Today is another day where I can’t just write what I want to say – I need to “show and tell” you. In today’s short video message below I share how God walked me through a process of looking back with courage – so I could move forward with hope. He helped me identify things I didn’t even know were affecting me and gently led my heart on a journey towards freedom – showing me how to of let go of the pain from my yesterdays so I could live with confident hope in my todays… and tomorrows.
{Are you a note-taker? If so, I created “Video Message Notes” in a PDF format here or in a MSWord doc here, just for you. Even included key verses and blanks to fill in.} 🙂
Today’s Giveaway:
I’m giving away 3 Confident Heart gift packs for 3 of you. Each one includes a copy of my book, A Confident Heart {for you or a friend?}, my “Rest Assured” message on CD and a Starbucks gift card!
Let’s Connect {and how to enter today’s drawing}:
I’d love to hear how God speaks to you through today’s video message… and this is an easy way to enter today’s giveaway too. Just click “share your thoughts” right below this post and do just that. I’ll be here reading and praying over each of you and your stories. {Also, I know the timelines I encourage you to create might sound overwhelming or scary, so I recorded a little video message to talk/walk you through that process – If you’d like to hear more click here to watch it after you share your thoughts below.}
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Renee I want to thank you for sharing your struggles with us. I have a lot of issues with my husband that I feel will never be resolved for he committed adultry and conceived a child out of the affair. I struggle to let God take control of the situation. I leave it in His hands and then I take it back. It has been almost 4 years since I found out and though it isn’t as painful as it was when I found out, I still feel devasted about what my husband did. I still haven’t fully forgiven him and I hold a lot of bitterness and resentment towards him. I found out about his other child when she was already 3 years old. She is the same age as our youngest child we have together. I am at the stage where I just want to separate and move on. But then I listen to people like you and how you put all your Trust into God. I try, but as I said I stuggle. Reading your book is an eye and heart opener.
I can’t tell you have much you have touched a very tender spot in my heart right now. Thank you for sharing not only from your heart… but for sharing your heart. May GOD bless you as you have ministered to others. I know that there is much I need to pray thru with GOD.
God Bless You Renee!! I thought I was the only one that felt that way. I too did not have a good relationship with my father. I was married for 14 yrs and my marriage failed and I still do not know how it did. I have since then remarried and I am so exactly like the way you said you used to be. I am controlling, critical and so so bitter. Sometimes I do not even give my husband a chance. It’s like I am taking out my past happenings on him and he doesn’t deserve it. Our marriage is not perfect but who’s is? I feel like the problems we have stems from my past hurts and my mind set is that nobody is ever gonna hurt me again. The the reality is that I am the one that is doing all the damage. I pray everyday for God to help me let it go, because I want a good life, I want to feel whole. I cried the entire time I was watching your video. Thank you so much for sharing. There is light at the end of the tunnel after all. Please pray for me in your daily prayers.
Thank you for sharing Kimberly! There is a lot of power in the truth of Renee’s book and her message.
I am also praying for you that God will strengthen you in the journey of healing and awakening!
Thank you for sharing your words with me today. God used you to get this message to me. I also come from a broken home. My father was a huge disappointment. To top things off, my high school sweetheart, whom I married after college, left me when I was nine months pregnant with our daughter. He disappeared from our lives. I don’t believe I ever truly grieved this loss because I had to focus on caring for a newborn. I tried to move on, clinging to God for dear life. I remarried years later and gave birth to a precious baby boy. My marriage, though, has been very difficult. My husband struggles with depression. He is often rude, and emotionally disconnected. I’ve often wondered if I should even stay in this marriage. I feel that I harbor resentment, and I don’t want to end up with bitterness in my heart. Jeremiah 29:11 (I have this on my screensaver) reminds me that there IS a light at the end of this tunnel. I pray for the Lord’s guidance every day and throughout the day. My daughter, now a preteen, loves to sing, and sang a worship song to me last night about fighting the unseen forces that try to bring us down. It’s called “We’re Waging War”. Between her song, and your words, I feel God is reaching out to me. Thank you for giving me hope.
On occasion, I have a horrible pain rise up into my throat and I do all I can to push it back down. It is so real that it leaves my throat sore because the lump is bigger than my throat can handle. I fight and fight to keep back the tears. You message today, May 16, and this video clip, help me realize that I’ve never even been able to have a true relationship with the Lord because of my past. It is so hindering my future with the Lord. I, like you, have been praying and asking the Lord what is causing this but in all honesty, I’ve not had the courage to look at so this morning, after reading your devotional, I told the Lord I want to hear the truth. I admit I’m afraid, but I so want an intimate relationship with the Lord, which I have never had with anyone in my life. There is a fear that it’s too late because I’m 58, but I remember Moses. I, too, come from a broken home and never knew my father living with us. I did know him and saw and spoke to him over the years, but it wasn’t a father/daughter relationship. Anyway, I found some hope in this message today and although I’m afraid of being hurt and disappointed again, I pray for strength and courage for just the next step only . . . nothing more . . . just the next step. What I became was not who I was created to be so thank You Lord for giving me hope today for my future with you through your daughter.
Wow! How did it take me so long to find your website/blog and to discover A Confident Heart? I need to read this whole book … and I need to read it soon! Thank you Renee!
I subscribe to Proverbs 31 email devotional, and I read your devotional this morning. I wanted to tell you thank you SO much for your devotional you wrote. I’ve been struggling a lot with finding a job, and feeling rejected, but your devotional really helped me this morning. I just have to trust that God will find something for me.
Thanks for guiding me through the reading of this book, it helps me in the moment I feel stuck. I find myself getting closer to God as I read the book and the videos along with your emails. you mention your situation with your husband in this video and it took me to the season I’m living right now. My husband and I are currently separated, going on four months but I have come to realize that it’s thru God that my healing will come, not my husband. its been a tough journey but I am still believing and know that God has a plan and a purpose for our life.
Thank you so much for sharing your heart in this devotion. The past couple of months have been really hard on me and my family. I started as a young Christian on fire for Jesus, however life has taken its toll and a lot of hurt has happened. I feel like every devotion I read is one more day of God calling me close, reminding me of His great truths and promises that I apparently have forgotten. I need to be reminded that I can trust God, even when there is nobody else I can trust in, because they’re not trustworthy or literally smearing my name in the dirt. Because that is truth. I appreciate you bringing up bitterness because it truly has clouded my vision. I hope today I can let some of that go, and rest in the comfort of my God. That He sees where I am, cares, and hopes to make new things.
This video was exactly what I needed today. I have had so much healing from the hurts and wounds of my past, but right now God is taking me deeper and it involves my marriage and resentment I have realized I held toward my husband. We have been married over 40 years and there have been a lot of good times, but also a lot of hard times as well. He is ill and critical of seemingly almost everything I do or say. And I was totally losing all hope. Even tho I am crying out to God. This video and the quote from page 81 …”As we process the pain of our yesterdays and live through the disappointments of our todays, doubts may still creep up, threatening to steal our hope. But each time that happens, we can stop and seek God in that place. We can ask Him to show us His purpose by revealing what is true about who we are and what we have been through to make us start doubting.”
Then we can ask Him to help us re-define our future, not through the filter of our past and pain, but through the power of His life-giving truth. And do you know what happens when we do that moment by moment, day by day, doubt by doubt? God tells us in Jeremiah 29:14, “I will be found by you…”
We find Him again and again. We find the One who longs to lead us out of captivity to our doubts into a place of freedom and hope. God’s love is not only unfailing, it redeems and restores. His Truth cuts to the core of our struggles, bringing purpose to our pain, redemption from our past and hope for our future!
Was exactly what my heart needed to hear today. I have got to continue to walk in love and forgiveness. I can not continue to be upset, or get angry or bitter. I still do not see how God will do that, but somehow listening to your video gave me a stirring of hope again.
Thank you.
Renee, Thanks for being so real. There have been studies I have been through that I just cannot connect with, because the leader seems to have the perfect life. Your book and words have encouraged me to continue on processing my painful past, and begin removing my mask of “everything’s fine.” Thank you, thank you dear girl!
Thank you for sharing your heart with us. It is always encouraging to know that others go through the same doubts and questions that I have. I am older now but I have had doubts about being good enough. But as I have grown older I have found out that only through Jesus can I be good enough. I can’t do it on my own, I have to rely on God to lead me every step of the way. Sometimes he takes me out of my comfort zone, but when I obey Him then I get the blessing I would have missed. One of my daughters has been going through a rough time and she has been struggling. She is a widow with 3 young children and I know that things get overwhelming for her at times. I would love for her to have your book. If I don’t win, I will buy it for her.
Thank you for your words of encouragement. Chapter 4 is a difficult one. But, I believe God has prepared my heart to receive this call to action because there are pains in my past that I have buried and not dealt with. I am excited for this journey and thankful for the confidence in Him to move forward!
It’s a struggles sometimes, trying to let go of the past and trust people from those past hurts, but God and my faith in him as been helpful. Along with sharing with my sisters in Christ.
Thank you for sharing your message on today. It truly was a message that I needed to read and share with my family this morning. My prayer is that I releass all doubt and trust more in the Lord. Keep up the good work and please pray for my family. Love, Berthina, Adrian, Tisha, Meshia, AJ, & Brandon
Renee: I too have struggled with demons from my past. I have been unemployed since November 2011- the longest ever. I can only believe that God has other plans for me and my family. The 2 prior lay offs- I found a job within 6 weeks- however, that is not the case this time. God is providing all my needs and I am giving him back a portion as always. My walk, readings and talking to Him has increased since Februrary and it feels good to trust HIM in all that I do.
I till struggle daily with anxiety and depression and short temperment withmy children- but I know I am much better since I have released so many things.
Thank you for your encouragement and life story.
Many blessings
I don’t ever remember reading the Jeremiah verses that follow His promise for giving us a hope and a future. This chapter is the perfect application of those verses. Thank you.
Th Lord put your message today on my heart to share with a good friend who is “hungry”for Gods words. She is now attending a great church..working on healing her marriage. I am going to share your message today with her! Thanks!
I have not had a lot of positive influences in my life, partly because I did not seek them. So I have a lot of baggage God has been showing me through this study. Thank you Renee for coming along side of us and being a great influence and mentor.
As I read your encouraging words and then listened to them spoken out oud, I felt “hope” again. I am at a place in my life where I am being haunted by rejection. Not so much in my marriage, but in my own heart, which bleeds it in other areas which at times includes my marriage. The scripture focus and your words helped me to see, be reminded and BELIEVE in my heart that God DOES have a future planned for me in His kingdom. Although I have alot of emotional doubts and fears to work thru, I just want to finally get to that place where I can feel God’s confidence in me. Thank you for going there first, otherwise all of us women that you’ve touched thru your post today, would be that much farther from knowing God’s plans for our lives are good and full of hope and a future in Him. God bless you, Renee.
What you’ve shared makes a lot of sense. I guess my question/fear is: what if I can’t hear what God is trying to tell me? Both my husband and I have been praying about some things and asking God to please show us what He wants of us, and it has been hard to discern a response.
Thank you for sharing your words of truth and encouragement! I am praying and working through my unreal expectations I heap on my husband. I have been so critical towards him. Your words and insight in chpt 4 have brought focus to my prayers and direction toward healing in my marriage and family.
Thank you Renee, all of the Proverbs 31/Encouragement for Today team & all the previous commenters. It encourages me (and it must you too) to know that so many are blessed and encouraged by God’s heart through your words. I too am walking through this process with God & a spiritual mentor and counselor trying to uncover and deal with past issues, beliefs formed from circumstances and doubts and find my identity in Christ not my past. It has been and is a difficult and painful journey. I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home and I grew up without the pain of divorce or abuse but in a controlling environment filled with rules and expectations. I then have been married for almost 18 years to a good man but one who also has controlling expectations. Then he was in a 4- wheeler accident 6 years ago that caused severe head trauma that, praise God, he completely recovered from, but this left him with a different filter, personality, depression, and short term memory loss that has prevented him from maintaining gainful employment for any more than 4 months at a time. So many things have caused me to lose my trust, and reliance in him and I am struggling trying to get to know his ever-changing mind that I feel bitter, resentful, disrespected in our past that I don’t feel like I can give myself fully to him right now until I work through these feelings and get to a healthier place. I have also asked and asked for him to go to counsel as well and he keeps putting it off. I have hope and am hanging onto that with every ounce of energy I have left.
Jer 29:14 spoke to me, often times I feel like I’m in captivity. I was encouraged with your devo and especially enjoyed your talk last year at she speaks.
I read your daily devotion on Encouragement for Today which then led me to this video. Powerful! The personal things you shared about your disappointments in your past family life and how it affected you now in your marriage relationship with your husband was like a picture of myself. My parents were divorced and my father was never around and I too try to control my husband and make him be what I wanted so badly for my father and family to be. I didn’t even realize where that was coming from. So I’ve made my list, I have several things on it and your right, there are tears. I know as I take these things to the Lord and let him walk through them with me, he will reveal to me his healing power and give me hope for the future. Thank you so much for sharing and caring.
Thank you for sharing a part of your journey with us. I have been struggling to keep my head above water for years now. God has been leading me into a deeper relationship with Him over the last 5 or 6 years but it seems the deeper we go the more satan turns up the heat. He has attacked my children and my grandchildren. I have been led to places I never imagined myself going. I have had to visit my own child in prison, I am now raising my 4 granddaughters, and believe it or not there is more. My husband and I have remained steadfast in our faith but still the questions come, “WHY?”
Your devotional was God ordained “for such a time as this” In everything God had for me today in my quiet time He put them together in such a way that I was truly blest. It started with 2 Samuel 22 & 23 &Ps. 557 to my God’s Minute devotional, to your testimony. What an Awesome God we serve.
Thank you for your heartfelt words and always knowing what weighs on my have definately been given a gift from God!
It feels as though I have come full circle. 3 years ago, I lost my marriage, and then my job. Moved my children and self back home to live with my Mom while I picked up the pieces. Found a man who loves Jesus, and we are to be married next month. Due to budget cuts, I may lose my job again, along with several others. Feeling very hopeless and wondering what I haven’t learned that God has brought me here again. My son’s first year of Kindergarten has been so traumatic, we learned he has a learning disability and have been working hard to help him gain ground. My insurance through work covers my daughter’s braces. We live in a very rural area, and jobs are not plentiful.
This is my first time to read your comments. They touched me and made me realize that I too have issues with past hurts. God has impressed on me that I need to work on them. As you stated, it will not be easy and the road will be long but I press on to know what He has in store for me. Thank you for your willingness to share and your open heart to help. I have also been had the desire to be involved in a Bible study and I see that yours is offered here. How great He is!
Thank you for the encouragement..Amazing hire this affect us that we don’t .if we are willing to go deeper in faith they slowly bubble to the surface so they can be dealt with!
Thank you for sharing what God put on your heart today. It is something I very much struggle with from time to time and currently am in the season of life God has me placed today. As a newly wed I know God has great plans for my husband and I it is just hard to look past so much of the unknown in our life right now. What a great reminder today and thank you so much.
Thank you for speaking the truth through your words. We all have pain in our past and present, but it is what we do with it & through it that defines how/what we believe to be true. The evil one preys on us because we threaten him. How empowering is that…..we threaten the evil one! Through His grace we have been redeemed! He does prevail, but only if we let Him in to our mess. It can be used for good.
Your message really struck my heart hard. I didn’t realize the expectations I too had of my husband because of what I failed to get from my father and now see he can’t make up for my dad. I have a wonderful husband who has stuck with me, I owe him a heartfelt apology. Thank you for opening my eyes.
Thank you for your post today “If God loves me, why…?” Sometimes, especially lately, I have asked God that very question. For years and years I longed to have children of my own. I thought it was something that would never happen. Then, 8 years ago God blessed me with my daughter. Since then I have been blessed with 2 sons. I love all 3 of them more than anything. But, I struggle with my daughter. She battles me on everything that she can. So much so that I am truly ashamed of my feelings and reactions to her behavior. The thing is, I don’t understand why behaves the way she does and I really don’t understand why God gave me such a difficult child when he knows how I struggle with impatience and anger. Even as I sit her writing this, I feel guilty and ashamed for these feelings and thoughts that I have. I just wish he would show us both how to deal with our anger and frustrations in a better way. I don’t want to fight with her day in and day out. I just want to love her and raise her to be the wonderful person that I know she is. I pray that God will show me His will for my life so that I can learn to be a better person, a better mother. Thank you for reading this. It helps me to know that I am not alone. God bless you and your family Renee.
Oh how I feel for my sweet husband for having to put up with my past. My past that included an abusive 1st husband. I know there are many things I need to let God work through with me.
Thank you for your message today!
I think every woman needs to hear this message. Because we all have pain in our past, and most of us don’t know what to do with it. But I love the truth that God can redeem our past, redeem our pain, and turn it all into something wonderful. What a message of hope! I know this was a truth I was a long-time in learning, and it’s still a process. Thanks for sharing, and for pointing us to Christ.
so true that we are all in the same boat- broken people who need The Healer!
Thank you for sharing this message. I love the verse in Jeremiah 29: 11 and have shared it often. I do a Bible Study with 2 women who are older and are new believers who have some of these things you mentioned in their past and it has totally held them back from being able to move forward in their life. One in particular has passed the anger and bitterness on to her daughter. You put it so much better than I could have that I am going to play it for them this week when we meet. God is so good as it dovetails so well with what we will be discussing this week.
Thank you for allowing God to work through you.
Thank you for today’s message. I’ve been praying lately to see God’s plan for me. What an exciting promise!
Thank You for your thoughts today.They were very encourageing.I went throught some really hard times in my younger years also.Raped by a brother several times,malested by three other men,and used by a young man my age in my neighborhood.(The one good thing that come from pain of young man was a beautiful baby son).But what I wanted to tell you was the biggest encouragement I have recieved was when I asked my Pastor why God would let me go through all that pain and not stop it.Where was God then.And his responce was “God was with you the whole time.He felt every pain you felt,shed every tear with me when you was hurting”That has helped be so much.Even tho I did not know God then It was helped me to have such great comfort knowing that he was with me and I was not totally alone (alltho I sure feel totally alone then) just know God now and his love for me and knowing he was with me has erased all the loneliness I felt back then.And helped me love my awesome God even more.Thanks for letting me scare this today.
Renee, I have been doing your Bible study of Confident Heart. What means the most to me, is to know that you, as well as so many other women, feel/have felt the same way I do. Morning after morning, I struggle with my confidence, in my roles as a Christian, wife, mother, daughter, friend. It seems that every day, I need to start my life over. My hope and prayer is that as I do my daily Bible reading, study on God’s word, improve my “pitiful” prayer life, that every day will no longer be a struggle. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and struggles with me in your book. I do hope to be selected to win a copy of your book; I have a dear, dear friend, who also struggles as I do…my wish is to give that copy to her. Bless you, Renee, for sharing your life…it greatly helps me feel that I am not all alone.
Hi Rebecca
I agree with you and feel as you do most of my time! This study and reading what all the other ladies are sharing is very encouraging to me, thanks for sharing where you are too!
With each day – I feel more and more hopeful that God will brings us all to the FREEDOM IN HIM we all desire!
Once again God has used you to pierce directly to my heart! Thank you for hearing from Him and continuing to minister His word!
I would love to receive your book and find out more.
I read your message on Encouragement for Today Devotions and because I felt there was so much truth to what you said, I decided to check your blog as well. When I got closer to God, I wanted so much to just ignore my past, I couldn’t see anything valuable in it and the few good I could find there was wrapped up so much in all the pain that I felt there was no point digging through to them. But God wouldn’t let me, he startled me by telling me quite plainly the most destructive of my past habits, how terrible I felt about it and the possibility of a relapse if I do not face them and deal with them the way HE wants me to.
At that moment, I remember feeling exposed, embarrassed and ashamed. But God took me through the process one little step at a time and He is still on it actually and though I’ve not had any instantaneous dealings from Him (except for that shocking moment He told all my past to my face), I’ve seen myself evolve very gently into the woman I know He wants me to be – courageous and bold, humble and empathetic and I’m certain I will discover more with time and let me add that I completely believe your whisper of hope – “If you are living and breathing, your purpose has not yet been fulfilled. No matter what you have done or what has been done to you, God does have a plan for your life”. Thank you.
Hi Renee,
I have been feeling “stuck” for quite a while now. Unfulfilled dreams and desires, feeling that at 55 years old my lot in life is to stay in my job that is unsatisfying, and to care for my aging mother. I so desire to let God back in wholly and completely, instead of shying away and feeling a little resentful of where He has me right now. Why is that so hard? Why do we know what is good for us, yet it seems to be the one thing we avoid? Why do we tend to self-destruct, when we have healing within our reach?
I think your book and Bible study is for me. I’m going to work on that!
I appreciate you.
We appear to be in the same boat…unfulfilled dreams, feeling stuck, feeling weary…I know I need help! Sending prayers your way, Mary Sue….
Hi Renee,
It is 5am, and an hour ago I could not sleep, so I figured it was a good idea to get up and read some devotions. I’m so glad I did because I was led to your devotion for today, and then your video. You have spoken right to my heart. I believe I need to take a peek into my past to see why I have these constant doubts, particularly in my marriage. You have encouraged me today to search deeper with God, with my past hurts and disappointments. I don’t know just yet how to go about it, but I am encouraged by your words, “It’s a moment by moment process of coming to Him, talking to Him, believing He listens and letting Him love us into a place of hope and healing.” I’ll trust He’ll walk with me through the process, and as He heals and reveals His plans, I can walk with confidence (without a double mind) towards my future.
Thank you so much….
I am so grateful for you always sharing your heart and allowing to know we are not the only ones that struggle with the Whys? I was in an abusive marriage for 20 years and finally found enough courage to divorce him after I found out that my children had also been abused. I have went to a counselor who is Christian and would pray before and after our sessions, and most recently I had went to Domestic Violence classes to share and hear other stories. I ended up taking one on one sessions with a Domestic Violence Advocate, Sharon, who was also Christian and she would pray and share her experiences with me. She was so supportive, encouraging and loving…and continued to tell me how much I was growing and overcoming my self-confidence issues, my insecurities…and that I was coming to realize that I also need to appreciate what I have in my life…give everything to God…Praise God…the hardest thing to overcome is that the Advocate that was assisting me passed away unexpectedly on May 4th…and I am asking why? She had such a heart to serve and love others…please pray for Sharon’s family and friends for God’s love, comfort and healing…Thank you, Renee! God Bless You!
Dear Renee,
It is 4 am in Ohio and I wasn’t able to sleep a wink tonight. So I got out of bed…snuck down the stairs…and decided to dig into “A Confident Heart”.
I am writing this message with tears in my eyes. Last night I had let go of a very dear friend of 20 some years and tell him that we could no longer have contact. It was a very unhealthy friendship. One of flirting and a lot of sexual tension which felt amazing while in the moment…but painful during the times of silence
I am married and it’s not a happy marriage but all the same this is where God has me at the moment.
This is the second time that I am reading through your book. I actually just finished it for the first time two weeks ago. When I finished I was so sad because I felt that God was speaking directly to me through your words. So many similarities…at times I felt as though I was reading my story. I contacted the friend who had recommended your book and mentioned that I was sad that this journey was coming to an end. And then lo and behold she told me about your online study. Wow! How could I pass this up?
So, here I am. I have just listened to your message for today. I too come from a divorced family and have always (and to this day) tried so hard to please my earthy father and constantly feel I come up short. I too am facing a crisis in my marriage. Bitter because my “prince charming” is not so charming. Not who I thought God would surely want for my life to help me heal.
Your words are in allignment with my everything that my spiritual mentor has been telling me the past several months. She has told me that I need to look deep at the “untruths” that I have filled my life with and pluck them out of my life. And then I need to replace them with the truths of the person God sees me as. She said that it is then I will feel whole and no longer look for my “Knight in Shining Armor”.
Thank you Renee! Thank you so much for your book! I have been blessed!
What a sweet story you share. God bless you as you continue your journey of faith in Him!
Thank you for your words of wisdom and inspiration. I lost my beloved husband Richard of 14 years on August 31, 2011. We both had been widowed before but he was truly the love of my life – my soulmate. My heart has been broken into thousands of pieces and aches each day with his loss. But I know he has no more pain – no more sorrow and is indeed with God.
In addition, my 43 year old son and I I had been estranged for over 6 years due to a terrible case of “falsehoods, miscommunications and harsh unfounded judgments of things that could not have been possible to have occurred” that were not handled at all in a Christian way on his family’s part . A good man (my husband) was destroyed in this world and a family torn asunder. But God’s ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts higher than our thoughts. God promised hat the truth will come out some day and has already dealt with some of the individuals who beared false witness and caused division and heartbreak in our family. Sadly several of them are suffering some of the same health issues my husband did as well as other trials.
My son has suffered 6 strokes within the past 3 and a half months. With the exception of 10 days he has been in the hospital or rehab since January 28, 2012. God willing he will be going home soon as he has come a long way in recovery – but still has a king way to go. We have reconnected but things remain a bit strained. He is my son and I love him – I know he is in God’s hands and i know my husband is sitting with Jesus and the Father and has no more worries. I must trust in the knowledge that God is indeed in control, working all things together for his glory.
Thank you again for your wonderful ministry.
I’m sorry for your lost of your soul mate- I cannot even imagine how you must feel. I pray for God’s strength to pour over you and may you be able to face everyday knowing Jesus & your husband is watching over you. I also pray for son, may God heal him from the top of his head to the soles of his feet- I pray that you both will be able to let go the past and move forward- to love one another, to share and to communicate openly. I pray all this in Your precious Sons name Jesus Christ. Amen
Aloha from Hawaii xoxoxoxo
p.s. my name is Donna too…. 🙂
Bless you for this message of hope. I cried as I listened to your words. You touched my heart and showed me that I need God’s power to take me through the pain of my past so that I don’t have to keep making the same poor choices. I don’t want to keep reliving my pain or let it affect my future. Only God can heal me and make me strong. My eyes are on Him!
This was great, Renee! LOVED it and am passing it along to a friend.
Bless you, Marianne, for your realization that you have a choice! God IS so gracious. Love your words here.
Renee Thank you for sharing so deeply and exposing your hurts of your past- this is helping me to deal with my present challenges. I would also like to Thank you for sharing the music video “Your Love Never Fails” by Jesus Culture featuring Kim Walker & Chris Quilala, I went to U Tube and searched this group out and fell instantly in love with their music and listened to them all night- it was so soothing to lift my hands and worship our God. I really love the song “I Surrender” it was a perfect song to listen to after reading chapter 4, it was like a cleansing Spirit washing over me and letting me know I’m accepted and to come just as I am.
I feel so Blessed.
Aloha from Hawaii oxoxoxox
Hi Donna
Thanks for sharing, I love being introduced to new powerful uplifting worship music!
I listen to it when I get a chance to run… my most recent favorite song is from JESUS CULTURE too, it is called FREEDOM REIGNS…
the chorus shouts :Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM!! It is always signing in my heart lately – Praise GOD!!!
He is doing a good work in us…
many hugs
Karen- I love this song!!!! We should share this song with all the other women of “A Confident Heart Online Bible Study” Ladies if you do one thing- do this go to the “YOUTUBE” site and and get ready to be blessed by Kim Walker’s voice as she sings for an audience of one… just let yourself be free let the music flow through you and be touched by Jesus! It’s absolutely inspiring!!!!
Thank you Karen my sister in Christ from Canada I LOVE MEETING all of you!!! Thank you Renee!
Jesus Culture – Freedom Reigns (By Kim Walker)
Verse 1: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Lift your eyes to heaven there is freedom. (Lift your eyes) Lift your eyes to heaven there is freedom.
Verse 2: Freedom reigns in this place, showers of Mercy and Grace. Falling on every face, there is freedom. If your tired and thirsty, there is freedom. If your tired and thirsty, there is freedom. Give your all to Jesus (Give your all) There is freedom. (ohh) Give your all to Jesus, there is freedom.
Chorus: Freedom reigns in this place. Showers of Mercy and Grace. Falling on every face, there is freedom. (Cause Jesus reigns… yes) Jesus reigns in this place, showers of mercy and grace. Falling on every face, there is freedom. (yeah)
Freedom reigns in this place, showers of mercy and grace. Falling on every face, there is freedom. (Jesus my Jesus) My Jesus reigns in this place, showers of mercy and grace. Falling on every face, there is freedom. (yeah-yeah)
Bridge: Feel the chains fall away, Feel the heaviness all the weight. Jesus reigns. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom, there is freedom, there is freedom. (ohhh) Jesus (yeah) You reign, you reign (ohh-ohh) My God (yeah)
Great is your faithfulness, Great is your faithfulness, Great is your faithfulness. Oh God to this generation all my life, All my life, Great is your faithfulness. We call the name tonight, Great is your faithfulness God. Great is your faithfulness (yeah-yeah)
Freedom reigns in this place, showers of mercy and grace. Falling on every (every) single face, there is freedom (all the grace I need Jesus) My Jesus reigns in this place, showers of mercy and grace. Falling on every face there is freedom.
Aloha from Hawaii xoxoxoxox
Hi Donna
Glad you found my comment/post and discovered this song! Isn’t it Awesome!
We have such and Awesome God!
thanks, karen…that is such an incredible song! and thanks, donna, for giving us all the words…a blessing! <3
Your welcome Coleen
It’s a GOD thing!!!
(Another Good one is I GIVE YOU GLORY by Klaus!)
wow! There was someone in my group who listened to a song as she was gowing through the timeline and felt that song was totally God telling her. I got You. I love you and will never leave you. God is so good. in different ways He speaks to us.
Ana- You need to listen to this song go to YOUTUBE and search this song: …By:Jesus Culture – “Freedom Reigns” (Sung By Kim Walker) This song will simply move you! Just makes you want to praise and worship Jesus with all your heart and soul! Just read the lyrics to the first verse and you know this song is going to bless you:
“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Lift your eyes to heaven there is freedom. (Lift your eyes) Lift your eyes to heaven there is freedom.”
Aloha from Hawaii xoxoxoxoxo
Thank you for sharing your heart. It gives me courage to know I’m not alone in these struggles and challenges of dealing with the hurts in my life!
This weeks session is very timely for me. I have a daughter who is 36 and she has autism. Recently her behavior has me thinking she is depressed. (she is mostly non-verbal) I have found myself being reactive to her behavior rather than quietly be there for her through it. Your reminder to let God redeem & restore us and how to process things through Him will be so helpful.
Lord bless your day Renee, Amy Faith
Thank you for sharing your heart and your thoughts!
I’ve been really struggling with frustration lately. Wondering why, God?? I know He must have a plan, but being in the valley makes it hard to see the mountain top. Im a young mom with a two beautiful little girls, one who has had a lot of medical complications. It taxes me both physically, mentally and financially. Thank you for your words of encouragement. I look forward to reading your book and I appreciate your words of wisdom! Thank you for sharing! Sincerely, a young mom
I am really enjoying the study, Renee. I have wanted to give up on it and God due to many overwhelming circumstances happening in my life. I sense God speaking to me through you sharing your story and words of encouragement in your videos, emails and book. Thank you for being REAL and HONEST. When you sent the verse yesterday that said “Be strong and take heart. Don’t Quit. Stay with God.” I knew God was speaking directly to me! So I’m going to hang in there and trust HIm. I know He has good plans for me.
What a perfect timing! God always sends just the message I need when I remain open and available. Once again…your devo touched a special place in my heart. Bringing tears and feelings up that had been long buried. Prayers for healing and relief are the balm to my soul.
I want to thank you for your videos and teachings. Life is a hurricane for me right now but I’m slowly through the help of a therapist realizing how my childhood affected everything. I would love to read your book as I am finally trying to connect with God by joining a church and a Christ-centered support group. I was always told to keep everything to myself and don’t cry. I’m trying to reach out for the first time and begin trusting people again. Thank you for your time.
It was comforting reading your post today. I have been struggling for as long as I can remember on what Gods purpose is for me. I was born with a serious bi lateral cleft lip and palate. Growing up I went through a lot of painful corrective surgeries, constant teasing and riddicule, loss of identity, many periods of depression and self confidence and self worth worries. Luckily I was from a religeous family and had an hour before school to learn and attended two masses each week. Knowing God and knowing prayer helped me get through my childhood, but there were a lot of times I would get angry with God and turn away for awhile. I was doing well after high school, going to college and getting married, I pushed all my pain in the past and tried to leave it there. I was having a baby and very excited until my second ultrasound when I found out my son would be born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate.It was at that moment all of the pain of the past flooded back in. I was angry with God again for creating another life that would have to endure so much. At first I wasnt sure I could go through with the pregnancy. After Bradley was born I felt horrible all of the time. It seemed like everything Bradley was going through brought back painful memories of my own, It took a long time before I could look at him without the memories getting in the way first making me cry. Ive had a lot of health problems as an adult and possibly with the help of all of my stress I was diagnosed with adult onset epilepsy in December of 2008. I was mad again wondering why His plan for me included epilepsy on top of everything else.
For the last two years Ive been trying to build my relationship with God and praying for answers on how to deal with my past, help Bradley with his hurts, how to deal with both of us going through surgeries still, and praying for help to know and understand His plan for both of us. I know I need hope and confidence for myself and I need to be able to help Bradley deal with whats going on as well as be able to lead him towards confidence and hope and give him the tools to eventually find the plan God has for him.
The title of your post caught my eye and after reading it I think the book you wrote would be very beneficial. The giveaway package would be exciting to have! A confident heart is exactly what Im looking for. Ive been praying to get through the fear of my past, learn from it, so I can be able to show Bradley the way to freedom, hope and confidence at an early age.