Has someone ever said something to you that made you feel valued and loved? Affirmations that gave you a sense of meaning and purpose? In my Encouragement for Today devotion, Just the Right Words, I shared a story of how one woman’s words changed the course of another.
Sadly, many of us don’t have people to speak hope and encouragement into our hearts. However, all of us do have Someone who wants to speak just the right words into our lives – every day. Today I have a power-packed {very short} video message where I share how you can position your thoughts to hear and live in God’s promises – every day. Click on the arrow below and discover how to stop letting doubt and discouragement beat you up, and start letting God words build you up instead!
{Download FREE Confident Heart “AM/FM Thoughts Printable here}
Click “share your thoughts” right below this post and do just that. All commenters will be entered in my “Living in God’s Promises” gift pack giveaway which includes a $10 Starbucks OR Target Gift Card{you choose}, 2 copies of A Confident Heart, and a copy of my Letting God Fill the Empty Places in Your Heart message on CD!
This devotional has been very important to me today. I teach 5th grade in a private Christian school, but
that does not mean that all my students know the Lord. It seems that some days I have no joy in teaching because I’m forced to be a disciplinarian almost all day long. I begin to doubt my effectiveness as a teacher because I have lost sight of the reason that I first got into teaching. I have forgotten how precious I am in God’s eyes. Thank you for reminding me, and for the encouraging words. God bless you!!!
First, Renee and hope you and your daughter are healing. I continue to lift you both up in prayer.
As for the AM/FM thoughts, most of my life has been tuned into the static AM station that plays lie after lie against me. But now, with your direction, I’m learning how to tune into the clearer (and in Stereo!) FM station of God’s promises and truths for me. I’ve printed out the bullet points from your AM/FM printout and posted it on my wall at work…the place that the Devil likes to test me most.
Your videos are great. My favorite, though, is the one about God filling the empty spaces. We do have so very many activities we try to fill our lives with, when the one thing we do need – God – is often times pushed aside. Thank you for sharing your heart with us and helping us grow!
This message came at the right time to validate the words that were said to me. I’ve been sick and in the house for almost 5 months. Before I was quite active in things but lately not being around people our doing things I had given up. I didn’t want to face anyone in person or on the phone. I had two Christian friends that gave me the right words and the encouragement I needed. I stepped out Monday night and met some people and then today I make a phone call. God doesn’t want us to give up and die inside and that’s what I was doing. I was giving Satan credibility. God is so good and if we would let Him be in control things would turn out so much better than we could ever think it would. Thanks for sharing.
Just last night my four daughters were playing in a Chick-fil-a play area and a little boy approached my middle daughter. The little boy got angry at her for playing in his area, and he told her she was stupid. My daughter shrugged it off at first but soon she began crying. As I held her close to comfort her, she asked me if she was stupid. I told her no way and that she didn’t have to believe what others say about her. I reminded her of what God thought of her and soon after, she began to agree with me that she was wonderful!
Thanks Renee for personally reminding me to keep switching the station to FM. You are a much needed inspiration in my life.
I’m am thankful for a little new found Confidence. Each little bit helps. God is in Control. I’m also trying clean up the clutter in my life. God is for me & I’m so thankful for that.
Thank you so much Renee.
Love your book A Confident Heart. Our women’s bible study is on Ch 5, each chapter has practical – though provoking words. Thank you for your willingness to share!
For several months now I have struggled with feelings of worthlessness and abandonment. I know that God will never leave me, but it is still easy to feel alone. One day I was feeling particularly rejected and read this verse in John 6:37 (New Living Translation) “However, those the Father has given me will come to me, and I will never reject them.” Even if I am rejected by everyone else, God never will.
Thanks you so much for your words. I would love to read your book. I wish our library carried it.
Thank you for your encouraging words Renee. A friend of mine showed me your website a couple of weeks ago and it was totally a God thing!! I am in a waiting period I guess with God. Last year I incurred another head injury, which would make that the 3rd concussion from my main head injury 15 years ago. 15 years ago, I lost my ability to work after 27 years of being a nurse. I was not Christian also. I also had to relearn how to walk, talk, feed myself, etc and have brain surgery! Well I lost most of the worldly stuff and got God!! I can appreciate what Paul said. My husband stayed with me and helped me learn everything all over again! Now I face each day not knowing what I can do each day due to the propriorecption and dizzy problems I face. God is in control, not me. I am thankful that He has kept me alive and share the gospel with family, friends and neighbors. I just don’t know what He has for me now. I pray and lift Him up everyday and give Him praise. Each day is a challenge. God is using you to help me not be discouraged and I thank Him for leading me here listening and reading with you!! Thank you for your God filled message that we/I have been chosen and redeemed!! Blessings
God places so much value on us that He would give His own Son to die for us.
Meditating on His Word can help our thoughts to be His truth.
Renee, like everyone else here, I am greatly enjoying this Bible study, and the words in your book seem like they were written by someone who has interviewed me personally. Your examples from your own life just really hit home. I have not posted on here much, because I find I am consistantly a week behind.
But I do continue to read your book, highlight, and add notes. Lord help me if I loose my Nook and someone picks it up and sees what I’ve highlighted and posted in notes!
I love the AM/FM thoughts concept. How true that God’s word can be a healing salve – words of truth and peace and life to us. The four you share in your printable pdf handout this week are perfect. I am re-writing them on index cards and carrying them with me to reread in my car and at work.
Blessings to you Renee,
Renee ~
Your book is the next best thing to the Bible.
Your book has become my life support.
I am in a deep pit trying to get out.
I convicted that God is my way out.
I am thinking your CD is the next step for me so
I can hear your voice anytime anywhere.
You are so very blessed with the Holy Spirit in your heart.
Always waiting to see what God is guiding you to share.
~ Wanda
I too had gotten a little behind on the reading but I had a good excuse(!!!), our Wed night growth groups at church started another BS that I wanted to be part of so I delayed reading A Confident Heart because I couldn’t do both studies. Now I’m ready to get into this one with both feet!
Our family has been through so much since Oct., my mother passed away Oct 3 and our second grandson was born Jan20 and spent four days in the infant ICU. He’s fine now but it was a scary few days. I sew with a group that makes infant things for the ICU’s for the three hospitals in our area. The fourth day, his mom and I found him wrapped in a baby blanket that I made for the NICU over a year ago. It had been used by many babies(it had been washed many times) but I know the fabric and the stitching I used. A few months ago I had doubts if God wanted to use my sewing ablities in this way. There could not have been a better and sweeter affirmation and encouragement to continue working on the sewing projects with a group let’s parents know tha we are praying for their children and care about their survival.
your encouraging words and messages to women fill our hearts with so much love and hope for the day to come. each time i check my emails and i see a new message or new lesson or a new devotion in this wonderful journey the lord has prepared us in am up lifted, i am encoraged and i know i am chosen in his kingdom.
god bless you i look foward to the next message.
pam b.
p.s. 😉
would like to win a target giftcard to get me a gift. i’m always thinking of others, my children my husband and sometime i forget me. i know the lord wants to think of me too and so if i win i will think of me and get me a gift to say ” thank you me for caring today” 😉
I always find so much wisdom in your devotions and come away encouraged. You are such a blessing!.
What a lovely day it is. It’s rainy and cloudy and my first client cancelled. So God’s given me all morning to relax in his presence, release in his presence. Good timing for a wk with an injured back and hormonal issues. Thank you God. Sending love to all and wishing healing for every area that God knows you need today.
All love,
It’s made a world of difference to know that God is FOR me. He is not seeking to hurt me or bring disappointment into my life. Others may let me down, but God will always be FOR me. Thank you for helping so many women to learn to get strength and encouragement in God’s faithful promises.
Karen C.
I hope I win. 🙂
God is truly amazing. I have been working on keep up with you and your online study. It has been a challenge, but extremely rewarding. A friend of mine sent me an email this morning with your Encouragement for Today Devotion “Just The Right Words” included. I don’t think that she realized I already subscribe to the devotion or was participating in your online study. I have always had difficulty with self-doubt … in my home, my marriage, my work and even at church. Most of the time I am a shoulder for my friends, but they don’t really know how this has been a struggle for me. The words that she sent me today was exactly what I needed to hear!
“As soon as I read this devotion – I THOUGHT OF YOU!! You have made such a difference in my life and helped me through some horrible times. I can never thank you enough. THANK YOU ERIN for BEING YOU!! You are more special than you can ever imagine.”
I have always tried to think of others before myself. I send thank you cards and encouraging notes to friends all the time to let them know that they are not alone and they are loved. But sometimes I forget that! Her words meant so much to me. I’m sitting her typing this and crying because I can’t begin to explain how I’m feeling. You will never know how much your encouragement through this study has been a blessing to me. Thank you for your words and love. ~ Erin
Recently I was presented with an opportunity to be apart something great, creating and building a new school in Ethiopia. Doubt has been trying to come in and tell me that I am not smart enough, I am too weak, and that I am not qualified to be apart of this. Chapter 6 and 7 have been great in telling me that God is big enough to equip me and make me qualified to help do something great for his kingdom. I love the verse for this week, I am applying it every day to my life. Thank you Lord for Renee’s willingness to be your hands and feet, to give us women such a great gift in her book.
Chapter six really opened my eyes to how far I have to go in overcoming this. Most of my seven verses in the homework were in the acceptance category. It made me so sad. It would break my heart if roles were changed and I was my friend or daughter. I would be adament in reminding them of Satan’s lies and traps and giving them Truth! But it’s me! Praying God can heal this broken heart!
Jess, God can and He will heal your heart. Thank you for sharing your insights with us. It becomes easier to face what we can recognize! God is FOR you!!!
God has had such amazing timing in my life recently, bringing strong women alongside me to speak exactly the words of encouragemet I needed to hear at that time! What a blessing he has allowed these women to be for me!
Thank you for the reminder of how His words speak volumes above all others.
Hello & Good Morning!
My sister who has stage 4 Parkinsons & I with my second bout of Breast Cancer which I am now fighting rely on the Lord for each & every day. We both stay happy encouraging one another daily & use incourage & the Encouragement e-mails each day to help each other. Keep up the encouraging e-mails. I have a very old & slow computer so can’t seem to get to many websites but do as much as I can with what I have!
Sweet sister Frances…Gods richest blessings which are of eternal and everlasting value pour out over you and your sister as you remain joy filled, obedient and steadfast within lifes trials proclaiming all glory to God! Jesus can overcome and with Him we have eternal hope and love <3 <3 <3
I need prayers today! I am overwhelmed and feeling “devoured.” Thank you for your video and I am going to post the am/fm thoughts page where I can see it! God bless!
God bless you sweet sister Pam… <3 Lord, your know your daughter Pam is feeling devoured today and overwhelmed. God please bring Pam your comfort and perfect peace which passes all understanding. Help her to hold close Your truth that she is Your beloved and need fear no other. Father cast out all doubts and deceit filled lying thoughts which come Pams way from the evil one. Help Pam claim the victory and promises we have in Your word – especially Psalm 91. Lift her up God to glory within our hope which is established within Jesus, our precious Redeemer and Savior. I ask that she be richly blessed within all things which have eternal, everlasting value and worth and are of you Almighty God. I pray this in Jesus beloved name. Amen. <3 <3
I am going to listen to this again and really let it sink in. I constantly struggle with “against me” thoughts. I know the enemy is trying to get me to believe them, but God is fighting just as hard to get me not to. Thank you for your video.
Trisha, I know what you go through with the “aginst me” thoughts. The enemy wants us in the pit, broken, confused and unable to serve others in Jesus beloved name. God is indeed truth and His word tells us to take every thought captive and hold it up to His word – we can trust God. Gods richest eternal blessings upon you within the journey I pray <3 <3 <3
Love your devotions!!! They are very encouraging to someone who has clinical depression and feels worthless at times. Thank You!
So encouraging – thank you! This is exactly what I need to hear. I have been in a mighty war with this exact thing for about a month.
Thank you for sharing your word with us today. They really ministered to my heart ….
Some of my lowest days are days when I feel like I am not worthy of the life I’ve been blessed with, but then there is ALWAYS someone close to me to say just the right thing to get me back on track. God leads us to His word or to someone else to convey a positive, uplifting message when we need it the most. We just need to be ready to hear it and believe it. So many women might hear it, but they don’t believe it, and it’s heartbreaking. Thank you, Renee, for being one of those encouraging rays of light to so many women out there!
I am new to this “blogging” as I grew up in the “Big Brother is watching” era, and am still so leery about sharing over the internet. However, your message today of hope and encouragement, that God indeed has a plan for me in the midst of all of this (Eph 2:10) was what I needed to hear today. I feel the world growing more uncertain everyday, and things that we used to count on (job security, gender issues, societal values) are not there anymore. God stays the same and He knew these changes, and the changes to come, before we ever thought them possible. Thank you for reminding me that holding onto Him is still the best (and only way) to make it through.
Love to read, your devotions, a wonderful friend of mine sends these to me and its a needed time in my life for these. I very much appriciate this and am blessed to read these, they are always uplifting and a blessing to me! I can’t thank either of you enough!!! Have a beautiful day!! 🙂
I have not been on Proverbs 31 Ministries for a while. I am thankful that I visited the sight today. For the past few weeks I have been feeling like I cannot keep it all together. My husband started a new job and the stress of it is overwhelming for us both. We have two boys ages 2 and 4 and I stay at home with them. I spend time with God daily, go to bible study, pray regularly with my husband, etc. I felt like I was doing all the right things and yet still seemed to be struggling. I was not sleeping at night so each day I was exhausted and felt like I was failing at being a wife, mother, friend, and christian. I felt like I was failing in all areas of my life. Then my two boys and I all got the flu. I was basically forced to lay around with my kids all day and watch t.v. and read books. We are starting to feel better now. And really in some weird way, getting the flu was a blessing from God. I felt like He was saying to me “You need to rest and get better. I am in control.:” It forced me to let go of trying so hard and just let God do what He wanted to do in my life. The truth is, I cannot keep it all together. But He can. He is God and I am not. I can pray and cooperate with Him, but in the end it is God who gets His way, and I am thankful for that!
Amen, amen and amen sweet sister Shelia…what an extraordinary blessing we have in the truth God is in control! We simply need remember to allow Him to have His way within us every moment of every day. Gods richest, eternal blessings upon you and your family I pray. <3 <3 <3
I cannot express how much this book gets me through my day-to-day life. When I read across a sentence, paragraph or quote that just hits me and the light comes on! “I get it” finally someone understands what I’m going through and not only that but shows me how to deal with it. I keep your book with me at ALL times and when something knocks me on my tail, I get the book and randomly (under God’s wisdom, of course) I turn righ to the page that he wants me to read & live. Thank you for this book is not enough, but that is all I have for now.
Thank you for your words of encouragement today. I have letters that I have kept over the years of encouraging words and I like to pull them out every once in a while and read over them. They lift me up and refresh my soul. And, like Jill, when doubt tries to enter into my mind, I’m happy that God puts those certain people in our paths that say just the right thing, or that sent that card months before and I’m able to pull it out and read it again to encourage me. Thanks for your daily messages.
This was my first time on this site as I just signed up yesterday through bible gateway and what a blessing and confirmation these thoughts are. A timely word is always so encouraging and gives us hope and brings life into our situations. I have been tired and discouraged in the last couple days and when I woke up this morning I was feeling to find all the bible verses and promises that the Lord has spoken over my life and to write them out and pray them and to allow them to over ride my thoughts and feelings of doubt, hoplessness, fear, unbelief and disappointment. So, reading and listening to your video has encouraged me that I believe the Lord is wanting me to renew my mind with His thoughts and plans for my life. And as we get built up and encourage one another, like I have been today, I believe we are strengthened and nourished as we grow in our relationship with Christ and one another. It is so encouraging that the Lord knows are thoughts we have about ourselves but loves us and continues to encourage us with His words of hope, peace and blessing into our lives. Thank you for the confirmation and reminder of remembering to tune into the “For Me” thoughts. Also that song, ‘God Is In Control”, is a song that the Lord also really ministered to me last year when it came on the radio. My mind got into fear and trying to figure everything out and that song came on and reminded me that God is in control and to let go and have faith that He said that He works all things together for good even though our flesh doesn’t see or understand sometimes what He is doing and to not lean on our own understanding but to Trust Him.
Barb..When I was reading your reply the verse Jeremiah 29:11 came to me , .For I know the plans I have for you” Declares the LORD “plans to prosper you not to harm you, plans togive you hope and a future.”
Thank you for your comments this morning! This video message was encouraging. I like simplified formulas and though reading this formula doesn’t bring change…applying it does. To recognize my thoughts and see how they are making me feel and then lining that up with God’s truth….that will help me live a life that is focused on him and bringing him all the glory! Thank you for your truth!
This is what needed to hear today. Thank you so much!
This is the first time I have been to your site and all I can say is I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. Your words are so encouraging and so true. I am looking forward to reading and hearing more of your messages. Blessings to you as you are to so many. Hope you have a very blessed week.
Thank you for reminding me that I am here for a “GOD given Purpose” and he Does love and Care about ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, this word, intentional, crosses my path again! Intentional, on purpose, God made me on purpose, just as I am. He wanted someone like me in this world, at this time, for a good purpose! Intentionally made, purposefully made, with great care & consideration. And yet, why am I choosing to believe anything less than?
Sweet sister Marilyn pray you stay the course and remain steadfast taking every thought captive and holding it up to God’s word as He is truth, light and love. You are fearfully and wonderfully made – intentional and purposed by God. <3 Praying you breathe in Jesus love for you with each breath you take <3 <3
Thank you for sharing AM/FM thoughts! Love it! It’s simple yet profound! God is changing lives ..one Holt Spirit thought at a time! May you continue to grow in His grace and annointing in your life!
I needed to hear this desperately today! Our church has just purchased a building as we were a portable church for the last eight years. This is a very exciting time as well as a very stressful time. I lead the 0-2 year old group and have been very busy decorating and making decisions that I haven’t felt qualified for. I am single with no children and sometimes that voice enters my head that leads me to doubt my leadership skills. I am completely aware that God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called, something I need to constantly remind myself. God spoke to me today through you and I have been encouraged. This is a busy week for us as our new church opens Sunday. Please pray for Deep Creek Community Church as we seek to reach unchurched and unplugged people to become totally devoted followers of Jesus Christ! Thanks so much for the great pep talk today 🙂
GO, Tracey, go!!! God is definitely FOR YOU – He is “qualifying” you!! I am praying for you and your precious church. Trusting God will enable, equip, empower and inspire you all mightily!!!
Thank you for your wonderful devotion today! I am a young mother to two little ones and sometimes I feel so insecure in this role. I’m trusting in God to see me through this time in my life that I may shine brightly for Him. I am in search of a best friend -the kind that I can share it all with, and I’m really struggling to throw myself out there. Your devotion today devotion has really encouraged me today!
Renee, your devotions always speak to me with just what I need! God has given you a beautiful gift – thank you for sharing it with us!
Thank you for the encouragement! I love your perspective on AM and FM words. Thank you for sharing. Also, I am really enjoying the “A Confident Heart” Bible study.
I am amazed at the way God works. I needed to see this video today and to read your devotion. I am so thankful for the life struggles especially over the past year and a half that has led me to know that I CANNOT do it alone. I CANNOT do it all, I am not strong enough, but there in ONE who IS! Praise Him who does not accuse me, but who promised a hope and a future that is good!!!
I’ve struggled over the last year and a half with the death of my father and 6 months later, a betrayal in my marriage that led to separation as my husband moved on with another, leaving a 3 year old in my care. I have come to KNOW that my God is the only one who gives me my worth and the unconditional love I need.
I am now faced with being an encourager to a friend who is buried in the lies of the accuser. I struggle with how to help her, knowing that I cannot change her. But I do know that I can point her to the Light. That may be all I can do for her. I must trust God in this circumstance. I pray God will use me and give me the wisdom I need to be an encouragement to her. I have been struggling with the thought that I am unable to help, but now I feel that I can be attempt to be encouraging, and to give encouraging words.
Thank you all for your prayers in advance as I face my feelings of inadequacy as an encourager and pray for wisdom for the words to speak to my friend.
Sweet sister Anne praying God continues to lift you up and enbale you to share His truth and love. God bless you as our Lord moves you forward within His care and protection. As His arms of love remain wrapped around you I pray you know his peace which is so perfect, sincere and everlasting. I pray you remember He alone defines us – no others. With God ALL THINGS are possible and you are loved more than life itself. Praying God continues to give you wisdom. Pray He heals and sustains you as you seek to serve and honor Him in all things. Jesus and I love you <3<3<3
Hi, wow your timing was amazing. Just last night I learned how important it is when we feel God telling us to encourage someone, we need to. I had a client, who came in going through just an extremely low point. Everything in her life was falling apart. I didn’t know her, I knew by the way she talked she was not a Christian and God told me before she leaves you need to pray with her. I thought she’s gonna say no, or I might offend her or every single excuse you can think of I thought no. But God was not gonna let it go, I was shaking and said don’t think I am weird but can I pray for you? She said why, I thought here we go, byt I said for strength to get through, peace, God to help her make make right decisions, she cried and said yes. She hugged me held on tightly and we prayed. As she left she said it was the nicest thing that’s ever happened to her. It was all God, He was there. I may never see her again, but I believe God will change her life forever. I am so thankful I didnt listen to my negative thoughts and took the risk. It could have gone bad , but it did more I think than I could ever imagine. Thankyou Renee!!! It confirmed last night and encouraged me to keep obeying God when I feel a prompting to do something for someone and not listen to the excuses.
Thanks for sharing your story. God is amazing, and I am so blessed to read others’ words and experiences of how God is working in our lives. . .
Karen, how wonderful that you listened to your heart. Thank you for the affirming message!
Amen Karen, I relate completely to your story and PRAISE GOD for your obedient heart 😀 God has moved within my life – prompting and encouraging me – to reach out to others in Jesus love on numerous occasions. It is a leap of faith indeed yet all glory to God when we are faith filled to His calling upon our lives! Joy in Jesus my sweet sister <3
Thank you so much for your inspiring words this morning! They were just what I needed to hear after recently struggling with my feelings of inadequacy in all the roles I play as wife, mother, teacher, etc. I am encouraged as I start my day, and know that God is indeed FOR me!
Hi Renee,
Just had to share–I am behind with this Bible study. I am in my third week of overtime at work, leading to 12 – 18 hour days and it’s exhausting. The last two Tuesday evenings, I have had an hour where I have been able to continue this study, reading, writing and pressing forward with learning what God wants to tell me.
This morning, I read the Feb. 19th email with “My Prayer for You” and your words in your prayer really touched me: “I thank you that you have each one of us right where you want us with this book ,whether it’s page 10 or 110. Cause us to remember that we are where you want us and that it’s not about keeping up, it’s not about being ahead, but that it’s all about where you want us.” I am exactly where God wants me to be. And as I press on during this crazy time of my life, He is loving me through.
Thank you so much for the encouragement and reminder! I needed it today.
Much love,
Ijust tned in today toyour website mistakely, but I know nothing just happens. I have recently gone through a divorce and starting over again. At first I felt i had let God down because the marriage did not work, but I know I am were God wants be to be. I know that He never wnats anyone in a situation that may bring you harm. That is why I love the Lord because He meets you right wwre you are. You touch on alot of feelign for me,and I know that I am the apple of God’s heart,and He is interested about everthing that happens to me. Sometimes I have to encourage myself, but just toknow that He hears me even when I do not know what to say at certain times. SO, Thank you for allowing the Lord to speak to you ,so that you could now speak to the masses of women who may be feeling as I have. I know that God knows the olans Hehas for me,adn I know now tht He is orchestrating my steps to make me the mother and daughter and sister,and person He created me to be.
Thank you for sharing. It sounds like you were in a situation that may have been somewhat like mine.
I felt like I let God down, a failure, but you are right that God never wants us in a situation that may bring us harm.
I always enjoy seeing your videos.really enjoying reading the book. sorry to hear that you have so much pain. I pray that you will feel better soon.
I thank God for you Renee and all my Sisters-in Christ involved in this Bible Study. I pray that our GREAT GOD will open our eyes and ears to His truth that HE LOVES US UNCONDITIONALLY! No if’s, ands, or buts. May He continually speak to our hearts and uncover His will for each of us so that we may live to serve Him and share His love with others.