Welcome friends! If you hopped over from my P31 devotion to find the free download of chapter 2 from my book A Confident Heart, or to sign up for my online study, or enter my give-away – the links and details are below. First I’d love to share a little of my story and why I”m offering an online study of my book here on my website in January…
Several years ago, I discovered a powerful truth that changed my life forever and set me on a journey to finding a lasting confidence that isn’t based on my successes or failures – but solely on God’s unfailing love and powerful promises! It’s the title of chapter 2 and today’s post – Because God’s love is perfect, I don’t have to be!
For so long, like so many women, I thought I had to be perfect to be loved. I was convinced if let anyone see my imperfections and inadequacies they would think less of me, and eventually leave me -or distance themselves from me.
It was a compelling and paralyzing belief. One that catapulted me into a tail-spin of performance-based living and constant self-doubt. A life where my value was solely measured by my possessions, positions, and people’s opinions of me.
I carefully constructed walls around my heart to project false-confidence and protect my insecure heart. On the outside everything looked liked it was going well, yet on the inside I was drowning in feelings of not ever being good enough. With each attempt to keep others impressed and distant, I stepped further into the shadows of self-doubt. Even though I was surrounded by people, my insecurities convinced me I was all alone.
By the time I was in my twenties, I couldn’t pretend anymore. I ran out of the emotional energy it took to fuel my efforts. Although I’d gone to church off and on for most of my life, I’d never really understood messages I’d heard. But this time, I started listening and really hearing what was being said.
Over time God revealed His heart to me through sermons and books I read, but more than anything He spoke to me through the Bible. Through His written Word on the page and His living Word in the person of Christ, I came to know the perfect love of a personal Savior who pursues imperfect women like me.
I read stories that echoed the struggles and desires of my heart. Tucked within those stories I discovered God’s promises and how He responds to the heart’s longings and heals the hurts of His children. I read words that gave me hope and assured me that I was not alone….
Knowing we are not alone is the first step out of the shadows of self-doubt. It sets us free from feeling like something is wrong with us because no one else seems to struggle like we do. I believe Sam (from today’s devotion) realized this truth the day she met Jesus and felt the pursuit of His perfect love. She was made complete by the power of His love and was transformed from a life of shame and isolationto a life of freedom and Christ-confidence!
Her story of life-change is a picture of what God’s love, forgiveness, pursuit, confidence and purpose can look like in our lives! Instead of just writing a book about how that has been true in my life and how it can be true in yours – I feel God leading me to walk through the book with women who want to take hold of those truths but just aren’t sure how to do it.
So, I’m offering a FREE online study of my book, A Confident Heart, right here on my website. I want us to create a safe place of community where we can talk about how we got where we are in our self-doubts and how we can get where we long to be and then take steps together to get there- through encouragement, prayer and living in the security of God’s promises! Will you join me?
A Confident Heart Online Study
My online study will begin January 16th. I’ll post 1-2x each week and will have guest posts, video segments and more! Because we’ll meet online, you can check in at your convenience any time of the day and week. I’m so excited about the ideas God’s giving me for it, and would love for you to join me! All you need is a copy of the book, a notebook, a Bible and a ready-for-God- to-do-a-new-thing attitude! Here are a few links I’d love to share with you today:
- Click here to find out more about the book and links to online stores that carry it.
- Complete the form in my right sidebar to receive more details or to join my Confident Heart Online Study.
- Click here to read the table of contents, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2: Because God’s Love is Perfect, I Don’t have to Be (for a limited time only). *It’s s in a PDF so your computer might warn you, but it’s safe to open. If you can’t access it, let us know though my contact form.
- Subscribe to my website updates. For online study participants, I recommend signing up for both in case some thing gets lost in cyberspace or spam.
A Confident Heart Give-Away
Win a $10 Starbucks gift card, a journal, a copy of my book and conference calls that will be an option for my online study! To enter to win, do any of the above and let friends know about my online study, devotion and or this post via email, Twitter and Facebook! Be sure to click “Share Your Thoughts” below to let me know you did so I can enter you in the drawing!
If you don’t want to do all that, I’d still love to hear from you today!
How did God speak to your heart today through my devotion or today’s blog post.
Just click on “Share Your Thoughts” below to let me know and I’ll be praying for you today!
Hi Renee ~ I completed the form; I am signed up for the online study to begin in January. I do so look forward to this study.
Your book is awesome! I have been doing the study on my own because of time constraints. But come January, I will be able to join in the online study. So excited!!
I hope someday to use your book to start a study, either in my church, or in my neighbourhood. I hope to be able to share your experiences and the wisdom God has given you with other women.
Thank you for being so vulnerable, Renee. You are a sweetheart. Love ya!
Hi Renee,
I have once again shared your devotion information on Facebook. I would love to win the package you are giving away this time. As someone who is really trying to find myself again after an unwanted divorce after nearly 30 years of marriage, your devotions really give me hope. I am loving your book and am so ready to find the confidence I know is still in me, just buried for the time being. God has not given up on me and I know that, I just have to get my brain and my heart back on track with what I know to be true.
I love telling everyone I know about your book and your blog.
Thank you for caring. Have a blessed evening.
yes ….thank you for the lovely message today ……..it really fulfills my heart to know that eventhough i am a sinner the lord still loves me………..i will be sharing this message from you with our womens fellowships every tuesday 10am(fiji time)…………….it is something good and i want to share with as many women as i can…………..please pray for me/family/children/and my marriage…………i would love to hear some more from you…………………..it is just lovely……………thak you
I am so thankful for you and your devotionals. It is very uplifting to know I am not alone in my self struggles.
I always feel so blessed. I have passed your website to friends and family members to share the blessings.
Thanks again.
I don’t have your book yet but want it so much. I have been going through clinical depression for the past few months. I lost my Dad a little over a year ago & because of some other family things that have come about I have been going through a very bad time. I have been reading the devotionals from 7day doubt diet. They are very encouraging to me. So many things that I can relate to also. Thank you for what you are doing. God has blessed me through you writings.
God bless you!
I will be sharing the information on your online study via email. I still don’t have your book and have signed up twice for the devotions they are sooooo good!!! I am putting it on my christmas list right now so I can join the study in January.
Your words of Truth have really made an impact on me. I’m doing the study online with Melissa and about 8,000 of my closest friends :). What God has shown me within even the past week have just really helped me recognize a few things about myself that I hadn’t even known. I had a hard time answering the questions in the first few chapters because I didn’t fee like I could really relate…then I got to 7 and 8. It’s been a wake up call as i have recognized myself in so many of these pages. I’ve been going back to the previous chapters and reading them with a whole different perspective. Thank you for being obedient to God’s prodding to write A Confident Heart, I truly hope you get to experience the blessing it has been to so many women.
I am plan to lead this study in my home with my Monday School ladies when you do it in January. We’re currently doing Believing God by Beth Moore, but we’ll need something new after Christmas and I know my group could use the wisdom found in it’s pages.
God’s Blessings,
<3 Heather
P.S. I'm not interested in winning, but I did send this and your P31 devotion via Twitter, FB, and email.
This is the peefrct post for me to find at this time
Thanks matt for confirming again that Google ignores the Keywords Meta tag. The confusion starts for the meta description now. As most of them still believe that Google will give more weight for the description in rankings. Can you also comment on this meta description tag and clear the confusion ?
I have read your posts many times and felt the urge to comment but I didn’t. Today I give in because I genuinely have nothing left in me to fight it. I am struggling with many things and learning to embrace them is difficult to say the least. For some reason, that I cannot explain, I continue to be drawn back to your site. Today, I shared your site on my facebook along with friends and family mostly as a means to find myself. For me telling my story just seems silly so I’m left with little to say. I’m in a place of brokenness and again I’m drawn here. I’ve been angry and fighting and as we all know, that really doesn’t do much. I find myself in a place where there’s nothing left but Him. To just keep it short and sweet, after being married in an abusive relationship for 10yrs, being a single parent for several years and finally finding a man that truly loves me, I struggle. Before we married he let me know he had a terminal disease and that the doctors told him a “death date”, he let me know that we would only have 12yrs together. In October he got sick so we rushed him to emergency only to find out that in addition to his disease he may now have liver cancer. We don’t have insurance because companies will not cover him due to his disease so we cannot afford the testing that is needed to confirm if cancer is present. My 12yrs is no longer that and we are now facing much less time together. The lingering question is……why and for some reason I look to myself and say if only you were….. I guess this was the breaking point for me and it’s consumed me for weeks. I’ve struggled many years with the very things you’ve written about and I struggle with them most today. Because of my own issues I make things more difficult in my marriage and in life instead of just enjoying what I have today. At this point it may be best for me to just go get your book and loose myself in it. I’m not sure why I’m here, on your site, but I know it’s for a reason and I thank you for being there.
Your story caused me to tell you that I will be praying for you. I cannot imagine the burden you carry right now, but our Lord does. I will be praying for you.
I was forwarded one of your emails from a friend today and it just spoke right to my heart. It is amazing how God works through people and touches someone in just the right way. I am so thankful for the opportunity to hear your message and be a part of the Confident Heart Study as I am very much struggling with confidence in a number of areas in my life. I have signed up and signed up for your emails! Thank you again and have a wonderful rest of your day!
Thanks for your kind words. I love how you think of the woman as “Sam” It does make her seem more real. I would love to be entered into the contest. I have already joined up for the study. I’m looking forward to it! I’ve been a Christian for almost 20 years, but this is still the area I struggle with the most. Thanks again for your encouragement and prayers!
I have really enjoyed your writings on the Proverbs 31 Ministries website and I forwarded the link to my friend that supports me in my new journey with Jesus. Thanks!
thanks for sharing this piece of scripture. i’m sure we’ve all felt this way a time or two in our lives – like the outcast, undeserving of love… sometimes it’s hard to imagine that there’s someone so willing to love us, despite all of our faults… someone wanting – desiring – to have us run to Him and just rest at His feet, and accept all that He has to give us…. in our brokenness, in our search of wholeness, in our outcrying for strength, love and peace – He can fulfill all of that, and more, if we just give Him the chance! …if we just surrender our hearts, and give Him the chance…
I was just thinking about you and praying for you…wondering what you were up to. 🙂 So excited to see God is leading you to walk through your book here!!!
I love your P31 devotion today. I was so touched by the way you shared Sam’s story in your book and how you showed us that Jesus MET her there, purposefully, in the loneliest part of her day.
Love you bunches! And thank God for the sweet ministry He has done in my own heart through your book and just you and your sweetness in general. 😉
Hello Renee!
I am SO glad you are going to do this study online after the first of the year. I had signed up to do it with Melissa but I just have so many things going on right now that I’ve not even been able to start reading the book. I had been saving all the emails so I could do it later.
I did post on FB and Twitter so that hopefully others will join. I do already have the book but would LOVE to win another copy to give to a friend of mine here. (I wouldn’t mind winning the conference calls either! LOL)
It’s waaaay too much to tell you about but suffice it to say that God has had me on quite a journey the last few years – opening my eyes and allowing me to see that I am NOT in this alone and that MANY others who ‘look’ like they have it all together, don’t!
I thank Him and praise Him daily for showing me this and for sharing people like you with me – people that are willing to put themselves out there and share their stories. It truly gives me hope that, WITH CHRIST, I CAN remember what HE says I’m worth.
Thank YOU for allowing Him to use you in such a wonderful way. I know that there are MANY who appreciate you – for your openness and just the fact that you “keep it real” (as Mandisa is always saying).
Looking forward to January 16 already 🙂
Thank you…I still struggle with believing that I could possibly have friends. I cannot seem to feel close to people and know that it must be some lie I am believing but it is difficult to figure out how to overcome it.
I have tried going through your book with another group but have been overwhelmed during this time period and havent’ been able to keep up. Maybe January will be better…I may try to find someone who might want to go through it at the same time so we can “compare notes”…and help one another….
It is good to have so many sisters…may we overcome our insecurities and become the confident daughters of the King that we are called to be.
Hi Carla,
I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in your struggle to feel close to people. I know exactly what you are saying, I am in the same place. I will be participating in the study in January and hope to see you there also! I will be thinking of you and praying for you.
Hi Renee,
Thank you so much for your emails and devotionals. I really enjoyed today’s because it spoke to my heart.
All my life I have felt insecure about myself and my worth. I have tried to make people like me for what I think they want me to be, not for who I really am. I try so hard not to but like you said, i’m afraid that if they see the real me, they will turn and run the other way.
I pray that one day I can get away from this kind of thinking.
I Love, Love, Love this site and the daily devotions I get. I have shared this with my mom, sister in law, mother in law and some ladies from our church! This is exactly what I need at this point in my life. God bless you!!
I signed up for your online study, I am already reading the book. It is great!
It sounds like a wonderful book! Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of your book
It’s amazing that God knows just what we need when we need it! I have been at a very low point emotionally in my life. That nasty voice reminding me of past sins that I know God has forgiven and telling me I’m not good at anything, has been really trying to bring me down. Also, my husband has “back slidden” and now questions God and blames me for the problems in our marriage. I have been in trears so much lately, but your devotion reminded me that God loves me where I’m at and I am precious in HIs sight (as we all are). I have signed up for the 7 Day Doubt Diet and am so excited to see what all He shows me in the days to come!! Thank you Renee for following God’s plan for your life and sharing with us!
God’s blessings to you and all sisters in Christ touched by your ministry!!
Hi Renee!
Thank you for the opportunity to sign up for your Confident Heart Bible Series in January. I have been reading your book and can relate to so much. These are things that the enemy has been shooting at me to keep me defeated and to make me question whether my Abba Father truly does love me. The fact is that Jesus does love me; even more than I can comprehend. I’m thankful that every promise in God’s Word is true and it is His Word that I truly need to rely on in order to battle this fierce enemy. I’m so thankful and grateful for the Lord’s grace and mercy. Thank you for opening up the deepest wounds of your heart and allowing the Lord to work through your life so that you can be a blessing to others. I am anxiously awaiting your online study and look forward to growing closer to my Saviour each day.
thanks for your encouraging words today! It’s been a struggle-filled morning at work and the little break I took to read your devotion refreshed me. I’m signing up for the online study. thanks!
I thank God for this wonderful devotion ,which made me strong nd move confidently with his love,,after years of struggle with my loneliness ,rejections and frustrations.I thank God for his perfect love in our imperfections………..
I wasn’t sure when I read chpt 1 awhile back and chpt 2 today. I feel like a confident person. I do my job well, have various skills, can speak to an audience. I thought of a lot of areas where I am confident. Then when I read your words and understood your meaning of confidence, I decided that this book would be a benefit. Thanks!
Your devotion today really just what I needed to hear. As a mom of 4 I often struggle with feeling inadequate and just like the mundane tasks aren’t good enough or I’m not good enough. Thank you for reminding us that Jesus will meet us right where we are and we are just perfect to Him. I will be signing up for the online study and am email/facebooking friends to join as well.
I’ve signed up for study and updates
Love your devotions! Struggling with many, many personal issues at this season of my life. I will join the Bible Study and purchase your book. I know my life is not about ‘surviving’ but ‘thriving’ yet it seems I have lost my way.
Thank you for your wisdom, heart felt love and compassion!
I cannot begin to tell you how much your devotional meant to me today. The very issues I’ve been struggling with are the ones the Lord spoke to me about through you. I was in my own “Grand Canyon” (like the song), and needed to draw to Him yet felt paralyzed in doing so. He spoke to my heart through your words today and my Grand Canyon is now just a little dip in the road that I can step over. My soul rejoices!
I did sign up for your study and read the first two chapters in your book, which were more confirmation that I need this study. I hope to share on my FB page when my FB decides to play nicely with me. Right now it won’t play nicely, but I’m not giving up!
Thank you for the blessing of your gift pack to the woman the Lord leads you to pick. Secretly I hope it’s me. *grin*
May God continue to richly bless you
He knows just what we need when we need it. I’m amazed how God spoke to so many hearts in such personal ways today. It one I wrote late and almost missed the deadline to get it in. Thankful God made a way – and showed us all His faithfulness and love today! Thank you for sharing on FB – I would love for you and all your friends to join us in January!
I just got finished reading todays devotional for P31, about the Samaritan woman (SAM). It was just what my heart needed to remained of.
SO glad God led you to the devotion and spoke to your heart just what you needed to hear. He loves you so, Kim!
I wanted to thank you for your words I can truly relate to some of your story and some of Sams as well. I have been married for 23 years and have been with my husband for 28 years we have four children. I cant stay that my life has been easy and I struggle with alot of what you mention in Chapter 2. I thank GOD that you showed a different side to the Verse about Sam so that I can see that Jesus comes looking for us where we are and he knows every thing about us. I think I can be harder on myself than anyone else and have been going through some difficult times in my marriage and this has been on going for years. I seek God to know his will and his purpose for my life and my marriage cause I really dont believe I should endure what I have nor should I continue. I have place my marriage in God’s hands and I will leave it to him to lead me and guide me in the right direction no matter where he leads me I will follow. Thanks so much for your devotion to you calling and your ministry to women as we all may look different and come from different backrounds but deep down some will have gone through the same struggles as others and this is a place to be to lift each other up and know that no matter what GOD is good and he will direct out path if we allow him to live in our lives and in our hearts He will meet us where we are.
Ana, thank you so much for stopping by and for sharing your heart. You are right – our stories are often so different but our Jesus knows that our struggles helps us love on and encourage one another in Him. I prayed for you today to have wisdom in your marriage and for Jesus to show you His way and His heart for you. He loves you so much and He doesnt’ want you to be so hard on yourself – you are chosen and loved and cherished by HIM!! I pray you’ll come back to visit and maybe join us for the online study in January.
Have signed up for study, read chapters 1 and 2, and get email updates. Thank you for the opportunity – I love coffee 🙂 Please still remember me and my 5 children in prayer. Husband who left 3 years ago is now making things very difficult. Had a very emotional and disturbing weekend. Thank you.
Praying for you Michelle and your kids! So glad you are going to join the study with us!! <>
I start my day everyday with a devotion from P31. There are too many words and yet not enough to say how it blesses my life. Renee your devotion today calmed me in the midst of the swirl that is going on in my life right now. I am amazed at how much courage you have to be so transparent and pray that I can some day do the same. I will continue to pray that God’s will be manifested in your life. BLESSINGS
Wow Patricia, thank you for your prayers. I’m so honored that God would love on you so personally today through my devotion. It’s my offering to Him and my prayer that women will know HE is crazy in love with them. He’s all we long for and so much more!! I’m praying for you write now – to find yourself in the center of His comforting calm- although life is a whirlwind around you. <>
I had already started reading your book and had read this chapter last week. But, this morning was when I needed it the most. I’m feeling overwhelmed with life’s duties and this spoke to me so much! It’s amazing how God works so well in our lives and we aren’t always aware.
I signed up for your online study in January and am anxiously waiting to learn even more!
So glad you’re reading the book now and will be joining our online study in January! I think it’s a book I’ll need to read once a year – at least :-). The things God has taught me over the past 20 years and then engraved deep into my soul for the past 5 are promises and transforming truths I want to live in again and again! Thank you for sharing how He spoke to you through them today – just when you needed it!
I woke up this morning with tears and fear that I would never be the person I use to be. I truly believe that God let me read your devotion today. I am currently out of work and facing medical issues.I wake up to a feeling of defeat and I feel like no one cares. I know that God has a purpose for all I am going through and He allowed this to happen and knows the outcome. I feel closer to Him after reading about (Sam). I want to thank you for allowing God to use you to reach many women who may feel lonley, worthless and unloved. You made me realize that God loves me enough to die for me and will take care of my situation. I intend on sending this out to many of my friends. Thanks so much!
He is right there with you – holding out His hands wanting to take yours. Wrapping His arms around, whispering “You are Loved.” You are so much more than the circumstances and trials you are facing. You are not alone and you are not defeated.Praying for you right now sweet friend!
Renee it always amazes me when I read His word, or read a devotional, or testimony of someone and they feel the same way I do. How encourging that no matter what we go through, God can use it to witness to others. Praise God for you sharing your heart to help others heal.
Thank you,
Thank you Lou. Your words blessed me today!
Thank you for being such a “calming force” in my life!! Love to read what you have written!! Blessings and I am signed up!! Barb
Aww, that is so sweet of you to call me a “calming force” – what an honor to be part of your day. thanks for stopping by and for signing up for the study. Can’t wait to see and hear all that He has planned for us as we seek Him together!
Thank you Renee for your words. I been feeling very discouraged at my workplace, feeling that I have no support and that my workers have no respect for my authority. Thank you for reminding me that God is there and wants me to succeed. I need to meet with Jesus in time of self doubt. I am signing up for you study. Aloha
Aloha!! So glad you are here today Laurie and that you know HE is THERE with you wherever you are – whatever you are feeling. He honors you with His presence and His love. Praying you will know how highly He thinks of you and that you’ll feel His grace as you humble yourself before Him. Honor Him in all you do, and He will lift you up. Can’t wait to learn more from Him together in January!
I tried to share thru FB tab, but it kept closing. I think that to share in this online study, then FB with my local friends about it would be great. I encourage all to ask for it for Christmas in time for the January study. Renee, your Prov 31 devotion today blessed me, especially just the initial verse. I am getting ready to go on a mission trip to AZ and orphanage in Mexico. What struck me about today’s verse was that “tired as he was, he sat down”… then asked for water. His conversation with woman at the well was just part of the course of his everyday living; a “divine” appoinment for sure, but simply an opportunity seized. He took an everyday conversation and made it into a spiritual revelation. Awareness through the Spirit, who resides in you, stirring you to share, to reveal God’s truth, to set the captives free, to give sight to the blind, aren’t we all called to such as ambassodors of Christ. Surely there will be an “everyday” opportunity today for me to share my faith, if I am listening and being aware in the Spirit. Thanks for your time to compose devotions that lead us to the Throne. I did tearfully read the rest of the devotion, and found myself confessing my weaknesses, fears, and shortcomings, and seeking his strength, and wisdom, and filling.
Wow Beth, I love what God showed you about how you can be Jesus – sitting at the well with another someone who needs His love today – and on your missions trip. Beautiful insights friend!! Praying for you as you rest in HIS loving pursuit of you today! He is there!!
I have recently returned to my commitment to Jesus. This is a tough year for me. I left my marriage after 33 years because the emotional abuse continued to get harder to deal with. Last summer I had some medical issues that have added more financial strain. I am retired. I thank God every day that I have a retirement income and medical insurance. However, my self confidence and self worth continue to burden me. The daily devotions from you and Proverbs 31 help me to grow each day. Thank you
Pat, I’m praying for you right now. I’m so sorry for all that you’ve been through. I’m so glad you came by and shared your burden so we could pray for you. I pray that the scars of emotional abuse for 33 years will be healed in time and that you can feel God’s mercy, grace and love wrapped around your heart today – whispering “Im there” – He’s loves you so!!
Dear Renee:
Your story about being perfect is very interesting. That’s the way I was for so many years, too. Sometimes, I still struggle with that, too. I had an awesome mentor when I was born again and she really helped me through a lot of that when she was mentoring. I was hit by an 18 wheeler a year ago and I believe I am ministering to more people than I ever have before. Oh, there are some very lonely and very painful days, but I seek the Lord and ask Him what He wants me to do for Him. I really get to minister to people when I go the the many doctor appointments. One thing the Lord has done for my family and in-laws is to give everyone a new perspective on life and to seek the Lord and those who were not going to church are now going. (without me saying one word) :-D. I am continually hearing how it has changed people’s lives that are not even my family members. I am banned from driving, but the Lord has still given me a great outlook on life. I turned 47 on Nov 3rd and had many people come celebrate for four days/evenings. I was very thankful for all of the love and visits. Thank you for what you do. I really enjoy all of Proverbs 31 daily emails. They have truly helped me through some very tough days this year.
Michelle Stroud
Michelle, it’s so good to have you here today and to read about God’s faithfulness in your life. I’m so glad you are ok and love hearing how God is giving you such sweet purpose and peace in the midst of your pain and suffering. Your joy is so evident and you outlook is amazing. Praying that God will continue to show you His heart and how He’s working in your life and those around you!!
Thanks for this devotion Renee! I’m signed up for your emails & would love to win
the prize pack.
Janet W.
Hi Janet, thank you for stopping by today and taking time to let me know you are signed up for the emails, too. I’m so glad you’re part of my online community. Praying for you today and will enter you into the drawing too!
Thank you for today’s devotional. I’ve signed up for the January study, but was wondering if your book is/will be available in Kindle format. Chapter 2 will make good train reading for tonight, but it’s SOOO much easier to carry a kindle than a couple books. God Bless!
Hi Carrie, SO glad you stopped by today after reading my devotion! It’s great to have you here. My book is available in the Kindle format, although I don’t have a way to make chapter 2 available on Kindle- other than the PDF you can download here on my site. Sorry about that 🙂
Good Morning Renee:
Thank you for your devotional today. God loves me no matter what, I do not have to be perfect just surrender to him. I actually ordered your book, Kindle edition. I have been thinking about introducing it to our Women’s Minstry for us to read and study.
Thank you and have a great day.
Hi Kimberly, I’m so glad you dropped by after reading my devotion today. Yes, HE loves you no matter what!! Amazing isn’t it? Oh that we would live in the assurance of that promise and surrender our hearts to His acceptance each day. Hope you’ll join us in our study in January as you read the book via Kindle and it would be so neat to have a group going through it together face-to-face too. In January I’ll also have free teaching video segments to download from my website that go with the book. Can’t wait to to not only write but also speak into the hearts of each woman God brings here to be encouraged via my online home!
thank you Renee for today’s devotional. It really touched my heart and encouraged me.
Thank you for stopping by Ronnie and leaving a note. Hearing from women like you really touches my heart and makes me smile as I read your comments and pray for each of you.
Renee, Thank you for thoughts today. I really needed them more than I knew! To be reminded that Christ pursues imperfect women like me really brought me out of my “woe is me” attitude! Not a day goes by that I don’t do something that makes some angry and I’m so grateful to God that He loves me anyway!
Oh how He loves you Annette – no matter what He’s crazy about you and loves being with you. May you feel the pursuit of His love today!
Hi Renee,
I love your P31 devotionals. Whenever I need a reminder of God’s grace it seems that you are the P31 author of the day.
I would really love to read your book. It seems that I can never get enough reminders of God’s love.
Thank you for all the encouragement!
Hi Stephanie, thank you for your sweet words of encouragement today! I love how He loves us and knows just what we need. What an honor to be a reminder of His love and grace for you today!
I think I will join your study in January, I am already signed up for your emails & I get them regularly so I don’t think I I have to sign up again. I downloaded chp. 2 of your book & can’t wait to read it-I have to get my children up right now but later when I have time I intend to read it. I have not bought your book yet, I have to talk to my husband first about that but if I join your study of course I will get a copy. I will tell my sister (s) about the Bible study & book via e-mail. Ok, I think I have fulfilled all your requirements:)
Hi Linda, I would love for you to join my online study in January. What a blessing it will be to have you with us. My book is on sale this week at BarnesandNobles.com and on CBD and I know it will soon be 25% at Proverbs31.org so hopefully a discounted price will make buying it that much easier :-)! Also, thanks for telling your sisters about it all, too!
Renee, what beautiful, calming and encouraging words you wrote today. I have been struggling this week with the pain of failures and hurts and loneliness, but the Lord has been gently reminding me that all I really need is Him, and your devotion today was yet another way He spoke to me. Thank you, dear Sister in Christ, for all you do to spread His wisdom and love.
Thank you Michelle for your sweet words of blessing. I love how Jesus timed the devotion to remind you of His love and that He knows just what you need! Praying His promise will wrap around your heart like a blanket of comfort today reminding you that you are not a failure and that you are not alone. He is there, and so am I – here praying for you in NC!!
Thank you so much for your devotion and your words here on your blog. Oh how I love that Christ speaks personally to each one of us! He is a God of compassion and knows the hurts each one of us feels.
I have been reading your book and following Melissa Taylor’s study of your book but have been so busy I have fallen behind. Thank you so much for following God’s leading to lead a study here on your blog. I look forward to having more time in January to dig deeper into what God has to say to me through your book.
Thank you also for the giveaway. I have signed up for your emails & your study. I have also shared this post on my facebook page.
In His Calm,
Im so glad you are going to join the study with me Mary! I am eagerly praying for and anticipating all God has planned to reveal His love and infuse His confidence in each of you!!
Renee ~ Your devotion today splashed God’s love on my heart today. The passage from John 4 is one of my favorites in the entire Bible. God is faithful.
I LOVE that The Way, Jesus, made His way of ministry and to His ultimate destination to the Cross by going seemingly out of His way to find Sam. He comes to find us. How merciful. He wanted to hear her story, though He knew it well. I LOVE that the NKJV says “He needed to go” to her. He wanted to give her new life. This is just so beautiful and so humbling. Thank you, Jesus.
Thank you Renee for this beautiful devotion. Today, it is God’s whispers of love to me and I know to many women.
May He refresh you today as your heart as refreshed us.
Thank you for your sweet encouragement Sharon!! I just love you friend!
Sorry that im only typing right now a little but if you only knew knew how on time this was, wow!
Lillian Rose Hewitt
(next time I will write more)!
I just signed up for the online study and your website updates. Looking forward to a bright start in January!
Signed up for your Bible study and invited my sister and a friend to join me. God bless you for doing this.