In chapter 5, we talk about Gideon who, like us, doubted his strength and abilities. When God called him to defeat his enemy’s immediately Gideon’s insecurities started shouting excuses, listing all his inadequacies. Yet through his story we see God wasn’t limited by Gideon’s limitations, and He’s not limited by ours either.
God could see beyond who Gideon was to who he could become. He promised Gideon he would defeat his enemies, but he would not fight alone. “The Lord answered, ‘I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites, leaving none alive’”(Judg. 6:16).
Gideon’s first steps out of the shadow of doubt would require he focus on God’s promise and power, not himself. Eventually, with God’s help, Gideon defeated his enemies and his doubts. In today’s video message, I share how we can do the same by intentionally identifying our doubts and throwing them away, so that we can take hold of and live in the security of HIS promises instead! Please click the arrow below to watch.
- Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence printable (click here)
- Message Notes: You can download video “Message Notes” in a PDF format here or in a MSWord doc here. I encourage you to watch it once and just let God speak to your heart. Then if you want to, watch it agagin and follow along with the message notes which include parts of the message, verses and blanks to fill in. 🙂
I don’t know about you, but whew – this chapter was just what I needed this week. God used it to remind me of how good HE is at being strong in my weaknesses – and unlimited by my limitations. Being really sick for two weeks, with an injured teenager and a 3-year old who has sleep/anxiety issues that have caused her to wake up all night for the past three out of five nights will make you think it’s time to resign from just about everything you do {but don’t worry I’m not}. 🙂
Connecting in Community: Ok friend, let’s talk. Overwhelming circumstances will send me to the trash every time! What’s tempting you to throw away your confidence this week? Did chapter 5 help you identify your triggers? What promises are you going to take hold of after writing down and throwing away your doubts? Or share other answers to questions 1-7 at the end of the chapter.
Share your thoughts below this post. I really want to hear from you – yes you! You are an important part of our community and conversation!
I was reminded that when I doubt my ability, I am really doubting God. In actuality, anything I do is through Christ anyway; so when I say I can’t or I won’t I am actually saying God or telling God no. Thanks for reminding me of this.
. . . and I will write down those thoughts and throw them away. Thank you for what you do for all of us.
Thank you so much for this video and how not to throw away your confidence. I made a choice to change teacher positions and I have struggled with it all year. Others have said mean and hurtful things when I thought they were suppose to support me not just in actions but in words also. I am believing God allowed me to see this video to encourage me and allow me to see HE is not finished with me yet( Phillip 1:6) and that he that he is leading me into a place of confidence through him as I seek him on my job and in relationships -both profesionally and personally. I am so grateful for your book and how it speaks God’s Truth to my emotions and thoughts.
Enjoyed this & printed out the page. Last year my husband went back to his addictions & took on a mistress. Two months into it, he died from a drunken fall down a flight of stairs, after drinking all day & evening (much with the mistress until 4 or 5 a.m.). He did not survive the severe brain damage and coma, dying about 17 hrs. later. It was a terrible year of grieving – first struggling with tremendous anger, and finally after forgiveness, the sadness & sorrow. Now, a year later I’ve found a lump in my breast and am waiting to find out if I have cancer. Have had a mammogram & ultrasound, and Feb. 15th a biopsy (actually 2 tumors – 1 large & 1 tiny) and must wait another 2 wks. for results. As I went through the biopsy I prayed, and I felt there were angels in the room. I strongly believe that my life is in God’s hands, and He will help me through this next trial. If I should sometimes feel, as in your printable sheet, “I don’t have enough courage”, “I’m nothing special”, “I’m overwhelmed”, etc, I will remember your reminders of what God says and will hold onto His truths.
Maryilyn, My heart goes out to you. I will keep you in my prayers!
Praying for you, Girlfriend!
Praying for you friend!! We love you and WE are with you too!
In keeping with the royalty theme, I have decided we need to “dethrone ourselves” in other words give up control and truly crown Jesus as Lord of our lives. In this way, we will be anxious for nothing, but thru prayers make our request known to God. Faith is so simple when we take ourselves out of the equation and allow our Heavenly Father to truly be the head of our household.
I loved the video and the advice that you gave us Renee! TO throw away the lies and doubts…big reminder when we write it and throw it to remember to not doubt ourselves. God Bless
I really needed this message this week because my confidence level has been at an all time low. I find myself full of insecurity and doubts. It has been so hard to put some things in my past where they belong, in the past. I am constantly throwing away any small bit of confidence I have left in me. My husband and I just celebrated our 7th anniversary. It is a second marriage for us both. Only a year ago we were separated and he disclosed some indiscretions to me. He asked if I could forgive him and I have. But I can’t seem to forget them. I am also comparing myself to unknown women that I imagine he could be comparing me to. I know this is really silly of me, but I can’t seem to stop. I want to be perfect which is impossible. Yet I am still trying for perfection. I don’t seem to be able to get past it. It just makes me feel less somehow. I really need prayers.
Hi sweet friends!! I’m in Pennsylvania getting ready to speak at a womens conference tonight and tomorrow and I have you on my mind. Just prayed for each of you. Oh how Jesus has given me such a love for you and such a tender place in my heart for your stories. I’ve read all of your posts here but haven’t had time to respond to em all… Though I want to! Do u know how fun I think it would b to hang out together?? Oh my that just makes my heart smile!
Well I need to get prayed up and go speak but just had to say hi and send a a virtual hug. Have a great weekend and I’ll b back soon to chat it up. Still hoping to hear from more of you about your answers to chapter 5. Don’t b shy now. Connecting is the best part of an online community!
I loved the video this week. Coming off a situation at work which made me doubt if I could even be in the right profession (teacher), and I realize that I have taken my eyes off the light and allowed myself to be swallowed by the shadow of my doubts…..this video/chapter really brought that into perspective. It’s been such a heart opening adventure so far. Thank you, Renee, for following God’s calling for your life!!
Karie, I think teachers require a lot of work in faith. Rarely do teachers see the reaping of what they sow since it becomes more and more evident the years following the year that the teacher actually works with the student. Also there are many non-curriculum demands as well. The children need those of us who love children to be with them every day and that is most frequently in a school setting. And even though those of us who work in a public school setting may not be able to verbally show God’s light in us, as we treat the children with His light in us, they can feel it and benefit from it. There are many days as a school psychologist that I remind myself that my God is with me so who can stand against me and ultimately if I keep my focus on doing His work with the children then there are no enemies who will stand in His way or mine. God bless you and your work as a teacher.
I have not read chapter 5 yet or watched the video for this chapter. I am catching up on the things I need to finish in chapter 4, but I did want to tell you, Renee, I so needed to hear that I am important. Those few little words before this comment section meant more than I can ever explain. After an unwanted divorce last May, after 29 years of marriage, I don’t feel important, I am realizing I don’t even feel loved or wanted. This is a little difficult when I do steal have to nurture and love the 18 year old daughter I have at home with me. She has Down Syndrome and I am realizing I have gotten really good at hiding things, if for no other reason than so Caitlyn will not see them.
Thank you for what you do, Renee!!
I have received the book since chapter 4. I read the previous chapters. Now i follow you on Chapter 5 Living beyond the shadow of my doubts. Chapter 4 was on God’s promises despite the pains present or pasts we are living now. Question 4 of page Have pastby me hurts robbed you of your hope.and measuring to someone’s expectations question 2 p94 have talked to me. I have thoughts AM thoughts that say to me that i made the wrong marriage at that my marriage is a failure, that we don’t get along well anymore, that I fail to her espectations and that i have to live with it until the end like one drinks a medicine to keep well inspite of it’s bad taste. Doubts come that this was to designed by the Lord and that i have taken the wrong decisions for my life. I stay where I am beacause i have a son and i want to live to his expectations as a Father. So how am I to cope with these thoughts through God’s promises? Should I expect a reconciliation or a seperation ? Where are God’s promises,? thanks for your help Renée.
This chapter was what i needed to read and what i needed to hear in the video msg this wk. Thank u Renew for ur word this wk n encouragement. I have been feeling extreme doubt n insecurity in my marriage as we have had a difficult past…i was so encouraged to throw away my doubts n fears and had to see the video ntwice n review the ch a second time around…I loved reading the verses in Hebrews and underlined them in my Bible and wrote them in my journal. I know and believe that Giddy will see us through n fight for me as he did w Gideon…i just have to step out and really believe n count on him to see me through and really throw away my fear of not being perfect for my husband and not being that Godly example to him when i make mistakes o allow my fear of conflict step n the way. another verse that came to mind that a great friend has given to me awhile ago to hold on to was James 1:12 “Blessed is the man who preserves under trial, cuz when he has stood the test of, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”
Renew and ladies i really ask u to pray for me that i would asky God to use my doubts to depend on Him so much more and nite on people and that i would truly depend on Gods promises to see me through my fears n insecurities. Please pray also for my husband that he would draw back to the Lord and have the desire to serve n live for Him and b the spiritual leader that he is called to b in our home.
thank u Sooo much…this study has been good and u ladies will also b in my prayers.
in Christ
This chapter is really a blessing. To know that God is always with us no matter what, I don’t have to do it in my own strenght. All things are possible through Him who gives me strenght. I can be confidant and secure. Praise His name!
I just wanted to share this verse with you that I came across in my Bible reading. May it encourage you as it encouraged me, and may we can add it as another verse to stand on for the promises of God. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. II Tim 1:7 NKJV God equips us with power and a sound mind which is just the opposite of fear. So Ladies, lets embrace the gift and stay focused on God, and learn to stand on those promises of God.
Thanks Linda. That’s a good one. I am starting a list!
Today is a bad pain day for me …I have RA and fibromyalgia. As I was reading the chapter and answering verses I was again encouraged to press on and that God is enough for all my needs.
I have been reading the comments, and i am so glad i have. Karib. I will pray for you and your Son. I Love your comment that God can do for your son what you cannot do. My son is 24. and he is depressed and there seens to be no way of motivating him. i feel i am walking on eggshells with him. He sleeps all day and stays up all night and today he slept all day and night. Your comment helped, also the comments i have been reading about turning. turning to God, rather than ourselves or our circumstances. Thanks for that, because i can loose focus quickly, and start to fret and wonder how i am going to make it, if i will be homeless, or will my health issues get worse and finances, and then church issues and misunderstandings, gossip and etc. Through All this, I need to stay focused on God and whay HE thinks and wants. Not Other People, but God. Is there a way i can get the printout? it sounds good. is it in the Book. “a Confident Heart”? Thanks, 🙂
I cannot open the video.and watch it off of my phone, but i did read what you had. It was helpfull. Thankyou.
I am glad to learn the new and great word ‘masterpiece’ today. Thank you, Renee, hold on!
Wow- this week’s chapter was so powerful but your video message, Renne, hit a true chord within me. No wonder I repeatedly come to this very same point in my life and ask why can’t I get past these matters. I now realize that its because I stop here and throw away my confidence. But tonight, I am affirming that I am stopping here only so breifly to now throw away my doubt. Thank you Jesus.
As I am facing some of my insecurities and doubts, I can’t help but smile as I thought of two recent events to where I can’t help but praise Him. 1-From much hurt and pain in the past in regards to my father… Once I truly forgave my dad, quit focusing on not being “worth it”, and gave God full control of our relationship, it’s crazy to see how far we have come as daddy and daughter. To give you an idea, ten years ago, I never would have said that my dad would walk me down the aisle…guess who walked me down the aisle and ‘gave me away’ to my awesome husband almost a year ago? My Dad!!!!!! 2-I always felt as though I wasn’t good enough or smart enough to lead others in the church. Didn’t feel equipped. Yet the desires of my heart and compassion and “want” to lead was there. Isn’t it funny how God equips the called? To make a long story short, I continue to learn and pray in these areas, but I am happily leading our high school youth girls. What a blessing they have been to me! And, then tonight, I was asked to be a part of our women’s ministry committee.
Despite our doubts, let’s not throw away our confidence. We know we have what it takes to follow Him! Let’s choose to focus on Hebrews 10:35-36. He’s promised us security and confidence. Let’s persevere so that when we do His will, we will receive what He has promised!
Praying for us as we literally throw our doubts in the trashcan this week!
Wow .. this is wonderful. This gives me encouragement about my dad and our relationship..which has improved greatly over the years.
I love the video and the concept of actually throwing our doubts away in the trashcan! I love the printout that gives us God’s truths to replace the lies. I’ve had a lot of failures and instead of learning from them and moving on, I get stuck and afraid that I’ll never get it right! But I crumpling that up and throwing it in the trashcan. If God calls me to a task, He will help me perform it!
Blessings to everyone.
A Confident Heart is just what I needed. Chapter 5 has touched on the self-esteem issues and confidence issues I struggled with as teen & a young adult.
Thanks Renee for allowing the Lord to use you in a extra special way.
As I read through this book and watch your videos I am becoming more confident everyday and I am beginning to realize that God is really for me. I am not doubting myself in as much. I am standing firm in the belief that all things work together for good and that he has wonderful plans for my life.
I agree with you. I am going through a struggle with my job.. I am learning to throw away those thoughts or comments that are not in line with God’s word and replace them with God’s Word… His love, His assurance and provision.
So appreciate this video, study,visual…letting it sink into my mind..heart.
Bless you for blessings us Renee…
Onward in His leading
Chapter 5 has come at a perfect time for me this week as I have faced a challenging circumstance. I am taking some time to process the damaged emotions that tend to come up when doubt seeks to consume me! Thank you very much for the “Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence” print out. This is will be such a great reminder sheet for me to refer to. I greatly appreciate the video, too!
I’m excited because your book: A Confident Heart, that I ordered a few weeks ago at our library, just came in. I received an e-mail late this afternoon telling me that it is at the library waiting for me to pick it up! Isn’t that the best news of the day???
Now I can follow along. 🙂
That was so great, thank you so much Renee. This is a Huge hurdle for me, but I know with Gods strength in me, I can do it. And with yalls encouragement, too.
Once again, thank you Renee for allowing God to use you to minister to many many ladies! I need a very large trash can to hold all those doubts that will be tossed away!! God’s promises… I am so thankful God knew before we were even formed in the womb (KNOWN) that each one of us would need these wonderful life changing promises. He creates us so we can do good things He planned for us long ago (Eph. 2:10).
I HATE being shy but I always have been. Each day when I don’t see victory over timidity I doubt God’s ability to be my confidence and strength. I want to believe that he will eventually help my crush this timidity but I have a hard time doing so. I am waiting and hoping in the promise “perfect love casts out fear.”
Crisanne, with tears in my eyes, and a thump in my heart, i say: i hate being shy too, always that ‘shyness’. In doing this study, am trying to find the root cause of this, which might go all the way back to my years in grade school. As you say, i too am waiting and hoping in the promise “perfect love casts out fear.” Thank you for sharing Crisanne.
me, too!
The question that you asked in this Chapter’s refection questions about how many times did you wonder if you were living up to someone else’s expectations of you…was on target for me. I don’t know where it comes from with me (it definitely is self doubt) but I worry so much about what people think about me and if I’m good enough at work, with what I wear, etc.
I’m loving that this book is calling my attention to these things and helping me rethink patterns that have existed and burdened me for a long time.
I am glad to be learning and starting to live God’s promises for my life!
God has an interesting sense of humor…calling me, who has never even taught Sunday school, to spearhead a church plant in the city where you attended college. I’m eat up with doubt, but finding great hope in your book and videos (this one is phenomenal). Discussing the book weekly with two friends has been such a faith builder. Thank you for writing it!
Awesome video Renee I love the visual you put into it and the idea of writting doubts down and throwing them away.
Renee, the first time I visited our new church last fall, you delivered the sermon, and used this example.It was powerful then, and I am so glad you included it in the video, because I needed to hear it again! Old habits die hard, as the saying goes, and the affirmation you give us is so helpful.
I am looking so forward to throwing away my insecurities and doubts. What a great idea! Gosh, I have told my children when negative words begin to come out of their mouths to wad it up and throw it away but I did not seem to see that I could do the same thing with my doubts and fears. From now on, I am going to throw them away and stand on His promises for me. Sometimes, I wonder how it became so easy to throw our confidence away in the first place, but I guess it really was as easy as throwing away the remote button. Thank you for the printable sheet of “Don’t throw away your Confidence” I am going to put these verses deep in my heart so they are there to stand on.
This is a simple example but I am doing this study along with Melissa/Lysa’s Made to Crave study and I made some food choices that weren’t in line with my healthy eating plan this week. After my bad choices I began to think, “I can’t do this anymore. I don’t have enough willpower. I’ll never be able to overcome this.” Well, my confidence went right out the window. It was then that I realized that I was right. “I” can’t do some things by myself, but God sure can. He stepped in and allowed me to see that I didn’t need to rely on my own strength anymore. That I could rely on HIS strength and overcome anything. I still struggle with many things (not all of them food related) but when I begin to think that I am “less” than other people or that I am not good/strong/smart enough, I now remember that I don’t have to be because I am “enough” for him and that he will give me victory over the things in my life that I struggle with!
Wonderful video! Thank you so much! I WILL be throwing away my self doubts this week!!!! I love visuals!
!!!!!!! WOW !!!!! Thank you Renee for that visual. That really gave me a hands on tool to use when I am feeling insecure and struggle with the lies that swim in my head and having the scriptures of truth to replace the lies. Sometime in the moment I have a hard time thinking about what the truth is but you have put a tool together for my tool box when those fears come about and overwhelm me. Thank you : )
Okay girls, please help me out here:
I struggle with knowing the difference between when it’s God speaking to me and when it’s really me speaking to me. How do I know if it’s God telling me no, or if it’s really just me doubting myself? I would love to say it’s just a doubt and throw it in the garbage. But . . . what if it’s God telling me no? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks so much!
I wish I could help you Kristine, but unfortunately I have the same issues!!! Life has been rough for me lately–physical issues-surgery coming up-marital disagreesments- money problems. Every time I think I know what the Lord wants me to do, I hear another voice saying :”Are you really sure God wants you to do this?” or “You can’t do that!” or But what if you do that and —— happens?” I just have so many thoughts running through my brain that I’m never sure which thought comes from the Lord. It is so overwhelming and discouraging!!
personally I think the voice that says “Are your really sure God wants you to do that?” sounds a very lot like the devil when he was talking to Eve in the garden. He said “did God really say not to eat of that tree.: He put the doubt there. God is not going to give you doubt. God says “Be strong and courageous” I will be with you” Now acting on the truth is hard, but God will not lead you to doubt or confusion, that comes from the enemy!
Kristine!!! Has anyone given you an answer to this yet? PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE share it with me if/when they do! I pray, I feel ready, I step out in faith….and have run into brick walls or failed dismally a couple of times. Often. I remind myself of the truths and what God says….I try so hard to not give in to doubt. But after these experiences, I honestly doubt that God WANTS to use ME. I don’t doubt that He loves me….but I do doubt my importance to Him. Ever seen the movie “Rudy”? That’s what comes to mind.
Oh…..I wish I knew the answer to your question.
Rudy got to play in the end and everyone loved him! God will give you a purpose and a plan, just keep seeking Him and don’t give up or give in!
Blessings and prayers for you!
Thanks for the smile.
My mom passed away March of 2010. She loved that movie.
She would say. Rudy, Rudy, Rudy!
make me smile and laugh.
I am no theologian, but I remember a sermon from years ago which said if you are trying to discern if it is God or you, ask first, is it telling you to do something consistent with scripture? Is the message telling you to do something that will be of benefit and goodness? If it fits these two criteria, then let God speak into your heart. If it is not consistent with what you know of God, based upon scripture, then maybe it is just us getting in the way of the message, or letting someone else in our lives intervene in our head. I too struggle with is it His No or mine, but after I examine it in this light, sometimes I realize it is my insecurity, that He will be there to help me step outside the box. And the times I couldn’t figure it out, when I went down a path I thought He was calling me to, things got in the way quickly that showed me I misunderstood, and I had to backtrack. I don’t know if this helps or not, but know there are a lot of us in the same boat.
I struggle with this also and along with Scripture I always say follow your heart Peggy…God knows our deepest heart pains and confusions and I always pray He will show me the way…He usually does and sometimes i don’t life the result but Life comes at me…God Bless!!!
I struggle with this as well at times. I do agree with Judy when she sys that you need to pray the Scriptures to see if what s speaking to you is in direct line of what God says. It doesn’t always come as soon as you want it too. Oftentimes God wants us to be still in our ircumstances and let Him work. But as humans we want what we want when we want them and RIGHT NOW. I can very much relate. I’m guilty of that. We want a direct answer but sometimes God doesn’t give us direct answers. Sometimes He sends people to give us answers that we need. We have to learn to listen to Him in all instances. That’s what I try to do. Sometimes my friends give me the answers that I thought I was hearing and sometimes it’s strangers that don’t know my situation. I constantly ask God to show and give me confirmation of what I hear.
Judy and I are thinking the same thing. Are your thoughts consistent with scripture? The more we are digging in the word, the more we are studying the word, the more we are strengthening our with Our Father, the clearer the answers become when we ask “Is that God?” or “Is that me?” Or “is that Satan?” I will continue to pray for all of us as we make time to become closer to Him as we spend more time with Him and in His word.
Keep seeking His face in prayer, If you can sit quietly before Him and just listen, after reading His Word and praying. You can always ask Him to give you confirmation through another person. I’ve had that happen before where someone out of the blue, who didn’t know anything about the situation, said to me something that confirmed in my heart that it was from God. You could also try fasting for a day or two or do a Daniel fast. This gives you a special time with the Lord. I don’t know your situation, but you could fast lunch and have a prayer time with the LORD instead of eating and somehow this clears you up to hear from Him. Hope this helps!
The above was for Kristine, I forgot to put the name in! Sorry!
“struggle with knowing the difference between when it’s God speaking to me and when it’s really me speaking to me”
We all struggle with that type of confusion Kristie. With the chapters we have read we may say we can struggle with what comes from the Devil ans what comes from the LORD; One is destructive for us the other from the word is constructive for us it leads us to closer relationships with the Lord, to happiness, to blessings, to faith, to accepting ourselves, to keeping hope, to better peace… now our thoughts? Yes God talks to us through our thoughts, he doesn’t have a clear voice like with Adam and Eve, irt comes through the channel of our brain, now the voice of God goes through our thoughts and our concience. It is in fusion with us. Now we aply toour thoughts the questions above on happiness, faith, hope, better understanding, realionsship with God. there are critereas to follow. We do have imagination but it is also a gift from God. is my thoughts bringing me to the essential? ‘buy that dress’ or ‘buy that washing machine’ or ‘eat more chocolat’ from our thoughts does it draw us to the essential ‘our relaionship with God and with others’? Trowing away those thoughts and keeping those from the Lord, isn’t it what Renee showed us on the video? we need to trash every day but don’t throw away God’s confidence.
WOW! Thank you to EACH of you for all your thoughts and prayers. I’m going to take some time to ponder and try your advice. It really warms my heart to have so many of you helping. I appreciate all of you and I’m praying for you too!
My understanding is that you have a peace that comes when God is speaking to you. You have a sense of just knowing. Also, he never speaks against the bible so if it doesn’t line up with the bible, It’s not God. Validatation can come through good Christian friends that you trust their walk with the Lord. Also, you may hear God say something to you and have it validated in hearing someone else saying the same thing. If you’re not sure, ask God for confirmation. I honestly believe he wants you to know his heart and his will for you. He will show you and you will know, but it may take time and patients. He doesn’t work on our time unfortunately. I try to not make decision or take action until I am sure and get confirmation in a way that gives me that peace. When we get in tune with it, we start hearing more and more from God and know. Two years I ago I would hear people saying God told me this… and think they had some specail gift I didn’t have. But today, it is quit natural for me to get that knowing feeling when he speaks to me. I hope that helps…
“Emotional Triggers”…boy do I have a few! They are the biggest reason that I was attracted to this book and now part of this group. I saw the negativity they were playing in my life and relationships. Thankfully by the Grace of God, he is showing me what they are and I am now starting to see the lies. Not to say I don’t have moments, but I can now pause, breath and come back to reality rather than reacting.
I believe that God will surely take it away, the doubt and insecurity. The journey is leaving it to God to hlp us work thru and overcome doubt so that we can find what God truly wants us to achieve according to HIs will for our lives. Everytime I attempt to serve, I am confident, but once it comes to actually doing it I tend to back out…knowing in my heart that God has called me. I don’t want to do that anymore. And thru this study I feel like I am gaining the confidence and getting rid of the doubt and negative feelings about myself and my ability to serve God in a positive way.
i loved this video on throwing away your confidence. I loved the analogy you used about thrwoing something away in the barbage can and then the way you talked about throwing away our confidence. that was a good way of explaining it when you talked about throwing away something in the barbage without realizing what it was, and then, you talked about throwing away our confidence. I am totally blind. so when people use simple illustrations when they talk, it is really helpfu for blind people. I want to share, I listen way too much to people telling me i can’t do stuff when I know that I need to be listening to god and be more confident to trust him and this online confidence course has really helped me! Renee, I love your slogan on the web site, leading women to live confidently in Christ. I have felt a little more confident in who I am in Christ since I started this. I still have a long way to go. I live on my own. my loved ones, my boy friend and my mother and other family members even though I know they don’t mean to be are critcal of me and discourage me. I know they don’t mean to, it’s just the way it comes across since this course, I’ve really leanredd to speak up more and to be a confident woman in christ, and thank you for talking about what you talk about in the chapters. I’ve mentioned before to you renee, i ave a computer with a speech program. It’s great, but has limitations it only reads word files it doesn’t read p.d.f. files so I can’t read the chapters. however, I still feel I’m able to participate a lot. I’m hearing all the videos, I’m reading the comments in the group and I’m sharing my comments! thank you! for such a wonderful course!
I kept thinking of the Lenten season that is approaching and how the word “repent” means to turn. So when we are tempted to throw away our confidence, turn in a new direction with our old life at our back and claim a confident heart. Lent is also a journey so turn your attention to the people on the journey with you. They affect our departure and whether we reach our destination. I give thanks for the people on the journey with me in this on- line Bible study.
Oh, I missed you all the past two days. I hope you all had a great Valentines Day. So, my “share” for this week are answers to some of the questions. The questions that really touched my heart:
1. I do regard others’ opinions of me over God’s. When I was in middle school, I was pretty badly bullied, so I became very aware of others’ opinions of me. Unfortunately, that does not go away even as we get older. At times, I think it gets worse with age if we let it fester and don’t mourn those moments, pray for those that caused that pain, and ask God to help forgive those that hurt us. I am really struggling with that, and it touched me so much that I really needed to share this with you ladies and I more than welcome your thoughts and blessings.
3 and 4 would be interchangeable. As I have shared, I suffer from Anxiety. This, I feel is the my greatest weakness. Due to Anxiety, I have shut a lot of wonderful experiences and people out. It has saved me from some heart ache I am sure, but the damage (I fear) greatly outweighs any good that it may have done. I am not sure how the Lord can use me when I have trouble “trusting”. I know that as a Christian, I need to trust in Christ alone for my salvation and healing. I also know that he would not bring me to something if I could not make it through with His grace. Just at times, it seems easier to hide than to take that leap.
So, this ties right in with question 7. I do see this as a hinderance in my spiritual journey. I love God with all my heart, all my soul and all my mind, but I know with that comes trust. So do I really love God if I have trouble trusting? Is it Him I have a hard time trusting or is it myself? I have not made the best choices in my life, so really I want Him to take it all, but then the Anxiety of losing control over my life and what happens next…some find this exciting and new; I find it terrifying.
Hi Kim. I was hoping to find someone who struggles with anxiety, as I do. I, too, have missed out, and continue to miss out, on many of life’s joys due to my anxiety. My husband left me and I have no children, so I get lonely sometimes. Then the anxiety steps in and socialization becomes difficult. Anyway, I like how you said you are a Christian and love God with all your heart. You then questioned the strength of your faith as you have difficulty trusting. Is it Him I have a hard time trusting or is it myself is a question I ask myself everyday! I, too, want to trust Him with my burdens, but fear losing control of my life. I feel like I’m lazy, or not working hard enough, if I leave Him with all my worries. I’m sorry that I do not have any answers for you right now, but maybe it would help you to know I have the same exact questions and doubts as you do. I pray you will find peace.
I share your concern for anxiety. I have gone through this my self in the past. The best remedy and it is scrpture based, it is to stay in the present moment. By not doing so, we feel anxious for the future that isn’t yet and the passed that has gone with the wind. Jesus does not know what he will do the next day as he goes through the regions of Palestine with his disciples. He seems to be going here or there following a call. He dicides to stay in Sumaria the day but the next he stays or goes. He only knows he must one day go to Jerusalem. He dicides by the day. We plan things, and it’s ok, our agenda needs to be filled but anxiety comes when we say ‘What if’ What happens the next day’ . It’s a different issue when it comes from disease for that is not easy to cope with aand that anxiety needs others to pray with. For ordinary days and pains, anxiety can find a solution in Today is today. Carry our crosses for today not for tomorrow. The word ‘now’ appears exactly 433 times in the Bible! I have a search for words in the Bible on my desktop. Luc 2:29 Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word”
Vernon…thank you for planting this thought in my head: “Carry our crosses for today not for tomorrow.” Isn’t that such a simple, easy solution that we forget about with our anxious minds? I’m finding a lot of us commenting on anxiety or mental health issues…or dealing with loved ones who are dealing with these issues. I always love to hear how the Lord has touched someone else’s spirit with encouragement….because I think we can be our own worst enemy with the thoughts that a depressed, anxious, ocd, bi-polar….fill-in-the-blank….mind deals with. It’s an obstacle, for sure…but not our “fault” and God surely does not find fault with us due to it. He knows our obstacles and gives us so much help….constantly. I guess I have no point…other than to thank you for sharing this. 🙂
I agree. I like your saying.. carry your cross for today not tomorrow. Very good thoughts to ponder and to remember. To stay in the present.
I heard Joyce Meyer say once to say aloud, “I totally trust you God!” I’ve been saying it ever since. When I say it aloud it pushed it from my head to my heart and over the last couple of years I have started to really trust him with everything. We believe more of what comes out of our mouths that anyone’s elses. So it’s imporatnt we speak it. It’s OK if we don’t feel it in the beginning. That will come. I’m praying for you.
Thank you so much Renee! We studied this chapter at just the right time. I overcame some doubts earlier in the week by ‘throwing them out’ and ‘stepping out’. I got out of MY ‘comfort zone’ and ended up helping that person and myself. God is awesome. May we remember that EveryDay! Thank you again.
Thanks so much for the awesome video of throwing away the doubts and reclaiming the promises of God through the power of His word. I am going to try the experiment this week and see if I can hear the doubt then throw it away. Please be praying for us. We are going through some tough times and this would be a good time for me to listen to the doubt in my mind. Pray for us as a family as well as me for keeping God’s word in the forefront of my mind. We just need to persevere with God’s grace. Thanks for praying.
Jeanie Kelley
I am praying for you and your family Jeanie…We have to persevere!! It’s hard work especially during stressful times…Love, Peggy
Praying now for you Jeanie!!!
Once again, this weeks message has spoken to the places in my heart that need His great healing the most! It still lifts me up to have such a personal, caring Father who know where Im at and meets me there! I praise His wonderful Name with all my being!
Its been a hard week for me with my son, 29 who has been to Iraq 3 times! He is having such a hard time integrating back into civilian life, dealing with PTDS and he almost took his life this last weekend. I really needed to hear the message about trusting God to do what I cannot for my son. He is able and I will not throw my confidence away! I will continue to pray for and with him until God does His mighty work!
I will say a prayer for your son. Hang in there and remember, “….He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Phil 1:6, KJV).
May God be with you and your son. Lord lift him up out of the pit of despair and set his feet on the rock of Christ and put a new song in his heart, a song of praise to our God.
Praying for you and your son Kari. Asking the Healer to touch his mind and his heart. To help him process his trauma and memories and then by the power of the Holy Spitit to wash some if not all aWay leaving only compassion and tenderness in those places where his mind and emotions have been damaged. He can do this and I’m praying a hedge of hope ans strength around you all in the powerful Name of Jesus!!!
I have a hard time using the promise of unconditional love and acceptance from God. My right brain logic gets in the way. I think well, if it doesn’t matter how I perform or what others thinks of me, why do I need to work hard at things? This is a hard blow for my Type A personality. I want to succeed and do well and will push myself very hard to do so. When I fail, it is awful. But when I trust and depend on God, I stop striving and almost give up. If is almost if God doesn’t care about my performance, I can just wing it. As you can tell, I think all or nothing. There has to be a happy medium, I just don’t know what it is or how to get there.
I feel the same way!!! For me, it’s called BALANCE!!! I just keep working on getting there…Especially because I am out of work right now with to much alone time for this people person…I have to work hard to do these things and change my old habits of beating myself up!!! God Bless and I pray for all the women who are working hard through this Study!!!
Oh Andrea I want to share more with you about what God has taught me with the balance of giving HIM my all but not relying on my performance to define my worth. I am heading out the door to speak tonight but I’ll be back to share more tomorrow after my conference or as soon as I can get back on line. I so understand, I am a type A girl too!
Great Chapter! I must say I am looking forward to each chapter,…love the visuals too!
So true!….I’ve often define my worth by what I do, and how well I do it….not by who I am…. a Child of the Most High God! Thanks for the reminder!
I am interested in your thoughts on balance. Will this be in a future post?
I can relate. My thinking can be so all or nothing. Trying to do my best, but knowing when to stop. I struggle with some health issues and this is really important for me. But on the other hand when I try to give it to God I can fall really easily into the helpless victim mentally and as you say not even try. I struggle with OCD and can get in either a really anxious place or when I try to give it to God a really black, hopeless place. God has shown me that trusting Him for outcomes and talking to Him and asking Him to help me see what is true is so important — I don’t have to figure it out all by myself, but on the other hand I must choose to own my actions and my thoughts — choose his truth. But the balance can get so muddled in my head.
I Julie. I, too, suffer from OCD. I have tried many medications and doctors. I guess I just need to hand it over to the Great Physician and Healer. I’ll be praying for you and all of us who suffer with this challenge.
Your video today is so timely and the Don’t Throw Away your Confidence printable worksheet is going to be a helpful go-to guide. This week has been an especially hard week. Our family has been walking through unemployment now for over a year. God has indeed been faithful and continues to provide in some amazing ways. However, this week I’ve begun to doubt my strength to continue walking this journey. I’m tired and I’m weary and I’m ready for the answer to come. As you said in this chapter, turning is crucial. When I find myself focused on me I must turn and redirect my focus to the ONE who can. I can’t but HE can! The story of Gideon has reminded me to stay focused on the ONE who has the plan. HE is my strength and HE will see our family through this difficult journey! As you also said in your book, my mess becomes HIS message!
AMEN!!!! Thanks for your story . . .
So encouraged to hear how God is using the video and the chapter to speak to your hearts. I’m so sorry for all you have been through Pam. I know that in your strength you will run dry but each day HE wants to be your portion of faith, hope, courage, perseverance and wisdom. I am praying for you right now. You can do this Pam – through Christ who promises to give you strength!
This chapter is very challenging for me! In a good way, I need to be tested and trust in God that He will take care of all our needs. I need to be strong when I think I cannot do something that He wants me to. Thank you Rene for this video and the challenge this week!
You are so welcome!! Praying you are challenged as a woman and encouraged as a child of God with each page you read!
This is a great chapter and visual, blessings Renee!
I agree! Wonderful chapter and great visual! Thanks Renee!
I agree also!!! I am such a visual person!! I need to actually see things to help me understand!!! Love it….thank you Renee!! You are a gift to this child of God for this season of my life!! We are more than conquerors through Him!!! <3
So glad this visual and object lesson connected with you. So often God speaks to me and helps me remember what He’s trying to tell me through every day object lessons. So thankful I get to share them with all of you now! 🙂
So glad this visual and object lesson connected with you. So often God speaks to me and helps me remember what He’s trying to tell me through every day object lessons. So thankful I get to share them with all of you now!