I’ve always wanted to be brave. And sometimes I am. But then there are those other times… times when I let fear, doubt and the comparison curse make me feel not-so-brave. And during those times, my feelings of “blah” and not-so-brave need a kick in the booty. Others times I need a friend to remind me I am brave. I just need to choose to “live” brave.
I invited my friend Annie Downs to stop by and be that friend for us {all} today. She’s part of the (in)courage contributor team with me, and her book about being brave just released into the world this week. All kinds of awesomeness is happening because she was brave enough to write this message; a message we all need to hear! Here’s Annie…
My friend Sarah said she never does anything brave.
She’s 37. Married. Three kids. A dog that yips too much. Her husband has a job and they live in a house.
It’s your basic suburban life, with a literal suburban as the family car.
As we sat at Starbucks, catching up while her kids were in Vacation Bible School, she asked about my new book Let’s All Be Brave and proceeded to inform me of her lack of brave.
I laughed. Sarah is one of the bravest friends I know. We’ve been in each other’s lives for years, since college, and I have watched her be brave over and over again.
Her first date with her future-husband. Brave.
Finding out she was pregnant with #2 quicker than expected (ahem). Brave.
When things got bad after her third baby, you that mama-doesn’t-have-it-in-her-to-cook-another-meal kind of bad? She didn’t run away. She cooked dinner that night and the night after. If you ask me, that’s brave.
Sarah walked away from a job she liked to raise her family. Brave.
Now she works part-time to help ends meet. Brave.
Do you see it? Do you see the brave in the every day? Do you see the moments when fear or hurt or worry could whisper so loudly that all movement halted?
Here’s what’s true about courage: being brave isn’t the absence of fear or worry;
being brave is stepping forward even when the fear still whispers.Brave people hear the fears, they just don’t listen to them.
I laughed at Sarah. Yes, right in her face. (We’re good friends; it was appropriate.) I laughed because I know she is brave, just like I know you are brave.
There have been times when you wanted to quit, but you didn’t. There have been moments when you wanted to say no, but you said yes. There have been opportunities to stay when you knew it was right to leave. So you left.
You, my friend, are brave.
It isn’t just the ones who jump out of planes or move over the ocean that get to wear that courageous title.
It’s yours too.
And when you’ll be brave, the people around you will see that brave and they’ll choose it too. In the everyday moments, in the big moments, look for brave, choose it, and know that your people are watching and deciding to live brave because of YOU.
Let’s all be brave and watch as it changes the world.
Annie F. Downs is an author, blogger, and speaker based in Nashville, Tennessee. Flawed but funny, she uses her writing to highlight the everyday goodness of a real and present God. An author of three books- Let’s All Be Brave, Perfectly Unique, and Speak Love, Annie also loves traveling around the country speaking to young women, college students, and adults. Read more at anniefdowns.com and follow her on Twitter @anniefdowns.
What resonated with your heart as you read Annie’s thoughts about being brave?Enter to win Annie’s new book, Let’s All Be Brave, by clicking “Share Your Thoughts” below today’s post and do just that. Annie is giving away 2 copies!
This giveaway is now over, but I would still love to hear from you!
I realize when I am outside my comfort zone but continue to move forward in what God wants me to do…..I am being brave!!
To rise each morning to begin again, after failures and grief, guilt and regret; that I am learning is brave. So easy to give up but brave to continue. Thank you for sharing and urging us to be brave…to continue to be brave. Marti
Reading this post made me want to cry…I don’t give myself enough credit for my “just’ being a working mom, a wife, woman…I really need to read this book to help me slow my crazy life down to see just how brave I really am…
I would like to read this book.
SO many BRAVE women commenting. Here is a BIG (((HUG)))! After I read all the above, it makes my worries seem much smaller. Thanks for sharing your hearts!
I felt like I needed this book. I am a single Mom of 3 little ones and have been for 7 years now. I work full-time, attend college full-time, and have absolutely no help from the father or from my family. I barely get out of the house (because I work and school from home, and homeschool my youngest one) so I feel a lack of connections. It is hard to be brave when you are isolated and have everything on your shoulders to tackle alone…but that is why I need to be braver than ever, and continue to strive to be more brave every single day. My kids need to see that you can overcome anything, if only you let God lead, work hard, and have faith.
The idea of continuing in hope when you’re not sure how something is going to end up… I’m learning that is being brave. To be like Sarah and “not fear anything frightening” regardless of dear ones’ choices & decision that greatly impact us & our family… extremely difficult and only possible in the Lord. I’m learning as I go through a very hard, seemingly impossible situation, that it is only through His strength can we be truly brave & go forward seeking & trusting Him moment by moment.
I have been brave during my son’s two deployments to war.
Being brave is doing the next thing even though you are afraid. My second oldest son is deploying tomorrow to an undisclosed location in southwest Asia…I am trying to be brave while trusting in His promises. 🙂
Praying God’s protection over your son and your heart.
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
Never thought of myself as brave. As I read this devotion I took a look back on my life and so many things that happened in it and how I came thru it with God’s help, and hey “I am brave” LOL….I love it when devotions make me look back at my life and I see how far my Savior has brought me…….Thank you for this Renee
I would love to read Annie’s book.
Reading this made me think how often I think being brave is only related to the so-called big things in life when being brave matters in every area, big and small. But just getting out of bed each day and continuing to provide for my family, taking care of them, going to work and coming home to them…that is brave. Holding on to them no matter what…that is brave. Standing in the gap and praying for them…that is brave. I want to be so much move than I am now. I would love to have this book! 🙂
I have struggled with fear my whole life this post inspired me today thank you so much!
That being brave happens in the little things that you do every day that you think you can’t do it, but you keep on going anyways.
I have never considered myself brave but after reading this I can see areas of my life that I am. I would love to read this book in depth and see how I can become brave in all areas of my life
Brave people hear the fears, they just don’t listen to them.
That reassured my heart as I sit in my mama’s hospital room one week after the stroke. So many emotions, voices screaming worry, fear, uncertainty, overwhelming feelings, as I will now be a caregiver or make decisions about her care. I am encouraged by this excerpt from the book to continually quiet my heart through prayer and choose to claim truth and drown out those other noises.
Renee and I are praying for you and your mama. Praying for God to fill you with His peace and His courage as you sit there and minister to your mama. Praying wisdom for you and the doctors as they treat your momma. Praying that God will fill you up as your pour yourself out for your momma and your family.
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
I’ve discovered that the smallest brave moments make the most difference. Those moments that no one else is aware of, including you, until awhile later when someone else tells you they thought you were brave. Those are the ones that count.
I came across this after I was listening to “Oceans” by Hillsong. Listening to “Oceans” by Hillsong reminds me of the story behind the song. It brings me to when Peter was being called out on the water to Jesus. The song was about stepping out in faith and trusting and depending on God no matter what trials we faced.
Matthew 14:31 – Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
I started reading more about it and so many positive quotes and passages had led me to this:
—Bless those who walk away from you. They are making room for those who won’t. Everyone who’s in your life are meant to be a part of your journey, but not everyone is meant to stay until the end. Every struggle is to be endured to make you stronger. Sometimes the things we can’t change, are meant to change us. His answers are not always the same as our expectations, simply because He sees things we can’t see. We see in part, God sees in whole.
I believe this book will encourage faith, and encourage courage, and in the end, place hearts in His embrace.
Thanks for sharing your heart with us. Love Hillsong’s song and sing it often on Sunday mornings during church.
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
I would love to win this book. I really enjoy your others.
People say I’m brave and courageous …. But it is just living everyday to the best we can given what we have each day! This book would continue to inspire and support me on those days when I may not be feeling so brave! I have people with whom I would share my copy with as we all can use a little help some days!
Being Brave? I have in the last few years tried to step out of my comfort zone and take steps into the unknown and uncomfortable…it is so very hard to do….but so worth it!!! Lets be brave not for someone else all the time but for ourselves too! It is always a work in progress…. Would love to read this book!
Lord be with me and give me courage to be brave as I watch my Mother spiral into a state of declining health. It’s not easy to observe her transition into deeper stages of dementia. I must be brave ~ it is undeniable.
I am with you on this….my mom is in the same situation…we made the decision to admit her into a personal care home last April….it was the hardest decision I have had to make….it still breaks my heart…But it was for her safety and well being…she still doesn’t like me for making that choice but I am trying to get past the hurt of that and knowing it is just the disease process helps…God Bless you and your mom…..
This is so inspiring. I get really tired of feeling like I have to brave constantly. As a single mom to 3 kids who’s just trying to fulfill God’s purpose in her life, I don’t always feel brave. This is such an encouragement for all of us in our different situations…
Being brave requires listening to God even when you don’t understand His plan. People may criticize you, but you know who holds your future. Step into the light. God has got you!
I have been working on being brave for myself, my marriage etc. I would love to win a copy of this book!
Wow! I could glean so much from this book!
Brave holds the word verb.. The stories reflect just that through risk, being willing to be uncomfortable for a greater purpose..
Whooos… sorry for all the typos… 🙂
What resonated most with me is that bravery comes even in the mundane everyday actions and decisions of life. Each day, each moment, I can choose to give up or I can choose The Lord Jesus Christ as I strive to intentionally follow in His ways. At age 28 & 29 I began the battle with anxiety, and possibly some depressiin. The Lord taught me through him alone how to be a woman with a confident heart, brave in the promises and truth He provides. My prayer is I can help others debe brave as well!
Often it is the fear of failure or my lack of perfection that I allow to cause me to stop moving. The Lord has been teaching me that he does not expect me to be perfect, but he expects me to keep trying, to persist in faith. Never thought of that as bravery…..gives me new stuff to ponder. And a new prayer to pray, “Lord make me brave”.
I especially liked the quote: “There have been opportunities to stay when you knew it was right to leave. So you left.” My husband and I recently resigned from a ministry position that we loved in order to take care of ourselves and keep our marriage strong before it started to deteriorate. It was a hard decision, even one that makes us worry we won’t be able to find another place to minister (which we feel is God’s call for us), but we are trusting God that He has us right where He wants us. Even if that means we focus on strengthening ourselves and our marriage now, so we can say yes to a much better opportunity later.
This book sounds amazing. I am always trying to be brave.
This book sounds excellent and much needed! We all need a little (or a lot) more brave!
Would love to win for our MOPS group – our theme this year is Be You, Bravely. We’re always looking for new books/studies to do with the moms. Thanks!
Love this concept. I agree we are all brave. I shafted a quote in social media @smilinjen216 and facebook.com/smilinjen216
“Here’s what’s true about courage: being brave isn’t the absence of fear or worry;
being brave is stepping forward even when the fear still whispers.”
Good stuff and I can’t wait to read it! I how I win it!
Sounds like a great read!!
What resonated with me was how I’ve felt I’ve never been a very brave person and to hear Annie describe the bravery she saw in Sarah in the everyday things, it made me reflect on my own life and the times where I could recognize some degree of bravery. I just didn’t see it from that perspective. Bravery doesn’t have to be in just the big things in life, it can be seen in a multitude of levels. Annie, your book sounds wonderful! May God bless your words to help others in their life journey.
I love the idea that we can be brave even when we have fear. I recently shared a fb post expressing vulnerably how uncourageous I am when it comes to sticking up for or fighting for me. I have allowed fear to rule my decision making far too often. But this excerpt reminded me that I have been brave. When I found out I was pregnant with my first child shortly after my spouse & I had decided not to have children, I kept my child. When I was a victim of an abusive relationship, I walked away. I am currently facing a new circumstance & I want to give up. I want to run away & hide. I want God to fix it now. But I my be brave. I must not back down. I must praise Him in the storm & trust in His promises. Brave. This year God is teaching me courage.
Being brave is being faced with some of the toughest challenges but being an overcomer & a fighter-I have a chronic, incurable lung disease called pulmonary hypertension -which is high blood pressure inside my lungs- I have had the disease since 2001 & yes! I am a long term survivor at this point. Woohoo! God is so amazing!
I was married to a very abusive man and I didn’t ever think I was brave!! It took me 28 years to leave and never look back! I am now old and retired with heart trouble, thyroid, and COPD! I have lost any chance if being brave! I would love to have your book maybe reading it can help me be brave now!!!
I like that she understands that being brake doesn’t always mean HUGE things and sometimes the bravest are in the little things.
Like being respectful in a marriage where you are treated as lesser..
I would absolutely love to win and read this book! Sounds outstanding! So helpful! with everything that seems to be coming at me right now. I am not good with decisions. I haven’t been very brave. Thank you for the opportunity! 🙂
It made me realize brave comes in all shapes and forms. My mom for instance is brave because of her fight with breast cancer. I want to say I would be as brave as her , but I honestly do not know. But I strive to brave as my mom.
The first and only thing I could think about as I read your comments about being brave is the major decision I had to make today. Just before I read this actually. I was so scared that I was going to make the wrong choice and mess up something and then regret it in the future. But I prayed before I made my choice and now that I read this so immediately after making that choice, it just makes me feel very blessed and confident that God is speaking to me right now, telling me that I’m going to be ok and I made the right decision, the decision he wanted me to make. So thank you!
It’s easy to play the comparison game and think we aren’t as pretty, smart, organized, or BRAVE as the women we interact with, but in truth, God gave us each a unique situation. He appointed us and us alone to be the wife to our husband, mother to our children, and in relationship to those he puts in our path. Being ‘just’ an everyday person, her story resonated with me because my daily interactions with my family and friends may seem mundane but may also call me to step out of my comfort zone and be BRAVE in order to be used by God in others’ lives.
Cancer is very scary stuff, I wasn’t brave, but with Jesus carrying me, I went through chemo, surgery, radiation and almost finished with reconstruction. Trying to focus on just today,bone day at a time. This book is so needed.
It made me think that I (we) can be brave in the normal, every day tasks.
“Brave people hear the fears, they just don’t listen to them.”
Love that! I love that you see “brave” in the everyday things we do as women. It’s powerful~ thank you
Annie’s friend Sarah’s story just squeezed my heart… all of those ways that she is really brave even when she wasn’t feeling very brave. I lived in a third world country for 10 years with my husband and children. I felt brave then but in the last 5 years since we’ve moved back to our home country, I feel less and less brave every day. I can’t even believe that the person who lived on the other side of the world was me sometimes. So many life experiences, so much water under the bridge… I really feel very small and scared most of the time. I’m reading “A Confident Heart” and am being so encouraged… learning to tell myself the truth always. I would love love love to follow that up by Annie’s new book as well.
I so want to be brave ALL THE TIME but it’s so hard. God has really been working on me and molding me toward becoming who I am supposed to be, who he made me to be.
I’ve also been under so much attack from the enemy over the last few months and have been in such a dark place. All I could see was a light that I’m striving for and that light is God. I’m trying to be brave as I’m working my way back out of the dark place and the light is getting bigger and brighter although slowly.
I just want to be brave and strong and never doubt God is in control if I just stay focused on Him