Has someone ever said something to you that made you feel valued and loved? Affirmations that gave you a sense of meaning and purpose? In my Encouragement for Today devotion, Just the Right Words, I shared a story of how one woman’s words changed the course of another.
Sadly, many of us don’t have people to speak hope and encouragement into our hearts. However, all of us do have Someone who wants to speak just the right words into our lives – every day. Today I have a power-packed {very short} video message where I share how you can position your thoughts to hear and live in God’s promises – every day. Click on the arrow below and discover how to stop letting doubt and discouragement beat you up, and start letting God words build you up instead!
{Download FREE Confident Heart “AM/FM Thoughts Printable here}
Click “share your thoughts” right below this post and do just that. All commenters will be entered in my “Living in God’s Promises” gift pack giveaway which includes a $10 Starbucks OR Target Gift Card{you choose}, 2 copies of A Confident Heart, and a copy of my Letting God Fill the Empty Places in Your Heart message on CD!
Thank you for the encouraging words today. Three years ago this Sat. I lost my husband and now I am raising two small children by myself. There are days that I wounder if I am doing the right things for my children. I am trying to remember who God says I am. Your words are helping me to do that. Thank you so much. God Bless
I struggle with ‘not good enough’ thoughts, bouncing between ‘second best’ and ‘complete failure’. These are so natural to me I don’t even know when I am thinking them! The healing words this morning have alerted me to this and focused me on what to do about it. Glad I checked in! 🙂
Thanks for your encouragement. I really needed that reminder today! Thanks, Renee, your book and you leading has been good! Thanks!!!
Thank you Renee! Your God inspired words are building me back up again and focusing my thoughts and beliefs about myself where they need be and remain, our Lords promises!!! I was beat down and exhausted from loss of dreams, friends, constant change and new situations. I have literally been watching my life sparkle disappear and not finding the energy of joy to do the things i used to love to do. I guess that would be truly clinically depressed. Life was not supposed to be this hard, so I must be doing something wrong. I was supposed to be better than this and so was life. I was craby to my husband all the time because i was in the pit of dark total dispair. Away from family, moving every 1-2 years and finally far enough away that I had to close my business that brought me together with many incredible women who became my friends, for my husbands’career that has required constant change for us. I am grateful he has a job but feel so empty. The moving boxes and financial stress seem to never go away. I am now mistreated at my new job etc… I am sure you have heard enough. I love building women up and suddenly found myself needing it more than anyone else and feeling frightened and shakey. This dark wilderness has seemed to last forever, but i have found new hope and faith again through your website and words of light and truth. I am regaining my strength, confindence and determination. His words, His heart and His promises that you are reminding me of are pulling me out of satan’s total attack of dispair. The fallen angle has no power of disception over us who believe in Christ! Thank you for your bravery and for reaching out.Thank you for your help and for being you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! God bless and have a wonderful day!
Dearest KL, you could be my twin! As I read your words I was awed by how I could have wrote them and I wanted you to know I am praying for you this morning. Encouragers are not supposed to be depressed, right?? Wrong! I believe instead that it is God redeeming where we have gone out of balance by saying ‘sit with Me’, ‘I want to focus attention on you’, ‘I will pour into you just as I have when you poured out into others’! You, my sweet sister, have the eye of The Encourager….just as I do, and He is waiting for us to realize we are sitting still so He can fill us for…..us!!!! Here are hugs just for you ((((((()))))))!
What an awesome bible study! Thanks Renee, for your continuing encouragement and time you have put into this bible study. I just love the AM/FM thoughts and plan to post these throughout my home and car. For the last year and a half, I have been so discouraged and bombarded with those AM thoughts, but now I am DETERMINED to tune into the FM thoughts and start trusting in Him.
Thanks again for all you do. Blessings,
I can’t tell you how much this message meant to me tonight. I have had some rough days lately and have believed the lies of Satan. Insecurity and communication issues have taken a toll and I’ve become over emotional and filled with worry. Thank you for this message, your blog, and amazing book.
Renee and blessed sister of Confidence in the One True God,
Long days, but nothing compared to Renee’s day. I have a High School career fair to work at tomorrow morning at 7:30, which means I should have turned off my lights by now. Teenagers just got in from working at Wednesday night ministries and son ,just handed me the computer after working on homework all evening. I am thankful I have a roof over my head and all my family is in reasonable health. We had hail/rain and 45-60mph winds last night. We live in a older mobile home and this place sounded like a train last night. I rocked and rolled until 4 this morning. We are so blessed. Please pray for a family in the area that lost their man, he was a firefighter who was helping with an accident when another vehicle hit him early this morning. We had 13 accidents in a 20 mile stretch of road. Most not too bad, but this place had many people taken out with helicopters.
Thank you for praying for our little community.
I continue to feel insecure when it comes to my relationship with my dear friend .When I am with her I enjoy her company but the devil puts ideas in my head and heart that she does not care for me like she does for the other friends. Lately I just feel like I am slipping backwards even in my attempts to lose weight. I was doing so well and now I am in a slump. Then it becomes a circle of hateing myself and feeling unloved.
Please pray that I will concentrate on the love of Christ in my life and focus on what He wants me to do .
Chapters 6 and 7 have really tested me. Doubt and fear of failure are things that I struggle with often. The perspective that these are used by the enemy and the knowledge that God wouldn’t condemn me and He will never stop loving me has really hit home. This study has come at a good time, and I’ve really needed the truths that I am learning applied to my life!
Bad day. Feel like I failed. But I really haven’t. Why when you have really done nothing, but maybe get a little too emotional and upset over some things that honestly hurt you but my expectations were not met from the other person — do I feel like I am just the worst person in the world that God ever created. I opened my heart to a counselor for 3 years and he practically blew me off…see ya later…good luck to ya…just because I said “this isn’t working”. Because I said this hurt me, and this hurt me and this hurt me….I get…sorry it didn’t work out….good luck to you. Bad day. Bad week.
can’t watch the video tonight – have to download – slow computer. But I know God is talking to me and I tried really hard today to listen to Him. Being thankful was the whisper He kept sending me. I had a child trying to carry way too much and another not opening the door because he had a better idea. And Mom just asking for silence and hurried obedience. While the youngest was off stealing food again. Then later this evening I had a good friend that loved to talk, but my need was to get her home and back to the kids. Through all the aggravation, God kept saying give thanks in everything.
That is so good! There is such a power in words!
I have a little folder on my phone for random text messages people send me that are just uplifting and encouraging because I like to re-read them. They always make my day! I love to write people little notes to surprise them and just as much I love to receive them!
Thank you for your video blog. That is so encouraging!
Favor and blessings!
Hello Renee i am so thankful for rea ding all of your post. Thanks So much and i look forward reading your blog.
How I needed this tonight. Thanks so much!
Thank you for the AM/FM thoughts, it makes it so easy to realize your train of thought and switch the channel when needed! I’m praying for relief for your back pain too.
I pray for your healing miracle right now in the name of Jesus. You are blessed & annoited. The devil just needs to get way behind you. Thank you for faithfulness. I pray God continue to bless you. The way you have blessed my life.
My prayers are with you for relief from your pain and praises for Aster doing so well with her surgery! Thank you for opening your heart to the Lord and allowing Him to speak to me and all the other ladies who are touched in some way by this study – whether they are reading the book or sharing it with someone else. I still struggle with my own insecurities, but God is walking with me and holding my hand in His as I become more confident in His love and grace. Many blessings to you and your family.
Thanks so much for making these little videos…they are a great tool to go along with the book…Thanks…praying for you and your little princess…Take Care, God Bless, and Stay Beautiful 🙂
I am so grateful that I have the Word of God to remind me who I am in Christ. If God be for me who can come against me.
Phil 4:13 is one of my favorite verses. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” When I have doubts that say I can’t I just admit in of myself I can’t BUT I can do ALL things with Christ in the drivers seat!!
Thank you so much for A Confident Heart and all your added input in this very important reminder of who we are. Children of the King!! That makes me a princess!!
Hello Renee, glad Ali has bounced back like the trooper she is, and been praying for your back, Maybe the Lord wants you to rest? or Satan trying to keep you keep you from inspiring all of us, who have yet to remember that God has given us incredible strength to tap into, you who is in incredible pain and still you are there to encourage us. Bless you Renee’
I loved the AM/FM analogy…
I too am behind on the online study but I keep plugging along, it is too good to speed through and my hubby been home a lot lately as he is getting ready to be gone a long time, so priorities have been with him….
kinda messing up my study time…lol…..
The Lord makes time for all of us in whatever place we are with Him…Thanks for helping us get to that closer place……cathi
I love the idea of AM\FM idea. It’s easy to remember and quickly brings to mind the “against me” and “for me” thoughts so that I might be victorious over he who is against me by trusting in Him who is for me.
If I can share my thoughts I would have to say I enjoy reading your posts. Sometimes when I read your posts I feel super encouraged because you are so “real” you share your struggles and cares and that encourages me because I struggle and hurt and I can identify with you.
Hello Renee
This is my first time responding or posting. I have been so inspired by your teachings. I have recently had major health issues, a scare with colon cancer, a major back fusion and most recently 7 days in hospital with asthma, pneumonia nd bronchial infection. We take so much for granted and when any adverse situation occurs it is so easy to be filled with doubt, low self esteem, feelings of depression and unworthiness. You ask yourself what havae I done so wrong that all this has befallen me. I almost let go but realized I am not the author or finisher of my fate but the most high God is as long as Im willing to give it to him and let him direct my path. A very good friend sent me an email while on my bed of afflication and challanged me to get involved with your on line bible study. I was excited about the title and have found extremly gratifying. thank you for being a beacon of light even when you are going through your own storm.
Thank you for inspiring, uplifting and remindng us all about the marvelous works our God had done , is doing and will continue to do in us for us and inspite of us. when we allow ourselfs to be governed by his will. I am learning to be content in whatever state Im in and when I give him praise while Im going through it will be easy to praise him when all is well
About your back…my dad had the same thing several years ago and they told him he needed surgery etc. etc. He did exercises called the “McKenzie exercises” and you can find them on the web. They are basically sleep positions as far as I know. I think he kept hope that God was going to heal him and he never had the surgery and is doing great.
It definitely is a battle to think positive thoughts. When I am reminded about God…His faithfulness, His love and the many ways He is amazing and shows kindness toward us…I am encouraged. But, like a sheep I stray from that and He has to bring me back. (I love that song…God is in Control).
I just want to put a prayer out to you Renee & Aster!
Dear Lord, I pray for Aster’s quick healing in her mouth. Allow the discomfort to be gone & allow her to be a normal little 3 year old! I also pray for her mommy, an amazing woman of God, Renee. I pray that you would touch her muscles, vertebras, bulging disks, put them all back into place & we command the pain to be gone. We ask this in Jesus Name! Amen!
I just want to thank you for all the amazing Bible study on Confident Heart! I asked for it for Christmas & got it! Then found out you were doing the study! It has mad such a difference in my life & I am striving to be more like Him & have confidence in Him! Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for sharing this truth. I have been believing so many lies. I am going to choose to replace them with God’s truth. What He says should be more real to me than the lies of the enemy.
AM and FM thoughts – love it! And thanks for the reminder that turning to the FM thoughts takes constant diligence.
(I am behind in my reading).
I just read about your injury and your daughter’s surgery. A few weeks ago you were ill, I see a pattern here and you are ruining ” his party”. I am speaking of the evil one, you are working and teaching and following God’s heart and your heart and “he is trying his best to stop you. Hurrah for you keep up the wonderful work.
Hi–thank you Renee for taking the time to help Me. I really enjoy your videos and your teachings. Bless you for loving God so !
This is my second time through this book, I participated in Melissa Taylor’s online study of it as well. I am finding even more nuggets the second time through. There are so many things I have learned about God’s love and trusting in Him without listening to the enemy! When I read through the questions and look at my previous answers, I can see the work God is doing in me. Thank you for writing this and sharing your heart!
I am so enjoying this study and I love the AM/FM download. It is very helpful to have that FM thought from God to push away the attempts at defeat from the AM thoughts! Glad to read that Aster’s surgery went well and certainly hope your back heals quickly as well. God Bless you!
So sorry to hear about your back. My 86 year old mother is in the hospital right now with three compression fractures in her lumbar region. Watching her wince every time she moves makes me have compassion for anyone who suffers from back problems. I pray you both have speedy healing.
I just reread some of my answers from a few weeks ago and read my journal. It is amazing how much just these few weeks have changed the way I think and feel. The things that God is putting in my heart through this study is opening my eyes and ears to see how much He loves us and how He wants only the best for us. I am starting to take every thought captive and process things from a different perspective. From God’s perspective and not mine. It is exciting to be me right now.
Since I read your blog today, I want to lift you and your family up for divine healing and restoration. I pray for your back to get back in alignment so the nerves will quit rubbing. I have had back surgery for something similar. I understand how painful. Praying for control of the pain. Thank you for being so faithful to God and continuing this study in your time of personal trials. With Love in Christ Jesus…..Cheryl Boyd
I love this study, I actually read the book some time before, but am growing in my “confidence” as I go through it again!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this study!!!
leap day and you leap into my heart…
thank you so much for allowing God to use you to write such an inspiring book! As a mother of five children life can become quite busy and sometimes I just do things without relying on God’s strength and provision for me. You have certainly encouraged me through your book!
I often find it very easy to encourage others with my words, but sometimes I fall short in thinking positive thoughts for myself. I am going to be intentional about keeping my mind clear and staying alert to think positively about myself.
Going to meditate and pray over 1 Peter 2:9!
Praying for you, My Online Sisters!
I am at a low this evening. Have felt Satan sneaking in. Trying to push his lies away and replace them with God’s promises. Thanks for your messages, Sisters!
Thanks for your devotionals, videos, and words you allowed God to speak through you thus far in A Confident Heart, Renee!
Yes, I believe we are our worst critics! Thanks for the reminder that God is in control, and that He is for me!!!! Really needed that today!
Anybody else up for the challenge of changing our AM thoughts into FM thoughts? We got this! Let’s keep our minds clear, stay alert, and take action!!!! Let’s believe His promises and live like they are true!
Much love, hugs, and prayers!
Affirmation by others is fleeting; God’s affirmation is eternal. Being reminded of His truth carries me through. Thank you for your reminder. Bless you.
I really like the way we “think” effects the way we “feel” which in turn influences how I “live”
Thank you again for sharing.
Thank you renee for writing this book it is truly helping me gain confidence.This is a time I need to know that iI can pray Gods promises and that he hears me. My son who is 30 years old has got to have open heart surgery for an artery that is 80% blocked. It will be your words in your book and your truths you have shared about our loving God that gets me through this and og Course because of you I know what to ask God for and how thank you so much for doing Gods work
Dear Renee
I was just talking with one of my new Bible study friends, Shawn, and we were both commenting on how God has brought us 12 women together because of “A Confident Heart”. We have never connected before, and God has intertwined our hearts so that when one of us hurts, we all hurt….please pass those kleenexes down here…Thank you for listening to God and sharing your heart, which in turn shares God’s heart. You have made it be a safe place to share… and our fellowship is sweet and right at the heart of Jesus! God just knows….perfect timing on each one of our lives. Praying for a healing touch on your back. Lord Jesus, please cover Renee’s back with your healing and restoring blood. Amen and so be it! Huggs!
Love the AM/FM thoughts! Really need it! Thanks!
I so enjoy reading and thinking of your insights. Our son is in prison and will be there for 6 yrs. My self doubts of could I done anything different or said anything that would have changed our sons direction. So now we have to be a source of strength for him. He has a 4 year old son that he hopes the mother will bring him for visitation to keep them close and be a daddy. Thank You
The idea of being prepared has been huge for me this week. I’ve been reading the verses that affirm my identity in Christ out loud every morning to myself which really is changing the way I feel and live, I’ve seen a notable difference in my confidence at work! Renee, it was so good to be reminded that God IS for us. I can too often believe the doubt that he is not!
The idea of being prepared has been huge for me this week. I’ve been reading the verses that affirm my identity in Christ out loud every morning to myself which really is changing the way I feel and live, I’ve seen a notable difference in my confidence at work! Renee, it was so good to be reminded that God IS for us. I can too often believe the doubt that he is not
Thanks, Renee,
I had a break through this week, lots of flashbacks on my childhood…and now I know where my insecurities come from,…but I am not bound by my past, and can overcome inspite of my childhood..and when a negative thought came to mind today, I heard myself saying “Its not your fault”! You’ve done all you could with what you had, and I don’t have to be perfect, and God loves you just the way you are!
I am sorry about your injury and will pray that your neck is better soon!
I’ve been reading your book from the library, however, I want to order one for myself. What is the coupon code to use when I order it? Please let me know. Thank you in advance.
God bless you,
This has been a painful week for me as well! I’m not sure what I did but my shoulder has been quite painful and for some odd reason I’ve been battling depression. I’ve fallen behind in my reading but I’m going to try to remedy that ASAP! Thanks for all you do!