Fields rolled by and I wondered which farm was her’s. I took photos just in case this was the one.
It wasn’t. But we were getting close to the gravel road that would lead us to our resting place. After speaking at a women’s event in Ontario all weekend, I was traveling with my friend Leah to the Farm to visit with my sweet friend, Ann Voskamp.
I couldn’t wait to see Ann and meet her family. Each one as unique and wonderful as I had imagined. Two boys hid (and giggled) under the porch while we visited. Her girls sat on the swing and listened. Flowers bent in the breeze behind the white picket fence.
And a zip line waited for us in the backyard. I didn’t know about it until dinner time. Listening to each child describe their father’s creation and how much time it took to build, voices echoed excitement. So I decided to ask if I could try it.
Smiles stretched big across their faces. No one there knew that this city girl is a farm girl at heart who loves a little adventure.
I even talked their mama into trying it for her first time!!
The next day we sat on the porch, eating apple slices and talking. We talked about the power of naming things like self-doubt, anxiety and fear, as well as the beauty He brings that we easily miss. How naming them can bring clarity to our thinking and invite God into our everyday moments.
Then we talked about framing the moments and messes so we can see God in them and worship Him there. Will you join us on the porch?
Lord, we want to see You. We.Need.To.See.You. Open the eyes of our hearts and our souls, slow us and show us how to frame the gifts You give us each day – the moments, the messes, the simple, the sacred. In Your Name Amen!
Join Us On The Porch
Slip a note in the comments below this post by clicking “Share your thoughts.” As a special gift, when you join Ann and my conversation you will be entered for a chance to win one of three copies of A Confident Heart or a copy of Ann Voskamp’s New York Times Best-Seller, One Thousand Gifts.
I have been so moved and blessed by the two porch visits. I have needed the messages of confidence in God and shifting our focus from the dark moments to the framing of the light moments. I get too easily bogged down in feelinfpgs of being overwhelmed and try to rely on my own strength that I miss most of the precious moments that should be framed and cherished. Thank you once again for building into and speaking God’s truth into my life.
Thank you so much for posting this video. I’m 28 years old, a first grade teacher and 7 months pregnant with my first baby. I feel like there are so many moments throughout the day that are special, and I wish I could go back and live again, my baby moving, my kiddos at school saying or doing something wonderful, my husband feeling the baby move for the first time, because I didn’t take the time to cherish them in the moment. After seeing your video I’m going to try and slow down and recognize the moments while I’m still in them and thank God for them.
So glad you are recognizing this now. My baby is now 17 years old and she looooves reading my thoughts as a pregnant mom, new mom, funny things she said,etc. These are truly precious precious moments. She and I are still very close and I am so thankful for that. There is nothing better:)
Thank you so much for inviting me in on our conversation. It has blessed me at a time in my life that I wonder if I can take another breath or even want to. I look forward to one day reading both these books, when God blessed me with the means to have them. Thank you again.
I needed something today to help me focus more on Jesus and not on my stress at work. Your video was perfect. Thank you for the reminder about all the beautiful things around me and how blessed I really am. Sometimes I get stuck in the junk. Not a good place to be. After the video and an un-stuck again!
Winnie Morehead
Thank you so much for reminding me that even when things aren’t working out as well as they could, there is still so much to be thankful for!
Ann and Renee! Thank you for inviting us to sit on the porch with you guys! I love how Ann has a passion for life and how she challenges us to frame the moment. So often we take for granted all the beauty around us for noticing all the negative things. From this moment forward I’m going to frame the moments in my life and thanking God for the moments and the beauty in the moments.
“Lord, we want to see You. We.Need.To.See.You. Open the eyes of our hearts…”
Your words sent me searching for the song they brought to mind: (this one has an ad before it starts)
and (this one goes right to the song)
Thank you so much for the video’s! To be able to hear your voices as well as read your words is such a blessing!
Greetings in Jesus’ Matchless Name! Thank you so much for all you shared here – especially about focusing, and shifting to include something in or leave something out of the picture I am so in to simple, seemingly small things. Framing in God’s truth, not a lie or doubt, or question, or anything that detracts from who we are in God and who God is. May I see this more and more and strive to do it. Hope to be reading Ann’s book, ONE THOUSAND GIFTS, in the near future. 🙂 God bless you!
I love the reminder to ‘frame the picture’ and to be aware of God’s presence in that moment and that picture. I believe that because we live in a fallen world we must work a little harder to open our spiritual eyes to the beauty in God’s magnificent world. It is so good that we remind each other to do that, and that sometimes we even ‘frame the picture’ for each other. We are at the beach this week with my family and had the opportunity to experience a sunset after a storm passed through. Several people pulled out their cameras, including me, and were ‘framing the moment’ to savor for many years to come. In a way, God’s word does that for us by giving vivid descriptions of moments that we should savor and treasure in our hearts. In fact, when we read God’s word with that in mind, I believe His forever living and breathing word becomes very real for us. Thank you for reminding us to seek God in all we do and experience.
I so agree. Thank you for sharing how God’s word helps us slow down and savor life. Your words made me crave time to get more of His word today!
I actually now carry my camera with me every day, exactly for the purpose of taking a pic of something that I see unexpectedly and love….it also helps me to be conscious about looking for God’s slipped in surprises of beauty thruout the day. And then by browsing later thru the pics, I can remember and re-live these moments again and again.
I love that you do that!
Love the visual picture. Love beig part of Gods masterpiece. Picture Perfect!
Thanks for allowing me on the porch with you!
So glad you joined us. 🙂
Lovely conversation! Focusing on God regardless of whatever is going on in our lives is the key to having peace and joy.
So true. He.Is.The.Key.
Love it. Sometimes we are too busy with things that keep up busy that we don’t see the way God does.
Thanks for sharing.
I know. Im trying so hard to slow down this summer. It’s so opposite of how Im naturally wired.
Hey, Renee,
I am trying to find out why I am suddenly no longer getting the daily devotions. I love getting them and look forward each day to getting them.
Are you all no longer doing this? If you are still doing the devotionals, please sign me back up.
Hi Marti,
Which daily devotions?? From P31 or from my 7-day Doubt Diet?
Learning to give God all the Glory for his masterpieces everyday! Wonderful conversations…Thanks for sharing.
Blessings, Steph
I love the idea of “framing our moments”, as Renee said, our messy, wonderful, beautiful…. to worship our wonderful King in all of them! Thanks Renee.
Blessed! Thanks so much! 🙂
Loved seeing the two of you on my screen this morning. What a great surprise and a great reminder for me Renee to put a frame around it! Hugs!
Good Morning thank you for always being at the beginning of my day …to guide me to my focus …
I am blessed to have been directed to all of you wonderful ladies …
thanks so much and have a Blessed Day, I will now
I have been so blessed by a friend sharing this with me. God is just beginning to take me on this journey of confidence in Him and joy in him, rather than fear, doubt, and anxiety. I can’t wait to see where He leads!
I am currently on my own journey of trying to rediscover God’s plan for me. I am 56 but am continually learning from Him, often through other women like these wonderful “porch ladies” how to “do life.” I am so thankful for the many quiet times I have found this summer (I’m an elementary teacher) and how He continues to teach me to listen rather than just speak to Him. I just finished reading “A Confident Heart” and now plan to begin Ann’s “One Thousand Gifts” and a gratitude journal. Thank you for all the support through this website! Looking forward to the journey God is leading me on…
Very encouraging. Reminded me that I have a choice as to what I focus upon.Seems like it gives me the opportunity to see God’s perspective. Also, this has helped me realize that fear and doubt are rampant today. how encouraging to see how God can help me battle effectively, therefore, help others do the same.
I loved this message this morning. After reading Ann’s book, my son bought me a digital camera and I have been taking photos of life around me. It has really helped me to see and appreciate God’s goodness even when life throws us some difficult turns and twists. Thanks for the conversations on the porch. They have really ministered to me.
I have been so blessed and encouraged by you both by your openness and shining your light into the dark places. Some of the things I have learned and am learning is that as we build on the knowledge of who we are in Christ and we walk out into that true light of who we are in Christ and encourage one another to press on towards the goal for which He has called each one of His precious ones. Not one has He forgotten in all of His creation.. We are a new creation the old is gone and new has come. He created ALL things and none of us are a mistake. Which gives each one of us HOPE and GOD-CONFIDENCE. I am learning to thank Him in ALL circumstance and sometimes it is a hard lesson to learn. Psalm 136:6-9 [Give thanks to the Lord of lords]…to Him who made the heavens with understanding,…who spread out the earth above the waters,…who made the great lights…the sun to rule by day…the moon and stars to rule by night…for his loving kindness is everlasting.
When you talked about not being in the photos it reminded me so much of my life. Life passing by quickly moment by moment and not seeing or capturing the beauty of His creation.
Recently becoming a first time grandma I can’t pick up my camera enough and capture the beauty of those moments with my grandson. Sometimes I think trying to recapture those times I feel I lost with my own daughters. Where as a young mom wanting to be perfect and yet wearing masks and never wanting anyone to know what was going on inside. Worried about what others would think about me. Always fearful of the camera and never wanting to be captured in a photo because it was a reminder to me of my past. Now realizing that was the enemy trying to keep me trapped or hidden in that dark place. Thank you for the reminder that we need to step out of that dark place.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything appropriate [or “beautiful”] in its time. He has also set eternity in their [men’s] heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end. Isaiah 42:5 Thus says God the LORD, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and its offspring, who gives breath to the people on it, and spirit to those who walk in it…
I am so thankful that God has placed you both here for such a time as this to remind each and everyone of His daughters that they are loved and heard. We are the Body and He says we are love one another
Thank you for taking the time in your busy lives to pour springs of Living water of His truth. Thank you for being REAL and capturing in a picture for all of us that we are all included in the blessings that He has for each and every one of His precious daughters.
I praise God and I thank Him for friends like you!
Thank you for sharing. I can relate to so much you speak about. Listening to your video is a reminder of the friends we can talk, share and show God’s love. Naming your weaknesses and praying that God will walk with me as I frame my life with God. Thank you!
Framing my moments and shifting my focus. Thanks ladies for such a great illustration. Changing lenses today and determined to see God’s masterpiece.
I love this….thank you for sharing this with us…Ann’s book was so transformative…I would love to read your book as well…tha is for the opportunity.
Oh how our perspective changes when we change our focus! My husband takes beautiful photos but he’s shown me how many are “less than” that he deletes and may crop the best to make them better. God is so patient with us, giving us so many opportunities to be thankful if we enjoy the good & realize the “hard” is only for a season & that this is not our life – true life will be when we enter into His presence after we leave this earth!
I want to thank you and pray this encourages you two if you ever wonder so your words have your Godly impact. They do and they have some so again today. I’m too long winded to give details of the circumstance but it was a surprise situation and immediately the enemy tried to get a foothold. However we, my daughter who is a melted and days from delivering her first and myself knew that we weren’t setting it through His eyes. We knew we had to “Be still and know HE’S God” and to listen for His still small voice. So we went to our quite places and when emerged hearing the blessing He was about bring. And oddly enough it was a huge blessing. However if we had not stopped and took the time to search for Christ I’m the midst we would’ve missed the blessing AND had a terrible negative day. Thank you and all praise and glory to God who through Christ and the Holy Spirit bless us and give us have for every moment of our lives here.
Good Morning!! What a beautiful thought – “framing the moments” of life! It is so easy for us to rush by our moments and at times even have to stop to think about what all is going on.
You’ve heard the statement – stop and smell the roses – same as if we would just slow down and let God show us how to frame the important things.
Thank you, for this message.
As I also wish we could all be on a large porch together – I am enjoying my porch as we have time with God this morning.
ALL have a blessed and gifted day!
I’m on a journey of my own…well not my own but mine and GOD’s…I have started making my days more intentional to focus on God. I use to wonder why I was never used like other people then I watched them, the ones I know were real and living for God and that was the answer. They truly were living for God and that was their main object everyday. They start their day with Him and spend all day with Him and then close their day with Him also. It’s not saying that they don’t have any bad days but you can just see that their day is handled better with God in it and Him being first not just calling on Him when they needed Him. I thought I was a good person and I still think I am but I want to be better…I want God in everything I do and for Him to be first in everything I do. Watching Ann and Renee this morning just helped me see what I need to do to get closer with God and that is for me to be closer with God. I hope that everyone reading this will help me pray for that closer walk and that you will pray for that closer walk for yourself also, I will include you in my prayers also. Like Ann said “Dare to live fully right where you are”. I will start my journal today, I really have never been able to put my thoughts on paper or even in any comment section but with the Lords help from this day forward I will get it done. I like how Ann calls it a Gratitude Journal. I know that I have been blessed in so many ways, in many small ways that make a big difference. Thanks so much for today, May the Lord continue to use you both and bless you each day.
Judy I too have begun to draw closer than I ever thought I could be to God. Circumstances on my job recently have made me stop and refocus on what or rather who was more important than my situation and that He and He alone can change my path. I was trying to do things my way dealing with a toxic environment on my job and it all came to a head when I was immediately removed from my position of working in Human Resources to working in the mailroom. The first few days all I could do was cry and think that I was being punished for speaking out about the injustices I saw, yet each day I would read the word or go to service and bible study and the Lord would speak directly to my situation. He referred me to the scripture where he says, “let the redeemed of the Lord say so.” To tell my story so that others can know. He also said that I need to be connected to the “true vine” which is Him and that if I abide in Him, He will abide in Me. I took this literally because I was connected to my own vine in trying to fix my situation at work but now I understand that I need to refocus my thinking and allow God to place me int he job that He chooses not what I choose. I think we all desire to have that closer walk with God and in our desire He will make it happen. I pray that you will truly begin that journey as you said and I look forward to your testimony of what’s to come. God bless.
YES! Thank you Ann, for the way you show us how to frame life and see the beauty right we live. Extraordinary. So glad you had that visit Renee so you could share this today, music to my soul. And I loved the zip line photos. Yay!
Love the feel of God and His love coming through you ladies…He is in everything we do we just have to make sure and look for HIim in it all…
“A pretty picture and we’re in it!!” Love it!
Love that you had time to spend with your sweet friend, and love that you’re so open in sharing your journey with all of us! My family and I just did a Treetop Adventure Park with ropes courses and ziplines – to which we were attached by harnesses, not a t-bar – but it was amazing!
Hi Porch Friends
I’m just now learning how great God can be. I have had some very bad medical problems and when I went back to the doctors to have more test, there was nothing there to do test on, how amazing is God. I believe He has a very special plan for me and I can’t wait to know what it is. It is so nice to have friend here on your page where we can learn to go deeper in God love and word. Thank you all for helping me know My Lord and savior better.
IN Christ Love
That is so beautiful, thank you for that gift! I am not in a good place right now, and sometimes I feel like God has forgotten about me but I know that He will carry me through it all and that blessings will come from this moment of darkness.
Hi Jessica, God never forgets about us no matter what we do are where we are. we have to just keep I eyes and heart on and open to him at all times. He will answer our prayers in His time not ours. I know He will bring you out of the darkness a new and better person, so just keep Him in your heart and your eyes on him. Remember He try’s to teach us something in every thing we go through. Praying for you daily.
Rest in God.
In Christ Love
I am a farm girl also and I often find the beauty of God’s creation when new life is born. In the spring when everything is blooming is another beautiful painting God gives us to enjoy. We just need to slow down in our everyday hurry to notice all the beauty God has created for us because it is all around us all the time if we just look.
As my husband of 37 years lay dying of pancreatic cancer God brought a butterfly by the window of our home. Everyday a different beautiful butterfly reminded me I was not walking this path alone. Then after Rick arrived in heaven God continued to fly butterflies in my path.(even past a window as I sat on an airplane.I have learned to watch for His special signs of love just for me:)
Bless you, Pam ~ I am so sorry for your loss. Keep watching for those butterflies:)
Oh, to stop and reflect on God’s goodness in the midst of the busyness of life! How great and good is He! Last year I was NOT in a good place. I kept staring at the closed door, and did not see the OPEN door. I have been blessed in countless ways! (You sure are gutsy to go on that zip line!)
I’d love to join you on the porch! What fun!
I believe looking for gifts everyday has made me more focused on being more positive. 1000 gifts has been a true instrumental Part in changing my outlook on everything . The smallest things I notice in everyday life makes me smile more and believe even more in God’s grace and goodness. I want to give copies of these books to a couple of my friends and my daughter who through fatal accidents have turned them into non believers. They are bitter angry people whom I pray for continually. They do not see miracles, moments, or happy. Thanks for the videos and the time .
You ladies are REAL! You’ve been through the stuff you talk to us about. You hit my heart right here at home on “my farm” in Wisconsin. I am 55 yrs old and have never come to this point where I just can’t face a situation. It hits too close to home. It hits my heart hard. I have never felt so weak and utterly helpless. Thank you for reminding me that I don’t have to because HE does and did for me what no other can or has done. Your love to help other women with your words overflows with His redeeming love and tears flow now with gratefulness and thanksgiving. Bless your hearts for sharing.
It is all about perspective, isn’t it? Beautiful message this morning.
I love, crave even, snapshot moments with my Lord. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly all that we as k or think–I am reminded how He delights in giving these good gifts! Oh where does my doubt then come from?? My flesh & my heart cry out for the beauty in a snapshot moment–whether ugly or beautiful to the eyes. To see a thread He has woven, to see pieces come together, or just waiting with only one piece, we need to praise Him, to thank Him, and rejoice continually in all things–for this is His will. And He is able! Praise and glory to Him!
I love this conversation . I could feel the power of the love of God with the two of you, and it drew me in. Thank you for sharing how important the little things of God are in our everyday walk. They are actually bigger to me then the big things because then I become an individual to Him. We are sooo indiviauls to Him. I am so glad for this confident heart book, it has made me look at things and see them for what they really are , and not for the lie that I have believed .
I have enjoyed the two visits with both of you on the porch! The older I get, the more I am beginning to realize that it’s all about what I focus on and that no matter where I am or what I am walking through if I will look I will see God in the midst of it. I enjoyed the Bible Study, A confident Heart and will seek out Ann’s book before my beach trip. I think it would be a wonderful book to take with me. Thanks you both for ministering to me!!! Blessing to you both!!!
I love the passion for God that can be observed in Ann and Renee. I appreciated the discussion about moving from the darkness to the light and framing the moments of our lives. Keeping focused on God with Godfidence, gives us Confidence not in ourselves, but in a mighty God who loves us. Thanks, Renee, for the story of your son watching the sunrise and seeing himself in the picture. It reminds me of the saying that if God had a refrigerator, our picture would be on it and it would be one of light, not darkness. So many times I focus on the darkness and that if I adjust my focus, I will see God the light right in the picture. Thank you so much ladies, for your thoughts today. I am going to check out the website you recommended. Your farm, Ann, looks so inviting. Wish I could sit on your porch, too.
Pam Schaeffer
Love it. 🙂 Ann spoke in video about taking photos, how we just move over slightly to either remove or add to the picture. Having just spent a couple of days at the lake surrounded by snow, taking lots of photos of both beauty and destruction God showed me me how we so often see the bad but if we shift our focus or framing within the camera lense ever so slightly we see good within the bad. Coming home, turning on my computer and hearing you two talking about this very thing was such a confirmation and a blessing. Many thanks and God bless you both 🙂