Happy Monday! It’s day 2 in the first week of our Online Study and I”m so glad you are here!
Here’s today’s message: Please click the arrow below to watch it. I share how we can make sure our lives are BLESSED and not cursed as well as some share things God’s laid on my heart for us. I also announce our key word and verse for the week!
After viewing it, be sure to read below. I’ve got an assignment and answers to many of the questions you all have sent in about the study :-).
[If you’re reading this via email, CLICK HERE to find the video on my website.]
Todays’ Assignment:
Download our Word for the Week: BLESSED (double click the word) to download your FREE printable promise and word for the week, as many times as you want. Stick it everywhere and live like it’s true, girl, cause God wants this for you!
Please read Jeremiah 17:5-8. As you read it, ask God to show You His truth in this passage as it applies to your life – and how it relates to Chapter One where I listed the lies “doubt” whispers or shouts from the sidelines. They really are curses aren’t they?
Journal your thoughts in your notebook and ask God to help you notice this week when you’re tempted to put your hope and find your confidence in the wrong things and people. Then ask Him to help you turn to Him each time for confidence and security that comes from His approval, acceptance and unconditional love.
Don’t Get Overwhelmed if you haven’t read Chapter One yet. I want you to do that first, then watch the video. If you have time answer today’s question. The rest of the week we we’ll be getting to know one another, reviewing the chapter, answering questions at the end of the chapter and discussing them here.
Connect in Community: If you feel comfortable, I’d love for you to be part of the community we’re building here! I want to pray for you. I want to hear from you. Seriously, your thoughts matter to me!! When you have time, share them and read others’. Feel free to stop back by any time. Click “share your thoughts” below this post to be part of today’s conversation.
How Our Online Study Will Work (since I know it might be confusing)
My blog/website will be the “living room” of our online study. We’ll meet here to read my posts, watch videos, find out our assignments and download free resources for the week. The primary place to share our thoughts, prayers and questions will be in the comments section under each post.
As time allows for those who want to, we’ll linger “in the foyer” on Facebook and Twitter. Some will and some won’t. It’s totally up to you! I’ll be there at least a little bit almost every day. BUT the most important gathering place will be right here on my blog.
How will you know when it’s time to connect here? I’ll notify you four different ways.
I’ll Facebook and Tweet it. I’ll send you a note through the Online Study list and include a link back to the post. And, if you’re signed up for Email Website Updates, you’ll receive the whole post in an email that day too. But you’ll need to click on a link to come back to my website to watch videos, download extras or comment and connect.
Remember this is a journey and we’re just getting started. Give yourself time to read today’s assignment and yesterday’s, memorize this week’s verse, pray it out loud and let God love on you! Click “Share Your Thoughts” to do just that!
{Remember, if you’re reading this via email, CLICK HERE to find the video and leave your comments on my website.}
I also want to say I’ve really enjoyed the video blessed. Renee you are like me very outgoing and I’ve been praying about my priorities and makigng sure especially i have time with God. God has really helped me by bring me the devotionals in my in box every day and reading the devotionals. I sense himn talking to me. I am blind i want to tell everyone. I have the computer that has a speech program where I use keystroke commands to read a line at a time and everything. I’m not able to read the chappters I want to tell everyone, because it is in p.d.f. file. my speech program only reads word files, but I’ve been hearing all the videos, and I’ve been having trouble with being confident in Christ and trusting him well, since, I’ve started this course, I have been feeling more confident in christ and I have been able to hear all the videos so far that you posted thank you renne! This is the best course for me! God is really helping me! Thank you and also, i’ve been having trouble finding where to write my comments I wanted so much to share with the group. now I have been able to find out where to share my comments. I didn’t understand how my computer was reading to me. and now, i’m able to write my comments here thank you!
I’m so happy about this course. I’ve started being more confident since I started this and it is so good to be in this course. and Good to hear you Renee share your hart with us and encourage us. God is helping me every day with self doubt and I’m really learning to trust him, and I’m very happy about this confidence bible study course thank you!
I just started this study this week…1/28/12. I’m a little late…but better late than never. I found this book by God chance…I have been praying for a word for 2012 and the first few weeks I thought my word for the year would be love. I’ve always had a head knowledge of God’s love and at different points in my life, I have felt God’s love for me in a tangible way. However, God had a different word for me. My friend had texted me not too long ago a few scriptures for me to pray and read…and not knowing or putting two and two together…they were about confidence. As I asked God again a few weeks ago about my word…Confidence came to my heart. I was reading Proverbs 31 ministries devotional and saw Renee’s book. Yeah….talk about confirmation! Anyway, here I am a little late but ready to dig in!
The sentence that really stuck out to me in Chapter one was on pg. 24 “He’s led me beyond believing IN Him to really believing Him by relying on the power of His words and living like they are true no matter what my feelings tell me.”
I want that! I want to go from believing IN God to really believing Him! No matter what I face in my life or what circumstances come my way.
I’m not planning on rushing through this study to catch up and be on track with everyone else…I’m going to let God do what He needs to do in my heart in the weeks to come. Thank you God for allowing me to find this study!
I am a week behind and trying to catch up. A group of friends did this study last semester but due to work scheduling I was unable to join them. I was happy to see it offered this semester as an online study! Renee, you said in your video that God has laid on your heart the need to work a little less in order to be able to pour more time into this study, us and ultimately Him. For me, that “thing” to sacrifice is my Facebook account. It is such a time waster that is sucking the joy out of me. How easy it is to sit for a few moments, only having those moments turn into much more. I have been two days without it now and two days into God’s word. I am so looking forward to learning from all of you as we journey together!
Thank you for offering this study online. I have already learned so much from reading some of the book. Most of my life has been spent being cursed by trying to please others and feeling so unworthy and so unloved. The more I dig deeper into His word and learning who He really is and how much He loves me I am being Blessed by the many things He is bringing to my life through Him alone.
So glad to have found this study! At first I was thinking, oh, this doesn’t really apply to me. I have a lot of confidence. Turns out I don’t socially or spiritually (right now). I will go on a mission trip to Uganda in a few months and I’m not sure WHY God wants to use ME and I do not think I am worthy of Him doing anything through me. I know I’m not. But it’s beating me up and making me doubt going when I know it is my calling. It’s hard not knowing anyone on the trip, flying out there alone, and being WAAAAAAAAY out of my comfort zone…socially I am very shy with strangers and spiritually I feel I am not in the right place.
Is EXTREME shyness really a form of self-doubt? I’ve been crippled by it my entire life and it prevents me from being and doing all that I could otherwise be and do.
I am not able to double click on the word.Why is this not working.
Please help me.
Thanks for the encouraging words this week. They have been totally refreshing to me. I am getting into the habit of really knowing who God is and how he thinks of me. I absolutely love it. I want to get this new perspective and use it for God’s glory. I loved the word this week Blessed. It totally got me to think that I am blessed in God. He is the one that gives me the strength and hope to work through what he has given me.
a better rendition of “moving forward” check it out!!
Thank you for posting that song. I needed to hear that. I spend so much time looking back and dwelling on what I did wrong, that I forget that my God is just and forgiving. He wants me to move forward and trust in Him! “I will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:8
TRULY TRULY TRULY: We are moving forward! I pray this song ministers to your heart as much as it does mine!
Dear Sisters,
I need prayer right now. This week started out well. I was so excited about starting this study and even happier when my Bible study at school turned out to follow my. But now my week is going on a downward spiral. My fears and doubts starting taking over Tuesday night. I let in consume me. I missed classes and couldn’t sleep. I don’t want to fall back into the same cycle I was in last semester. Why is it so hard to trust!!! Please pray for me. thanks
Hi Sarah
It is Jan. 23rd and I am praying for you! This is the 2nd time our God’s Girls Bible study group is doing A Confident Heart. God has so much good planned for you that Satan is throwing monkey wrenches trying to discourage you. (it happens to us, too)
My good friend Cindy has suffered from anxiety all her life, and shortly after we started the study the first time, we had put the Bible verses from each chapter on spiral bound note cards and the Praying God’s promises Prayers, too. One night she woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. She felt an anxiety attack coming on, and got out the note cards, read each scripture and prayer out loud. She was filled with God’s peace and went back to sleep. (There is so much power and comfort in God’s Word)
Lord God Almighty, I thank You for strengthening Sarah’s inner spirit. Please remind her that she is a child of the King of kings, Princess Sarah! Remind her to say, I am totally accepted and loved in Christ, I am totally secure in Christ and I am totally significant in Christ!
Sarah, God wants to do a new thing in your life everyday! What a mighty God we serve!
You have the 10 finger prayer, too. 1-I 2-can 3-do 4 all 5 things 6 through 7 Christ 8 who 9 strengthens 10 me! (I like it better than counting to 10)
May God bless you, Indeed!! Abiding in Jesus, Deb
Yes;I am a male taking this Bible Study.I have what is known as Gender Identity Disorder;I have a female personality.Although biologically male;I do not see myself as one.I do have lots of self-doubts about myself.Raised for the first eight years in a foster home;then taken home with my father and step-mother to grow-up in a very abusive home.I was told that I would not amount to anything;that I was just a piece of trash.I am looking forward to reading the book and doing the Study.I have read Chapter One and I can see where lies and curses have been spoken.I am scizophernic and dealing with suicidal-depression.
Hi Ron
I’m praying for you! I pray you will know who you are in Christ! God has awesome plans for you!!!! Satan is the father of lies, but your Heavenly Father is the Father of Truth. I pray you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
Heavenly Father, You are our loving Father. There is no one like You, God, full of loving kindness. We thank you Lord for Ron, that you have such good plans for his life. What satan has meant for evil in his life, we know that You can bring such healing and restoration like no other. Please help Lord, we need Your help!
Thank You, Lord for all that you want to do in Ron’s life. Surround him, Holy Spirit, with Your blanket of love like You did for me that night when I wanted to end my life. You want Ron for Your very own dear child just like You wanted me that night. I pray he will know Your great love. Asking all these things in Your precious name, my brother Jesus, Savior and friend! Amen!
P.S. I have great respect for you Ron! Jesus and I are very proud of you!!!!!!!
I am really excited about this study. I look way to hard for man’s approval and get disapointed a lot when I don’t get what I think I need. I really hope that I find the confidnece through this study, to truly depend on God and seek only HIs approval.
So many encouraging comments! Thank you to all! I plan to become more familiar with God’s voice by reading more of his love letters. =)
I am so excited to go through this study. I struggle every day with low self confidence but have written down the verses and really enjoy them. I get an email from Guideposts every day and today was a verse that really spoke to me – Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life…. 1 Timothy 6:12. And it says – Believe in what you can become. God made all of us to be individuals and we are all special in his eyes. We as women spend so much time worrying that we are not going to measure up for everyone else and we need to remember that as long as we are living for God and doing it his way, we shouldn’t worry about what everyone else thinks. It is hard to do, but that is what I am going to write down and tell myself everyday.
Hey…already behind…still not sure yet what to cut from my day…but I have an idea… I really enjoyed thinking about Jeremiah 17:5-8. There is a beautiful promise in there…I hope to embrace it and practice it day by day. How TRUST is such an important thing in our walk with the LORD! I have to keep reminding myself that it’s not about how I can accomplish it…it’s about HIS FAITHFULNESS. (Some days believing He is faithful is easier than other days…but I am hoping to come to the point where I never question that…do you think that happens on the earth? Anyway…thanks! And thank you for the “BLESSING” download…I actually put it as my desktop background….Blessings to you!
I finally got my book yesterday and have just read the first chapter. I think that the biggest barrier for me in my relationship with God is that I compare him to all the human expereinces that I had thus far in my life. I have lived through so much abandonment, abuse, dissappoitnments and pain. I use to blame God for my circumstances but I dont anymore. I dont consider myself a victim anymore but rather a survivor. However due to my past I have signifigant trust issues and God is no exception. Rationally I know that God is perfect love but my heart and head tell me a different story. I long to fully let go and surrender but from years of feeling like i had to rely on myself the fear is somtimes paralizing. I am hoping this book and study will help replace my fear with trust and not just any trust confident trust of all the amazing things I know about the father just struggle to beleive them for myself. I thank all of you wonderfully ladies for sharing what is on your hearts it helps to know that I am not alone.
Fear is paralyzing especially if you have been abused physically & emotionally. There are many times in the midst of the storm, I stop and pray. Sometimes it is a simple prayer of protection not just physically but for the MY EARS TO BE GUARDED FROM THE verbal abuse. God has to guard our minds as well as our hearts. What is spoken in to our lives has to be emptied out and we have to learn to not accept anything that is not from God. The more people of faith would poor into me the minute I got home it was stripped away from me so it left me powerless to move forward in my walk with Christ. I would get encouragement & feel the presence of an Almighty God & started to grow in HIM only to be torn down and shredded to the core. Sometimes I send out a text to my friends “just pray” with nothing else then they know I am battling. I feel their prayers because it stops the majority of the time. I have been desperate. I have prayed God deliver me from this horrible world, I am nothing & I can’t handle the abuse anymore just take me. But I feel his presence fill my heart and HE lets me cry it out. God has been so patient with me. I feel like at times I am moving forward in my relationship with HIM & HE IS USING ME. Then others I feel like I have never been further from HIM. You need other people to support you in prayer & to lean on in storms but you need HIM above all. You need to go to him as a child and say Daddy, I am being bullied and your little girl needs you to step in. He is always FAITHFUL.
I am in the process of reading your book The Confident Heart. It has been a blessing to me so far!! When I first heard about this book; I just had a feeling it would be one I could truly apply to my life! Thanks for your insight on how we need to be listening for God on a daily minute by minute basis. I”m trying to be in His Word more so that I can hear from Him more!!
Thanks for all you do!
I do not always hear what is being asked of me. I am reading my Bible more, so that I can learn to listen to His word more. Thank you for doing this online Bible study. I am making more time for me to have a stronger relationship with GOD.
After reading most of the book so far. I have learned to stop and think about what is going on in my life and trying to figure out the big picture instead of just plunging in head first and thinking later. God has bigger plans if I just give him time to put things in order for me.
One way I can practice hearing God’s voice is to stop and consider the thoughts that come to my mind. Rather than brushing them aside and moving on with my day, I need to ponder them and see if they may be the Holy Spirit prompting me. There have been many times that I had a thought, but dismissed it only to find out later that it was the Lord trying to help me. If I had recognized that it was information from God instead of just a random thought, I would have saved myslef some trouble. I want so much to become more sensitive to the Spirit of God. The Bible teaches us to pray without ceasing. The only way to do that is to have constant open communication with God. It’s like realizing He’s right beside us all the time. Anytime He needs to speak to me, I’m right there and He can turn to me and speak, and I will turn and listen. If I need to speak to Him, the same is true. When He hears my voice, He will turn to me and listen. Wow! What an awesome privilege we have – an open ear from the God of all creation. I want to always have an open ear for Him as well. Praise God for His patience with us as we learn how to hear him more clearly!
I am more convinced now than Ever that God is really trying to do A New Thing in my life and I must share with all of you girls the confirmation of that through this past Sunday’s sermon at our church (which I missed bc I did not get up in time to get all 3 of our children ready which I felt guilty about) anyway. Please listen to this and it COMPLETELY ties in with Renee’s book and her message to all of us. I think this is what I needed (I have doubts and insecurities that I am doing/hearing the right thing) to JOLT me yesterday after I went through some troubling thoughts and fears (I know, who gets scared and insecure after reading God’s word? LOL!!) after reading Jeremiah 17:7.
If you need EXTRA encouragement, and you just think that what Rene is presenting to us is not reachable, not doable, not possible, God does not mean this for YOU, then I implore you to listen to my pastor talk about BIG FAT FAILURES and how God uses them! I have listened to this twice yesterday and I intend to go back often to be reminded of HIS Power and HIS Might!
I prayed for a spirit of JOY at the end of this year and I believe that God is bringing me the tools (and the motivation) that I need and I have needed for so long to move along in my spiritual journey. I am SOOO encouraged that Jesus is with us right here and now in this study in this time of our lives and HE IS GOING TO DO A NEW THING IN ALL OF US!!!!!!!!!!
You can listen to this sermon below. Just press click on the link or copy into your browser and press PLAY.
After reading Chapter 1, there were so many phrases that were like neon signs lighting up truth for me. “Doubt keeps us from believing things can get better. Doubt convinces us that it’s not worth the effort. Doubt shouts from the sidelines: ‘It’s too hard” “You might as well quit’ Go ahead and give up. Just close the book now and walk away.” I’m looking forward to digging into God’s word on this subject that has plagued me for so many years – and had me turn to food or friends rather than God as my confidence.
I’m a little (ok, a lot!) overwhelmed by trying to read through all the responses. I’m not sure how to keep up with that, but I know that those I have read really resonate with me. I so appreciate being able to take this journey with you all and am so thankful of Renee’s vulnerability and tender heart as she shares with us.
After reading Chapter 1 several times the one line that jumped out at me was when telling the story about the shadow of doubt you stated, “I couldn’t help but wonder why opening my mouth also opened my eyes.” Then later in the chapter you show us the scripture 1 John 5:14, asking requires that we open our mouths. When we start to speak God’s word it is making that turn from the shadow of doubt and looking into His light. I am really enjoying the book and look forward to the rest of the discovery of A Confident Heart.
Wow….really insightful! I didn’t think of it that way at all. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Everyone,
I have struggled with my self-confidence for many years. On the outside I appear to have it all together, but the inside is another story. I”m praying for God’s healing and assurance to change my heart to make me into a true believer in him. The statement that spoke to me the most in chapter one was “In the shadow of doubt insecurity paralyzes us with statements like “I can’td do this. things will never change. My life isn’t going to get better. I’ll never have the confidence I need.
I have to continually address negative thoughts in my life, but I’m taking on a new mindset and claiming the victory !
i am so enjoying this book! it has helped the realize a lot about myself. i am still amazed at the amount of doubt we drag are sometime it really opened my eyes!
There are many feelings that I haven’t been able to fully deal with were brought to the light. Yesterday, I begin to listen, really listen & this is what I heard. Why all the “R” I am not sure but I feel the Lord has given me these “R” to remind me of what I need to do & what I want for this coming year. I will share this with you because just maybe it wasn’t just fro me…
1 JOHN 3:18
Dear Children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
Personally, I do not want to give the DEVIL ammunition by giving HIM the satisfaction of tearing me apart.
I choose to SHUT THE DOOR of drama & hurt that causes me to harden my heart towards those around me.
I want to be free of bitterness, fear and anger that I have let control me for far too long.
It has to STOP & it will begin with ME & MY GOD’S HELP.
I AM RETAINING things that God is speaking over my life and learning to listen. I STILL need to RECOGNIZE when HE is speaking & slow down. I want to REPLACE the negativity with positive actions & people in my life.
I want to RECONDITION my heart so that GOD can use me as HE sees fit.
I want to RECLAIM what is mine.
I want my emotions & my family RESTORED.
I want to take RESPONSIBILITY for my mistakes & failures BUT also know that GOD is the forgiver & HE is who I answer to.
I want to RESPECT myself. I have let others carve out whom & what I should be instead of letting GOD form & shape me to what HE wants me to be. I have been belittled, betrayed, degraded, run over, & torn down to where my self esteem & confidence was robbed from me for far too long.
I am not WORTHLESS. I AM WONDERFULLY & BEAUTIFULLY MADE. HE HAS PLANS FOR ME FOR GOOD AND NOT FOR DESTRUCTION. I have had to STAND on the WORD in order to function and hold my head up enough to go forward. i NO LONGER WANT to cave in to my circumstances or my situation.
I have to let GOD fight my battles because I CAN’T do it on my own.
God LOVES the BROKEN because he can take the shattered pieces and mold them back to COMPLETION IN HIM.
This is just what was laid on my heart that I feel is a WORD from God addressed to ME. But I know others have experienced great loss & hurt just as I have so I am sharing this with anyone who needs to open themselves up also.
thank you for sharing this post sandi, it was for me as well. i to have been through experiances that has cause me to harden my heart and hold on to things that i should not be holding on to.
Hie Reene
i am so excited about this online Study. when i joined the Proverbs 31 devotional list i knew God had something instore for me. every devotional i would receive would be in line with what i would be going through in that season of my life. when i read a devotional from a Confident heart, i knew i had to get your book. by the way i live in Zimbabwe and i couldn’t find it anywhere. i later asked a friend of mine who was travelling to the UK to get it for me. Reene, i was so excited the day she gave me my book, when i first read it i was in utter shock, God gave inspired you to write a book that really spoke to me. i am going through a dessert season in my life and i had come to a point where i juss thought “things will never change” i thought God must be angry at me because everything in my life was going wrong yet i would see him breaking through for other people. My fiancee and i were supposed to get married last year but we cancelled our plans due to lack of finances, on the other hand the organisation i am working for is going through a rough patch and we havent been paid for the past 6 months. i am praying for a new job but nothing has came yet, i have sent so many applications and i was really really sinking into doubt, i am usually anxious and worried.
Thank you for this online Study, even if i am miles away i know this study is going to change my life. i am so excited to be doing this with you all
Sithembile, Blessings to you, sister! I live here in the US but soon enough, my family(husband and daughter) will be traveling out your way–Lagos Nigeria. To say we are excited, that’s an understatement. I can tell you, with all certainty, God will provide a way. As my family stepped into the path that God was leading for this mission trip, I too doubted that the money was possible. We just didn’t have it. But God! Through His blessings and others, we are leaving February 14th.
Know that God sees each and every concern you have and He cares! He will take care of you and provide a way.
Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?{Matthew 6:26}
Good morning to all of you,
Whew….. I am so glad to see an assignment this morning. I am such a busy woman and I just needed to get to my Tuesday assignment so I could get to my business!!!! Ha, the busy that I was up to was checking Renee’s blogspot about a dozen or more times to make sure that I did NOT miss anything. Guess what, DOUBT consumed me. Did I miss something, did I forget to sign up? Did I make a mistake in signing up. Did the email go into my spam file? Is Renee ok? Did something serious happen to her. Did I miss the memo that there would be NO assignment on Tuesday? Just look at the amount of precious energy and time and self esteem was eaten up by worry and DOUBT all eminating from my insecure heart!!! What a perfect illustration of what is stolen from me many many moments in my day!!! Don’t get me wrong I did accomplish many other things yesterday but worry about this study was pinched at the hem of my shirt just hanging on pulling at me. Sheesh!!! I am very grateful to be a student of this study!!
Be well ALL
Melanie C /MN
Melanie, doesn’t it amaze you how often we are consumed with thoughts that aren’t even relevant. We waste so much precious time on worry and that “thing” we worry about hasn’t even happened or it won’t even happen.
Keep resting in Him, girl. Whether the message were to end up in spam or you did miss a day, it’s not going anywhere in the long run. Keep your eyes focused on Him. Tune into what He’s saying as you prepare each day to live a life of God-confidence!
Oh these are such soothing words to my eyes that hits my heart!!! Thank you, Danielle. By my actions I often believe the more that I consider (worry about) something the more important it must be and therefore the better that I will be for having [done] it!! Clearly another one of those “lies” Renee wrote about. So for today, I will practice 1 Peter 5:7 and Psalms 55:22.
Melanie C/ MN
Well, I read the first chapter but have not done the questions in back. I think this is something I really need to invest in. I was actually going to commit to the made to crave but then I read the devotion on the P31 that Renee did about the book and I this is what I need. I’m in a place were I really need to trust fully on God and focus on him. My heart is broken and I am so unsure of what I should do, well I think God wants me to stick it through I’m just having a had problem dealing with that. My husband had an affair and I don’t trust him or that he wont call that women again. I know that the Lord has kept me here with him for a reason but now I’m having a hard time moving forward. I’m so disappointed and scared and unsure of what the purpose is. I want to fully rely on God and know He has plan for my life.
I bought this book many months ago, when it first came out I think, because I’ve always struggled in feeling confident. I didn’t finish the book. Then I signed up for an online study, that I didn’t keep up with. For some reason, this one feels different, and I guess God is speaking to me. I loved that Renee said we won’t do too much at a time, that we’ll slowly unpack the book. I feel like there is a better chance of me sticking with this. Anyway… so I’m getting up at 5am to start my day with this study, and then begin my work before my family wakes up, and I’m just proud of myself for getting going! Thank you Renee!
Our church is doing a fast five. When I was thinking about a devotion to do God reminded me that I had purchased this book but hadn’t started reading it . After I read the first chapter I went to my email not to look for this online study but for another devotion I get online, and there it was day one. How cool is God. I must need this interactive part. I do need to start back at the roots of my salvation again. I used to meditate on scripture and use it to over come the cursed areas in my life, but have gotten away from doing that. Thank you for the scripture and the verse of the week, Rene.
I joined the online study group first but now I see Renee’s website and blog and I think that this will be a much better way to do this book study. It will be nice to be able to read so many other woman’s comments on what we are reading and learning. I read the first chapter and answered the questions…they really got me thinking. I am hoping that participating in this book study like this encourages me to be a more BLESSED person. I would like to be a woman with a more confident heart.
I feel truly called to this study. I began reading the book a few months ago and lost momentum when I had no one to study and converse with about certain topics. I now am following the activities and look forward to a rewarding study. Spending more time in God’s word and believing Him are my individual goals this week.
Wow! I just started the study today and I’m blown away. I sense God speaking to me at every turn and I feel my heart and spirit being renewed. This is just the beginning. I’m so excited! 🙂
I love the promise that Renee mentions from Isaiah 49:23- “Those who hope in Me will not be disappointed.” What a fantastic phrase to hold onto when you begin to doubt that God is for you, when His timing is not in our desired timing… we will not be disappointed. I am grabbing on to this promise for my time in this study… I will not be disappointed- He will use this to continue the good work He has started in me and will complete in me.
I agree, I love that verse as well…It applies to me very much. Hope, it’s all I have sometimes to pull me through my day.
Girls, I was just in one of those “funks” today that we get in from time to time & not sure what caused it. Anyway, praise God with me tonight. One of our church members had a baby today. She had already gone through surgery while the baby was in the womb…amazing…and her water broke today & she had a 3 lb 7 oz baby boy. He was breathing on his own. God is so awesome! Please keep this little man in your prayers & praise God!!
I wanted to share that I read something today about how Satan questioned Eve (much like he does us) – is that what God said?? Are you sure thats what He said? It sounded so familiar. It made me realize that maybe its not me causing the self doubt but Satan magnifying it, if that makes sense!?
Yep, we’re going to talk a good bit about the enemy and his schemes in the book. He’s definitely one of the main voices who lies and disguises his voice to sound like ours so we believe him. He was the first who cast doubt about God’s heart into a woman’s soul and he does the same to us every day. SO glad you are seeing that already. Great to see how God is revealing truth to us as we go.
Also, praying for the little guy who was just born!
Thanks, Renee!
Absolutely! I struggle with his unwanted whispers ALL the time.
I am relieved to discover that I am not the only person with so much self-doubt. Kim’s comments could have been mine. I am afraid that I won’t “get it”, that I will NEVER understand and accept God’s love for me personally. But I am going to go through this study and just pray that God will honor my efforts. Honestly, it is so very DIFFICULT to trust God – I am afraid that He will hurt me….I know that sounds horrible, but it’s the truth.
Troyanne, I understand. God not only understands how you feel but he really cares. I too feel like the little turtle at times – hiding inside myself so that no one hurts or pokes me. 🙂
It has taken me a while to figure out that Satan is the reason we have sickness, pain, anxiety, depression, guilt, and every other thing that is miserable in our world. Satan is the reason we are all believing that we are ugly, useless and unwanted, etc. He is stealing away what God wants to give us. And that is joy and peace! It is so hard to find joy somedays, or even some weeks unless we focus on God. I have been dealing with some health issues and I have to remind myself that being sick is not God’s will for me. I believe God allows us to go through hard times to draw us closer to Him and to show us His grace and mercy. He allows it because we live in this fallen world full of sin. But if we rely on Him for all that we need and put our hope in Him, He will give us a peace that only He can give. (John 14:27) God will never hurt us! He turns Everything that Satan means for harm and uses it for our good. Sometimes I know it is impossible to see, and we may never understand it until we get to Heaven, but God Loves Us!!!! (Romans 8:28) Satan is the sole reason for all of our hurting! He wants to kill, steal and destroy everything good in our lives. (John 10:10)
What I do when I feel horrible, I write out the promises from God from His Word & carry them with me. I read them every four hours or so. As if I was taking medicine. Scripture is like soul medicine, I guess. 🙂 It has helped me so very much!
I have a long way to go, I struggle with fear of not being liked and fitting in. I often feel like I am not good enough or that I am useless. (My childhood was filled with not being wanted by my dad & girl drama) God is showing me how He can use me in little ways. I am so excited about this study!! It has already changed my life!
Hi fellow journeyers! I felt a nudge today to share these thoughts that were spilling over in my mind and heart as I am ramping up my own personal toolbox for this study (which I am so excited about) (the study…not my personal toolbox!).
I have been reminded lately in my human friendships that “Friendship is not one big thing – it’s a million little thing.” I think this is also true in our relationships with our creator and savior. They are based on one big thing (Jesus on the Cross) but they are maintained and grown by the ‘million little things’ we do: Church, ministry, prayer, quiet time, service big and small (especially the small) etc, etc, etc. The list goes on.
Because I am quickly drawn into the trappings of my earthly world (work, single-motherhood, self-preservation and care) I have to create intentional ‘little things’ in my life that draw my gaze and focus back to God during the day…to weave God into my day and keep the relationship moving in the right direction, and not put my time with him in a box of 10-15 minutes of a sometimes rushed devotion in the morning (which is my nature). If I don’t practice these little things to help me, I find I slide quickly into the world and move away from God. It is a daily battle..not one I’ve won or conquered..I struggle greatly like everyone (i.e. I’m not saying I’ve mastered this process…never will.. not as long as I am in my temporary home here on earth, just trying to do my best one day at a time, one choice at a time).
Two of my ‘little things I’ll share (hoping others might share some of their ‘little things’ that keep them on the focused on the goal):
1. The first is for those of us who work and live an automated, electronic lifestyle. In my job I have to access MANY of my job functions(systems) via a username and password. In the age of electronic theft my employer requires that I change my password regularly to keep it secure. I have created a habit of making my password a bible verse reference. Previously it was ‘Philip4:12’ – which meets all the requirements of a secure password – it has letters (upper and lower case), numbers and special characters! (God knew what he was doing when bible references would make perfectly secure passwords! ). Each time I login I (try) to pause and recite and consider the verse for just a brief moment. I also use a program called ‘stickies’ which lets me keep electronic sticky notes on the desktop of my computer.(Can be found here if interested : http://www.zhornsoftware.co.uk/stickies/) I keep a sticky with the verse written out in its entirety on the desktop so if I need a refresher – there it is – all day long. I plan on using some of the verses from this study as my password as Renee shares verses that resonate with me. (I won’t say WHICH online..that would be uncool! ) 😉
2. This second one is yet another ‘little thing’ afforded by the gadgets of our modern world. Many times I curse all of the electronics in our lives, but these two habits are both possible because of my electronic world! (Blessed not cursed by electronics in this case…practicing the word of the week!! Haha!) Music always speaks so strongly to me in my faith journey and helps me find words when I don’t know how. It puts my feelings/thoughts into words, it creates prayers for me, it allows me to praise when I don’t know how to do so otherwise. I am not gifted in writing or performing music…just moved by it frequently. For some reason on Sunday the new song by Shawn McDonald called ‘Rise’ just struck me as my personal THEME SONG for this study. There are a lot of things moving and shaking loose in my life at once – including this study. Sometimes you feel like God’s plan in your life ran out of gas and stalled…other times you feel like you are in the left hand passing lane wishing you could put on the brakes. Anyway…this song speaks of rising from the ashes. And I am claiming this as a time in my life when I am RISING from the ashes (shadows) of the doubts that have held me captive for many of my 46 years! What I am planning on doing is downloading this song as my ringtone on my phone so that every time my cell phone rings…I hear the reminder to RISE from my shadow/darkness/ashes and connect my heart in that moment to what I am seeking in this journey with Renee: to stop throwing away my confidence and live in the assurance of the gift of the cross and the love of my creator and savior. (Partial lyrics from chorus of ‘Rise’: “Cause He who is in me is greater than I’ll ever be, and I will Rise!”). Maybe there is a song that inspires you and hearing it blaring out of your purse while you are in the middle of a crazy day is the thing you need to bring you back to God’s will for your day? Just a suggestion.
Sorry for long-winded post. I’m not usually prone to these outbursts…but as I said..I felt the nudge, figured it was probably God and tried to be obedient! Once choice at a time. Hoping some of you will share your ‘little things’…I need them!
Wishing you all a wonderful journey thorough this study and looking forward to walking along side all of you!
Your sister on the road to a confident heart,
Great info. Thanks for sharing!! I love stickies and music. Plan to share some songs throughout the study that will minister to us. Love hos God confirms His ways!!
What a beautiful prayer sent to from you found in my email box today. Thank-you.
When you said you were afraid to ride the carousel because you wear afraid your father wouldn’t wait for you, and how you wouldn’t ski because you thought they wouldn’t come back for you…those statements on your childhood fears struck so many chords for me. I felt the same what as a child. I used to be afraid to stay home alone, even when I was more than old enough to do so, because I was afraid my parents just wouldn’t come back. I was so afraid of so many things. And I still feel those things today. I didn’t like making people mad or upset with me because then I’d feel really bad and that they’d stop loving me. I’ve grown up and into adulthood trying to not go against the grain so as not to disappoint people to the point that my fear of doing such has almost left me paralyzed. I fear being the real me and I fear not being who others think I should be because what if the real me is not pleasing to people…forgetting that who I am must be who God means for me to be so that I can truly honor and please Him and bring Him glory as only I can. I’m praying this will enable me to fly and help me be who I really am meant to be. I’ve started late but caught up and looking forward to what’s coming.
Praying for you Kim. It is scary to come out of the prison of our fear and live from a place of freedom – b/c it might mean some rejection. BUT the freedom that comes is unlike anything you’ve ever known and IT”S so WORTH IT!! You are so worth it but more than anything _ JESUS is worth it. It is for freedom that He has set us free. I”m so glad you reading along with us!
Hi Kim…….i truly understand how you feel and the fear is over whelming! I felt the same way as a child, and now as an adult, my day is filled with making sure everyone is happy and taken care of….it leaves me at the end of my day exhausted and very lonely. I want to agree with you in prayer, that we matter to God, He loves us and created us with a far bigger purpose then we can ever imagine!!! I want to step into God’s love and experience it to its fullest………….with NO FEAR!!!! I want to have His Blessed Assurance, and to go to bed at night, feeling secure and loved by the one who created me!!!!!!!!!!!!
Focusing on the light and away from the shadows is such a tremendous challenge for me. I know through scripture that if I put my hope in the Lord and realize that all things are possible to those who believe, I will not be disappointed. However knowing and following/doing are two separate things. Life just has a way of strengthening my doubts and insecurities. Why is it that so many women, including me are lead to believe that we are not worthy of happiness? This is my first online study and I am looking forward to how God will use this in my life.
Ok I have to confess something to you that I just did….I almost closed out my session without commenting on the blog because of my lack of confidence – seriously! Yikes I need this Bible Study!
I have somehow ended up in this craziness of letting other’s thoughts (or more accurately my perception of others thoughts about me) impact my confidence. I’m not sure how I got here but I know with God’s help I can re-gain and strengthen my confidence. I know that I need to “turn back toward the Light” to remove the shadows. I need to listen for God’s voice in my life everyday. I am committing to God, to you, my blog sisters (and brothers if there are any), and myself to be in the Word daily listening for the Truth. Thank you all for taking this journey with me and to Renee – thank you for taking the giant leap of faith and guiding us on this journey!
I actually did close it out and then came back. I’m scared of people judging my comments and such I almost skipped the interacting part of this study. I’m glad I didn’t. I’m finding out I’m not alone in my fears and I’m hoping to find encouragement as well as encourage as we go on this journey. Thank you for sharing your thoughts 🙂
Is there a study today? I have checked every site I know that Renee has and cannot find the study for day 3…can anyone assist please. Thanks!
There is no assignment for Day 3 – just giving us a day to catch up. A new post is coming tomorrow.
The versus that were given in our study that touch me right now in my life are…Is 49:23 “Those who hope in Me will not be disappointed” and Is. 43:19 “Behold, I am doing a new thing.” I decided to do this Bible Study because we have just recently left our church after 20 years. It was very difficult and I won’t talk about the issues, but there were things that shook my confidence and magnified my fear of man. Besides that, my husband just got laid off from work 2 weeks ago, so here we are in quite a position in need of God to move. Several months before all this happened, we felt change and that God was going to do something “new.” I feel like God is doing a new thing and I am putting my hope in Him, but some days I get discouraged, worried and frustrated. We are praying about moving, but we are waiting on Him to give us direction. I have been disappointed many times in the past, so I am learning to trust. Thanks for the study!
Praying for you Becky! So glad you are here with us for such a time as this.
That’s me.. always a day late and a dollar short. Or at least it feels like it.
Some things that really stuck to me from Chapter One are:
The fact that everything here is temporary. “No person, possession, profession, or position can ever fill the cup of a wounded, insecure heart … It’s an emptiness only God can fill.” My heart is surely wounded and I think the trouble, for me, is going to be finding all of the wounds to turn over to God to actually let Him heal me.
Doubt keeps me from believing so many things. Will this person really make the change for me to put my confidence and trust in them? Can I really let go of my responsibility here and trust that so and so will not let me down? What if I do and then I can’t do what I need to do? At what point do we cross the line and say “Okay, God, I know that I can trust you for this” and REALLY trust him? I felt as though I did this a few months back and now, sitting in the decision I’d made, I’m questioning whether or not this is really the situation that I had prayed for. I asked for peace, comfort, strength and feel that I have none of it – so did I make the wrong choice? Or am I just not really letting God have control? And what if my NOT thinking (which turns to doubt) causes me to just sit back and become too relaxed and then I really am not doing what I need to be doing? I guess… what is the difference between doubt and knowing that something just isn’t right for us? How do we know which is which?
I want to choose to “dwell in the assurance of Whose I am and who I am in Him” rather than everything else that surrounds me. This is going to be hard for me – but that’s my goal for this study.
You aren’t a day late or a dollar short. You are just in time and we’re glad you are here. Great questions you are asking. Hard one but good ones. I wish there was a formula or answer I could give you so you could know. Tomorrow I’m going to talk about listening for God’s voice and discerning if it’s HIM or us. I hope you’ll come back to join us in seeking to KNOW Him more because that is where we begin to find His will for us. Praying for you Leah!
Hi all,
This is my second go around with this study and I intend to finish it this time. I’m usually very good at starting a thing, but finishing is one of my handicaps. But No More! I intend to finish this study and come out of it with a Confident Heart in God.
Thanks for this study Renee. I really need it.
Be blessed everyone and I look forward to sharing with you.
You can do it Michelle – the time you invest in YOU in this study will have eternal benefits. Keep going no matter how hard it gets. We’re here with you and we are for you!!
What a blessing to have these words… I have been feeling these things for a long time but wasn’t sure what it was. It was doubt… Doubt that I could ever measure up. I was putting my confidence and hope in the wrong things. I should have known better, but it is easy to slip into this with too much focus on the day to day. I am grateful for God’s gentle reminder to get back in touch with HIm by setting aside time for HIs Word and prayer and to concentrate on the word, “blessed.” Thank you
I know exactly what you mean – it was a huge turning point when I realized it was doubt that had been paralyzing me all my life. Naming it is the beginning to knowing how to overcome it. Glad you are here!
Renee, thanks to reading and studying “A Confident Heart” last fall with Melissa, and at the same time participating in a study of Beth Moore’s “Believing God,” I was able to tell a very influential yet verbally abusive person in my life that, “You are wrong. I am not those things. I am not who YOU say I am. I am who HE says I am!” The person was stunned and had no response and actually has not abused me since! A true miracle from God! Thanks for helping me start to re-claim my identity in the Lord!
WhoooooHooooo!!!!!!!!! Praise JESUS – girl I am so proud of you!! So thankful God is setting you free from the lies and giving you the courage to stand firm and find your confidence in the solid Rock of His truth!!
Blessings Sisters in Christ,
I came here to catch up on the comments in the community and look for Day 3 earnestly… yet somewhere
(must have been day 1) I read that we should read the FORWARD… so after getting hooked and going directly to Chapter 1, I went back and read everything from the Forward, to the acknowledgement to Chapter One again… adding my highlights and notes (in Kindle for PC)… and though the quote that Kathy and others shared drew me to get into this study… the first highlight of mine was in the FORWARD (not realizing that it was written by dear Lysa, until I got it)… this is what tugged on my heart and spoke volumes to me:
“…This rejection became an adult emptiness and brokenness that made me doubt I was lovable. Insecurities cut deep. Shame ran rampant. Desperation for acceptance drove me to seek out all kinds of misguided remedies. My primary remedy was to find someone or something that would make me feel secure and significant.”
Swope, Renee (2011-08-01). Confident Heart, A (Kindle Locations 95-99). Revell. Kindle Edition.
Followed by “Will you fill me?”… to husband, child, job, ministry, etc. WOW! That hit the nail on the head.
Drove this straight to my heart! I really thought all these many years that God alone was filling my heart.
But I was expecting or holding out ‘my cup’ to anyone who would acknowledge me, fill my cup… give me attention, how can I please you? so you will accept me … “Will you right all my wrongs?” this one blew me out of the water… I just broke with this. I’ve been waiting all my life to remedy my “wrongs”…fix my messes… and as Lysa wrote somewhere else, only the Messiah can …
“Why do we look to things of this world to give us security, self confidence, and fulfillment?”
AMEN Lysa… and this only gets better and more personal to me from this point on…God’s doing a new work…a healing… a more powerful transformation in my thoughts and understandings… I have spoken words and prayers with confidence, I gave them lip service and head knowledge and thought it came from my heart… but this is seeping deep down within me and combining all of this from my thoughts, to my heart, to my deepest soul… a transforming, new beginning… I’m committed to no more “what if’s”
“If only I had __________, I’d be so secure and fulfilled.” and seeking my security in my LORD, and Savior Jesus Christ ALONE! No more temporary, I’m going for the ETERNAL! Because I love His Love Letter… every message in His Word, is now refreshing and becoming a sweet anointing and Promise to me.
Thanks Lysa and Renee! I’m ready to receive and GROW and live with a confident heart (no matter what’s going on around me, it’s temporal)… Blessings and love to you all in Christ Jesus, Peggy