I have a P31 devotion today and want to say hello and “welcome” if you found your way here through it! I’m so glad you stopped by!
I wish we could sit in a coffee shop and chat today.
I’d love to talk with you about things that are weighing you down or worries that are making you weary. They always seem to lighten when shared with a friend.
I’d tell you about the year I let my problems pile up and how all that pressure almost took me down. It’s all in chapter 9 of my book including the story about how I accidentally took my dogs medicine one morning.
In my devotion, I shared how God has been changing me and rearranging me. I also promised to share three steps to overcome worry and a practical way to physically give God your concerns! Since we can’t chat in a coffee shop today, I decided to share my heart in a short video post.
Message Notes: You can download my “Video Message Notes” in a PDF here or in a Word doc here. They include the points of my message, verses and blanks to fill in. {If you’d like to watch more FREE Confident Heart videos based on my book, click here.}
Let’s Connect & A Giveaway: I’d love to hear your thoughts and one thing you want to apply after reading today’s devotion and hearing the video message. Click “share your thoughts” right below this post and do just that. 🙂
Your comment enters you in today’s “Come to Me” stress-relief gift pack giveaway which ncludes a Bath & Body Works Eucalyptus Mint candle, God-iva Dark Chocolate and an Chamomile Lavender scented Anti-Stress Comfort Wrap that can be refrigerated or microwaved depending on your preference – my favorite home spa treatment!!
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Love this video and is much needed for me today. The past week or so I’ve just been weary… very tired. I honestly don’t do anything to be tired but work. Usually after I come home from work I just sit around and relax the rest of the evening. But God keeps saying to me, Come to me Kim, you are weary and heavy laden… I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart. I shall find rest for my souls. Rest comes from trusting in God and like you said giving all your worries and cares to God. I need your all’s prayers today… But I know God will help me. I am going to apply the writing down whenever a worry comes into my heart or mind… and write it down and give it to God. Easier said than done I know… so I could use prayers for giving it all to God and not picking it back up again. Love this study and it seems to be right on time for me in this season of my life, where my faith is being tested. God bless you Renee and others, and thank God for this study!
This hit home so drastically. I don’t even realize that I worry about EVERYTHING. It is pointed out for me. I have been working on recognzing “my stressers” and de-tangling myself from them. This devotion, showed me where to go in GOD’s word to find refuge. I am new to the Proverbs31 ministries, having found Melissa Taylor’s bible studies. I am so blessed to have stumled upon your ministry. All ready in such a short time I have been blessed. Trying to organize the “inner me” with God’s directions, and blessings.
May GOD bless each and everyone of you leaders, and you bless each of us in way you don’t even know.
Phil 4:6-7 is a life verse for me, and I teach it to my kids. Renee, I love your ministry, you are so gifted, and genuine! Thank you for your ever timely devotionals, and for sharing yourself and your heart with us!
Peace and Blessings to you!
I like the idea of giving my worries and doubts to God at the cross. Maybe for me, instead of a cross (I have too much clutter!), I’ll get a journal with a cross on the cover, because Jesus has my worries “covered”. I really do need to start praying more. Oh, I do pray occasionally (“help!”) but I can’t seem to fit in time for real prayers. I’m just not sure how to teach my family to give me some time for it. They all want or need something constantly and it’s hard to carve out any time for myself.
I don’t know if you work or not, but I pray for about an hour on my way to work every morning. Well, inbetween songs, but you get the point.
I have 3 kiddos, a hubby and a very very very needy 85lb lap dog- so when I’m at home I pray when I actually get to shower alone, or when I’m swapping laundry in the utility room- cause I’m definitely the only one in that room of the house!
I feel very ‘me time’ deprived like you and I have began praying more for God to show me how I can get that ME time when there already isn’t enough time in the day for everything else.
Your sister in Christ,
I worry about many things. Phil. 4:6-7 is one of my favorite verses. I love the idea of writing own your worries and leaving them at the cross. Thank you so much for sharing this devotional.
It was no mistake that I “stumbled” onto your devotion today. This is my first time. It was God. For the past few months (more like 6 months) I have been dealing with issues stemming from the loss of my husband’s job 2 years ago, the loss of our house and finally a bancruptcy that has turned our lives upsidedown. It has been a struggle for us to “get back on our feet” and right now we are both working, but part time and it just doesn’t seem to be enough to make us breathe easier. My heart and mind have been full of me and mine that I really haven’t been able to “happy” about anyone or any thing else. The summer months are harder. I lose most of my students (I teach piano) during the summer and my income is cut almost by 3/4. It picks back up in the fall but we really struggle in summer. Your devotion today was no accident. I prayed last night for God to help me get my “happy” back. To help me deal with my stresses in a more productive and positive way. I know it isn’t going to happen overnight. But it will, I know. Thank you for your words today.
Praying for you Ginger and so sorry for your husband’s job loss and your’s. I love leaning into God’s promise in Philippians 4:19 “And this same God, who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” Praying for God to provide for you in such amazing ways that you know it’s all from Him.
Ginger I pray your strength in the Lord during this temporary set back. I can relate because we went through some of the same things as you and your family. As a matter of fact, June 26th it will be two years that we have been homeless. Things have not been as I would have hem, but God has been faithful and provided ALL of our needs just as He promised in His Word. I would worry and get anxious about something, God would send an unexpected blessing P31 ministries keeps me encouraged even when I just want to wallow in self-pity. The devotions are always just what I needed for that particular moment. I pray for increase, overflow, and peace in your life and that of your family. I thank and praise Him for all He is doing and about to do in your life! You are VICTORIOUS my sister. Peace, Love, and many Blessings!
Thanks for your inspired words. I’m moving my family from Ga to Minnesota the day after tomorrow and to say I’m stressed is an understatement.
Melinda, are you from MN or will this be your first time to the state? Remember, you can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you!
To what city/town will you be moving? I live here and can give you tips if you need.
Hang in there!
I totally needed your devotion. I read it yesterday & then wasn’t able to comment per the kids, so now I am commenting after such a difficult morning that I sometimes worry about my sanity:) All joking aside, the Lord used your devotion in my life! ~Blessings~
Sometimes I feel I am asking the same thing from God day after day @ the SAme worry. I am going to try & write these worries on the cards & then reflect back on them bc at times I am afraid i’ll forget one. Then I can look back through them to thank God for the ones I no longer worry about. : )
The thing that bothers me about my worrying is the hardness I feel in my heart towards God. After so much worrying and seemingly unanswered prayers, this devo, along with Ch 9 in the book is going to take some real practice. Praying these words, teaching and scriptures will permeate my heart and become a daily reality!
I just read the Proverbs 31 devotional, right after waking up and beginning the day with worry over work situations. I know this was God’s care in His perfect timing. I was reading through the comments and love how one comment generates another and this seems to be a community of care and concern.
Summer is always a time of potential financial stress and “worry” for our family since my husband teaches at a small Christian school and doesn’t receive his normal paycheck for two months. He and I also have part-time jobs, but they don’t have any guaranteed hours. We have always seen God provide, in different ways each year, and I am slowly learning to release my worry and “I have to do something” tendencies and embrace God’s promises. Thank you for your reminders of His faithfulness.
Oh boy, you’ve “hit the nail on the head” for me, dear sister! Life has been difficult for the past several months…with 3 deaths (one very close) and major life-changing events coming up in 3 of my four children’s lives…
There’s plenty to “worry” about…and like you, I think-think-think. Worry does make me weary. I believe I was born worrying (at least it was there when I was small, because people I know mentioned it to me.) It will take an act of God to change me…to renew my mind. But I am willing…because it is SO true that worry steals our energy and keeps us from doing what is important…by paralyzing us.
As for your message…yep, I get it. God bless us, every one!
Oh, and I too like the idea of a cross to put my worries to…I have one that says “TRUST” on it…and I have put the name of one of my children who has been struggling under the cross…Thanks for the reminders to go back to God…to sit with Him like Mary did…I am weary and just need time to rest in His presence…
I really needed to read this today. My brain is wired to think, think, think & usually it’s multiple things at once & I’m always going over possible outcomes of this or that or how I’m going to deal with this or that & a lot of things that really just end up amounting to worry. I struggle with finding energy to manage my life & constantly struggle with having confidence and deal with a lot of neck tension (which doesn’t help that I already have TMJ) and I’ve even been stressed out about the neck & back trouble I’ve had over the last week. After reading this article I’m pretty sure that it is truly rooted in stress and worry. So, soon as I finish commenting I’m going to write in my journal and talk to God and find things to be thankful for and give the worrying & over thinking a rest.
God has been working on me about this very issue!!! I have been hospitalized 3 times and almost died all 3 times over the past 7 or 8 years from the stress of everything and now my husband has lost his job again. Now my daughter has recently been diagnosed with OCD. The only good thing about his losing his job was that it qualified us for a childrens health plan for only $7.00 a month for full coverage and only $5.00 co pays. I could have never afforded to pay for the kind of help she needs when my husband was working as we were barely making it as it was. So I see gods hand in this and I just have to keep telling myself to let go and let god and stop trying to take things back because he does know what he is doing !!!!
I love your honesty…that encourages me!
I am so glad that I turned on my laptop tonight. I just underwent surgery yesterday and felt God’s presence with me prior to and after the procedure. Today however I had a minor setback and as I lie in bed tonight worry overcame me. I began to doubt whether or not I should have undertake the surgery and started to worry about the outcome. Since I could not sleep I decided to check out Renee’s post which reminded me that there is no sense in worrying and God is in control. I am now feeling like I can go to sleep and rest in that assurance.
Blessing to all who are struggling with worry 🙂
Praying God’s healing for you!
You are reading my mail! This is me lately. Worry has paralyzed me so many times in my life. I need to rely on God. He’s been working on my trust in him lately, and I have so much more to learn. I think the cross on my nightstand is a great idea. I think worry banishing scripture would be better;) thanks for the resources… Time for more trusting and less worry! Step by step….
God bless my sisters;)
Love ya!
Dear Renee,
I feel that God was speaking to me through you tonight. I have been worried so much about surviving next school year, that I can’t even enjoy my days off from teaching this summer. I only have a month left. (Our school begins the first of August). I have been praying to God for energy, strength and wisdom about my teaching job. I love to teach but the job is getting so hard in other ways. Last year I worked 10 hours or more daily and most weekends. I couldn’t figure out how to do the job any other way.
I am going to try your suggestion and try to write all my teaching responsiblities and duties etc down and ask God to show me how to do eliminate some of it. God Bless you and your ministry. I hope you realize how much your words mean to many of us. rose
Thanks for the resources you share today! I have been worrying about my two younger daughters. The youngest has been involved with a group of friends who are making poor choices with self hurting behaviors. The next to the youngest has made some very poor choices, took her step-mothers car without permission, yet she got an excellent report card ??? I can only make suggestions to their father on how to discipline the girls and I worried all day yesterday, then I was mad at God because I tried to do all the right things as they we’re growing up, then I started praying.
I was looking for a good devotional and came across this website. I really needed to hear this! Thank you for your words!
After listening to the devotional today, I know the Lord is talking to me. Over the last 2 weeks, worry has taken away my spirit, my hope, not to mention feeling totally drained even after 8 hours of sleep. Your idea of index cards and writing down your worry is a wonderful way to share your worries with the Lord, especially when you do not want to share with other in hope that you will not bring them down too. But for me I think I will make mine a Worry/Blessing Journal.. this way I can write down my worries, continuing each day if I need to, but also I can include scripture along with the blessing in which I need to say thank you for. This way I can be very specific with my Lord, because it will be between us even though He already know all and especially my heart. I thank you Renee for the idea, your dedication to help others grow in their relationship with the Lord. And I will to install in my daily life PPT: Press Pause – to stop worrying, P- to pray, and T to thank the Lord for all the blessing I have….. I pray that each one of us is becoming closer to the Lord with our own relationship, that we have and will be given the opportunity to witness to others and share His love and forgiveness. God Bless
Hi Renee,
Reading your devotion today, I felt as if you were talking to me. I saw you at a Women’s Conference in Iowa a few years back and felt I could relate to many of the things you discussed. I too constantly have many thoughts fluttering about it my head and a hard time slowing them down! I’ve always been a worrier and have now had a child who suffers from a severe CHD (Congenital Heart Defect), so this problem hasn’t gotten any easier. Worry is something I’d like to rid myself of. Thanks for sharing this.
What perfect timing…so like our caring Father. I’m living in India and just returned from a small, quiet town on a hill, where I was in language school. It was peaceful, beautiful and COOL. Now I’m back in my desert city, faced with the noise, dust heat and sewing women I’m working with. On top of that, after being gone for 5 weeks, there is so much to do that needs to be caught up on…cleaning, shopping for food and household items (there’s no one stop shopping here, so this in itself can take days), people to reconnect with. Yesterday I was feeling overwhelmed and I shared this with a few ladies I pray with. In the evening a mentor asked how my quiet time had been. What? Why that question? I had to admit that I hadn’t had any quiet time for a few days. Leaving me very convicted. And this is what was waiting for me this morning. Thank you. My roommate and I are working through your Confident Woman book, it’s touching me in unexpected areas. Thanks for your ministry.
This is my greatest area of weakness. Thanks for the resources!
You have hit the nail on the head! I tend to let Galatians 6:9 beat me up instead of listening to the Lord tell me to slow the pace and dwell with Him in the moments. I hear, “Don’t get tired, must keep going…” like the Energizer Bunny beating in my head instead of hearing the Lord’s calm voice saying, “Don’t try to do it all at once; spend some time with me along the way; My grace is sufficient for you.”
I am going to try your suggestion of making a list and giving it all to the Lord. I am a list maker – not so much on the checking off, but I am working on this.
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement especially through the video part of your blog. It was nice to have the transcript to keep with me as a reminder of the verses, too.
I so loved today’s devotional & chapter 9… I giggled when you mentioned you took your dog’s seizure medication instead of your allergy medication-oh my, The most I’ve done was take my medicine-but wonder later if I did or not? Thank you so much for sharing such deep and personal actual events they touch me to the core-and that’s a God thing! 🙂 I need to repeat this to myself stop worrying, start praying, and keep Thanking. I wanted to share this with you- I subscribe to “Our Daily Bread” RBC ministries- and my Saturday Devotions just meshed with what you have been teaching & helping us with:
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 13:14
When I was a child someone close to me thought they could motivate me to do better by frequently asking, “Why are you so stupid”? I didn’t know how much this had affected me until I was a teenager and heard someone behind me say, “Stupid!” Ath the word, I quickly turned around, thinking he was talking to me. Knowing Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord helped me to realize that because God created me in His image(Gen.1:27) I’m not stupid but am “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Ps.139:14) God declares that all He has made is “very good” (Gen.1:31) and the Psalms remind us that we are “skillfully wrought” (Ps.139:15) The psalmist David describes how God knows each one of us intimately: “O Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways” (vv1-3) Not only are we wonderfully made, but because of Christ’s death on the cross, we can also be wonderfully restored to a right relationship with God. “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation…All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ” (2Cor.5:17-18 NIV)
I just thought this went hand in hand with what I am learning from “A Confident Heart” It’s such a positive feeling-being surrounded by His love, in everything I do, see, and hear… I feel like a sponge-thirsty for more!
Aloha from Hawaii xoxoxoxo
P.S. I used to be a BIG TIME WORRY WART- I worried for everyone – I carried the world on my shoulders- besides trying to keep the perfect spotless house waiting for guests to come eat off my floors that’s how clean my house was…I’m not saying it’s not clean today- it’s more lived in- You see God helped me- I am a survivor of stage III Invasive Ductal Carcinoma- Breast Cancer- I never looked at this cancer as evil, but a blessing.. I learned to STOP worrying and start LIVING! I do things in His time not mine- those little dust bunnies can wait until tomorrow if need be- and I don’t rush no more either-I get there when I get there (doesn’t mean I’m always late- I just have a better grip on time management) and reading this book “A Confident Heart” and being able to share with all these lovely women from all over, helps me tremendously- Thank you God for showing me the way. Amen!
I spent most of the day in bed, worrying about my son and other things. I needed this so badly today!!! Jesus knows just what we need and in perfect timing!! 🙂
Yes I know God is in control of my life ,no job in hand, living in a foreign country at the mercy of the sponsor ,a broken family relationship ,no husband and children ,left at the mercy of the Almighty ,still at peace, because i know my creator is busy working for me ,so i spent my time prayering for others ,while My lord is working for me .
Praise the Almighty
Your devotion was exactly what I needed today. I need to give my worries and concerns to God every day–even multiple times throughout the day. I am a big worrier and get very easily stressed. I have been dealing with this lately and I needed the eye opening reminder to give it to Him and lean on Him for every situation.
Wow! “Too many good things but not the things God has for me”–this is such a great thing to keep in mind. Also, “serving God more than seeking Him”–that’s the second time today that I have “stumbled” across this idea. I think He is trying to get my attention:) Thank you!
Thank you for these simple, practical & helpful tips! Love the cross by the bedside idea with notecards. I sometimes get so overwhelmed that I feel almost paralyzed. Looking forward to trying these ideas!
Today’s devotions has given me encouragement I really needed. Burdens have me weighed down. Family problems and health. I needed to hear the words you gave today in the devotion. Thank you and God bless
After reading your devotional today, I can totally relate. I dont have a full time job but yet my day is so filled with deadlines, appointments, getting the kids to the games on time, practices, swimming lessons, grocery shopping, paying bills, taking care of everything and being responsible for everything!..overwhelming..I do have a quiet prayer place I go to talk with God. It has been very difficult this year though, as I loss my super best loyal canine friend, Wishbone. I couldnt speak high enough of him. God knows how much joy Wishbone brought to me and he died on March 17th this year. He used to go to “our special prayer place down back” all the time and this year it’s been hard for me to go to our special place knowing he’s not physically there, but I need to still make that time for me and God. I must tell myself I need time alone with God, as I did before. I try to tell myself Wishbone is still with me spiritually and wouldnt want me to stop going to our special place, neither would our almighty God who knows my busy hectic schedule and the love and joy Wishbone had brought to me
Worry doesn’t necessarily make me weary, but stress sure does! I could really use the give-away.
Thanks so much for reminding me to hang out in His presence and let Him be my refuge.
He totally “gets” us and we need not avoid taking in a healthy dose of Vitamin C-hrist!
Be Blessed – Sending Prayers your way from Alaska…A.E.
Really needed this right now. Thanks!
I used to say that my mom was such a worrier that if there was not really anything about which to worry, she would invent something. I have since learned that all my worries are of my invention because I never learned to take them to Jesus. I like the idea of writing them down on a card and offering them to Jesus, but I would also add tearing them into pieces before putting them into the Jesus basket to give me a visual of destroying and giving up the worry completely [until it hits me the next time ;-)].
Thank you for the scripture references that guide me. With God’s love, care, guidance I can learn to cast my cares to Him. Worry isn’t going to solve anything.
God is so good, He will take my burdens and give me rest
I can so relate just like so many women out there about trying to do so much and worrying about not getting things done. I love the story about mary and martha because so many times I am martha and am slowly learning to be mary! Thank you for being so obedient to God’s calling on your life so you may bless other women!
Renee, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I realized that I have been so consumed in worry and stress that I, actually, find myself pulling away from God and engrossing myself in other things that take less effort. As I pull away from God and my family things just keep getting worse. The Lord’s words are so true, I do what I don’t want to do and don’t do what I want to do. Thank God we have an awesome God!
Uh.h…..Are you video taping my mind? Thank you so much for the practical help, you spoke right into my heart and blessed me tremendously. I plan to apply your practical help: Stop worrying, Start praying, & Keep thanking God(more than 1 but I need to apply them all!). I also need to seek more and serve less! Thank you again so much, I’m glad God is speaking through you!:)
My marriage is in turmoil because of my worrying. I feel like all of the weight is on my shoulders because my husband has a care free attitude. He doesn’t worry if the bills will get paid, or if there will be enough money for food and gas for the week, or the fact that I already can’t pay for my last few college classes to receive my Bachelor’s Degree that I have been working on so hard and so long… and NOW the loans are about to start coming in the mail for repayment! The kids don’t have a sitter for the summer and they are getting shifted around from family member to friend and I’m driving over 120 miles a day to get them to and from and I’m getting 4 hours of sleep if that a night working 10+ hours a day at my job… This list could go on and on and on! But with the help of my so totally awesome co-worker and sister-in-christ I am working very very hard on giving all of THAT to God. I pray all the way to work and all the way home, but I don’t truly ever give it to God. I am all talk and no action when it comes to giving my worries to God to handle. And now my husband has been hurt so deeply that our marriage could be in deep trouble.
So unbeknownst to me I have had 3 lessons that have popped up that are going to help me stop worrying:
1. cleaning my mind of impure thoughts
2. making sure my personal line to God is not shorted out by snakes of sin
3. trusting in the Lord so I don’t drown in a sea of worry
It’s amazing how Sunday I didn’t go to church but I watched my pastor, Kerry Shook (Fellowship Of the Woodlands- TX), and his sermon was the sermon he preached on my very first visit to FOTW about what you may ask???? Revving up your life, but more importantly cleaning your tank of impurities.
Then at work our morning meeting always starts with a devotional and yesterday was about letting the ‘snake’ of negativities like: anger, bitterness, corrupt talk, unforgiving attitutde short circuit our powerline to God and block out the Holy Spirit from our hearts. RE: 2 Samuel 22:37
And today was about trusting in the Lord. Instead of resting on the promises of God to take care of what burdens me sometimes, no make that most of the time I start panicing and spinning into a downward spiral instead of just looking UP.
RE: Proverbs 16:20
I know after reading your ‘When worry makes me weary’ today that I am definitely on the right track to getting my life with our Father back on track! I also know that through God’s promise to never give me more than I can bear that I WILL repair the relationship and spark a new connection with my husband ONLY because I am getting honest with God and not trying to control every little thing that is going on in my life. It’s okay to not know what will happen and trust that the Lord will take care of it.- I can do this!!!
Praying for you and your marriage Tiffany ….. I love the verses in Exodus 14:14 “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” and Romans 12:12 “12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”
I’m thinking I need to be still before Him and let him deal with the worries and doubts and I need to be joyful in Him, patient, and pray and pray some more.
Blessings and praying for you.
Thank you for the ‘oh so needed’ prayers, Donna! I am going to dive into Exodus and Romans this afternoon!
God certainly knows when I need to read/hear the right message. Thank you for this today 🙂 Like many others who have posted, I know that the tabletop cross where I can lay my concerns card will be the perfect solution.
thank you again!
I am so glad God led me to your book (and you!) at this difficult time in my life. As you know, I’ve lost my father-in-law, mom, stepmom, and daddy in the last 5 months. My husband has tonsil cancer and he has gotten mean since his treatment started, in fact he hit me and knocked me down when we got home from chemo today. He has never hit me, I know he’s sick, but that’s no excuse. I’ll forgive him, once. Next time, I’m gone, cancer or no cancer. I’m stressed to the max. I realize reading this book that I really need to have some God confidence. I’m glad I’m learning how to get it.
This devotion dovetails the book “A Praying Life” that I am currently reading. The author is Paul E. Miller. I’m learning that God wants us to relate to Him in a child-like way: total and utter dependence on Him, and asking Him for ALL our needs.
I often feel anxiety and failure because I am not able to get everything done in one day I would like. I feel like I fail my daughter by not being a homeschooling mom. She attends a wonderful christian school, one her dad and I struggle to keep her in. I won’t put her in a Los Angeles public school so I prayed and God led me where she is today.
This post hit home and was a great read and a wonderful reminder of Gods love and devotion to us as His children.
Wow! This message really hit home with me today. Recently, I have been very anxious. I have been worrying for no apparent reason. Your story helps me to remember that only God can take this anxiety away and that I should also turn to him.
Wow. I wasn’t going to hit the link but I’m so glad I did. This blog and video are so telling. I have been completely overwhelmed with worry and trying to solve it all, all by myself. Not only is this helping me to redirect back to God, but I can’t wait to share this with three dear friends who have had more thrown on their plates than anyone needs lately. Thank you. I’ll be heading to the bookstore for the book this weekend!
I’m dealing with many things I’m on my mind. Still praying to find God’s will for me. Lately, I feel lost and, alone but I know in my heart God is there I can’t explain it but I know it’s there. Since my injury, i have lost my social life, zumba, and loss of hours at work. I’m so tired of asking for help for assistance but I hold my tongue and do it. I know many other people have it worse. I’m trying to find out how to pay the hospital cost because I’m in the process of switching insurance so hopefully things will work out. Many of my friends are telling me (including my parents) to see if the apartment is covered since I hurt myself there and I should send the bill there. I really do not like doing that but only working 8-10 hours a week is difficult and alos to pay your rent is hard. I’m still searching for a full-time job and also praying because I’m worry that I will have to move out again but trying so hard to trust in God. I know God is in Control but this week has been emotional one more than ever. This study couldn’t be more timing of everything I’m going through..Thank you Renee
Praying for you …. and when I find myself feeling all alone and lost I look to Chapter 12 of Renee’s book. I love being able to recapture those promises that she shares with us there. I love the promise in Duet 31:6 “The Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.” And I also love Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Praying that God will wrap you in these verses and reveal Himself to you in new and exciting ways as you lean into Him.
Wow, thank you..I have a bookmark that has the verse Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Thank you for your prayers and support..I will be praying for all of you..