in areas in my life that I am paralyzed by fear.
God Bless and thank you for this study.
Amen Renee! As a woman in Christ I need to have confidence through Him. Fully knowing & understanding that I will fall, but need to seek Him just as soon as I do. The Lord this past year has shown me how very important the power of forgiveness is. Not only forgiving those who have hurt me to the point of deep emotional pain, but that I must also forgive myself. Not a single one of us is perfect, yet Christ died on that cross for each and every one of us. Why, then if Christ could do something so selfless, is it so hard for us to forgive, and yet, there is so much power in forgiveness! This is something I remember each and every day. Christ is so full of Grace & Compassion, I can only try to do the same. We are meant as a vessel of Christ. Be more like Christ. When you fall, get back up with Christ as your strength. Amen!!
Some times life seems to big, to complicated, to difficult. But God has it all in the palm of his hand!
Quit focusing on how big the problems are and focus on how magnificent our God is. Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” What a marvelous promise! Keeping my focus forward, God has a plan and I trust him with all my tomorrows.
Like Gideon, I could see what I couldn’t do. But God came along and shared his confidence with me, gave me a new direction and has lead me to victory. My confidence weavers some days, but God is faithful. He never expects perfection, all He asks is that we trust him.
I receive the message of if I fall 7 times I will get up again. 9 weeks ago I was thrown from a horse and shattered a vertebrae and injured two discs in my spine with a large fracture piece pressing into my spinal canal. I have had to lay flat while doctors try to figure how to fix me. Im allergic to pain medication as well. Yet, today as I listened to your video I realized some of the names of God I did not know, where who He has been to me through my journey. Prayer, praise and His presence are my pain medication. Though how I got to this place would not be my first choice (nor staring at the ceiling for sure) I can honestly say how amazing the gift and revelations of truly learning how amazing and loving God is and how wonderful every moment can be with Him far outweigh the negatives. From the furnace of affliction He has brought me to a wealthy place. The doctors opinions vary of whether I will walk when done, but I know that I am Healed because He is my Healer and I will run and not grow weary and ride horses again, however He chooses to heal me. This I so love about My Father He loves me and never leads my side and that He is no respecter of persons, what He does for me He will do for all who ask.
When we take our eyes off US and put them on the Lord, we become stronger; and we begin to trust the Lord even more each day.
Love this message today!
My word for this year is TRUST. I was reminded once again to trust him more. To stop fighting against myself and to accept my weakness and to totally depend on God. To trust him. To trust him more and more. Changing the focus from the weakness to the area of struggle and how we can become stronger as we release this area to God and trust him. Release and receive. God has been reminding me that he is EL ROI the God who sees. That he my heavenly father, the creater of the universe sees and know where I am and what I am going thru. And once again challenging me to trust hime for he sees. I would love to have the copy of the names of God to hand on my dining room/office wall so that I can be reminded of who he is to the Glory of His Name!
I would love to get a copy of this beautiful peace to be able to learn the names of God,or maybe share w/ a friend!!
There is a big difference between knowing God… and really knowing Him. What I mean by that is… as a young child, I knew there was a God. I even knew that He loved me… but I didn’t know Him. It wasn’t until I was in my 30s that I truly began to seek God, to know Him and love Him. I still have rough patches, times when I’m not sure which direction to turn, but knowing that He is allsufficient, my provider, my redeemer, the Great I AM… makes all the difference.
I took away from this not only the importance of being specific with my prayers, but calling out to God specifically His name. I also learned to pray my doubts to the Lord and where I am struggling. That He loves me and the fact I am coming to Him when I am uncertain and asking Him to show himself and the way. It reminds me how concerned He is with every detail of my life and how much He loves me and loves me seeking His will.
I loved learning about these names of God. How powerful! I think my favorite is Jehovah Shalom – The Lord My Peace, but also love El Shaddai (there is a beautiful song with that name, maybe by Amy Grant?). I have always loved Abba Father. I learned this week to continue to count my failures as joy, because God is using them in my life to teach me and mold me.
No Matter what the circumstance, God is always near. He hears your prayers and answers. It may not be in your time, but He will answer. It may not be the answer you want, but He answers. We need to always trust that God knows best and He will always see you through whatever the circumstance. And when you trust Him, He will surely give you the disires of your heart.
That verse from Proverbs? That though the righteous fall they will rise again? I haven’t noticed it before. Lately I’ve been feeling like I’ve fallen but that I can’t rise. I know it’s a lie but my confidence in who I am in Christ seems to be escaping. I have your book now and I’m looking forward to sinking my teeth into it soon! So important to know God’s word so that when these lies come I’m able to fend them off by His Word and the power of the Holy Spirit. I’m thankful for your post today.
I learned that knowledge AND trust go hand in hand. You can have all the knowledge in the world but w/out trust those words won’t have the same impact!! I took a terrible fall several years ago and I can STILL remember what it felt like to be hurling headlong over the sidewalk and onto the pavement below. So, when I read the passage in Proverbs from the NAS I had a visual image of that fall. I appreciate that verse all the more. I’m thankful that I don’t have to stay down on the pavement because my El Roi and Jehovah Shammah are there and will help me get back up!! PTL!! That He is there in all of my paths of life!!
Thanks again Renee! I have been a Christian my whole life and I thought I knew God from all the religion classes, memory work, and homework through 12 years of parochial school. How awesome in this season of my life I have begun to start really knowing my God. You hit the nail on the head that to begin really experiencing God is to see God come alive in my life. To see Him as the God who healed me through medical problems. To see Him when I feel alone and feel His presence. When I feel fearful and full of doubt to pray and feel Him giving me confidence!
I have so far to go but to see the depth my faith has grown over the last 6 month is nothing start of His presence! I’m almost giddy with excitement to see where He wil take me as we walk hand in hand!
Renee, thanks for your video message. Trust in the Lord with all my heart, and not seeking my understanding has helped me calm my fears and struggles with the challenges of life …. Teenagers,work,ect…. But God is good and he will bring me what I need as I pray for his help .
I am a little delayed in adding to the comments for your video session this week. I have watched it four times because i felt the message you gave was so important, for me, but also that I could absorb the truths you shared to pass on to others. In my life i have learned the hard way, ‘ even though I may fall seven times, I will rise again’. The love and grace of God have never ever failed me. Just as you said, the struggles that I have experienced in life have helped me to be stronger and conifidence is growing. The list of the Names of God have truly blessed me over these last few days, the sense of who God really is and how this can impact my life as I get to know Him more. Thanks for your faithfilled video message.