I have a P31 devotion today and want to say hello and “welcome” if you found your way here through it! I’m so glad you stopped by!
I wish we could sit in a coffee shop and chat today.
I’d love to talk with you about things that are weighing you down or worries that are making you weary. They always seem to lighten when shared with a friend.
I’d tell you about the year I let my problems pile up and how all that pressure almost took me down. It’s all in chapter 9 of my book including the story about how I accidentally took my dogs medicine one morning.
In my devotion, I shared how God has been changing me and rearranging me. I also promised to share three steps to overcome worry and a practical way to physically give God your concerns! Since we can’t chat in a coffee shop today, I decided to share my heart in a short video post.
Message Notes: You can download my “Video Message Notes” in a PDF here or in a Word doc here. They include the points of my message, verses and blanks to fill in. {If you’d like to watch more FREE Confident Heart videos based on my book, click here.}
Let’s Connect & A Giveaway: I’d love to hear your thoughts and one thing you want to apply after reading today’s devotion and hearing the video message. Click “share your thoughts” right below this post and do just that. 🙂
Your comment enters you in today’s “Come to Me” stress-relief gift pack giveaway which ncludes a Bath & Body Works Eucalyptus Mint candle, God-iva Dark Chocolate and an Chamomile Lavender scented Anti-Stress Comfort Wrap that can be refrigerated or microwaved depending on your preference – my favorite home spa treatment!!
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Thanks, I need this. I have always seen myself as a Martha, and have been clueless as to how to become a Mary. I read P31 every morning, and long to spend the time with GOD, but I am constantly overwhelmed at my busy schedule and to do lists, that never get done. After I read that you dreaded coming home from the mountains, I thought, “wow, I haven’t had a weekend getaway like that in my entire 21 years of marriage”. I dread coming home from the grocery store because there is so much to do when I get home. Help!
I ‘d love to read your devotional. Until then, I will do the three steps ( stop, pray and praise!!).
Thank you for your devotional today. I have been overwhelmed lately. After listening the devotional I’m going to talk to God more and focus on thanking Him for what He is doing in my life.
Renee, your message touches me everyday….almost to tears. It seems as though I always have some “worry” that I won’t get it all done. Full time for all the positions that I fill in my life. Most of the time, I do it well. Then, I fall. Reading your message this morning, reminded me that I’m normal. I live a life just like everyone else. But, with God, all things are possible.
Thank you so much! I needed to be reminded that Jesus does care about what I worry about! I know you didn’t directly say this, but this is the one thought I wrote down: “You can’t worry and pray about the same thing.”
Just felt called to take a moment before rushing off to work to read today’s P31 devotion and I’m so thankful I did that, along with visit your site and listen to you speak. I have been particularly overwhelmed with trying to keep it all together and make everyone happy. I have an especially difficult boss who is making work a place I don’t even want to consider going to each day, yet I’m her personal assistant and the office manager so I feel like I’m also in a place where I can greatly impact numerous individuals. It’s so draining but your encouragement has reminded me that God is on my side, he knows what’s going on and he wants me to cast my cares and concerns on him. Thanks! Hoping to apply the “stop and pray immediately” rather than start fretting over how I’m going to get a specific task accomplished principle. Also love the idea of placing note cards by the cross! God bless!
stop, drop and pray! 🙂 Good stuff, friend. Blessings to you!
I am not sure how I first stumbled onto Proverbs 31 website but I am blessed over and over again from the daily devotions and todays message is one I need to hear over and over. Thank you..
I love the visual concept of having a table top cross by your nightstand and then literally laying your concerns and worries at the foot of the cross. That is something that I am going to incorporate into my life.
I really liked that idea also!
How perfect are your words today? I have a huge decision I am waiting on to come in the form of an email and all I can do is worry about it. I have asked God to help me let it go. I will be repeating this verse today so I can give it to Him and focus my time on my small children!
Today’s devotion was right on target for me…just as so many P31 morning moments are. I am so thankful to know that I am not alone in this walk of trying to be a woman after Gods own heart and being all we can be for our family’s without forgetting our own needs. Thank you! Kendra
Thanks. That was exactly what I needed to read today! I am going to talk to God about my worries and place them in His lap. Just that picture of handing my worries over to the One who can certainly handle them better than I can is comforting. Thanks again.
I needed this today. Work has become so stressful and overwhelming. I am trying to trust God and am failing miserably at resting in His peace. I will focus on the scripture you provided today and will work on reminding myself to stop worrying, start praying and keep thanking God throughout it all. Thanks, Renee!
Renee, this was right on this morning. Last night I couldn’t sleep worrying that my daughter and her two boys under 3 would be safe on their first flight by themselves to NC. I am definately going to get a cross and put it beside my bed to put worries under. One friend told me to “leave them at the feet of Jesus” and I have been doing that but the cross beside my bed is a physical act that will help me let them go.
Thanks again for your encouragement, you help me so much.
I was lying in bed this morning with worry on my heart. I decided to check email to get my thoughts going in another direction and opened up the email from Proverbs 31. It was just what I needed to read this morning! Thank you for Sharing that!
Some trust in chariots and some n horses, bur we trust in the name is the lord our God. Ps 20:7. That is my power scripture to fight worry. Loved your article .
This really hit home.sometimes I don’t even realize I have been deep in worry until I am exhausted and feel burdened down. This bible study has been so wonderful for me and those around me. All 5 of my girls now have this book and I make reference to it a lot. If I could I would give every woman I know a copy. I am becoming more confident in my heart. Thanks Renee for listening to what God put in your heart for all women to read and let sink deep into our hearts how much God loves us so we can become the women He wants us to be.
Hi, thanks for the reminder of Who is in charge and how to activate that power in my life. This was just what I needed today. Thank you, God for Renee and always knowing “just what I need.” 🙂
Renee, that was very poignant, as I slept so poorly last night because of issues with anxiety. Thanks for reminding me what I need to do (and NOT do!).
Your devotion was truly a “God thing” – even to the detail that we’ve had a trip planned to the mountains next month & I commented to my husband this morning how much I was looking forward to getting away & relaxing. Then I got your devotional. 🙂 Like most women, my plate is full, but the most important thing is my time with The Lord, not the things on my plate. Thank you for allowing God to use you to minister to others.
Amen Renee! You have described my life to the letter. Thank you so much for your words of wisdom. I look so forward to reading your devotions each and everyday. You have been such a God sent. Keep em coming.
I definitely just wanted to leave a little thank you for this. I’ve been struggling hard with something I couldn’t let go to the point it was affecting my life in more ways than one, and not positively. My favorite verse is 1st Peter 5:7 but I haven’t been able to get myself to fully cast my fears onto him. I’m such a hands-on person, you’re idea for writing my worries out and putting them under a cross so I could literally cast my fears and worries on him is something I am going to do. Thank you for a hands-on/interactive way to “cast” my fears, this might really hit home for me.
I feel that God used this as a reminder and confirmation to what has already been going on. I used to consistently worry, in fact worry was the only consistency I had in my daily personal life other than things I am required to do i.e. work, household things ….I have found now that I am taking time to get involved in reading His word, a Proverb a day, recently found your devotion, and prayer I find myself not worrying. The times I do start to worry I will begin to pray for others or sometimes about the situation. I have found that praying for others gets rid of the worry quicker than praying about the situation. Thank you for your encouragement through this devotion.
May God bless you and thank you again.
Good morning, Friends.
I use index cards for all things inspirational and various kinds of lists. I even make cute gift tags out of them. But I don’t think I have ever written my concerns on them. I don’t have a cross next to my bed, but I have a couple on my dresser. I’m going to try it today. Thanks so much for the idea, and for your words of encouragement.
Love to all.
Thank you for this message. It is what God knew I needed. I have been struggling with giving my worries and concerns to God totally. I find myself in prayer giving them to Him only to find myself taking them back and the process starts again. I want to get to a place where I just totally let them go. With much prayer I know this will happen if I stop getting in the way. Thank you again for letting God use you.
I have been worrying over a circumstance in my life for nearly two years & it has taken a toll on me emotionally, mentally, and physically. I’ve tried over and over to lay my worries at the foot of the cross, but still can’t seem to let go. I thank you for your encouragement to keep trying.
We are all in the same boat when it comes to laying down our burdens at the foot of the cross…then trekking back to pick them up again! Bless you, dear sister!
What a wonderful devotion for this morning. Needed the encouragement after a restless night of tossing and turning due to worrying.
Thank u 4 this awesome devo. I am in a place where the Lord is wanting to transition me into some new things, and I have found myself fearful as I let go of all that is comfortable. Trusting God into unchartered waters has been a challenge for me. I will be making a list this morning, as to WHY I am afraid to let go!! I will also be spending time consecrating my heart n motives to Him and thanking Him for the provision He has ahead. Thank you Renee
Thank you for your gentle reminder today to take it all to Him!
I am willing to work hard and give my worry and stress to The One who can take it away! Thank you for today’s post!
I agree with other listeners/readers. We don’t see your messages by coincidence–God is working. This morning was very timely. Like others I was up early wondering where to start and how I can ever make a difference with all the stuff I have to do. Here was your message that I needed to hear. I am going back over it again and jot down some notes. Thank you!
I’ll admit I’m a worry wort, but I’m trying to do better and turn it over to God. I connect with your suggestion to find a resting spot in his presence. A time when I can unload and let go, if even for just a few minutes, is with Him. Thanks for your email today.
Thank you for this devotional!! I resonate with your experiences and those of so many of the women that have written on this blog. I worry so much about the outcome of things instead of giving it to God. Thank you for being so transparent!!
This is such a blessing. I needed to read this. I have been told i’m a worry wart. After reading this devotion, it just helped me to realized, I tend to worry about things I have no control over. Now what I do is write little release prayers in my journal by my bed. It seems to help me release that burden or those thoughts. This was a confirmation that I am on the right path to be worry free and to be wrap up in God and listen more of Him and not my thoughts.
Thank you for sharing
I am so weary I am in tears most days. I have so much on my plate, mom of 4, foster mom of my niece and nephew, watching 2 other kids to help out people. I lost my job last Sept. and we decided I’d stay home with the kids, but that has me scared as money gets scarce. I have had depression issues all my life and feel like i’m falling deep into it again, i’ve been praying hard but i’m feeling like God doesn’t hear me. I enjoyed your devotional and i’m going to keep praying hoping for some relief from this sinking hole.
Stephanie, i can’t relate yet to the stress of children, but I can relate to worrying about money and also about depression. There were times in my life that I lay on my bed and cried to God for what felt like hours, with no relief to my aching spirit. I would rise to go about my business feeling just as sad and lonely as before. God has since used various things to heal me from that, and so I wanted to encourage you:
He IS listening! Romans 8 says that the Holy Spirit prays for us when we don’t have the words to pray, and that Jesus himself is standing beside the Father interceding for us! That means even when you are or aren’t praying, you are being lifted up to the Father by Christ himself!
I also have clung to the verse in John 16:33, “Inhave told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have OVERCOME the world.”
Finally, I have found refuge in the Psalms. David, the man after God’s own heart, lived a life of many challenges and struggles. In Psalms, He pours his emotions out to God, uncut uncensored! Psalm 42 is a great place to start, because in it David expresses his deep discouragement, and then preaches truth to his spirit- a very neat method for beating depression. Remind your Spirit that you are God’s and He does care for you!! I pray you will find encouragement and peace and freedom in Christ!
oh Kelli…. AMEN!!! to your response! It is so necessary for us all to remember this… having gone for almost 2 days of no sleep due to horrific pain from inoperable tumors, and concern for a daughter who is with a serious case of pneumonia and has no insurance so the hospital wouldn’t keep her & living a few hours away so I cannot be there to help her in some way, and a teen granddaughter who is going through so much also…. I am with my heart and hands lifted to Heaven 24/7…. Stephanie… God is hearing every word you lift to Heaven… and even those you don’t… What amazing Grace the Lord shows us through what Kelli just reminded us… that the Lord Himself is listening!.. AND petitioning the Father on our behalf!!! Praise God!!!
Stephanie, I will pray for the Lord to give you both emotional and spiritual refreshment over the days ahead! May God guide you and give your family the rest it needs and supply you above and beyond what you could ask or think!
Cathy B*****y pbprojecthope at yahoo dot com
Worrying is what I do best! No wonder I am always so tired. I am going to work today as the last day in a place I dearly love and transferring to a more difficult situation. Consequently I am surrounded by worry. I needed to read your thoughts and reminders today. I put today and those to come in God’s hands and know that all will be fine. Now… If I can just remember that! Thank you for the encouragement.
Good morning,
From the time listed on the other posts, I can see I am not the only one who looks to the message given through you ladies at 31 to help me start my day. I am constantly having to look at my list and wonder if they are my line up, Gods, or even set up by inappropriate forces.
Thank you for encouraging me to move forward and teaching me to trust in Gods answers even when my schedule seems a bit too full.
Really liked the devotional! The stress-relief pak sounds wonderful right now too! : )
Thank you, Tamara
God woke me up very early today, and I know it is because He wants me to come to Him! I made myself a chi tea and got the iPad, after I started writing a list on a 3×5 card. As I was writing I thought to myself, I probably already have these things written down on several other lists lying around EVERYWHERE!!! Feeling guilty turning on the computer, I heard God speak to me…go to you’re inbox. Your devotion was first one…thank you! I could go on and on about all that is consuming me, but instead I will do so before Him. I am so in need of his grace and peace! Blessings to all my sisters in Christ everywhere and thank you for this devotion!!!
Hi Renee,
Just wanted to say thank-you for your great post today – I received it via proverbs 31 ministries and it was very timely. As a mum of 2 (ages 3 and 6) who is about to start full time work in 3 weeks time (which we feel is God ordained) – worry was creeping into every crevice of my brain!! I could actually feel the tension start to melt as I read the verses you posted.
So thanks very much… Need to give it to God and stop worrying!!!
I was encouraged by your words this morning. Thank you!
I am up way too early on a summer morning because I awoke to worry. The P31 devotional led me here, and I just love the idea of writing my worries on index cards to give back to God.
You are a blessing. I just watched the video and it spoke to my heart as if God planted it just for me. I am sending the link to every woman I love this morning. Thank you.
I love the verse Philippians 4:6, 7. It’s such practical instruction on worry. I needed to read that this morning.
Your blogs are precious. I enjoy hearing them. It’s funny how even though you and I lead such different lives what you say so often can be applied to me.
Good message, beautifully said. Thank you so much for just what I needed and speaking God’s words into my heart this early AM as I am up with a sick pet and still 4 hours until the vet opens. God sees and cares and is with both of us.
I am often weary and doubt my ability to handle all the things in my life so thank you for the reminder that God does not want me to worry. I want to choose what is better and let go of my worries. I want a thankful heart.
I too, find it hard to not worry and to hand things over to God. I have made many changes in my life and I have prayed that where I am is where God wanted me to be ( and I believed this is where he has lead me)…but now I am having doubts because I am still struggling with so many things and I know I need to be patient and everything is in God’s timing not ours. Please pray for me that I can have a confident heart and know that God does have a plan for me. Thank you
I don’t believe in coincidences…I believe in God’s Will and amazing timing! It’s 2:30am and I am wide awake with worry although I absolutely physically exhausted. I grabbed my iPad off my nightstand and “wandered” onto your website…wow! My 3 yr old daughter has an appointment tomorrow with a specialist due to some health issues that are stumping our primary care physician. On top of that, we ended up in the ER tonight her after our family pet randomly decided to bite her on the face while they were playing. Her face is going to heal but there will be a pretty intense scar that the dr said could take-up to 3 yrs to totally heal. So I cried…which then make me feel guilty for being ungrateful. All that said….thank you! I totally needed a life check on all consuming worry and what really matters!
The Lord will take care of you and your family. Praying for a quick healing for your 3 year old. With God all things are possible! Praying for you and your family! God bless you!
I don’t believe in coincidences…I believe in God’s Will and amazing timing! It’s 2:30am and I am wide awake with worry although I absolutely physically exhausted. I grabbed my iPad off my nightstand and “wandered” onto your website…wow! My 3 yr old daughter has an appointment tomorrow with a specialist due to some health issues that are stumping our primary care physician. On top of that, we ended up in the ER tonight her after our family pet randomly decided to bite her on the face while they were playing. Her face is going to heal but there will be a pretty intense scar that the dr said could take-up to 3 yrs to totally heal. So I cried…which then make me feel guilty for being ungrateful. All that said….thank you! I totally needed a life check on all consuming worry.
I had this happen years ago with my daughter and yes you can still barely see the scar between her eyes, but by God’s blessing she has both of her eyes. Look for the blessing!
Thanks so much for your wise words today, they are like cool waters on a dry hot day. Humbling, yet they strengthen my soul. May God continue to make your ministry a blessing.
Renee, thank you for helping me recognize all of the worry on my plate that I have not handed over to God. I am currently going through a divorce, one of my 5 year old son’s friends from school drowned, my college daughter is moving and I am doing all I can to support all of us emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financially. I recognize I can’t change what is currently happening, it is what it is, now I am reminded to take it to our Lord. I do not need to do it alone, He will strengthen me. Thank you for your reminder, God Bless!
I am asking God to hold in arms to give you strength. You have a full
Plate. Taking care of yourself first before others. You will not have the
Strength for them till you do. Praying for your friend that list the 5 year
Old also. I am lifting you up to God.
Praying for you right now Sonya. Praying for God to surround you with His angels and with friends to walk you through this – to hold your hand, to hug your kids, to carry your burdens with you. I am so sorry. I agree with Sandy, even though it won’t make sense at times or you won’t feel like you have time, pull away and do little things that refresh your heart – a walk in the evening, a long bath, a nap – otherwise you will become depleted and you won’t have anything to give. Let HIM pour His words of encouragement and love into your heart. If you don’t have my book I would love to send you a copy and another book for weary moms. Please email your address to [email protected]. You are in my heart and prayers today!!
Hi Renee, I just had a day I wish I could do over. Thanks for reminding me to “stop worrying, start praying and keep thanking God for how much he cares and that we can cast our cares upon Him.”
God is in control and cares about every detail of our lives. Even when we make mistakes. He is there. No matter what! Our God is an awesome God!
I had that same kind of day. It was AWFUL, I was awful, I feel awful.
Let’s pray for each other.
Love to all.
You are always right on! I have been so down and out lately…so now I am going to sit down and figure out why I am down and out…what I need to change…I printed out the P31 devotional as well as the three ways to overcome worry…
Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and insight!
Keep up the great work!
When we are down to nothing, God is up to something! Praying for you, that God would continue to strengthen and encourage you in Him. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Bless you!
Just read your P31 devotional and oh, sister, you’re singin’ my song! I can totally relate. Thanks for your wise words. Loved them! PS. We’re using your book for women’s home groups this summer. 🙂
Dear sister for you,
Jesus, Jesus , I am resting in the joy of what Thy art , finding out the greatness of Thy loving heart.
Try this, it works
How refreshed I feel now with God’s word and the steps you provided to remind us to turn to the Lord. I am at the beach and worry started I decided to go online and read my Proverbs 31 devotional. I saw your title about worry and God lead me to it. So refreshed now and full of joy! Thank You
What a needed uplift to be reminded that God can help us with all things, especially the daily deadlines and stresses in our lives.
I really like the cross on your nightstand. What an excellent reminder to cast my worries to Jesus. Thanks!
These are 3 great and easy steps. I too think the nightstand idea is great. During really stressful times when it is really difficult for mind to just relax, I think of the following verse; “Be still and know that I am God.” Even if I have to repeat it over and over again, eventually, I am at peace and I am able to hear God.
Hi Renee,
God has recently pointed out to me that my greatest spiritual struggle comes with spending too much energy rehashing what I’ve done in the past and worrying about the future.
Your devotion really spoke to me.
In the Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis has the main character, one of Satan’s “managers” telling his minnion to keep his victim either rehashing the past or worrying about the future, because GOD IS IN THE PRESENT. I try to remember that but I’m not always successful.
Thanks for reminding me today,
Oh Karen that was good! Hi Renee! It was a blessing to have found you today through P31. Anxiety and stress is a HUGE issue causing so many problems. I love how your husband told you to make a list, mine says the same. The cross on the nightstand, great idea! Today I am challenging me to “stop talking to myself and start talking to God” Amen sister! I look forward to reading more!
I was looking for a daily devotion and found this site yesterday. Just what I needed with my busy life; 4 kids, husband who works nights, graduate school, etc…sometimes I feel like I am so overwhelmed!
I woke up this morning tired. The last two days at work have been stressful; I am a church secretary. When I got to work this morning I decided I needed to take just a few minutes to read the Proverbs 31 devotion I subscribe to. What a blessing it was to be reminded to take it all to Jesus! When I get home today, I plan on revisiting your website to look at the online Bible study and your book, “A Confident Heart:. God lift you up today and give you peace as you minister to so many through your website!
Oh, Janet, it made my heart happy to read your sentence, “…work have been stressful; I am a church secretary.” I am, also, and people just have no idea just how stressful that can be. I normally do read my P31 devotional’s first thing but today was so busy, I’m just getting around to it.
It was something I did need today and will try to take the steps with me and use them.
I tell my husband all the time not to worry, everything will work out, but actually I worry as much as he does. I often find myself worrying about decisions I have made or things I have said or done in the past. I think about how I should have said or done something different. Then I remember Philippians 3:13-14 and ask God to help me move forward and not stress about things that I cannot change.
I love the idea of putting worries down on index cards and actually “giving them” to the Lord. I fail so much with this and worry so much. Thanks for your words of wisdom!
thank you for the encouragement, about how and why women worry and grow weary. It really help allot to put things into prospective. May God Bless all the women that read this to take the time to rejoice in the Lord, and pray always. love and prayers Judy
Renee, enjoyed your video. I am just like you with my worry. I can really relate about worry.
Thank you for the reminder of resting in Him. I lost my brother a year and a half ago and my heart has been very heavy and all of life seems to be causing an anxious heart. I needed to hear these words today. I love getting them in my inbox. God always knows when I need to read it.
This devotion & teaching is perfect for where I am at!! I listened to the message twice & will download the document, thank you so very much! I am a homeschool mom of 5 (ages 10 yrs – 10 months) and definitely fall into the category of “serving more than seeking” and I am running out of fuel! I plan to implement your suggestion to write my cares down on cards to physically give them to the Lord. 🙂
Joanne Riddle
I enjoy reading your posts and videos so much. I’ve been off work d/t an injury and life has so many ups and downs.I try really hard not to worry about bills, my future health,etc.This is trying to take hold of my relationships and every thing. I try to stay up with prayer and good thoughts and words of encouragement from awesome women of God like you.
Jesus thank you for sending P31 to me today, just what I needed. Thank you Renee for listening to the Lord and writing Confidant Heart. I am one of those stress-induced depression women. I will definitely be writing down verses on index cards.
I just read the chapter 2 of “A Confident Heart.” That helped me so much with what is going on me. I am in the middle of a big move, two boys that are 10 months apart and a husband. No time at all for myself lately. I definately will start though. I releated to a lot of your life stories as well. Thank you so much.. It calmed a lot of my anxiety down.
Take care and BE BLESSED !! 🙂
Thank you for reminding me of my favorite bible verse and to lift all my worries up to god. This is exactly what I needed to hear today. I am going to try the note card remedy starting today. Thank you Renee for your wisdom filled words,
Thanks for reminding me not to worry. I have a huge tendency to do so and recently heard a great thought in a Christian podcast – that nothing happens to you by mere association. IE: just because we hear of a tragic car accident, loss of a job, divorce of a close friend or family member, etc. it does not mean that something similar will happen to us or our family because we were close to such a situation. I’m going to try to remember this and be more thankful for the blessings the Lord has provided in my life for myself & my loved ones.
Hi! Who among us haven’t felt over burdened at points? Last night I had a good cry before going to sleep but I also had a good prayer session with God and turned my worries over to Him.
I would like to share this with you all. It is called ” Cleansing Prayer ” . This is if you feel you are worried about a person and it is weighing you down…..
” Dear Lord ,
I thank you for granting me the privilege of ministering into ———————–‘s life today. I now want to release both ————————- and the responsibility for his/her healing to you. Thank you , Lord, for your love for ——————-, which is for greater than mine could ever be.
Where I have become connected to ————-in any way that is outside of your will, I ask you to forgive me and to now unbind the cords drawn between us and cause us to be connected to you in those areas instead.
Father, please cut me free, by the sword of your Spirit, from any transference, spiritual or emotional, that took place during this session, and nail it to the Cross of Christ.
Wash me, Lord, and restore me to your original design, and renew me where my energies have been depleted through ministry.
Seal that which has been accomplished in ___________________’s life today, and protect if from enemy forces. I give all of the honour, the glory and the praise to you.
Thank you, Lord. Amen.
I just thought this prayer might help some of you who are burdened in this way.
awesome; thank you for sharing this
What a blessing your book and your devotions are. I thank God for the the gift He has given you to share Christ and help so many women. I have been going through health issues that have been very diffcult. It is easy to get wrapped up in the “worry” verses the “Faith ” in God that ALL things are possible for those who believe. Thank you for being a blessing to so many women. Your wisdom helps me to be reminded in Christ Jesus the victory has already been won, all I have to do is believe!
May God use you to the fullest for HIS glory,