Happy Monday! It’s day 2 in the first week of our Online Study and I”m so glad you are here!
Here’s today’s message: Please click the arrow below to watch it. I share how we can make sure our lives are BLESSED and not cursed as well as some share things God’s laid on my heart for us. I also announce our key word and verse for the week!
After viewing it, be sure to read below. I’ve got an assignment and answers to many of the questions you all have sent in about the study :-).
[If you’re reading this via email, CLICK HERE to find the video on my website.]
Todays’ Assignment:
Download our Word for the Week: BLESSED (double click the word) to download your FREE printable promise and word for the week, as many times as you want. Stick it everywhere and live like it’s true, girl, cause God wants this for you!
Please read Jeremiah 17:5-8. As you read it, ask God to show You His truth in this passage as it applies to your life – and how it relates to Chapter One where I listed the lies “doubt” whispers or shouts from the sidelines. They really are curses aren’t they?
Journal your thoughts in your notebook and ask God to help you notice this week when you’re tempted to put your hope and find your confidence in the wrong things and people. Then ask Him to help you turn to Him each time for confidence and security that comes from His approval, acceptance and unconditional love.
Don’t Get Overwhelmed if you haven’t read Chapter One yet. I want you to do that first, then watch the video. If you have time answer today’s question. The rest of the week we we’ll be getting to know one another, reviewing the chapter, answering questions at the end of the chapter and discussing them here.
Connect in Community: If you feel comfortable, I’d love for you to be part of the community we’re building here! I want to pray for you. I want to hear from you. Seriously, your thoughts matter to me!! When you have time, share them and read others’. Feel free to stop back by any time. Click “share your thoughts” below this post to be part of today’s conversation.
How Our Online Study Will Work (since I know it might be confusing)
My blog/website will be the “living room” of our online study. We’ll meet here to read my posts, watch videos, find out our assignments and download free resources for the week. The primary place to share our thoughts, prayers and questions will be in the comments section under each post.
As time allows for those who want to, we’ll linger “in the foyer” on Facebook and Twitter. Some will and some won’t. It’s totally up to you! I’ll be there at least a little bit almost every day. BUT the most important gathering place will be right here on my blog.
How will you know when it’s time to connect here? I’ll notify you four different ways.
I’ll Facebook and Tweet it. I’ll send you a note through the Online Study list and include a link back to the post. And, if you’re signed up for Email Website Updates, you’ll receive the whole post in an email that day too. But you’ll need to click on a link to come back to my website to watch videos, download extras or comment and connect.
Remember this is a journey and we’re just getting started. Give yourself time to read today’s assignment and yesterday’s, memorize this week’s verse, pray it out loud and let God love on you! Click “Share Your Thoughts” to do just that!
{Remember, if you’re reading this via email, CLICK HERE to find the video and leave your comments on my website.}
hi, i have read the book ,too impatient to wait for it to start ! i`m now going to re-read it properly.
felt a bit over-whelmed when i got two sessions today ,but i have decided to print them off and then study them later in a quiet place away from computer which has too many distractions for me.
We are truely blessed to have this technology to all study and share together . I work nights and have difficulty connecting with a church group right now, so this group is wonderful. I am an empy nestor, enjoying my free time but searching for the new direction god has for me. I love the the thought of actually “turning” into His light and away from my doubt. Thanks
I am very excited to walk through this course with all you ladies. I posted before that I have issues speaking to other people, being in crowds, self confidence, etc. I re-read chapter 1 and listened to Renee’s video again this morning. I noticed I have been seeking approval of myself in other people. I should be seeking the approval in other place… Christ. I felt like a weight was lifted from me when I realized what I have been doing. I am trying to please everyone else but myself and the Lord. I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I feel confident with His help and the support of everyone in this study group, we can achieve what we are looking for. Blessings to you and yours.
When I attempt to listen to the video, I am told there is an error and to try again later. Anyone else having this problem? Thank you!
It encouraged me so much when you confirmed that this can feel overwhelming. As I read through the chapter, my mind began to pummel me with thoughts of, “this is just one more thing to do”, and, “how will I do this too?”. But I paused… I remembered that “all things are possible for ‘her’ who beleives and I truly believe He is drawing me to walk a leg of my journey out while doing this study. Thank you so much, Renee!
It’s hard for me to trust. and believe God has a plan for me anymore. I have had no confidence in hope and future for such a long time. I’ve felt my life is over for so long. It’s just been one dream dashed after another and I have no dreams left and I feel why bother with dreams and hopes. I’ve been looking for an online Bible study like this one for months and there is nothing much on the web at all that I could find. I get the Proverbs 31 emails and read about this one and signed up right away. Even though I have some special friends and church family that support me, I’ve been sinking and sinking further down. I listen to negative thoughts and they really get me further down and I’ve no idea how to get back up without the trust and confidence and knowing God has plans for my future and a hope. I am praying this study will really bring the help that I need so badly. The whole first chapter was great because it gave me some encouragment and hope so badly needed right now. The verse about not throwing your confidence away spoke to me because I didn’t realize that is what I was doing. until now.
Dear Sherree,
My heart goes out to you. I have no idea what your life has been up till now, or the hardships that you have faced to bring you to your lack of trus and confidence that God has a good plan for you, but please know that HE DOES! He loves you more than you could imagine. I believe that is why you are still here. He does have a plan for you, a good plan for a good future and a hope. You need to get to the place where you BELIEVE HIM when HE speaks. All throughout the Bible, He’s been faithful to His people and He’s still faithful to us today. 🙂
Numbers 23:19
“God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?
It’s unfortunate that we have to go through things in this world, but that’s all part of our testimony. We are all here for a purpose and a reason and it’s our job to seek Him to find out what He wants us to do while we are here.
Be Blessed.
This is my first on line study. I am very excited to begin getting to know all of you ladies as this journey begins. This is the sort of study that I really need right now. I have suffered with Generalized Anxiety Disorder/PTSD for the past 16 years, and with the support of my wondeful husband, I am finally getting the therapy I need with a wonderful therapist and am on medication. It is not the solution, but it does help me with the feelings that come with the unearthing of all that has caused me so much pain. I work full time and am going to school part time for my second degree. This study allows the flexibility I need right now, but also the structure to be accountable. Thank you Renee for creating such a wonderful tool for women seeking the confidence they need in Christ. I am BLESSED to be a part of this study. Chapter 1 resonated so much with me, it ached, and I cannot wait for our first discussion regarding the questions at the end of the chapter.
I am fully enjoying the break that this study is doing in my heart! God is doing
amazing things with me and through me and I cannot wait to continue to draw
closer to Him every day! I love the scripture in Jeremiah because I have for so
many years tried to please everyone else, and it is so easy to do when you are
a mom and a wife and grandma! This is giving me the self-approval to re-evaluate
all things and I believe it will help me put things back into proper perspective. Its time
once again to put my first love First and keep Him there! Be blessed beautiful ladies!
Isn’t our God SOOOOO AMAZING!! I’ve just glanced through some of the comments and see sooo many women and the same issues and concerns!! For all my “poor me” moments God keeps revealing to me I’m not in this alone!!! WOOOO HOOOO!!! I love how He cofirms things!!! I read 2 other short devotionals everyday and they just reaffirm what Renee says in her video……
one reads: as with an dear friendship, choose to set aside time to be with God, your best friend. He’s waiting. He has so much He wants to share with you
the other one ends: Instead come to Me, and relax in My Peace. I will strengthen you and prepare you for this day, transforming your fear into confident trust.
Confindent trust!!! Using that word instead of any other. WOW!!!! And it just so happens I read that at the beginning of this study!! WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!
But there-in lies one of my short comings giving HIM the time he deserves!!
Like so many of you I’ve place my self worth on what others think of me…which leads me to doing too much to please others. God had been working on me to see myself as HE sees me…..I’ll get a glimpse every now and then…It’s Glorious…then I switch back to the fleshly vision!! I’m looking forward to jumping in!!! Here I am God!!!!
it’s so easy to get yoked into that isn’t it? I’m so with you on that! I just want His peace, taht He’s proud of me, approves of me, waht I’m doing to live for him and that I can exude his presence from my life as I live it out…not that I have to be a bible thumping person every second of every day, but that my essence would be one of the Holy Spirit and that I would rest in that CONFIDENCE…and not worry so much about what they may think! I am SO SO WITH YOU!!!!
I like you Sharon G. You sound very energetic. 🙂
Be Blessed.
I’m positive things and people have come into my life for several reasons, first, that God planned it that way and then sometimes the ” what or why” takes a while to reveal themselves! I believe this study is one of these “things”, not sure why but I believe I’ll know sometime in the future; it will be made very clear why.
For me what is so great about a video lecture vs going to a live lecture, is being to watch the video more than once. Once a live lecture is over, you can’t go back and re-listen to what the lecturer said; so if you missed an important point or didn’t quite understand something, it can’t replayed.
I’m going to try re-listening to the video and reading the chapter at least one more time. It’s kind of like reading the Bible, you can read a verse several times through your life and get something different from it each time. I think it will be worth it!
Enjoyed Chapter 1 and looking forward to connecting with a wonderful group of women from all over! We are all so BLESSED, lets celebrate that GOD IS GOOD and we are in HIS LOVE with confident hearts! WOOT WOOT! ~ SRS
Praise God Renee that you are doing this on-line study! I started on the last one but didn’t get to finish it and really wanted to. The one thing that shouted out loudest to me was in chapter one, the statement “He lead me beyond believing IN Him to REALLY believing Him”. I know that is not all of the statement but that is what I so desperately need, I need to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that what Gods word says is for me. I have lived my entire life with a “soul sadness”, that God really does not love me as the pastor says He does, that His love and promises are for everyone else. I can see all His blessings in my life, how He has transformed me from a terrified person to an out going, somewhat fearless women, but, there is still that place in my heart that screams “it is not for you!!!” Renee, I need a breakthrough, I need to believe, to feel His love and promises are for me also. I have been praying, begging, crying for this breakthrough. I have fasted from TV for a year and spent that time reading my bible, praying , serving in church, going to small groups at church, seeking His face, staying in praise and worship. I am now diving into your book and this study with my eyes, ears and heart wide open, praying He shows me how to accept His word as personal promises. I do love The Lord with every fiber of my being and I feel guilty sometimes for feeling the way I do. Please sisters keep me in your prayers as I will be praying for you all also. Blessing to all.
For a long time I have been living the life of self-doubt and have wanted to change but I would let my doubt tell me it was to hard. I am so tired of living life this way. I really feel God calling me to walk thru this study with him and not stop when it gets to hard but to allow the Holy Spirit to breathe change across my heart and mind. I know this is not the life he desires for me and I am looking forward to the change he will bring about in my life thru this study. I truly want to live Jeremiah 17:7.
Amen Dolores. Is anything too hard for God? Change is possible, just BELIEVE!
Be Blessed!
I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face because I know this is where God wants me but Satan has a tight hold. I love praying God’s Word. Chapter One has already given me so much hope but yet I am also ready to run and hide. I am truly scared of coming out of my cocoon. Flying free as a confident butterfly with God frightens me. I have been knocked down too many times. How do you recover from these things?
I so relate to your words. I was terrified of people, places and things for many, many years, I would cry myself to sleep because I was so tired of being afraid, I had isolated myself emotionally from everyone out of fear of rejection, abandonment, you name it. I felt alone in crowded places, and I felt separated from God.
That was the worst of it. Then one evening I decided I was sick and tired of the fear and not knowing what to do I went to my back yard with a cup of coffee, built a fire, and told God we were going to sit there all night if need be until He told me what to do. After about a 1/2 hr of sitting silent He spoke to my heart, told me I had to grieve my past, all that had happened to me, all that I had done. I started sobbing uncontrollably, then started praising Him, I started to laugh. He told me to go forward, hold my head high, He did not put this fear in me, to claim back the things I allowed fear to steal from me. I can tell you the truth, 99% of that fear is gone!! Praise God!! I can’t say I know what you need, only that I know how you feel and you are not alone on this journey, I will be in prayer for you sister.
Shawn H. Would you please pray for me also? I feel exactly the way that Charlotte feels about herself. I have been insecure all my life. I never knew a time in my life when I felt confident about anything. I’ve been a christian for over 40 years, but yet still cannot pray out loud, with other people. My mind goes blank and I feel stupid, inadequate and a failure as a christian. I literally freeze and I hate that about myself. I want so desperately for this to change and to trust God and believe that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Dearest Jean,
God does not see you as a failure. He does not see us the way we have been lied to about ourselves. He knows the potential in you and He knows the plans that He has for you, plans for a future and a hope. I use to have issues praying myself and even now, sometimes I still stumble, but I’ve come to the conclusion that regardless of how you feel, do it anyway. God sees our heart and if you pray from your heart, despite the words that are coming out, be they few and far between, He hears you. So dont give up, keep praying because He hears.
Be Blessed.
Thanks Michelle,
I have listened to satan’s lies for way too long! I will not give up hope, which is what I have done in the past. I used that verse you just spoke to me about God having plans for you, plans for a future and a hope with my son four years ago. He was diagnosed with Leukemia. I so easily can see God’s word for other people, but it is hard for me to see God’s promises for myself!
I feel so blessed having this group of women to talk with and go through this study with.
Charlotte Lennartz…..you recover by keeping your faith and remembering God’s promises. Stay positive and pray out loud in your closet and ask God to help you talk to Him out loud!
Know that God, nor I see you in the words you used describing yourself …..I see BOLDNESS!! You had the courage to tell all of us that you fear praying out loud.
Praying for you my Sister in Christ!!
Thank you Michelle.
I have always had a hard time writing my thoughts down on paper because I don’t want anyone to find it and read it. I will be doing my best to write something everyday and hopefully open up more each day with myself. I know I need to let not only God into those places but a trusted person who can love me with all my flaws and past mistakes. I know this is going to be part of my process in having a confident heart. I am so thankful for this study, I know God is working in me.
“Turn back toward the light…dwell in the assurance of Whose I am and who I am in Him.”
I can have a confident heart!!!
Thank you Renee!
Good morning! I have too often looked for affirmation from my family, my friends and when it didn’t always come I felt alone and depressed. Jeremiah has reminded me that it the Lord that gives me encouragement and confidence. People will fail us. God never fails us. I have let worrying about my children and grandchildren control my life to the point that I was depressed and constantly filled with anxiety. I am now trusting in the promises of God’s Word and placing my anxiety in His capable hands. Please pray for me fellow sisters in Christ.
Linda, You will be in my prayers. That is one of my problems, too. Worry about my children and my grandchildren, thinking I should do something, not being in control….these things are not fixable by me! I turn them over to God but then I walk right back into them. Today I prayed to be relieved of these worries and for God to take over and I really meant it. So we can pray on this together. God help Linda and I to let go and let you work. Amen.
I heard a pastor say this one time, and I LOVED it…. “When you lay your burdens at the Foot of the Cross, cut the strings and walk away!” So many times we forget those pesky strings and when we get up to walk away, those burdens just follow us back to where we are! I am too guilty of this, but HE is teaching me to see the strings so I can CUT them!
🙂 God Bless
Renee, I am also one who needs accountability so that I follow through. I procrastinate because I don’t feel that I can be helped. I am not sure when my insecurities started but it was a long time ago. I believe in God but I desparately want to believe God. I can’t even evaluate my thoughts and beliefs because I might be wrong. Answering questions about myself usually makes me quit because it is so hard. I’m praying that through your study I can turn this around and gain all the confidence and strength that God wants to give.
Thank you, Susan
I totally understand where you are coming from. When I was doing my reading last night and came upon the questions my first thought was just to “answer them in my head”. I felt that I had nothing to contribute. Then I made myself write down the answers anyway. Now I am so glad that I did.
Susan and Mollie,
I praise GOD for your honesty! What mighty and brave women you already are for being so open and honest. GOD is not the author of confusion, so my prayer is that as we travel this journey together, GOD strengthens us where we are weak, reveal things from our past so that we may move forward, and renew a steadfast mind and spirit within us! GOD BLESS YOU BOTH!!!
I am so thankful that we can be so real. We are all in this together, and we have so much to learn from each other.
You could not have said it any better. I, too, am a procrastinator and introvert. So, I’m usually the last to answer or respond to anything for fear of being wrong or simply put, not perfect. In my head I know nobody is perfect except for one person, but my heart tells me differently. Selfishly, I have so much worry about how others think about me and making people happy.
Thank you Renee for this study! I am so excited for what change is about to come. I have always believed IN God, but have had an extreme amount of doubt actually Believing Him, no matter what my feelings tell me. This message in Chapter 1 really hit home for me! And love the print out of the word for the day….Fabulous. To get the whole family involved, I’ve put the print-out on the fridge to share, and plan to have some ‘Bible time’ at dinner.
Hi all~
First off I must say, wow isn’t technology amazing! It has opened up so many forums for God’s Word to be shared and connection to be made.
I am thankful to be a part of this study along with each of you. It is very reassuring to know that we are not in this journey of life alone. What a reminder that the “shadow of our doubts” disappear as we turn toward the light. Thanks Renee for reminding us of this truth.
Looking foward to continuing this part of the journey with you.
Blessings to all,
What a way to start the new year. Renee, I appreciate you being obedient to the Holy Spirit. I see this study time as a blessing to me and many others. The Lord has blessed me to move into a new position and I know that I cannot do it in my own strength. This bible study reminds me that I need the faith and confidence that only the word of God can give me. God bless you!
I am truley looking forward to doing this bible study. I am excited to learn how to truely trust in the LORD, and have a CONFIDENT heart in Him. In these verses in Jeremiah 17, the first thing that popped in my head was ” Who am I looking to to find my confidence? Am I looking to man for a “temporary” hope and confidence, or am I looking to God for a “permenant” hope, and confidence?”
I pray that for myself, and for the women who are doing this bible study, who are having a struggle in truely putting trust in God, that he is the one who has the plans, and your will in His hands. That your hearts willl open and learn how to surrender to Him. To have peace and rest in your life. To have a CONFIDENT heart in Christ! May you be BLESSED this week!
Just started “The Daniel Fast” with our church family, last Wednesday & this is right on time for me. I’ve already read the book once, but I am really diving into the meat of it this time. I also, do not want this to be, just another book I read. This comes at a very, very difficult time in my marriage & my life as well, if I am truly honest with myself, which I am trying very hard to be. I am looking forward to that “New Thing” God is doing! I know God is right where He has always been, it is I that has moved away, slow fade, but still I moved away! I have been living in the shadow for far, far too long! Thank you, Renee for being obedient & thanks to all of you other ladies that have shared your hearts on here, today! I know how hard it is, as I am trying to do it myself, & I cannot thank you enough! You all have encouraged me so much this morning! Blessings to you & hope to hear more from all of you!
Renee I am so glad that you wrote this book I can relate to alot. I started to did this bible studie with Melissa And I late Satan get in my mind and shut down I never finish so I am so gald that you are doing this studie Plus I know how satan attracks me I am not going to let him win I plan on finishing this bible studie with you to the end. I am praying for you and all the other ladies that are doing this studie also. I am so excited to see what god plans on doing.
Hi Sharon,
I too was in Melissa’s BS and also did not finish the study. I finished the book, but got stuck at Chapter 6 with the questions. I’m glad that you decided to finish as I too am here for that very same reason. As we press on this year, I know that we are in for something great.
Be Blessed.
Michelle W.
Hi Sharon and Michelle W.,
I also started this study with Melissa’s online group and got through chapter 8. I said that I would at least finish reading the book even though I fell behind in the study, but I failed too. I know it was only satan at work. I pray that I will get through it this time and persevere. Praying that you guys will too. Thanks Renee for offering this study again because we as women of God need our confidence in Him and Him alone.
Liz 🙂
Hi Renee and all ~
I am so excited about this study. I however have a slight problem, after this week I will not have access of the book as I need to return it to the library. I cannot renew it and I am on a waiting list for another copy 🙁 I hope that I can still be a part of this study, as I cannot afford a hard copy right now. I posted on Freecycle to see if anyone had a copy they were letting go of, but no such luck. Any suggestions out there, I want to continue on with this study as I so need the refreshment it offers.
Thanks for any insight!
Send me your address and I will get a copy of the book to you. This study is so important. I know that I need this study right now.
Thanks so much Martha! What is your e-mail addy so I can send you my address? Thanks – Amy
[email protected]
Great! Sent you a message just now…Thanks again!!!!
Good Morning to everyone! I am just now getting on board. I have completed the first chapter, and I am overjoyed that I don’t have to read and go through this process alone. It is comforting to know that there are several women out there, just like me, who have issues with self-doubt. There were countless sentences that stood out for me while reading and studying this first chapter. In fact, I found some of my own personal thoughts written down by Renee. I often find myself not feeling adequate enough to do certain tasks, especially when it comes to leading something or speaking in public. I become a ball of nerves just thinking about having to be responsible for leading or delivering a speech in front of large crowds. I guess what stood out the most for me though, was when Renee said…”and sensed God whispering to my heart…” If I can be honest, this statement made me a little envious. So often when I going through different situations in my life, I long to hear from GOD. I long to hear what it is that He’s saying or thinking. I often hear people say, God spoke to me about this and God spoke to me about that, and it puzzles me a bit, because I am often unsure of when GOD may be speaking to me or if He speaks to me at all. Then the question that Renee asks herself in the second paragraph of Chapter one creeps into my mind….”What’s wrong with me?”
Hi Ashlee,
Your concerns about actually hearing from God have been mine in the past as well. However, something changed this last year and I began to really believe that God was speaking a word into my life. I had spent many years of flipping through the pages of the Bible like it was a fortune cookie and then falling upon random verses and being left empty. When I started crying out to God like David did in many Psalms, and just pouring my whole self out to Him ( the good, the bad, and the ugly) I then began to sense what He was saying to me. God tells us to search Him with our whole hearts and then we will find Him. I am praying that he will reveal Himself to you in a way that is REAL and with a word that you need.
Amen! Thank you Casey. I think the key word is BELIEVE. I have to believe that GOD wants to speak to me ,and then I have to be patient and listen.
It’s not a big “moment” it could just be something as simple as the “prompting” of your emotions or a thought… like today…I was eating my cream of wheat and drinking coffee and my mind started racing about a potential church change for my family…and now, as the day has gone I have realized that it was God speaking to me…about being ready for my husband to approach me about this. Kinda feels neat that I’m in on the secret…but I questioned if it was my thoughts or God at first cause it was a very casual moment, eating breakfast and enjoying the quietness of my usually chaotic home…so, think simple…God is speaking to you, and you might not even realize it! 🙂
Ashlee: Bless you for being so open and honest. Please know that there is nothing wrong with you! Part of “hearing” God speak to you is recognizing. (And questioning whether it is a message from God is important.)
I like to think that God uses lots of different ways to “speak” to me. Sometimes it is a particular Bible verse that I keep running across, or a thought or a word, that keeps cropping up. Sometimes it is through what someone else says or does. Sometimes it can be through the words of a song or the way music makes me feel. Sometimes it is in nature such as a pretty sunset.
I hope this helps.
I just started a new Sunday School class and my teacher said that you just need to begin where you are. She said if you don’t want to do your devotions, pray for the desire. If you want to have devotions and hear from God, then pray that God would meet you there. Tell him that you need to hear from him. Read the passage. Write down in a journal any verse that stands out to you in a new way. Read over that verse several times and wait. God will give you some words just for you. You might think it is your own thought so that is why you wait for God to put a new thought in your mind. Write down the thought. Then pray and thank him for sharing with you. I have been doing my devotions this particular way for a week now and love it! I think I rush too fast for him to actually speak to me most days. Zoom through the passage, pray, done. Praying for you Casey 🙂
Good Morning Ashlee,
I’ve had that same issue in the past with wondering why it was that I could not hear God and wondering what was wrong with me. There’s nothing wrong with you as you will see further in the book because Renee has a chapter that addresses this very issue of us wondering what’s wrong with us. God is always speaking to us. We may not “hear” Him, but He’s always speaking. I’m still deciphering His Voice to me. It may be through someone giving me a Word, it may be that I have a “feeling” to do something and then if I dont do it, after some time, knowing it was Him prompting me to do something and then getting down on myself for not “deciphering His Voice” until after the fact, or it could be through confirmation of His Word, when you read something in the Bible and it sticks out to you and then it’s confirmed throughout the day or week or month. He speaks in many ways, but we just need to decipher how He speaks to us. I also believe that in order to hear Him, you have to BELIEVE that He’s speaking to you. That was also a problem I had. I did not believe that He spoke to me, I always thought that my “works” disqualified me from hearing Him. The lies that we believe can be so distructive to us, but God is faithful to us and He always gets us through. Hebrews 11:6: But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Be Blessed.
Michelle W.
” He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It have no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:8NIV…I long to be capable of sending out my roots to the stream of my God. I am a people pleaser, who gains my fulfillment and confidence in the act of pleasing others, especially my husband and children. And when I don’t please, I feel inadequate and a failure. In these times of drought, allow me to continue bearing fruit , Dear Lord. Encourage me to send my roots to your heavenly waters for the quenching of my soul.
I’m w/ ya sister! I truly believe God is asking me to focus on living a life “PLEASING TO HIM” as my focus…through my words, moods, attitudes and actions…and to not worry about what others think, becasue the more authentic I am for HIM…the more they will truly see and understand who I am!
I wonder if it is common for us people-pleasers to also have feelings of doubting and inadequacy when we aren’t pleasing someone. I am thinking that maybe we need to focus more on pleasing God through our service to others (what we previously called “people-pleasing”) and that may help re-frame things? Do it for the glory of God, not for ourselves? Hmm, maybe I’m on to something here, I will have to try this!
Also, beginning this study, I couldn’t help but think, I’m so glad I’m not an atheist! Because as a Christian, we are learning that our value and confidence comes from Christ, not from the world! If I were an atheist, I would have to depend on getting warm fuzzies from the world, and you know how seldom that happens! So thank you Lord for letting me be part of this family!
I have also struggles with working to please others. I am learning that it is OK to work to help others, but the reason to help others comes from the heart and not to make others like us. God knows from our heart why we do certain things. Does that make sense?
Good Morning everyone. Where do you begin when you start something and then can’t finish because you don’t have the confidence in yourself. Due to failing so many times. I have been praying for God to give me the confidence and knowledge to be able to do His will and not mine.
My daughter and I started this study a few months back, but did not get it finished due to our schedules. We have decided that we wanted to be a part of this online study and to stay with it and to build up our confidence and to remember that we are God’s child. I love the Lord very much and He has really helped me get through some tough times and I still do have those tough times. Looking forward to this study and I know that we are all BLESSED with the LORD on our side. Thank you Renee and others for this study. Looking forward to going forward and having a confident heart.
Brenda, I also just survived a couple of years of extremely hard times, with the Lord’s help. I kept thinking, OK, so God is making me stronger, but then I got to the point where, I didn’t even WANT to be stronger anymore, I just wanted the troubles to stop coming at me! And then a light bulb came on over my head and God said, “Yes I want you to be stronger–THROUGH ME–and trust and rely on Me!” And I answered, “OOOOOOH, I get it now!” And you know what, the dark cloud went away then and life is good now! When I look back I also realize it was the Lord squeezing me through various circumstances to get me to focus on Him again. I can totally see that now. A message that I heard (so I bought the book) that helped me TREMENDOUSLY was “Plan B” by Pete Wilson, he explains about what it means for us to go through trials. It’s easy to read, very positive, loving, and down to earth (no fire and brimstone). I want to add, God is calling you through THIS study and I hope you are able to hang in there with the rest of us, nothing but blessing will come of it! To tie the above in with our current topic of trust and confidence, I can totally see how my confidence in the future is now through God and what a relief it is to not depend on MYSELF so much anymore! Too much pressure! :^)
Reading the acknowledgments made me realize that I have very few people that I turn to for spiritual guidance. I am very grateful to God for my husband who actually sent me the link to Proverbs 31 Ministries and to this book and study. I am really looking forward to this study and seeing what God has in store for me!
I think it’s gonna be an incredible journey. 🙂
I too am looking forward to doing this study. I have always had very low self confidence and am now heavier than i’ve ever been and my self worth has dropped even farther. I look in the mirror and I hate what’s looking back at me. I know that God loves me as His child but it’s hard for me to imagine that i’m lovable at times. I have two kids that I love more than life and to think of God loving me even more than that, it’s hard to take it all in. Other things have happened in my life recently that have stressed me to the max. I decided I needed to take the time for this study and time to fully comprehend God’s love for me and my worth as His child. Thank you, Renee.
Good Morning, There was so much to think about – what stands out right now for me is what am I going to cut off of my plate to make time for the study and more time for God. Thinking about it this way helps instead of wondering how to “fit it in”! I know there is so much that needs to be cut!!
Thank you for the study, the accountability and the encouragement!
I am so excited to see how God will transform me from the inside out! Praying God’s promises hit me like a brick. This is a journey for me but with God’s help I will have a fresh start and live a life of praying His promises. As I walk this journey…the constant self-editing” is going to be behind me.
I haven’t read Chapter 1 but the Foreword in itself had me thinking and glad I decided to join this bible study. I can’t wait to get started.
Renee — I love that “blessed” is our word of the week. I’m blessed that God has called me to participate in this study and gather some dear friends together each week to share with each other in person what we’re learning from your book.
Jeremiah 17:5-8 is already a very special scripture to me, and I look forward to reading more about blessings this week. God created us to hunger and thirst for him, and he sustains us with the blessings he showers down on us.
Thank you for this Renee. I feel in an overwhelming season of life, marked by lots of change. My oldest will always be recovering from an accident that forever changed our lives seven years ago. At the same time my mother became ill and passed away a year ago. Just before she passed I began a new job. I’m just trying to get a handle on all of it. The desire of my heart is to draw closer to God and trust Him with all of it. I’m a year and a half into a new and highly challenging job. From the beginning I said it was His because I knew I couldn’t do it on my own. What you said sbout God telling you to cut back on work to spend more time with Him hit home today. I had done that before, scaling back some commitments, but not with work. That is also what I believe He’s telling me to sacrifice, not just to focus more on Him, but to truly trust Him with this job and all the other things in my life. I’m making a commitment to.do.that today. To trust Him more and to.get to know Him more. He’s placed me here, I’m certain, but I’ve always felt that it would be for a season and that He had something He wanted to teach me through it. I did not have the confidence I could do this job – something like Moses. And I can’t on my own but through Him I can. I look forward to what we will learn together.
This is the first time I have been on any kind of online study and it’s great. God is truly working on me with getting things in order and I have been so busy doing everything but his work. This year will be different and thanks again for a study like this. One word: AWESOME.
These videos are so hard for me to watch as I only have DSL internet and they take forever to load BUT I am going to let it load and go do something else. I’ve tried to do other studies without watching the videos and I have missed out on so much and ended up not finishing. I so want to finish this study as this is where I feel I will benefit the most and be able to be a blessing to others. So, I will be back later.
Thanks for this , really have open my eyes differently , thanks for todays reading.
I’ve so debated about doing this bible study or any study. Like you Renee, my life is very full with work and ministry but I’ve found myself spending less time with Him. This video helped me make the decision to begin this study and today I’m asking myself the question “What do I need to set aside to have more time with God?” I am blessed but living under the weight of responsibility and absent from His presence can certainly make you forget this truth. Thanks for the reminder!
Dear Saundra, You are not alone. I have 4 children 20-15. The three girls and I have been in college together and my oldest moved out this week and time is something I feel I never have. But I can meet with Bible Study, because it is on my laptop, which I always have. God is always with us and our prayers are always with each other…it doesn’t get better than that.
I missed the first day. Is there any way to view the first day’s devotion?
Under Renee’s Story (in my menu bar) is a pull down button that says “Renee’s blog” click on that. Then when you get to that archive page – scroll down to Friday, Jan 13th for the instructional post and go up from there. I had a post on Sat, Sun and today.
I have been in a dark place lately listening too much to the lies of the devil and allowing too many negative thoughts into my head. Struggling with seeking approval from a spouse instead of God. Thank you for your book becasue it resonates with me and where I am today. I hope to be able to focus on letting God fill me with confidence instead of seeking it elsewhere. What a good word for the week. Blessed!
I agree…..love the word blessed. It envokes a good feeling in my heart. Makes me feel special! You are right….it is a good word.
Michelle- we are in the same boat! Let’s pray for each other!
I am also in that situation. I left for 3 weeks before Christmas…1500 miles away to my home where my sons are only to find out my life is not there anymore. I came back…drove all that way, alone and afraid. Now that I am back, my husband has been better, scared I think, but Jesus is my Heavenly husband and will never say mean words to me and I have to remember that…so timely, doing this study..i pray for you Michelle and Kristina…Words can be so hurtful, but God’s word is truth…
I as well have a very critical husband–quick to criticize and never compliments, and shows no affection. I am working on seeking only the approval of the loving Lord that created me in his perfection. I know he loves me and will continue to give me the strength I need for my marriage. I pray every day that God’s love will penetrate my husband’s heart and thoughts and that my heart will continue to be confident in His love.
I am a 59 year old semi-retired mother and grandmother and to my precious younger sisters in Christ I hate to tell you that life does not get less hectic as you get older. The distractions just take a new form. I do feel blessed in many ways, but I am still in God’s classroom. What struck me was what was I willing to give up to give God more time. I am giving this much thought and prayer. I am looking forward to this journey with Renee and all of you. May God grant each of you abundant blessings today and throughout this week.
Aw ur sweet Sheri thanks!! And to you too!
I think I will always be in God’s classroom. : ). It is a great classroom to be in!! Love it!
I pray to always be a student of God…..always learning more and learning to love Him more.
God is moving in such wonderful ways already! What a blessing! What has been resonating with me is the phrase, “At what point did Sam isolate herself?” I have isolated myself in so many ways without even realizing it. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
This book and study are such a blessing. I have lived in the shadow of my own doubts for so long it is going to be so different to change that mindset with help from the Lord. I know for sure that He is the only way life change is going to happen. I have lived the cursed life so long by worrying about what others think of me. I am SO ready to live the abundant life God offers. I want to have those serious conversations with God that will transform me into the person He has meant for me to be all along.
Amen to that!!
Amen and Amen.
Sandy, I tried to word what was in my heart. Then I read you what you posted and said “That is what is racing through my mind” Thank you for posting that. I am right there with you!
Loved this……”When you give God a little, He makes it a lot!” Confident that He will transform my heart to conform to HIs truth.”
I agree! I have to confess that I was looking forward to this study, but as I sat down to start yesterday I wasn’t “feeling it.” I woke up an hour earlier today to get into it. That was my “little” that I wanted to give today. I just wanted to be here and be faithful with whatever Renee is asking us to do. It’s now an hour and a half later and I’m teary eyed because I haven’t had a sweet time like this in soooo long. I was so blesssed by going through all the questions and really thinking about the answers and I loved Renee’s video. God is faithful. Sometimes we just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and see where He takes us. Glad to spend this time with you guys.
Jeremiah 17:5-8 really spoke to me…”cursed is the man who trusts in man”…”Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose hope is the Lord.”
So many times we listen to those around us instead of God, that is why we feel dry/parched spiritually. God gives us the water we need, the living water, to keep us living for Him.
Yes, I agree. I like to say my “tank” is empty. I should say “my spiritual tank” is empty. I need that water supply. 😉
I have lived with seeking man’s approval for too long. I want the refreshment that following after God’s heart will bring.
Amen, Sandy! I have cared too much what people think for far too long. And even when I get that approval, it’s not fulfilling (at least not for long).
Amen, Sandy!! I too suffer from worrying way too much about what others think. That’s one of the main reasons I want to do this study – Renee’s book really speaks to me and put into very eloquent words what was racing around in my mind and heart.
I myself have lived many years seeking the approval of man. I am ready to to fully rely on God, not just partially, but all the way. Years ago I was brought to my knees by God for not putting Him first in my life and my journey here is right in His time. Thank you for this study Renee, and all the wonderful women going thru this study. God bless you all.
I so agree I have lived the majority of my adult life trying to make others happy or seeking to get their approval. But I made up my mind that this year the only persons approval that I need is God!!!
I do agree we found ourselves fearing the opinion of others therefore we are reluctant to share our struggles and imperfections with others forgetting that perfection is not a human nature only by grace that we are saved and we should trust in the one who can take away lives and restaure them not the men who cant even create life
Thank you Mimi for challenging me to look to God for His grace, and not to man. His grace is sufficient and by His grace and love we are healed, and will have a confident heart.
Trust at most times is hard, but when I look to God and His truth, I can put my trust faithfully in Him and Him alone!!!
Wow! So many ‘Water” comments!!! This study truly is our chance to Lamentations 2:19. ..pour our hearts out in the presence of the Lord…and Psalm 62:8…Trust in Him at all Times, O people; pour your hearts out to Him , for God is our refuge. Think there is a whisper there that we all are hearing!!!!!! I love these special nudges!
That’s one of the things I jotted down…was to STOP going to others to vent, ramble, etc and seek advice..which justify my excuses, give me comfort for my “position” on whatever it may be, etc. Once we start buying into this cycle, it leaves us wanting more, and we get deeper and deeper into the habit and further and further away from what God wants us to do. Talking to these people even if they are good friends or f amily but NOT christians and receiving their counsel…I was really convicted of that…and realized that by me doing that, I’m cursing my ownself and the outcome of whatever the issue was/is in teh first place. So, the thing I am “CUTTING OUT” is phone time w/ friends. I’m a stay at home mom and can get caught up on the phone way too much SO EASILY and w/ a good person, great values, great morals, etc…but not a christian. I need to stop giving priority to my “hurt”, “palin”, and “pity party” because it yokes me into thinking all the thoughts listed in chapter 1 for my situation…I have to stay focused on God, focused on trusting HIM, stand on HIS rock and claim HIS word through my circumstances…not pick up the phone and have a session w/ my friend…
Thx for your post…:)
Jenn, I resonate with this post. At times, I find myself seeking others’ approval and confirmation of my decisions and whether I am following God’s path/hearing His voice correctly. At the same time, I find myself in that in-between place. Not a baby Christian but still “a work in progress” and maturing. And it feels risky to trust my inspirations because I am unsure if I am TRULY hearing God’s voice or is it my own emotion/feeling or even ego disguised as a good motive? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Praying for all of you ladies and myself on this topic and so many others. Renee, thank you as well for your dedication to this study.
I think we are all, and will all continue to be a “work in progress”. Great thoughts ladies.
I am cutting out something similar, as well! 2011 was an extremely challenging year. Quite frankly, the Glory is to God that I made it through with an intact marriage, job, and mind! So, I am cutting out not only talking about my past pain, but also thinking and dwelling on the hurtful things in my past. I had been thinking just last week that my words this year would be “Recovery” and “Rebuild”….but these words, again, direct my thoughts to the past (i.e., recovering from something and rebuilding something that was broken). For now, I am using Renee’s word BLESSED until I find my rhema word. Looking forward to this study!!!!
I understand how the words recovery & rebuild cause you to look back. I am choosing the word Hope for this year – it is looking forward.
Hope is a great word! Hugz to you!
I know I am a few days behind in starting this study. But want to say thank you to Jenn for your post. You described me to a “T” I have always looked to other people to vent to and looked to them to “fix” my problems instead of going to the Lord. It has been so much easier for me to put my trust in man because I can see and hear him. I am so excited about this study. I think I will be finally set free of my need for man and man’s approval.
This verse gave me goose bumps when I read it. I have felt in a period of limbo recently and have felt God’s nudging at my heart that I need to “trust in the Lord” so that I can hear, feel and move in the direction He wants me to go. The world is a scary place and I find myself feeling overwhelmed by all of it’s problems and the insecurity of it, so I’m trying really hard to set what I hear, see, read and speak on the things of God. This study comes at a perfect time. God bless you Renee for leading us in this journey with God!
Good Morning! As I begin day two, listening to the video, hearing the word Blessed, I received a wink from God reminding me of how blessed I am to be able to view this segment. You see I had a 9+ year old computer that was unable to handle online surfing, much less video streaming, but, within the past month I was able to purchase a new computer. Blessed. What a great way to start the day! Thank you for this online study.
Thank you so much for listening to God’s promptings to your heart to start this study. I am so grateful for it! I have been wanting to purchase your book for awhile now. The minute I saw that it was in the process of being a book….I read about what the book was about, and new my heart needed to hear it.
This study comes at a time that I am in one of the busiest seasons of my life…my husband is working full time, going to school full time to graduate in May, I work part time, and we have a 9 month old daughter….the days are so hard sometimes, but God is sovereign. I am so blessed to be married to a strong Christian….one who is working so hard to provide for our family to lead us to where we feel so strongly about being, and that is for me to be at home. This study does come at one of the busiest times of my life, but also when its most needed. It’s been in the last few months that I have really realized how much I need to rely on God’s strength and not my own. Sometimes the deepest valleys are the best place to be because of how much God grows us in them, and so hard or not…I am so thankful.
I know my lack of confidence in my own heart. My desire to always people please and get so caught up in what others think, that I forget many times who this is all for in the first place. Who is to get the glory? Not me, that’s for sure, but it’s so easy to forget. I just wanted to leave a comment this morning for some accountability. I know how easy it would be for me to just “get by” with this study….but you are right. God has so much for me in it, if I will just let him. Thank you for submitting to his prompting and I look forward to spending this time with each of you!
I need the accountability also. I want this to be so much more than just another book that I have read. I want it to radically change my life.
Sandy I agree!
I totally agree. I am in a season of my life that has caused me to do some serious soul searching and seeking God. I feel this is the start of a new transformation. I want God to transform me into the Jesus Girl that I was meant to be!
Me, too Nicole. I feel that God is letting me go through a ” growth spurt” right now. A period that is a little painful and uncomfortable but hopefully I will come out a stronger Christian on the other side.
I am a people pleaser too!!! I’ve recently tried to just let things go, do all that I can but focus on what is important in life… I am hoping part of the “confidence” I can gain through this study is the “confidence” to not be so worried about “people pleasing” but to be more focused on “God Pleasing”. Stay to the test my friend on your hectic schedule…and glad you reached out for some accountability! 🙂
As a chronically recovering ‘People Pleaser’ myself (It is a battle I will always have to be mindful of)..I relate. Have you ever read ‘Approval Addiction’ by Joyce Meyer? Its been a few years since I read it, but if you ever find yourself looking for another book to read (when there are so many calling our names…including Confident Heart!) I can recommend it! Best to you!
This is awesome, Bridget! Stick with it…it will be so worth it! And if you allow God to use all you learn in the book then you will not be the same woman at when you get to the end of the book that you are when you started it. Excited for you as you begin the journey of a “A Confident Heart” together with an incredible on-line support of women. I love what you said the study has come to you during one of your most busiest seasons of life and yet the most needed. Press on my friend…it will be worth it! Renee wanted me to let you know she read your comment, is thrilled you’ve joined her and is praying for everyone. Have a blessed day!
Hi Renee~
I am hoping I will be able to read and also comment on this site throughout this study. I am not linked with twitter or facebook, and I need to be able to connect with others. I did the study on my own recently, and I know there will be a great difference if I can move along this time with others.
Thank you for doing this study again. Thank you so much for your prayers for us. Judi.
Judi, this is the “living room” of our online study. We’ll meet here on my blog find out our assignments, read my posts and watch videos. The primary place to share our thoughts, prayers and questions will be in the comments section here.
Then, as time allows and people want to, they can hang out (in the foyer) on Facebook and Twitter. Some will and some won’t but the most important gathering place will be right here on my blog. 🙂
Thank you Renee…i posted early this morning here and on Facebook…This afternoon I felt terrible, i am not like you , I am the opposite of you with absolutely so much time on my hands, the devils playground…My mind is so bad to me…So, I do this study as I said earlier hoping it is not just another study…God knows I have done enough of them. I need to do the work and I will in Jesus Name…i am just so encouraged by two women who responded to me and helped me by affirming me and making this seem real. Thank you all ladies for coming into this woman’s life.!!!!
You are in my prayers Peggy. Your desire to be changed by Him through this study wonderful. I had back surgery in December so I am at home unable to do much of anything for the next few months. I am hoping to fill my time with true dedication to this study, prayer, time in the Word, and introspection.
I don’t have facebook or twitter either, so I’ll just be meeting here on the blog. We can pray for each other.
Michele S.
Good morning! What a great way to start my day, in God’s Word and with my new study! I love the way you prepared the key verse. I’ve taken the liberty of putting the pink heart and the words on a 3×5 card and am putting it not only for me to see, but for my 15 year old daughter! I read a bit more of Jeremiah as well and verses 17:12-13 gave a beautiful picture of God as our sanctuary, our hope and our fountain of living water! God is our home, our sustenance and our future. When we accept this as truth and live it, no one can take away our confidence! Thank you precious Lord for giving us the opportunity to be involved in this study and draw closer to You. May You be greatly praised! Amen
Hi Annette, What a wonderful idea of the 3×5 cards! Thank you.
I will be placing the word of the week at my desk at work so everyone in my office will be seeing it.
The word of the week had made it to my visionary board for the entire family to see. I am so excited to be a part of this study. I am expecting God to move in all of our lives.
May I ask what is a visionary board? Sounds interesting.
I am also curious what the visionary board is….might be something I could do for my family as well!
I LOVE dream boards or “visionary boards”!! Would you mind sharing your ideas for yours?
The comment in the chapter that stands out is”You can only see the shadow because you have turned away from the light”. This resonates with my heart because my word for this season of my life is “Focus”. Over the past few months the Father has really been talking to me about being single minded and setting my focus on Him. The more I look at Him and see His goodness and really believe that He loves me, the more I am willing to live my day in confidence..that has brought me to a place where I have had to lay down a lot of things that have been filling up my life over the past year and repurpose my intensions toward His love for me.He is asking me to look at my priorities and focus on my intimacy level with Him and with my family.
Hello, this book study was suggested to my by my sister in Christ Misty Auel who is also doing this book study. I needed the encourgement with the word of the day Blessed! Also the scripture in Jeremiah is God speaking to me and I recentely read Jeremiah which leads me to feel God knew this book study was intended for me to participate. I pray everyone does truely feel blessed and encourged by each other and Gods unfailing love for his children
Encouragement – amazing how god knows just what we need & provides it before we even know we need it. I know I was blessed to have this put in my lap as I am dealing with a big trial of trusting &Satan is trying so hard to get my focus off God. But the Lord knew this & is reinforcing what I know to be true but to trust we should also be reminded of Daniel chapter 6 how he trusted the Lord & how he prayed am, noon, and night. we have the responsability to put on God’s armour & that is by reading & prayig at all times not just when we feel convcted but always to gain his strength to fight the enemies attacks. I will pray for all us women to be able to DESIRE that time with the Lord for our protection & growth. I will pray for all us to be encouraged by this sight or by god’s interceding with others just as he sees fit. Psalm 138 reminds us tha the Lord will fulfill his purpose for our lives. so trust in that.
Thank you
I also want to say I listened to the video blessed this afternoon for the third time the more times you hear things, the more you hear and pay attention to what you are getting out of what you are hearing. God is really teaching me to listen! for this third time, I heard this video, I really believe god was speaking to my heart to say take a few minutes out of my day and be still with him and just be with him. I just journaled my thoughts. I am a people pleaser. I asked God to speak to my heart like he did in the video and to show me how to recgonize when I’m listening to what’s going on aroudn me too much and to show me how to focus on him. as everyone knows and I’ll mention it again. I am totally blind. I have a computer with a speech program that I use the keystroke commands to read a line at a time and so on now there are a couple of limitations. it only reads word documents. the chapters are p.d.f. files I can’t read the chapters, but I still fell very involved in this study because I am getting all of renee’s e-mails and hearing the videos and reading people’s comments and putting my own! I’m praying to be able to get the book! I am downloading the verse of the week and memorizing! So, I am really able to get involved in this. I thank god for such a wonderful online study on confidence thank you Renee!
I know its pretty late in the day and I am just getting around to posting and reading comments but better late than never I always say. Currently, I am a graduate student studying for my Masters. Needless to say I too have a hectic schedule and have put off in the past really delving into Gods word and often times put those around me first over him…. I remember receiving an email concerning your book last summer, but I was so caught up in trying to fix my broken relationships that I didn’t pay attention to what God was trying to show me in helping me deal with my insecurities and truly trust in him and relinquish control. Needless to say my insecurities from a lack of God confidence I think caused things to have gotten worse between me and those I love to where now we barely speak. Needless to say, just from this first chapter in this book and the first assignments given to us, I have realized that I have done in the past what Jeremiah 7 :5 -6 explains. By trusting man or myself for my strength to control things or make things right, rather than trust in God in his perfect timing for change or restoration etc, I actually have caused more damage than good! Therefore the curse. I feel like this online bible studying is a “blessing” —see look at the word of the week… and I am really trying to be obedient to God and wholeheartedly trust in God’s confidence in ALL aspect of my life as well as grow in him to help change me for the better. I use to have a WHOLE lot of worry and fear about everything, and listening to people often times never helped my anxiety and fear of thinking “is God truly going to fulfill his promises.” or is his “promises” that I have came up with not actually his but what I want for my life. I am just yearning and wanting to be more confident and be able to hear from him more. My church is also doing a 21 day fast right now, and I am trying to incorporate this into the fast! I feel as though with this bible study I am on the verge of a breakthrough and boy o boy is the devil trying to stop it (even to the point of disrupting my sleep through my dreams)….so I ask for your prayers as I embark on this journey for growth with all of you. Be blessed and thank you for what you are doing right now. It is greatly appreciated.
I just prayed a special prayer for you!
Wow! I feel like I am in the same boat. I, too, am a grad student and definititely need to put God first as the El Capitan and let God do His thing! — my job is to FOCUS, be disciplined, humble, trusting in Him, and to live blessed and not cursed Jer 17:5-8. “Human effort accomplishes nothing! But with God, all things are possible.” (Bible paraphrase). I have to believe it and stop meddling in the pot. Thank you for being transparent with your story so I could see myself there. I have some questions to answer at the end of the chapter to dig deeper and not avoid them. Best and thanks!
You are in my prayers as we go through this study!
hello it’s me again I have posted ealier and am posting more comments to say. i’m so excited about this bible study-confidence course God has found for me. Because I wasn’t here for the beginning of the study, I just went to the arkives. I’ve been listeing to the videos every week, but I just want last week to the archives thank God for those arkives to start over again. I listened to the video on blessed three times. Yesterday was my third time I heard it the more you hear something the more you get out of it. Well, yesterday, I really listened and I really listened to Renee say God spoke to her heart to say spend time with me. I could really sense God speak to my hear and I could really sense him using this bible study/confidence course to challenge me to take a few minutes out of my day to forget about everything around me, and spend time with him. Now, I mentioned earlier I’m totally blind. I’m using a computer with a speech program. It reads me everything on the screen! I have to do the proper keystroke commands to read a line at a time and so on. It has limitations though. It doesn’t read p.d.f. files only word files. the chapters are p.d.f. I do feel really involved in this study though because I’m listening to the videos. I’m reading comments. I’m in the middle of that now reading all the comments under the post video bless. i’m spending an hour each day going through the comments. Wow. so many of you are going through what I’m going through with self/doubt issues and I am a people pleaser. I have negative people in my life family members and my boy friend is sometimes negative now I’m blind. i live on my own, and I find my loved ones even though they don’t mean to be, are very critical of me They don’t mean to be. It just comes across that way! the tone of voice people use is very important. Also, Satan uses other people to make us feel miserable and to doubt ourselves and that’s what happens to me a lot of times! This course on confidence is really going to help me! I want to be a confiden woman in christ! it’s so good for us to share all our comments! I could be here all day reading these! It’s so good to know there is people out there going through the same things I’m going through. One of you mentioned about Joyce Myer I love her! I listen to her every day! She’s great! I’m going to go now read more comments also as I was reading everyone’s comments and relating so well, I thanks God for Christian friends. I don’t have many at all! look forward to keep connecting with you all bye for now Phyllis
kathy focus has been a key word for my life for years. I pray God will open my mind that it won’t be just. Word but the action of the word will come.
The comment about the word “Focus” really resonated with me. I was participating in a Bible Study with my church last summer and one night my prayer partner asked me what she should pray for me and I said “Focus”. At the time I thought I meant it about my life in general…I tend to be a little scattered. But I realized over the course of the summer that the word “Focus” came from the Holy Spirit reminding me to put my “focus” on God. I am excited to be a part of this study.
Thank you all who chose that quote from Chapter1 on “You can only see the shadow because you have turned away from the light”.
My Word for 2012 is LIGHT as yours is FOCUS, Kathy… and so far, I could not decide if I would do this study or about 5 others including Ephesians (one of my favorite books in the Bible)
And out of 200+ comments, that I would open to so many choosing that quote… (don’t know how Renee will be able to filter or read through all of these… my eyes were shot after the first page)!
I also was concerned whether I had time to JOIN in as this is a busy season down here in MX preparing for outreaches and upcoming evangelism… but with Renee’s words on the video “to set aside time” and this multiply confirmation, I downloaded the sample… but within hours of reading and checking more comments, I was convinced that for me… God was saying that I needed this CONFIDENT HEART and the confidence in ministry by reading Renee’s book. So whether I can stay with you all through it all… I knew I had to buy it and start 2012 with this and also a new day, and new week of encouragement. I have found it here and I know I will be BLESSED!
“But blessed is the Peggy and each of you who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him!”
I caught the end of this book with Melissa T. when she was doing this as well and should have known. But Renee, that forward struck a deep cord… thank you for sharing and making this available again.
Bless you Renee, Kathy and all the rest of you seeking our confidence and strength in Christ Jesus and God’s Word. Now I’m really excited about digging into this and so thankful!
”You can only see the shadow because you have turned away from the light”
Kathy said this really spoke to her. It is the first thing I highlighted in the book. Wow. Great picture it creates as I think of my own doubting of God’s power in my life from time to time.
Thank you for the word “FOCUS”. I have been putting too much focus on others opinions, and not enough on God’s.