Proverbs 31 Ministries announced today that we’re giving away another SHE SPEAKS scholarship from Cecil Murphy ! We thought it’d be fun to introduce you to our team who will be leading the conference, so we’re hosting a carnival of P31 blogs. That’s where we’ll be sharing a personal story about being called to speak or an experience at She Speaks. From your comments we’ll draw a random winner! I decided to answer some of the most common questions I get about speaking:
What came first, your speaking ministry or your role in the Proverbs 31 Ministry? My role with Proverbs 31 Ministries came first. I joined the staff in 1995 as editor of our P31 newsletter (before it was a full color magazine) and served in that role until1999. For the next two years, I volunteered in various capacities at the ministry but mostly I spent my kids’ nap times digging deep into God’s Word and letting Him dig deep into my heart. I would write down pages of Scriptures and journal about everything God was teaching me. I didn’t know it, but it was a season of preparation. God was doing a new and very deep work in my heart.
How did your speaking ministry begin? My speaking ministry started at my home church. During my “digging deep” season, the Lord laid it on my heart to write a small topical Bible study for a supper seminar my pastor’s wife had taught. The leaders had been praying for a gift to give the attendees but I didn’t know it, so they asked me to write the Bible study. At at the end of the last fall supper seminar 1000 copies were given away. I was overwhelmed but loved seeing how God was using all He had been teaching me to encourage other women. In the spring I was asked to share my testimony at a supper seminar and then teach a 4 week series based on the study I’d written.
How did your speaking ministry grow? The next year, I wrote another study and taught two more series. Then in 2001 Proverbs 31 Ministries hosted our first annual She Speaks Conference and my church sent me to it. At the end of the conference, I sensed there was more. God was moving in powerful ways in my heart to confirm a calling I had sensed for 10 years but run from due to many fears I’d had. Lysa shared that P31 wanted to build a speaker team of ambassadors for the ministry. All I’d been through and all God had taught me had led me to this place. I’d been serving at P31 for years and had such a passion for the ministry. From that point on, God grew me, my messages and my speaking ministry through opportunities at my church’s events, Bible studies, local dinner events and MOPs groups. Then God brought invitations from churches in other cities and eventually in other states. Each year God enlarged that circle and now I have the honor of getting to meet God’s girls and speak His truth into their hearts from coast to coast.
When it became obvious God was calling you into a speaking ministry, how did you choose the topics you would speak on? Every one of my topics is birthed and developed in my heart through life experiences and lessons God is teaching me personally. My messages reflect my greatest desires, struggles and passions such as reading God’s Word and allowing it to transform my heart and the way I live in my everyday life and relationships; hearing, recognizing and listening to God’s voice and not the enemy’s accusations; living a purpose-filled and balanced life as a wife, mom and child of God.
Are there resources you recommend for someone who feels called to speak?
The Reason We Speak, Gen Ed Marybeth Whalen
Communicating for a Change by Andy Stanley
To Enter the She Speaks Scholarship Contest
1. If you’d like to win, or try to win this for someone else, please leave a comment below sharing why you’d like to win by clicking on the word “comments.” Simply type in the white box. If you don’t have a blog, click anonymous. But be sure to include your name and email so we can contact you if you win.
2. We’d like to give this scholarship to someone who has not attended She Speaks before since two of the others went to graduates.
3. Our other scholarships have been for writers, so this one is for a woman who feels called to speak. Be sure to let us know what this scholarship would mean to you to fulfill that calling.
4. Visit as many blogs as you can (linked below) and leave a comment (it can be the same comment) to increase your chances! We’ll compile the comments left on our blogs through Friday at midnight and send them to our home office where a random drawing will be done. The winner will be announced on Monday on the P31 homepage.
So, leave a comment and click away. You have until midnight on Friday. I can’t wait to read your comments!
Wend B
Wendy P
She Seeks
She Reads
I am praying for each of you as you have faithfully and courageously stepped out and entered your name into the drawing. I know how much courage it takes to let your heart dream. To get up the courage to hope, knowing you could be disappointed. I am praying for THE WAY to make a way for each of you to attend She Speaks if it's is HIS perfect will and timing. On Monday, I'll share how you can also set up a scholarship fund if your name is not the one drawn.
Please know that our whole speaker team and staff are praying for each of you and for the Holy Spirit to be powerfully moving as we randomly, yet prayerfully, choose the winner of the scholarship.
Blessings and hugs to all of you!!!
You know, I have to admit, I want to be a writer AND a speaker…I think. God has – or maybe I have – changed my mind about this a couple of times. My heart is in writing, because it's a safe place for me. I know that may sound weird, but I also know that I can sit down and control my tongue with my pen…if that makes any sense at all.
However, I also know that my heart is pumped – for lack of a better term – when I am able to communicate what God says in His Word in a way that women "get it." So, maybe God is affirming THAT call, as well…or maybe He is telling me to get out of my comfort zone and trust Him to control my tongue.
We'll see. Oh, by the way, I would LOVE to attend this conference! I just HAD to add that!
Belinda Kirk, [email protected]
Hi I would love to win If this is Gods timing for me. God has done a healing work in my heart and mind I Want to reach out to woman. love on them and just let them know,that they can find healing and a changed mind. Thank you
Debra Madden
[email protected]
Hi I would love to win If this is Gods timing for me. God has done a healing work in my heart and mind I Want to reach out to woman. love on them and just let them know,that they can find healing and a changed mind. Thank you Debra
Loved reading about your beginning and your ministry….you always bless me…
What a wonderful opportunity!!
I have been given a desire for young girls & women's ministry.
I have such a stir for other's to see how they can come out of the darkness and into the light.
Even though I knew Jesus as a young girl I never understood the personal relationship. As a teenage girl and young adult I walked away from Him. My life spun out of control. I found myself unwed and pregnant to someone I barely knew. Although I knew the choice that the father and I made for our child was wrong. I went ahead with it. This led many more years of darkness and pain. God has set me FREE! He has been my light in shinning armour. He has blessed me with a wonderful husband and two beautiful children.
It is my prayer to let others know that no matter what darkness you have from the past or present, God is waiting right there for you. He is our Light. He loves His Beautiful Daughters.
I currently volunteer at our local pregnancy center and love helping teen girls, women and families.
In just two weeks I will be stepping up in front of a group of women to tell not my story but His story of Grace and Redemption.
Two years ago I had a desire to come to She Speaks but the timing was not right. The desire is back. This past fall I lost my job of teaching in early childhood due to some cut backs. This would be such a blessing.
I know God already has a special person in mind to send to this amazing conference.
Lord if it is your will for me to go, "Here I am send me" if not I will be still and wait.
[email protected]
I'm stepping out on faith by leaving a comment, but I want to do what God tells me to do. I have wanted to attend SheSpeaks for several years now, but have talked myself out of the opportunity every single year. This year, God provided a major healing of a brain tumor for my son (7yr journey) and I told the Lord when this whole ordeal started that I would shout from the rooftops at everything He allowed and did. I have done that within our "comfort zone" circle, but after he completely HEALED my son 2 months ago, I have felt the Holy Spirit telling me I should share Jordan's journey with woman across the country. He did NOT heal Jordan just for me and my family, but also for others. He provided a modern miracle for my son and demonstrated that He is still in the healing business, but most of all that we should trust Him with our lives, our decisions, our thoughts, our husband and our families. Throughout this ordeal, I have learned to TRUST HIM, just as he says in Proverbs 3:5,6 – – Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and will direct your paths.
Thank you for this opportunity!
[email protected]
This ministry is such a blessing to me. As I am praying about the opportunity to attend She Speaks, I would love the chance to be entered in the drawing. To win would be the greatest confirmation of all.
Kim Hinson
[email protected]
I want to become a better story teller & deliver messages in a powerful way. I want to make a difference in the movement against human trafficking and serve orphans. God has given me a burning passion for the hurting and to 'comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.'
What I have learned in the past 23 months as a 40 something widow is that in my weakness God is strong. I am still trying to figure out how to be a single mom. Despite that challenge I know God is whispering to me to dream bigger & step out with courage.
For me a trip to She Speaks would be like a little league player going to the world series. I was so excited to see this additional opportunity. You inspire, teach, encourage & challenge me daily.
Thanks for lighting my path,
Lynn Seng
[email protected]
I have an ache to bring hope (real hope) to hurting hearts. Trully, I have a lot to learn and am not wise but along the way I have begun to learn how good and faithful God is,and how dearly He loves us. I ache to share that in any way possible. I also have had a love for public speaking since I was young. The dream of sharing God's faithfulness and love has been on my heart for a long time. I just haven't known what to do with it, other than sharing with people in my life. I've never been to the conference and probably won't be able to attend without a scholarship. It would be a treat to be considered for this scholarship. Thanks for your time.
[email protected]
I believe that God is my Father and that He has always been with me, protecting me and guiding me through the deepest, darkest and most despairing circumstances in my life. Sadly to say, it has been during these most vulnerable times in my life that I fell away from God. But being God, He was always there and found a way to bring me back into His grace. I do not know where God is leading me or what His plan is for my life, however, I do believe that God has been actively encouraging me to dig deeper into His Word for His purpose in my life. I do not know if I have the abilities, knowledge, skills, characteristics or work experiences to be selected for the "She Speaks Scholarship." But I do know that God is my Father and that I love Him with all of my heart. Perhaps some of my life stories, actions and outcomes, might help someone else to find their way back to God. It would be the greatest honor of my life to be selected to attend the "She Speaks" conference and training and allowed to study and grow among such a dynamic group of Godly women.
God bless each of us.
Take care,
Marilyn Fielding
[email protected]
"All of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way" (Isaiah 53:6 NAS)
"What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off." (Matthew 18:12-13 NIV)
have an ache to bring hope (real hope) to hurting hearts. Trully, I have a lot to learn and am not wise but along the way I have begun to learn how good and faithful God is,and how dearly He loves us. I ache to share that in any way possible. I also have had a love for public speaking since I was young. The dream of sharing God's faithfulness and love has been on my heart for a long time. I just haven't known what to do with it, other than sharing with people in my life. I've never been to the conference and probably won't be able to attend without a scholarship. It would be a treat to be considered for this scholarship. Thanks for your time.
[email protected]
Words matter because people matter more. God called me to the ministry of writing long ago. But as I’ve grown in Him, He’s helped me to view my words as a vehicle to connect people with the One who loves them more than they can imagine. And I believe He intends to use both my written and my spoken words to accomplish His purposes.
As He’s grown my writing, He’s expanded my speaking opportunities. That’s why I began to pray about attending She Speaks. My husband, like many others, has faced the heartbreak of job loss this year. As important as the conference is, family obligations come first. A scholarship would allow me to attend.
I know the One who calls me to speak and to write is faithful. I’ll trust Him to meet the needs of all who enter. Thanks for offering She Speaks along with the scholarship opportunities. And because both words and people matter, I’m grateful.
I have recently bought the book "the reason We Speak". It has been such an inspiration to me in my quest to answer the call GOD has placed on my heart. I am a servant of JESUS saved by his grace. I have a powerful testimony that I have begun to share with others.
GOD has brought me through some very dark hours and I am eternally grateful for his divine calling on my life. I have fully surrendered to whatever he has in store for me and am excited for each oppurtunity that comes my way to tell of his great love. I am seeking to discover GOD's plan for me in my ministry to others. All that I am and all the stories i share are for his glory!
God did not have me suffer all the trials and tragedy in my life just to sit back and rest in his peace. This peace I have found needs to be shared with every single soul that is lost and desperate for answers to "WHY". I used to ask that all the time in a negative way. "Why Me LORD?", "Why did this happen?", "Why am I here?", "why, why,why?" Now my heart crys out "Why" in a new way. "Why do you love me so?", "why did you allow your only son to die for me?", "Why do you chose to use a wretch like me?" When i compare my suffering to the cross I get a whole new perspective. I want to tell the whole world how great our GOD truly is and all that he has done for me in my life.
"Many, O LORD my GOD, are the wonders you have done. The things you have planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare."
Psalm 40:5(NIV)
I want to declare to everyone of all the things GOD has done for me.
If I am able to attend this conference it will help me to learn how to be the most effective for the kingdom. Thank you for this chance to move forward in the call GOD has placed on my life.
Deborah Pinnell
I have been running from and ignoring God’s plan for my life – my whole life! I’m tired of doing it my way and have finally surrendered to His way. What a great feeling! Although the very thought of winning this scholarship leaves me petrified, I can no longer ignore the small voice in my ear telling me that I’m perfect in His eyes and that He can use me. Despite the fact I keep telling myself that I’m not intelligent enough, I’m unequipped and so much more. He still keeps whispering to me that I have a story to tell (by speaking) and to leave the rest to Him. I’m totally a beginner and scared to death, but take comfort in the fact that He is leading me in this leap of faith by attempting too win a She Speaks Scholarship.
Amanda Johns
[email protected]
well, i guess it would be an answer to prayer because I am not working and have a testimony to share. I know I have the TALENT to speak, but not sure if He wants to use this as a spiritual gift. So I trust God will let me know. I have a platform so i guess this may further that. And I have a big mouth. Thanks.