{WELCOME Encouragement for Today Readers & Online Study Friends!!}
In my P31 Encouragement for Today devotion, I posed the question… Do you ever feel like you don’t measure up?
And now I want us to dig a little deeper. Have you ever stopped to ask, “Who is saying these things? Who is causing me to doubt myself? Is it me? Has something from my past led me to believe this? Or is it the enemy of my soul disguising his voice as my own?”
It is crucial for us to realize we have an enemy. Satan is the father of lies, and there is no truth in him (John 8:44). And he loves when we believe his deception and fall into the distraction of feeling inadequate and insecure. {It’s a huge distraction!}
The meaning of the word lie is “a falsehood with the intent to deceive.” Satan intends to deceive us and he does so by getting us to take our eyes off of who we are in Christ and focus on our flaws. That way we’ll spend our days figuring out how we can hide them. It’s exactly what he did with Eve:
“Then the eyes of both [Adam and Eve] were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’
He answered, ‘I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.’” (Gen. 3:7–11)
In response, God asked who told them they were naked. In other words, “Who told you that something is wrong with you?” By asking this, God made sure they knew someone was casting shame on them—and it wasn’t Him.
The enemy whispered lies into their hearts, causing them to move away from Him and from each other.
Satan’s intent is the same for you and me as it was for Eve, but we don’t have to go along with him. Instead we can refute his lies and temptations with truth. If we have put our trust in Christ as our Savior, we can stand on the promises of who we are in Him.
When you’re tempted to measure up today, focus “up” instead and remember Whose you are and who you are! Here is a compilation of Scriptures to remind us of who we are in Christ.
I am accepted . . .
- John 1:12 I am God’s child.
- 1 Corinthians 6:19–20 I have been bought with a price and I belong to God.
- Ephesians 1:3–8 I have been chosen by God and adopted as His child.
- Hebrews 4:14–16 I have direct access to the throne of grace through Jesus Christ.
I am secure . . .
- Romans 8:28 I am assured that God works for my good in all circumstances.
- Romans 8:31–39 I am free from condemnation. I cannot be separated from God’s love.
- 2 Corinthians 1:21–22 I have been established, anointed, and sealed by God.
- Colossians 3:1–4 I am hidden with Christ in God.
- Philippians 1:6 I am confident God will complete the good work He started in me.
- 2 Timothy 1:7 I have been given a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind.
I am significant . . .
- John 15:16, I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit.
- 2 Corinthians 5:17–21, I am a minister of reconciliation for God.
- Ephesians 2:6, I am seated with Jesus Christ in the heavenly realm.
- Ephesians 2:10, I am God’s workmanship.
- Ephesians 3:12, I may approach God with freedom and confidence.
- Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
Which one of these promises encourages your heart most today?
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Thank you for your words of encouragement. I was a sexually agused child and for many years I struggled with being accepted. It seemed liked no matter what I did I was punished and could never measure up to anyone’s expectations. I am so glad we have a loving, forgiving, and understanding Heavenly Father who does not abused His children.
I still struggled with feeling inadequate many times,even today, but I know He is always there for me!
Thanks so much for your message today. I often put myself down and doubt myself. I often see other peoples response to me as telling me I am wrong or that they have a better answer than me. I know they do not mean it this way but that is how I often see it. I also know that Satan is whispering or rather at times yelling lies into my ear but I need to be reminded who is telling me those lies. I need to remember that I am a child of God and he made me and loves me. Thanks for the encouragement today!
Thanks for the encouragement. I can be my own worst enemy with the thoughts of negativity about myself.
These bible verses are timely. I tend to be a people pleaser. I compare myself to others and i’ll get either envious or critcal.
I have a hearing loss. God allowed me to have several conditions that should make me seek and depend on him daily. He allowed my life to be what it is and that he made me this way for a reason.
It’s so easy to start comparing ourselves with others. I have three little boys, and I am NOT a tomboy and never was. I compare myself to other moms who love the extra activity and noise that comes with little boys and feel like I come up short. I need to remind myself constantly that God chose me to be their mother for a reason, and that I am equipped for the job. Thank you for the scriptures today.
Your message really made 1 John 5:18 come to life for me. I truly am born of God and the evil one cannot touch me. My future is sealed. All that comes against me must bow to the will of God for my life. That just gives me such peace. Christ has determined my path and nothing can take me from the calling he has given me. It is not by my strength that my God works but by his divine eternal power! Through Christ, I am now unstoppable, untouchable and unable to fail! Praise God!
I spent part of this morning copying the FM thoughts onto index cards. It feels good to focus on who loves me, who I belong to..There was joy in my heart reading ch.6 monday. I have to say, it surprised me how angry I felt just now reading about how the devil (that weasel) worked against me when I was just a defenseless little girl). What really made me mad is he continued to tell me lies as I grew up and I fell for each and every one. Well, the jokes on him. God chose me to be His Oct 13,2003. I was a slow learner but I’ve got it now. I can see how necessary it is to build my defenses and keep reminding myself that God is in control. I will keep telling myself who I belong to, who I am in Christ and why I am secure and Who makes me significant. Thank you Renee for A Confident Heart. I’ve never done a bible study online but God brought me to yours so I can continue to grow and develop a confident heart.
I love that scripture about comparisons. The funny thing is, if we really meditate on the truth about our uniqueness, and how special we are in God’s eyes, it might sink in and then we wouldn’t want to be like anyone else! Part of the way our enemy gets us is by telling us that it is selfish to bask in the knowledge that God loves us just the way we are–character traits, personality quirks and all. Besides, the world would be so boring if we were all the same!
Thanks for sharing this encouragement!
This topic is something I struggle with often. Living in a foreign culture I am always alert to how I think we’re being perceived. As I watch other women in ministry, I often see qualities that I envy and feel that if I had those qualities the Lord could use me so much more. I’m so thankful for the Lord’s frequent reminders that He has equipped me to serve Him and is faithfully transforming me into His image. One of my Bible college professors used this theme verse often and I have come back to it time and again. Thank you for such a well-expressed reminder.
Just found your website today – what a wonderful reminder of how each of us are God’s special creation and He takes delight in each of us! This fits perfectly with the message at church this Sunday which talked about our uniqueness and to be grateful for who we are – not to envy or compare ourselves to others but celebrate our own special gifts. I know it’s a message that God’s wants me to take to heart! Thanks for the encouraging words and the scripture reminders.
1 John 5:18 I am born of God, and the evil one cannot touch me.
I have been under attack from his lies for some time now and everyday I give God the praise and glory for not giving into them. I know he cannot touch me but it has not stopped him from giving up yet. Thank you for sharing and caring about women!
Love all of it & shared it! Thank you!!!
The verse in Ephesians about me being accepted and being God’s child. I’ve been struggling with that for a while…could God really love me after all I’ve done? Satan has been feeding me lies about myself (and I’ve let him do it…my voice has now taken over for him) and its left me feeling broken, sad, hopeless. And that was the verse that stuck out for me. I need to know I’m accepted for who I am…no works, nothing can separate me from God’s love. Thanks for this compilation. I will definitely keep this handy so I can refer to it whenever I need a confidence boost!
These last two chapters have really hit home for me as God is showing me that I have been VERY focused on myself (my insecurities and weaknesses and inabilities and fears and worries) and so badly need to get my focus back on HIM. So much that I even needed to turn around the identity list… Instead of it being about my identity I needed to make it about GOD. : )
For example: Romans 8:31–39 – Instead of “I am free from condemnation. I cannot be separated from God’s love.” I’m turning it to “God has set me free from condemnation and will not let anything separate me from His love.” John 15:16 means God has chosen me and appointed me to bear fruit for Him.
I went through the whole list and it felt like a profound exercise in getting my focus back on Him. I am thankful God led me back here to help me do that today and suspect He might want me to go over that list daily for a while til my eyes are reflexively back on Him instead of myself. Thank you for faithfully reminding us of that.
Thank you so much for this devotion I can’t begin to express how much I needed it today.
I never felt good enough when I was growing up and I never really knew why. Your article on opened my eyes that I am accepting lies from Satan and comparing myself to others. THANKS
Thank you Renee for your book A confident heart, The biggest mistake I have ever made was to place my eyes on man, humans, “husband” to be exat, I cried through chapter 4, and now 5 and 6 are no different, how much I still have to learn, I Praise God that the work He has started in me- He will bring to completion, Thank you for reminding me that it is HE and HIM only that is in control of my life- I have totally surrendered to HIM, Renee, God Bless You and thank you for sharing your life with me ❤❤❤
Praying for you sweet Michelle! I know your pain. Jesus wants to hold you and love on you through this. He is there. Hope is on the way!
I was teased from the time I started first grade at age 5 by my older sisters, who told me I was ugly, stupid, and that no one liked me. It got to the point that I only spoke to them when I had to, they made fun of everything I said. When I was old enough I joined the Navy and gained so much, they had no preconceived notions of me, accepted me at face value. I had an Aunt who took me to church as a child and after joining the Navy I started going to church again. I came to know Christ at 32 and have been growing in him and as an individual for the last 21 years. We have recently taken in a young lady of 25 and her 3 year old daughter as she goes through some of lifes struggles. It has opened my eyes to areas in which I need to grow. Day by day and step by step we grow stronger in our Lord.
Thanks for sharing today. What a great reminder of whose I am and what I am in Christ.
Romans 8:31–39 I am free from condemnation. I cannot be separated from God’s love.
As a child I had buck teeth, and while this may not seem like such a bad thing to adults, as a child it set me apart. I was a target for taunts, and teased horribly daily. It got to the point that I didn’t want to even go to school. I cried the day I got braces on, I was so happy. I thought it would stop the teasing, and after all weren’t the people in high school more grown up anyway? Instead I traded the hurt of teasing, for betrayal by a friend, and was shunned by those who I had though were my friends. They bought into my former friend’s lies about me without even asking me a single question. A lot of time has passed since then, but my mind is still stuck in the mode of little girl with buckteeth who felt ugly, and the teen who was betrayed. I have a hard time trusting people, and an even harder time looking in the mirror, and loving the woman that I see. However, back then I looked to others to validate me, and fill me up, but since I started this study I have been letting the Lord fill me up, looking to His truth, and what he says I am. Although I haven’t completely overcome the past, I no longer believe it is the truth about me. Indeed I am “free from condemnation”, and I wont believe the lies of others! God loves me no matter what others think of me, and in his eyes I am beautiful.
I love reading this book. It is so true that we must get our confidence from Jesus! There is no other way! I have been through a year myself that very easily could have allowed me to turn away from Christ. Instead I have grown so much close to Him. This is good even in the midst of my turmoil. Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow! Sometimes our biggest blessings are discovered during times of trial!
Thank you for the words of encouragement today. Philippians 1:6 – I am confident God will complete the good work he started in me. Praise his name!
Thank you so much for this message today, its timing was perfect. For my entire life I have compared myself to others, thinking “if only I had what she has, my life would be perfect. Secure.” God is working through circumstances in my family to show me that true security only comes from Him. I am learning day by day to trust God for my security and He is showing me that He will finish the good work He started in me! I love your devotions….thank you!
I have always been really shy, and I have often felt through out my adult life that my shyness is holding me back. Over the last year I have made huge strides in being more confident in who I am – not who I think I should be or who I think others want me to be. When doubt does creep in, the verse “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” is one that I often repeat to myself.
I have struggled with this issue for all of my life. This devotional was so inspiring and gives me the encouragement to change my way of thinking to God’s way of thinking. Thanks for sharing!!
Thanks for sharing the word. That is what I have enjoyed the most about this Bible study. The Word of God is powerful! I like how The Message says it: “His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey.” Speaking to our doubts with Scripture is powerfully effective!
Hi Renee,
Wow, God really works through you. Today I found myself wanting to compare and not measuring up, and proceeded to beat myself up, then I remembered what I could what you said in your book about how we tend to compare ourselves, from reading it in your first study. Now I read your post for today and your devotional, since you suggested it, and it’s exactly what you are talking about. thank you so much! I had just asked God for some loving encouragement. Reading your post I see how Adam and Eve were afraid of God in the garden, and that made mr sad for a moment. It reminded me of the fear I’ve had of my estranged husband and I just couldn’t imagine being afraid of God like that, when I need Him and His love so much.
Then reading your devotional, about how Satan wanted Eve to doubt herself and God, that’s exactly what was happening in my marriage. Thank you for all your loving encouragement today!
As a person who went back to college at a much older age, I wonder will I ever find the job that fulfills that step of faith that I took. Am I too old, ‘do I measure up’? Only my heavenly Father knows. In Him I must trust!
Thank you so much for the encouragement you send daily. I was an unwanted child — and I’ve known from a very early age that no matter what I did, it would never be enough to earn the love and affection of my mother or father. I was unwanted by not only my birth mom but the mom that adopted me. I struggle everyday with being worthy of God’s love and forgiveness,even though I know the truth about our Heavenly Father. He made me and loves me unconditionally,He blesses me every day, I ‘m always in ahhh of what God does and will continue to do in my life. Without Him I am nothing.
I have friends that have told me smiliar stories and I would love to share these books with them. I try to help them see what our Amazing God can and will do if we just give it all to him, instead of keeping it on our on shoulders.
Work in progress …being the confident woman God wants me to be.
Thank you
I’ve never heard the passage about Adam and Eve explained that way – that God asked who told them they were naked, as if saying “who told you something is wrong with you?” I feel this is one of my biggest struggles – alwasy feeling not good enough, or like I am letting someone down, and never wanting to tackle anything because of the fear of not doing it well. It’s very difficult to change that mindset.
I struggle with constantly comparing myself to others. I always thought it was just part of my nature; part of how my brain worked. I am learning though that these thoughts are not mine; they are seeds planted by Satan to draw me away from God. I still have to remind myself of God’s promises as stated in the Bible, but I know that I am who He says I am, and everything else is lies. I am a beloved child of the most high God 🙂
It feels so good to be loved by Him.
I have suffered from the belief that “I don’t measure up” my whole life – recently God has been working in my life to free me from this lie. The enemy has come in to steal, kill, and destroy. Thank you for this message, its a confirmation of the theme that God playing out and teaching me at this portion of my life. I would love to learn more about your studies & books on confidence.
Thank you for todays encouragement as i have litearlly gone through life feeling so unwanted and still do. My parents to this day make me feel this way a nd I know that nothing i will do will change that. But thankfully have a wonderful husband and kids and in laws that do and that no matter what God does and I will always measure and be of value to him
Wow did God speak to me through this today! I had just been talking about the feeling of doubt and thinking it is such a stronghold of the enemy. I need to speak truth and stop believing lies and distractions of the enemy!
Isn’t it sad how just one negative comment can affect the way we feel about ourselves? That one comment causes us to dwell upon that characteristic that another person has identified to “help us” while in reality it demeans us and makes us question ourselves, then the self doubt begins. This is often brought on by colleagues but all too often it’s the comment from a trusted family member that discourages us. But the flip side of the coin is how joyful it is to know that we are “a chosen people, royal and holy, a people belonging to God that we may declare the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into his wonderful light.”
1 Peter 2:9. So I choose to ignore the darkness (the black ring) and to look upwards towards the light.
It’s a choice I can make because he first chose me! God Bless you all!
What a great reminder to keep our eyes on God and remember he loves us for who we are right where we are. I will be sharing this with my BFF also because she has days that she forgets this. It’s always good to have these kinds of reminders to get our minds and hearts back to where they belong…. On God!
I love knowing that “I can do anything through Christ, who strengthens me.”
God Bless,
“I am God’s child”. I Need to remind myself of that all the time. I don’t know why I feel unworthy but I keep praying that my confidence will grow. Thank you for your encouraging words today.
■John 15:16, I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit.
This is the verse that speaks to me the most today. Thought that I have been chosen. and by the Lord of the universe at that! The thought that I can bear good fruit??? Oh how my heart has longed to know that with Christ I can love others and give to others and be a positive influence on others. How many years have I believed that I just should stay at home in a shell because it seemed all I did was hurt others all the time. Thank you Renee for sharing and being so honest with your story as well! <3
Oh wow, so many great verses! One of my bizillion favorites has always been Ephesians 1:3–8 I have been chosen by God and adopted as His child. The very fact that He, the God of the universe personally chose me just blows my mind, how awesome to be “chosen”. I can’t pick just one so i will add this one Romans 8:31–39 I am free from condemnation. I cannot be separated from God’s love. I am adopted by the God of the universe and nothing, nothing, nothing can separate me from Him or tear me out of His grasp. What an awesome assurance that is to my insecure self. And then one more Philippians 1:6 I am confident God will complete the good work He started in me. This has always been a special verse to me also because I am His no matter how much i screw up (a lot) He “my heavenly Father” will not give up on me. Thank you Renee for this devotion. I am printing it out to keep in my bible and to share with others.
Thank you so much for the Bible verses/promises posted today! I loved the ones in Chpt. 6, also. I have printed the section of verses, cut them out and glued them onto index cards. I will be carrying them with me everyday. Especially this July when I have to fly out to Oregon to visit my husband’s family. I have a terrible fear of flying after having a panic attack the last time I flew. I have avoided it at all costs over the last few years. I will begin to claim these verses, especially the “I am secure” verses. I am praying God will help me ‘wrap my thoughts’ around allowing Him to guide me through this as I am already finding myself caught up in trying to get out of having to go on this trip! I know it is satan using my fear against me.
Thank you again for posting these verses as it gives me a tangible way of seeing & claiming God’s promises and allowing Him to change my fear and doubt into trust, peace and a sound mind.
I had gotten behind in my studying and was feeling pretty low but I knew that the Lord wanted me to finish as I felt His prompting every day. So this weekend at our church family camp I took the opportunity to catch up. WOW! This study has been so timely for me. I am so excited to heal and forgive from my past and move forward in the confident hope of my Jesus. I have put my energy into so many other things and expecting them to fill me ~ my husband, my kids, my friends. What freedom to simply rely on on Jesus as my all-in-all for EVERYTHING !!! How this frees up my relationships to have room for other things besides my insecurities <3
thank you for todays encouragement. i def. feel insecure and not confident and i am not really sure why. i have always been an insecure person and find as time goes on that I really need to figure out what it is because my life just keeps reflecting the fact that i am insecure and it causes me to just be miserable. wether it be from my past or present both have made me the sad insecure woman i am today. i pray to tap into the confidence and security that God so desires for me to have.
Meaghan ~ I will be praying for you dear sister. What you wrote is exactly how I was feeling and one of the reasons I started this study. My insecurities were ruining my marriage and my friendships with other women as well as just dragging me down, down, down every day. I will praying that the Lord will bless you and heal your heart and help you find your confidence in HIM <3
I struggle so much with Satan’s lies that I am unwanted and inadequate. Thank you for this message today reminding me these are lies from Satan & giving me the right things to listen to about how God looks at me.
1 John 5:18 I am born of God, and the evil one cannot touch me.
I need to hear this now more than ever. I am really making an effort to get closer to my higher power for the first time in my life. Thank you so much for your wisdom and I’d love to be considered for any giveaways of the book.
I have always struggled with feeling “good enough”. My childhood, teenage years, and early twenties were full of teasing, humiliation, condemnation, and lots of abuse…more than enough to implant the thought that I would NEVER be good enough for anything. These verses and FOR ME messages are helping me (slowly but surely) to realize that God created me as I am, and I am His daughter, and He loves me as I am, as He made me, wanted me to be, and exactly as He knew I would be. I fight Satan’s influences and negative messages daily, and frequently don’t win the battle with them, but I’m getting there.
Before I begin, I just wanted to share that I read all the previous posts and it blows me away how similar I am to all of you in our thinking and circumstances. It’s reassuring because it confirms to me I am not alone and also confirms the power of God’s promises in scripture. Thank you all for sharing, I really enjoy reading and learning more about you and how God is transforming us!
The promise that really empowers me today is:
2 TIM 1:7 I have been given a spirit of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND.
Of the many whispering thoughts in my mind is the one that ‘ I must be crazy to feel like I do with all that I have’. Too often I am temporarily paralized by my negative thoughts, but I have POWER AND LOVE to overcome and not give up on my journey with Jesus, which leads me to the second scripture that encourages me to not give up!…
Phil 1:6 … I am confident God will complete the good work He started in me!
What wonderful promises we have!!
Blessing to each of you
Thank you so much Renee
What encouraging words ~ thank you for sharing!
Needed this today, it is one of those days where I just feel like I’m not good enough and never will be no matter how hard I try! I need to keep reminding myself that I am somebody, I am Gods daughter!! Everything happens for a reason, all in Gods timing! Thank you for such encouraging words.
I really enjoy reading your posts….it helps me to remember that I am not the only one feeling this way….thanks for the encouragement! 🙂
I am constantly trying to be “good enough.” Good enough for my husband, good enough for my job, ect. I sometimes compare myself to the women at my church ,and feel insignificant even though I know their lives probably aren’t perfect either. This message reminds me that I only have to be good enough for God. I love Ephesians 1:3–8 I have been chosen by God and adopted as His child. Knowing I am His daughter makes me feel very special, as we all are! Thanks for this message Renee!!!
What a great encouragement! I really enjoyed the verse:
■2 Timothy 1:7 I have been given a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind.
What promises from God! I have power from Him, I can love others, I have been given a sound mind to do His works and love on others.
Amen Susan!!
That scripture promise empowers me today too!!!