Praying God’s promises — it’s changed me.
That’s why I included a prayer, at the end of each chapter, weaving together Scriptures from that chapter and others I sensed God wanted us to engrave on our hearts.
“Praying God’s Word has been one of the most life-changing ways I’ve learned to live in the security of His promises…and isn’t what we all want?
“One way God tells us that confidence will come is when we ask Him for what is already part of His will. ‘This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us’ (1 John 5:14 NASB). So there you go: we can be confident we are praying God’s will when we pray God’s Word!” p.25
But that’s not all.
Romans 10:17 tells us that “faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ” so let’s pray these promises out loud again and again.
Out loud. Yes, even if it seems weird. Find somewhere you can be alone and speak these truths to God and let them echo in your heart
Trust me, it makes a difference.
“When we pray God’s words out loud, and hear them, the Holy Spirit engraves them on our hearts and writes them in our thoughts. We internalize God’s truth and our faith grows as we are transformed from the inside out!” p.25
Let’s pray this week’s prayer {together}:
Lord, I pray that You would give me a confident heart in Christ. Take me beyond believing in You to truly believing You. Help me rely on the power of Your promises and live like they are true. You say blessed is the one who trusts in You and whose hope and confidence are found in You. Those who hope in You will not be disappointed, because You work all things together for good for those who love You and are called according to Your purpose.
When self-doubt tells me I can’t overcome my insecurities, I will believe Your promise that all things are possible to whoever believes. I will not throw away my confidence, because You say it will be richly rewarded. I will persevere so that when I have done the will of God, I will receive what You have promised. My confidence is in Christ and I am no longer one who shrinks back and is destroyed, but one who believes and is saved! In Jesus’ name, Amen. {See Jeremiah 17:7; Isaiah 49:23; Romans 8:28; Mark 9:23; Hebrews 10:35–36, 39}
A Song of Prayer
My friend, award-winning composer and pianist , Chad Lawson, has graciously shared his beautiful, Spirit-filled Song of Prayer below. Watch and listen below for FREE and soak in this God-gift that was filmed while Chad listened to the Holy Spirit for 32 minutes and simply played what He laid on his heart. You’ll see the joy of Christ in Chad’s smile but more than anything, you’ll experience the peace of God’s presence through his music.
Download Song of Prayer: You can find it on Itunes ($1.99) or Amazon ($.89)
Today’s Give-Away: 3 Special Order Song of Prayer CDs
To enter to win one: Click “share your thoughts” below this post and describe how you felt or what you sensed God whisper as you listened to Chad’s Song of Prayer. Also share one or two of your answers to questions at the end of Chapter 1.
If you’re reading this via email: Scroll to the top of your email and click the title “Praying God’s Promises” to go back to my website. All entries must be put in the “share your thoughts” section.
I just listened to the beautiful song. It’s a cold, rainy day here, perfect for staying bundled up on the couch. Early into the piece, I felt like the music was the raining down of the Holy Spirit, full of love and encouragement. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
I loved Romans 8:28 listed in question 4: God has reminded much over the weekend that I have been called according to His purpose. And therefore He will work to my good. Talk about blessed!
My confidence shakes when I forget to rely on Him and His promises for me and try to rely on my own pitiful self instead. Looking forward to reading the next chapter!
God’s peace is amazing…that is what I felt listening to Chad’s song.
A Confident Heart – Chapter 1 Questions
#1 – I have felt insecure most of my life. I second guess all of my decisions, I am learning to trust God and put my hope and trust in Him.
#7 – Jeremiah 17:7 – God promised me that I will be blessed if I trust in Him and place my hope in Him. I claim this and pray this scripture for my life.
This song feels as if I am praying. It reminds me of the verse that talks about the Spirit interceding for us when we know we ought to pray, but only groans come forth.
Thank you for sharing the Song of Prayer….as I sat listening to this and reading the posts about chapter 1, I just felt so at peace. God is so good and I am learning daily to just Trust him….he only wants to show me his unconditional love….I just have to accept it.
I was in pain today. As I listened to this beautiful music, I felt the pain deep in side start to disolve and flow out of my body. I felt totally at peace. I will give thanks to my Lord and Savior. He is always with me.
I felt comfort and peace.
I have been slow in responding this week, but get a rush of energy and enthusiasm for the Lord when ever I open up the book or the emails. I haven’t been able to find a computer yet to listen to the song, but will this week. As for the questions..
#7– I have been able to see this verse in Jeremiah work in heart in just contining to pursue the Lord through this study indepently from those at my church. We are on a different path Isiah 43:19 in seeking out more opportunites to evangelize the love of Jesus and bringing people to the Lord. My cell leader continues to reassure me that leadership is in path, and so continuing here is important to me, and learning how to pray with the Word is new. I haven’t felt compelled in the past to memorize verses but see now how I can really use this in my toolbox. Thanks
Thank you much for this. God is blessing me more than ever
It was a struggle for me to listen to the song. To listen to the Spirit with no distraction not thinking about my mistakes during the week or what needs to be done next. All that I needed to do is listen. And now I just want to listen continuously!
I saw myself standing in a field, with the wind lightly blowing, looking for what direction to take. What way is The Way? Then Jesus was standing there, telling me to come His way, but I still resisted. I was afraid of falling and messing up. But He held out His arms and told it was okay and I didn’t have to go through this alone. I burst into tear and start running to Him with my arm out wanting to hold unto my Father and never let go. I was loved and cherished!!! I have never really felt that way from anyone on this earth! I knew my parents, family and friends loved me, but not with the intensity I felt coming from Him. When I was with Him there was so much peace. I want to hold that in my heart. I am not alone!!!
2 & 5. (This was my answer for both) Insecurity stops me all the time from doing things. I struggle with insecurity everyday. What is my class work is not good enough? What if the professor thinks I am incompetent ? What if my work feels the same way? I try to hide my worries and problems from my friends because I am afraid they will judge and reject me if I not perfect. It consumes my life. I second guess every thing about myself. Am I good enough? Romans 8:28 speaks to me. If you read on to verse 38, Paul states,”If God is for us, who can stand against us.”(vs.31) and then “not ANYTHING in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!” (vs. 38)
-God is loves and is “works for the good for me.” No matter how unworthy I feel nothing (my insecurity, others opinions of me, etc.) can separate me from that love.
Thank You Sarah, you so touched my heart. Your friend in Christ, Linda
I was not able to listen to the music because my husband is in the same room with me sleeping and I didn’t want to disturb him. I did want to mention the answer to one of my questions on here.
(1) I think my earliest memory of insecurity was when I was a child and felt rejected by the other girls my age at church. Our family was poor and I think we were looked down upon by others in the church. Because of that, my sister and I were never invited to the birthday parties of other girls from church, but we would hear all about them. Then when I was a teenager, my older sisters would make fun of my body. So, I grew up feeling that I was somehow lesser than others and my body wasn’t good enough. My complex about my body caused me to make some poor decisions that I now regret.
For so long, I have thought of myself as not beautiful, someone who no one would ever want, but God thinks I am beautiful and He wants me. My whole life I have been searching for confidence in the worldly things: career/education, spouse/children, money, you name it I have wanted it all because I thought it would make me lovable, and give me the confidence to minister to others…to really have a sense of self-worth. Christ died for me, and He is the only one that has. What more could I ask for? Nothing in this world can and ever will compare to what He endured on the cross…for me. I am still trying to find my place in this world….I don’t have a college degree (praying about that), I don’t have a husband, not even a potentional, I don’t have a lot of money and still…. He loves me! God has really been working in my life, breaking me…restoring me….teaching me, it not about this life. This life and all it has to offer will fade away, but His love for me never will…never. Knowing that, I am slowly gaining confidence in Him. I just want to be obedient to His Will and His Calling in my life….If that means getting a degree, I will. If it means having a husband or children, I will. If it means being stable financially, I will. If not, then I just spent life deeping my faith, and being loved and in love with the greatest man ever, whom I will spend eternity with…what more could I ask for?
Take Care, God Bless 🙂
I enjoyed listening to the music and enjoying God’s presence. As I listened I thought about who He says I am. Then I thought of all of the conflicting thoughts I have had about who I feel like I am. He told me that my thoughts and feelings do not change the truth. They simply keep me from walking as the person He has created me to be, I want to stop deciding who I am by my own thoughts and feelings. I want to believe Him.
I think a confident woman seeks the Lord with all her heart. She knows Him intimately and knows who she is in Him. She walks in the fear of the Lord and not the fear of man, She is able to walk in faith and not fear because she knows God is with her and is guiding her steps.
That is the person I long to be and am so thankful that God is helping me to be more like that every day. I have not arrived but I am on the journey to becoming a confident woman of God.
#4 Isaiah 49:23 i will not be put to shame by GOD.
Isaiah 43:19 GOD will make me a new person and do new and amazing things through me.
Romans 8:28 no matter what I do in my life, even the bad things, and no matter how bad they seem to be, GOD will work out good through them. So that I may teach others what GOD has taught me through the bad in my life.
Mark 9:23 this makes me feel hopeful that GOD can do anything as long as i believe in Him and his power.
#5 What hinders me most is not spending enough time with GOD, through the Word and prayer; this leads me to have a negative heart and attitude. fear of failure can hinder me from living with a GOD confidence.
YES, there are two promises that can speak to my geartest need right now.
a) Isaiah 43:19 GOD is doing something new for me, He is helping me to fight through my fear daily.
b) Isaiah 49:23 GOD won’t shame me only man will and can.
#6 A woman with a confident heart knows she is fully loved by GOD and is free to look “foolish” in the eyes of the world. I act like this alot in hope to make people laugh and to brighten up there day.
As for the song I found it to be an amazing piece. I felt GOD’s presence Chad’s playing. God has surely blessed him with a gift for music. I felt peaceful and still and thought of a scripture while i was listening. which was Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am GOD….(NLT). I surely was still and knew only GOD could have someone perform something so beautiful.
I loved the music! I was truly worshiping while listening to his talent. For me, a confident woman is one who knows that she is pleasing the Lord with every thought, word, and action.
While listening to “A Song of Prayer,” I felt a deep sense of peace and also an expectancy of something good to come. When we get to a point of bring secure in God’s love, He is like a loving parent to us. He wants to give us good things in our lives.
Listening to the Song of Prayer, I could sense God was speaking to me. He was saying:
Even when you feel alone, look and see that I am with you. When you are sad I am here. When you are happy I am here. When you feel you can’t be forgiven ask and I will forgive you. No matter where you are or what you are feeling I am here. Just look for me.
Psalm 42
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?
My tears have been my food day and night, while men say to me all day long, Where is your God?
These things I remember as I pour out my soul: how I used to go with the multitude, leading the procession to the house of God, with shouts of joy and thanksgiving among the festive throng.
Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.
My soul is downcast within me; therefore I will remember you from the land of the Jordan, the heights of Hermon-from Mount Mizar.
Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.
By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me-a prayer to the God of my life.
I say to God my Rock, Why have you forgotten me? Why must I go about mourning, oppressed by the enemy?
My bones suffer mortal agony as my foes taunt me, saying to me all day long, Where is your God?
Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.
I feel just like David when he wrote this psalm so long ago. I know that God is with me wherever I go, but when I feel overwhelmed that is when I feel alone.
All the questions for this week really got me thinking and searching. However, the two that really spoke to me was question 5 and 6. My answers to these questions Feelings of not good enough and having too many problems to living with God-confidence. The promise that speaks to my greatest need right now is Romans 8:28:
And we know that all things God works for good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
Yes, even me being on dialysis works for the good, because I love Him and have been called according to His purpose. God doesn’t want me to feel all doom and gloom, He wants me to put my trust in Him.
Question 6 answer:
She will rely on God and not doubt that God loves her always. She will have the faith to tell others about Jesus. She will not be insecure about who she is in God. She will step out of the boat and step out in faith. She will not let her health problems rule her. She will believe God and not just believe in God.
Renee, thank you so much for starting this Bible study. This week I have listened to God more than I have done my whole life! I feel good! I thank God that He is showing me that He is with me, I just need to look and listen to Him. Please pray that I don’t quit and that I keep on doing what God has called me to do many, many times. He wants me to spend alone time with Him.
I too experienced God’s peace as I listened to the song of prayer. It is awesome to see how powerful the word of God can be. All we need to do is speak his word, because he is a God that is true. I find myself afraid sometimes when new challenges come my way. I have to remind myself that God is in control and no weapon that is formed against me share prosper and that he is working things out for my good.
As I listened to the song of prayer. I immediately felt peaceful and was reminded that I could give my burdens to the Lord. Nothing that happens in my life (no matter how big or small) escapes God’s attention. I bring stress on myself for failing to be confident in God.
#6) A woman with a confident heart rests in God’spromises, believes in her ability to do great things for God.
Thanks Renee for your wonderful book and everyone for sharing your comments.
I didn’t have doubt and much as feel like I was different from everyone else. I never “fit in” with my family or circle of friends. I always felt kind of on the outside looking in all the time. Maybe that is the same thing.
The music is beautiful–thank you for sharing. I could feel God’s spirit when I prayed and felt God speaking to me with His still small voice.
I enjoyed answering the questions at the end of chapter 1. The verses shared in question all spoke to me and reminded me of the awesome God I serve. Isa. 49. 23 reminds me God is my hope and He never lets me down even though I let Him down quite often. Romans 8;28 has always been one of my favorite verses and am reminded again of how much God is in control. Things often happen I don’t understand, but I need to learn to put this promise in action more often in that nothing happens without God knowing about. I write this believing it, but I need to put in action when problems and issues arise. Also, I love Mark 9:23 that says I can’t do but my God can!
I want to be the joyous Christian women which is joyous, loving, pure, kind, hard worker, provider, consistent, honest, and fun. God doesn’t expect us to be “sticks in the mud” or so stuck on being pure we forget we are human. It is not an act, but something we are.
Here are my answers to questions 2 and 3.
Yes, insecurity has kept me from trying many things. I usually take the safe path instead of taking risks because I am scared of failing and disappointing those I love.
I feel discouraged, defeated, and not good enough when doubt whispers that things will never change.
I really felt God drawing me to a place of peace and rest listening to the beautiful music.
Last night I was able to borrow and watch the Gospel Of John DVD you suggested. Wow! That was so good. Thank you so much for the suggestion. It brought the whole gospel to life. It was really cool to see Jesus laughing. I just don’t picture him doing that when reading the Bible. I was very upset before I watched it because my daughter was on the roads last night and it was snowing very hard. I was so worried and kept asking … Why can’t I just trust you Lord? I know you will keep her safe. I was in tears. She would be traveling for a couple hours. Then I popped in that DVD and peace just came over me. Thank you so much Renee for your book and your insights. You have truly blessed me! 🙂
The message I receive from Chads music is…I am here.
My answer to qestion #2 is….almost eberything. i «exist» most of the time. i dont truly live. i exist in fear and debilitating anxiey and depression. i feel like my life is not my own. i fear life. i fear God. Ifear failure and rejection constantly. I doubt most everything…esp my worth. [sorry for typing via my kindle]
#1 My earliest memory of insecurity is Kindergarten, being so afraid I wouldn’t have a friend that no one would like me. I have struggled with this in every new situation since.
#2 This insecurity has hindered me from meeting new people & making new friends. I have always felt very uninteresting & boring and often wondered why anyone would want to be around me.
#7 God promises me I will be blessed when I trust Him . . . and that means in everything including new situations & friendships as well as strengthening my present relationships.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful piano solo with us. Listening to music helps me in my daily bible reading.
beautiful, awesome, so peaceful and prayerful
The questions below are the ones I felt were more important to share from the chapter. I love that God sees us just where we are and wants to meet us there to make us the women He wants us to be.
2. Has insecurity ever kept you from doing something? Insecurity keeps me from pursuing close relationships with people because the trying causes me to be anxious. I don’t like the feeling. I have also been hurt several times, and that ultimately holds me back.
5. 5. What do you think hinders you most from living with God-confidence on a consistent basis? Listening to the wrong voice. Forgeting who my confidence should be in.
Is there a promise listed above that speaks to your greatest need right now? See I am doing a new thing. This is an awesome truth, and I believe God is trying to do a new thing in my life. He has answered so many prayers lately about Joy. I need to believe Him and trust Him to take care of me.
The Song of Prayer is beautiful. At first I was going to say that I didn’t feel much, but there is a definite reverence there, and I can’t explain it, but I feel the Holy Spirit with me. No doubt in my mind. It’s pretty amazing actually.
Some answers from Chapter 1 that were telling for me were numbers 4 and 5:
4. I believe those words (and all words in scripture for that matter) are true, but they aren’t true for, or meant for me.
5. My past experiences hinder me the most. The pain and heartbreak of my past confirms my negative attitude. What speaks to me most is Isa 49:23 THOSE WHO HOPE IN ME WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. Well, I am constantly disappointed.
I’ll keep working….
As I listened I wept. Deeply. I just wept to Him. I know He is still healing me. I felt peace along with His presence. I was definitely where He wanted me to be.
2. Insecurity has kept me from living my life at times.
4. When I read Isaiah 43:19, I receive Hope from Him.
#1 I’m not sure what my earliest doubt or insecure feeling was but one of the ones that popped in my head as I read that was when I started 1st grade and found that everyone already knew each other and had paired off as friends because they had gone to Kindergarten together, which I had not gone to, I just started in 1st grade.
My second thought that came to me was when I was in 7th or 8th grade and my Dad was complimenting my on my flute playing and telling me how I was probably the best in the school. I remember going into my bedroom and crying because I felt I let him down telling myself I wasn’t good at all and thinking how disappointed he would be in me if he really knew.
Only a few of the thousands of lies I believed over the years.
I realized that what blocks me from making the LORD my confidence is doubting that he actually CAN be that confidence, and therefore not even trying to make him so. Today in prayer I had to stop and ask myself: why was I letting this doubt prevent me from receiving God’s promised blessing? It is clear from scripture that there is blessing when the LORD is our true confidence. What if I let go of doubt and reached to receive that blessing, acting in faith? Now I want to live by trusting that God will reveal to me how to have confidence in him instead of simply not trying because it seems too difficult. I want to know what it means to be a strong woman in the LORD!
I so understand what you are saying for I was once there myself. What helped me to totally trust that He actually CAN do anything was when I considered the vast universe HE created. He can be all things to us and if we will trust Him, he surely can be our confidence. He loves us that much!
I like what you said about wanting to live by trusting that God will reveal to me how to have confidence in Him instead of simply not trying because it seems too difficult. I too want to know what it means to be a strong woman in the Lord! Thank you for sharing with us.
I am two weeks behind in this study because i only just got the book but I can really resonate with how you are feeling. I am praying that we can really just let go of our self doubt and trully believe that God is completely trustworthy, no matter what the circumstances are. I am literally tired of living in fear and doubt and I pray that thoughout this study, we can really have a break through. 🙂
When I first started listening to the music, I turned it off because it was going too slowly for me. Then I read all the positive comments and tried it again. The Lord really spoke to me that I am not used to a slow pace – I am always multi-tasking, even in my time with Him, and because I love my work, I hurry through everything in the morning to get there early and start my day. How sad that my time with Him is shortened because of that. Each year I make the same resolution to spend more time with Him and each year I fail. I get into the negativity cycle that whispers I am never going to change, I am not disciplined enough to follow through. BUT I want this to change and am confident that the more I seek Him, the more He will become real, really real, in my life.
#3 – I feel defeated, disillusioned, disheartened and a failure.
#5- unbelief that it is an attainable goal
#6 – God-trusting and peaceful
Kit, I agree with you. I am not one to slow down and listen to this calming music and ponder what is going on around me let alone what it is that God has for me to hear from Him. How sad that is. Why is it so difficult for us to just stop. Stop our minds from the business of life, what we need to do, what we did do/didn’t do…what’s next…etc. As I sit and listen, I’m reminded that I need to do this more often, and not just as an exercise that is part of my online Bible study. It reminds me of all the good that God has put into my life and why I am blessed. He really does love each of us, no matter our talents…and what more can we really ask for? I need to just stop sometimes and let God be God. He really is who He says He is…and how cool is that?
Feel His peace that breaks down every wall, His love, His comfort. (It’s like a wonderful stress-relieving back massage, but more!)
I heard in the song….Jesus, Jesus how I trust You, how I trust Him at His Word!
My original thought to #4 was…I wonder if it’s really for me or maybe I have too many sinful thoughts and I didn’t pass the test and am not qualified for God to do something amazing or good.
I know exactly what this feels like, your post really struck a chord with me. I often wrestle with doubts about my future. I had myself convinced for quite some time that I was not ‘qualified’ enough to be a christian wife or a mother and that’s why I was still single. I truly believed that God wouldn’t entrust me to help take care of or have a family of my own..but my mind was wrapped around as this was a punishment or something. That since I wasn’t an amazingly “qualified” christian woman, I didn’t deserve it. I now see this as an attack from Satan and I have been truly living the verse Jeremiah 29:13- “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” What a blessing that He loves us just the way we are.
WOW !!!! I wished I would have listened to the “The Song of Prayer” last night to quite the demons in my mind. Since I have started this study I have been reading and praying the scriptures twice a day. When I get up in the morning and when I go to bed at night. I know in the long run it will pay off but right now it is very hard to see when I am so depressed. I thank you for all of your work and resources that you pass along to us Renee. I think now I would like to purchase one of his cd’s to help calm me at night.
I don’t have a specific time when I started to feel insecure but I know it was in my very early years. I always thought that God made a mistake when He made me a girl. I pretty much was dad’s little son growing up and that made my mom very angry. On top of that my mother was an alcoholic and I neve knew what frame of my mom was in. Parents seperated when I was about 9 or 10 years old. Dad left me and my sister with my mom which just devastated me. Dad was my safety net. There were also times that I thought that I was adopted and my parents didn’t tell me. so as I child I was very insecure about who I even was. It never really helped that I was never good enough to have my mom’s love and affection. It was more for my sister because they were buddies and my sister did the things that mom liked to do.
During my early age of 9 yrs old I was being sexually molested through out my whole childhood going into my early teens. Where were my parents then to protect me. I was just another object to be used by somebody else and I had no voice as a child. So you kind of get a small picture of why and what made me so insecure as a person. Not being wanted, wrong sex, sexually molested (by people in authority) and rejected.
I have to say that I have come along way as God has brought a lot of healing for me. But I need God to bring about healing of my low self-esteem and who I am in Christ and realize that I’m not a bad person, that I am loved by him and many others. That I am worth something. These mind battles have really kept me trapped in a place that hinders me from being able to move on in a healthy spiritual aspect of my life so that I can minister to others and bring them through the lies of the enemy.
In the late 80’s God put a call on my life and spoke to me very specificlly s to what He wants me to do. It was very clear as day to me. it comes out of Is. 61:1-4 where it talks about …”binding up the broken hearted and setting the captives free.”. since then my life has been a battle from the enemy as God is preparing me for such a calling which means He starts with me right where I am at to become healed in my own life. sorry I went on so much but it really helps me to express it out to somebody else who is lifting me up in prayers.
I have to say that it is by no chance that You ( Renee ) started this study at this time of my life. Thank you for being faithful to bring about God truth for so many women who need to hear the truth of who we are as God’s children-the King’s daughters.
I understand perfectly well. I too felt that i was called in according to Isaiah 61.
I had a troubling childhood also. My mom and dad divorced just before my 3rd birthday and my dad got custody of me and my brothers age 5, and 7. When I was 3 almost 4 my dad was with this lady who abused me. After it was found out what she did to me, my dad sent me to live with my grandparents. I never was the same after that. I wondered what I did so wrong for my dad to not want me and not let me live with my mom. Then when I was 11 my mom tried to kill herself with me in the car with her. She ended up in the mental ward the rest of her life. I always felt if I was the girl I was meant to be, then she wouldn’t have done what she did and that my dad would love me for who I was.
I know now that God put me in the care of my grandparents because that was where I was meant to be. At times I still have trouble with wondering what I could of done to stop my mom from not only hurting herself but also me and my brothers. I was too young to help her. I couldn’t help her if she didn’t want help. I also had to come to understanding that my dad does love me, just not the way I wanted to be loved. I know that I was my grandparents pride and joy and they made sure that I knew I was loved not only by them, but more importantly I was loved by God.
So, remember that God loves us very much.
I’m not receiving the daily assignments. Am I not doing something right? The last assignment I saw was on Monday and that was to read Chapter 1. Where are we now?
Im here reading and praying and thanking Jesus for what He’s doing in our sweet sisterhood already. Immeasurably more than I could think or imagine in less than a week. Oh my heart is so full!! And Chad…well he’s doing all he can not to break down and cry…reading your stories. Thanking Jesus for answering his prayer — for this song to lead God’s children into a deep place of abiding peace and worship. Praying for more…more security in the power of His presence and promises. God’s got so much MORE for us!! Love you all!!
This is the first time for me doing a on-line study. I am a missionary working in a country where Jesus Christ is not known by many. Sometimes one’s life gets so busy in ministry that it is refreshing to do this study. And I was in a bigger city this weekend and could listen to the music by Chad and it was wonderful. God is continuing to bring teaching into my life of looking at the promises of God. The Jer 17 passage was a balm to my weary soul. Thanks for your teaching and for all the comments….I have limited access to internet so won’t be able to read all comments but thanks to all who share.
As I go thru the postings and read, I realize that the Lord wants each of us to know that there is nothing wrong with us. Yes, we may have insecurities and a lack of the kind of confidence we want, but He is showing us just by the sheer number of women who struggle with the same thing that we are not faulty or defective. We are created wonderfully by Him. Increasing our confidence is a side benefit from getting to really know Him more fully and more real. He created us with the desire to know Him intimately and for Him to be first in our hearts and lives. Maybe the confidence struggle is the way He is pulling us to Him so that we go deeper in our relationship with Him – that we don’t settle for knowing who He is but we go all the way to like Renee is telling us to believing and knowing Him so fully that our total trust is in Him. When we come to know Him so intimately that we know in our heads and hearts that He is trustworthy and He will never let us down or leave us — then that trust will heal our hearts with the oil of confidence and peace.
When I close my eyes and soak in every note, I feel such deep peace. A quiet spirit. No words cluttering my heart. Sometimes I think I get in the way in my prayer time… often I think God simply wants to speak to me, and I blabber away as if our relationship is all one-sided and about me. When honestly, it’s all about Him. Oh, when I can reach those moments of HIM. I love life!!!!! I feel so free. Like a little girl dancing before her father, I just let go and know that He loves me and He is smiling and WOW! life isn’t so tricky anymore. Grief doesn’t seem so painful when I trust Him with my pain. Today, I commit to more moments of simply listening. Thank you, Renee and Chad. I love you both!
I so know what you are saying … I’ve been feeling like the Lord is telling me to spend time just clearing my head of thoughts so He can talk and love on me. I tend to keep talking even in my thoughts and I think He is telling me to still myself so I can hear Him and not me.
I felt HOPE! There are the quiet times in his song when I imagined the “nothing is happening” times in my life and then there are the really upbeat, excited times in the song when I imagined feeling God’s presence and how it changes my whole countenance. Thank you!!
I don’t remember a time in my life when I never experienced doubt or insecurity. It seems like they were always my constant companions. I always knew that I was an “accident.” My mother never wanted children. My parents were very wrapped up in each other and I always felt in the way. My first memories are of feelings of loneliness and being alone in my room. I second guess myself on everything. Sometimes the doubt gets so overwhelming that I don’t think I can take being me anymore. I am so hoping that I will be set free by doing this Bible study. I do know that God is faithful.
The music is very peacful.
I pray that you will be set free from your doubt and insecurity. Remember, above all that you are a child of God! and you were never an “accident” in his book. He wanted you to have life and have it to the full!!!! Hold on to Psalms 139: 13 which says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” God loves you and that is what is most important.
Thank you for sharing this special blessing of the prayerful music. I have not stopped crying the entire time I have been listening, praying, reading and listening. I have always loved the piano and it soothes me. I began taking lessons before we brought our daughter home from China, but only got to take the lessons for a short while due to a job change and move. Oh, how I pray that God will allow me and I will be confident and faithful to continue someday. This is one of my loves and desires, along with writing and photography. God wants to bless me through them so that I will bless others. When I do share them with others, I am told they are blessed. But I shrink back and lack the confidence God wants for me to continue. So much has happened in my life to make it easy to shrink back. I pray for not only myself, but for other women, that God will help us to be the Confident Women He wants us to be so that we can shine with His glory and help others to know that God wants to bless us and heal us and use us, not to bring us harm, but a HOPE and a Future FULL of His blessings.
Chad’s Song of Prayer was a reminder to slow down and listen to God. The slow rhythm at the beginning helped me to focus, meditate and tune in to God. Then, the excitement starts to build as God realizes that I am finally listening carefully to only Him. Then, He pours out blessings and insight into my life!
Doubt and guilt come into my heart when I look back and realize mistakes I made in the past because of immaturity, lack of faith or being too busy and rushing through life. Since I can’t go back to fix those times, I feel sad and doubt my abilities now. Faith in God’s love and goodness pull me through these times of doubt. During the times I grieve this lack of confidence, I just hold on to God’s promises and He is faithful to pull me out of that pit and set my feet back on the path of righteousness.!!! Romans 8:28 is a promise I regularly hold on to.
Had to laugh at all the times I used “really” above. Guess that’s what I really want.
What a beautiful song. Thanks for sharing. It is wonderful to listen to that as I contemplate all that I have been reading. What’s really helped me the most with this study is praying God’s word outloud and reading all the verses and name for God. I’m really desiring a real relationship with Christ on a daily basis and now I’m really reading the verses very slowly and really letting the word seep into my heart. Thanks so much for this study and the song!
I listened to the song very early this morning because I could not sleep and it was very spiritual just to sit and listen to what God was telling me to do. It felt like He was wrapping His loving arms around me and telling me that He has it all under control and not to worry about a thing. I truly felt His warmth and grace through the prayer song and can tell that it has been a blessing for many people.
My self doubt began for me when I was in college and trying to find myself. With being in so many activities in high school, I didn’t feel like I wanted all the responsibility so I just stuck to working hard at getting good grades. But it just seemed like everyone was happier than I was with their new college-life. I admit that I did make most of my mistakes in college and have repented of that awfulness, but I think that contributed to my self doubt. It was also in college that I met a dear friend who cared enough for me and my soul that she showed me God’s truths in the bible and I have never been the same. I think it’s hard to be confident when you have the weight of your sins on your shoulders. I pray that the Lord will release our burdens and show us the way to live in total 100% confidence in Him. Heb. 35 has been my life verse for this week and I pray to never throw my confidence away again even in the challenging times. (Sometimes I compare myself to Moses because he was afraid to speak in front of the crowd but God reassured him that He would give him the words to say). On this journey, please pray with me that I would have the boldness to speak up when in crowds. I usually just sit back and listen, but I yearn to be someone who can contribute something to a conversation. Thank you!!
Love and Blessings!
Well I was brought great peace by “The Song Of Prayer”. Something dawned on me though…my deaf/blind son has been playing like this since he was 2. I will now look at what I use to call ‘noodling around’ very differently. They are his hearts song/prayer. My prayer is that I can get quiet enough to hear my heart song/prayer.
Now for some of my answers: I think the first times I can remember the self doubt it would be the awkwardness we all hit in middle school and high school. And there have been a number of things over the years that I did not complete or accomplish because of it. I felt like a nobody most of my life yet being a pastors kid everybody was watching. The Rom 8 vs listed is he one out of all listed that brings me the most encouragement. No matter any of the good or bad or ugly God makes it all good if I just love Him. This vs is being lived out in my life in a very big way in a few short weeks. God shines through my broken places & He is using lil ol me to lead a women’s conf at my church. I grew up a tomboy and I love getting my hands dirty and using power tools so what in the world is He doing putting me in front of a bunch of women to lead them in anything? Well we will soon find out. Some have asked if I’m nervous. I’ve never done anything like this and while I have flashes of anxiousness pop up I know it’s God who is in control because all of this is so much bigger than I am. I’m scared to share the broken places God has shown up in my life but I know that being obedient to what He is asking me to do will bring blessings. And that is how Jer 17:7 blessed me this week. By reminding me where my focus needs to be. For WAY too many years I struggled with trust issues so for me to live a life trusting fully 100% in something I can’t see or feel in the sense of our earthly senses is a miracle in itself. I praise God I’m blessed & would love ur prayers as we head into this conf just 3 weeks away. Thank you Renee for this study & thank you to all those participating and sharing your hearts here. I’m blessed to be on this journey with all of you. Praise the Lord!!!
I really enjoyed the song. What a blesssing it was! In Chad’s song I sensed God’s peace, love and Joy. Thanks for sharing.
Question 2
Insecurity has stopped me from communicating with people outside my circle.
Question 3
When doubt whispers, it makes me feel like a failure.
thank you for the music…made me reflect on the beauty of God’s presence in my life at all times, even when I don’t acknowledge Him. He never leaves me, I’m the one who turns away to look for other things to fill me up.
I do believe God has a purpose for me. I need to open my life up to His calling and leading. I need to stop, slow down, and let God lead. Again, thank you for sharing the music. Beautiful!
As i listened to this song i could sense the slowness of the start, but then see Chad’s smile as the peace built, it was truly beautiful, thanks so much for sharing a wonderful gift.
my answer for # 7: This verse has become so important to me! things around me (people and their moods and temperaments really) change all the time, but MY Lord is ever present and loving 🙂 no matter the circumstances, He is dependable and loving and my ROCK. this makes next week, and month and year so much more DOABLE and joyful for me 🙂 thank you for this study, it’s changed my life already.