Proverbs 31 Ministries announced today that we’re giving away another SHE SPEAKS scholarship from Cecil Murphy ! We thought it’d be fun to introduce you to our team who will be leading the conference, so we’re hosting a carnival of P31 blogs. That’s where we’ll be sharing a personal story about being called to speak or an experience at She Speaks. From your comments we’ll draw a random winner! I decided to answer some of the most common questions I get about speaking:
What came first, your speaking ministry or your role in the Proverbs 31 Ministry? My role with Proverbs 31 Ministries came first. I joined the staff in 1995 as editor of our P31 newsletter (before it was a full color magazine) and served in that role until1999. For the next two years, I volunteered in various capacities at the ministry but mostly I spent my kids’ nap times digging deep into God’s Word and letting Him dig deep into my heart. I would write down pages of Scriptures and journal about everything God was teaching me. I didn’t know it, but it was a season of preparation. God was doing a new and very deep work in my heart.
How did your speaking ministry begin? My speaking ministry started at my home church. During my “digging deep” season, the Lord laid it on my heart to write a small topical Bible study for a supper seminar my pastor’s wife had taught. The leaders had been praying for a gift to give the attendees but I didn’t know it, so they asked me to write the Bible study. At at the end of the last fall supper seminar 1000 copies were given away. I was overwhelmed but loved seeing how God was using all He had been teaching me to encourage other women. In the spring I was asked to share my testimony at a supper seminar and then teach a 4 week series based on the study I’d written.
How did your speaking ministry grow? The next year, I wrote another study and taught two more series. Then in 2001 Proverbs 31 Ministries hosted our first annual She Speaks Conference and my church sent me to it. At the end of the conference, I sensed there was more. God was moving in powerful ways in my heart to confirm a calling I had sensed for 10 years but run from due to many fears I’d had. Lysa shared that P31 wanted to build a speaker team of ambassadors for the ministry. All I’d been through and all God had taught me had led me to this place. I’d been serving at P31 for years and had such a passion for the ministry. From that point on, God grew me, my messages and my speaking ministry through opportunities at my church’s events, Bible studies, local dinner events and MOPs groups. Then God brought invitations from churches in other cities and eventually in other states. Each year God enlarged that circle and now I have the honor of getting to meet God’s girls and speak His truth into their hearts from coast to coast.
When it became obvious God was calling you into a speaking ministry, how did you choose the topics you would speak on? Every one of my topics is birthed and developed in my heart through life experiences and lessons God is teaching me personally. My messages reflect my greatest desires, struggles and passions such as reading God’s Word and allowing it to transform my heart and the way I live in my everyday life and relationships; hearing, recognizing and listening to God’s voice and not the enemy’s accusations; living a purpose-filled and balanced life as a wife, mom and child of God.
Are there resources you recommend for someone who feels called to speak?
The Reason We Speak, Gen Ed Marybeth Whalen
Communicating for a Change by Andy Stanley
To Enter the She Speaks Scholarship Contest
1. If you’d like to win, or try to win this for someone else, please leave a comment below sharing why you’d like to win by clicking on the word “comments.” Simply type in the white box. If you don’t have a blog, click anonymous. But be sure to include your name and email so we can contact you if you win.
2. We’d like to give this scholarship to someone who has not attended She Speaks before since two of the others went to graduates.
3. Our other scholarships have been for writers, so this one is for a woman who feels called to speak. Be sure to let us know what this scholarship would mean to you to fulfill that calling.
4. Visit as many blogs as you can (linked below) and leave a comment (it can be the same comment) to increase your chances! We’ll compile the comments left on our blogs through Friday at midnight and send them to our home office where a random drawing will be done. The winner will be announced on Monday on the P31 homepage.
So, leave a comment and click away. You have until midnight on Friday. I can’t wait to read your comments!
Wend B
Wendy P
She Seeks
She Reads
Hi Renee,
I would love to be entered into the draw for the "She Speaks" conference. I have wanted to attend the conference for years, but never felt ready. I think that I feel ready now! I have gone from being a innocent young Sunday School teacher with a strong desire to serve God with all my heart, to living in adultry and shame for years, and then back to a saving God who called me out and cleaned me up and gave me so much more than I could ever ask or imagine. He gave me back many times over than what the enemy took from me. I love Him and want to serve Him my whole life, and so I have a story to tell. If I speak, it will be for God's glory. The few times that I have spoken in front of a group of people, I have been told that I should do that more often, that I speak well. I would love to learn what I can at the "She Speaks" conference. I feel excited about being stretched beyond my comfort zone, and stepping into what I feel that God is calling me to do -speak for Him.
Connie [email protected]
My God has great plans for me and my family, it has been a desert walk for about 10 years but He has been so faithful taking me step by step in the direction He desires for my life. It was just impressed upon my heart in the last weeks about public speaking and been confirmed by God through someone else. I truly desire to share more of Him and less of me. Thank you for this awesome opportunity.
Barbara Martin
Life's truly is a journey. I'll never forget the day I told my dad that when I grow up I want to be a preacher's wife. Years later God honored my child-like faith and I married a preacher. This journey has taken be down many wonderful and challenging twists and turns. Today, I am now fulfilling the role as a pastor's wife. Deep within I have a desire to someday minister to young minister's wives and be able to offer words of encouragement when they are facing those long, lonely nights. I believe the She Speaks Conference may offer the preparation that I will need to begin a new journey. Thank you for considering me for the scholarship.
Debbie Pryor
[email protected]
Debbie Pryor ([email protected])
I would like to attend the She Speak conference. I feel I should get the scholarship you have to offer because .I have been teaching for 19 years. I first started by the life I live. When I rise up,sitting,standing,eating and laying down. I try to be a living example not just words.Then I trained my children up in the way they should go.I must be able to rule my house well in order to do the same in God's house. Then I was able to apply what I do as far a teaching to other.I have never spoke at a ladies event. I do coach my son on preparing lesson when he had to to a mini sermon.I feel this will give me the chance to advance what God has in me.
Having breast cancer at 33 with 2 small children has opened my eyes to what God is calling me to do. I have been invited to speak at large meetings about my experience, but I have told the Lord that the Holy Spirit will have to speak right through me. I was led to the She Speaks conference website but I don't know if this is what God wills for me. Praying!
Shelley Rindfuss
[email protected]
I would love to attend as I have felt God calling me to serve as a speaker/writer to encourage other women and to share how much God has done for me. Currently, my husband are in a financial position of really counting on the Lord for everything. I have been so blessed in my life despite many trials and testings, but God is so faithful. I would love to have this training so that I could continue to be molded into the woman God designed me to become. Thank you for this opportunity and a special thank you to Cecil for her generosity! May God continue to bless the work of your hands and thank you Jesus for bringing all of these dear sisters in Christ together to glorify you!
[email protected]
Chrystal Maxwell
Batavia Illinois
Hello Renee–
I've been getting Encouragement for Today for a year now. God has spoken to me in such direct ways through the P31 women. It's been very amazing–I've been so blessed by this ministry!
I've dealt with clinical depression for the past 10 years. I have a past that includes sexual abuse and deep anger toward men….I grew up with six brothers and I'm the only sister!! P31 meets my Daily Bread needs because I can relate to so many of the stories!
Encouragement for Today has basically been my friend throughout the past year. My family relocated to our current town a year ago and I still don't know many people. We've moved 4 times in the last 5 years and have lived in 3 states throughout this period of time. I always try to get plugged into a MOPS program in each new town but moving is just so hard and so exhausting with little ones.
Two weeks ago I was sharing a small part of my testimony with an old friend over the phone. I realized that I had admitted for the first time (out loud) that I truly believed God could heal me and take me out of my pit of depression for good. Ever since I made that statement I feel like God has opened my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities. I feel like I have stepped out of the boat and started walking to Jesus with a whole new faith.
I would really love the opportunity to go to the She Speaks Conference. Please consider me. This is my only chance to attend…through your choosing. We are having an enormous financial crisis as a family….we are among the thousands wounded by the failing housing market. We are currently renting (with 4 young children!!). Today I paid for a loaf of bread with quarters and dimes from my 3 year old's piggy bank. This has been the most humbling year ever! But God "rains" on the unrighteous AND the righteous….He said we WOULD have troubles. We are fighting for the hope and trying to push away the despair.
Please pray that we can trust God to meet our needs. And please pray also that as parents we can keep walking across the lake to Jesus knowing that He can do the impossible.
Thank you.
I am from the very small town of Blanchard, Louisiana. I accidentally got on your website a couple of months ago. I read about the "She Speaks" conference and for some reason it has stayed on my mind. I believe the Lord is wanting me to attend this conference. I'm a lot like Moses, not an eloquent speaker, but I pray to be one so that I might make a difference in someone's life. Please pray with me to see if the Lord wants me attend this conference. God bless you all!
She Speaks
Wow, it is amazing to see how God is working in and through the hearts of so many women He is calling to speak.
God saved my life from the hands of a very violent and abusive marriage. I was saved and called into His leadership army within the same year. He spoke to my heart saying “all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose” Romans 8:28. Even though I knew this truth, I still felt as though I was in the “March of The Unqualified and the Unworthy”. Over the years He has reminded me that Moses and countless others formed His leadership army then and the call is no different now. For as He calls thus He equips…God spoke to my heart and said you are unconditionally loved, emotionally healed, and made whole. Remember my daughter there is not an affliction beyond My conviction. Your responsibility is to be 4 real to be healed.
I began serving with a local domestic violence shelter teaching cooking classes and sharing my testimony. I served within this organization for eight years. God expanded my territory and I served on a local governance board that supports domestic violence initiatives. At my former home church I served in the health care ministry where I was asked to speak/share my testimony at several events. God expanded my territory again and I worked and shared my testimony to survivors of violence in Celebrate Recovery.
In 2008 God called me to write devotion about my life experiences on this journey with Him. He spoke to my heart sweetly, that the devotions would become topics/platforms for my speaking ministry. In 2009, God created two open-door opportunities for me to speak. One was at a local college where five women who are walking with Christ shared their personal testimonies of surviving violence and God’s calling on their lives. The other opportunity came from a dear friend who was led a women’s ministry at her church. With God’s leading she purchased my ticket and paid me a nominal fee. I spoke at her women’s conference and the topic was Unconditionally Loved, Emotionally Healed, and Made Whole.
It has been a year since I last spoke. I have continued to write and develop the speaking platforms for which God is directing me. I am follower of your ministry and have prayed for three years to attend your conference. Finances have prevented me. I realize that God will complete His plan in His timing. This opportunity for Proverbs 31 She Speaks conference is God’s open-door opportunity to expand my territory once again. To allow me to be in the company of women that are called to speak, write, and teach His word and increase His Kingdom for His glory.
Joan Taylor
[email protected]
I was very excited to read there was another opportunity to win a scholarship to She Speaks! I don't believe at all the work(preparation) God has done in my life over the past year has been for nothing. I was randomly (yea right!) asked to speak at 3 different ladies' events last August, September, and October by totally different women and totally different churches (all different denominations). Oh, and just to tell ya, I've never spoken in front of a group before this! My pastor's wife and my sister attended all 3 events to support me. God was so in control of the words I spoke! At the first event, I shared things from my heart that had been hidden for years! but God didn't want me to speak that particular information at the other 2 events. I'm confident that the Lord ordered all of this to bring me to a place where I could find healing and restoration! My pastor's wife lead me through a Bible Study after she heard my story that released me from bondage of my dark past!! I have not only been delivered from my past but I've been set free! I don't believe God intended for me to keep this to myself! It's just too extraordinary the way He ordered all the events to bring me to this FREEDOM!
I'd be honored to attend the Conference so I can continue to watch God's mighty hand at work in my life! May God's will be done….not mine.
Edie Blackmon
[email protected]
My passion is Speaking. Imparting wisdom, knowledge and power to those in the audience as the Holy Spirit directs my path. Speaking to women; encouraging them; letting them know that there is someone out there that gets what they are going through, that cares and is there for them is the call on my life. I am a survivor of this world we live in. I have survived sexual abuse, domestic violence, self-loathing, hatred and the desire to end it all until I found God. Truly found Him. Let him in my life and embraced the love that He so freely gives me. I am at a point in my life where I yearn with all my heart to take all that I have learned and impart it into others. I want to laugh with them; cry with them; and grow with them as they embark on a deeper, closer relationship with Him. Being able to attend She Speaks! will get me one step closer to the dream.
[email protected]
My passion is Speaking. Imparting wisdom, knowledge and power to those in the audience as the Holy Spirit directs my path. Speaking to women; encouraging them; letting them know that there is someone out there that gets what they are going through, that cares and is there for them is the call on my life. I am a survivor of this world we live in. I have survived sexual abuse, domestic violence, self-loathing, hatred and the desire to end it all until I found God. Truly found Him. Let him in my life and embraced the love that He so freely gives me. I am at a point in my life where I yearn with all my heart to take all that I have learned and impart it into others. I want to laugh with them; cry with them; and grow with them as they embark on a deeper, closer relationship with Him. Being able to attend She Speaks! will get me one step closer to the dream.
[email protected]
A little over a year ago, I attended a writing intensive led by Cec Murphey. In a short amount of time, I realized I was being instructed by a very gifted writer (and speaker), one who cared passionately for those desiring to impart God’s words to others. I pray that the one chosen to receive this generous scholarship will glorify God, bless other women incredibly, and put a smile on Cec Murphey’s face! I would be delighted to attend the She Speaks conference to learn how to do just that!
Julie Lavender
[email protected]
To be able to attend the She Speaks conference means that perhaps my husband would stop giving me books for special occasions, including Christmas and birthday, which are only one day apart, telling me how to become a better speaker, or a communicator whose message sticks, and how to make it through the dip! Don't get me wrong, I love my husband and love that he wants to see me succeed in this calling God has given me. He is truly my greatest cheerleader, coach, and resource! However, I am a woman and love to be around other women, so for me it would be a whole lot more fun to come and hang out with women who have the same passion and calling and learn together…rather than try to get through the first chapter of the last three books he's bought me!
Seriously, God has called me to speak and in this season He is asking more of me in this calling. More discipline, more time, more learning! She Speaks would be a great way for me to develop even more as a speaker and to learn all those "things" from those who are much more ahead of me. Obviously, the scholarship is needed, otherwise my sweet husband would've sent me rather than buying the books:) Thanks for the opportunity to come and learn!
Anita McGinnis
I am up when I should be resting. So many heavy things on my mind and my heart which I do not know how to quiet. I don't know how to hear God's guidance, voice or love. I crave the opportunities to experience the how.
[email protected]
I am a teenager and have a passion for sharing God with others, especially those of my generation. I want to make a difference and feel God is calling me to speak and write about all He has taught me and how He has changed my life. Through my mom's cancer journey, I have gotten to know Him better and have learned to trust Him more. As believers we should have the skills to be the best in presenting our message to others. It would mean so much to me to learn how to better communicate. I don't believe God wants me to wait until I'm an adult to minister to others. I am praying for His provision for me to attend this conference if it is what He wants for me this year. Thank you for the opportunity to apply:-)
[email protected]
I think it is the coolest thing that God in His wisdom chooses to speak through His creations. As women we have a special place in God's heart and a unique opportunity to reach the hearts of others. I'd love to learn to speak the gospel message more powerfully at the SheSpeaks conference this year.
God Bless!!!
Mary Canfield
[email protected]
Thanks for the opportunity for a chance to enter this scholarship. Even thinking about speaking gets the "butterflies fluttering" yet the thought of not answering the prompting of the Lord makes more than butterflies flutter!
Psalm 115:11
All you who fear the Lord, trust the Lord!He is your helper and your shield.
thanks for the opportunity!
Many Thanks to everyone who is making a scholarship even possible! Learning that God has called me to speak has been a gradual process. I was not raised in the faith. Rather I've been in some of the darkest places. Places only a loving Father like our Lord would dare go and find me. He has time and again made a way where there was not one.
The first time I spoke publically was to a very small group and the feed back was great, however, I found myself so ill-equipped. I long to be instructed. I just need some Titus women to show me the way.
The thought of being around women that can help me direct the gifting God has given me is so very exciting. Further more the thought of being equipped to rattle the gates of hell and see others set free by the power of the testimony He has made me free by,….well that just lites my fire. If that don't well, my wood may just be wet! =]
Thank you so much a for a chance!
Serving Him
Jenna Berthoud
I have been seeking direction about my life intently for a year. Winning this scholarship would show me God's goodness and graciousness regarding answered prayer. The "She Speaks" conference has been a desire lifted up to Him..Where He leads me I will follow.
Dena Hutton
[email protected]
I'm a young mom to 2 boys. I have not had any opportunities to get away and be with just women since my 2 sons were born.
I LOVE Proverb 31 Ministries and feel that it would be blessing to go to this conference. Also this would help me find who I AM and what I am meant to do within my church. I feel like I have no direction in life right now….
Karen J.
[email protected]
As a young, teenage girl I stumbled across God's timeless wisdom for women as wives and mothers found in Proverbs 31:10-31. That "awakening" became the desire of my heart from my youth onward…although I would bump and tumble to a fantastic fall to my face before the Lord before I would realize it.
The summer of 1998 I found myself pregnant, but unwed. Pride shattered and prostrate before the Lord, my Redeemer cleansed me, forgave me, clothed me, and began restoring me (Psalm 51). He granted me a willing spirit to sustain me and garbed me in everlasting joy (Psalm 30).
God's blessings for obedience began to overflow. A month and 18 days later I married my best friend, soul mate, and the daddy of my first son, "Gift from God." The Lord reassured me that he could STILL use me and I prayed as King David did, "Lord, let me teach transgressors your ways." He initially confirmed His word with an instant ministry to a young mom with a story just like mine.
In 2003 the Lord placed the call on my heart to write for Him. He has confirmed His call in more ways and encounters than I can count or name. He has shown me who I am and who I am not. Not one step or season I have lived in has returned void. Rather, God has grown and groomed me for greater things He has set for me ever since He called me. Like Abraham who believed God's promise, the Lord has asked me, "Do I believe Him that the Almighty WILL accomplish this?"
I remember my Lord, the Promise-keeper. Not ONE of His good promises has ever failed. He knows what I need before I ask. Before a word is even on my tongue, He is there. He KNOWS me completely. Hearkening back, I can trace His hand in my life, connecting the dots He has set for me. My Lord has never left me. His presence, promises, and protection are mine. He is FAITHFUL.
I answer, "Yes, Lord. I BELIEVE you." I ask and pray. I wait. I study His word. I connect with the Lord as His Holy Spirit guides, convicts, and teaches me. He shows me my "next step". I cling to the word He spoke to my heart, "The one who calls you IS FAITHFUL, and HE WILL DO IT." 1 Thessalonians 5:24
Just today I asked the Lord to clarify my "next step" for ministry. As if the "green light" from my amazing husband and dual support of my Little Mama and mother-in-love ("My Naomi"), discovering this scholarship opportunity tonight was nothing short of God's impeccable timing. A gift trip to my first She Speaks conference would be yet another confirmation from my Lord that I am keeping in step with His Spirit. While I make plans in my heart, the Lord directs my steps. Praise Him! Also, thank you, Cecil, for the opportunity.
Shannon Lee Cochran
[email protected]
It is so refreshing to see God using all of His women to work together and spread His truth!
God is leading me on an incredible journey. It is this journey, seeking out a writing/speaking conference that I found this scholarship give-away! Is it a "God coincidence" that it was the first place I looked? God only knows! 🙂 If I do win, this will be a God given answer to prayers and leading me into my dreams!
Kathryn Prus
[email protected]
As a young, teenage girl I stumbled across God's timeless wisdom for women as wives and mothers found in Proverbs 31:10-31. That "awakening" became the desire of my heart from my youth onward…although I would bump and tumble to a fantastic fall to my face before the Lord before I would realize it.
The summer of 1998 I found myself pregnant, but unwed. Pride shattered and prostrate before the Lord, my Redeemer cleansed me, forgave me, clothed me, and began restoring me. He granted me a willing spirit to sustain me and garbed me in everlasting joy.
God's blessings for obedience began to overflow. A month and 18 days later I married my best friend, soul mate, and the daddy of my first son, "Gift from God." The Lord reassured me that he could STILL use me and I prayed as King David did, "Lord, let me teach transgressors your ways." He initially confirmed His word with an instant ministry to a young mom with a story just like mine.
In 2003 the Lord placed the call on my heart to write for Him. He has confirmed His call in more ways and encounters than I can count or name. He has shown me who I am and who I am not. Not one step or season I have lived in has returned void. Rather, God has grown and groomed me for greater things He has for me ever since He called me. Like Abraham who believed God's promise, the Lord has asked me, "Do I believe Him that the Almighty WILL accomplish this?"
I remember my Lord, the Promise-keeper. Not ONE of His good promises has ever failed. He knows what I need before I ask. Before a word is even on my tongue, He is there. He KNOWS me completely. Hearkening back, I can trace His hand in my life, connecting the dots He has set for me. My Lord is FAITHFUL.
I answer, "Yes, Lord. I BELIEVE you." I ask and pray. I wait. I study His word. I connect with the Lord as His Holy Spirit guides, convicts, and teaches me. He shows me my "next step". I cling to the word He spoke to my heart, "The one who calls you IS FAITHFUL, and HE WILL DO IT." 1 Thessalonians 5:24
Just today I asked the Lord to clarify my "next step" for ministry. A gift trip to my first She Speaks conference would be yet another confirmation from my Lord that I am keeping in step with His Spirit. While I make plans in my heart, the Lord directs my steps. Praise Him!
I felt useless for the kingdom, so I began to pray daily that God would show me where, when, and how He wanted to use me. He asked me to speak at an all day retreat for young women. I was scared silly, but three days in the belly of a whale wasn’t very appealing either so I said yes. Then he sent me to give a talk on live television. I read the whole book of Jonah . . . and said yes again. When I received my third invitation to speak, I went to the She Speaks website. The conference sounds like a perfect fit, but our check book said no. I’m laying it in God’s hands. If He wants to use Cec to get me there, then God is good. If He sends someone else, then . . . God is still good.
I have a burning desire in my heart to speak to women about Jesus. I truly believe God created me to share my passion for Him with young women.
It would be a dream come true for me to attend the "She Speaks" conference!
Amy in Woodstock, GA
Thankful for the chance to learn more about writing and speaking. God is working through P31!
Rachel Latham
[email protected]
Hi my name is Arial Oliver I would like to win the scholarship because at the moment I am struggling, I was a back sliding christian who got pregnant and recently I have come back to the Lord and trying to change my life around I'm a 19yr. old student studying to become a Medical Assistant I had to take out student loans just to go to school, I have no job, and I'm taking care of my brother who has heart failure and trying to prepare a blessed future for me and my unborn daughter. After I go to school for Medical Assiting I would like to attend the San Diego Christian College and study ministry. Even if I don't get accepted for this scholarship I would appreciate any prayers concerning my situation. I know I'm not the only one facing hard times so for those that are going through something difficult in life I pray that God delivers you from whatever hardship your going through and replace your tears with happiness and love.
I was first introduced to Proverbs 31 Ministry by a very close friend. I was going through a vital trial in my life. She read one of the daily devotionals and emailed it to me. She felt that I needed the encouragement that day. It was encouraging. Soon after that, I received another emailed devotional from my friend. Again, she felt I needed encouragement and again, I was. I decided to sign up for the daily devotionals and get them emailed directly to me. I am so glad I did. On many occasions I have been inspired, motivated, encouraged, and equipped with God's Word. It has been refreshing to read about real life stories from other Christian women.
Over the past few years, probably close to about eight or nine years now, I have been slowly pursuing what I believe God is calling me to do for Him: write and speak. I want to encourage others (especially women) to trust Jesus, live for Him, and believe in the power of Him. No matter what. He is good.
It has been a journey I have needed encouragement and focus to succeed. God has provided this every step of the way. I completed my bachelor's degree in communication studies in 2009 and just got accepted into a graduate school program for a master's of art in communication. I know this traditional educational part of the journey is a necessary part.
When I saw last week the "She Speaks" conference information, I was again encouraged. How awesome that this type of conference is being put together. In the years I have known about Proverbs 31 Ministry, I never saw this before. It just lifted my spirit to know there people out there helping train others to pursue and live out their dreams, their calling of writing and speaking. I am one of those.
I have never attended a "She Speaks" conference, but it would be amazing to be trained and mentored by others who have been traveling this path already.
No matter, truly, whether I get there this year or not, I will continue pray for the Proverbs 31 Ministry team, the training, the conference, so that God's will be done for whoever does attend.
Thank you for putting in all the time and effort to help others become what God has called them to do for Him.
Michelle Barringer
[email protected]
Thank you so much for this additional giveaway!
I have felt so strongly that I need to be at She Speaks this year – the only reason I haven't registered yet is money!
I am passionate both about speaking and writing – I've been teaching Bible studies in my local church for several years now, creating them from my Bible training at Cedarville University and from my own study of the Scriptures. It has been EXCITING to see how God has been transforming lives through women getting into the Word on a deeper level!
After teaching for a while, God opened opportunities for me to speak at several womens' retreats through our church. About the same time, I began blogging and have been stunned to see how God has grown and used this little "ministry" from my living room.
At this point in my life, God is opening doors for me to continue teaching, writing, and speaking – and I would love to glean from the wisdom and training at the Proverbs 31 conference!
Thank you again for the opportunity!
I'm just a small town Pastor's wife who loves to share with humor and transparency things learned through life in the trenches, the fish bowl, and the home…oh wait, a pastor's home is the trenches and the fish bowl. My bad. : ) I sing, I write, I speak…all on a small scale thus far but I am eager to leap out of the nest and fly. A chance to attend a conference of the awesome caliber of She Speaks would bless me beyond my imagination…and I have a pretty big imagination.
Hi my name is Arial Oliver I would like to win the scholarship because at the moment I am struggling, I was a back sliding christian who got pregnant and recently I have come back to the Lord and trying to change my life around I'm a 19yr. old student studying to become a Medical Assistant I had to take out student loans just to go to school, I have no job, and I'm taking care of my brother who has heart failure and trying to prepare a blessed future for me and my unborn daughter. After I go to school for Medical Assiting I would like to attend the San Diego Christian College and study ministry. Even if I don't get accepted for this scholarship I would appreciate any prayers concerning my situation. I know I'm not the only one facing hard times so for those that are going through something difficult in life I pray that God delivers you from whatever hardship your going through and replace your tears with happiness and love.
My name is Arial Oliver my email is [email protected]
After a season of blessings and testings, which came hand in hand, I am on a journey to see what comes next. Would so love to attend the conference. Thank you for the opportunity! Oh, and I so enjoy the daily encouragements in my inbox.
Carol Ellisor
[email protected]
I am new to Proverbs 31 Ministries and even newer to the She Speaks Conference. Since discovering P31 I have continued to come back day after day and I was ecstatic when I learned about She Speaks!
I am a young woman who is whole-heartedly seeking God's will for my time on this earth. I work as a dietitian and absolutely love encouraging and inspiring people to make wise choices that will allow them to lead more fulfulling, productive lives. Since coming into my field I have been praying that God would reveal how he wants to use my training to glorify His name. God has slowly but strongly laid on my heart that he desires for me to use my passions to speak to fellow believers and inspire them to approach their relationship with food and their bodies much differently than what our culture promotes.
Receiving this scholarship would mean so much in helping fulfill this calling because it would give me the training to take what God has taught me and package it into compassionate, God-centered messages that inspire His people!
Erica Hanson
[email protected]
I entered the writing scholarship and did not win although I let time slip away and wrote the entry in 30 minutes – it was a good topic, but needed tweaking. I had been a Sunday School Teacher, VBS Director, and Youth Leader for over 7 years and loved that but a horrible situation arose and my husband of 20 years did the unthinkable and left me and our 3 children to marry a good friend of mine that happened to be pregnant with his child! The devastation was life shattering for me and my children, but maybe worse even was the shame and humiliation I felt as most of my Church family turned away from me and I was asked to step down from any responsibilities in the Church, “I was not a good example any longer” I was told by the Pastor. This is a the story in a nutshell, there is much, much more, like I didn’t mention that at the time I was physically ill – in the hospital with a hysterectomy I didn’t want at the very time he left – I just knew the Lord could never use me again….for anything. I was no longer a wife, could no longer have another child, no children to teach, no youth to lead….but it was during this my “desert wandering” time that the Lord lead me to begin to write – write to Him, my kids, myself, anyone. That grew into a book that isn’t complete yet but I have such a desire to finish it and then to share it. In fact I already do share it – with friends & co-workers and they all seem to be touched, challenged, or motivated in some way. I share it by retelling parts of the book and sharing what God taught me or how I saw his hand in situations. I have been “speaking” to small groups of women and wanting to lead a Bible Study at work. I had no fear teaching children or teenagers, but I fear groups of women. I fear rejection and humiliation. That is one of the reasons I am sure God is leading me to this and not myself. I don’t want to – but I long to! Does that make sense? So to me writing and speaking are hand in hand and I would love (but be totally freaked out) to win the scholarship!
Julie Allsup
[email protected]
Over the past few months the Lord has put on my heart to speak to teen girls my age. (i am 13) When i had heard of She Speaks i had been praying that God would make his way clear and show me the next step. as soon as i said that my mom walked in and said "i sent you a link go read it" it was the link to She speaks. as soon as a read the information i wanted to attend. I have started writing but i dont feel like writing can show the emotion you want, since its just words on paper. there is no way i can attend with out gods intervention i would have to get two tickets one for me one for an adult to attend with me. that would be almost $900. thank you for this opportunity!
Audrey Beers
[email protected]
Throughout the years, I've struggled with determining God's calling on my life. I have been very active in my local church, but always "doing" rather than just "being". I want to operate in the calling that God has for me, whether it is speaking, writing, or just helping. However, I have been asked to write Bible studies as well as speak to my local congregation on many occasions. Yet, I still feel like a 'jack of all trades and master of none'.
The She Speaks Conference caught my attention about three years ago and although I have tried to shake the compelling urge to go, the desire remains in my heart. I am waiting patiently on God, but yet looking for some direction and inspiration. If I am able to attend, I feel like it will be God's divine way of letting me know that I am in the right direction to fulfill his calling on my life.
Throughout the years, I've struggled with determining God's calling on my life. I have been very active in my local church, but always "doing" rather than just "being". I want to operate in the calling that God has for me, whether it is speaking, writing, or just helping. However, I have been asked to write Bible studies as well as speak to my local congregation on many occasions. Yet, I still feel like a 'jack of all trades and master of none'.
The She Speaks Conference caught my attention about three years ago and although I have tried to shake the compelling urge to go, the desire remains in my heart. I am waiting patiently on God, but yet looking for some direction and inspiration. If I am able to attend, I feel like it will be God's divine way of letting me know that I am in the right direction to fulfill his calling on my life.
Oh my goodness y’all. I really need to win a scholarship to She Speaks…I really need to be there and desperately need the scholarship. I am a pastors wife, womens ministry leader, bible study leader, etc…the list goes on and on…mom of three crazy teens and a high school teacher. I have required training this summer for school one in Orlando and One in Louisville…so expenses for another week are impossible. I’m soooo praying I win…I need to be there.
I am one of those few that actually didn’t shudder when a public speaking assignment came from the mouth of our high school teacher. In fact I was the “weirdo” who looked forward to it.
So speaking has come naturally to me. It is something that I really get into. To me, writing and speaking go hand in hand. Telling the words that I have on paper is pretty much the same. The only difference is that there is an audience. And when there is an audience, I come alive! I enjoy getting responses from people whether it be crying at a sad tale or a laugh from a funny time in a story. It makes me feel fulfilled to know that I have an audience and I have lead them on a journey through my story. Taking ladies to places where God touches a nerve is truly a desire of my heart.
I cannot afford to go to the conference this year. It would take a move of God for me to get there. I have a desire to go be it for the writing or the speaking. If not this year then I will go one year to be determined by God.
It would mean so much to me to be a part of She Speaks. I have wanted to go since I learned about it last year. It would mean that God wants me to have a ministry in speaking or writing – the areas that He has gifted me in. Not to be bragging – I’ve just recently been able to say that God has gifted me! If these are the areas that He can use then I want to give Him the opprotunity to do so.
I, like you, love everything that P31 stands for. I have enjoyed getting to know the ladies of P31 better by visiting blogs and I hope to get to more conferences in the future. I would love an opprotunity to attend She Speaks. I have entered every contest that has come my way. This would be an awesome way to kick up a speaking ministry. Whatever God has in store, I am waiting and willing and ready!
My name is Mallory Shaw Kristjanson. I am 23 years old and reside in beautiful Southern Alberta. I have been born and raised in a small community with my family all residing in Lethbridge.
I have a story of positive change. Once living in the darkness oF alochol and drugs, contemplating suicide and ready to end this beautiful thing called life. Something happened.
I was addicted to cocaine by the age of 17 and became a daily drinker by the young age of 15. I was broken, hurt, resentful and full of guilt. Everything I said I would never do I did.
One day after using cocaine for a week I came too and I broke down beside my bed. After being refused help from the closest people in my fmily (because i always said I wanted to stop but never had the honest desire) I got on my knees and cried and prayed out to whoever you would like to call a higher power.
The next day, I was blown away. A man, whom I never met before was sitting on a dock by the lake in Lethbridge. I looked at him and my feet flew over wherein I seriously felt like I floated over to this man. I shared my whole life of self destruction, addiction, suicidal thoughts, hurt and brokeness. He said to me, the only person who can save you is God. And I sure didn't believe that.
After three months however, my heart bought into the message.
I have been sober for over 3 and a half years. I am a speaker to the young people, a leader to the youth and I partake in much service. I give my time to the following organizations because I have been given a new life:
BOYS and GIRLS Club, Teen Stuff: Providing leadership and an enthusiastic role model to youth ages 12 – 19
I am the Remote Community Chairperson for Southern Alberta
G.S.R for my 12 step group
Speaker in all areas of Alberta with respect to sobriety and willingness to Grow/Change
Sponsoring women in recovery of all ages
Travelled to the Philippines to work with our friends in third worlds and poverty
LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE MINISTERY at Lethbridge correctional centre, this is working with male and female offenders, helping them to see the light and let them know they are loved
I partook as a Sunday School teacher to the youth ages 8-10. It was amazing.
I recently won the YWCA Woman of Distinction – Turning Point award for Young Women, it was truly by Grace.
I love to spend time on the streets of Calgary, speaking with our friends who are homeless, to just be a friend is all I want to do. To show love where there is none.
There is much more. But that is all. I was forwarded this site by a friend who said Mallory, do it! So thank you for your time. I am a woman who wants to help the broken. This experiece would help me in so many ways.
Hope to hear from you.
[email protected]
Posted as Kelly at 1:45 pm. I forgot to list an email address:
[email protected].
Have you ever felt like you've got a whole lot to say but aren't sure how to say it? Since completely surrendering my life to Christ as a 25 year old single mother of one I have felt a burning desire to minister to women. Now 21 years later that fire still burns strong. Over the years as I've traveled through the mountain tops and the valleys of this road called “life” God has been preparing me and giving me a voice, that I believe, is for such a time as this. Attending SHE SPEAKS would be an awesome opportunity to discover that voice and truly understand what I am destined to do with it.
My life verse, Jeremiah 29:11, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future,'" tells me that God has already laid out His plan I just need to step out in faith and claim it.
Further, Jeremiah 29:12-14, “' Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the LORD, 'and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,' declares the LORD, 'and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile,'" reaffirms to me that no matter what life has dealt me, good, bad, or horrendous, God will use all those things to bring freedom and restoration for the fulfillment of His kingdom and for His glory. That is my passion. That is my desire.
Anita Armas
[email protected]
I have never attended She Speaks but it has been a dream of mine for a few years. I believe the Lord is telling me that this is my year! My husband is a pastor and I work in ministry so this scholarship would be such a blessing to me! As my kids are getting older, I sense that the Lord is preparing me for the next season of life which I know will include more speaking. Receiving this scholarship would be a huge step in being trained and equipped for the call on my life as God's Word is "as a fire shut up in my bones" and I feel compelled to share truth through speaking.
Thank you for this giveaway as well as this conference. I believe that the Lord will provide a way for me to attend one way or another! Can't wait to meet you all!
It was definitely a God-thing that I saw this today. This sounds like just what I have searched for…for so long! The conference sounds AMAZING! I would love to win the scholarship, because it really wouldn't be feasible for me otherwise right now. Nonetheless, I will be praying for God to anoint and pour out His blessing on the conference,the attendees and those who will bring God's gift of His message. How exciting! I do love to tell people about God and all He has done and continues to do! I haven't known where to turn next to launch into God's calling and this looks like it is the perfect match! God bless you guys for all that you do!
The SheSpeaks conference has always had such drawing to my heart. As a leader of women's ministry it is so easy to get burned out from constantly planning and providing for others. I would love to attend to learn how to more effectively share God's word to other women, how to help them apply what they learn and also hear from other women what is working and what isn't. All this while at the same time getting re-energized in my walk. My leadership budget only covers a very small part of the cost to attend and the rest who be mine to bear. With a son heading to college that is hard to come up with. I so desparately want to learn how to better serve and share with our women.
I am very excited to see another opportunity has been presented to give one blessed lady the chance to attend She Speaks. I was a little let down when I realized I missed the last opportunity to participate for a chance to win a scholarship to the conference. I am grateful for this opportunity.
I know I have been called to be a mouthpiece for the kingdom of God. Speaking before an audience, big or small, is not an easy thing to do for most people. As for me, I belong to that group of “most people” I just mentioned. I truly believe She Speaks will arm me with the skills necessary to perfect my speaking ability so that I may go forth with my calling with confidence.
I keep telling myself I am going to attend She Speaks, maybe this year it will become a reality for me.
Thank you.
Misty A Brown
[email protected]
I have longed to attend the She Speaks Conference for the past 2 years but have not been able to due to lack of funding and/or ability to take time off from my job. However, I feel this is the year the Lord has said “yes” and that He will provide for me to attend. I am a pastor’s wife and would like to hone my speaking skills. I also lead the women’s ministry here (and teach Sunday School, lead worship with the Praise Team, teach VBS crafts, etc.) and I am sure any encouragement you can give me would be a help to our ministry here.
Michele Zampogna
[email protected]
Thank you so much for this additional giveaway!
I have felt so strongly that I need to be at She Speaks this year – the only reason I haven't registered yet is money!
I am passionate both about speaking and writing – I've been teaching Bible studies in my local church for several years now, creating them from my Bible training at Cedarville University and from my own study of the Scriptures. It has been EXCITING to see how God has been transforming lives through women getting into the Word on a deeper level!
After teaching for a while, God opened opportunities for me to speak at several womens' retreats through our church. About the same time, I began blogging and have been stunned to see how God has grown and used this little "ministry" from my living room.
At this point in my life, God is opening doors for me to continue teaching, writing, and speaking – and I would love to glean from the wisdom and training at the Proverbs 31 conference!
Thank you again for the opportunity!
I heard the Holy Spirit speak to my heart to attend She Speaks while attending a Ladies Retreat where Lysa spoke. I am trying to follow His leading, but because I left my job to finish school to enter ministry as I knew God was calling me to, there are no funds available in our budget. I have started to try and raise the money for a scholarship and the Lord has provided the money for my plane ticket (which i booked). I know that I know that I know God will provide a way for me to be there, I wonder if this scholarship give-a-way is it. We'll have to wait and see. My prayer is that, and I know it will happen, who ever God has in mind to win this will! Praise God for providing for us all in His way in His time!!