I have a P31 devotion today and want to say hello and “welcome” if you found your way here through it! I’m so glad you stopped by!
I wish we could sit in a coffee shop and chat today.
I’d love to talk with you about things that are weighing you down or worries that are making you weary. They always seem to lighten when shared with a friend.
I’d tell you about the year I let my problems pile up and how all that pressure almost took me down. It’s all in chapter 9 of my book including the story about how I accidentally took my dogs medicine one morning.
In my devotion, I shared how God has been changing me and rearranging me. I also promised to share three steps to overcome worry and a practical way to physically give God your concerns! Since we can’t chat in a coffee shop today, I decided to share my heart in a short video post.
Message Notes: You can download my “Video Message Notes” in a PDF here or in a Word doc here. They include the points of my message, verses and blanks to fill in. {If you’d like to watch more FREE Confident Heart videos based on my book, click here.}
Let’s Connect & A Giveaway: I’d love to hear your thoughts and one thing you want to apply after reading today’s devotion and hearing the video message. Click “share your thoughts” right below this post and do just that. 🙂
Your comment enters you in today’s “Come to Me” stress-relief gift pack giveaway which ncludes a Bath & Body Works Eucalyptus Mint candle, God-iva Dark Chocolate and an Chamomile Lavender scented Anti-Stress Comfort Wrap that can be refrigerated or microwaved depending on your preference – my favorite home spa treatment!!
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What a great reminder to the mama of little ones. Our life is a bit busy these days to say the least. I tend to worry and fret over things that are far off in the future or out of my control. I am still learning how to turn this worry and anxiety over to God, but it is still a work in progress. Your message got me right back on the path where I need to stay. Thank you and Bless you!!!
Lord, thank you for showing me that others have walked this same path and lived! I thought I was going crazy, but this devotional let me know I was just going the wrong direction.
As I drove to work this morning, I prayed God would speak to me about this very thing…I’m so burdened and frustrated with life today. Well, of course He answered me through you! I absolutley love the cross by the bed idea. I intend to do that! What a tangible way to give your concerns to Him. Thanks so much for being exactly what I needed today. I’m reading your book and I’ve learned so much! Thanks again!!
Thank you for sharing these verses. When I was younger I use to worry about everything and now it seems I’ve really mellowed. Maybe too mellow! I need a little of that energy back to motivate me to stop procrastinating and go forward with what God has planned for me…do u have a verse or thought on that?
Renee… God knew I needed this today more that I realized I did! I’ve let worry and anxiety creep into my life through several circumstances! But TODAY I pray that GOD will help me to lay them at HIS FEET and accept HIS PEACE in return! Thank you so much for your devotions! They are such a blessing to me!!!
I am thankful for the comfort of His grace during times of weariness….
Thank you so much for this timely message. I have been so worried about finances and a huge trip coming up that I am frazzled and irritable. I am praying that with today’s devotion and prayer that God will guide me to that resting place of His almighty peace.
I used to worry about so many things, mostly about what could happen to my children and other loved ones. Somewhere along the way, I gave my worries over to our loving Father in Heaven. I learned that worry cannot fix anything but turning it over to God and trusting Him to do His will which is the best and is better than anything I could have imagined, was the cure all for my worries. I still start to worry when things are stressful but I turn it over to my Heavenly Father and He relieves me of stress and it’s just so wonderful to be able to talk with Him and He truly listens. He gives me peace.
I’ve prayed for wisdom in His Word and He has answered that prayer also. I read Bible passages now that I had read in the past, and get so much more understanding out of them . I used to think St Paul just rambled on & on in his books but now I even enjoy reading his writings.
I loved what you said about serving Him but not seeking him. It is very easy to fall into that trap. That is where I am working right now. Thanks for your wonderful devotion!
Your post really is at God’s timing! I have been feeling overwhelmed the past couple days. My husband has had some major medical problems the past few months. We know that it is by God’s grace that he is has been healed so much thus far. It however seems that it is still going to be a long haul before he can get back to work and to his normal. We have four children that I take care of as well as work part time. This has been such a strain on our family because he was the main provider and we haven’t heard anything yet about his disability. Your message is another reminder to help me keep my focus on God and what his timing and wishes are for our family. Thank you for all the encouraging words!
HA! God-iva chocolate. that made me laugh. so silly and funny!
i’m always grateful for devotionals on worry. i’ve dealt with it since i was a child. i remember asking God to ‘take away my tendency to worry’ as a kid. i’ve often wondered why God doesn’t just ‘take it away.’ but, as i grow and learn, i’m starting to realize it is possible that God doesn’t want to just eliminate my tendency to worry. He wants me to run to Him every time it starts and cast all my cares upon Him. as of late, i’ve been reminded that God wants us to boast in our weakness: 2 Cor. 12:9 “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” God has been reminding me, lately, how much He loves me and how worry is not at all necessary. So grateful that God loves me enough to meet me where I’m at. This devotional has truly set me on the right path today.
I don’t know why I struggle so much with ‘finding rest’ and ‘being still’… but I needed this reminder today. Thanks, Renee… you are a gift and a blessing!!!
Such a good reminder. I am in a season of overwhelm, that is for certain. But worrying only clutters my mind, and drains me of precious energy. Thank you for this…it was such a blessing.
As hard as I try to give my worries to God, I don’t. I am aware and acknowledge that it is a control thing, and that if I gave it to God, I would be so much more at peace. But sometimes, the world just catches up with you, and then you grown weary….thank you for the message this morning, a great reminder, and sooo needed today.
Today’s verses are a great reminder, but I still tend to forget this as I get busy throughout the day. I’m thinking I will also write these on a notecard and carry them with me for the next few days so I can remind myself. Also, this reminds me of the story of Eve. Someone compared her act of taking the apple with how we try to take charge of all the situations in our lives instead of just being obedient to God. This is me all over. Thank you so much for your encouragement and your book. It brought out many skeletons from my closet and made me cry in every chapter review, but I have not heard that voice that says ‘what’s wrong with me?’ since I read it. You are a blessing and your efforts are reaching lives that you don’t even know about.
I woke up at 2:30 am unable to sleep. I was tossing and turning listening the 100 plus voices in my head! I decided to check my email and found your devotion and you were on chapter 9. I surfed a few more minutes and crawled back into bed and began to read chapter 9! I almost laughed out loud! God knew I needed that! What a blessing it was to me. I began to pray and share with God all that was going on and asked Him to help me figure out how to do it all! God gently spoke and said just rest and I’ll take care of it. What peace, I closed my eyes and went to sleep. I keep refering back to that chapter and verses, as I keep picking up my worries, but what peace I get from God. Thank you for this!
I just finished reading your devotion and I so needed to read it. I seem to worry all the time. My
Teenage son has seizures and it he had one that put him in a coma and the
Doctors told us he would not pull through. But Praise God he did. However it left him with some brain damage. We do not know the extent of the damage but he is different then alot of kids and he deals with bullying. This past school yr was really rough and he would come home and talk about suicide because he was so tired of it. On top of that my husband is in the military and I my mom is in a nursing home. Somedays I just feel so overwhelmed with life. Through this devotion I learned to cast all my care upon God because he does care about me. Thanks again.
Oh, I can relate to this messagte today!. As I read it I was thinking-That sounds exactly like what I’m experiencing today. My plate is so full! Sometimes i don’t know where to get started. I have church obligations, family obligations, obligations that are pending, housework, family visiting. It becomes overwhelming and I just start worrying about how I can get it all done. Thanks for your timely message and insight.
Thank you again for your honesty and wisdom. I pray Blessings upon you as you continue to touch lives one soul at a time.
I SO needed to read this today. Thank you, Renee!
Talk about a nail on a head. We just got back from an amazing vacation in the mountains last night. The whole flight home I was worried about stepping back into my busy, hectic life. My husband always talks to me about cutting my list and he’s right that I need to do so. So starting today I will whittle it. Even so, I am reminded that worry is part of my problem and can keep me from being productive. Today I woke up and read this devotional and it will surely remind me how to start my day and set the tone. Thank you!
I am facing a really big change in my life and that your words were exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you so much for your inspiration and encouragement!
Renee! Today’s devotion confirmed the very things ( down to the specific scriptures) that God has been trying to get through to me! Thank you! The past two months, I felt exactly as you described in the devotional: dreaded my responsibilities, entitled to a sabbatical, and worried constantly! This message really put things in perspective for me. Instead of assuming I’d taken on too much, I can Stop worrying so much, and take my concerns to God in prayer. I’ll admit, my reading and prayer time had taken a dive at the same time I started feeling the stress rise and tension in my neck. Thanks again for sharing this. I’m on vacation now, Thank God, but this is a lesson I need to remember regardless of what my actual schedule looks like. God Bless!
I just found your blog and I am so thankful I did. I worry ALL the time. I worry that I worry too much. It definitely weighs me down and sucks the life out of me some days. Thank you for helping me feel like I’m not “crazy” or alone.
The enemy of our soul wants rob us, above all, of our faith. Your message points out that by hanging on to our worry we are playing into the palm of his hands and not HIS hands. He wants to keep our thoughts and emotions churned up and in a tizzy. I love how you pointed out how that stupid devil tempts us to tell God what He should do then take control when we think He isn’t listening. That does steadily errode our confidence in the Him and we don’t even realize it! I’ll be sharing with many this morning! Thank you for your loving heart!
Thank you Renee for an inspiring devotion from God! I myself struggle with letting go of life’s cares & concerns, when I should “Just Let Go & Let God” take full control because he knows just what to do, I don’t! He knows how to give us that siren peace that surpasses all understanding! Thank God for loving us so that he lovingly invites us to cast all our cares & concerns on him, because he “Constantly Watches” over EVERYTHING which concerns us. Thank God for being so great & awesome to us! His love is so deep & marvelous for us! Blessings on each of your days!
Renee: Thanks again for your insights and wisdom. Worry has always been a big part of my life and something I must give back to God constantly. Your idea about the index card and physically placing it at the cross is excellent. I think a physical reminder like that will really help with learning to leave things at the cross. Blessings to you and yours.
Thanks for sharing, such a good reminder to rest in God rather than worry. I shared it with a friend this am who is so concerned about issues with her family and she really appreciated it. I again will commit my worry and concerns to the Lord.We have a son in Afghanistan and another making decisions about his work and will totally commit them to the Lord.
Thanks for the reminder
I like the very first sentence! “Rehearsing your troubles results in experiencing them many times, whereas you are meant to go through them only when they actually occur.” I have the tendency to play things over and over and over in my mind. This chapter has helped me to use a different approach. Whenever satan tries to make me worry or play the incident over and over, I start to quote scripture. Sure enough satan and his lies go away and God’s peace comes into my heart and mind. I’ve resolved myself to memorize even more scripture so that I’m ready to fight satan with my sword (the word of God). Thanks Renee for this study it is truly changing me.
Thanks for the reminder to go to God with my anxiety. His yoke is easy and burden is light!
Thank you so much for your devotion. I find myself consumed with worry. I worry about things that haven’t even happened yet. I worry about my 15 year old son and the choices he makes and how those choices could create a positive or sometimes negative impact on his future. It seems my days are spent earnestly searching on how to make my days better. I have tried to lay my worries at the foot of the cross but as always I tend to take them back when I don’t see results. I know results are in God’s timing. I know God’s ways are the best. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, God’s ways are higher than mine. I am just impatient. So, I pray today that I will no longer feel weary but will find rest in my Savior. I pray that I can cast all my cares upon the Lord because he cares for me.
A great video and reminder of the cost of keeping my worries instead of giving them to Jesus. I love love LOVE your table top cross idea!!! We have one on our piano. I cud keep some paper and pencil by it and anyone in our family could “give” a worry to Jesus. Thanks so much!
Once again, God’s timing is perfect. Your words “I’m so busy serving God that I’m not spending time seeking Him,” spoke to my right to the core of my heart.
Your gift of encouragement is awesome! I follow your blog through email and on Facebook and I admire how often the Lord uses you to speak just the right scripture to me that day.
Thank you for being obedient to His call on your life. You are a blessing to many.
I have to sometimes let go and let God. It is ery difficult when I think of all the things coming my way and I think that I need to take charge and keep things moving. I have had to learn that I need to have FAITH. I need to TRUST that God can and will handle anything that comes my way and He is always in control. Just like it says in Jeremiah 29:11.
I was just reading your Proverbs 31 message today. I makes me feel good know that i’m not the only one that worries. Thank you for the message i printed it out to keep and read over again when I need too. I love the pray that you always put doen for all of us to ready and say to are selfs.
I also read your Sometimes worry makes me wonder and it was right what I needed at the time.
Thanks again for all you do.
Once again both the devotion and video are on time words I needed to hear. One thing that I took away is that I need to pray more and thank God more. I like the idea of concern card and I will probably need to do that as well. I have been taking take my time reading the chapters and really try my best to make some changes in my life. The things are worry about are just things that I can’t control and I need to let God handle them. I’m so glad I decided to get the book and do this study. Very encouraging. Just pray for me.
Thank you for today’s devotion. It was exactly what I needed to hear. We are trying to sell our house and move to a different town. It has not gone as quickly as I would like! I catch myself giving in to the devil’s words of worry, starting to doubt decisions that I felt were from the Lord. I am going to use your 3 tips to stop the worry in it’s tracks! Thanks again!
Thank you for this devotion! I often need the reminder to push the “pause” button, give my worries to God and pray more, while thanking Him for everything. I really like the tangible idea of writing persistent worries down and giving them to Jesus and will definitely use this.
I receive “encouragement for today” as my daily devotional. I can’t begin to describe to you how long I have been seeking an answer from God as to how I should “handle” all this chaos in my mind. My mind is a whirlwind of despair, condemning thoughts, loud voices shouting, people pulling me in all directions and God was getting more quiet by the moment. I seriously thought He had left me because I wasn’t being a God christian. Even though His word promises that He would “never leave me nor forsake me”, I still bought into the lies of the enemy.
I was going crazy. In May I had convinced myself that depression and despair would be the way of my life. That I would forever be saddled with this “mind chaos” because the problem was internally me. I couldn’t be fixed. Also, having a non believing husband, I have nobody to encourage me in the Lord.
Needless to say, this devotion and video was exactly what I was seeking. HONESTLY, I do not usually listen to the videos and often dismiss what is said because that is for “other” people. For “better” christians than myself. Daily I have to remind myself that “if God is for me, who can be against me”? And that “He delights in me” and that He desires relationship with me.
Thank you for helping me to get back to the “heart of worship” starting with prayer and praise. That the answer is really that simple.
I hate that I worry but I’m trying to trust God more and more on a daily basis as I continue to grow in my faith.
This was a great message. I, too, am a worrier. Everything you said hit home to me. You are SUCH a blessing to me! Thank you for allowing God to use you to help all of us!
Would LOVE to win the Stress Relief Gift Pack!!!!
Thanks so much for today’s devotional! It speaks to me right where I am. For the past couple of weeks I have been feeling like every day I just wanted to cry. The little things were overwhelming me. I am a mom to four kids including one set of twins that just turned three. It’s summer and everyone is home and I want to be able to be filled with joy and not on the edge of loosing it all the time. We have had our share of circumstantial issues (our central a/c was out all last week and we live in New Orleans!) but I just feel so weighed down and unusually teary. I know God hasn’t given me more than I can handle but I wonder if my heart has been convincing me otherwise. I love the practical suggestions as much as the reminder to give God my worries. I don’t usually consider myself a worrier, but my overwhelmed days are giving away my hearts posture. Thanks for shedding light on that!
I feel like God was speaking directly through you to me with the words on your devotion as well as your video clip. Yesterday I went to the doctor and basically I have many ailments that are probably the direct result of ongoing stress and worry. Sometimes I feel like I can never change the cycle and already feel defeated before I get out of bed in the morning. What resonated with me was that Satan is whispering the opposite of what God tells us in His word is true. I have printed out the notes and devotion and I am going to ponder and meditate on these truths. Thank you for sharing your heart. I am hopeful that I can stop this worry cycle, but only with God’s help.
Thank you for today’s devotion. I am the Queen of Worry and found much hope and promise in your suggestions.
These past few months I have been on the worry merry-go-round and unable to get off of it (over several situations at home). I am one who cannot let go of a worrysome feeling or whatnot and it comes and goes. Many times, it is set on automatic and I cannot shut the switch off. Even at night I have panic episodes and my sleep is WAY off. I realize that God is there to take what I am dealing with and make it into something beautiful – but it is so hard to actually BELIEVE it and LIVE it when things go awry. I have ALWAYS been a person filled with fear and worry.
Yesterday, I saw on Facebook not only your messages Renee but there was a video link to one of Joyce Meyer’s teachings about fear and it REALLY got me to take notice and be more aware. Also the book One Thousand Gifts – Ann Voskamp helps too – for me to get re-set into the peace that God wants us to have in Him even when our situations are beyond comprehension and you don’t know what choices to make.
Thank you so much. God was speaking thru you today. I know I am stressed and the stressors can’t change right now. So I must turn to the Unchanging, Constant God. Mark 6:31 “Then Jesus said ‘Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.'”NLT
Worry, unfortunately, is something I have lived with since childhood. I wrote a post about it on my blog. If I don’t have something to worry about, I worry about that and then find something. I am so exhausted.
Chronic illness, disablity for my youngest daughter who is currently homeless, and a mother in law who is suffering from dementia and has had my husband falsely arrested weigh me down. Thank you for reminding me that “his yoke is easy, and his burden is light”… if it’s heavy,I am carrying too much of it myself.
Now that God has brought it to my attention through your devotion,I think that I do stress more over “thinking” about what I have to do instead of just doing it, which then brings about the sin of procrastination. So…….maybe God is trying to get my attention about my issues of procrastination and the worrying will slip away.
Thank you and God bless!
Today’s devo was ON THE MONEY for me. Right down to the running out of fuel and faith part. Thank you for benig faithful to share the words God placed on your heart. As I’m sure they are for so many women, today they were for me.
My application: “choosing the better thing” by making sure that NOTHING interrupts my intentional time at the feet of Jesus. To “stop worrying” is much easier when I’m face to face with the one who has invited me to cast my cares on Him.