Fields rolled by and I wondered which farm was her’s. I took photos just in case that was the one. It wasn’t. But we were getting close. Leah and I had been ministering at a women’s event in Ontario all weekend, and now we were on our way to visit my sweet friend, Ann Voskamp.
I couldn’t wait to see Ann and meet her family – who were all as unique and wonderful as she describes on her blog. Two boys hid (and giggled) under the porch while we visited. The girls sat on the swing and listened. Flowers bent in the breeze behind the white picket fence.
And a zip line waited for us in the backyard. The kids told me all about it. How their dad created it and how much time it took. Voices echoed excitement. I asked if I could try it. Big smiles stretched across their faces. I don’t think they were expecting a city girl to go on the zip line. But this city girl is a farm girl at heart, and I love adventure!
I even talked their momma into trying it for the first time!!
Later we sat on the porch and talked, and we captured our conversation on video so we could share it with you. I shared earlier this week how we talked about naming things like our doubts and fears, as well as the beauty He brings that we easily miss. How naming them can bring clarity to our thinking and invite God into our everyday moments. Then we talked about framing the moments and messes so we can see God in them and worship Him there. Here is the rest of our conversation:
I have a few gifts to share… I brought home 3 signed copies of Ann’s New York Times Best-Seller, One Thousand Gifts. To enter to win, we’d love for you to be part of our conversation. Simply slip a note in the comments below this post by clicking “Share your thoughts.”
And, since we talked about overcoming self-doubts, I’ll tuck a copy of my book in with each of Ann’s for the three of you who win. Winners will be announced on Monday. To be notified, you can sign up for email updates in that little box at the top.
I don’t think I’ve ever had a problem naming my doubts. I am full of them! The greatest revelation for me is that God still loves me in spite of my doubt. He longs for me to ask him to clarify and explain them, rather than stewing about them. I have Ann’s book and would love to give a copy to my sister. Thanks for an opportunity to pass along a blessing.
So thankful for the reminder that sometimes all I need is a paradigm shift. Blessed to listen in on your conversation!
I recently found “A Holy Experience” and have been encouraged deeply as a mother. Thanks!
What a beautiful analogy… to frame life’s moments… shift perspective. So true. I think this is a talent lost as we age in life. Often I’ve gone back to favorite places or views of childhood and wondered why I thought that particular thing SO BEAUTIFUL… until I stepped back into my childhood eyes… and there it was again.
Oh, how I loved this…your words are so inspiring!
Thanks for sharing, and making yourself transparent to all of us!
Thank you for your words of Truth! I am in a time of transition. I’ve just finished homeschooling my quiver of sweet children after many years. I have also been helping care for aging parents and a beloved sister who I am losing to a horrible disease. There has been much sadness. I have been focusing on the sadness instead of the beauty in the difficulties. I have also been having much self-doubt. What now, Lord? I know God is in the midst of it all, but sometimes I have a hard time seeing the good. I love your and Ann’s words of encouragement. Especially ‘re-framing’-changing the focus or perspective of the picture. To be in the same situation and yet to see the beauty of God working right there. I have been reading Ann’s blog for a couple weeks and have been very blessed. This is the first time I have read your blog. I am excited to get to know you both better! God Bless you both!
Thank you both so much for these videos! Just this week God has shown me how I need to shift my focus because I have not lived a life of gratitude in regards to very important matters. What a difference that shift makes! The circumstances don’t necessarily change (although sometimes they do, which is wonderful!), but the change within is remarkable. Joy truly comes from framing life with a heart of gratitude. Thank you both again!
God used Mrs. Voskamps book to bring lightness and hope into a situation that I believed was completely lost. My life has meaning again and it is from seeing God in the moment and specifically naming each gift. I am so ever grateful for the gift of her book. I am excited to live and learn what it is God has for me.
Thank you both so very very much.
In God’s hope,
I praise God for Ann’s blog/ministry and yours as well! My life has been changed by Ann’s book! I am hoping to share the book with as many people as possible. I look forward to following your blog and reading your book as well. Thanks so much for the blessing of your godly example and encouragement.
God bless you as you serve Him!
I love the idea of framing the gifts, and re-framing where necessary. I want to live a beautiful life, but too often feel like I need “more” to get there, to buy more things, to be a better/smarter person, to be more organized. But I am learning more and more that the key is to walk with God and give thanks where I am and be thankful for all the blessings that are already in my life. Always desiring more will leave me unsatisfied all the time, but gratitude makes me feel full and blessed all the time
God Bless you both! I am singing praises to the Lord for all that He is accomplishing through your books, blogs, and ministries. Thank you so much for your encouraging words! They are gifts to me.
In His Love,
Framing each moment, moment by moment for he is all and in all! To see within each moment the blessing we know not for we ask not, to have our eyes open from what we think as evil but only to see the good from the Father above.Thanks for being a blessing to many.
I am so thrilled to have come upon both of you women in my life. God just keeps putting what I need before me. I plan on preading the word about both of you women, there is such a need for what you both have to share.
God bless,
I found your site by reading “A Holy Experience”, Ann Voskamp’s blog. I follow Ann’s blog everyday. It is such a blessing to me. I recently bought her book “A Thousand Gifts” for my mom who lives in New Mexico. I would love to read it as well. Now I will add your blog to the others I follow. It is so good to be able to connect to other women that are all following after God’s heart and supporting each other while we are here in our temporary home. Thank you.
I do not “do” blogs, well, I should say I have never done blogs, until I started reading Ann’s book and found her on the internet. I start my day with her blog and the music and thoughts help me to, hopefully, set a Godly tone to my day. I am grateful that God has shown me your blog as well. Thank you for sharing the video with us.
I knew it was time to “visit” Ann today and I’m so glad I did! Naming things… such a powerful weapon to fight the enemy! And, it is so good to be introduced to you, Renee! I am looking forward to reading through your blog and meditating on the confidence we have in Him. Your book is needed…
what a blessing the books would be. I’ve been dealing with loss which has led to doubt. I would love some encouragment.
Thank you!
Sisters, I have been blessed by both of your ministries! Thank you for co-laboring in this beautiful way. I have read and given away multiple copies of two very special books this year that seem to go hand in hand, although they were written centuries apart: Ann’s One Thousand Gifts and Andrew Murray’s Abiding in Christ. The intertwined message for me has been that my surrender to His goodness and my desire to truly live IN Him must be accompanied by a grateful heart. Next on my reading list is Renee’s A Confident Heart, which sounds like it will be a perfect fit!
That video was really encouraging! When I am at home I find it easier to see God’s blessings; it is easier for me to frame parts of my life and take a picture. Kids baking, smelling a flower, experiences like those are easy for me to point out. At college I have found that harder to do. Living in a dorm there are often less of those cute experiences you want to take a picture of. However, you have reminded me the importance of shifting my focus! There are pictures of God’s gifts everywhere – in the lives of my friends, in the ways God is working across the entire campus. Thank you for the reminder to shift my focus to see God’s blessings wherever I am.
i would love to be considered for these gifts. Saving the videos to watch and savor at nap time.
Thank you Renee for sharing this. I stop by your blog on occassion and Ann’s every day. I have started adding more intentional beauty to our “living” room and I have found that it brings me more heavenly peace. Strange, but God is beauty. Now I understand more about Ann’s pictures on her blog and framing the moments. Thank you.
Thank you SO MUCH for this post and video! Ann’s book has been LIFECHANGING for me…and women like her and yourself are inspiring me to blog and more importantly, FRAME my Godscidence moments with glorious thanks! I so hope to win this prize so I can give Ann’s book to someone who hasn’t read it, and read your book – it looks amazing! I hope to glean wisdom and goodness from it’s pages!!! Thank you so much to the both of you!!
Love that idea – framing blessings! So want to read both books.
Thank you so much for inviting me to sit with you on the porch. It was wonderful and so good to be reminded that it is in the shifting of the gaze that makes all the difference, He makes all the difference. 🙂
I have read your blog Ann since last year and read it every morning, and so nice to meet you Renee!
Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this interview. Ann’s thoughts on focusing our camera on the things that are important really hit home for me. I will definitely be working more on ‘shifting my focus’ when needed to capture the many wonderful moments that can all too easily be missed in the hustle & bustle of life. Blessings to each of you and your families!
You and Ann speak of focus and how by shifting just a little from the darkness you are in the light. I’m reminded of Peter stepping out of the boat and walking on the water. As long as his eyes were fixed on Jesus, he was doing the impossible. And the impossible seemed so ordinary- he was just walking towards his Lord, oblivious to waves lapping at ankles. But his focus shifted. He became distracted by the storm, the circumstances, his impossible situation. His focus shifted and he was overwhelmed and he was swallowed up. How often I lose my joy because my eyes wander! To see all things “from Him and through Him and to Him” is to see the gift. So today, right now, in this moment, I choose to fix my eyes, to focus on Him. I name the good and the bad, the gifts and the self-doubts. I meditate on Truth-real truth, not what I have believed before about myself but words from The One Who is God’s Word. I am filled with joy and hope and confidence. And I echo Ann’s today thought on her blog: I’m thinking it may be possible- we could live this way. Thank you for the challenge! (I read and reread and read my words again before I hit “post comment” – how self-doubt permeates my soul! Today I name it and refuse it and press the button!)
Naming the gifts is changing my life. For most of my life I’ve tried to figure out what was the barrier to the abundant life in my life. Now that I know I’m so grateful for the knowledge and how it is changing me. I’m finally beginning to experience life abundant!
Oh such a joy to have found your blog via Ann’s. I can’t wait to spend some time wandering around here. And good for you to encourage Ann to try the zip line!
Renee and Ann, this morning, watching both videos of you two, was the answer for what I’ve been praying for for over two weeks! I have read Ann’s book and I’m on gift #946 as we “speak”, but the past 2-3 weeks have been war of the soul for me! My husband returned from a mission trip, and as he was “processing” what God was trying to teach him from it all, he became quieter and a bit more distant…which gave The Enemy ammo to aim right at this girl’s hidden place of weakness. I woke every morning and went through the day and went to bed with a sickening feeling deep within. I began to seek God and where all this was coming from and what it was aimed at. I began to doubt in my husband; I put a shadow over him and his love and faithfulness toward me. I was quoting all the scripture I knew, keeping up with giving thanks, praying, finally seeking counsel from a trusted friend. I thought all was taken care of, but I still had a lingering feeling…I just had no idea what it was! This morning, Renee and Ann, I know. Doubt…Fear, yes…but from doubt…in me…that I am enough. That I am enough for my husband to never seek fulfillment from someone else (which he never has!). That I am enough (though not funny like____, not laid back like _____, not schooling and driven like_____, not always confident like_____not gifted like_______ etc.), but I am me…who He made me to be…enough. I am not a disappointment to Him. I do not have to say the right things, react and act the right way, be “super-Christian” for me to find favor with Him…and I am not required to find favor with all of mankind. Perfect love does cast out all fear, but I had no idea what the fear was. Now I know. I don’t know where I’ll go from here with that knowledge, but I know I will not go alone…because I was never alone…even in the darkness. I am still discovering His love for me…still learning to believe He loves me. I have been living free in Him for 15 years, but I don’t know that I have taken flight yet. But I will…I will…
“I am me…who He made me to be…enough. I am not a disappointment to Him. I do not have to say the right things, react and act the right way, be “super-Christian” for me to find favor with Him…and I am not required to find favor with all of mankind. Perfect love does cast out all fear,” Thank you for spelling this out. I think I have been letting the enemy offer me these seeds of doubt. Ahhh, the Rest we have in Him!
Thank-you for pointing us to the Father!
You are both such a blessing. Thank you!
I am learning to frame too 🙂
God is changing my life, in his goodness.
So happy to have found your blog, through, Ann’s. I am looking forward to learning more about you. Thank you for the video.
Renee, thank you so much for sharing these video chats with Ann with us! I am new to your ministry, but I have loved and identified with Ann’s so much and I’m just thrilled to be able to listen to your conversation and the truths that you talked about together. Ann has the wonderful gift of being able to put into words so many things that I feel in my own heart but cannot name or clarify – her vision is clear and filled with the Spirit! Thank you for sharing your gifts with us!
I looooove all things Ann….Her book has transformed my life….i bought a case just so I can give them away. I look for a heart that is primed to receive the profound but so simple truths that fill her book. Part of the journey is growing into a confident heart…..I have seen years of self hatred are not easily erased. God has done an amazing work….but I still see threads that weave through my thoughts….my perceptions of myself. Glad I found your site from Ann.
Ladies, I really enjoy both your blogs. Your writings are so encouraging and inspirational. Both books are on my wish list. Thanks for this chance to win them.
I thank God for both of you!!!
Naming things in our life is part of seeking to be like the Lord, even though it is not something we can grasp. In Genesis God separated the light from the darkness. He saw the good and evil in doing so. We can do the same and see the good and bad by naming things that are in our lives. Thus, we can choose to keep the good as a continual part of our mindset and either turn from the bad or give it God with prayers and petitions. Thanks for sharing your conversation. I am looking forward to reading 1000 Gifts.
Thanks for sharing:)
I’m in a difficult and painful place in my life…your words brought healing and hope.
Thank you ….
You are both such Godly women, pointing us to Him. Thank you!
Wonderful words of life! Thank you, Renée.
Thank you for bringing Him closer, and helping to put my focus back to where it should be – off of myself, and onto Him!
The truth of these two videos have been a gift! Thank you for sharing your hearts! I have seen Him in both of you.
Looking forward to the Doubt Diet! Just signed up for the emails and I can’t wait. I enjoyed listening to you and Ann talk, and realized that so often we don’t stop to take the time to see God’s signature on things in our life. We are so busy, but I’m convinced with God’s help and some practice, we can slow down long enough to see the gifts in our everyday life.
Thanks again for writing the book “A Confident Heart”. I look forward to the Bible Study in Sept. Not even having the book yet I have learned so much with all the information you have put out and the 7 day devotion. You and all the women at Proverbs 31 are amazing. You have allowed God to speak through you. Many blessings to you. Sharon
thanks again!!
I also want to frame it and enjoy the peace and joy of the Lord.
Blessed day sis,i see you Children of God really having fun n enjoying yourself.i see the friendship of you guys really wonderful n i ask myself what i am really missing in life cause i really don’t have any real friends in Christ cause i don’t really trust anyone totally because of what had happen before in church.may God continue to bless your friendship n keep you guys together always in His own unity.blessed journey with Christ.
Barbara I opened the comment section to see if anyone else felt the way that I do, and your post was at the top of the list. I cried when I read Renee’s post today, because I would love to have friends…but I too have a problem with trusting anyone other then Jesus; but oh…how I long to be able to let go of my fear and have playmates in this life. Sometimes I cant wait to get to Heaven, because there I know I will be able to trust all and be free, to play, dance and sing with all. Thank you for being brave to post your comment, it helped me to not feel so alone; and maybe there are others out there just like us waiting for a playmate…maybe we have to take a chance and ask Jesus to guide us to the people that we can trust.
Courtney and Barbara, thank you both for being brave and sharing so vulnerably. I am praying for God to bring you a sister friend you can trust and laugh with!
Renee thank you so much for your prayers.
@Courtney & Barbara
I too have had the same issues. I was burned so many times by people (women) because I would give so much of myself and then I realized that they never really gave back. But that was my own insecurities that made me gravitate to these kind of people. A couple of years ago, the Lord brought the most wonderful person into my life. She is everything that a person could ask for in a friend. We have so much fun together.She is a confidant, a prayer warrior, great to hangout with, and just a wonderful human being. She tells me the truth, not what I want to hear and then laugh behind my back. She is the real thing. Through ‘our’ consistent prayer, the Lord brought us together. You see she had some of the same issues I did. We are so different and where we are from, you just dont see two people like us hanging out together. But, it doesnt matter because we are secure knowing we have each others back. Our families are great with each other. We occaisionally do things together, but mostly its just us. Just keep praying, God will bring you a friend that will be as closer or closer than a sister.
God Bless You.
Equonda, thank you for sharing your story. I believe he will send someone special I just have to be patient:) God bless you, too.
Renee, Thank you for allowing God to work thru you!! You are such a blessing.
I have struggled my whole life with Trust and Doubt. My closest friend is my Husband… I crave relationships and true Friends but am afraid. I try to connect with other women in my church and when I do and see a friendship forming I tend to run. I would really like to get a copy of your book when it is published. I am doing the Doubt Diet and it is amaizing the changes I am going thru.
Thank you to everyone who is honest and open to post on here. You have all touched me in way’s you’ll never know.
Many Blessings to you
Hi, I read your post and had to comment because I have always been a loner myself for reasons known to God, but I know God is doing a work in me. Ive prayed and longed for close relationships especially w/ a mother figure and also just friends to hang out with and have fun. Ive never really trusted anyone and ive always doubted myself but I know things are about to change because God is good and “always works things out for good for those that love Him”. Thanks for sharing!
Such a nice reminder to frame the moments. So many moments to frame. So much easier to see the blessings when we are intentionally grateful.
I recently discovered this website recommended by a friend. I’m so glad i did. I too, have been trying to discover my true self and will be going back to school, a little later in life than usual. Renee’s thoughts and insights will truly help me to continue to develop and understand God’s true purpose for myself, and be able to bring that true joy to others I work with.
Thank-you for sharing your love of God in such a wonderful transforming way, so many can relate to, you are truly gifted and we are the blessed recipients.
I am absolutely thankful for “accidently” coming across your website. Someone forwarded today’s “Encouragement for Today” w/Renee Swope entitled Measuring Up. I began to cry as I continued to read the words because on today I completely felt everything that Renee was talking about and began to be upset with myself for doubting God’s creation: Me! The verses I ackknowledged giving me security and significance were awesome! It is a shame how we lose focus and lose sight of why we are put on this earth. For God’s glory, not man’s glory! Who does Satan think he is?!!
Thanks, Renee for such an uplifting devotion. I love it! Have a blessed day!
Hello all,
Im a 43 yr old mother of three girls, and we moved about a year ago from our hometown. It has been a journey let me tell ya. Im a people person and moving to KY has been difficult by far. Not only have i become a stay at home mom for a year, people my age already have their friend base. I have to say though that God has brought a couple of really sweet Godyly women in my life recently. I thank him for them. Hang in there girls, open your hearts and minds and i promise that God will bless you too. Keep in touch and let me know when!!!!