I have a P31 devotion today and want to say hello and “welcome” if you found your way here through it! I’m so glad you stopped by!
I wish we could sit in a coffee shop and chat today.
I’d love to talk with you about things that are weighing you down or worries that are making you weary. They always seem to lighten when shared with a friend.
I’d tell you about the year I let my problems pile up and how all that pressure almost took me down. It’s all in chapter 9 of my book including the story about how I accidentally took my dogs medicine one morning.
In my devotion, I shared how God has been changing me and rearranging me. I also promised to share three steps to overcome worry and a practical way to physically give God your concerns! Since we can’t chat in a coffee shop today, I decided to share my heart in a short video post.
Message Notes: You can download my “Video Message Notes” in a PDF here or in a Word doc here. They include the points of my message, verses and blanks to fill in. {If you’d like to watch more FREE Confident Heart videos based on my book, click here.}
Let’s Connect & A Giveaway: I’d love to hear your thoughts and one thing you want to apply after reading today’s devotion and hearing the video message. Click “share your thoughts” right below this post and do just that. 🙂
Your comment enters you in today’s “Come to Me” stress-relief gift pack giveaway which ncludes a Bath & Body Works Eucalyptus Mint candle, God-iva Dark Chocolate and an Chamomile Lavender scented Anti-Stress Comfort Wrap that can be refrigerated or microwaved depending on your preference – my favorite home spa treatment!!
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Writing in a journal is new to me, but it has helped me “release” the worries in my head & on my heart…as does praying Gods promises, like the ones you listed in Chapter 9, especially from Psalm 91:1-2 & Psalm 73: 28 & Ps.138…and from what you wrote: “God doesn’t promise understanding; He promises peace in the midst of NOT understanding….He wants to surpass our need to understand with promises that are BIGGER than our problems.” We just have to “boss our heart around” to truly believing that!
i quickly found an app on my phone for audio Bible reading. I downloaded it just before heading to the gym and listened to God’s word while doing cardio 🙂 Thankful you shared how you sometimes begin your day running while listening to God’s word!
Thanks Renee, loved the idea about putting our cares at the foot of the cross, I need to find me a table top cross to put by my bedside~~~great idea! Also on page 173 where you talk about Martha bossing Jesus around, I never thought of it like that but you opened my eyes to that and it gives things a different look. Psalm 103 is my favorite Psalm it kind of grounds me when things get out of hand, also repeating that God is my help so I sing in the shadow of HIs wings, which brings me back to reality that I can’t do things on my own and I need to ask for help all the time and be thankful all the time for even the smallest thing like seeing a hummingbird out my bathroom window~~~have a good weekend~Sue
I have the opposite problem. I was practically having panic attacks about going on vacation. I don’t like to travel, both kids were sick the week before, and I was afraid I would come down with what they had while traveling. Of course most things we worry about never happen, and of course I was healthy. I prayed for trust, peace, and wrote down as many verses I could find about fear in the Bible. I drove (which helped keep my mind busy) and listened to praise music the whole way. God was my faithful strong tower as usual. Like others, I love the idea of the cross for the nightstand. Cant wait to shop for one! Thanks for all you do~
I’m one of many that thinks this chapter was written just for me. A few friends and I get together each week to talk about the chapters, what we are learning, what we are struggling with and how God is working through this study for our lives…this week I said I don’t know what God wants me to give up, all I have is softball and this study? My friends laughed! They said, really??? What about you working full-time, going to at least 3 softball games a week, taking kids every where they need to go, cleaning the house, talking with friends, worrying about your mom, your sisters, worrying about whether your husband gets a job, money issues? You mean to tell me you don’t have a lot on your plate?? I sat there convicted by my friends’ words that I did have a lot going on and I was holding on to all of it tightly, because if I didn’t do it then it wouldn’t get done. Then your words about needing to seek first his kingdom! I can’t say I’m less of a worrier, but I challenged all of the ladies to go to God first with our cares rather than each other. I can say I am going to Him first instead of my friends. I can say I’m still struggling and failing more often than not about relinquishing control, but I’m trying! thanks for the encouraging words!!
Thank you for this simple reminder to STOP and START… i loved the concept on those two words and to use visual reminders to write down your worries.As someone who faces anxiety on a daily basis, this is a wonderful simple way to help get through the day. Thank you and God Bless you for your ministry!!!
Renee, thank you for sharing your gift of grace with us all. I can do all things through Him who give me strength.
Love the idea of laying my concerns at a cross at my bedside! I have a lot of trouble sleeping and I think this would help a lot with that issue.
I really needed to hear the message about worry. I think I am the queen of worry! I am also very good at giving it to God and taking it back from Him……I have 2graduate classes, a job change, 3 kids, and my husband works out of state! I am very thamkful for it all, but worry seems to consume me. Definitely going to put this into practice.
Thank you for posting this…I constantly need the reminder that I am NOT supposed to carry the weight of my problems, and this was just so timely for me. GOD was speaking LOUD & CLEAR!
Thanks for the update! Especially living overseas, it’s so easy to get consumed by worry and distracted by the least important things. A good reminder to focus on Jesus!
I just want to thank you for your obedience. This wonderful gift that God has given you has been a tremendous help to me in so many areas of my life. I thought I knew what deliverance was until I actually experienced. I’ve always loved to read and write (journal), but I’ve never been much of a blogger, but now it is so liberating to be able to communicate with women who are not afraid to share what they have been experiencing. It reminds me how true God’s Word is and how much He loves us. I can’t thank you enough.
Many Blessings~ Lakeeia
Worry is such a part of who we are as women that we don’t even notice we do it annit does absolutely nothing except perpetuate more anxiety and rob us of valuable time and energy. I love the stop-start and the concern card-I am putting one next to my bed today! 🙂
The line “I was serving God more than I was seeking God” is my worry-causing blunder right now. Thank you for the reminder to go to Him for the strength I need to complete the tasks He gives me.
Thank you for this! I’ve become more and more weary lately – so much so that it’s affecting my health… I finally realized that what I thought was just “thinking” about things was really “worrying” about them. They were consuming my thoughts and energy and left me with very little to give toward God and others. I’m a list maker and I love your suggestion about writing my worries down and physically/literally ‘giving’ them to God. I pray all the time but I think this might make it more ‘real’ for me. You know, one more thing checked off my list and out of my head… 🙂
Thank you for this amazing ministry!! It has come at the exact right time in my life… God’s time.
God bless!
Being a perfectionist I put a lit of unnecessary worry on my plate. Thanks for the gentle reminder that I need not carry the burden by myself and to look to the One who is perfect to let me go of my own chains. Reading the comments help me know I’m not alone in this struggle.
I love this video message. Worry is one of my biggest energy drainers. It is a habit that is like all other habits, in that you start to do it automatically and before you know it. You become weary and hopeless – at least that is what it does for me when I indulge in it. I love the idea of writing worries down and putting them in a bowl to give to God. This is something I will try! Thanks again for another great message!
Renee and dear sisters,
I didnt think I was worrying. I thought I was concerned! What a trick to think that way. I thank you Renae for helping me see areas in my life that I have disguised as not so big of a deal when really they are just that. I now find myself just thanking God for all that I have but most importantly for who He is. That keeps me focused. I realized from listening to your video that I havent had my alone times as much as I used to. I was running from God trying to do instead of being in His presence. Thank you Renee for reminding me that all that I have and all that I am is because of Him and my time alone with Him is the most important thing in my life. The funny thing is I know this and things go well and I strike out on my own just doing a little devotion here and there (like I can do all things well without Him first. Not so!) when God wants my full attention. My daughter makes me look at her when I am trying to do two or three things at once. She says look at me when I am talking to you. She is 15 and requires my full attention when we are talking. So does God. I am realizing that throught his book things that I have pushed back or pushed away are the very things that God wants me to give to Him and our relationship just cant be sometimey. Thanks again Renee for shining His light of wisdom on the secret or hidden places that we miss although they are right in front of us. August Rose
I waste so much energy worrying so I was
glad to read your devotional today. Thanks!
Thank you for this chapter on Martha and the listing heart vs the listening heart.
Devotion time is our lifeline and if you’re able to put a table with your Jesus chair.
Enjoy “Tea Time for two, Jesus and You”
Put a scripture on the tea bag tag, you’ll be amazed how rewarding and refreshing.
My journal was a birthday gift from a dear friend, she labeled it “My Blessings Book”
Oh how right she is, it has ministered to me so many times.
May I add 1 scripture to your list in chpt 9 you already have Ps 138 but add vs 8
Oh the promise and comfort!
Many blessings to you
Thanks for the remind to not worry! It is wearing!
This chapter was for me!!! The devotion time with the Lord is so special, it is our lifeline. When I was in North Carolina a friend gave me a journal for my birthday and titled it “Blessings Book” oh what a blessing and encouragement to refer back to some very special times, He is always there.
You spoke of your devotion chair, we had a “Tea Time with Jesus” tea bags with scripture and tea with our devotions, it’s great tea for two, Jesus and you
May I add one more scripture to you list in chpt 9, Ps 138 add vs 8 it holds such a beautiful promise
I appreciated the note on the listening heart vs the listing heart.
Martha and I have similarities, I need to learn and grow out of.
By His Grace I will!
Thanks Renee, as usual God knows what I need to read, see or hear at just the right time in my life. This is just what I needed to hear! I wake up in the middle of the night and start worrying with increased anxiety about my childs safety and where they are or what they are doing. I have recently found that if sing this song in my head over and over again, it calms me and redirects my thought to His Stength and power. The song is Thy Name “Father, I love you. I worship and adore you. Glorify thy name in all the earth, Glorify thy name, Glorify thy name in all the earth. Jesus, I love you. I worship and adore you. Glorify thy name in all the earth, Glorify thy name, Glorify thy name in all the earth. Spirit, I love you. I worship and adore you. Glorify thy name in all the earth, Glorify thy name, Glorify thy name in all the earth.” I sometimes feel so overwhelmed that I don’t seem to know what or how to pray. Your reminder will be helpful too. Stop worrying….Start praying…..Keep thanking God! Love it!!
Oh my word….476 comments? I was off line yesterday due to modem madness. I thought I could catch up on comments from my bible study buddies today. There sure are a lot of us worrying out there. Renee, did you know how many women need your bible study? I sure am thankful to be in this study. I know how much has changed for me in the last nine weeks. Just an example: I woke up last Fri with a swollen,painful knee. God was good enough to get me an appointment with a much sought after knee specialist. He gave me a script for a heavy duty antibiotic and told me to come back in 3 days, if the knee wasn’t better he might need to open it up. I went home and followed all his direc tions including staying off my feet until I saw him again. Thanks to my wonderful husband, I kept my leg elevated and let him handle everything. I wasn’t worried. My husband drove me to the office, the doc took one look at my knee and said “That knee is infected and it’s not going to clear up on its own.” If there was ever a time I would worry it was now. Instead we went to the hospital, I had the knee surgery and we were home in time to watch Leno. I knew God would would take care of everything. There was nothing to worry about and in another week the stitches will be taken out. Thank you Renee for so many new tools that make life easier.
I have read this chapter twice already. I think I’ll read it one more time. It is so helpful and relevant to where I am right now! Thanks so much for sharing your heart. Every week has been exactly what I’ve needed.
This devotional was just what I needed on a night when I “had” to get the lawn mowed before dark, “need” to call the mechanic about the light that just went on in my car all while just being a single mom. I MUST stop worrying and start praying more! I love the cross on the nightstand idea… such a concrete way to remember to cast my worries onto Jesus.
Hi Renee,
When I started reading this chapter it sounded so much like me. I work fulltime an hour from home and we are raising three granddaughters, 11, 9 and 4. I have really been overwhelmed at times. IThere have been times when I said I can’t do this. My middle granddaughter was having some major issues. She has been diagnosed with ADHD and a mood disorder. She is doing much better, but still have behaviour issues. I have really had to go to God in prayer for guidance and seeking His peace. They have been with us for 5 years now. My daughter and her husband have moved close and are getting there lives together. They have turned there lives over to God and He is working in their lives. The girls are spending the summer with them and I feel like this is the rest I needed to refresh and renew my realtionship with God. It has also been time of renewal for our marriage. I see the girls 3 or 4 times a week. My daughter lives 5 minutes away. They will be back when school starts. I worry that I will still have moments when I snap at them or I am not making the diffrence in there lives I need to. Through this study I am learning when those thoughts of ” you will fail or mess up” to remember I am a child of God and he will always love me and never leave me. I am going to use my cross and try to write and make a list of my worries and put them there for the Lord to handle. Stop worrying….Start praying…..Keep thanking God for alll He has done and continues to do for me!
I sat down at the computer to check my e-mail very discouraged and heavy concerns for my son. I clicked on your p31 devotion and it hit me right in the face about worry, tension, etc. I know these verses, but what a perfect reminder. I will need to cling to these verses and climb into God’s lap. Thanks for ministering to me on June 21st.
Renee- Thank you for this video lesson. Many years ago, I memorized these verses, but I needed this reminder today. Urgh! I hate how worry creeps into my mind. God is good! Thank you for writing this study.
Hi Renee,
In a few weeks I will be conducting a summer Camp for speecial needs youth. It has been overwhelming at
times and yes I worry that everthing can be “perfect” Thanks for the devotion and your prayers in this outreach. The Lord has fully equipped us and blessed us with spiritual gifts.
Thank you for sharing God’s wisdom in such a simple manner. God bless!
I did the 7 day doubt diet, I loved it, I’m doing it again and again. Life changing ideas to lay the doubt down and find our worth in who God made us to be. Just started the book and loving it. I bought/passed along your book to 3 friends so we can do a study together while we read it. Can’t wait to see what God will do!!
I have totally loved this book! I learned so much last week about my personality and why I do what I do. My next step is to get my Time Out For Mom group to study this book during our fall semester! THANK YOU!
Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us, and for teaching these simple truths. Of course I KNOW these things, but certainly need the encouragement and help that you share. I always try to end my day on a thankful prayer, but need to remember to trust and obey throughout my day as well.
My worries are out of control – dear Jesus I need your help!
I will be praying for you dear. God is our help and our shield. He will help you!
Your worries may be out of control, but God is the one in CONTROL. He will take care of you!
Dear Lord,
I ask that you be with Kim, and that you strengthen her. Lord, help her to cast all her cares upon you, for you care for her. Lord, you say in your Word… “Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for you are meek and lowly in heart. You say if we shall do this, we will have and find rest for our souls. Lord, help Kim to rest in you… to rest in you and know that you are in control of every situation and circumstance she is facing in this life. Help her Lord, replace any doubt with confidence in you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen! To God be the glory for ever and ever!
Through Christ those worries will be stripped from you and he will take the wheel! I am praying for you sister!
Serving Him vs Seeking Him – whoa!! Through this week’s study God put this old hymn on my heart. “God will take care of you. Through every day, o’er all the way. He will take care of you, God will take care of you.”
Thank you for reminding me to click the pause button on my worries and when I do that to start to pray -thanking God for all that he has already given me. What a wonderful reminder on how to claim God’s promises of peace!
My husband and I are raising two girls and my oldest just turned 16 in April. Needless to say that she thinks she is grown now. We have recently started having arguments about several different things and I have become very weary from it already. I am trying to just give it to the Lord but we all know that’s easier said than done. Thank you for your words of wisdom today. It truly helps to reflect on the understanding that others have been through some of the same things I am facing today.
This is just what I needed today…very endearing and great wisdom shared. Thank you for that….I like the idea of the indestructible cards……hope to share these steps with my children, family and many to come….blessings to all xo
I waste so much time worrying! I make things into a huge deal before they happen, freak out as they’re happening, and then obsess about them after the fact. I’m exhausted just typing that! : ) so much wasted time…thank you for opening my eyes to this, Renee! I find such comfort in thinking about “let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him”…I am moving onward now to apply it to my life! Thanks for your work!
I love the easy 3 steps process. When I’m in the middle of the business and worry it’s hard to find a way out. This will be the follow up from my go to verse, which helps to stop slipping down the slope of worry and begin to gain footing and focus on God. Renee, Thank you for all you do. Keep up the good work!
I can definitely relate to this message. I reallly appreciate the three practical aids. Time to kick worry to the curb and totally rest in the Lord. I appreciate your ministry so much!
Perfect chapter, devo, etc. for me this week. It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed and anxious as I hear about the problems of people in my ministry. So many times their circumstances are beyond anybody’s control. I as well as they need to just let go and lay them before God — He is the only one who can help them. I need to pause more and seek Him, truly casting everything before Him, and not trying to meet needs before my needs are met by Him.
Dear Sister,
I’m 39 weeks and 1 day pregnant…planning a vbac. Please remember us in your prayers.
Thank you for all you do.
Thank you for reminding me who to turn to instead of worrying and wondering why I feel so burdened.
I love your articles! I get the Proverbs 31 devotion everyday on my work email. I open it up first thing in the morning to give me good start to the day……
Just today I have spent a good deal of time worrying about some rather minor situations at work. Because I am not physically in the office today, I had to rely on others to take care of a couple of things for me and that required several emails back and forth. Instead of just trusting that others could take care of the situations (which they did with a little guidance) and letting them have the chance to show what they could do, I felt this heavy burden to do it all myself even though I couldn’t actually travel there today.
This message was just what I needed. So often, when I am worrying and feeling overwhelmed, it is because I feel like I have to be in control of everything instead of really turning it over to God. I know I can actually control very little, but the temptation to take all these burdens on myself is strong. Thanks for the reminder to “cast my cares” to Him instead.
Dear Renee,
What a timely reminder. Tuesday I was worrying about something, and then it didn’t happen. Wednesday I started worrying about something else, and it did happen, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I try to stop worrying and give my cares and concerns to God, but I need to remember to pray about EVERYTHING and then thank Him. He is always faithful time and time again. Even when my worst fears happen, He is there with me.
This was just what I need to hear/read today. I need to be reminded about worry — it is so sneaky!
Similar to your index cards, I set up a “God box”, a simple decorative box, where I can figuratively or literally put my worries and concerns. Sometimes just seeing or touching the box and praying will “deposit” that concern in God’s hands, and sometimes I need to write it out and physically put it there. Whatever it takes to remember to take all my concerns to the One who loves and renews me the most.
Dear Renee,
The story of Martha and Mary has been the story of my life. I want to try to chose to do what Mary did, but it seems hard to do when life gets very complicated. I pray that by practising these 3 steps I will be able to trust and receive the Lord’s peace for my ever wonder mind, and that I can take time to rest without feeling guilty.
Wow, I’m glad to know that I’m not alone here, but sorry that this is such a common stress-load! In our home, we frequently stop to “count our blessings” when things get bumpy, but I have noticed that I tend to let the load of this world pile up on my lap rather than “giving it to God.” Worse yet, even after handing it all over to Him, I seem to want to take it back. How crazy is that??? Can I do a better job than my maker-certainly not! Thank you for pointing out that time wasted on worry is simply time wasted. My motto for the month (after I make that list!) will be “Let go, let God, get going!” 🙂