{WELCOME Encouragement for Today Readers & Online Study Friends!!}
In my P31 Encouragement for Today devotion, I posed the question… Do you ever feel like you don’t measure up?
And now I want us to dig a little deeper. Have you ever stopped to ask, “Who is saying these things? Who is causing me to doubt myself? Is it me? Has something from my past led me to believe this? Or is it the enemy of my soul disguising his voice as my own?”
It is crucial for us to realize we have an enemy. Satan is the father of lies, and there is no truth in him (John 8:44). And he loves when we believe his deception and fall into the distraction of feeling inadequate and insecure. {It’s a huge distraction!}
The meaning of the word lie is “a falsehood with the intent to deceive.” Satan intends to deceive us and he does so by getting us to take our eyes off of who we are in Christ and focus on our flaws. That way we’ll spend our days figuring out how we can hide them. It’s exactly what he did with Eve:
“Then the eyes of both [Adam and Eve] were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’
He answered, ‘I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.’” (Gen. 3:7–11)
In response, God asked who told them they were naked. In other words, “Who told you that something is wrong with you?” By asking this, God made sure they knew someone was casting shame on them—and it wasn’t Him.
The enemy whispered lies into their hearts, causing them to move away from Him and from each other.
Satan’s intent is the same for you and me as it was for Eve, but we don’t have to go along with him. Instead we can refute his lies and temptations with truth. If we have put our trust in Christ as our Savior, we can stand on the promises of who we are in Him.
When you’re tempted to measure up today, focus “up” instead and remember Whose you are and who you are! Here is a compilation of Scriptures to remind us of who we are in Christ.
I am accepted . . .
- John 1:12 I am God’s child.
- 1 Corinthians 6:19–20 I have been bought with a price and I belong to God.
- Ephesians 1:3–8 I have been chosen by God and adopted as His child.
- Hebrews 4:14–16 I have direct access to the throne of grace through Jesus Christ.
I am secure . . .
- Romans 8:28 I am assured that God works for my good in all circumstances.
- Romans 8:31–39 I am free from condemnation. I cannot be separated from God’s love.
- 2 Corinthians 1:21–22 I have been established, anointed, and sealed by God.
- Colossians 3:1–4 I am hidden with Christ in God.
- Philippians 1:6 I am confident God will complete the good work He started in me.
- 2 Timothy 1:7 I have been given a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind.
I am significant . . .
- John 15:16, I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit.
- 2 Corinthians 5:17–21, I am a minister of reconciliation for God.
- Ephesians 2:6, I am seated with Jesus Christ in the heavenly realm.
- Ephesians 2:10, I am God’s workmanship.
- Ephesians 3:12, I may approach God with freedom and confidence.
- Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
Which one of these promises encourages your heart most today?
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I do measure up, I am worthy, I am loved by the One who created me! Thanks for the gentle reminder that it doesn’t matter what other people think about me, it only matters that He created me!
I have never been able to please my parents and it seems like no one else either since my grandfather died when I was 7. If I made an A- in school, I should have gotten an A+. My sister could always do better in their eyes and I never measured up to her. There have been people that have told my husband about the difference in the treatment between the two of us. This not good enough and not measuring up to their standards has followed me all through my life and I am finally working on making myself see that I do not have to measure up to their standards but work to be the best I can be for God. I have had an emptiness in me for so long and now I know that only my getting closer to the Lord will fill that hole. I have had too many friends and family that have let me down over the years but I now know that God will never let me down! It is hard to change after all these years and I know that I can not do it alone. I can only do it through God. I have got to realize that I can not meet every expectation that is put on me, but I can take the gifts and abilities that God gave me and use them to the best of my ability. i am thankful for all that I am learning through this study because Ido not know that I would have learned it on my own. Thank you more that you will ever know. I am going to go back over all of this when we are finished to make sure that it will stick with me and that I have not missed anything! Thank you again.
I’m studying to take the bar exam for the 5th time. I can’t find more than minimum wage work, despite my doctorate degree. Everyday I fight feeling like I’m worthless, not contributing, dumb, etc. your emails, blog posts, Bible study, fb posts, etc have been so encouraging and helpful. Thank you for your work.
John 15:16 I have been appointed and chosen to bear fruit.
This is most encourageing today for me. I’m in a difficult marriage situation, and am deeply struggling with worth and purpose. I’m going to marriage counseling, but by myself at this point with our Pastor. I’m critisized for the Bible studies I chose and what I do and don’t do. Its been to the point that I have withdrawn from everything in order to be a ble to function in any way. This is a loving reminder that God does have something planned for my life, even though now I cannot see it.
Thank You for your daily encouragement, you have touched lives in ways you may never know.
Boy, this devotion pulled my heart strings. It seems like I am constantly fighting the feelings of being unworthy – unworthy of friends, unworthy of love, unworthy of blessings. I am definitely a work in progress and I am so thankful for God’s grace. The enemy seems to attack me the most with this. I have found I can battle this better when I stay on my face before God and stay in his word. Honestly, I still have bad days and the good days are beginning to outweigh the bad days. I cannot even imagine my life without God. Thank you so much for this devotion.
Thanks for the scriptures. It’s always comforting to know that God does not give up on me and that I can always approach Him and that I don’t have to “measure up” in order to be accepted by Him.
I loved this week’s lesson!! It spoke to me on so many levels. You would think, as grown women we would have confidence and know whom we belong to…and not fall for all those lies. You are right on target when you say the enemy wants us to take our eyes off of God and focus on ourselves. That is exactly what we do when we feel inadequate. Your comment “By believing Satan’s lies, you reveal that your heart does not believe God’s truth. Trying to be “good enough” outside of God’s promises and provision will always create insecurity and obstruct our relationship with Him and with other people” really spoke to my heart. This bible study has already changed the person that I was into claiming my authority as a child of the Most High God. I can’t wait to see how much I will change during the remainder of the book. Thank you for serving Our King!
I’ve been a stay at home mom for 17 years. My daughter is about to go off to college in a few short months and I’m struggling with what my identity will look like when she is gone. Loved the verses, thank you!
I love the promise that I am secure…free from condemnation. I cannot be separated from God’s love. (Romans 8:31-39). I went through a period of several years where I was not living close to Him. I had become so enamored by a guy I was dating. We did not attend church on a regular basis & my personal devotion time was lacking. Praise God that He kept pursuing me! I am now married {to a Godly man} and realize just how important my Jesus-time is to keep me focused on the important stuff of life.
I currently struggle with measuring up. I was sexually abused as a child and young teenager and my dad never wanted a girl. These verses I read on a daily basis given to me by my Pastor. It just confirms them in my heart as I read them here. Thank you.
Knowing that I can approach God in freedom and with confidence is an amazing feeling. It makes my prayers more bold and honest.
■Ephesians 1:3–8 I have been chosen by God and adopted as His child.
I struggle with this verse because I was adopted as a baby and it has been a hard frame of reference for me. I have lived my life under a spirit of rejection, feeling like I was not good enough for my biological parents to want me. My adoptive mother constantly compared me to others, my adopted brother, her friends children, etc. She made me feel like she got a dud when she adopted me and that if she could she would return me. I grew up believing that I was never going to measure up or be good enough. As a teenager I gave up and stopped trying to be good enough. As a result I did many things that I regret and am ashamed of.
As a result, I feel the same way about my relationship with God – that I do not measure up and will never be good enough for him to accept me. Although I have been a Christian for 30 years, I continue to struggle with this. Thank you for these verses. I am going to copy them and post them where I can see them and read them whenever the doubt creeps in.
Thank you so much for this message. I have spent most of my life trying to measure up in so many areas of my life. I am now gaining the confidence to be who God made me to be and follow his path for me. Thank you for the scriptures to remind me of who I am and whose I am.
The affirmations under “I am secure” speak most loudly to me today. Insecurity is a problem I am constantly battling. I fight against the orphan syndrome – I’m adopted – but I know that thinking what I think is a choice. Never in all my years of counseling did anyone tell me it would be so difficult to harness my thoughts and take them captive. Today I am standing on Philippians 1:6… I am confident God will complete the good work He started in me.
Blessings, in Psalms 139 it stated that God new everything about us before we became a fetus in our mother’s womb, it also says that He knitted me/us to be fearfully wonderfully made, I am uniquely made by Him, God knitted each of us to His likeness and purpose, and despite how others look and what they have, we are to be proud that we ladies a rubies to God because there is not one ruby that is made perfect. Satan can’t accept that God loves all His children despite our faults and tries to make us feel we will never measure up to God, cause we can’t measure up to those around us or to our self, but I am learning to look in the mirror and see I am what God made me to be so nothing is wrong with me this is what my Father knitted together. Love you all.
One additional prayer request. There is a used bookstore in my town that is going out of business. It is a very special store that has served our community for at least two decades. The owner is not necessarily the best “business man” but he demonstrates true humility, generosity, trust and compassion towards his customers and the other neighboring businesses. And his taste in books is exquisite. For him this is more than a store, it is his family. Please pray for the owner, his customers and our community. That God’s will would be done.
2 Timothy 1:7 I have been given a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind.
Philippians 1:6 I am confident God will complete the good work He started in me.
Romans 8:31–39 I am free from condemnation. I cannot be separated from God’s love.
These are POWERFUL promises.
Thank you for sharing and reminding.
What a great post and reminder how much Jesus loves us. Thank you for this post!
Satan has definitely been keeping me busy trying to hide my flaws. Almost 10 months ago I went off med to control panic attacks because I felt like God was calling me to walk a road with him that I had been too afraid too for 20 years. I’ve always wanted to figure out if the panic attacks were a chemical imbalance or an emotional issue. I’ve got an awesome counselor and a naturopath that have both helped me tremendously, but the real test comes in me trusting God. Fear rules my life, even though Christ promises that He’s given me a sound mind. I cling to His promises, wanting desperately for that to be enough, and never feeling like it is. I struggle with confidence, measuring up, everything every single chapter has talked about so far, I feel like a mess some days. I spend most of my energy hiding this from people so they don’t think I’m a freak and it’s exhausting. My world is pretty small right now and consequently very lonely at times. The words you’ve posted here Renee are just another glimmer of light that makes me realize how deceived I am by Satan and how much I need His thoughts to be my thoughts.
I totally understand that struggle dealing with anxiety/panic attacks. I deal with them too; however I heard on the new today when you feel alone. Just remember, you are never alone. Jesus is right there and will be there everywhere you go. Trust me it’s not easy but you know that is one person you can count on. He is there waiting for us to seek Him with all our hearts.
Thank you Shannon. It’s good to know I’m not alone.
This devotion and the one through Proverbs31 ministries have blessed me so much this week! In all that you shared in these devotions and in chapter 6, I felt like I was reading the story of my life! It was both convicting and enlightening. I have been inspired and encouraged by the section of scriptures that remind me of who I am in Christ. I have printed these out to meditate during my quiet time, and I plan to transfer these to index cards to memorize and view … at work, at home, in the car, and in my purse. I have already experienced an inner strength that has come through countering the lies of Satan with the truths from God’s Word.
■2 Corinthians 1:21–22 I have been established, anointed, and sealed by God. It takes a lot to stop comparing ourselves to others- glory and thanks to God He is helping me in this area- chapter 6 touched me in a lot of places – but i can see growth and how God is working in and with me to stop the comparsion game- what He has for me is for me, His plan for me is different for me than everyone else- He is working in each of us individually and if I keep my focus up the enemy will not be able to convence me anymore I am not good enough or will enough I have been established, anointed and sealed b God and that’s good enough. thanks Renee. Ck out myfacebook page for a I’ m good enough tag. facebook.com/slywillie
Thank you so much for this!
I constantly feel like I don’t measure up.
Daily – I turn this over to God – asking Him to help me not to compare myself to others.
I know all of those wonderful truths in my head – but obviously – I need to cling to them in my heart!
AND I know that it does not matter how I compare to others, but it is still a struggle for me – &
I get “down” on myself!
I must be allowing Satan to chisel at me each day, & I am still going to fight daily against Satan!
Throughout my day – I need to do like you suggested & think about “Whose I am & who I am!”
Thanks for this encouragement. It has come just at the right time. I am working with a christian counselor right now on things from my past that have caused me to become a very unemotional person. This post reminds me that Satan is the one filling my thoughts of self doubt and telling me I am worthless. With each passing day I am tuning out Satans lies and tuning in to God’s truth. Thank you Renee for your words of encouragment and this wonderful book and online study. God Bless you all!
Thank you for your words! As a young girl entering puberty and being on a emotional roller coaster with my ever changing hormones I sought an intimate relationship with my parents. The only thing I knew was to become angry lashing out at them saying hurtful words. My parents didn’t know how to connect with me or really stop and take time to find that relationship but rather threatened to give me up for adoption if I didn’t measure up to what they considered was right at age 11. I spent a lot of time alone, remorseful of how I felt but not able to verbalize it as a young child.My parents did alot of threatening…to give me up, they told me pastor, teachers etc. My home wasn’t a safe haven and my church and school weren’t either with eyes looking on me.
I can look back now and see how emotionally unavailable they were and still are. I have grown up thinking it was all me but having a daughter now at that age I know that I was normal but their lack of love was abnormal. I was craving a relationship with them. They took my confidence, trust, intimacy, love and have caused me to constantly try and be the best because maybe I can earn their love or earn my “place”
I am so lucky that I have found your book as this year has been about healing and growing closer with God. I feel like a big weight has been lifted that I am good enough because of HIM and I will never be rejected by Him. My childhood has taught me that I am strong enough because of HIM and goodness will come out of this. Its taken 34 years but I know I’m on the path to healing.
To God be all the glory!
I am accepted. With no conditions. I don’t have to get it right. That,s what speaks to me the most.
I find myself CONSTANTLY comparing myself to other women. This is such a struggle for me! I would never in a million years be as hard on another person as I am on myself! How silly is that? =D Thank you for addressing it – I need to just pray through those times and get myself into NEW habits centered around Christ’s love for me. However, I also need to start taking better care of myself and lose some weight – being healthier in body helps us also feel better in spirit, since God created these amazing bodies of ours! =D
Whenever I am tempted to “measure” myself by the world’s standards or by comparing myself to others’, I remember this verse:
Proverbs 16:11
Honest scales and balances are from the LORD; all the weights in the bag are of his making.
I remind myself that I do not want to be weighed on ANY scale of this world: physically, financially, emotionally, or any other way. The only scales I want to be weighed on is the LORD’s…and I want Him to use the weights that are of HIS making, not mine or the people around me.
I can’t believe this how God works in everyway this devotion was actually said after my Zumba devotion. It was amazing. Just thought I would share that with you.
Another thing that struck me is you can’t put hope in a man, you can only put hope in God.
When Paul warns us that those who measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves” are not wise (2 Cor 10:12)
Our struggle with comparison will always leave us feeling like we’re lacking something. We try to do more and be more, but its never quite enough. We still feel insecure and wonder what’s wrong with us
The truth is that we are all “wrecked up” but we are loved with reckless abandon by the King of Glory. We may be rejected by man, but we are accepted and adored by our Maker. We may be betrayed and cast aside, but we are chosen and redeemed by our heavenly Father.
Also God is in Control
Thank you sister! I am amazed at how the Lord God uses people to direct our thoughts and gleam truths from His Word that we hadn’t been aware of. I had never thought about the issues involved when Eve decided she “needed” more than all she had been provided with. I wish my sisters here in Brazil could benefit from these devotionals (they have to be translated into Portuguese though).
Margarida Marques
Renee, devotions seem to come at the right time in my life, just as this one has.even thought i do not intent on comparing myself with others it does happen from time to time, Not so much with material items, but more with measuring up with myself. When I make a mistake I have no problem admitting it and take the responsibility, but then that’s when the doubt creeps in, is this the right job for me or is this where God wants me to be? I think when you work at job so hard and are so truthful but then your told you did this or you had that on a continual bases, it seems to wear on you. So now with this bible study, I have place each weeks memory verse right on my computer to read daily over and over and over. When days are really hard and the shadow seems to get darker and darker, I then add the ear phone to my ear, turn on the mp3 player and listen to Christian songs. I am going to type and print the above references to: I am accepted, I am secure and I am significant to carry with me daily to read in times of doubt or measurements. I praise the Lord for your ability to help us all learn and relate to Gods word. I am in the process of saving so that I may provide a couple of books to my friends with a prayer that they will devote to doing this bible study with you. Have a beautiful day. God Bless w Love
This message spoke right to me today. ( I may be a day behind reading it). But I am constantly, currently countlessly measuring myself with the other Sunday school teachers that teach with me. Because I’m and just starting on this fun and exciting road I still compare and try and measure up with the other women who seem to have it all together and know what they are teaching. But what I have to remember is God called me to teach and what I have was given to me by God and when i start to doubt or get discouraged, I need to look up to God and ask for help. He chose me for a reason and I have to remember that.
Great post Renee. I mostly struggle with not measuring up to my own expectations of myself. Having grace for myself.
Our family is in the midst of very difficult time and Ephesians 3:12, “I may approach God with freedom and confidence.” spoke to me today, reminding me that God cares about all aspects of my life.
• 1 Corinthians 6:19–20 I have been bought with a price and I belong to God.
This is the scripture that captured me today. Sometimes when it feels like God isn’t there or I question why he allows some of the painful things to happen, I begin to doubt who I am. Thank you for posting this scripture.
Your message really made 1 John 5:18 come to life for me. I trul am born of God and the evil one cannot touch me. My future is sealed. All that comes against me must bow to the will of God for my life. That just gives me such peace. Christ has determined my path and nothing can take me from the calling he has given me. It is not by my strength that my God works but by his divine eternal power! Through Christ, I am now unstoppable, untouchable and unable to fail! Praise God!
Thank you for your awesome post…. I struggle with this issue as well. God reminds me all the time that He is always there for me and He is my constant source of daily strength.
This hits home. I have been doing a lot of comparing recently – not of myself directly, but of my kids which reflects on how “good of a mother” I am. Just this last week during my prayer time God simply said “Your kids are ok.” It’s so easy to take my frustrations and turn them into doubt in my abilities. God’s simple statement to me stopped me in my tracks. It’s not about me. It’s about what God is doing thru me, and my kids. Learning isn’t always easy, and between my kids learning what is expected of them, and me learning to be the mother/wife I’m called to be there are moments of tension. But, I now have the promise that my kids are ok and that’s enough for me! I admit that I have to consciously remind myself of that to stop the comparisons, but now there is no doubt and I can push the thoughts away. Thank you God, for speaking to me! And, thank you Renee for your note of confirmation!
I have really needed a message like this. Thank you so much. There have been many times recently that I have felt like I dont measure up at all. There are a few women at church that I am very close with but I have been feeling like Im no where near as good as they are. I know that it is the enemy trying to put a wedge in between us because God has great plans for all of us individualy and well as together. I just feel that they can pray better than me, their spiritual walk is stronger and closer than mine and they have more knowledge than I do. Your messge however made it so clear to me that I am just as good as they are and I no longer have that feeling any more. Thank you so much.
Thank you for sharing. Many of us who have been abused struggle with this more than those who have had a “normal” life. But I always need to remember that God is in control, so I don’t have to be. He is my rock and I need to follow Phil 4:8 and think on what is right, true, holy, etc. Focusing on God instead of making self an idol is tough!
Thank you for pointing out who we are in Christ! I often find in my marriage, like most women, I am trying to fix or tell my husband how he can better his self image or fix his problems of doubt. I also often find, I am sure like most women, that once I focus on MYSELF and not my husband, that things change in both of us. The list of verses in your devotional is normally something I would see and think- “oh, I should print this out and give to my husband or leave it where her will read it” but today, I am leaving it where I can read it everyday!
I received this yesterday and glanced at it, but mainly ignored it. But after reading it this morning, then scrolling through the comments, I come to the bottom and read Kim’s comment – I didn’t know there was another person who felt the same way that I do. I think my husband and kids would be very happy if I just disappeared too! At times I think God feels the same way, but then I read His word and know that no matter what I think, He always loves me and is walking beside me.
Thank you for your words of encouragement. I have been feeling very insignificant recently-as if I just disappeared no one( including my husband & family) would notice or care. Thank you for the reminder that no matter how I feel, God loves me, and He will never leave me.
How encouraging and soothing to know I am not alone in needing to hear this today! It spurs me on to continue with the fight and helps me to focus1 Thank you1 You are all in my prayers!! ,<3
2 Tim 1:7 “I have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.
This verse is a great reminder for me, especially when dealing with depression and those “bad thoughts” that come with it. I’ve been there, and sometimes, I feel like I’m still there at times, but I know that God is for me. He is WITH me and FOR me…
As with the many other women, I want to thank you for today’s devotion! Even though I have read these power verses many times, the one that stood out for me was John 15:16 “I am CHOSEN and appointed to bear fruit” and this verse finishes in the NIV with “fruit that will last”! I can’t tell you how much I needed to be reminded that I was chosen not by man but by God to do the work I’m doing. Whether its being wife, mom, friend or worker, Satan likes to feed the lies. Even working daily in a Christian environment, those truths needs to be reconfirmed. Thank you, Renee, for your ministry!
2 Timothy 1:7 I have been given a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind.
I was struggling so much with this very topic today and a wonderful friend shared your message! So thankful!
Thanks for the encouragement. I feel like I never measure up. I need to remind myself that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
The best promise that stuck out for me is:
I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. Phillippians 4:13
I need to continue to set my eyes on God- I need to stay focused and stop listening to those whispers of doubt!!! I’ve been facing this whole I’m not good enough, I’m not measuring up, I’m not good enough… I’ve started a new job in a hospital – Operating Room- and am assigned a project that is overwhelming me- My direct sees something in me that I don’t???? I never was asked to take on such a big project before- and don’t get me wrong I am so grateful to have a job believe me after being laid off before the holidays last year – having a job is a big deal for me – especially because I need the medical coverage to continue check-ups I am a 1yr. Breast cancer survivor. but being given this assignment has made me so so nervous about what everybody is going to think of me or is thinking of me… this is my stupid voices in my head saying: “Whose this new kid on the block coming in here and making all these changes”….”who does she think she is”- “she’s not qualified to so that” etc…. I pray every morning before I go to work I pray at work to help me through the day, and I pray before I go to sleep to give thanks that I made it through another day…Chapter 6 really had so much of what I needed to hear… I have a lot AM thoughts—very rare FM thoughts, but I love the analogy. And like you Renee- I never called what I go through doubt—-I still call it worry & fear…I am trying to understand all this mish mash of emotions of mine- because I don’t want to wait until God is all I have that I realize He is all I need. I’m hoping he’s already trying to catch me before I fall. I always catch myself saying “What’s Wrong With Me?” especially when the tears are welling up & my throat is closing in …. I’m responsible for planting that seed of doubt within myself- some days are good some days are bad…. I call them BLAH days- I just can’t seem to raise my head high enough to see the beauty of His grace, I don’t have the energy to receive His love? Then I feel guilty “With all that’s going on in this world today-why are you giving yourself a pity party” Yikes… so you see I so need this online bible study group- to chat with and let the darkness come out into His light!!!! I have downloaded on my Nook for free “The 7-Day Doubt Diet” I need all the help I can get…. Thank you from the bottom of my heart-that God gave you the courage to share this with all of us ladies!
Aloha from Hawaiixoxoxoxo
Dear Donna
You stand out as an encourager in most of your comments and nowI would like to emlncourage you. Have you considered that this is the job wanted you to have? You are wonderfully and fearfully made by our God who makes no mistakes. I was an pt. Psych nurse for many years and I can just about guarantee you can’t read minds. It may be that people are seeing a one year cancer survivor and are amazed that you can work and do what sounds like a difficult job. God loves you girl. Live in that love and let Him comfort and encourage you.
Walking in His Love
Donna, you are PRECIOUS and HONORED in HIS sight. He gave you this job, HE opened this opportunity, He sees in YOU what you cannot see in yourself. NOW…my friend, my sister in Christ — walk in it!! You are going to need to start talking out loud to those stupid doubt. I recognize the lies behind them, the voice they are disguised by. It is the enemy himself – this battle is not yours. It is the Lords, put it back on Jesus’ shoulders and tell Satan who he needs to deal with – JESUS – your mighty warrior and conquering KING.
Ephesians 6: 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
Praying for you!!! So, so, so glad you are being so open with us so that we can pray for and encourage you!!
I have a child who has been telling me that I don’t measure up. I don’t have a right to anything that I am doing, it is not what she wanted me to do so that makes it wrong. The flip side is 99% of the people in my world are so proud of me going back to school and trying to get a better life for myself and my children that I know she is deceive. It is hard when the one who is deceived is in your face telling you that you are wrong. I am glad to know that I have God at my back.
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength Philippians 4: 13
As I read this and thought about my own battle with worth, God said, “I’ve never held a measuring tape for
Measuring your worth. What I hold in my hands is the nail scars, so you would never need to be measured.”
Thank you!
Mama to 8
One homemade and 7 adopted
The following verses have encouraged me in my daily walk.
Philippians 1:6 I am confident God will complete the good work He started in me.
Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
1 John 5:18 I am born of God, and the evil one cannot touch me.