So excited to start this “Confident Heart” journey with you!
The first thing I want you to remember: This is YOUR journey. You’ll be reading the chapters, listening to God speak to your heart, highlighting sentences, promises and quotes you want to remember and apply. You’ll be answering reflection questions and interacting with the group.
You’ll be doing the work of believing God!
I’ll be shepherding, leading, encouraging, connecting and pacing us. I’ll be sharing my heart and more of my story…because I want you to see you are not alone and give you courage to see and share yours. I’ll be praying for you and challenging you – but you’ll only get out as much as you put in.
Today, I asked the Lord what I needed to give up – so I can give more to Him – and this study. I immediately sensed Him whispering “work.” And I knew it was Him. I love my job and I’ve been working too many late night hours after the kids go to bed. So I’m cutting back the next several weeks to consecrate more of me TO HIM and to you!
What will you cut back on to make time for Him and yourself these next several weeks? I’m really going to challenge you and give you permission to block out at least a little bit of time each day to concentrate on replacing the OLD with the NEW He has for you! Ready? Here we go:
A Confident Heart Online Study (Day 1)
Read the Acknowledgements (I’ll explain tomorrow why I wanted you to do this).
Read Chapter 1. Please highlight verses and sentences that grab your attention or tug on your heart. What is God saying to you though this chapter? Write down what you sense God speaking to your heart in the margins of your book, or in a journal/notebook that you’ll use throughout this study.
A video message from my heart to yours is coming later tonight. I’ll post it on my website later since I’m not quite ready to post it yet. But I wanted to go ahead get this loaded so you can get started!
I’ll send an email and post on our Confident Heart Facebook page to let you know when the video is up and ready for viewing.
GROUP CHAT: What sentences in Chapter 1 resonate with you or tug at your heart?
Click “Share Your Thoughts” below (or click here and scroll to the bottom of this post) if you’re reading this via email).
Also, please share one or two on our Confident Heart Facebook Page or on Twitter (@reneesswope) using the hashtag #AConfidentHeart.
“Doubt keeps us from believing things can get better.” “Doubt and hope cannot live in our hearts at the same time.” Sometimes I feel overwhelmed, and I realize it’s because I have replaced my hope in God with the shadow of doubt. Thank you for this book and this study!
The forward, acknowledgements, and chapter One spoke loud. I’ve prayed the verse, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief” daily and found it written in a different way in the study. God wants us to believe that change is possible and life CAN be different. My earliest memory is that of my parents always fighting and thinking it was my fault because I wasn’t a “good enough” daughter. The “If only” internal conversation started very, very early in life. It was validated by my father’s comments that “I wasn’t pretty enough, no one would ever love me”, and so many others.
I have struggled with doubt and insecurity my whole life. What really struck my heart tonight as I read Chapter one is that God really does want me to be confident and bold. I feel like He is saying to me that it is time for change. Time to let Him heal me as only He can. And all I have to do is turn on the light.
Hey ladies. I’m so excited that God allowed me to find this study and after reading the first chapter, it was divine intervention. I haven’t been able to identify a specific sentence that really spoke to me because I could identify with all of it. I have second guessed myself in one way or another for the better part of my life. Inadequate. Silly. Stupid. Lonely. Foolish. Just a few words that have been used to describe me. Sadly, those words came from no one else. I said them to myself. This study is an answer to a prayer that has been said daily for many years. Now its time to change. Praying for all of us to have open hearts and minds.
My earliest menory of feeling self doubt and feeling insecure was when my Mom & Dad divorced and thinkng is was all my fault and worried about if we were going to be poor.I went looking in all the wrong places to prove I could be loved. I have since learned all I needed was to ask my Heavenly Father for the love I was seeking.
The things that jumped out to me while reading chapter one was on page 23 ~ As girls we need to know and believe that change is possible.I liked praying God.s word and that oneway God tells us that confidence will come is when we ask Him for what is alreasdy part of His will.
Looking forward to what this journey brings.
I am so looking forward to this book study. This past week I have felt a lot of self-doubt. See I have trouble with pronunciation of some words. My career, I have to speak alot in front of groups, and my supervisor told me this past week that due to the fact I have trouble with pronunciation of words it might keep me from advancing in my career. This has been the first time anyone had every said anyting about the way I talk. Boy has this left me with alot of self doubting and worthlless feelings. So right now I really can use this book.
Trust God’s plan for you!!
Father, please create in me a new heart. Send your Holy Spirit to fill me and free me. Help me, Lord Jesus, to trust you at work in my life this week. Thank you that when I invite you into my heart, I find you are already there. In Jesus name, Amen
I find it comforting to know that I am not the only one who has doubts and insecurities. In Chapter One when it said “Perhaps you are good at hiding your doubts and no one but you know the paralyzing power they have on your life” really hit home with me. I have struggled with doubt & insecurity most of my life. As a result many times I have paralyzed myself and simply do not have the confidence in myself to move forward. Doubt and insecurity had me convinced that my life would never change so why try. I’ve always believed in God but have never really believed God and his promises-I pray that God through this study will help me to overcome my doubt and insecurities and become all that He has called me to be!
Some sentences that I related to very well were: (pg 21 doubting you have what it takes to be a good mom.) I have 4 kids and home school them, and I feel I’m not a good mom most of the time. (pg 22, insecurity paralyzes us with statements) I feel paralyzed and that’s just the best word I can find for now.
pg 24 When I choose to dwell in the assurance of Whose I am and who I am in Him. Gave me something to focus on.
Also on page 24 to the top of 25 you talked a lot about what we are going to do. learn to depend on His heart, understand who God is and who we are in Him, identify triggers, learn how to live beyond, holding each of our insecurities up, and learn to actively trust. I’m hoping so much in these steps to learn how to deal with my doubt, depression, and negative thoughts.
Thank you
This study is also coming at a time that is so needed. I also loved the shadow story. I allow so much of my fear and insecurity to dictate my thoughts and even tear at my faith. No matter how much the Lord shows me over and over again how He is there with me thru ALL things, good or bad? I still question myself and His will. I look forward to this study of growth and trust!!
This first chapter spoke so much truth to me, and I was really tugged by the the last couple of sentences of the second to last paragraph on page 25. Where it mentions, “when we pray God’s words out loud, and hear them, the Holy Spirit engraves them on our hearts and writes them on our thoughts. We internalize God’s truth as our faith grows and we are transformed from the inside out.” This personally is my struggle. When I am in a battle and find myself seeking Christ, the enemy puts so much doubt in my mind, but the minute I start declaring God’s word out loud, those thoughts leave!
Hi Ladies, praying for all as we go through this study together and of course with our heavenly Father.
I have felt very much like not going and doing what I have been asked to do sometimes, staying home and ordering pizza sounds good but…..He does not want us to stay where we are when it comes to walking alongside Him.
Well……….I haven’t been able to read the first chapter as of yet…but on my way. Church service was off the chain this morning and then time with the family and then cell group.God sure shows up and moves like no other! Hope each of you had an AWESOME SONday in the Lord’s house.
I have read each of the comments and WOW…this is going to be a Godsome!! study!! I can’t wait 🙂
Have a Godtastic week everyone!!
There are a few things that popped out to me – Doubt has robbed me of joy – . The voice of insecurity cast shadows of doubt over our perspective & keep us from becoming women we want to be. Doubt and hope can not live in our hearts at the same time – I choose hope to be in my heart. And with choosing hope and having confidence in the Lord I will make changes in my life and become a more confident women.
Assignment from chapter 1 Study:
My primary remedy was to find someone or something that would make me feel secure and significant.— from lysa TerKeurst’s forward. Man, I’m doing that everyday and I need to figure out a way to stop and just let God be who He is supposed to be. As for Chapter 1: “Go ahead and give up, just close the book now and walk away” That struck me, hard! Let’s not give up, let’s go through with this study expecting something great to happen.
After my divorce 4 years ago I struggled with letting a man fill me, complete me, make me happy, instead of letting God heal my brokenness. I have grown some in the past year, but I want more of God. I want to be confident in the abilities God gave me and reach out to those who have gone through the same struggles I have. I want and need God more now than I ever have. With the insecurities I feel I haven’t been able to do much. I want to do more all for the glory of God.
I have been crying out to God for direction and discernment in a particular situation I’m going through. I kept thinking if I was where God wanted me to be it wouldn’t hurt so much and I wouldn’t be so unsure I was on the right path. I’ve been praying about the same thing for almost 2 years so I often think I’ve just misheard God and am only doing what I want not what God wants..after all if I was in His will things would change, right? Well today, like so often, I felt God tell me to trust Him, He was doing a new thing and it would be. When I read in A Confident Heart tonight that “God declares with confidence that things can change-See, I am doing a new thing” that gave me confidence that I do hear God and to keep persevering regardless of my pain and exhaustion!
I understand the struggle with hoping you are understanding God’s desire for you even though it is painful. I wonder every day if I am living God’s plan for my life. I am happy to have this “community” to remind me I am not alone and this wonderful book and Bible study to strengthen me!
I feel like I can be more transparent on the blog than posting on FB but will post there from time to time too. One thing that sticks out with me about self doubt is when I fully believe God is speaking to me and He continues to say it over and over but when I share with friends, the majority think I am nuts. I am sure I will share more about that later and in more detail. What continues to help me refocus is LT stating in one of her books that NO ONE but You knows what God says to you. So, all that said – Jeremiah 17:7 spoke to me. You asking God to take away your uncertaintys spoke to me as I have continually done the same thing for months. Isaiah 49:23 and especially Mark 9:23 – – All things are possible to her who believes. My struggle has been one day being rock solid sure of what He says, and the next day wondering if I made it up! I keep wavering. It’s not that I don’t believe Him, it’s me – – with the self doubt! Did He really say that or am I reading someting more into what I think I’ve heard?!?
That is completely fine. You do what is most comfortable for you. The blog is really where we’re going to gather in community, share our hearts, pray for each other and share some of our stories (as we feel led and comfortable) But, I’d love for us to encourage one another through FB by sharing quotes and verses so we can keep God’s truth and promises before us all day- and share them with others. 🙂
Thank u for sharing this because I feel the exact same way!!!!
Baby girls asleep and my video is loaded but YouTube said it would take a while before it’s processed so I”ll load it here in the morning. Night friends!!
Remember this….We’re all broken in some way but He chose us, adopted us, restored us and wants to do some something beautiful even in our brokenness — revealing His unfailing love in the midst of our failures and frailties. You are loved by an ALMIGHTY God!! His goodness makes you good enough!
Amazing Love, isn’t it?! That He created us, chose us, loves us…humbles me and fills me with joy!
“He’s led me beyond believing in Him to believing Him…..” pg.24
Wow that hit me like a Mack truck! Of course I believe IN God but I don’t always believe God. When he says he loves me, that he has a plan for my life or when he showers me in blessings all I can think is, ” but I’m not worthy Lord. I don’t deserve you or your love or your blessings.” He really opened my eyes with Renee’s statement. It’s not enough to believe in Him and love him. I need to believe Him and what he says and promises. I never realized that before. I find it kind of funny because of all people He is the only who isn’t going lie or exaggerate and here I am having trouble trusting what he says 🙂
You are not alone Candace – I think we all come to that realization and like you said – it hits us like a truck!! Oh that we would believe HIM and live like HIS promises are true in OUR LIVES – no matter what our circumstance or emotions tell us. We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing through CHRIST!!
I was struck by many of the same thoughts as others are mentioning, but one that I truly love is when you say “We’ll learn how to live beyond theshadows of doubt by holding each of our insecurities up to the light of God’s Word.” THAT excites me. It amazes me to think that there will be so many of us reading this book and journeying along together, but that regardless of what each of our insecurities or situations are, God’s Word sheds the TRUTH and LIGHT on them all! This is what truly matters-God’s Word, and shifting our thoughts to a God Perspective!
To trust him for my justice from all that has wronged me….Salvation is calling….Out with the OLD IN with the New!!!! More of him in his word and praise to shut the mouth of my enemies…
Thank you so much Renee, for leading all of us towards accepting God’s plan for us to be confident women!
Page 24 was the stand out for me, full of good stuff.
o “Some days I do better than others and you will too.” — Reassurance!
o “Are you ready to let his Word change the way you think, which will determine the way you feel and eventually transform the way you live (Romans 12:2)?”
[Romans 12:2b is → “let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” Need to say this one over and over and over!]
o “relying on the power of his words and living like they are true no matter what my feelings tell me.”
I have hopes (scary hopes), that I will let God transform me.
Pg. 23 – ” God doesn’t want us stuck in a cycle of defeat or living in the shadows of doubt.” I spent the last two years going through a divorce where I have ended up a single mom of three children who just turned 7, 4, & 2. I have grown so much during this difficult time & am still on a journey to find out my true value & worth. This sentence stuck out to me because I am learning to make decisions on my own and to stick by those decisions. I am learning how to talk to God more & more and trust what He leads me to do. Since I don’t have a spouse to pray and discuss my decisions with, I doubt myself. I want to learn how to be solely dependent on God and to trust what he tells me and leads me to do.
It was easy for me to identify with all the insecurites from the beginning. I was adopted and found out when I was nine, I couldn’t understand how anyone could abandon a little girl and carrying on with their own life. I felt hurt, heartache, isolated, alone, deserted, and confused. At the same time there has always been a Savior there to help me sort things out and believe in him. However, I have found myself at time wonder if he REALLY love Me. It’s just plain ole me, nothing special, no one knows if I am around and won’t know when I leave. How could God care so much for me. I should be proud of whom he is and that I belong to him but yet and still he has to continue to conveince me. I am looking so forward to truly believing and finding the one and only friend that is there for me regardless. That is something I don’t have right now. Thanks Renee for talking the lead on this one. God Bless
Kristie, I like you have suffered with the insecurites that come from “rejection” in childhood. My parents divorced when I was five and my mother gave me up in exchange for the house. I did not grow up with her and it’s been 34yrs since I’ve seen her. I can feel and understand your pain. Kristie, don’t ever doubt God’s love for you. You are so worthy of His love. Your circumstances can never separate you from His love. ” Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:39
You are so special to Him. I pray that you will grow in a deeper revelation of Christ love. Seek Him, and find your confidence in Him. Also, remember you are NOT alone. I pray that through this study God will connect you with friendships that will help and encourage you in your journey.
Thank you so much for you wonderful words of encouragement. As I was reading back over this I felt ashamed of the way I feel. God supplied me with wonderful parents and very loving extended family. I have three children of my own and grandchildren that I probably suffocate from fear of losing them. My mom passed away when I was 33 and my dad when I was 39, even at that age and being grown didn’t keep me from feeling like a little orphan girl. I still go through periods of waking up in this pantic of them not being here with me. I struggle with loss and fear of being alone. So, thank you again for your sweet words. I do pray this study helps me to realize I will never be alone, and learn to face my fears with the confidence God has instilled within me. I just have to figure out how to tap into that confidence.
… with all the comments shared…I must say…”I am not alone”…..and ever so thankful to be apart of such a group of so many special women who desire to be closer to our Lord Jesus!
Onward to turning to Him… ” the light of the world”.
What stood out to me was how fear and doubt paralyzes us and stops us from being all that God is calling us to be. “Self-doubt blocks the promise of God’s power and truth to change us from the inside out so that we can live with a confident heart.” pg22
God is about to do a “new thing” in each and everyone of us through this study. I can sense it in my spirit. We need to stop listening to the lies and start believing God’s promises for our lives. We are loved, so loved by our God. He is calling us unto Himself. We are His Beloved, and He’s calling us to come away with Him and discover the fullness, and depth of His love. That’s where we will find our confidence…in the revelation and encounter of His love. I love you all and I’m happy to be on this journey with you!!
I’m terrified, daily. I work with two ladies who constantly put me down and criticize the way I do things. I’m not stupid and have run an entire department once with fluid know-how. Now at this job, their comments have become prophetic as my anxiety rises from being disliked/taunted and demeaned in front of other coworkers, I can’t seem to think clearly to do my job. It will be a hard journey to drown out their words and embrace/replace them with the Words of God.
Becca, I am so sorry you are going through such a hard time with your co-workers. I will pray for you. Hang in there!
I will keep you in my prayers Becca – I have been right where you are and know exactly how you feel.
Im praying for you Becca. I”m so glad you are here and God knew it was just what you needed. I have a feeling those co-workers might be jealous and threatened by you. That is no way for a person to act so it doesn’t reflect your inadequacy but their not-so-nice hearts.
Remember Jesus was falsely accused and so mistreated. You can live in the power of HIS love as you remember you are not alone. He understands and HE is with you. Do what HE did and focus on the Father’s love. Claim and pray the promises all throughout chapter One.
Tomorrow we have a free download to print and put up all around us. Also, chapter 12 has a whole chart full of truth to copy and take with you. Keep HIS word ever and always with you. Just keep speaking truth to your heart and drown out their accusations.
I’ve said a prayer for you as well as your two co-workers. Just know you’ve got a pretty big support group here!!!
Like the others, I already submitted a prayer for you. My mother is going through the same thing presently, so I have a short Psalm for you – Psalm 64. It is “on the money!” Know God is a God who SEES! In due time you will see Him work things out for your good.
“We can be confident we are praying God’s will when we pray God’s Word”…pg.25 “When we pray God’s words out loud, and hear them, the Holy Spirit engraves them on our hearts and writes them on our thoughts.”
Amen. This isn’t something we should pass over without grasping onto power of what it can do for us.
The whole Table of Contents is speaking to me, to be honest! But two things really stood out. First, as others have mentioned, is what Renee says about the lies that the world tells us: “If only I had____,I’d be so secure and fulfilled.” Even though I KNOW this is a lie, and that “the reality is, every single thing the world offers is temporary,” I fall into this trap so easily. I am a reluctant military wife and I have struggled with the long separations that come with military life. I often think “If only he were here…” “If only he could be fulfilled another way…” Even knowing they are lies doesn’t make those tapes go away! Which leads me to the second thing that really stood out, which is the distinction between believing IN God and believing God–similarly, believing “in” what the scripture says about marriage and trials and truly BELIEVING what it means and that it applies in all situations. One small word makes a big difference!
I have struggled with self doubt for as long as I can remember, and I’ve prayed asking Him to help me in this area of my life. When I received an e-mail from P31 Ministries announcing this study, and I couldn’t help but smile! I caught Him answering my prayer! 😉 Jeremiah 17:7 and Hebrews 10:35-36 really spoke to me today! I’m so excited to begin this study, and I look forward to embracing His truths! I pray for Renee as she leads us during the following weeks. May God bless her and give her wisdom and confidence each day as she ministers to us. And I pray for each of us participating in this study, that we may be open to what is presented and receive God’s truths; believing that He wants us to live with confidence!
“He’s led me beyond believing in Him to believing Him by relying on the power of His words and living like they are true.”
This is a concept I struggle with, but when I read that something clicked and I get that even Satan believes in God, I need to believe what he says and stop believing my emotions.
Also,the doubt and hope can’t live in our hearts at the same time. That’s pretty powerful, I have to let one go…obviously.
I always feel like I fail at everything I do. The sentence about praying to become a mother and then doubting that I am a good mom was so true for me. I am glad I am not alone in those feelings.
I think for me the part that really resonated with my heart was the statement that “God declares things can change” and the scripture references that followed it. I had to stop at that point and really allow these verses to sink deep into my heart. I have written each of these verses down, and am going to continue to meditate on them for the next couple of days to really try and allow these truths to become real in my heart.
“… doubt and hope cannot live in our hearts at the same time.” This is what sticks out to me, because I feel one can have hope about some things and doubt about others. I am eager to learn more about what this statement means.
The unknown is scare and the miserable too familiar but familiar is comfortable – how true.
“If God calls you to do something, shouldn’t you feel confident about it?” This would seem to be the natural conclusion of the if/then statement, wouldn’t it? Therefore, is the doubt in the ability or the calling?
“I mean if God calls you to something shouldn’t you feel confident about it? Shouldn’t you want to do it? Shouldn’t self-assurance be a part of God’s equipping?” I’ve answered yes to all of these questions and steered clear of God’s direction too many times. I sense God using this study to get me to trust His spirit like I never have before. I’m so tired of doubt, and of going through the motions. I want to “rely on the power of His words.”
The sentences that stood out to me was “my doubt was distorting my thoughts and overpowering my emotions with confusion and questions. The shadow of doubt had become bigger that what I doubted–myself”.
if we totally depend on God to work in our lives, doubt would not have taken up so much space,but has we read when we turn away from the Light we are faced with the shadow of doubts.
Only God can give true confidence.
The statement in Chapter One that was life-changing for me is that I want to move “beyond believing IN Him to really BELIEVING Him by relying on the power of His Words and living like they are true no matter what my feelings tell me.” I have no doubts that I am a Christian. I have believed in him. But I have not been living like I BELIEVE Him. I am going to claim His promises for my life and not let my feelings or my circumstances control my self-confidence and joy in the Lord!
I totally agree!! It seems to simple to take out the word “in”, but truly living by believing Him is transformational.
Yes it is!!!
“Self-doubt blocks the promise of God’s power and truth to change us from the inside out so that we can live with a confident heart.” (page 22) I’m practicing blocking the self-doubt instead of God’s promises. ALSO, praying God’s Word is LIFE CHANGING!
Thank you, Renee. Love and Prayers.
All the witnessing – how blessed we are – God working through you Renee, reaching out to all of us. Pg. 24 – Looking for a friend you can trust with the things of your heart – my whole life (64 years) – Here I am LORD, It is I LORD looking for a confident heart.
The part of chapter one that was particularly meaningful to me was “Yet, doubt and hope cannot live in our hearts at the same time. . . We need to hope that life can be different. Otherwise, doubt will win every time and our hearts will be eroded by attitudes and emotions of defeat–but it is not supposed to be this way.”
It can be all too easy to fall into a pattern of hopelessness and defeat, and I need to constantly remind myself that God did not create me to live like that.
Two thoughts stuck with me. “Perhaps you are good at hiding your doubts and no one but you know the paralyzing power they have on your life.” Wow….so true for me. I hide my feelings from most of the people in my life, and yes doubt has a paralyzing power!
“As God’s girls we need to know and believe that change is possible. We need to hope that life can be different.” Doubt and insecurity have often convinced me that things in my life will never change or get better. I so needed to hear those words.
Jeremiah 17:7
So excited to hear and learn more of what God wants me to learn.
The first major thing that struck me was Renee talking about the way we stay past the time we should stay in something, because we know our current misery well but are terrified to venture into unfamiliar territory, even if it would be beneficial. I’ve been staying in a very toxic, miserable job for almost 12 years. While I’ve been earning my bachelor’s degree & graduate degree online, and have done some job searching, I often find myself doubting it will ever happen. I wonder, with the opposite of confidence, whether I’ll ever be able to find something new. I have doubts creep up telling me I picked the wrong majors and will have incurred school debt and long hours for naught. I lack confidence that if I do find something new it will pay enough or be satisfying. I feel doubtful more than confident and terrified I’ll be jumping out of the frying pan into a worse fire. I find myself in turmoil and confusion, not knowing where to turn next. I wonder if paths I’ve chosen were paths Satan urged me to take, or my selfish flesh urged me to take. I question whether I’m following God’s will or making a horribly wrong turn! How can I have hope when all these doubts fill my mind and heart? I do derive comfort from Isaiah 43:19 but then wonder if I’m getting in the way.
You may also find comfort in Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.” To me that means that even though I have taken the wrong path, God will use it for His good works. We just need to turn towards the light and let go of our doubts. I am praying that this will lead me there also.
I tried to pick one part that spoke to me. But my message was more broad. Rejection, insecurity, doubt, disappointment and abandonment – all themes discussed in this first chapter and they pull at every heart string I have. I hear voices telling me that there is something wrong with me at the core of who I am and that it will never get better.
But what I heard in the chapter tonight is that He can and WILL deal with all of those feelings. (paraphrased a bit) ” Those who hope in ME will NOT be disappointed … His Word will change the way I think, which will determine the way I feel and eventually transform the way I live”. So there is hope and there is another way to be. I have been putting my hope and my trust in the wrong places. It needs to be with God and he will lead me to the right paths. As the prayer said, (put in first person) “I will persevere so that when I have done the will of God, I will receive what he has promised.”. What an uplifting and inspiring start. So long since I’ve had hope that it could be different.
Hi, I guess the one thing that really spoke to me the most was that one about only seeing the shadow, because you turned away from the light. I have to keep focused on the Lord at all times. The scripture I picked was Is.49:23 “Those who hope in me will never be disappointed.”
It is so easy to constantly turn from the Light and be confused by huge, dark, confusing shadows of doubt. God’s probably whispering, “Turn back to the Light my sweet daughter!” Yet I find myself floundering in darkness and forgetting how logical it would be to just turn to the Light!
I want to start with a thank you, for sharing such an inspiring book and online study to go along with it. Just the title of the book is an encouragement. I hope to come away with insights I’ve never had before and to be a strong woman of God. I’ve always lacked self confidence and have never had the courage to do much. I am hoping to build myself up with the help of your book and Gods will to become the person God has for my life.
“When self-doubt tells me I can’t overcome my insecurities, I will believe Your promise that all things are possible to whoever believes”.
That is a powerful statement. I need His reassurance daily. I seek him more now than I ever have in my whole life. I realized at 47 yrs of age that I need Him more than anything, things or person of this world. He has become first in my life.
The sentence that resonates with me is, “He’s led me beyond believing in Him to really believing Him by relying on the power of His words and living like they are true no matter what my feelings tell me.” Two job losses and spending too long in a bad relationship have left me with little self confidence. On one hand, perhaps God has taken my self confidence from me so that I can depend on His confidence and not mine (as Jeremiah 17:7 says). On the other hand, my lack of confidence often leads me to believe that God’s promises don’t apply to me. I turn the promises around in my mind to justify this thinking: I’m often disappointed, so I must not be one of the ones who hopes in him. I don’t see God working for good in my life, so I must not be called. Etc. I don’t think this way all the time, but I’m certainly ready to put the doubt behind me and live in God’s confidence.
Claudia – You are right where I am – 2 job losses – This study will help both of us – God will do good work in our lives!
This is the sentence that ‘hit’ me too…’He’s led me beyond believing IN Him to really believing HIM by relying on the power of His words and living like they are true no matter what my feelings tell me.’
Our feelings will come and go, moan and groan…but our GOD NEVER changes!
I think I’ve always had this ‘abnormal’ fear of God…not a godly fear…therefore I believed the judgements but I couldn’t bring myself to believe that the promises were a part of this too. I find it waaaaaay to easy to see the ‘negatives’ in life…my life…it’s only been over the last year that I’ve realized how merciful our great God is. However, I still REALLY struggle with this…which is why when I read about this Bible study it sounded just like something I needed…I thank our God for you Renee!
Doubt frequently whispers to me, despite my faith, despite my intelligence, despite all common sense, so many times the shadows take over and overcome the light of God. I pray that this book and bible study helps me to always reach for the light.
Hi there – thanks so much for Chapter 1 – it was me down to a tee!! I’m now on the journey from believing in Him to Believing Him. I live in New Zealand and am unable to purchase the book from here until February (I’ve ordered it) but I look forward to doing the study be it a few weeks behind the rest of you!