Today I shared the story of how I discovered the shadow of my doubt. That day was a huge turning point for me.
As I stood in my bathroom looking at the humongous shadow on my wall, I sensed God whispering to my heart: Renee, you can only see the shadow because you have turned away from the light. Turn back toward the light.
Slowly I turned back toward the lights above the mirror, and realized I was no longer standing in the shadow. I also realized I’d created the shadow by blocking the light.
Shadows are created all around us when something blocks light. And so it is with the shadow of doubt.
When we focus on ourselves and how inadequate we feel, or what others are thinking about us, we block the light of God’s Truth in our hearts which casts a shadow of doubt over our thoughts.
Our thoughts end up being mostly about ourselves: how we’re performing and what others are thinking about us. It’s not that these thoughts are bad. It’s just that when we focus our attention on ourselves, we turn our attention away from God.
We become concerned and sometimes consumed by what others think of us, instead of what God thinks about us.
If we want to live beyond the shadows of our doubts, we have to turn our eyes toward the Light by focusing on God’s thoughts towards us, instead of our thoughts about ourselves.
Turning toward the Truth
Until that day in my bathroom with God and my shadow, I thought doubt was simply a negative emotion. I kept thinking I’d be more confident if I’d just try harder to believe in myself. But it wasn’t about trying harder, it was about turning sooner.
Self-focus had turned my heart away from God’s promises. What about you? How many of these doubts have lured you away from the truth and into doubts shadows?
- I’m not good enough.
- I’m always disappointing someone.
- I can’t follow God consistently.
- I’ll never change.
That day was my turning point. I wanted to burn the image in my mind. Turning away from the shadow—turning toward the light. Turning would be crucial.
Turning away from self – Turning toward God
Turning away from doubt – Turning toward Truth
Turning away from darkness – Turning toward Light
Instead of waiting for God to zap us with confidence and remove our doubts, let’s ask God to use our doubts to draw us into a deeper place of dependence on Him and His promises. It’s not necessarily going to be easy, because it requires turning, but it is possible and worth what it takes to turn.
Turning leads to transforming, as we allow our thoughts to be made new, and transforming leads to believing as God’s thoughts become our Truth.
When doubt casts its shadow over us, let turn back to Jesus and live in the Light of His truth:
- When we feel inadequate, God says: You are CHOSEN.
“‘You are my witnesses,’ declares the Lord, ‘and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he’” (Isa. 43:10). - When we feel afraid, God says: You are REDEEMED.
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine” (Isa. 43:1). - When we feel unloved, God says: You are LOVED.
“You are precious and honored in my sight, and . . . I love you” (Isa. 43:4). - When we feel forgotten, God says: You are REMEMBERED.
“See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands” (Isa. 49:16).
I know this is a lot to process but today can be a turning point if you only remember this: Having a God-confident heart is not about trying harder, it’s about turning sooner.
I’m giving away two copies of A Confident Heart and two sets of conference calls for the upcoming Confident Heart online Bible study hosted and led by Melissa Taylor from Proverbs 31 Ministries. I’ll tell you how you can win in a minute but first I want to tell you about some free encouragement/resources:
- My Free Resources page has a list of promises to personalize and more free stuff!
- You can click here to download Chapter 1 from A Confident Heart and watch the book trailer here.
- “Like” my Confident Heart Facebook page, and you’ll receive (almost) daily encouragement and scriptures from me.
- You can sign up for email updates in that little box up at the top to receive my posts via email. That way you’ll know about free resources I add, give-aways coming up and all kinds of things you don’t wanna miss
Now, be sure to click “Share your thoughts” below and do just that. I love hearing from you and praying for you! Your comment can be short but it’s what I need to have your name for the drawing.
I have struggled all my life with a low self image and insecurities. I once heard a saying that is so true with me, “when I walk into a football stadium and the team is in a huddle I think they are talking about me”
It’s kinda funny but it’s true for so many women. I have dealt with that most my life. God has helped me but I still struggle at times, I know it’s satan but it still happens. I do want to feel more confident. I have a lot going on right now, I signed up for bible study but have not purchased the book. My husband has been out of work for over a year now and I struggle with some of his decisions about jobs he’s turned down or not going after. I trust him but it is hard since I work full time myself. Anyway that is part of my insecurities too. I look forward to reading the book and doing the study. Thank You
I begin to see that Satan is trying to work in my head and my heart to keep me downtrodden, discouraged, dissatisfied, depressed and dysfunctional because when he succeeds in doing so, God’s work gets derailed. I’m going to work really hard on not allowing Satan to lead me on these detours. Pray that with me, please.
I am in Melssa Taylor’s study A Confident Heart and I must say you have describe me to a tee. I thought I was the only one who suffered from self doubt and insecurities. When I started answering the questions on Chapter one it really hit me and then I started writing in my notebook and really let out a few things I have kept hidden since I was a child. I am going to keep writing in my book and add to it every day until it all comes out and let God steer me in the right direction. The Holy Spirit is helping me but I only let Him in so much. I want a Confident Heart and to let myself really open to God instead of being insecure of God.
I am sure that God has placed me in different situations while growing me so I can help others but my fear or self doubt or insecurity has kept me at bay. I want to change and I am beginning to understand that through all all things are possible.
Thank you for you words of inspiration! I receive Encouragement for Today everyday in my email and your words almost brought to tears to my eyes. The first chapter from your book really made me want to read the rest of the book. This is the kind of confidence I needed back when I was growing up. I need more! I’m unemployed and cannot afford your book right now, so please help me through emails. Thank you and God bless!
I found your blog through and appreciate the “gift” of your words. They give me the positive affirmation I need to have hope and peace about my life but also help me smile as I face today. I look forward to getting your emails. THANKS!
I have been struggling for over a year as a Spanish / ESL teacher at a Christian school. I am also vision & hearing -impaired. Sometimes people tell me they are awe d by me since I seem to have it all together and can face my difficulties, still work and appear optimistic despite my difficulties. But this is only one side of the coin. The other side is the one that keeps turning over and affects me negatively. I just resigned from my teaching position last week and my last day is this Friday. I am trying to fill myself with the peace of God.
Like you explained in your story, I, too, have lived a life of fake confidence. I am the one people go to for encouragement. Renee, I have lived on the mission field in many countries and I have seemed so strong. I lost twins daughters through severe pre-eclampsia in the Middle East where I lived for nine years, and had another miscarriage a year later. I went through a divorce. I have grown tremendously through these challenges. I seem to be indomitable, remained friends with my ex-husband who is now remarried. But, underneath my seeming-strength, I still doubt myself, my basic ability to function well in a sighted, hearing world as a capable instructor worthy of my 28-year calling. I even doubt that I am someone who is deserving of a spouse who will love and cherishes me. I think that time has passed me by.
I have been reading your book and trying to internalize these truths to change my outlook. I don’t even know who I am! At age 50, I feel like I’ve just unraveled myself and am vulnerable. It’s so scary… Thank you for reading this comment. Could you please pray for me? I do feel in such an upheaval.
Thank you.
A friend shared your blog with me and I am so grateful. I have been struggling with depression and so many changes in my life and this came at the right time.
Thank you!
Hi I am from Oklahoma City, OK
I struggle with lack of confidence and self-doubt all the time. I look forward to reading this book and following the Bible study.
I am looking forward to reading this book and sharing with my group at church. So many of us struggle with self-doubt and the guilt of never seeming to be “good enough.” I believe when we start reading this that we will decide to do a study on it.
Your book sounds so interesting. Our family is going through a divorce and my daughter and I share the characteristic of doubting ourselves. We would very much like to do this Bible Study but because of finances I don’t know if we can afford to buy your book at the moment. Maybe God will provide a way for us to win this book otherwise we’ll still probably listen to the Bible Study. It seems to be where our hearts are at the moment. Trying to heal.
I am really looking forward to doing the online Bible study with Melissa Taylor. I hope I win the book A Confident Heart so I can share it with my friend who also suffers with doubts and insecurities. We could study together and pray for one another.
I am on a journey of learning to love myself and to turn my life and will over to God each day. This is not an easy journey, but at 54 I finally decided I wanted to stop the madness and find a confidence and contentment I lost somewhere along the way. I am hungry for information on learning to make this turn. I am excited God has brought this website and book study into my life. I am looking forward to receiving more!!!
Fining your site was a bleesing for me today…thank you. I look forward to your news letter and daily insipations.
Wow, when I read your posting I truly thought that you were describing me. I have felt so lost, abandoned, and truly just not good enough. I look in the mirror and don’t really like who I see looking back at me. I feel like I just keeping going around in circles. Everything seems to be falling apart in my life. I don’t feel worthy of God’s love nor deserving of it. I just want to feel safe and feel peaceful. I keep seeking a personal relationship with God and keep feeling like a failure. Never feeling good enough or worthy. Thank you for showing me that there is hope.
WOW! I have felt so alone in this sea of doubt. I had no idea that so many women struggled with this.
I have read the seven day doubt diet and was so blessed. Thank you Renee for giving a voice to this issue. Just imagine if every daughter of God had a confident heart to obey him with joy and not doubt his calling or our abilities. Thank you Renee for your obedience to our Lord.
I can’t thank you enough Renee for your seven day doubt diet. I also intend to get your book. I can relate to so much. I have a chronic illness that I have had since I first had kids. It’s a struggle sometimes to be a wife and mother. I am always comparing myself to people who can do more than me. It has taken me years to finally start coming to terms with this. Thank you so much!!
This sounds like a great study. My life has been falling apart lately and I long to heave a confident heart.
Have not heav
I just signed up this morning for your daily emails and have been pouring over the Proverbs 31 websitefor the last 45 minutes. Thank you for such amazing encouragement and support. I SURE need it. I feel some days that my life is falling apart, but of course everyone think I have it so together. I am the queen of sweeping things under the rug and hiding them in my closet. Thank you again!!