Sweet friends, you have spoken my love language this week with your words of encouragement!!!!
Thank you for taking time to leave a comment and especially for sharing how God spoke to you specifically. My favorite was to read something specific that you read in a post and how it answered a question that’s been bouncing around inside of you. That’s God speaking to you! I also love knowing more about what’s going on in your heart and in your life. You were so real about where you are and where you long to be, seeking God but sometimes wandering instead of following.Your words were vulnerable. How you share your life as I share mine filled me up at times when I felt depleted this week. And God spoke to me through YOU!
I hope you’ll keep your thoughts coming! You may think it’s no big deal. But you are a big deal to me.And thank you for admitting some of you are afraid of chopping vegetables, too. That made me feel so normal!
I’ve been thinking about how much God speaks to me through His word. It’s never in an audible voice. And sometimes I’m not even reading my Bible. But God shows me things in the Bible or from the Bible that offer insights and direction I need. Through His Word He helps me understand His ways which give me direction each day.
Sometimes it’s when I’m reading my Bible. I’ll put myself in the setting of the story, asking Jesus to help me see how the circumstances, struggles or lessons in the passage parallel my life.
Sometimes I’ll be reading a verse in a devotion or a Bible study , and it’s just what I needed to hear. The timing is perfect and I know God orchestrated it because only He knew I would need it then.
Other times I’ll be reading a a book and the chapter I’m in will address a subject that I’ve been struggling with. A verse or truth from the Bible will be woven into the writer’s thoughts, and it’s just what I needed to shed light on my situation.
Today I want to introduce you to a friend who also longs to hear God speak to her heart. Rachel Olsen and I work together each week on the P31 Encouragement for Today devotions. She’s our Sr. Editor. We pray over each devotion, that words written by our speakers and writers will speak into the hearts of each person who reads them, revealing God’s heart, direction and life-changing truth.
Rachel is is also an author and speaker who who loves to dig into to God’s Word and learn from His Divine truths! She’s passionate about sharing those truths with everyday women just like us,so today I invited her to share about her new book, “It’s No Secret: Revealing Divine Truths Every Woman Should Know”
Rachel, tell us why you wrote It’s No Secret: Revealing Divine Truths Every Woman Should Know?
Jesus’ statement to His followers in Matthew 13:11 captivated me. He said, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you.” When I read that I was taken by the notion that God was willing to share His secrets with me. He was saying God has supplied me – and you – with sacred knowledge. Only I wasn’t so sure what it was, so I set out to discover what Christ was talking about here.
The word secrets here is translated from the Greek musterion, which means a sacred hidden truth that is naturally unknown to human reason but is made known by revelation of God.
As I dug into the Bible I found many such secrets… biblical teachings that run counter to what our gut or culture tells us about successful living … principals for how life works in God’s kingdom here and in the age to come.
I soon realized these were important truths all my God-Sisters need to know! These God-sized secrets contain the keys we are looking for—answers to the issues of modern life, such as exhausting schedules, unpaid bills, petty conflicts, and unmet expectations.I selected twelve I felt are particularly pertinent to women today and wrote this book.
I love a book that helps me face my everyday issues with God’s truth and perspective. Tell us more about how your book does that.
This book doesn’t just tell you what a particular verse or parable means – although that’s important and the book does do that. But it shows what that means for your life and mine … right now, today.
For instance, it can help when it’s 10:45 PM and you’re beat but you’ve still got one more task on your to-do list (chapter 9). It can help you handle your emotions when hosting Thanksgiving and you’re stressed over the food turning out great and everything being clean for your guests to enjoy (Chapter 7). It can also help you cope when a co-worker makes a snarky comment that really digs into your skin (chapter 4).
It’s No Secret applies ancient truths to our contemporary, everyday issues. It can empoweryou to:
- Handle petty conflicts and criticism with grace
- Overcome the competitive urges that leave you stressed or lonely
- Grow spiritually despite life’s setbacks
- Relax unrealistic expectations in favor of emotional stability
- Uncover a surprising means to worshiping God amidst your busy schedule
- Discover how to make what you give away ultimately return to you
- Find life-long adventure as you yield wholeheartedly to God
Readers are saying this book is a fun, easy read, yet also challenging and very applicable.And that’s exactly what I intended it to be. Someone once said this book packs a punch, with a well-manicured hand.I think that’s a compliment.
If you’d like to win a copy, just click on the word “comments” below and tell Rachel what Divine Secret you’d like to know, and why you’d want to win her book! We can’t wait to read your comments! Oh, and I’ll be back later this afternoon ( next Tuesday) to announce this week’s winners. (I’ve got a field trip to get to this morning with Josh’s high school class. We’re doing a walking Tour of downtown Charlotte!)
Wonder Woman always wore bracelets that deflected attacks. Too many times I use those same bracelets, returning fire from whence it came. "Oh yeah?!! well you do this …" God is working on me. Those bracelets are worn less and less. I look forward to the day when I discover they are gone, as far as the east is to the west
I'd love to learn a divine secret on how to organize my time into the "right" segments – family and household management, volunteer time, Bible study, prayer, fun.
I would love to read your book but more than anything I would love to win it to give to a very dear friend of mine. I have just begun my Faith Walk and she has been such an important part of this journey for me, she is the reason I started seeking. Thank you so much for sharing!
Wow… so many things ..
As a wife and SAHM of 3 young children..
I would love to:
Grow spiritually despite life's setbacks
Relax unrealistic expectations in favor of emotional stability
Uncover a surprising means to worshiping God amidst your busy schedule…
I would love to read her book and learn more on these things…. I need these so much in my life..
I would like to learn about the secret regarding unrealistic expectations….I am learning baby steps but have a long long way to go. Part of it is I am Bipolar, but God has done a lot of heart work in me and I am working hard in Recovery and Step Studies at my church. But my relationship with my daughter has been very tenuous at best and she just had our very first grandbaby (on both sides) which is a sweet little girl that is not quite 2 months old. I barely get to see her and they only live 15 minutes or so away. My daughter doesn't trust me due to past manic outbursts. I have not had those in months and have explained they will never happen again Lord willing because she is not sitting on the throne of my heart anymore. She is no longer an idol in my heart. And I am learning to not have any expectations of her but she is my only child and I don't know how to let go and not expect her to love me like she used to. I need help from anyplace I can get it. I am learning to trust God daily and to trust that "He's got it". But I know your book could only help me more! Would love to read it. Thanks so much.
Dear Rachel – I would love to know how to keep living in trust & faith "day-by-day" without growing weary. I have been placed off work on total disability and I'm only 58 yrs old and single. I had a very lucrative career and really didn't need or want for a whole lot. Now I am living day-by-day wondering where the next car payment or mortgage payment will come from. I know from God but where is He sending it from. It is so difficult living day-by-day in total trust in the unknown. I feel like I have done so well holding up with my faith and trust but there are days I feel so guilty as I want to get my budget out and "figure out" what I'm going to do and how can I "rob Peter to pay Paul" when knowing all the time, there isn't anything I can shuffle around. All I have are the necessary expenses in my budget (I've chopped & chopped til there's no more chopping) and I know it does no good to look and try to figure out "what I'm going to do" as all I can do is take the budget book and pray over it. Please tell me, am I wrong in feeling weary some days wondering about tomorrow? Am I letting the Lord down in thinking I don't trust Him when in my heart I really do? I pray the scriptures and have found a greater trust and faith than I ever known possible but I'm still "human" and get tired and weary.
I want to know all of the secrets! The book sounds wonderful.
This was exactly what I needed to hear! I recently signed up to receive the Proverbs 31 emails and have been so blessed by them. But this one in particular was exactly what I needed … God used YOU to speak to me. I have been struggling with listening and obeying God when He speaks to me. I have for the last couple years been hearing that still quiet voice telling me what I know I should do, but I haven't really listened or acknowledged what He was telling me to do. (Kind of like hearing your kids in the back seat of the car, but not really listening or acknowledging what they are saying because I'm on the phone, listening to the radio, or planning a list of errands in my head!) Anyway, in the last 3 or 4 days God has spoken to me in many different ways (through His Word, bible study, sermons, songs, & most recently this email) He has convicted me of my disobedience in not listening to His voice. So I an very interested in Rachel's book! I would love to know how to handle petty conflicts and competitive urges that leave me stressed. How to relax under unrealistic expectations and all the other things the book talks about! Thank you for sharing!!
I always need help with my day to day Walk with the Lord. There are so many things that get it my way and I am trying really hard to ignore them and do what God wants for me. I really want to grow in my work and living for Him. I have read what you say about your book and it really inspires me to know more.
I could use help with learning how to handle stressful situations peacefully and to learn how to keep my joy during the difficult times in life. Thank you so much the chance to win. Happy Thanksgiving!
[email protected]
I definitely need to learn how to Handle petty conflicts and criticism with grace. ♥
Hi! With a husband and four boys, I'd definitely LOVE ♥ to learn how to relax MY unrealistic expectations and enjoy that "emotional stability" I so desperately seek! I'd love to win the book-and I'd even be happy to share how applying these …revealed truths to my life will change my relationship not only with my family but my Lord and Savior as well.
Thanks for the opportunity 🙂
Hi there! I am in a transitional phase right now and would love to read this book, especially focusing on "how to yield wholeheartedly to God." God bless!
I am new in my walk with Christ, so I am definitely desiring to learn how to grow spiritually despite life's setbacks. Our God is an awesome God!
Do we have to pick just one? 😉
I would like to know how to handle conflicts with grace while cooking a turkey amidst life's setbacks. Or is that an unrealistic expectation? 🙂
[email protected]
'grow spiritually despite life's setbacks' – wow, I'd love to know THAT secret. I know God uses setbacks to 'grow' me but it doesn't usually feel like it – so this sounds like a secret worth knowing!
Oh my! I need the divine secret on how to speak the truth in love! Along with everything else that you mentioned as highlights of the book!
It sure would be nice to hear some truths or secrets on waiting….seems that's all I'm doing these days. I think Lysa might call them "growth opportunities", but maybe that's really fights. Anyway, God is good but I am not patient to wait on answers.
I want to know how to grow with God and how to make Him a daily priority even when there never seems to be a quiet moment to do so. [email protected]
I so need to learn how to relate to my almost adult children, with grace and respect for the lives they now lead. At times recognizing them as adults that do not need my input into their plans comes hard for me and yet I want to let go and let them become the people God wants them to be.
I made a mistake when I was young. God has forgiven me but I still struggle with forgiving myself. It is a daily struggle to me to allow the joy in my life I know I can have but still think I do not deserve. I am spiritually hungry. I read and listen to every thing I have time to absorb. Proverbs 31 Ministries is a great resource for me. I am a work in progress!
I would really like to learn how to grow spiritually despite setbacks. I know that God uses our trials and tribulations to help us grow closer to Him but sometimes it feels like I take one step forward and two steps back. I would be interested in reading your book.
This sounds so much like what I'd like to read and pass on. Especially these two:
•Overcome the competitive urges that leave you stressed or lonely
•Grow spiritually despite life's setbacks
Glad you are feeling better Renee and enjoyed the field trip.
I would just love to read the book to see all the things the Lord would want to work on in my heart. Thanks for the chance to win.
[email protected]
I want to discover God's plan for me each day I wake up so that I can follow his plan he has for me.
[email protected]
I would like to read about how to "find life-long adventure as you yield whole heartedly to God". It sound like this is a great book.
[email protected]
I am my most harshest critic. I place huge expectations on myself to be the "Perfect one" who can juggle, balance and meet everyones desires as well as my own with grace and a smile from ear to ear. When I get tired and feel overwhelmed, It is hard to handle it with grace.
I will read whatever I can to be a better woman in Christ and not fall to the trickery and lies Satan taunts me with.
[email protected]
I would love to get a copy to discover the secrets of God and how it can help me in my everyday life. It would cover every area of my life.
[email protected]
I would like to know how to get rid on unreasonable expectations that I put on myself and others. Anything that helps strengthen my God-walk would be great!
I am in a season of asking the Lord how I can take the stress off myself that only I put on myself! I think this has to do with expectations. I would love to read Rachel's book!!
I would love to learn how to deal with unmet expectations and how to handle criticism with grace. It is always great to have resources available to help us deal with the everyday issues that we all struggle with.
How timely the topics you selected to highlight from her book. The thing I'm struggling with this morning is having 1 (or 10?) more things to do when you're so exhausted you can't think anymore(…and your 3 month old is asleep so you should really go to bed). If you choose to go to sleep how do you keep from being irritated at the mess when it's the first thing you see as you walk out of your bedroom?! …I'm also interested in the other highlighted topics, but that was my heart at this very moment 🙂 Thank you!
Something that I have been struggling with in my life is rejoicing and finding peace in God in the troubles and valleys of life, like when you or a child is ill, and you don't know what the future holds. It is so easy as believers to be content and rejoice when things are going well, but when troubles come, how do we maintain that level of trust and faith, saying, "God, I know you have a plan for me–and nothing happens to me that doesn't pass through your hand." I would love encouragement to help maintain that "peace that passes all understanding." Thanks so much for what you do–encouraging so many people every day in their walk of faith. God bless!
Handling criticism and always knowing how to best react to petty conflicts with grace would be the most beneficial section to me right now in the circumstances I find myself in. I think the whole book sounds like a must read.
[email protected]
I would love to learn more about rediscovering who God wants me to be and rediscovering my dreams after my children are no longer small. It is very easy to "loose yourself" in the middle of life…and it's very difficult to discover who you are again after so many years consumed with taking care of other people.
I think the secret regarding unrealistic expectations would be very helpful for me!
I would love to handle "It can also help you cope when a co-worker makes a snarky comment that really digs into your skin (chapter 4)."
I basically quit my job because I couldn't handle it…and don't think I should have burned that bridge!!!
I would love help on how to handle criticism. I don´t take it too well, it is actually one of my "hot" buttons…and also what you said about Chapter 9…when it´s late and my to-do list isn´t finished!
[email protected]
I'd love any help I can get with my Walk. I keep reading about the book on Rachel's blog and hoping to win it….but if not it'll make a great stocking stuffer for ME!
I would like to handle comments and criticism with grace and learn to not react to co-worker's snarky comments….internally as well as externally. [email protected]