Just in time for Mother’s Day weekend, I’ve invited my friend Karen Ehman to share a devotional with us from her new book, Pressing Pause: 100 Quiet Moments for Moms to Meet with Jesus. We’re also giving away TWO COPIES of the book and one beautiful bracelet. Keeping reading to find out more.
As a little girl I loved being outdoors. I could often be found playing kickball with the neighborhood kids or riding my bike around the block. I liked to splash in puddles and jump in piles of leaves. There was one aspect, however, about being outside that I didn’t particularly care for: the critters.
Spiders were scary … dogs terrifying. And I couldn’t even bear the thought of snakes.
My intense fear of these creatures often kept me from fully engaging in play.
Unfortunately, even when I didn’t encounter creepy-crawlies outdoors, they occasionally wound up in my dreams at night. I would have the same reoccurring nightmare of snakes slithering toward me while I stood frozen, unable to run away. When I would wake up, I would be in a panic, heart wildly beating, palms sweating. I never thought my fears would go away until the one summer when I had no other choice.
The summer I turned 20, I took a job at a nature center teaching four-year-olds. It didn’t cross my mind that keeping company with critters would be a part of my duties. I had to capture insects to examine and release, scoop tadpoles to study pond life, and even hold the snakes that were kept in glass tanks in the main building.
Although everything in me wanted to run away, there were little eyes on me. So, I whispered a prayer for strength, pushed past my fears, and made those kids think I was a critter-lovin’ instructor whose calm demeanor (and lack of screaming!) showed them there was nothing to fear. If their teacher wasn’t freaking out, why should they?
Even though I worked through my fear that summer, as an adult now, I’m still tempted to “freak out” with fear. My imagination concocts all sorts of scenarios peppered with dread and doom. Sometimes I can’t shake fear as I try to fall asleep.
But I have come to trust this perspective-shifting truth: God is not worried. He’s not in heaven wringing His hands, wondering just how everything will eventually turn out. He is in control. He is loving.
God longs to use the circumstances of our lives to mold our mind, craft our character, and chase away the fears that threaten to slither in, paralyzing us and rendering us ineffective.
Ever the patient and wise teacher, if He isn’t freaking out, why should we?
Proverbs 3:24-26a is a sweet promise to us…
Now that passage doesn’t promise that we won’t ever encounter sudden disasters in life. But it does reassure us that we have no need to fear them. Why? Because the Lord—our gracious and wise teacher—is our security. He will be there to comfort and to guide as He teaches us the lessons we need to learn.
With God as our security, we can have calm in our present.
With God as our security, we can face the future without fear. And we can share this confidence we gain to inspire others, helping to keep them from unnecessary fret and worry.
Why it even helps me deal with little critters that get inside my house without squirming.
Well . . . without squirming too much.
Enter to Win
We are giving away two Pressing Pause devotionals and a beautiful bracelet from Fashion & Compassion. Written by my dear friends Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk, Pressing Pause: 100 Quiet Moments to Meet with Jesus offers us a calm way to start our day, to refresh ourselves in Christ and drink deeply of His presence so we are ready to pour out love, time, and energy into the people who matter most!
These 100 encouraging devotions for moms has helped me start each day with Scripture, drawing on God’s power, soaking up His Word, and learning practical ways to love and serve my family more like Christ each day. And one of my favorite features is the set of questions and optional journaling or notes area at the end of each day’s devotional.
Just a few minutes each day can help you center your heart and mind on what God has for you as His beloved daughter. So resist the rush. Halt the hustle. Press pause and find some calm in the chaos.
TO ENTER TO WIN simply click “Share Your Thoughts” below today’s post and do just that. Your comment will be your entry into the drawing! Two winners will be chosen and contacted on Monday, May 9th.
This couldn’t be more on time or target with me personally. Worry, fear, dread.. these are all words that are frequent in my mind and ones that cause me a great deal of inability to focus, and the inability to fully step out in faith and trusting in God. It would be wonderful to have this devotional as a gentle nudge and reminder that God is always along side me no matter what I face that may cause those feelings. The world is quick to offer panic, chaos, and confusion but in those moments with Jesus he always offers a peace that can’t be bought with money. If I don’t win this is something that will make a gift list for my birthday or Christmas for sure!
Thank you for sharing today. Happy Mother’s day everyone…
What a great reminder! Thanks! 🙂
Thanks so much for this timely truth! Would love a copy of the book – thanks!
I always enjoy your devotionals Renee! Thank you!
I just ordered a copy of Karen’s book to use as a giveaway on my website (Pausing to See God Clearly). It is just wonderful and I am convinced many women will connect with her words.
That said, I would love to win a copy for me 🙂
I am also trusting the Lord thru circumstances……
Happy mothers day to you all!
That’s really thkiinng of the highest order
we eat foods with so much preservatives now unlike back then that when we die our bodies will be preserved for hundreds of years:) When I think of canned food or processed foods it kind of creeps me out.
What a great inspiring message!! Thank you!
I am not a spider or snake kind of girl.either. I would love to get the book to read then pass on to someone else to learn too. I have a friend who is a busy mom aND she has been such end encouragement to me that I would like to give her something to encourage her. Thank you for this opportunity.
Working on pausing
It’s amazing how when we stop and truly trust in the Lord that we need not fear….
I need to pause in my busy life to remember God.
Wonderful devotion on facing our fears. I’m right there with you re: snakes! God instructs us not to fear but have courage. He is always with us. We have to call out his name JESUS!
Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Aging parent and half grown children! Gods not worried but they are ever on the forefront of mine! Lots of prayers going up!
FEAR =false evidence appearing real
God gives us the strength and courage we need when we lay it at the foot of the cross.
I love your posts,blogs books etc as you play an intregal role in my learning to be closer to God. God bless you and your family.
I have a fear that I’m not the best parent for my kids. I mess up daily, but I love them dearly. I fear that I’m not doing enough and being the servant I should be. I’m a work in progress for sure. This is my year to go after JOY. I know that God is for me and that I just need to seek him and I’ll have all I need to overcome my fears and failures, but I’m human. Every day I struggle to find that balance between the Lord and the world. I’d love to have a chance to win this book. Happy Mother’s Day – have a great weekend!
Thank you for sharing that loved devotion. Im dealing with several fears myself now. I am trying to stay open to God and hear him.
Pressing Pause is something every woman needs to do on a daily basis. I am not any different from anyone else with my issues in life – husband in the hospital most of the time, trying to make a living on my salary alone, spending time with my wonderful grandchildren, dealing with life’s everyday issues. I feel my difference is – GOD! I always know he is on my side. Unfortunately, I do not make enough time for myself or GOD! I want to take a step back and regroup! Wishing EVERYONE A wonderful Happy Mothers Day! GOD BLESS
I too had a lot of fears growing up. I was afraid of spiders I still am I just can deal with them a little better it’s more of a hebie jeebie thing now. The main thing I was afraid of was the dark, I had to sleep with a night light and of course check in the closet and under the bed. I stayed afraid until I found Jesus which was about 8 years ago. I grew up not knowing about God I wasn’t taught that my parents never went to church. In comes my boyfriend (husband now) and introduces me to Jesus Wow did my whole life change all my fears just went away I found out that darkness can’t stand the light darkness has to flee in the name of Jesus he is my protector and my father my all in all. I thank him so much for coming into my life.:)
Blessings and Love to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fraidy Cat….that’s me. I envision things to fear that may never happen. I also fear sharing my feelings and what others will think of me. What a blessing to know God knows my fears before I even think of them and has already dealt with them. Acronym for me: FEAR F Face E encounter A accept and R release.
We all need the reminder to rest in Him. Worrying does nothing but add stress to our lives. Would love the book for a daily reminder.
Dear Renee,
When I read about you nightmares about snakes, I can truly relate!
I remember being afraid to close my eyes, because I would see snakes immediately.
i would dream they were chasing me or crawling over my body.
i am very thankful God has taken that fear and so many others away over the years.
Thank you for your encouragements and love.
This simple phrase is soooo freeing! God’s not worried! Oh the fears that need to be relieved.
I would love to have a copy of this book!
Fear. I fear that I am not enough. I fear that I am not giving my son enough time. We are constantly going right now. If it isn’t baseball games, it’s practice, if it’s not practice then it’s games, it’s a never ending cycle, and then we get to throw in me working full time, doing both parenting duties (single mother here, husband passed), AND to top it off I am going back to school for my bachelors. I do not remember what tired felt like, exhausted yes, always. but this leads me to the fear of not doing enough, not being there enough…..how do I press pause with all this?
This is just what I needed to read today. I am letting fears rule my life instead of trusting God is in control.
Loved this encouraging story! Creepy crawlin’ spiders, my worst phobia! Not sure I’ll ever get victory on that one. But God has been faithful in helping me overcome many other worrisome issues so that I am free to experience that PEACE & JOY that has eluded me for too many years. So true — most of the stuff we waste time worrying over, NEVER comes to fruition. Praise God! Would be blessed to win this book!!
I would love this book!
If it were just that easy……struggling everyday to totally give the fears to God…..but somehow always taking some or all of them back. Reading this devotional has been such a blessing! Thank you….it was much needed!!!
My favorite memory verse… “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:6&7
Thank you for posting this wonderful reminder of how much our JESUS cares! HE understands our frame and every season we walk through!
God has comforted me so many times over the past 7 months- praise Him! I’ve have 5 surgeries since October for colon cancer & will have another on May9th. I’m trusting in the Lord to provide comfort and peace in my heart. Praise Him for Daily Bread & Grace!
Thank you Renee! Your ministry is such an inspiration–Blessings always!
I’d say fear is one of my greatest obstacles! I often pray myself to sleep quoting Proverbs 3:24!!! What a beautiful and comforting word from our Father!!!
What a great reminder. Thank you!
Thank you, Renee. And thank you Lord Jesus for always providing. You know my needs right now. You know that despite all I read that I am worried that I can’t make ends meet this month. I do trust you, and I will keep praying and believing that you will get me through this!!
Great post as always. Thank you for sharing your heart snd encouraging us mamas! It’s a very hard job but so thankful for the opportunity you raise our daughter even tho some days I want to tear my hair out! Haha 😉
Blessings to each You lovelies snd Happy Mother’s Day!! <3
Such perfect timing. I’ve been struggling with fear since my recent divorce with the weight of needing to provide for myself and 2 children in the midst of a job layoff and beginning of a new career. God has been good and faithful in meeting my needs. I would love this devotional.
A Great God never has to worry
This reminds me so much of my mother, she would have loved this. This will be my first Mother’s Day without her, she passed away in August, 2015, at the Blessed age of 92.
Would love to win this..I love all the inspirational material that you do..very comforting and uplifting..
This is timely for so many, including myself. Fear holds us captive and at times has kept me from moving forward. I’ve learned and continue to learn that Jesus has it figured out already, so what am I afraid of. I just starting writing a book, that God has called me to write, and the greatest thing stopping me had been fear.
Blessings, and thank you so much. Happy Mother’s Day to everyone.
My husband and three women in my life were all battling cancer at the same time. Talk about overwhelming! But God is patiently showing me that I need to let go and just remember who He is 🙂 Praise God my husband is now in remission, and one friend is cancer free, and the other two are in the home stretch.
It’s good to see someone thkniing it through.
You’ve got it in one. Couldn’t have put it better.
“85% körüli készültségi állapotú tengeralattjárót az admirális elmondása szerint a Szevmash mégiscsak befejezheti,”Akkor ezzel kb 8db nÅ‘ az Oscar 2 osztályú tengók száma?Ez Ãgy igen komoly ütÅ‘erÅ‘t jelent majd .Tetszik / Egyetértek: 2 Az értékeléshez be kell
I agree with you completely, and that is the way I describe the term cisgender as well, but lately there have been several people who have expressed offense about it. A few have been extremely public and gotten attention for that objection, with MANY other non-transgender people saying they find the term offensive because there should be no word for being normal.I wish they were as sensible as you.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 6:24 pm it'd be a tie between classic black or raspberry in the O.G. but if i could win one then totally raspberry. i heart this company and have pinned their bags on my Pinterest long ago!
Would love to win this. I found out this week that my mother has stage 4 liver cancer and cancer in her breast and lymph nodes.
What a beautiful post – to know that God is not worried, why should we. This would be an awesome gift.
Happy Mother’s Day everyone!!
Worry is my middle name! I shouldn’t worry about anything because in my mind I have the worst situation figured out before anything bad even happens. I hate living this way and try to give it to God every day. I am always looking for something to read to help with this area. Winning this would help so much!
Thank you so much for sharing…my pastor says “about 80% of what you are worrying about, will never happen”, and it is so true, but we get paralyzed by fear, by “what ifs’. I love thinking about the fact that God is not worried, and since he is the one who know how it all turns out; we shouldn’t be either.
WOW …..yes!!! I mean WOW… would LOVE to win this!!!
Peercft answer! That really gets to the heart of it!
Thank you Renee for these words. So thought provoking and encouraging. I find myself looking at my kids (tween & teen) with envy at their simple lives. We have intentionally tried to keep their lives from getting overly busy. We have always only allowed one activity at a time (and thankfully neither were interested in traveling sports), so their day to day life isn’t constant go go go. I on the other hand, have not done a great job at keeping my life simple. My life is go go go, I have been praying about ways to simplify, rest, and have more quiet time with God. Thank you for your reminders.
I have always heard that God doesn’t give us anymore than we can handle. Lately I feel like he thinks I am some kind of badass. I am tired but keep holding on to doing it all myself. Always thinking I should just give it to God he isn’t worried about me or my family. So worried about my 14y.o. son lately and asking God to take over for me. Reading this today I am hoping (fingers crossed) that I am able to sleep soundly and try and not worry. Thank you for the encouraging words.
I had asked God to help me face my fears and I face them in my dreams, as you spoke of, also. I asked God to help me praise Him even in my dreams in the face of my fears.
He answered my prayers.
God is faithful ALL the time. With real fears or imagined ones.
I feel your pain! Spiders and snakes make me squirm too! I love how you were able to overcome your fear by working at the Nature Center and of course relying on God. I would love to win a copy of Pressing Pause. I’ve had my eye on it for a while now 🙂
Thank You Renee! As always you are an inspiration! Blessings & Peace!