I have a special video message – just for you – from Chapter 10 of A Confident Heart. In it I share about the power of knowing God by His Names and learning to living in the security of who HE is! Praying it will really encourage and inspire you today!
Message Notes
Download video “Message Notes” in a notes in a PDF or in a Word doc here.
Knowing God By Name – printable
Download and print an list of the Names of God – the ones I shared in the video and more from Chapter 10 in A Confident Heart.
Last Week’s GiveAway Winner: Barb K. you are the winner of my “Come to Me” stress-relief gift pack giveaway which includes a Bath & Body Works Eucalyptus Mint candle, God-iva Dark Chocolate and an Chamomile Lavender scented Anti-Stress Comfort Wrap.
Names of God Giveaway: ‘m giving away 2 beautiful 5×7 prints with the Names of God by Shelly Ann Guinn. Enter to win by sharing your answer below in the comments.
What did you learn in today’s video message about the importance of knowing God intimately and experiencing aspects of His character to build your trust in Him?
{Be sure to ask God to help you, and look for promises that assure you of His faithfulness. Journal how your confidence grows as you depend on Him more each.}
Renee: This study has been such a blessing to me in this season of rejection, conflict and change. The names of God are a tremendous help to me and I have been incorporating them into my prayers regularly. I feel that God wants me to meditate on His names. He brought me this message of His names through your message and then from a radio message from a pastor I listen to while exercising. I am going to print out the names and keep them with me and share with other. I’d love to have the artwork to put at my desk in my home office to remind me of who He is. May God continue to bless your ministry.
I was struck by Gideon’s story. Gideon was afraid and in hiding yet God said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” It hit me that God saw way more in Gideon than he saw in himself. I’m in the midst of some major transitions and find myself afraid to continue on. God sees the same in me….I’m afraid, I don’t want to continue through this journey of change, yet God tells me He is with me and sees way more in me than I see in myself.
I’ve also been trying to find some magic formula to help me during this transition. If I just prepare myself more for moving or getting married…this change won’t affect me as much. I felt like God told me this morning, through Chapter 10, that the formula is a deep dependence on Him. Meeting with him daily, telling him I’m scared, and letting Him guide me through this next season of life. I don’t have to have it all together, He’ll have it together for me. He’s patient with my doubts and will be with me today like He has been in the past.
What resonated most with me as I watched the video was the feeling that God is always with me and I don’t have to do it (whatever “it” is ) alone. He is there. I limit my power and abilities by trying to do everything myself. If I would just relax into God’s strength and power, things would be so much better, easier, etc. I need to trust him more and more…walk by faith & trust. It is easily said…but carrying it out is not a one time statement. It is lived and worked out continuously moment by moment. Please God help me to rely and depend on you always.
Wow, powerful like always. So much here. Guess if I pick one thing it would be that victory comes through dependence on Him. Facing my fears is not something I am good at, but with God’s help I will allow Him to use my doubts & fears to make me into the confident woman He intended me to be.
God is with me every step of the way. I can depend on Him to guide me, to help me up when I fall. His promises and His grace build my trust in Him. By learning His names I see again all the wonderful ways God is with me always. He sees me, He is my strength, my provider,my banner, He is faithful and graciuos. God is really all things. I want to live in dependence on Him.
So timely for me…Especially the Biblical Scripture the Righteousness will fall seven up and will rise again. That is totally how I feel lately. Something good happens then another obstacle. Boy also asking “why God can’t just put it in right in front of my face. On top of being laid off twice, dislocating my elbow, now yesterday got a speeding ticket going to therapy. I just feel everything is falling apart but with the righteousness will fall 7 seven time and get up..It has helped. On a brighter note I’m allowed to Zumba again but of course take it easy on the arms. Furthermore, I went to about 20 minutes of Zumba last night in the hallway. They have this devotion and here is a video on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8FUV9nS4 it’s called they Money tree. It means when life seems drowning to you. Dig deep and look for blessing. Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude. Sometimes we are blind to see the blessing in front of our eyes.
God is such a wonderful God and it makes me feel so great to know that I can go to Him at any time about anything. He is ALWAYS there for me. Because of who He is, I don’t have to be afraid of anything. I love the fact that whenever I make a mistake God is faithful and will forgive me for whatever I have done. God uses ordinary people just like Gideon everyday and like Gideon I want to be used by the Master, after all I am God’s unique work of art still in progress.
I just completed writing a goodbye letter to someone I was in an unhealthy relationship with and immediately afterwards I opened the word doc of the message notes with the words of ‘getting up again’ and how the righteous will rise again. This gave me so much TIMELY comfort and reassurance from Christ that I made the right decision and although it was painful to say goodbye and I feel like I fell down…that God is holding my hand and if I press into Him; I will stand again!!!
I have been thinking about all the different names for God lately. It is a great reminder of all the different ways that He is there for me!
I like the statement in Chapter 10 that said, “God used Gideon’s “why” question to draw Gideon closer to Him, because His answer shifted Gideon’s focus from hard things that had happened in his past to what God was about to do in his future.” God has used my “why” question this year to draw me into a stronger relationship with Him. A year ago, I allow satan to cause me to doubt God’s healing power and place my focus on the problems at hand… BUT GOD brought me through pain and doubt into a stronger faith/confidence in Him.
From this video, I am reminded that I am too hard on myself. That He has forgiven me of all those big mistakes I’ve made, and that I need to do the same. I’m reading and journaling and praying daily and still struggling with feeling His presence in an intimate way.
We all fall short, yet we are too hard on ourselves. We need to remember that He is for us not against us. His grace is sufficient and extends unconditionally. Thank you for the reminders that life isn’t about us, but rather turning towards Him.
I loved your enthusiasm and obvious joy, Renee, in knowing the names of our God. I am going to set the goal of learning those special names of God, so that I can have that same confidence and joy in my Saviour!! I will be making several copies of the list you provided and placing it where I will see it, read it, and be able to start memorizing it! Thank you!!
It is good to be encouraged to know God by name and to call Him by name. Learning His names, like learning His promises to us, and calling on Him by name and repeating and praying those promises keeps me on a more even keel, because I am relying on His words, not mine and not allowing my emotions to overwhelm me and knowing that through Him, I am an overcomer and I am His beautiful, cherished child. His love trumps my emotions every time!
Learning to replace doubt with the names of God will remind me of all the times he was with me and providing for me in the past. He is the same yesterday, today, and always. I love this book. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. I am learning so much. To God be the glory!
good morning…I love when you shared, ” satan will do all that he can to keep us from becoming confident women in Christ. We don’t need to be afraid but we do need to be aware and prepared for his strategies! ”
For me, if I can remember it is not the person, place or thing I am struggling against, it is in fact the devil himself, I think I would be less likely to try and take him on alone. I would be much quicker to turn to God for His help. You reminded me that it is not about trying harder, it is about turning sooner!!! WOW…That is my prayer and challenge for this week. I get moving through life, hit road blocks, attempt to take them on in my own understanding and the next thing I know I’ve become DEPENDENT on my own strengths. Please God help me to become more IN-DEPENDENT upon YOU!!! Thank you again Renee for sharing a message I needed to be reminded of.
This was an amazingly powerful message. Just last night at a women’s ministry meeting we talked about having a love affair with God. Putting Him first in our lives and seeking after Him above all others. Learning what to call God has to be the most empowering thing for me right now. I call my son Caleb. He knows when to answer to His name. How much more can we call out the name of God and have Him draw near. Psalm 9:10 really spoke to me today. I am learning to trust God more and now I know His name. He has never deserted me and I am so thankful for that. Thank you Renee for your heart felt words today. god is using them to do mighty things.
Thanks for the video! I have been withdrawing from God lately and this was a good reminder that no matter what I do, He still loves me. I printed out the Names of God and will carry them with me as a reminder that He is holding me up and will see me through the happy times and the tough times.
Renee, thank you for being so faithful to His speaking to you so you can share with us.
Blessings to you and your family.
Thank you for this video. I needed it this morning. Was doubting myself over the way I handled a situation this morning, not sure if I let God lead or if I stepped in His way. While you were speaking I had this picture of a child on the ground & Jesus reaching down to help her up. Thanks for reminding me that God is with me, He is there for me & I can trust Him with my life – even if I do step in the way.
What have I learned from this message? I learned that I CAN get back up – that I don’t have to live in fear, that I don’t have to live in doubt, and the way to do this is to become closer to God, to rely on him, to TRUST HIM.
I have had a lot of doubt these past couple of years. There was a time that if anyone would have asked me if there was one thing I didn’t doubt, what would it be – my answer would have been that God truly existed. However, 2-1/2 yrs ago, I lost my son. He was 27 years old. Two and one half weeks later, my other son ( The identical twin brother of the son I lost) was in a car accident in which he fractured his first 2 vertebrae in 5 places. He was on life support, and I almost lost him too. Nine months later after doing surgery on my sons 2nd and 3rd vertebrae (to put a plate in and align the two), he was lifelined back to the hospital (2 days after the surgery – they let him out the day after the surgery) and again, he was on life support, this time for 11 days, and again, I almost lost him too.
In between all of this, I lost my job and was nearly homeless. I still struggle today with they “why’s” and with doubt, but lately, I have been fighting my way back to Jesus – and when I say fighting, that is what it has been – a fight. I am determined to run the course – to fight the good fight, to no longer doubt, to once again rely and trust in The One who can help me with these struggles.
I found this website not too long ago, and have been reading some of the Bible verses, the Bible studies, and watching the video’s. I hope to be able to order the book “The Confident Heart” soon. This has truly been a blessing for me.
Thank you.
As I watched the video this morning, I kept being taken back to diffferent lessons we have had through out this study. Not only is Ch 10 about knowing who God is, He has been using this whole study to reveal Himself to me. For example, in Ch 4, He didn’t have me focusing on things that happened to me when I was little or newly married, but focusing on how my love and trust in Him had been misconstrued.
Every page has been about learning to see Him differently, seeing Him for who He is, seeing how the enemy had twisted my perception of Him.
So thankful that I am finally getting to know my Father and even more thankful in knowing He loves and accepts me just the way I am!!
I love the list of names and am looking forward to getting to know Him more intimately as He reveals Himself in each one of them!
Oh how this Chapter has touched the deepest part of me!
I am so thankful that God lead you, Renee, to reveal this angle of study on Gideon.
God knew what Gideon needed & at each step graciously and patiently provided! YEAH! As I shout praises to GOD…YEAH. At every step…GOD graciously and patiently provided & not once made Gideon feel inadequate, like a failure or grew tired of the lack of trust in Him. INSTEAD, He walked with him to the point of confidence and unwavering trust. God knew that His works, and actions would bring glory to Him through Gideon! …And today the Living Word of God continue to reminds of His amazing works.
God settled me to read this chapter during the lengthy absence required to care for my mother. It was with GREAT confidence that we all acknowledge(d) God’s work in bringing my parents here with my family during illness. When the task became more daunting than expected (loosing my father, repeat hospitalizations for mom, as well as my own family) I have questioned MY abilities…NEVER God’s plan. I have felt so inadequate to fulfill the roles that He’s called me to. My tank has been so depleted that even getting a reserve is a struggle. Yet, He is faithful. He placed me upon the heart of a friend and she called me today! Because she did – He sent confirmation that HE IS ALWAYS NEAR!
Because the solution is outside help…doesn’t mean that I have failed. What it means is – be smarter and recognize the blessings aren’t always wrapped as expected. I will not be the wife, mother, daughter God has purposed me to be trying to balance it all on my own. As I get in place for in home non-medical care for my mom and daily programs for my children, please lift in your prayers for the $$ to provide the care that is needed for each family member in our home – until God brings us to that next place. And the big reward…thanks to her, my husband and I will get a date night on Friday.
I am so amazed at the continuous blessings God showers over my life.
God’s Grace Given to1… and so thankful.
I am learning that we need to depend more on GOD, trust more in HIM… and quit the worry trap… I know it sounds like I got it down… but I just typed it… now I have to convince myself and really believe it… God’s plan for us really is easy… we make it difficult… but I like the parts about getting to know Him in a more intimate way… really getting close… i just love the videos….
Me too Jules. I sound like I have it down – head knowledge. Actually putting it into action,even semi-consistently is a challenge for me. Two steps forward, one step back! So glad God is patient & loving
I think the God who sees me…is a great one for me. There are times I feel like I am invisible…and then times I am alllllll about me, not noticing anything around me. So silly;) no matter what …God loves, and sees me, and the more I spend time with Him, i think I’ll worry about others and myself a lot less;)
It is so awesome that God met me right where I am this last week.Everything was so spot on where I am right now It’s like you were looking into my heart and knew my exact struggles. Obviously it is God Who sees my heart and Who led me to this study. He knows me inside and out and I need to take time to get to know Him better. I need to stop trying to do things on my own and just trust what He says and what He’s already proven Himself to be in my life. I am going to go back and read this book again and again as many times as it takes. for these truths to sink in.
Hi Renee, what struck me was when you talked about knowing God as in knowing Him from reading the Bible about Him~~~but knowing Him as He works in your life is knowing Him intimately~~~trusting Him to help you through the day~trusting and praying to HIm to help you as you watch someone go through cancer~~~going to Him before anyone else~~~knowing He is in control of events happening good or bad~~~and through all of this thanking Him for the good and bad in your life. As I go through helping my son recover from surgery from crohns/colitis and get off drugs that are addicting and try infusion after infusion that dont work and knowing God is with us as we move forward and knowing He does have a plan and thank Him for the way He has moved in our trials, sometimes not our way but knowing He knows more than us and can see the future we know it is His way. He shows us His loving side as we move through our trials and hold us in the palm of His hand, because He is our help we sing in the shadow of His wings~~~all He wants is us. Thanks for the list of names~they also are in my purse to read.
I’ve realized that nothing makes sense if I don’t KNOW God. I am unlearning so much because I’ve had wrong assumptions and images of God. Getting to know Him makes me thirst to know Him more and see how He truly sees me and what He wants for me. It is life-changing!
This video really spoke to my heart tonight. We had a service tonight at church… and I was asked to sing. I love singing, but in front of lots of people… not so much. Tonight I hadn’t practiced this song at all before service that God had laid on my heart. I hadn’t practiced it with the woman who plays the piano, and in fact didn’t know if she even knew how to play it. But God showed me tonight, that just like you said… when I put my trust in Him… his strength is made perfect in my weaknesses. I was a nervous wreck, but I know that God was my source of help and strength tonight… and I am learning to start boasting and glorying in my weaknesses… for the power of Christ will rest upon me. I will glory in my infirmities, my weaknesses… cause that’s when God’s strength and power is made known even more to me. I give God all the glory. I thank Him for this chapter… and for this video.
Sometimes doing God’s work isn’t always convenient or comfortable… we just have to be willing… and step out of the boat and let God do the rest. I thank God that he is so much greater than me. I pray he rids me of myself… and let’s his glory and light shine bright through me!
Thank you for the prayer that you close with in your video, “Lord, I want to know You for who You really are. So I can learn to trust You and follow You more and more each day” Thank you also for the ‘names of God’
Unfortunately I’m at a point the last week or so that what I am reading is not sticking. After watching your video 3 times I still can’t retain what I read. Like you have shared in parts of your book, sometimes I feel like I am losing my mind!
The last month or so I’ve also been struggling with my faith, I’ve been praying and have other people praying for Healing in my almost 7 year old niece. She has already had an operation to remove a tumor in her left ovary, now the oncologists want to remove the entire ovary and tube. This is my brothers oldest daughter and he and his family are not believers; I live 3 provinces away. Some days I fear that my faith is not strong enough to heal my precious little niece.
Hi Karen-
Hang in there sister! You’ve helped me in my not so bright days- and if I were near I would reach out and give you a geat big hug! Father God, I pray that Karen lean on you Lord- help her to realize that you will provide for her every need, and that your healing hands will lay upon her niece & shed light to her brothers family-help lighten the burden Karen is feeling- replace these feelings with love & happiness and awareness of your kind loving heart. I ask this in your precious son’s name Jesus Christ. Amen
KAREN DRAW CLOSE – DON’T GIVE UP…you are precious and you are loved.
Aloha from Hawaii xoxoxox
Thank you Donna
For your encouragement and your prayers:)
Thank you for the words of encouragement that I needed to hear. Even though I have been a redeemed Christian for over 30 years I still struggle with knowing God and trusting Him completely. I want to do things in the flesh and I cannot seem to be able to seek Him first in all aspects of my life. People may see the outward appearance of a Christian woman,but I know my life is not totalling how it needs to be. I deal with so much doubt each day as a wife andmother. Thank you for your book where I can find some hope in becoming a confident woman.
I too have been a Christian for over 30 years. I feel like I am just now getting to know God for who He really is. I also have difficulty in trusting Him completely & seeking Him first in every aspect of my life. Thank you for sharing from your heart. It touched mine.
Thanks for this message….this book…this study!! I have to admit I have been beat up pretty bad by doubt this week….which has lead to defeat….being tied up by the ropes of regret. I know He has me on this journey to accomplish in me….then through me….what I could never ask or imagine or consider believing Him for. I am thanking Him today for being to me, for me each of these names that describe His character. Thanks for the personal reminder that though I WILL fall, I WILL rise again….because of Him. Blessings to you Renee and staff…and to each friend making this journey together ‘”for such a time as this”….sandyT/kc
What did you learn in today’s video message about the importance of knowing God intimately and experiencing aspects of His character to build your trust in Him?
I learned from this video that I need to depend on Him and to know He is dependable. I also need to trust in God as we come to know Him in the way He is described in the Bible based on His character.
I am like Gideon in some ways – I need to let go and follow God more consistently, by totally depending on Him instead of relying on myself to tackle my earthly problems. Like Gideon I need to shift my focus from self doubt, and helplessness to believing in Abba, El Shaddai, Jehovah Jireh. Amen!
Thank you Renee, and Thank you Sisters- I love reading all the comments- it holds me accountable, and it enlightens me!
Aloha from Hawaii xoxoxoxox
I learned to stop trusting in myself because when I do that and fail I am devasted and beat myself up for not doing better or being better. I have a tendency to try and do everything myself. I also so want to please God and in doing so, I put too much stress on myself to not mess things up and when I do I feel like such a failure not only to myself, but to God, which I know isn’t true. Your post and the reading of Gideon and the righteous who will fall spoke to my heart. I really liked this post and it struck a chord in my heart. Thank you, Renee!
What I took away from this lesson is that God loves us and will never forsake us. He will continue to pick us up and put us back on our feet time and time again. All we have to do is trust that he will. There have been many times in my life that I have had to learn this over and over again. The wonderful thing about it though is that our Heavenly Father loves us unconditionally and all we have to do is ask. Ask and ye shall receive, believe as though it is and it will be. Praise El Roi!
What I learned in today’s video message about the importance of knowing God intimately and experiencing aspects of His character to build my trust in Him is He is who He says He is. After we did this chapter in the last study, I printed out the handout you had on the names of God. I say them aloud every morning to remind myself who God is. My favorites are Emmanuel – my God with me, Abba – father (probably because I never had a father), and El Shaddai – the all-sufficient God because He is all I need. Thank you, Renee, for reminding me who God says He is.
I read what you said in Chapter 10 that we need to stop trying harder and start turning sooner towards the Lord who will lift us back up. It is so easy to try in our own strength. I don’t know if i know how to totally let go and let God. Total trust seems to be a very hard thing for me and i’m not really sure why. I have a really hard time going deep into myself to get to know me better. I think that’s why i don’t journal. I write poetry and sometimes my heart starts to show just a wee bit in my poems but that’s as far as i get. Anyway, i’m trying and i love this book so much. I am getting a lot out of it and i’m so grateful for your honesty and encouragement Renee and all the others who comment on here.
First of all, a question to Renee and all the readers out there. Did you see any strange translations at the bottom of the screen during Renee’s message? The whole thing at the bottom of the message kind of threw me off from your message Renee. Will somebody else please confirm they saw words that Renee was NOT speaking??
After going back over the message, I started to think about how much easier life is when I don”t take myself so seriously. God did not make me to be perfect so it’s ok when I mess up as long as I don’t get all caught up in what others think about me. It’s ok with God it I fall sometimes b/c it gives me a chance to rely on Him. I know He will always be there to help me when I call on Him. My Lord is always my Savior…my favorite name for Him.
At what time marker? I watched it again and didn’t notice any strange translations?!
nope I didn’t see any strange translations?
It was the strangest thing. When I watched Renee’s video the first time on my Kindle it showed on the small square instead of going to the entire screen like it usually does andyhere was arunning comentary at the bottom. It was like there was a second commentary mixed in with hers. Of course now when I came back to view it again it was just as it was suppose to be. Guess it will be an unexplained moment in my life. Thanks for responding to my appeal. A confused but still confident woman.
Yes I saw it – like it was supposed to be closed captioning or something but done by really, really bad speech recognition software. I’m one of those people that can’t not read something if it’s there and several times it said things almost the opposite! (Once it said “giving up” instead of “getting up”, “one man” instead of “woman”…) I couldn’t find how to turn it off either and it made it hard to listen to Renee. 🙁 But I’m gonna figure out a way to cover it up so I can’t see it and try again. Chapter 10 was so good for me to read… I’m sure I need to hear what she says in the video (without the silly words distracting me!)
Thanks Melissa May for responding. That was really strange wasn’t it? It didn’t do it when I watched it again. I never thought about closed captioning but your description was perfect.
For me trusting God is hard at times. When trials seem to never end or another one comes on the tail of the first. But with each victory he shows me how much he loves and cares for me and as I come through the trials the battle scars he uses to build my trust in him. He shows that he and he alone can comfort me during the trials and bring good things out of those times.
Love, love, love the reminder that though we will fall many times, we will rise again, with God’s amazing grace and help. I love to visualize as always, Jesus walking alongside me, even holding onto my hand so tightly when I need to feel his Presence with me……also, when I need help getting back up when Ilve fallen, I see Him reaching down to pull me up!
In my life, I’m so guilty of trying to do it all on my own, in my own strength…..til I wear myself out completely! I have come to learn and depend on God so much more, and see how he takes care of us. I am so grateful for His strength that makes me stronger!
The more I depend on, and go to Jesus, the more I know Him and feel comfortable going to Him. It is just like any other relationship. If you put in the time and effort, you will reap the blessings!
I love the story of Gideon……what a totally relatable story!!!! And loved the names of God, which I plan to study out more closely next!!!! Thanks Renee!
Hi, Renee and everyone! I’ve written here before not in this post, but in others! Renee I was just feeling so discouraged a few minutes ago, and God knows just what to send. Your video couldn’t have come at a better time! i’m totally blind! I’m going for my g.e.d I’m 48 I did lots of research on the g.e.d. math is one subject that is on the g.e.d. test. I have a lot of problems with math! I need to go to the basic. I’m a quicker learner but with math, my brain doesn’t work! Anyway, my g.e.d. provider suggested to me to ask my worker at cnib if i could get someone to come and tutor me! She said they don’t do that! I’m only asking for an hour help! I remember in the past one of the staff, had students, and one student was helping me with anything I needed help in! now, I believe while we are waiting for people to help us, we should do what we can to help ourselves! That’s what God wants. I prayed for help in basic math. i googled the words on line basic math for free. I found a wonderful web site with basic math and other subjects, and I was able to hear short videos! on basic addition and basic subtraction! Just perfect! for what I was looking for! However, I still need that live help! Please pray for me! I was feeling just so discouraged! Then, I got your wonderful e-mail! and listened to your video! just what I needed! I asked God to help me trust him. I don’t want to feel discouraged but I do! i love Joyce Myer, she has a new name for the enmy joy theif!
GOD BLESS YOU! I pray that you will be able to get a live math tutor… Math is my weakeness- numbers and me don’t jive. I pray that you will pass your GED Phyliss!
Aloha from Hawaii
What did you learn in today’s video message about the importance of knowing God intimately and experiencing aspects of His character to build your trust in Him?
I did a Bible study a some years back about the names of God, and it was so meaningful to me, and I was reminded of that study, and all that is revealed about God through those names. I have always identified most with His name El Roi. We were told that it not only meant the God who knows me, but the God who knows us intimately, through and through, the good and the bad, and still loves us. Growing up I wanted that kind of love desperately. The love of someone who knew me completely, and who I could trust with all of my heart. I wish I had known more about God than I did back then, that He was more than a judge or Santa in the sky, bringing down judgement, or granting “wishes” if I was “good”. I wish that I had known about my FATHER in heaven, who loved me, who knew me, really knew me, and still loved me, and always would. That I could trust him completely, and He would always be there for me. I have been betrayed, hurt, and let down my so many in my life that trust is hard for me, even complete trust in God. However in the last couple of years I am learning, slowly to trust God completely, even after setbacks in that trust. This Bible study has really helped me with that, and in ways to do it, and reminding me today of His names, and how they are his promises that I can always trust in just keeps strengthening my trust in Him, and my resolve to trust in Him! Thanks Renee!
I am learning to stop leaning on my own understanding but to step out in faith and to take God at His word. I am finding that the more I that I learn about His character and who He really is, the more confident my heart grows in trusting Him. There are several areas of my life that I have never seemed to be able to master or get under control, and those areas are changing right now due to my ability to see God first, rather than my fear of failure. In surrendering myself to who He is, I find that I am becoming more and more of who I was meant to be. My heart is overwhelmed with gratefulness, even watching your video…my heart just swelled. How my love and trust for Him is growing…my desire changing…just so thankful and expectant right now.
More and more in love with Him!
I’ve been intrigued with the names of God and have studied them a few times I’ve found the names I remember most easiest are the personalities I’ve actually experienced for my self. I love all of His names but I think El Shadaai; the God of more than enough is my favorite. Yes we do fall, but by the grace of God we get up. For a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got up.
To get to know God intimately and know who He really is and to believe that he knows me so very intimately and cares.
I loved today’s message!! It reminded me that I have to spend time with God so that I can truly get to KNOW and TRUST him. I am babysitting my 3 month old granddaughter, Nadalee. In her short life she trusts me–she knows that I am going to hold her, change her diaper, feed her, sing to her, play with her and the lists goes on. The other day my daughter (baby’s aunt) was holding Nadalee–I turned around and looked at Nadalee and she would not take her eyes off of me. She KNOWS and TRUSTS her grandmother the same way that I need to KNOW and TRUST God.
Thank you for reminding us that when we fall we can get back up again and have the confidence of knowing God will be there waiting for us to turn back to Him. I REALLY needed to hear that today.God is so awesome and loves us so much. I often feel really bad when I’m not perfect in living out my faith and I hate it when I let God down by not being perfect but your message helped me a lot today. Thanks again 🙂 You are a blessing Renee.
Live in confidence, and the confidence comes from God. Because He is the mighty God, the All-Sufficient God, God of my strength and my Mighty Creator. Isaiah 43:1-3 says “Do not be afraid. I will set you free. I will send for you by name. You belong to me. You will pass through deep waters. But I will be with you. You will pass through the rivers. But their waters will not sweep over you. You will walk through fire. But you will not be burned. The flames will not harm you. I am the Lord your God.”
Amen….I will fail…I must not be afraid because I will fail into Jesus’ arms. That is what I call failing forward.
Peace and every good.
I think what I learned is that I will fall and it’s not failure but as you said in Chapter 10 we need to stop trying harder and start turning sooner towards the Lord who will lift us back up. For our strength comes through Christ and not through ourselves. This has been a really good reminder for me because I’ve had a difficult couple of weeks with depression and trying to fix myself and stop making the same mistakes. Now I know it’s okay to make mistakes, Jesus loves me just the way I am.
“Following Jesus is NOT about us being perfect!….” What a tremendous relief it is to be reminded that our failures are just stepping stones to our ultimate goal. Every struggle and every tume we get back up, our faith is so much stronger than the time before. We learn that God will not let us fall!
To know God intimately means to understand who He really is–what kind of a God He is, His character and His personality. Something I have learned in my walk with God is that I am not perfect at all and that there are many flaws in me. It was cool when you said in the devotional that becoming a Christian is not about being perfect but accepting our weaknesses and allowing God’s strength to flow into those areas of our life. To know God intimately is to experience the ups and downs of life with Him, to process life with Him and just as Gideon who was originally a timid man won victory over the Midianities and also became a confident and courageous man by overcoming His own personal enemies we too can become victorious over the challenges life throws at us when we know God intimately because He will be for us many many things according to His character–our provider, our Father, and the one who never leaves us. He will help us become more than what we could have become on our own.
This is how I am reminded of his love for me, when speaking his name I feel a sense of comfort. I have only begun to learn the names and meanings from Hebrew references…but in this process it has taught me that even in record of Bible stories it is vast and without end the NAME…Thank you for sharing and for once again bring the Word to life!
Your Sister in Christ
Something that has really spoken to me is learning to turn my focus from myself to God. Choosing not to become overwhelmed with my fears and doubts, but, instead, focusing on God and His power, grace and love. I’m so thankful God doesn’t leave me to battle my fears and doubts on my own, but battles them with me and helps me to conquer them! I am encouraged to know that He helps me back up again when I fall. Thank you for your encouraging message! This chapter has especially impacted me in such a powerful way!
how you need to depend on him each day,and how he helps the rightous rise up again. enjoyed seeing your video as always. I can relate to gideon.