I have a P31 devotion today and want to say hello and “welcome” if you found your way here through it! I’m so glad you stopped by!
I wish we could sit in a coffee shop and chat today.
I’d love to talk with you about things that are weighing you down or worries that are making you weary. They always seem to lighten when shared with a friend.
I’d tell you about the year I let my problems pile up and how all that pressure almost took me down. It’s all in chapter 9 of my book including the story about how I accidentally took my dogs medicine one morning.
In my devotion, I shared how God has been changing me and rearranging me. I also promised to share three steps to overcome worry and a practical way to physically give God your concerns! Since we can’t chat in a coffee shop today, I decided to share my heart in a short video post.
Message Notes: You can download my “Video Message Notes” in a PDF here or in a Word doc here. They include the points of my message, verses and blanks to fill in. {If you’d like to watch more FREE Confident Heart videos based on my book, click here.}
Let’s Connect & A Giveaway: I’d love to hear your thoughts and one thing you want to apply after reading today’s devotion and hearing the video message. Click “share your thoughts” right below this post and do just that. 🙂
Your comment enters you in today’s “Come to Me” stress-relief gift pack giveaway which ncludes a Bath & Body Works Eucalyptus Mint candle, God-iva Dark Chocolate and an Chamomile Lavender scented Anti-Stress Comfort Wrap that can be refrigerated or microwaved depending on your preference – my favorite home spa treatment!!
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Boy, did I need that this morning. I love this one… I am a mother of 3 teenagers and there are days I don’t wanna go home…. I now see the reason. WORRY!!! This gave me a new perspective. I love your hit home messages. Keep them coming!
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I checked my inbox this morning! I was awake most of the night worrying about a relationship God has promised to restore. I knew I was worrying & letting my emotions run rampant. Reminding myself of scriptures & singing praise hymns wasn’t working. I realized I was tired & worn out. Weary to the bone. Thanks for this devotion & your online Bible Study. I am hoping that working through Ch 9 this week will give me some much needed help.
Renee, Good morning. I opened my email this morning and there was no P31 devotional. I worried that I’d somehow discontinued them or there wouldnt be one, etc. Then your devotional showed up an hour later about worry. To say I’m good at worrying would be an understatement, not only that but I can “justify” all my worries too. Of course any worry is sin and God asks us to lay it at his feet as you spoke/wrote about today.
So the worry I have about going back to work and leaving my seven week old at home with my husband and older boys (10 and 12), the worry I have about having to be the one to financially provide for my family when all I want is to stay home with the son I’ve prayed for ten years to have, the worry I have that my husband won’t find work or keep it if he does, the worry I have for my mom as she learns to live alone after the sudden loss of my father this past Spring. . .I will strive to lay them at His feet today, tomorrow and the following days. Thank you for the reminder of His faithfulness and attentiveness to me.
May He continue to bless your ministry and use you to reach others for Him.
Thank you Renee. I needed this today and know with whom I’m going to share this inspired word.
Thank you so much for this!! I have been so tired and emotional lately and everyone says it’s hormones. I know differently. It’s stress and worry!! I so needed to hear this today! Thank You, Jesus that I can give you all my concerns and worries and I can be free from this burden of stress and finally be at rest in YOU.
Thank you again! I am going to write down all my worries today and leave them at the cross…
Awesome lesson and testimony!! Thank you for sharing this today! I know many women feel this way time and time again…your reminders of God’s power and love and wisdom is just what we all need!
Love in Christ,
Deb 🙂
Thank you so much for these encouraging words that I really needed to hear today!
Renee – I wanted to thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Today I am facing a huge challenge, a test that if I pass could bring me my greatest desire, that if I fail could bring about a big letdown. But knowing that our Lord is there with me and will be there after the challenge is over, brings me a sense of calm and peace that will allow me to stand up and face my worry, give it to Him, and thereby allow His true Spirit to flow from within my heart when the challenge arises. Let us all be given the strength to follow the path of the Spirit and the wisdom to pass our worry and anxiety on to God. He will then allow truth and love to flow.
I sooo needed this today! I am a worrier by nature. I also have a very stressful life: special needs child, emotionally distant husband, financial pressures, active ministry and volunteer schedule, stay at home mom. The stress has begun to manifest itself in my health. Your reminder to stop talking myself and talk to God and be thankful are exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for your ministry! The number of comments here testify that it has resonated with many women and scored victories for Jeus Christ in our lives!
My husband fell 4 weeks ago. He is now paralyzed from the waist down. Today, I asked God if I could not cry today. And this was the devotional. It made me laugh and THEN cry. He has shown us that He will take care of us since this accident but it doesn’t stop the tightness in my chest. Thank you for being his voice today.
Heavenly Father, Would you be with Belinda and her dear husband in a special way? My heart aches for them in this accident, but we know You have a plan. You have the ultimate power of redemption and I pray a redeeming miracle beyond what we can even imagine for this precious couple.
Thanks for this. I love the idea of pushing the pause button on worry. Sometimes that is enough to remind me that He is there for me and He cares about all that is going on with me and the struggles of life.
You reminded me that “rest in the shelter of the Most High” is where my peace is –thank you for this devotional! It came at a very difficult season in my life!
I so enjoy your videos. They help me learn the way I learn best, with all my senses. I can hear it, see you, and write notes. It really helps the message sink in and take root in my heart. I really like you idea for placing your worries at your cross. I am a crafty person and think I am going to make a cross our of wood or maybe cork board so I can “nail” them to the cross. Again it is something tangible I can do in stead of just speaking it to God I can really give it to Him. Thank you for you ministry and service to our Father.
Thank you so much for your very timely words. As with most of the commenters above, your words were just what I needed to hear today. About 6 weeks ago we had a tornado go over our home. We were very blessed in that we had minor damage to our home compared to our neighbors and other storm victims. However the emotional toll has been overwhelming. Our six year old has really struggled with the situation and is up every night in the middle of the night usually multiple times. This has me low on sleep and that is usually when I struggle the most. I have been praying but not totally letting God take the concerns! I am going to really, really, really try to let God have the concerns and look for the peace that I am so desperately missing right now. Thanks again for your words of encouragement!
That message is right where i’m at today and right on time this morning. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for your testimony. I receive the Proverbs 31 devotionals and after reading one of your devotionals, I received your book, A Confident Heart. Your story is so similar to mine. It as if God sent you ahead of me so that I wouldn’t feel so alone in my journey. While I still worry and struggle with doubt and insecurity, I am becoming confident through your ministry. Thank you for being obedient and sharing your life with us, it helps me and other women see the way out of the the shadow of our doubts. Today, I was overcome with worry and self-hatred and your devotional and video message reminded me that I can lay this heavy burden of pain, low self-esteem, and shame down, I can give this messages the enemy bombards me with to God and I can live in confidence because of Salvation. Thank you Renee and may God continue to bless you and your ministry.
Thanks for sharing. I REALLY needed to hear this today. Our daughter is a recent college grad, looking for work, trying to secure an apartment and be independent – all good but lots of decisions to be made. I will try to follow your suggestions so that this worry does not make me weary.
In my life worry and stress is what I have always done best. Life events have always overwhelmed me because I constantly ask is this His will or my will… I’ve made so many mistakes but have asked the ultimate forgiveness.. I’ve nite slept much the pray well because of the constant worrying… I woke up to your devotional this morning and it spoke volumes to me…. Thank you and Proverb 31 for the ministry and great job you do… May God continually bless you
9 months ago my husband was in a car avccident & broke his back. He is still recovering. I am the only income earner in the family right now. At times I sometimes feel so incredibly overwhelmed and wonder how to keep going but then I go to my favorite verse…Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.”. He is in control…He is our provider and I can trust Him. My worry fades And I pick up and go on to the next task. Thank you for this devotion, as I need daily reminders to stop worrying. Blessings…
After a series of ‘life’ events, God showed me exactly just how much I did not trust Him & how much I worried. I found many scriptures that I stood on to become life to me. I also found a bracelet that said – Change your thoughts, change your world! I’ve worn it everyday for over 3 years – as a constant reminder! God is the God of peace!!!!!
To God be all Glory, honor and praise!! The first thing I do when I get into the office is take time to allow God’s word to filter through my spirit… Everyday I am blessed with new revelations, and today was no different. I am really overloaded and feel as though the weight of the world is on me… But today’s verse has been on my heart and today is just confirmation that God wants me to put it in HIS “inbox”.. I am going into my closet and will leave it with HIM. I continue to pray all of God’s best for your lives and the lives of your loved ones.
Stay blessed and encouraged. Remember, you are all God’s Glamour Girls!!
The season of life I’m in is real busy and too many times I give in to the temptation of worry & anxiety. Like you siad its such a lie that we think we have a right to these emotions, because if we dont worry who will? ? I want to nip that attitude in the bud and give it all to Him. Such a beautiful promise and invitation He gives….”Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Thank you Jesus!
I am a terrible worrier. We have three children, one an 18 year old son that just graduated. He is my biggest “worry” concern right now but you do look down the road and wonder/worry about the kids’ futures. Guess that’s where we just need to cover them in prayer and know Who holds their future.
I am in the final stages of VBS planning and definitely needed to hear this word of stop worrying (as in most areas of my life, worry creeps in often!). I’m trusting God to bring all things together, and after a crazy month of family life and VBS prep, I could use that stress relief give-away! 😉 Thanks for your encouragement this morning, Renee! I am reading your book this spring/summer. And although I haven’t been able to devote the time I wanted to the online study, I am keeping up with the chapters, and I hope to reread the book along with a friend soon!
Thanks for your thoughts today. We left our church a few weeks ago and as I listened to your message I realized that I was worried that we will not be able to find a new church that we liked. I have been hesitant to even start looking. Now that I know why I wasn’t ready, I can commit my worries to God and begin searching.
Thanks for the reminder of giving it (worry, anxiety, burdens)to Jesus (at the cross). I’m going to use your tips in my daily routine. I need to share this with my friends too! 🙂
God bless you & thank you!
I think the devil likes it when we worry–and puts more worry on our minds–because it takes away some of the joy of living. When my kids were little I could become almost immobilized by worry. It’s been an almost continual prayer of mine that God would take away my worry and He has answered my prayers! It’s hard for me to believe that I’m not completely freaked out right now about money, as we’re having some bad financial issues. Of course I’m concerned but thank God I’m not immobilized by it.
Thank you, as always, Renee, for your wise words!
Thank you so very much for sharing your heart. God is so good to speak to me through much of the same struggles as you have walked through your devotions. Psalm 91 was my grandmother’s favorite daily reading and she encouraged me to do the same. I have gotten away from it. Thank you for your reminder and encouragement. Lord bless you!
This is exactly how I have been feeling lately, and I know that worry has been winning in my life. These words are healing, and the verses just what I needed to be reminded of this morning. Thanks for sharing them :).
My husband works in a different state. It’s wearing on me and I just had a good cry session with him right before reading your devotion. God is certainly speaking through you today! Thank you!
My husband works away as well. It’s been two years and I see no end with the economy as it is. No children left at home either. Anxiety and fear overwhelm me and wear me out. Then I worry about my health when intellectually I know the problem is anxiety and not trusting God. I guess our situation is becoming more common. Lets pray for eachother to give all to God!!
Thank you for your word today. After a long night of no sleep, worry was winning! I am so glad I started my work day with P31. Now for more coffee.
These wise words were just what I needed to remember 5 days before we move to a retirement community after 27 years in our community. I will need to commute a very long distance, until a new position opens up locally, while my husband is done. My emotions are on overload. Thank you for reminding me who I need to stay connected to on a daily basis…and PRAY!!!
The P31 devotionals have really spoken to me yesterday and today. It’s been a tough week as I realize I’m not happy at work, I’m struggling with one of my kids, and I’m not happy with my church (that I love dearly). I’m not sure worry is my issue but I totally relate to the sense of dread and not wanting to return to the real world- or of wanting to escape from it. I’m really intrigued by the idea of making a list of what’s on my plate and praying over it…
Bless you! Church problems hit us hard, don’t they? Lord Jesus, Would you be with Liz today? Give her peace in the midst of her tough week and an escape through spending time in prayer with you.
Dear Renee,
Thanks for your message today. I really need to understand what is really important to me to focus on. And follow the steps you suggested to stop worrying, start praying and think more about God. I look for His peace every morning to struggle thru the day. I don’t want to come home tired and overwhelmed with all my tasks and worries, I want to come happy because I will see my children, so they feel my love!
Thanks for the insight, boy can I relate to the worry and too much going on, but I excited to dwell and cast it upon my Father who can help me handle and stripmy mind from te worry…Thanks for your ministry and faithfulness to God’s women!!!
In scrolling through this page to get to the bottom to write you a thank you note, I realized that a lot of other women had the same types of stressors that I do. I’ve never been one to readily share my problems with others, but I have many friends that do. It just makes me realize that women, especially, have a hard time with worrying. The instant I am reminded of God, I feel relief from my worries. Your daily emails help remind me of the Lord’s constant presence, His unending love, and His immeasurable compassion for all of His children. I am reminded that He has a plan for all of us and that all we need to do is trust in Him. Thank you, Renee. You have no idea of the impact that your messages have on us. I am grateful for you and your obedience to the Lord.
I work with a start this morning, worrying about my upcoming day. My daughter is getting married on Saturday, and I admit that this past week I have been consumed with worry–will everything go as planned (probably not)? Will I get everything done? What am I forgetting? Etc. My sweet daughter is grown up, and my husband is sad and emotional, which makes me emotional. I truly felt so drained yesterday, that I couldn’t do what I needed to. I am going to commit to stop worrying today, start praying more, and to be thankful for all that God has done in all our lives. I want to bring peace to others this week, not to be a source of stress.
One of my favorite verses in all of scripture is Philippians 4:6-7. I am currently feeling overwhelmed by some family issues and every time I think I’ve given it all to God, something creeps back in telling me to worry about it all over again. Your message is a great reminder of the simple steps I can take to keep on track with God and His plan for me and my family. I typed the 3 steps into my notes on my iPhone so I can remind myself what I need to do when that worry starts to rear it’s ugly head. Thank you so much for your devotion today Renee. You are such a sweet blessing to so many.
This devotional is aimed directly at me. A direct message from God. I am in the process of changing jobs (hopefully because I listened to God’s directions) and the stress is becoming unmanageable. God will handle all the details, big and small, if I only let him. I need to remember to rest in Him and His word instead of rely on myself. Nothing is too big for God!!
Worry has become such a major part of my life for the past 10 to 12 years, it dominates my waking thoughts. I have recently been praying “be anxious for nothing……” Trying to push the anxious thoughts out along with the anger and resentment, but when you have been practicing worry for so long, positive thinking doesnt come easily. I will continue to push thru the anxious thoughts and pray prayers of Thanksgiving. Thank you.
Thanks Renee! This was one that was really needed. This morning I didn’t feel like I could put pne foot in front of the other and this lifted me up!
sorry! one
This devotional really spoke to my heart. There are things in my life that I worry about and haven’t given them completely to God to deal with. I want to rest in Him, that He will work everything out.
What a perfectly timed post! Your words of encouragement are always timely. Thank you for ministering to so many. Praying for you!
Thank you, Renee. For sharing your heart and the truth that only comes through Christ. Worry has been my lifelong burden. It is a thief that robs me of the joy and happiness that is promised through a relationship with Christ and it is consuming me today. I am 13 weeks pregnant and I don’t even want to tell people because I am worried that my husband and I are too old, have been married too long and don’t have room in our house and lives for a child. I am so focused on the worries of motherhood that I can’t even rejoice in the miracle that is happening inside me. I downloaded your book months ago and I want to read it every time I see one of your devotions. I may have to go get a hard copy. Apparently this ebook thing doesn’t work for me. 🙂 Thanks again.
Please do not let satan rob you of joy in the miracle God has given you. There are many older women married (and actually even older single women who are still wainting on the Lord) who would LOVE to be in your shoes. Children are a gift…if you were too old God wouldn’t have allowed this to happen. (Romans 8:28) May I suggest that you do not look to the approval of popular opinion but to rest in the knowledge that God took note of you and has given you a divine gift which I believe will give glory to Him. Look to the future with excitement and anticipation of a new path that God has selected you and your husband to journey. Celebrate your miracle! I pray God grants you strength, peace and comfort throughout your pregnancy.
Ah…I woke up this morning from a horrible nightmare, was wide awake at 4 am (when I desperately needed sleep), husband texted me at 5:45 am to tell me our account was overdrawn…again…and my computer crashed when I tried to check it. In the midst of desperately wishing I was still asleep (without the bad dreams) I remembered that I had told God last night to wake me this morning when he wanted me to read his word…
So I opened my Proverbs31 devotion and your words were EXACTLY what I needed to hear. I have decided to sit down and make a list of my commitments, deadline…anything weighing on my heart. Just get it all out on paper…and then see if there is anything that I need to re-evaluate!
Thank you for your words of wisdom and encouragement!
Thank you so much for today’s devotional…I needed something and was praying for something just like this to correct my prayer life this week. thank you for jump starting my morning and leaving me with something to begin anew this morning in how I want to present my concerns to God in prayer.
Renee, after reading your P31 devotion I felt as if you were writing about me. We just came back from a week in the forest. It was incredibly peaceful there, but as we got closer and closer to home, I started to be anxious and tired. Your message reminds me what I must do to rid myself of the tension and tiredness. Thanks for the wonderful message! Keep on sharing with us so we can draw closer and closer to God.
This was exactly what I needed today! I’m so thankful that God uses ladies like you to remind me that the burden is too much for me to carry and that I need to lay it at His feet! And thank you for the reminder that seeking is better than serving. Sometimes I get so caught up in my tasks I can lose focus of what really matters! Praying that God continues to use you and bless you and your ministry. Much love!
Thanks for the encouragement! My favorite scripture for worry is Isaiah 41:10. I kept repeating it while I ate supper last year while 20 tornadoes hit all around us, we didn’t even have hail like most had.
What a praise!!
I needed this today. I just was put on bed rest at 21 weeks. I need to give my worries to God and just pray, pray, pray!
Lord Jesus, I pray for Becca today. Would you wrap your arms around her and let her feel your presence right there in the middle of her bed rest order? We pray that you would give her the confident heart to trust you with her body and the decisions of the doctor. God bless you, Becca!
So many concerns on my mind lately and I am finally coming to Him throughout the day
In prayer over so many things. I am a natural worrier and today’s devotion was again truly what
I needed to read. Thank you so much for your messages, your book, your ministry and allowing
God to speak through your words.