{WELCOME Encouragement for Today Readers & Online Study Friends!!}
In my P31 Encouragement for Today devotion, I posed the question… Do you ever feel like you don’t measure up?
And now I want us to dig a little deeper. Have you ever stopped to ask, “Who is saying these things? Who is causing me to doubt myself? Is it me? Has something from my past led me to believe this? Or is it the enemy of my soul disguising his voice as my own?”
It is crucial for us to realize we have an enemy. Satan is the father of lies, and there is no truth in him (John 8:44). And he loves when we believe his deception and fall into the distraction of feeling inadequate and insecure. {It’s a huge distraction!}
The meaning of the word lie is “a falsehood with the intent to deceive.” Satan intends to deceive us and he does so by getting us to take our eyes off of who we are in Christ and focus on our flaws. That way we’ll spend our days figuring out how we can hide them. It’s exactly what he did with Eve:
“Then the eyes of both [Adam and Eve] were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’
He answered, ‘I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.’” (Gen. 3:7–11)
In response, God asked who told them they were naked. In other words, “Who told you that something is wrong with you?” By asking this, God made sure they knew someone was casting shame on them—and it wasn’t Him.
The enemy whispered lies into their hearts, causing them to move away from Him and from each other.
Satan’s intent is the same for you and me as it was for Eve, but we don’t have to go along with him. Instead we can refute his lies and temptations with truth. If we have put our trust in Christ as our Savior, we can stand on the promises of who we are in Him.
When you’re tempted to measure up today, focus “up” instead and remember Whose you are and who you are! Here is a compilation of Scriptures to remind us of who we are in Christ.
I am accepted . . .
- John 1:12 I am God’s child.
- 1 Corinthians 6:19–20 I have been bought with a price and I belong to God.
- Ephesians 1:3–8 I have been chosen by God and adopted as His child.
- Hebrews 4:14–16 I have direct access to the throne of grace through Jesus Christ.
I am secure . . .
- Romans 8:28 I am assured that God works for my good in all circumstances.
- Romans 8:31–39 I am free from condemnation. I cannot be separated from God’s love.
- 2 Corinthians 1:21–22 I have been established, anointed, and sealed by God.
- Colossians 3:1–4 I am hidden with Christ in God.
- Philippians 1:6 I am confident God will complete the good work He started in me.
- 2 Timothy 1:7 I have been given a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind.
I am significant . . .
- John 15:16, I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit.
- 2 Corinthians 5:17–21, I am a minister of reconciliation for God.
- Ephesians 2:6, I am seated with Jesus Christ in the heavenly realm.
- Ephesians 2:10, I am God’s workmanship.
- Ephesians 3:12, I may approach God with freedom and confidence.
- Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
Which one of these promises encourages your heart most today?
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“Contagious Confidence” give-away which includes a copy of “A Confident Heart” {Today’s post and my devotion are based on my book.} You will also win a copy of my full length teaching message, “Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence” — for 3 of you! Also, I’d love for you to help make this crucial message contagious by sharing today’s post — Just click the “Tell a Friend” button below. It’s super easy!
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Such an encouraging blog this morning from Renee. I really did need to be reminded of this because we do not have to measure up to the standards of man but only to Gods standards. Thanks for the reminder. It truly encouraged and blessed my heart today.
I am chosen by God, I cannot be seperated from God and I can do all things through Christ. What a beautiful message.
I love all those verses that you’ve placed under I’m accepted, I’m secure, I’m significant.
I really love the verse “I am born of God, and the evil one cannot touch me.” 1 JOHN 5:18.
Anytime, I feel like all odds are against me, I know God is for me! I loved in this chapter about the AM & FM thoughts.
It’s only Week 6, and I can already see how I have a lot more confidence in God and his Word, then I did when I first began this. God is really teaching me so much through this study! It’s nice to be surrounded by people who are looking for more confidence in God.
I still live with my parents, and they don’t go to church anymore… they started, and quit again…after 10 years. Sometimes, I feel maybe that’s why I haven’t got married yet, or have moved out yet… so just like they did in my early years, by taking me to church and pointing me to the right direction…. maybe God can use me now to point them back to Him. I know that whatever the circumstances are of me not being married yet, and I’m 24… God is working things together for good. My parents WILL go back to church, and truly experience a personal relationship with God again…. I thank God for this study, for you Renee and the wisdom you have in God. God bless you! and all you other women who are in this as well!
I can’t wait till we get to the last week, for I believe God is really going to get me and all of us, such a boldness and confidence in God and his Word. He will help us stand on His Word! To not just believe that he can, but believe that he WILL, and praise Him already for the answers to prayers that have still yet to come.
I’m so thankful to read this today. I often find myself in the comparison game. At the beginning of this year, I started going through the Steps to Freedom in Christ by Neil T. Anderson. It was only then that I realized how Satan uses his demons to bring accusatory thoughts against us. I thought they were all my thoughts. It helps to know that I can submit myself to God and resist the devil and he will flee. I don’t have to just stand there and take it. I’m thankful for the promises that I am secure in Christ. Thanks for sharing
My parents always encouraged me to be the best that I can be. I didn’t consciously compare myself to a specific person or group, but I still used the wrong measuring stick–me. Instead of reading God’s word and finding out who I am in Him, I had my own idealized notions of who I could be and what I should be doing. I “succeeded” in the academic sense and professionally, but I was making the wrong choices in relationships, including in marriage. I hurt others and myself along the way, trying to control outcomes and interactions, instead of accepting them for who they were. It took many difficult trials for the Lord to show me that I could rest in Him and stop striving. By meditating on His word and listening to His voice, I realized that He accepted me just the way I was and that I should accept who I was and stop pushing to some imagined ideal. It is a day-by-day process. Thank you for reminding me, Renee, that He is still working in me, still sanctifying me. I want to enjoy the moment and the journey in Christ.
Renee, I am blown away by the abundance of Scriptures that you have complied here! It is blissfully overwhelming grace! The one that stands out to me is 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 I have been established, anointed, and sealed by God. I am secure. Wow. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing these truths. I am often critical of myself and have a hard time believing that I can ever be significant. I know in my heart that what you are saying is true and I need to get my focus in the right direction. Today, the truth that God will complete the good work He has started in me spoke to me in a real way. I am so grateful for Proverbs 31 ministries and the devotions that you ladies share. It seems to hit just the right subject at the proper time. That is God’s hand on your work!
Hi Aimee
That promise also encouraged me today, I have read it and heard it before but today I really believe that He will ALWAYS finish what He starts.
I know that HE has started a good thing in me (and YOU), who am I TO DOUBT THAT HE WON’T FINISH IT!
Blessings to you
I was feeling rather low when I read your post on Proverbs 31 ministries today. THANK YOU for reminding me what God has said about me. I recently received a notice that I have been let go from my position next year as an elementary music teacher. I have worked SO hard this year to prove myself to my principal, the staff and the students. But what I forgot was that the school district makes these decisions of hiring and firing. I really felt lime a complete failure when I woke up this morning. The father of lies was in full swing in my head. This is why I thank you and all the ladies who contribute to this ministry. Without you, living in Alaska would be very hard, but with the encouragement you provide, God continues to minister to His children and continues His work. I promise if I do win this book, I will pass it on to others doing ministry in this this state. It will not sit on my shelf. These are timeless truths that desperately need to be shared.Thanks again and may the Lord continue to bless His ministry to His children.
God does not close one door without opening another. I too lost a part time job yesterday. I still have my other job but I know that this is now freeing me up to do something else for God. And I’m so excited to learn what it will be!
My favorite promises are Romans 8:28 and Phillipians 4:13.
The Enemy whispers to me in the voice of my abusive ex-husband and my narcissistic sister. With other people, I feel pretty confident in who God says I am. But those two have planted seeds of doubt in my heart and I want God’s Word to flourish and choke those seeds out of existance.
God bless your ministry!
I really enjoyed your devotion. Since it is now summer, I have been looking for an encouraging book to read that relates to some things I have been going through as a woman. I love the verse that says I am God’s workmanship. So many times as women we feel the need to constantly compare ourselves with others, which leads to a lot of self-doubt. Having dealt with this for so long, I am loooking for ways to overcome it for myself and for those young women I mentor. Thank you for your encouragement and Godly wisdom.
Wellll…. all Gods timing… just got home last night from weekend time away with family. God had me rest my eyes this am on your msg and words. Now the tears. I am NOT a weak women/believer, but I have been deceived more so lately I see. Just crying here as it wears me down, as I see/aware I got TOO focused, sucked in these last fews days on what I don’t have, that I torn at what I do have !!! So ugly. As a Mom of 3yr old I am not feeling as confident, and don’t feel like I have my game on as a confident woman, child of God… Grateful for your message of encouragement, TRUTHS, scriptures that I can read, that feed me what I really need to FILL me. God has given me such precious gifts and when I listen to the lies I can’t enJOY them nor receive them. In fact I just pecked and pecked and see how mean I was to my husband this weekend, just tearing him apart, and he was just trying to love me. I feel so bad about that. I see I got fooled, and I see I don’t feel so great about me. Definately need to be more aware of battle, and read more scriptures and TRUTHS to build UP my precious self confidence back up !!! Praying up 😉 Thank you Renee for making me aware, and speaking into my heart today 😉
Thank you for the devotion. I often feel like I don’t measure up to society’s standards as well as my husband’s ( a non-believer ) standards. It is so liberating to know God made me just the way he wanted and gave me gifts like he did for all his children. Instead of trying to jump through hoops for others’ approval and trying to make myself into someone I’m not, I will focus on God and the people that love me knowing ‘I am enough’.
Thank you so much for sharing what you’ve learned. It was a great encouragement to me – to look up and not outward for my satisfaction. When focusing on Jesus, my entire outlook on my circumstances changes. Thanks for the timely reminder! I am accepted, secure, and significant! 🙂
God never ceases to amaze me! How timely your devotion was this morning after a night of Jesus tugging at my heart to finish the concluding pages of my book about ‘JOY’! The family was all tucked away and sound asleep, but God was still awake with me. The result of finishing the book was not what I was prepared for! It’s been a wonderful God-inspiring book to read…finding true joy in any circumstance as God intends us to…choosing to find the “bless in the mess” as the author puts it. I closed the book and begn to cry as many different fears/insecurites re-surfaced; many that I”ve given to God over and over again, reminding me how constantly I need to be fed by Him! Your devotion this morning(and I’ve only been receiving Proverbs 31 a short while), along with another devotion I’ve read every morning for years, couldn’t have gone better together to inspire me! To hear God’s sweet voice through you, Renee, and how many women this one devotion touched in a million different ways, is a blessing! We women all fall into the comarison game at one time or another, or it may even have a stronghold on us, which can lead to further/deeper issues. You see, God is calling me to do something, and I think I know what it is? I want to help/encourage women to get through some of the things in life I’ve experienced with God at the forefront! I have helped start a ministry at our church and shared many personal struggles with other women and how I’ve overcome some of them with God’s grace. There are so many hurting, lonely women/mothers/wives out there…I know all to well(been there done that and still struggle) But, I think God is wanting something more from me,… from all of His children! However, with fears/insecurities, not feeling smart enough, and the things I’ve experienced in my 46 years, satan loves to whisper, “you can’t, you’ll fail again, you go on emotions too much instead of His word, there are already so many God-fearing, wise women doing this, etc…I feel defeated already! Even when others think we have it all togther, we’re all seeking the same joys in life and fight simliar battles. Through satans lies, God begs me to remember 2 Cor. 4:16-18…”That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. For present troubles are quite small and won’t last very long. Yet, they produce for us an immeasurably great glory that will last forever! So we don’t look at the troubles we can see right now; rather, we look forward to what we have not yet seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the JOYS to come will last forever.” AMEN! God bless you Renee and keep them coming…such a powerful devotion today!
Thanks for sharing the struggle “there are already so many wise Godly women doing this”. I am struggling with that one too! (Why would God need me?)
You just gave me a prayer focus for this morning…now to pray the way Renee has been showing us! Positively and with the Word of God!
Your words opened my eyes this morning. I have struggled all my life with comparisons. My mom and aunts have been in conflict all their lives, and so has my grandma with her siblings. It is a heritage my sister and I sadly also lived out. We have been competing since the day she was born. Until I married my husband, I thought there was something terribly wrong with my family and the way the siblings in every generation compare themselves jealously to each other, and the world around us. My husband began to help me heal by reminding me that sibling rivalry is normal for children, but his example shows me that it does not need to be a part of a mature (and especially Christian) life. I still struggle to show love to my sister, because of the old habit of needing to compare myself with her… which overflows to the comparing myself with the rest of the world. In high school and college, this became much worse, because I dated men who had pornography addictions. I couldn’t help but notice that compared to those women, my body fell very short, indeed. My husband tells me that I am beautiful, but most of the time, all I can see is my flyaway hair, my blemishes and scars, the baby stretch marks…
My husband is a wonderful gift from God, because when Satan tries to whisper to my heart “why don’t you look more like her?” or “why don’t you act more like her?”, I remember that not only am I loved by my husband, whom God has given to me, but most of all I am loved by God, the giver of every good and perfect gift. I write Bible verses on note cards and post them in places around my house that will help remind me of God’s love for me, and so many of the verses you gave are an indescribable affirmation that I really am enough, because of what Jesus has done, and because of what He is continuing to do in me. I don’t need to look around at others to see what I should be; I need to look up!
I love todays devotion…….Many years ago i saw a woman i had daily dealings with, she always had the best attitude and smile on her face. I remember thinking to myself, “wow” i want that. I started asking myself, what does this person have that I dont? And the answer was, “GOD”. I had all the material things same as her, the only thing in my life that was different was the relationship she had with God. This person is now a cherished friend/sister in Christ. How sad I thought at the time, how hard I was on myself and how blind. Seeing the forest before the trees….. I work hard day by day to focus on the things that God has given me and squeeze the most out of every day.
Hi Renee, Thanks for the devotional, for the awesome book and the online study. The verse that resonates most with me today are –I am God’s child and I am God’s workmanship. if I am God’s child and God’s workmanship I am then a picture perfect princess. I love knowing that and remembering that.
Thank you for the devotion. I have been battling feelings of inadequacy while I go thru reconciliation with my husband whom I have been separated for over a year. I can’t seem to get past my husband’s mistakes even though I know I have done things or have not done things as well. However, now that God has blessed me another chance to rebuild this marriage, I seem to keep sabotaging my husband’s efforts and his changes. Please pray for me. I really want to change, be the wife God wants me to be. So, I am going to read, affirm and reaffirm that I measure up with God and not have fear of failing God, my husband and my marriage. Please pray for my marriage to be able to withstand any hurdles we go through while reconciling and for my husband to be a godly husband and have intimate relationship with God. I pray that God will continue to bless you and yours. Have a wonderful day in Christ.
2 Timothy 1:7: “for God did not give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power and love and self-control” (Revised Standard Version).
This is a powerful reminder for me today-I am working on becoming more confident in myself and my abilities. I have recently started a new job opportunity a nd I am struggling with being confident in myself that I can do all things thru Christ who strenghtens me!
Thank you Renee for all your encouragement and devotion to helping women gain their confidence in themselves thru Christ Jesus!
Thanks for this devotion Renee! I was reminded that God has given me assignments – and will equip me – and that I should not compare myself to what others are doing. I often forget that and spend unnecessary time trying to measure up against others – and what the world views as “acceptable” or “successful.” I am successful when I am doing the Lord’s work – what he has called ME to do 🙂 Thanks again!!
“I am confident God will complete the good work He started in me.” Phillipians 1:6 Renee, your timing could not be more spot on at this time in my life. I love how God uses the strong to reach the weak to make them stronger in HIM. God surely is giving me the confidence to continue His work through me to reach out to those in need. I am dealing with a special sister who surely could use this today and will pass your blog along to her. She has been feeliong a bit insecure these days and could use the encouragement. God Bless You in all you do for HIM.
I am significant speaks to me the most at this time of my life. Changes in job situations, children moving out of the house and changes in ministries are all having me feeling off. What a good reminder that my worth and significance is found in who I am in Christ not what I do.
This week has been tough… my son who has a severe cardiac defect and who suffered a stroke had testing on Monday that told us that his speech has been seriously delayed because of the stroke. He needs a lot of help. I have been on a roller-coaster of emotions this week. The first of course was hope, because now we have a clear diagnosis for his speech so we can take the steps to help him, then came the overwhelming feelings of inadequacy. I felt like I was failing him, that I wasn’t up to the task and that maybe God put him in the care of the wrong Mum. This morning, well, this morning I saw a glimpse of normalcy that reminded me that ‘God has this’ and he is carrying us through. I am feeling thankful that God’s whisper was louder than the enemy of my soul’s.
At 66, I still need to hear the words in your post today. Since childhood, I’ve been attempting to measure up to someone, including a mother I could never please. The scars still exist inside and taunt me, especially with respect to body, weight and appearance. Ephesians 2:10 gives me great comfort this morning as do your words. I can look UP and see that I am worthy.
What a wonderful message! It certainly resonated with me, and my next move will be to forward to others!
Ephesians 2:10 speaks most to me today as I often feel not pretty enough, worthy enough, smart enough, & smart enough, and I know that other women share these feelings. I truly want to be a stronger Christian and focus on pleasing God, not just the world around me.
Thank you for your Proverbs 31 Devotional & your website!
I completely enjoyed your devotion today! And It too hits home for me! While I know I’m not perfect, and I am indeed a work in progress. I let my accomplishments and what I have done well be overshadowed by the clouds of doubt and comparison. I will try tomorrow to be better than today and I will keep God’s yardstick handy. Thank you for reminding us all to use the correct guides for measurement!
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement – I feel that God placed it in my heart to seek out some support online today. I am far from perfect but I feel I am frequently told and feel that I just don’t meet expectations – at least in this world. Bless you for your words today.
Thank you for this! I am going through a rough period in life where I feel rejected, insecure and very uncertain of who I am meant to be through Him. I’m posting these verses where I can repeat them daily until they become real for me and to me!
Thank you!
I was praying to God this morning to forgive me for always comparing
myself to my friends and others. I wanted forgiveness, but I also
said that I wasn’t sure how to change and love myself more. Then I
opened “Encouragement Today” in my emails and there was your
message. It really spoke to me! I need to remember those verses
and work on being happy with the beautiful gifts I have in my life. I have
2 kids that I don’t want to pass my insecurities on to and I really want to believe
In myself and be more confident in who I am as a wife, mother, friend,
and just me! Thank you!
This was awesome! Thank you for the reminder of how my Father sees me. This is the Truth I can rest my soul on. The promise that encourages me is:
■Ephesians 2:10, I am God’s workmanship
What a beautiful thing!
I struggle with insecurity and inadequacy thank you for the reminder that God made me what and who I am for His purpose and I should not question that.
Thank you, I needed those reminder versus today. I have begun reading (studying) A confident heart but needed the encouragement TODAY! Thank you for all that you ladies at Proverbs 31 do to keep us in tune with God’s desires for us.
This is my first visit to your site and I am profoundly aware of how God works to bring the right thing to us IF we are paying attention. I have been working on issues relating to self image and wondering why I act in such self-defeating ways????? This is truely a gift to come in contact with your writing this morning. The Eph 2:10 verse is perfect to reinforce what I know in my head and need to accept in my heart. Thank YOU!!
I am constantly amazed how God answers us when we seek. I have been struggling with feelings of inadequacey in dealing with my two step-daughters. We are dealing with blending a family on top of trying to undo a lot of bad influence from his ex wife. I have been feeling that there is not enough of me to go around and that maybe I’m not the one for this job. But I do know that God put my husband and I together and He gave me two more children just as He gave me mine. I am trying to remember that His power is infinitely adequate to handle my situation; that it is not my power that the kids are depending on. Thank you for following His promptings in your life; it is amazing what God can do through us!
This came at the perfect time. I spent all day yesterday writing the first chapter of the book that I have been talking about writing for the past ten years. Sitting in the library, I couldn’t help but look around at all the other books and think, “who am I to think that I can add something to all that is already out there?” Thank you for the reminder that I am secure in God and the rest is just up to Him.
I am a tired and weary Mom of 4! My oldest has cerebral palsy and my youngest is showing signs of autism! My two middle children stuggle to get the attention they need and want! I sometimes beat myself uo for having more children thinking I was being terribly selfish! I have stuggled with self esteem my whole life and it has started to get the best of me! I love my children so much but they say if you dont love yourself you cant love anyone. I dont want my kids to be hurt by my insecurities! Thanks
I constantly measure myself to others, in my jobs, my volunteer areas at church, in the community. And I alwaysfall short of thestandard I think I should have.
As a 35-yr old, never-married, without kids, it’s increasingly difficult, as friends have playdates with their kids and outings with other families, to feel accepted and significant. The posts on and on P31 were very encouraging this morning.
Hi MarySue
I have felt like you describe many times. I still struggle with comparing myself to others.
At 35, I was single without children. I desperately wanted to be loved and married and have children.
I did not see much hope for my future. Today at almost 43, I am married have two teenage step-sons and two beautiful daughters ( 3 1/2 and 5) When God has a plan He sure can do things quickly. Please don’t get discouraged… turn to Him with your desires and doubts as Renee is teaching us to do.
God gave me what I desired a little over 6 years ago, however this new journey as wife, mother, step-mother has not been easy and I am learning again to TURN TO HIM to satisfy all my needs and take away my inadequacies and insecurities.
Phil 1:6 spoke to me clearly today that GOD ALWAYS COMPLETES SOMETHING THAT HE STARTS!
I Believe that HE has started a GOOD WORK in me…. who am I to DOUBT THAT HE WILL NOT FINISH IT:)
Thanks for sharing where you are, if I can be of any help/comfort/encouragement please let me know:)
This definitely spoke to me today. I have been feeling woefully inadequate and hearing Satan’s whisperings of “you are a complete failure” more and more loudly every day. Many days I struggle to believe that God could actually love me. But I try. Thank you for the reminder.
This is soooooo encouraging. Just what I needed today. I’m sharing with my daughters. Thank you so much!
Thank you. I really needed this today. I have been measuring myself wrongly for far too long. Thanks again
I love this post. It is so me. Trying to measure up by comparing myself to others. I wear a black ring around my index finger. It is simple, just a plastic plumbing ring, but it is a reminder to me that Satan is the one who causes me to doubt. I learned this trick at a conference I attended years ago. I still wear it today. I immediately thought of it when I read this week’s post. Satan simply can’t stand it when God is in control of our lives. It is amazing what a simple piece of plastic used as something it wasn’t intended for can make such a difference. Thought I would share the tip.
It’s my reminder God is in control and Satan only tries to lie, steal, and destroy my hope and trust in God.
Romans 8:28 I am assured that God works for my good in all circumstances.
*All things* are for my highest good! ALL THINGS!
What a great reminder this devotions has been. Having raised three daughters, we have had to instill importance and self-worth into all of them numerous times. Comparison seems so natural for us women that we compare everything. My daughter is in honors class and on the soccer team and plays piano and teaches Sunday School to the preschoolers every Sunday and …. the list goes on. Who gave us permission to not be satisfied with what God has instilled in each of us? Why do we not accept what God gave us? Does He not know what is best for us and therefore we should be content with it? We need to be reminded of this concept over and over again. Thanks for sharing.
This spoke to my heart this morning. I am always comparing myself to other women, thinking that “if only I had what she has,” it would be so much easier. Thank you for reminding me that I am a child of God, and that’s what I should focus on.
I have been reminded to focus on God & on doing what I know to be right despite the lies of Satan that try to divert my attention & get me to focus on anything but my Jesus! ~Blessings~
Hi there.. This devotion spoke to me because as a wife, mother, daughter, friend, employee, I often place so much focusing on how I measure up in other’s eyes. This reminded me to stop and focus on what God wants for my life, for my heart and how I serve him. If I keep my eyes on this, then even though all the other relationships and burdens of my heart might not be resolved, I will have something to anchor myself to in the midst of all the changing expectations that affect me each day. I really look forward to reading a Confident Heart….I would love to win a copy, but if not, I will probably purchase one anways. Thanks for the great reminder.
Thank you for this reminder. I needed to remember that I am accepted by God just as I am because of what Christ has done for me, regardless of what I think I lack or the many ways I mess up. He loves me and gives grace to allow me to “measure up” to His standards.
Thank you so much for today’s encouragement. I was an unwanted child — and I’ve known from a very early age that no matter what I did, it would never be enough to earn the love and affection of my mother or father. I struggle everyday with being worthy of God’s love and forgiveness. I know what a dirty, rotten sinner I am – no one has to convince me of that! Why would Jesus love me enough to die a miserable, agonizing death on the cross after all the sin I have in my life. My own parents couldn’t love me, so why would God? This IS my daily struggle, so your thoughts today have struck right at the core of my heart. Please help me pray that I can rely more on God and defeat the devil and his lies!
Thank you for this message today. I needed it to remind me that I can be anything that God wants me to be. The devil is constantantly filling my mind with trash about not being smart enough . With God “ALL Things are Possible!”
Excellent encouragement to stay away from a mental ruler and to recognize that satan loves to trip us up. Thanks Renee!
My 2 friends and I have been trying to be accountable to one another as far as our somewhat warped thoughts can be -mostly around measuring up and comparing ourselves to others. This was right on target for what we have been dealing with. God is soo good that He uses others to bring us what we need.
THanks Renee!
I understand your feelings. It’s so hard you break those patterns of thoughts that are embedded so deep. My situation was where my mom re-married and I was was part of the package. I think my step-dad loved me in a way but I know he was never taught. He came from a past of violence and abuse. He and my mom both just died in February. Months before they died, I thought I don’t want to look back on this time with regret. So, they both moved to Ohio with me. Up until my step-dad died, I tried to have some sort of father-daughter relationship. I got that but just a little. Even when I tried to hug him, he only let me for a second and then he pushed me away. He died a few days later from cancer. All we can do is pick up the pieces, and make the best of what we have. My Mom loved me but she made some bad choices that we all have had to live with. This makes me want to show my kids even more how special they are to me. We all make mistakes and we can’t take away the past. But we can learn from it and try to do better. My pain seems to ease a bit when I do things for others or when I’m with uplifting Christian friends. <3
Ephesians 2:10 has the answer for me. I was a child not wanted by my father and I was always told it was because he wanted a boy instead of a girl. I am not sure and perhaps never will be but, I knew that my mother wanted me and later I discovered our merciful Lord’s love and realized that I am God’s workmanship and He doesn’t make any junk! I have only praise and thanks for Him. Sending up prayers for you April, to be blessed by God with a clear understanding of how much HE LOVES YOU!!