Live Dangerously ~ Christ’s love moves me to extremes. 2 Corinthians 5:14
I loved it!!! So, I set one aside to pay for later. I had no idea how prophetic that quote would be over the next 24 hours.
The conference was one of the most annointed events I have ever been part of – and I have had the amazing privelege of being part of some very annointed events. The women from Well Spring ministry had bathed every inch of every detail for that event and God showed up in so many powerful ways.
As you may know, my friend Lysa wrote a book called “What Happens When Women say Yes to God.” It’s my favorite book! She has incredible stories of faith that I know the ins and outs of. I’ve lived with her through many of them and can say with full conviction that she lives what she writes and speaks about. But as I sat in the audience that weekend listening to Lysa speak, it was like God was speaking directly to me!!! That doesn’t happen very often when you know the speaker really well. You’ve heard the stories, you’ ve seen the stories. But God!! It was clear that He was not giving me a review of Lysa’s story, He was giving me a preview of my own.
The coolest part is that JJ has been praying for almost 3 years that God would give me the same desire he has to adopt. He was speechless when I told him at 10pm that night when I got home!!
These have been a few amazing weeks. Needless to say, adoption has been the main topic of our conversations and prayers!!! The first and most amazing thing we found out (the day after we said yes to God ) is that JJ”s company will reimburse up to $10,000 in adoption expenses.
The next day I contacted my friend, Deanna Falchook, who is about to adopt three children from Ethiopia. We are feeling led to go through the same agency. She has been an amazing source of help – like Jesus with skin on! We are going to adopt at least one girl, maybe two. We are praying for her to be between 5-9 years old.
It’s been a crazy time to jump into this adventure with my speaking season in high gear and me traveling but honestly God has gone before us and done so much already!!! We completed our application in a week and sent it to the agency last week. We also completed the first portion of government paperwork. Now we need to do our homestudy and dosier. We have so much peace and know it’s all going to happen in His timing and perfect plans. Thanks for your prayers. I can’t wait to share this part of our journey with you!
His love moves me to extremes!
God is good all the time and His timing is perfect. I don’t have any idea on how long the adoption process takes, but I do know that if it is God’s will, He will work out all the details – I have seen it happen so many times. I will be praying for you, JJ and the boys as you go through this process and also for the girl(s) waiting for you to be their mom. What an awesome opportunity to spread God’s love.
I’d love to get together for coffee in the new year (Christmas is such a busy time for all of us).
Hi Renee,
I just found your blog while doing a little surfing after reading a Proverbs 31 devotional in my in-box. It has been years since I’ve been in touch with you, but after all the CM crops at your house and at Forest Hill, I still remember you very fondly.
I am now married, a school librarian, and living in Monroe. My husband is wonderful– the love of my life and my best friend. We attend a great, small, friendly, spirit filled church. And, we are in the (long) waiting stage of adopting a daughter from China. We started the process in May 2006 and have officially been waiting (logged in in China) for 11 months now. In our case, it will likely be several more years before we receive a referral. The adoption process is not for the faint of heart but God certainly can– and will– use it to show us so many things to bring us closer to Him. I am excited to read about your decision to adopt!! I will be praying for you and your family– and your child waiting in Ethiopia– over the next months.
Take care and God bless,
Kimberly (Wannall) Kovach
That is an awesome step of faith. I love how God is providing every way. He is so good. Lifting a prayer.
In Him,
A little girl, or two- there are no words to describe the bond of love between a mother and a daughter! I am so excited for you Renee. You are “adding” to your love story. I pray it will overflow with blessings you never could have dreamed of.
A little girl, or two- there are no words to describe the bond of love between a mother and a daughter! I am so excited for you Renee. You are “adding” to your love story. I pray it will overflow with blessings you never could have dreamed of.
I am so thrilled and honored to get to watch your story of adoption unfold. I am praying for your daughter(s) right now. I will also have my boys praying. There is something so beautiful that stirs in my heart when I hear my African boys pray for the kids still in their homeland. Love you friend! Can’t wait to throw you an adoption “Little Girl” baby shower! Anyone else want to help??? Post your e-mail address with your comment and I’ll contact you! Lysa