Today I want you to meet my sweet, funny, amazing cyber-friend, Rachel Wojnarowski. Her story is one of God’s redeeming grace and the choice she’s made to chase after His plans and hold onto His hope — with all that she has in her.
I grew up in a wonderful Christian home with fabulous Christian parents. We were faithful to church and I graduated from Christian school. I went on to Christian college and completed the circle by teaching in a Christian school. My future husband was a “preacher boy” and when we married, the plan was that he would take a youth pastor position wherever God led. Only after we married, he had serious doubts about his calling and stopped attending church all together.
After two years of marriage, a precious daughter was born to us via emergency c-section. She experienced oxygen deprivation and required resuscitation, but she lived. Three years after Taylor’s birth, I discovered that her father had been having an affair essentially four of the five years we were married. In spite of that great protective environment I’d always known, and being faithful to God’s house, sin had erupted my “perfect” life and my marriage to this man didn’t withstand. Bad choices were made by both parties and we divorced.
In spite of all the pain and loss of the “perfect” life, God brought a solid Christian man into my life and He has given us a wonderful story of grace and redemption. But in the midst of Matt and I falling in love, my dearest mom fell severely ill, diagnosed with a rare type of anemia. Two months later the diagnosis was changed to leukemia and she lived just six short months after that. Mom was the strongest, most faithful Christian I’ve ever personally known; she was my best friend.
During my divorce and my mom’s death, the discovery process for Taylor’s developmental delays became more intense. Doctors often blamed the delays on her lack of oxygen at birth. But in my heart, I knew there was more to her issues. Nine months after my mom’s death, the diagnosis for Taylor came through: MPSIIIB, a rare, genetic metabolic disorder which causes gradual neurological degeneration. The average life span is 10-15 years and there is no cure, or even a treatment.
Upon receiving Taylor’s diagnosis, my walk with the Lord became intense. I did just what Renee talked about this week in chapter four. I asked all the why’s and the how’s. I wanted God to spill out His plan for my life in one day.
But through His Word, God has taught me that faith is not only a one-time decision; it’s an everyday decision.
Trusting His plan for your everyday life is equally as important as trusting Him for your eternal life.
While God has richly blessed Matt and me with a beautiful family and more blessings than we can count, Taylor’s disease has not changed. Every day is by faith, that God would have His will for her life and ours.
Each day we claim His promises and make the choice to run towards His plan.
Rachel, your story has changed me. The first time you shared it in an email, I got Holy goosebumps up my spine, down my arms and into my toes! Your journey of choosing hope through your past and into the present brought tears to my eyes. I’m inspired by your faith and your surrendered life. To be broken daily, like bread, held up (like loaves and fishes) as an offering of God’s of love and mercy. You my friend are beautiful – inside and out.
And here are some behind-the-scenes “only Jesus knew” details: I didn’t know Rachel’s story. When God prompted me to ask her to be a guest I wasn’t sure what part of my book she’d write about. But HE did! How precious is our Jesus? He knew we needed to hear her story and be strengthened by the way she has chosen courage and one-day-at-a-time steps of faith. The way she is choosing to walk out hope gives us all a picture of what it looks like to live the message of chapter 4 with Jesus. Thank you, Rachel!!
Connecting in Community & Today’s Giveaway: What is God speaking to your heart through Rachel’s story? Also, is there anything from the questions He’s given us for the end of Chapter 4 you’d want to share? I’d love for us to connect here and talk about it.
Rachel has just released a new Ebook, The Scent of Prayer and she is giving away 5 copies to 5 of you randomly drawn on Monday from the comments left below today’s post. Just click “share your thoughts” and do just that.
About Rachel: Rachel is originally a small town country girl who converted to a suburban mother of seven by way of life happening. She and her husband, Matt, enjoy caring for their busy family, whose ages span 9 months to 21 years and includes a special needs daughter. Rachel leads community ladies’ Bible studies in central Ohio and serves as an event planner and speaker for special needs parenting groups. She is a member of the Ohio Writers’ Guild and the National MPS Society; and loves to inspire others through her blog by sharing faith, family, and fun. Wife, mom, reader, writer, speaker and dreamer, you can find Rachel on Twitter and Facebook.
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Renee, really enjoyed reading rachels story!thanks for sharing.
As a pediatric OT, I’m deeply moved by this story. It helps me personally and professionally. Thanks for sharing.
Very inspiring! God is so good. Thank you for showing us that even if it isn’t easy, everyday we can chose to live in His promises. And that is enough, and all we need. Through Him who strengthens us!
Would love to read the book!
thank you for this sweet message, this message of God’s Truth and perfect Hope….regardless of life’s “happenings.” How I needed to hear your story today, and I praise Him for the courage and hope you have given to my heart. May the Lord bless you and keep you ever near.
Thank you so much for sharing your testimony. I can not imagine what it would be like to hear those words about your child ” No cure”, I admire your heart for God and the strength that you have. I am going through and illness right now and am unsure of many things, But I am sure that God has a plan in all of this, I am sure that He sees me and knows what I am going through. Although at times I get overwhelmed, as I am sure you do, and my thoughts consume me, I know that I am not on this journey alone and what a comfort it is to have such a caring God.
God bless you and your family!
Thanks to all of the women that shared their thoughts and experiences, and faith. i have also been thru the despairs of infidelity, and betrayal. they were very difficult times and still are. I have stood firm on my faith and HOPE and trust in the Lord. He has been so good to me, and still some days that is not enough for me.. i ask the why me?? questions,, why do i have to work so hard, or not have someone special as a partner in my life.. but i do hope that he is preparing me to be a better woman, for the man he provides in his timing. I know i don’t need a man.. at this point i have been divorced 4 years, raising 15, 18 and 20 year old.. my ex is alcoholic, but in my heart i still love him and care for his healing. he has been thru rehab, and does ok.. but there is still alot of pain in life. My children have been wonderful, strong, and the oldest is now seeking the Lord like i never imagined.. So everyday we live thru the struggles, someone..we don’t know who,,, but someone learns from our faith.. K eep the faith ladies… God is Good All the Time..!! ::):) Keep Running with Courage!!
Wow! what a testimony Rachel. Your walk is inspiring. Thank you for sharing.
I am always hoping God will show me His plan for me – sure it’s the broad scope of things, but I want it now…in MY timing! I really needed to read this today, for it is not our will but His – not our time but His. May I remember every morning to ask God to show me what He wants me to see for the day. God bless you, Rachel and Renee, for sharing with us and opening up a piece of your heart to us. In a world that says it’s all about me, you are making it all about God and others. Thank you…
Today, right now, I just want to cry.
I’ve tried to remain so strong in God’s purpose but I must not be doing things right. I must not be tapping into my resources OR something.
My mother has been the glue in our family and when she became ill, my travels took me 12 hours home to care for her and my dad just about every three months. At the start of it all, I was homeschooling and had a newborn. When it was too much, they came here with me and my family.
Dad died in October, mom has been in and out of the hospital since & today during a doctor’s visit – she was sent directly to the ER.
I feel no relief and I try – honestly I do – through prayer and real conversations with God to hold up in the midst of it all. I feel there is absolutely NO ONE earthly available to render a supporting leg. So, today – I cry out to Christ to be my strength during such a turbulent time.
Of all the calls I’ve made to find someone to watch my children, no response, so I am going to have to take both with me back to the ER if she’s not admitted before I can get back to her. I have to trust the hands of those whose care she is in b/c I can NOT be in two places but my heart IS!!!!
Rachel, your LIFE is an inspiration that although one blow after another comes…GOD remains faithful. And I trust His plan and purpose as I depend moment-by-moment on Him.
(My posted name has changed…because God is always so GRACIOUS)
To our sweet friend “God’s Grace Is Given…” – I am so sorry for all that you are going through. I wish I lived close by. I’d take those babies of yours and watch them for you. I have been in your shoes and felt like I was living in the middle of impossible. We had just adopted a baby, had two older sons, my mom was rushed to the ER and hospitalized for blot clots in her lungs, my father had to have a quadruple bypass and a month later I had my routine mammogram and they found two lumps that had to be biopsied….all while I was writing A Confident Heart. A year later, my father passed away and my mom was hospitalized again. I share a lot my story and what happened to me during all of this in Chapter 9.
I want to encourage you to read chapter 9 if you can. I am praying for God to surround you with friends and family who can step in and fill in your gaps. You can only do what you can do – and just depend on HIM one breath and moment at a time. HE will get you through. Whisper HIS name – Jesus, Jesus, Jesus – into each minute, rest in knowing HE is El Roi the God who sees. HE is Emmanuel, your God with You. You are not alone. He has not forsaken you. Pull out the chart in chapter 12 and soak in those promises. Just feed your heart bite-sized pieces of His promises and cling to them. They will be your daily bread.
Let us know how we can keep praying for you – and if you don’t have a copy of my book, please leave a comment so I can get one to you.
We love you friend – and we will be praying you through this very hard season.
I’ve been absent due to care of mom. If it’s not too late, I’d love to get a copy of Confident Heart.
I did leave a response for Chapter 10 and I am so thankful to God for you!
I ask for prayer regarding the right in home non-medical care for mom (so she can have companionship / independence in order that I can comfortably leave her) the right pre-school / MDO program for our toddler (3yrs) and for our teenage son (Yes, there is a 10 gap b/n them. God has amazing humor!) You can guess there has been little time to oneself or for my AMAZING husband. He and I need to get time for each other through hired hands :). And lastly, please petition to God that I can WALK in CONFIDENCE throughout this season.
As I walk in God’s time…not my own~
(One to whom God continues to be so gracious)
Thank you so much for this reminder and for sharing your encouraging story. As a relatively new missionary still adjusting to life overseas, I need right now to remember faith is an everyday choice – not one we made once back when we moved. And I can’t give up now! Lord, hold my tired arms as I hold up my shield of faith!
Lord Jesus, I can’t comprehend this circumstance for Melissa because I’ve not been there. But I pray for Your strength to comfort her and uphold her as only You can.
Wow. What an amazing testimony Rachel. I am in a season where God is teaching me to trust in Him daily for provision and inspriation. My trials have been nothing compared to Rachel’s. Her faith and trust are a true source of strength. May God continue to richly bless your beautiful family.
Rachel, Thank you for sharing your story. What a beautiful family you have. It helps to hear about how others have faced hard times and learned to lean on God. We adopted a little girl a long time ago, she had a child, which we raised, then suddenly both were out of our lives. They no longer wanted to be part of any of our lives. I also miscarried a baby at 4 months. But God is faithful and Jeer 29:11 sure is true. I am older now, mid 60s and just this morning was thinking how God has healed so many heartaches along the rode called “life”. So I can anticipate Him being with me all the days of my life. I thank you again for sharing and pray for Grace to continue to hold your entire family.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful testimony, Rachel. It is a great encouragement to me.
Wow what an amazing story of learning to trust God. I have a special needs child as well and have went through all those same emotions. I really needed this story today.
There are times I think of how desperate am I for God…enough to want to touch the hem of his garment, enough to want to come through the roof to get to Him, enough to meet and talk to Him at the well, or enough to run into His arms and cry out to Him for help. We need God so desperately every day. We have to trust Him a day at a time.
This world is hard and sometimes so unfair. It is full of hurts, pain, sorrow, broken and yet, God comes in the midst of it all to show His love, mercy and compassion toward us.
Your testimony is so beautiful… It touches my heart.
Praying God will bless you and your family.
Thank you Rachel.
One day at a time has been difficult for me to follow but through your story and Renee’s I have been reassured I can. In my local congregation, we have been studying about how God prunes us and I have felt him doing this through chapter 4.
trust something i have a very hard time doing from past and present experience and to have faith which i all find hard
If You seek Him with your heart, you will find Him. Promised in His Word. Don’t give up!
Rachel: My late father was a minister,and we spent alot of time in church,and met lots of wonderful believers of God and all is mercies. I married a member of one the churchs,and after 25 ruff years he thought the grass was greener somewhere else. I like you didnt know for years that he had been seeing other women. He filed for divorce 1 month before our 25 anniversary would have been.
Praise God, I didnt crawl in a hole although I felt like it Christian friends rallied around me and I have forgiven him and confused him by doing so.
My prayers go out to you and your daughter, Im sure God is using you both as a blessing to others. It looks like you have a very beautiful happy family,God sure is the mender of broken hearts.
God Bless You abd your Family!!
Resurrected by His mercy! Praise Jesus for your precious spirit.
What an incredible testimony to a true, abiding faith. Thank you Rachel for being willing to share your story and to be an encouragement to others!! 🙂
Wow…Rachel….what an inspiration you are to us. Your faith, your sweetness, thank you for being transparent and sharing your sweet testimony. How many lives you have touched….God is sooo good. His mercy endures forever. I am blessed to have read your story, it gives me encouragement.
Adrienne R
Blessings to you, Friend!
Amazed and in awe of how amazing God is. His ways are definetely not our ways, and his thoughts are not our thoughts. God just like Renee’s book says, he can turn our ashes into beauty. Amazing story and testimony!!!! You sound like a strong woman of faith, and I’m 24 and I hope to be a mother/wife/daughter who is virtuous as you and Renee are. I want to be a Proverbs 31 woman. I’m really right now in this season in my life, trying to walk by faith. It seem like all odds are against me, but I know who is within me. Greater is he that is in me, than he that is in the world. God can take our wrongs and make them right! How great is our God??? God bless you all!
Amazed and in awe of how amazing God is. His ways are definetely not our ways, and his thoughts are not our thoughts. God just like Renee’s book says, he can turn our ashes into beauty. Amazing story and testimony!!!! You sound like a strong woman of faith, and I’m 24 and I hope to be a mother/wife/daughter who is virtuous as you and Renee are. I want to be a Proverbs 31 woman. I’m really right now in this season in my life, trying to walk by faith. It seem like all odds are against me, but I know who is within me. Greater is he that is in me, than he that is in the world. God can take our wrongs and make them right! How great is our God??? 🙂 God bless you all!
Wow what an amazing story. I am blessed by this thank you for sharing!
Thank you for sharing your story. I have a situation in my life that continually challenges me to choose to walk close to God or worry and live in misery. In the past, I have given in to despair and fear, but God has been so faithful to keep me seeking after Him and His ways! I would love to have a copy of your book. I am working on praying more consistently.
“In spite of all the pain and loss of the “perfect” life, God brought a solid Christian man into my life and He has given us a wonderful story of grace and redemption.” This sentence really touched my heart. So many of us who have been married and divorced feel like we’ve lost God’s best for our lives forever. We are often told that in gentle, sad tones. But I choose to believe that just because my “perfect” life didn’t come true, that God isn’t finished with me yet and that I am not junk to be cast aside!! I am so thankful that our Great God redeems us from the pit!!!!! Hallelujah Jesus!!!!! <3
Hallelujah indeed!!!!
I’m inspired by the passionate chasing after God! I can only imagine how He is on the sidelines encouraging each and every one of us to do the same. I just need to take each step as He reveals it to me.
Today’s message, and the messages since this past Monday, have just resonated with me. I have been going through a major trial in my life for about 2 years now. I received salvation, began attending church, doing bible studies with my wonderful life group, etc. In 2009 I read Jeremiah 29:11 on my niece’s facebook page, and it just grabbed me and started me on my journey. But what I’ve been doing in the last two years is similar to what I read today, ” I asked all the why’s and the how’s. I wanted God to spill out His plan for my life in one day”. Obviously I’m still waiting to understand God’s plan, and trust is a big issue with me. I wake up with anxiety in the middle of the night and say “I know the plans I have for you says the Lord and they are good”. This brings me comfort, but I am very weary. Monday’s message about “Hope”, today’s Message and Renee’s book have all helped me so much. I am very grateful that I have these messages coming to my email daily as they help me stay on track. Thank you very much.
Oh Girl. I’ve been tired before. So very tired. I’m continually asking, begging for strength. Continue in His Word; so glad you are doing this study!
Wow! What an amazing story and testimony to what God can do with our junk. Everything works for His good. Blessing for sharing it for all to see.
Rachel – Your message inspried me today. Like yourself, I married a Christian man thinking it would be forever. Well I learned though this journey, never say never. I choosed not to have any children when I married him because he had two from a past marriage, he was my first and I was in my forties. I was heart broken; and I pray also that God sends me a partner that will value me. Still not where I want to be, but I do my best by taking one day at a time. You are truly blessed with a beautiful family. I pray that God does heal your daughter or gives you the strength to endure what lies ahead.
His grace and mercy is abundantly free, Friend. Blessings to you!
What a blessing to read Rachel’s story this morning. I am looking forward to reading her new book because it’s right where God is leading me personally in my life.
Write! Thank you both for sharing your stories. Time and time again it seems I needed reminded that this is a daily walk and life of faith. This is a struggle, but testimonies like these give me hope.
lol I’m guessing that “Write!” was the same tone as “preach it!” We all need the daily reminders. That’s where God’s Word and a community of Christians comes in to play. Carry on with hope, Girl!
Thank you for sharing your testimony, Rachel! Truly inspiring!
It is difficult to keep a positive attitude when you feel like the person you love most has betrayed you. Sometimes those feelings make it hard to keep a strong faith. I would love to have a copy of Rachel’s book to gain encouragement to continue to live my life inside God’s will. Blessings.
Anita, yes those feelings are normal. Processing feelings and growing in faith go hand in hand. Bless you for your desire to be strong!
Amazing & inspiring story of hope in the middle of life as it comes at us. TY for sharing!
i was taken back by Rachel’s story and her strength to endure. Pray I can get thru the pain I am going through right now in my marriage.
I also have a daughter with special needs and has been hard for her. She is very sensitive of what I’m feeling. Can’t verbalize it but I see it in her face. Thank you for your prayers.
Dear Jesus, I pray for my sister, Ana, right now, and her sweet girl with special needs. I pray your strength for her, that she would know You are holding her up and she can rely on You. I pray for her daughter that You would ease her mind and give her reasons to be full of joy. Thank you, Lord for what You are going to do in and through this dear lady.
Blessings to Ana! I entered you in my prayer journal and pray you find rest in the Lord.
I so needed to read Rachel’s story today as I deal with such a heavy heart concerning my own insecurities, fears, and past hurts that I am praying will heal. You have inspired me to press on and trust God for He is the only one who knows the “whys” in my life. Your story is a powerful testimony that paints a perfect picture of how life can far from the perfect one we all dreamed of, yet the Lord is perfect and the rest and peace that we can find in His love is more than we could have ever imagined!
His plan is so very perfect. God has given us a gorgeous family; Matt and I couldn’t ask for more in our love for each other..
Wow profound story… TRUST in God is so very hard on a daily, every issue basis. I struggle with it daily and worry and anxiety creeps in regarding earthly issues of family and life. Trust and Obey there is no other way! Needing repeating many times daily in my life. Blessings to you and your family.
Funny how hard we make it, isn’t it? 🙂 Blessings to you!
God truly is faithful and I am so thankful He never gives up on us even when we question Him.Thank you for your testimony 🙂
Thank you for the amazing story.
Thank you for sharing your difficult journey with us, Rachel. It’s good to know we’re not alone in our struggles, but we serve a God who is bigger and has proven Himself faithful to us over and over.
yes He is faithful!
Wow~your strength is amazing! May God continue to bless you & your family.
Wow what faith you have. You have amazing strength thank you for sharing this. Your faith inspired me to keep persevering with God and His reward will be great.
Gods strength is displayed best when we are our weakest and leaning on him. Thanks for sharing your testimony. We always wonder why us but God chose us because He knew we would endure and then encourage others.
Yes to HIS strength. So true, Latoshia.
What a God inspired testimony.. Rachel’s story inspires me to continue my faithful journey with God. In the last 3 1/2 years I’ve had to handle so much, but I couldn’t have handle it without God. Thank you and Rachel for sharing.
Rachel, the strength of your faith is inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing your testimony.
What a sweet story. I am so glad that you stayed faithful Rachel and that you are continuing to seek him. It is an encouragement to so many people.
What an inspiring story! I love reading about people who have been through so much yet have so much faith! It inspires me to continue on my journey of developing my relationship with the Lord! Thank you so much for sharing! God bless!
Bless you Kristen! Thank you for your encouraging comment.
God bless all you dear young women with His strength and grace for your challenges. I heard Kay Warren talking about choosing joy, this morning. God’s joy, joy given to us through the Holy Spirit, the joy found in Jesus. I see all of you choosing joy with thanksgiving. You are glorifying Him, as you share your stories. His faithfulness is great and His mercies are new every morning.
Dear Lois, I sense by your comment about younger women that you are a little older. I too am encouraged to read about these young women and their choice to look to Jesus Christ in the midst of their difficulties. Often we feel alone in our struggles but by sharing with each other, we can encourage each other to go on. As older women, we have a responsibility to the younger women to teach them various things as stated in Titus 2. We can help each other and I believe that is what the Lord would desire. May He give us each the daily strength to meet every trial that comes our way as we spend time alone with Him and in the Bible.
14 months ago my 6 year old finished 28 months of treatment for Leukemia. And today I sit here reading this just before I go have a lump in my breast checked out. Trusting God in the daily… sometimes I think it’s even more important than trusting him for salvation. I sure know it’s harder. This is such an encouragement in this moment! Thank you!
Praying for you and your sweet child today. Father, we ask for everyday faith, mercy and grace. Bless you, Girl!
jess, including you&yours in my prayers. i appreciate what you wrote, “trusting God in the daily…sometimes i think it’s even more important than trusting Him for salvation. i sure know it’s harder.” oh. my. yes. so thankful, thankful, thankful that we have a Father Who never leaves nor forsakes us. <3
Wow, Rachel’s words speak volumes: “Trusting His plan for your everyday life is equally as important as trusting Him for your eternal life.” Sometimes I forget to take it just one day at a time! I often ask God to spell out His BIG plan and forget to ask for His direction just for today. Thank you for your message.
Dawn I like what you said about trusting His plan for your everday life is equally as important as trusting Him for your eternal life. I’m a member of Alcoholics Annoynomous and it is to take things One Day @ a Time, sometimes. Some days are easier than others. Thanks, Rachel for your message today. I would really like to read your book.
See Sheri Rose Shepherd’s post for today. Both, go hand in hand. I am always amazed at the unity of God’s messages in my daily news feed. Thank you for this. It encourages my faith, and gives me hope..
You are truly amazing and I am so touched by the story that you have shared with all of us. The words that really rang out in my spirit immediately were “Trusting His plan for your everyday life is equally as important as trusting Him fro your eternal life.” It reminds me that I do not need to be concerned about the past nor obsessed with the future but I just have to live in the present which is a gift from God. He cares about everything that concerns me and He wants me to include Him in every detail of my life. Thanks for being a living example of living and walking by faith!!!
Wow! This story is truly inspiring! It reminds me of one of my favorite scripture, Proverb 3:5. “Lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways trust and acknowledge God and he will direct your path.” God is so good! I love him so much!
Rachel, your story is exactly what I needed today. I was a single Mom of 4 boys for 17 years after my husband had an affair and our marriage ended. I thought in 2005 I had found a man yoaked as me in my faith unfortunately the relationshipment was based on lies and deception. We divorced 3 years later after an agonizing struggle due to not wanting yet another failure. I met a man in late 2010 and we have dated till March. Proverb 3:5 became my life verse during this time before the breakup. He had many good qualities but would “stretch” the truth, could manipulate me to make me think I was wrong, used my past to be so hurtful I couldn’t believe someone could do that to someone they love. He will not leave me alone and is trying to break me down thorough my faith to get another chance. I answered a phone call last night that ranged from unending love and devotion to needing to have a second chance because of my faith to the most painful things being said about me. This morning I was dealing with so much saddness and disappointment in myself that I would open myself up to that situation yet again. I learned today God brought though this situation for my good and He is not going to leave me in this pit. I now need to trust He is still directing my path and not let these evil words deter me. I will listen and stay in the right WORD and not his. Thank you