I have a P31 devotion today and want to say hello and “welcome” if you found your way here through it! I’m so glad you stopped by!
I wish we could sit in a coffee shop and chat today.
I’d love to talk with you about things that are weighing you down or worries that are making you weary. They always seem to lighten when shared with a friend.
I’d tell you about the year I let my problems pile up and how all that pressure almost took me down. It’s all in chapter 9 of my book including the story about how I accidentally took my dogs medicine one morning.
In my devotion, I shared how God has been changing me and rearranging me. I also promised to share three steps to overcome worry and a practical way to physically give God your concerns! Since we can’t chat in a coffee shop today, I decided to share my heart in a short video post.
Message Notes: You can download my “Video Message Notes” in a PDF here or in a Word doc here. They include the points of my message, verses and blanks to fill in. {If you’d like to watch more FREE Confident Heart videos based on my book, click here.}
Let’s Connect & A Giveaway: I’d love to hear your thoughts and one thing you want to apply after reading today’s devotion and hearing the video message. Click “share your thoughts” right below this post and do just that. 🙂
Your comment enters you in today’s “Come to Me” stress-relief gift pack giveaway which ncludes a Bath & Body Works Eucalyptus Mint candle, God-iva Dark Chocolate and an Chamomile Lavender scented Anti-Stress Comfort Wrap that can be refrigerated or microwaved depending on your preference – my favorite home spa treatment!!
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I have never thought of my stress as my captivity, but seeing that scripture made me realize it is. I am captured in stress! Thank goodness I know who can free me!!
I have spent most of the years I can remember worrying. You see, when I was six years old my life changed in one day. My mom called me into her old room at her parents house and told me she and dad were getting a divorce, and that we would be living there, at grandma and grandpas starting today. I never got to say good-bye to friends, my school, my room, nothing. I felt like the room started spinning, and I ran out of the bedroom and got sick in the bathroom. From that point on I worried if I wasn’t in control of everything, then my world would once again spin out of control. I don’t like the unpredictible in life, I thrive on routine, and feel most secure knowing what will happen. Unfortunately life isn’t predictible, and I can’t always happen. I developed anxiety disorder as a child, and while it stopped for a time, it hit me again in my twenties. I have to try very hard to give my worry to God. I mean really give it to Him, not just in words, but in my heart. It’s hard for me to even let go of things and give them to God, and that makes me sad. I am learning daily to do it more and more though, and it has relieved so much of my anxiety. I don’t think my anxiety will ever leave me, but you never know what God’s plans are 🙂 However, I am starting to understand that it is OK to let those anxious feelings exsist, as long as I have given them to God. If I trust God with the thoughts causing the feelings, most often the feelings will follow. I figure if they don’t, God has a reason for them being there, and that make me feel Good and a bit more at ease too.
I LOVE your idea of putting a cross by my bed and then writing my worry down on a 3 x 5 card and letting it go, leaving it literally at the cross, and with God! I am definately going to have to do that! I loved your video today. It really hit home! Thanks Renee 🙂
Hi Renee. I am currently reading your book A Confident Heart with a group of girls from church and it has helped me become more vulnerable and open up in ways that I never have before. It was really neat to see that you had graduated from Meredith College because I graduated from there as well. I have struggled with some of the same things you shared in your book. Thank you so much for being so honest and sharing your story. It has really uplifted me and encouraged me to be more for HIM!!
I read your devotion today as well and it really hit home for me. Especially where you said, “My mind is wired to think a lot so I’d gotten used to the constant flurry of motion in my brain. Yet anxiety had crept in slowly, causing tangles in my thoughts, a tightening in my chest, and tension in my neck. Some days I couldn’t stop thinking about ALL I needed to do.” I have issues with anxiety from time to time and like you describe here, it is something that creeps in slowly. If I do not have my daily quiet time with the Lord, it gets to the point where I feel like it is going to consume me. It is encouraging to know that I am not the only one that NEEDS that quiet time with him in order not to stress and become anxious.I am a thinker as well and if I am not careful, I find myself thinking about things and not praying about them.But, when I have quiet time with Him and get in His presence, it becomes clear that all I need to do is lean and trust in Him and He will take care of the rest. Thank you again:) God Bless! Vicky
Thank you God for this timely devotion and your promise to be my help and my rest. YOU ARE SO GOOD!
I try so hard to live by the Philipians 4 scripture to ask God for anything, but always be thankful for what he is doing. I like your idea of giving your cares to God by writing it down and placing it at the foot of a cross. I will definitely try that. My pastor once suggested we write down our “to do list” when our minds begin to wander during prayer.
I always know when its time to slow down and relax; but don’t always listen to what God is telling me. It is nice to know that others feel the same way.
Thank you, Renee. You highlighted an area that I didn’t realize was there. I’m reminded of the verse in Luke 12 which asks who can add an hour to his life by worrying. I believe the danger is that most of us don’t see it as a worry. We’ve changed the word to “concern” or for some we need to have things “all figured out”. It doesn’t help that it is an accepted notion that our brains are constantly “thinking a lot”
I have a question though,
How can you separate the need to think on things without overdoing it when you don’t recognize what you’re thinking as a worry?
Thanks for your words! I need to be brought back to these thoughts often.
Once again, God provided just what I needed to hear when I needed it. Having to trust Him not only with my life, but others as well (not sure how I think I can take care of them when we live several hours apart & I can’t drive, but have been). The title is perfect. Worry has definitely been making me weary.
Worry and perfectionism go hand in hand for me. I feel if I worry myself through every situation things will turn out okay. What struck my was your words that “worry is Satan’s acid in our hearts”, WOW!. I never thought if it like that but that’s sure what it feels like, a churning in my stomach every time I worry. I have a plaque by my bed, “Leave you worries with God before you go to sleep, he’s going to be up all night anyway.” I can write my notecards and leave them by the plaque. I sure could use the destress worry giveaway today, taking time for myself just isn’t something I ever do.
Thank you! Your words are always timely. I am going to write out my cards now.
As a new mom to a newborn who must face a major surgery, I have done my share of wondering and worry. I am learning to refocus this worry into prayer and trust in God’s word and rest in knowing He is with us continually. Thank you for your great devotions and work withP31
This has been a very challenging year. Dealing with an unfaithful and spouse, a nasty divorce that seems never ending, financial stress, and being w single mom to 3 beautiful children, including a newborn. I would be lying, if I were to say that this past year has been free of worry. However, as I reflect back, we have been provided for. It hasn’t been easy, but we have been blessed in many ways. This journey has made me realize that I really can do anything by taking it one day at time. There are still a lot of uncertainties about what the future may bring, but I am confident that He is in control. I have hope for the future and am so thankful for a loving, caring God.
By the way, I love the index card idea.
Wow, so me!! Thanks for the words of advice. I wearier than words can say from an overwhelming life rigt now. I think your post will help!
Just what I needed to read. WEARY could be my middle name.. Have wrtitten down Phil. 4: 6-7 plan to memorize and apply to my life.
As a busy, working, single mom of three teenage boys, I can totally relate to this devotion. I tend to worry way too much and have been working on learning how to let it go and give it to God especially about situations that I have no control over but God has control over everything. It’s a daily struggle. I’m one of those people who even worry about problems that may arise in the future. There are many days when I feel overwhelmed with too many things to do and not enough time or hands to get it done but I know that God is faithful and gives me comfort and peace when I need it the most. God bless!
I read your devotional this morning and it is an answer to prayer. I found out yesterday I have to have a knee replacement. The Surgeon told me all that could go wrong and in my normal way I began to focus on them. Last night I prayed God would give me wisdom on this choice and peace on the choice. Thank you also for your wonderful book. I am in the online study group which has also been a blessing.
Thank you, this is a big area of struggle for me. As we enter our 4th month of unemployment for my husband and the kids just finished school, worries of dwindling savings, what to do with 2 boys for the summer on little budget and not to give up ministry have been difficult to keep at bay. His word says ..with prayer and thanksgiving.. I will choose today to be thankful and offer prayers rather than try to figure it all out myself. Blessings and Peace.
Our ladies’ bible study this week just so happens to be on the topic of fear. After listening to today’s devotional, I’ve decided to suggest that together, as a group, we do one of the practical applications Renee suggests. We’re going to write our fears/worries/concerns on note cards and then lay them all (upside down, if desired) at the feet of Jesus (at the cross)!! After a personal time of confession, commitment, etc., we’ll put all of the cards in the shredder!!!
I often find myself stressing about finances and making sure my kids stay busy as well as meeting the needs of others, that it has worn me down. This message was right on time for me, reminding me to go to God and seek His wisdom in all of these things and to cast all my cares on Him. Thank you for the encouragement, it was well needed!
Life is becoming busier and busier daily. I always feel like there is not enough time in the day, or I used to fee that way. Now I take one day at a time. I have found that when I make time for Jesus, He makes sure I have time for everything else. I love the Lord for that and I pray that when times get hard for each and everyone of us that we know we can go to God and He will be the calm in the midst of the storm. Be Blessed.
Love your idea about the “concern cards.” I would like to create a “Give it to God” journal and write down my worries every night. I pray that God will help me to trust him, pray my concerns to him, and lift the worry from my heart.
Thank you so much for the encouragement and scripture that reminds me to give it all over to God and stop with all the worries. My grandmother is one who worries and gets really anxious about little unimportant things. I tend to take after her, but through God’s word I have learned to rely on Him and trust Him. Now I am also teaching my son, who is also a worry wort, how to do the same at an early age. Your devotion was exactly what I needed to hear today to remind me that I need to quit talking to myself and listening to Satan and start talking more about it to God. Thanks again!
Hmmm…looks like there are a few of us women that are worriers! I too love the suggestion of the cross on the bedside table. I am so visual and this is a great way to give it over to God and show satan just where my worries are going.
God bless you and your ministry!
The verse Renee shared in the video message from Philippians 4:6-7 has become one I lean on–a life verse of sorts. So thankful that God loves us so much that he wants us to come to Him for all our needs! I once suffered with anxiety disorder–Jesus has used this verse to calm and heal my heart…Thankful for the work He is doing!
Good morning girls! What a great devotion today Renee. Thank you for the clip as well in which you shared how to help stop worrying so much. I will certainly be trying to do that with Gods grace and help. I ts difficult when you have many thoughts tying to come and take your peace but I have to try and do it and rest on the Lord. Its difficult to do it but once you do you dont want to get up, you want to keep resting always. I need encouragement about a boyfriend situation but thank you for reminding me Renee that my part is to pray and let go let God doHis part and rest in HIm and thank Him. Great job thank you
Thank you so much for the words of wisdom. I too worry about everything, sometimes I worry that maybe I should be more worried! I love the advice that you are doing lots of good things, but they weren’t God things! I also loved the three steps. I will be doing this starting today.
I need to STOP in the middle of each flurry of worry and ask God to show me how to handle it.
This really hit home for me….I have to learn to really place all my life into God’s hands. That means everything!! Even the things I think I can handle. 🙂
Renee, I thought I was the only person in the world who accidentally took my dog’s medicine! I did it two days in a row though, and couldn’t figure out why I was peeing bright orange! Everyone at school was worried about me. One of the best though was when I accidentally took my sleeping pill instead of my allergy pill one morning. I was pumping in the coffee that day trying to stay on my feet!
I love your transparency and humble heart. You so often encourage me and I never take time to say it. God has been speaking to me a lot about anxiety and I needed to be reminded again. Thank-you, sweet Renee.
EXACTLY what I needed today. I find when worry starts, each little successive thing creates a snowball of anxiety. Because of stress this past week, I’ve created tension with my husband now he’s leaving on a business trip today! Of course, now I feel guilty, which I then add to my worries… Thank you for this timely reminder. I need to give each worry to God.
WOW! I needed that!! We are in a new phase of life right now with big decisions to make and some little ones too! I’ve had a knot in my stomach the last few days!! God sure knows what we need and He knew I needed this devotional TODAY!! Thank you for sharing Gods’ heart!
I always enjoy your video chats…just starting your book today…you are just one more person God is using to remind me that He has it all in control and He loves me…wow…wish I could put this message into my daughter’s heart myself…now…she is bothered by IBS and panic attacks…she has one of those brains that is always thinking…but i will have to wait for God’s timing and not worry in the meantime 🙂
This morning as I am preparing for another doctors appointment in preparation for my surgery next week -worry began to creep into my mind. As I was talking to the hospital regarding records, I began to feel undone. Your devotion was such an excellent reminder of our Sovereign God. How He has it all in His hands. How He loves us so and wants us to cast all of our concerns on Him. Thank you! I love the peace that He provides. Thank you for the reminder to turn to Him in all things!
Renee, thank you so much for sharing. I feel as though I just received some much needed admonition from a dear friend. This has been such a hard year. A quick background for the year: I had a baby 5 months ago, had my gallbladder removed w/ complications, another follow-up surgery, and lastly the death of my dearest friend a month ago. In the midst of all that our income was significantly decreased and we are now in danger of losing our house. I’ve justified my thoughts by thinking I had plenty going on and anyone would worry if they were in my position. But I know that’s not biblical. Its been affecting my relationship with God, my husband, and my children. I keep talking to my husband about feeling like I’m wearing too many hats at home in addition to ministry and job-related responsibilities. But at the same time I haven’t felt like removing any of those was the answer, but was coming up empty as to why I felt so overwhelmed all the time if I was doing what God wanted me to do. Thank you so much for your devo today and the video w/ the 3 steps. I needed that reminder soo much. I love the idea of the index cards as I haven’t been sleeping much due to my worries. Worry is such a heavy, unneccessary burden that i get so entangled in before I realize what’s happened . I know it won’t happen overnight, but I truly hope day by day, even moment by moment I can keep my worries laid at Jesus feet and be resting in His precious promises. Thank you, again.
This was exactly what I needed to hear today…I am walking ball of stress and anxiety and after reading this…I need to give it ALL to God and I need to stop worrying about things I can’t control. I need to remember God has the wheel and He knows what He is doing. I thank you for your words as I know God was talking to me thru you! 🙂
I have always been a worrier and full of anxiety. I have found myself struggling with “the how” of casting my anxieties on Him. I really connected to Renee’s advice to write down my anxieties and then give them to God..physically by placing them somewhere on an index card, which will remind me to prayerfully give them to Him as well. My sister is struggling with cancer and it overwhelms my thoughts each day. This disease as well as the state of her soul create a great deal of anxiety. I continue to pray, but look forward to using this advice today! Thanks Renee for sharing.
Thanks for sharing. The devotional and video really helped to reinforce what God has been talking to me about, stop worrying so much. He has it all under control.
Thank you. I try to lead by example. However, I have two major worrier’s nearby. They have valid reasons, terminally ill child, etc. I pass on your devotions and lessons. God will take it from there. Bless you!
I am in a place right now that seems so overwhelming and I find myself worrying about everything. So thank you for sharing. I need those constant reminders that I have a Heavenly Father that wants to carry my burdens for me.
Just what I needed today. I’m writing my biggest burden on index cards today and giving them to God!
I love the idea of physically turning our worries over to God. I’m thinking about making this a family affair as I can already see my children beginning to take after their parents with worry. I’d love to help them create a lifelong habit of turning it over when they feel worried or overwhelmed.
Thank you, Renee, for reminding me that in order to stop worrying, I must relace it with prayer and thanksgiving. My church’s Ladies’ Bible Study group is finishing up your book tonight. I am sad to see this study come to an end. Your book facilitated some great discussions during our times together. Thank you for being a blessing! God bless!
Thank you, this is some I can share with so many friends.
I definitely agree with this devotion today. I will definitely start giving my cares physically on my little table. Good and practical applications. I will write down my worries and wait for God to tell me what I need to cut from my daily life adventures. Thank you
I recently went through troubles in my marriage of 14 years. In the beginning of these troubles I found my self at peace because I was using the the steps you talked in your devotional today, but somewhere down the line I unconsciencely decided to handle things myself. My life began to rock like I was on a boat that swaying and sinking fast. Needless to say thank you for today’s devotional that reminded me to Stop worrying, start praying, and Thank God for what he has already done. I have a Testimony!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for this today…. I’ve been stressing and worrying about not being able to find a job and the famous statement.. “What am I going to do” and after hearing you simplify this situation by following your three steps is a huge sigh of relief…
I know its easier said than done but it’s doable…. I will stop worrying (it doesn’t help to worry anyways..) start to pray more instead of of worrying or when I want to worry I can pray instead and of course continue to keep thanking GOD that HE is with me and providing because after all HE is….
Thanks so much…
Just what I needed in the midst of a financial storm…thank you. I will be still and lay my burdens at his feet!
thank you and i really liked what you do at the end of the day if you still worried to write them down and give them to god this week end i going to lok for a table cross
I am definitely a Martha….no doubt about it….I am a doer, not a seeker. That is much more difficult for me. I know I have a tough time being “still before the Lord.” It is not my nature. This message rang home with me and I need to take it to heart and put it into practice. Thanks for sharing!