I’ve always wanted to be brave. And sometimes I am. But then there are those other times… times when I let fear, doubt and the comparison curse make me feel not-so-brave. And during those times, my feelings of “blah” and not-so-brave need a kick in the booty. Others times I need a friend to remind me I am brave. I just need to choose to “live” brave.
I invited my friend Annie Downs to stop by and be that friend for us {all} today. She’s part of the (in)courage contributor team with me, and her book about being brave just released into the world this week. All kinds of awesomeness is happening because she was brave enough to write this message; a message we all need to hear! Here’s Annie…
My friend Sarah said she never does anything brave.
She’s 37. Married. Three kids. A dog that yips too much. Her husband has a job and they live in a house.
It’s your basic suburban life, with a literal suburban as the family car.
As we sat at Starbucks, catching up while her kids were in Vacation Bible School, she asked about my new book Let’s All Be Brave and proceeded to inform me of her lack of brave.
I laughed. Sarah is one of the bravest friends I know. We’ve been in each other’s lives for years, since college, and I have watched her be brave over and over again.
Her first date with her future-husband. Brave.
Finding out she was pregnant with #2 quicker than expected (ahem). Brave.
When things got bad after her third baby, you that mama-doesn’t-have-it-in-her-to-cook-another-meal kind of bad? She didn’t run away. She cooked dinner that night and the night after. If you ask me, that’s brave.
Sarah walked away from a job she liked to raise her family. Brave.
Now she works part-time to help ends meet. Brave.
Do you see it? Do you see the brave in the every day? Do you see the moments when fear or hurt or worry could whisper so loudly that all movement halted?
Here’s what’s true about courage: being brave isn’t the absence of fear or worry;
being brave is stepping forward even when the fear still whispers.Brave people hear the fears, they just don’t listen to them.
I laughed at Sarah. Yes, right in her face. (We’re good friends; it was appropriate.) I laughed because I know she is brave, just like I know you are brave.
There have been times when you wanted to quit, but you didn’t. There have been moments when you wanted to say no, but you said yes. There have been opportunities to stay when you knew it was right to leave. So you left.
You, my friend, are brave.
It isn’t just the ones who jump out of planes or move over the ocean that get to wear that courageous title.
It’s yours too.
And when you’ll be brave, the people around you will see that brave and they’ll choose it too. In the everyday moments, in the big moments, look for brave, choose it, and know that your people are watching and deciding to live brave because of YOU.
Let’s all be brave and watch as it changes the world.
Annie F. Downs is an author, blogger, and speaker based in Nashville, Tennessee. Flawed but funny, she uses her writing to highlight the everyday goodness of a real and present God. An author of three books- Let’s All Be Brave, Perfectly Unique, and Speak Love, Annie also loves traveling around the country speaking to young women, college students, and adults. Read more at anniefdowns.com and follow her on Twitter @anniefdowns.
What resonated with your heart as you read Annie’s thoughts about being brave?Enter to win Annie’s new book, Let’s All Be Brave, by clicking “Share Your Thoughts” below today’s post and do just that. Annie is giving away 2 copies!
This giveaway is now over, but I would still love to hear from you!
Sometimes the bravest thing we can do is keep moving forward, even when every fiber in our being wants to hide under the nearest rock or run the other way. Brave to me is one foot in front of the other when you don’t know how you are going to do it.
I really don’t consider myself a brave person. After reading this post from Annie I realize God has made me brave in ways I never realized. I feel a lot like Sarah at times. I’m 40 and have 2 children 13 months apart and there’s lots of days I feel my main purpose is taking care of 2 preschoolers. I lost my job 2 days before my youngest was born (almost 4 years) ago, but soon realized that was God’s will for us. Glad God’s made it possible for me to stay home with the children while my husband works. Sounds like a great book!
Would love to read the book, I don’t feel very brave at all I just lost my husband of 40 years and am trying to find a way to carry on. My husband took care of everything from finances to maintenance you name it he took care of it, now that I need to make those decisions I am lost. He was my whole life been married since we were 19 not even sure who I am without him. I get up daily and try to focus on God above to guide me.
We are so sorry for the loss of your husband. Praying for you as you find yourself being brave with each step as you move forward with learning the finance side of things and as you make decisions. Praying for God to fill you with His peace and His grace as you take each step in moving forward and as you lean into God for his strength.
Praying for you,
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
I don’t feel brave – ever! But after reading this post – I see so many ways in which GOD has made me brave:
Bearing 3 children
Dealing with a difficult 3rd pregnancy.
Taking the step to adoption.
Starting to promote my own blog.
All of those are “Brave” – thank you for this!! I needed it today!
This book sounds wonderful. As women, we become everything for everyone around us…husband, kids, coworkers, church etc. that we don’t really feel brave but safe. We are brave in our choices/decisions. Can’t wait to read your book!
Brave for me is just not giving up. Not matter what is going on and even though sometimes you don’t think you can make it through your circumstances as long as you hold on to God and don’t let go you will always make it. I know our circumstances help mold us and also help us better help others. Just hanging in there is brave to me.
This spoke to me as i am a mom of 3 children. Our first two are 13 months apart and was not expecting that to happen. God knew what he was doing and 4 years after my second child we got the son we long for. I try to be brave in my walk with God but I always let him and myself down. I wish i could be braver in my marriage. Ive let things hold me back.
This message spoke to me because I don’t think of myself as brave. However when I think of certain things that have happened in my life I realise I am brave. For example when I had a miscarriage and didn’t feel like going to work but my colleague and I had a presentation to do, I picked up myself and went to work. At the end of the day I could not understand how I managed but I know God’s grace kept me.
I am currently going through a difficult time in my marriage where there’s no emotional connection. I feel like giving up but i believe that I should give it a bit more time and thought and decide what is right. I am scared, tired, frustrated and unhappy. I want my children to be in a happy and loving home.
I also tend to put off things that I want to do for myself, like starting a blog and eventually writing a book.
I believe winning the book would be a good motivation for me. Thanks
Praying for you Sophia as you go through this difficult time in your marriage. Praying for God to fill you with his strength, his love, his mercy, his grace and his compassion, his peace. Praying for God to give you his eyes and his heart as you take each step through this. Praying that he will fill you with His bravery as you do the next right thing.
Renee Swope’s Email Ministry Team
Annie made me feel that the times all I could see was how scared I was might have been when I was actually brave because I went through it. I didn’t hide or run away but with a hand reaching for God went through until I got to the other side.
I am brave! Just reading that makes me wish I could live it. Doubt and comparison are my enemies!
It is good to know what it really means to be brave. It is not what the world thinks but what the Lord thinks.
Soooooooo trying to be brave in the midst of my mess. I know I am supposed to be here right now,but so very very hard in so many ways. I know YOU will be brave for me and through me! I am counting on Him!
It’s in our messes where He fills us with His bravery. In our weaknesses, He is made stronger as we lean into Him for His strength. Thank you for sharing your heart and for your realness.
Prayers being lifted,
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
would like to win
Being a military wife gives me countless opportunities to be brave, although I can’t say that I choose to be brave every time. Sometimes it’s easier to cry in the dark and hate the Army and the war for changing my husband the way they have. But every time, I pick myself up again and keep pushing forward. I think that’s the most important thing about being brave – is getting up even when you’re bruised and knocked down. 🙂
Wow, Malori! Thank you so much for sharing your heart and what you have learned from your “countless opportunities to be brave.” I like that. Thank you for reminding me that ” the most important thing about being brave – is getting up even when you’re bruised and knocked down.” Maybe I am a little more brave than i thought. 🙂 God continue to bless you richly!
Thank you for being brave. Thanks to your husband for being brave. And yes, you are a LOT more brave than you think. Thanks for being brave and for getting up when you are knocked down and bruised. Praying for you and your family as you serve each one of us. May God bless you abundantly beyond what you can imagine for your bravery.
Blessings and prayers,
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
I never really considered it being brave is the little things in life…it is rally amazing how Annie makes you stop and think and realize that sometimes just getting out from under the covers each day is being BRAVE to some people. Thanks Annie for the reminder that just because we are not literally climbing mountains….sometimes our mountains come in diffrent packages.
As a mom of teenagers I need all the encouragement I can get to be brave!
Most if the time I think of brave as saying yes, even when things are uncertain. But sometimes, it’s saying no to a seemingly perfect opportunity. I had been praying for years for God to open a door for me to stay home with my kids. Then my Pastor came to me with a job opportunity at church. It looked like my prayers were finally being answered! The committee wanted me so badly they pulled strings for a decent salary and also told me I could work when the boys were at school and still be home to get then off the bus. I was so excited! But hubby was not. He had a lot of concerns and we prayed and talked and talked and prayed and put out a fleece that God change hubby’s heart if this was his will. And his heart did not change and the opportunity passed by. My heart was broken. It took a long time for my disappointment and anger to go away. Imagine my excitement when the job offer came back a year later! Surely this was from The Lord! But hubby’s heart was still troubled and this time I told he and God that no matter the outcome, hubby and I were in it together this time and I would trust God. After much prayer and discussion, I had to say no. I had to honor my husbands leadership and trust God as he didn’t change hearts. And it was so so hard. I mean, how could working at a church not be His will??? But sometimes you have to be brave enough to say no. And He blesses and blesses and blesses it. Being brave.
Wow, Paige! That is hard to imagine. I kept thinking as I read your comment that maybe you saw why you weren’t able to take the job. Have you seen that yet? Maybe you will down the road. Thank you for the example of honoring your husband’s leadership and being brave enough to say no. This is an insightful twist on bravery. 🙂 God continue to bless you in your bravery!
Wow, what an inspiration! So many times I feel like it’s only the big things that make me brave, although I see the little things in other people as being brave. I’m working on having the courage to step outside my comfort zone and do new things, take chances in a new career to enhance my health and that of others around me; this book is something I would love to read, and then pass it on to my daughter, and young mother of two (mostly stay at home…she has a part-time job that she can take her children to work with her).
Right now I’m not ‘feeling’ so brave – just got word that my mother-in-law just had a stroke – she’s ok but it brings back the memories of so many deaths our family has gone through. Needed this word of encouragement, to put one foot in front of the other as we trust God with her. I’d love to have a copy of the book!
Praying for you as you minister to your mother-in-law and family. Praying for bravery as you trust God.
Prayers and Blessings,
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
I am dealing with the this right now. I want to be brave again. Would love the book to help with this. Thank you.
What an inspiration, this really touched my heart and is so true in every aspect of my life. God and all of my friends and family seem to play a part in this aspect of my life; hopefully as much as I support them. Thank you
A couple of years ago I was one of those “move over the ocean” people and so many told us they could never be so brave – and it’s funny because I didn’t feel at all brave at the time. I was terrified! But I guess I’m realizing anew that “brave” isn’t the same at all as “unafraid” or “fearless.” It’s exactly for those times when we aren’t unafraid and when we are terrified. Because we can do it if God wants us to anyway. But the other thing is that being brave once or many times doesn’t mean we won’t ever be afraid again or that we’ve got this “brave” thing down. There will always be new lions and giants and mountains and enemies to face… and new grace and strength from God to do it with. So yes! Let’s be brave! With Jesus and His Body in the flesh, we can do it. Thanks for sharing this message, Annie and Renee!
I DO want to learn to be brave…or am I already? I’d love to read Annie’s book!
Thanks Renee!
At a time in my life where I have so many days where I look around me and I just get overwhelmed, this is a wonderful reminder. I don’t feel brave staying home, raising my kids, but it is. I don’t feel brave going to a new church and talking to people I don’t know, but it is. Everyday, I have a change to live life bravely, with confidence that I can glorify God with all of the gifts he has given me. I am brave because I choose to live for him, each and every day.
Love your comment Becca about living everyday with confidence that you can glorify God with all the gifts He has given you and because you live for Him, you are brave.
Amen and Amen,
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
I really like how Annie sees the brave in the everyday. Brave doesn’t have to be big to be real. Sometimes the seemingly small steps of bravery are the biggest of all.
It’s amazing how it is easier to see other people’s brave, strong side and not our own. But how exciting and encouraging to think that could be me too!
This really got me thinking. My friends have always told me I am brave. It’s true I have survived some horribly scary days and situations in my life. But, I always considered myself stubborn and fighting to survive, not brave. When I read the line, ” There have been opportunities to stay when you knew it was right to leave. So you left.” I realized maybe that is the bravest I’ve been. In those moments when it’s easier to do nothing, I have forced myself to jump into the deep waters of faith to do the right thing. That’s where doing things to survive becomes doing things in order to grow. That takes every ounce of bravery I can muster. Bravery comes from pushing beyond the natural response for survival and risking everything to trust what can be.
No weapon formed against us shall prosper.
Being brave is stepping forward when the fear still whispers.
I want to be brave. As I work towards reconciliation with my formerly abusive husband who is now working towards right living in Christ. I want to be brave as I explain to others that I feel God can heal even this marriage. I want to be brave as I continue to trust in Christ. I want to be brave.
Praying for you and your husband as you take the next brave step together. Praying for brave as you forgive your husband. Praying for brave as you wait for God to heal your marriage. Praying for brave as you and your husband make God the centerpiece of your marriage. Praying for brave as trust God to lead your husband closer to His heart. Praying for brave as you keep your eyes focused on God.
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
I would love to read this book. What hit me is that we all want to be brave. The desire is in us to be brave but so many things cause us to doubt that we can be brave. How to choose to be brave is the question. Thanks for the chance to win this book!
What you said is so true, and I think it will help many people have a higher self-esteem of themselves – in a good way! I recently stepped out in faith and God took away all my fears when I did street ministry for the first time. He gets the credit for my bravery!
This book sounds like one that I need to read and share possibly in a women’s group. It kind of opened my eyes to think “Brave” is not just jumping out of an airplane or doing something dangerous, it’s living God’s Word everyday! It’s actually doing what we know we should do and doing it and not doing what we should not do. I am so glad that I have read and am studying “A Confident Heart” in small group. Sometimes we have to slow down and focus on the things above and know what real life is all about. Brave people hear the fears, they just don’t listen to them. WOW! A wonderful statement!
Love sharing with others knowing that your not the only one who has these feelings of not being brave!
Being brave is more than a word, it taking action even when your brain is saying no, no, no.It’s taking that first step even when it is something that you have never done and accepting the results weather it was a success or failure. It’s accepting help from others.Being a parent or grandparent, especially when you don’t know how or what to do.Facing each day is an act of bravery. I was diagnosed as Manic-Depressive and clinically depressed after I tried to kill myself. Every day is a gift from God and living for him is an act of bravery that I deal with every day. Sometimes when I and I do so quite frequently, it’s all I can do to pick myself up and try again.we all need to remember that fear is not fear unless you are afraid to try. So personally I would rather be brave than crippled by fear.
Brave, brave, brave. Yes, I know I’m brave, but sometimes I forget. A single parent for 20+ years. Raising 3 wonderful kids who are now adults. Daring to love again. Going back to school as an adult learner to finish my degree. Facing job conflicts in a corporate world motivated by the bottom line. Moving to a small town. Facing health problems. Dealing with aging parents. Dealing with grief. Yes, I am brave. Thanks for reminding me!
Annie, God is so good! Thank you for allowing Him to use you to speak to me tonight. He knew this messy, weepy girl needed to read the words you penned “being brave isn’t the absence of fear or worry; being brave is stepping forward (trusting God) even when the fear still whispers” in this moment of my life where there is a life changing decision that needs to be made. Knowing that God loves us when we lack courage, yet are willing to step forward in confidence that He will carry us through and around the fear to get to the place He knows is best for us.
I love this reminder that I don’t have to jump out of a plane to be brave. There are things that we do every day that are considered brave. Thank you for the reminder ,
book sounds great we all have to be brave every day GOD gives us are strength
The fact that she recognizes that being brave is taking a step forward regardless. Also fear is present for all of us in some form or another, but it does not have to paralyze us if we use it to propel us to be brave! I choose to be brave today and not let fear take over. Life is too precious and we were meant to take risks. Hope I win!
Made me realize even though I may just be a mom I am brave also in so many ways I haven’t realized! Love to read this book!
I had a situation that required action on my part that caused me so much fear. I pressed forward and did what I knew what I needed to do. I had no idea that my sister had been watching me. Because I got brave it gave her the courage to deal with something in her life that brought fear to her. I would love to read this book and then pass it on to her.
Being brave (with knocking knees!)
I never thought about being a brave person. I just got back from a mission trip to Costa Rica. I went for the first time ever without any family with me. Thinking about all the people I met and prayed with on the streets. The homeless. I’m handicapped too, so I think that considers me pretty brave, even if I didn’t feel brave. I think everyone is brave. Meeting someone for the first time, speaking in front of people, driving somewhere your not sure of. Leaving home for the first time as an adult. Trying new food can even be brave. Sounds like a great book. Thanks for being real.
I am not as brave as I should be. I would like to win this for myself and for my daughters to read so we know how to be brave.
When I read her story.. about her friend Sarah.. I feel lke Sarah sometimes. I am brave for my children. I’m s single mother of 5 blessing 9 and under. .. I need to be brave for them.. and there is somedays I don’t feel at all brave. I hope I win this great book to hear some encouraging words. Thank you for that chance.. God bless.
Sounds like a wonderful book!
Being brave is going to a parent-teacher conference knowing that the news is not going to good.
Being brave is feeding your parent and talking to them about plans for tomorrow while they’re in hospice.
Being brave is letting your adult child make decisions that you know are not the best but allowing them to learn on their own.
Being brave is telling God you’re not brave and need Him continually.
Whew! “Do you see it? Do you see the brave in the every day? Do you see the moments when fear or hurt or worry could whisper so loudly that all movement halted?
Here’s what’s true about courage: being brave isn’t the absence of fear or worry; being brave is stepping
forward even when the fear still whispers.”
There are many times I have wanted to q uit, but, by the grace of God, I didn’t. I have grown weary and said, “just take me Home, God!” I’m still here, alive and kicking. God is so very good!
Thank you for the reminders about what bravery really is. God continue to bless you richly!
Admire a mom who was pregnant sooner than wanting to be. I was in that situation and know how tough it is. Mine are 13 month’s apart.
Reading this made me realize that being brave doesn’t mean climbing a mountain or running into a burning building. Every person has the potential to be brave and has shown that bravery in her daily life over and over again. I’d love to read this book in depth and better understand how I can be brave and how I am already brave. Thank you.