Proverbs 31 Ministries announced today that we’re giving away another SHE SPEAKS scholarship from Cecil Murphy ! We thought it’d be fun to introduce you to our team who will be leading the conference, so we’re hosting a carnival of P31 blogs. That’s where we’ll be sharing a personal story about being called to speak or an experience at She Speaks. From your comments we’ll draw a random winner! I decided to answer some of the most common questions I get about speaking:
What came first, your speaking ministry or your role in the Proverbs 31 Ministry? My role with Proverbs 31 Ministries came first. I joined the staff in 1995 as editor of our P31 newsletter (before it was a full color magazine) and served in that role until1999. For the next two years, I volunteered in various capacities at the ministry but mostly I spent my kids’ nap times digging deep into God’s Word and letting Him dig deep into my heart. I would write down pages of Scriptures and journal about everything God was teaching me. I didn’t know it, but it was a season of preparation. God was doing a new and very deep work in my heart.
How did your speaking ministry begin? My speaking ministry started at my home church. During my “digging deep” season, the Lord laid it on my heart to write a small topical Bible study for a supper seminar my pastor’s wife had taught. The leaders had been praying for a gift to give the attendees but I didn’t know it, so they asked me to write the Bible study. At at the end of the last fall supper seminar 1000 copies were given away. I was overwhelmed but loved seeing how God was using all He had been teaching me to encourage other women. In the spring I was asked to share my testimony at a supper seminar and then teach a 4 week series based on the study I’d written.
How did your speaking ministry grow? The next year, I wrote another study and taught two more series. Then in 2001 Proverbs 31 Ministries hosted our first annual She Speaks Conference and my church sent me to it. At the end of the conference, I sensed there was more. God was moving in powerful ways in my heart to confirm a calling I had sensed for 10 years but run from due to many fears I’d had. Lysa shared that P31 wanted to build a speaker team of ambassadors for the ministry. All I’d been through and all God had taught me had led me to this place. I’d been serving at P31 for years and had such a passion for the ministry. From that point on, God grew me, my messages and my speaking ministry through opportunities at my church’s events, Bible studies, local dinner events and MOPs groups. Then God brought invitations from churches in other cities and eventually in other states. Each year God enlarged that circle and now I have the honor of getting to meet God’s girls and speak His truth into their hearts from coast to coast.
When it became obvious God was calling you into a speaking ministry, how did you choose the topics you would speak on? Every one of my topics is birthed and developed in my heart through life experiences and lessons God is teaching me personally. My messages reflect my greatest desires, struggles and passions such as reading God’s Word and allowing it to transform my heart and the way I live in my everyday life and relationships; hearing, recognizing and listening to God’s voice and not the enemy’s accusations; living a purpose-filled and balanced life as a wife, mom and child of God.
Are there resources you recommend for someone who feels called to speak?
The Reason We Speak, Gen Ed Marybeth Whalen
Communicating for a Change by Andy Stanley
To Enter the She Speaks Scholarship Contest
1. If you’d like to win, or try to win this for someone else, please leave a comment below sharing why you’d like to win by clicking on the word “comments.” Simply type in the white box. If you don’t have a blog, click anonymous. But be sure to include your name and email so we can contact you if you win.
2. We’d like to give this scholarship to someone who has not attended She Speaks before since two of the others went to graduates.
3. Our other scholarships have been for writers, so this one is for a woman who feels called to speak. Be sure to let us know what this scholarship would mean to you to fulfill that calling.
4. Visit as many blogs as you can (linked below) and leave a comment (it can be the same comment) to increase your chances! We’ll compile the comments left on our blogs through Friday at midnight and send them to our home office where a random drawing will be done. The winner will be announced on Monday on the P31 homepage.
So, leave a comment and click away. You have until midnight on Friday. I can’t wait to read your comments!
Wend B
Wendy P
She Seeks
She Reads
Wouldn't that be AMAZING? I have helped put together women's ministry leadership workshops. My passion is for identifying/encouraging/equipping our women leaders. I want to grow my speaking skills, giving confidence to present these workshops with excellence. Writing the material comes easier than speaking it. My goal for attending this conference would be to optimize what God would have me speak so women will hear, learn and receive God's design, His purpose and plan for each of them1 Thanks for what you do. God's blessings!
Got up early today, woken up by the sounds of my friend's young boys squeals of excitement of a new day at…6:30am. I should take cue's from them! I have never been to the P31 website until today, directed here by the "Cantcookalick" blog.
In 2004 I was living in New York and working as a Sign Language Interpreter at a University. Kingdom Bound was coming to town (a Christian Music Festival) and I had the privilege of interpreting various events, concerts and speakers (i.e. Kirk Cameron, Casting Crowns, Third Day, etc).
One afternoon I was scheduled to interpret for someone at the main concert stage. It was mid-afternoon and as I stood on my interpreter platform, I looked over at the stage and had an incredible urge to be ON it. I didn't even know what I would say! I just stood staring with this desire stirring in my to BE a speaker on that stage.
Later that day I prayed about that desire and told the Lord that if this was His desire for me one day, then to lead me through the steps to get there. Perhaps this conference is one of the steps. Much has happened and IS happening since that time…my journey continues, as does my healing. We'll see what He does next!
I've felt called to attend shespeaks for a few years, both in the writing and speaking capacity. As a unpaid servant for our youth group, I lead the Sunday night services in which I'm responsible for sharing the gospel wtih our future! Speaking, teaching, writing… all gifts, and I would love the opportunity to be able to better craft these gifts so that I can do the best job possible for the Lord… because I do want to hear Him say.. "Well done."
Thank you for the opportunity.
[email protected]
For 9 1/2 years I have walked the road of breast cancer treatment. I have had the disease five times during this time, but my story is not about cancer. It is about God's amazing grace, love, provision, strength, comfort, peace,and joy in the midst of the battle. I love sharing all He is and all He has done for my family during this journey. I believe God wants me to speak and write about my story to encourage others with the hope He offers in every situation. I passionately desire to attend She Speaks with my 15-year-old daughter, but we cannot afford it. If it is God's desire for us to attend, He will make a way. He always does. I thank God for Proverbs 31 Ministries and the opportunity to apply for this scholarship!
SJ Johnson
[email protected]
Thanks for sharing your story. I love to hear how God gets His servants where He wants them to be.
Attending She Speaks has been in my heart since my youngest (now 4) was a baby. As a ministry family on the other side of the country, actually getting there has always been out of reach. Even moreso this year as we have no regular source of income (aside from God’s gracious and unexpected provision).
I've been hearing whispers about speaking and want to confirm if it's His voice. I've always been a reluctant speaker (it's not the delivery that I have trouble with, but the responsibility). I don't know whether this is to be my year for She Speaks or not, but I do know that if it is, it would take a miracle of this sort to make it possible.
I sometimes feel like Gideon putting out my fleece, “If I get a scholarship, I’ll take it as confirmation that I’m meant to go.” God has done this in the past when I followed His call to writing. Now the question is whether it’s time to be more intentional about speaking the messages He’s given me.
I’m so glad to know we have a sovereign God who paves the way down these paths that often seem like a dream that He intends to turn into reality. Maybe this year…
Thank you for this opportunity. Blessings on all who enter and seek His plan for their ministry.
Mary Hampton
Wow, this is tough competition. I'll keep this short and sweet.
I'm 47 and an empty-nester grandmother of 5 all 4yrs old and under.
I was called into the ministry at age 13 and I'm a pastor's wife, married for 28 1/2 years.
I write, I speak, I sing, but so far it is all on a small scale. I know I would be blessed to attend She Speaks.
I'm new at this so I hope this one get's through, it will be my third try, so it will be short.To finally get to one of these conferences would mean the world to me. All of you ladies are inspiring, gifted and called to do this ministry. God bless you!
I am so amazed how God so has every detail of our life under control. I just heard of the She Speaks seminar today. As of January,He has been placing it on my heart to blog and write for devotional website for our local body.I kept asking Him about particulars. Someone approached me and said I should contact Encouragement Cafe about getting them on our local radio station.
Totally unaware of this whole ministry I know He has connected me with kindred spirits. I am committed to praying for you on a regular basis. Every writer I am discovering as I go down this blog list is giving me more and more vision for women. After years of teaching and leading homeschool coops and working with women and trying to be a keeper of the home and juggling all the demands that motherhood brings, He has sustained me, strengthened me and grown my faith in Him. He will truly meet us when we are totaly dependent on for our every step. With that said, I am so excited about what God is doing with this ministry and I feel this conference would help me be a better communicator and writer. He has changed my desires and shown me we all have a story to tell. He just wants obedience in us in every area of our lives. If He desires me to accomplish something like this, He will bring it to pass and release to me the tools I need in His timing.
Thanks for this opportunity to grow the body of Christ in their giftings. Believing for the money one way or another to be at your conference this year.
Waiting and Resting in Him.
Melanie in Florida
[email protected]
I can honestly say that I've been in the Refiner's fire for the last few months. But God does nothing without purpose. I would love to learn more about sharing what God is teaching me and feel called to attend this conference. I signed up for the conference's blog to find out when registration began, but haven't been able to register, so this scholarship would make that possible. If it's His will, I KNOW I'll be there!
Christy Perry
[email protected]
I have only just learned of the She Speaks Conference and could not think of anything more perfectly suited for me. I accepted Christ in October and what he has done for me, and through me are quite simply too many to mention.
I would love to be a part of this conference but there is one little snag… In accepting Christ, I have owned up to all of my past transgressions and one of those has led to my being sentenced to jail. I will be turning myself in on June 10th in California (I live in Michigan) and I am to serve a 6 month term in the Santa Barbara County Jail. BUT… I was told that I am eligible to apply for electronic monitoring that can be served in Michigan and then I can be granted permission to come to your conference.
I am a 41yr old suburban mom, housewife, and making amazing strides with Christ by my side. I am also getting baptized at my church on May 12th and could not be happier at the changes.
I have several degrees and as a ten year breast cancer survivor… have been a motivational speaker for breast cancer and know I can answer His calling for me to speak to a group of women to show what is possible when Christ is in the picture.
For more of my story….please visit my blog with just one entry (with more to come).
I would be very honored to win and participate in this conference and if not chosen to win this year…. I will definitely be there next year. Look for me. =)
I'm so excited there is another opportunity for a scholarship! I've been wanting to attend a She Speaks conference for the last two years. Winning the She Speaks scholarship would be an amazing blessing to me and would allow me to finally get the direction I need to get to the next level in my speaking goals, as well as be a clear indicator to me that this is where God wants me at this point in my life. Thank you so much for the opportunity.
Renee, Your blog is where I learned about the scholarship writing contest. I enjoy getting your blog!
Not too long ago, I was sitting quietly with God, praying. I asked him for discernment and guidance as I entered a new phase of life, becoming a mom who works outside the home. I was also praying about the desire to write and speak that He placed inside of me, wondering what He wanted me to do with that. He led me to Habakkuk 2:2-3 And the LORD answered me, and said, “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” (NKJV) Although I have felt a calling to write for a number of years, in the past year, God’s given me a couple of opportunities to “dip my toe” into the speaking world both by leading women through Bible Study and by speaking to them at women’s ministry events. Out of obedience, I did what I was asked to do. As hard as it is to believe that God wants to use me as a vessel to encourage and exhort others (those are my spiritual gifts, along with service), I’ve finally started to embrace it. I’m working to develop the discipline that writing requires, starting a blog, and using every opportunity I have to speak God’s truth into the lives of women, my children, and my husband. God is so good! If he wants me at She Speaks, He’ll find a way to make it happen! Though it tarry, I continue to wait for it! My God never disappoints!!!
[email protected]
I'm a stay at home mom who knows God has a calling on my life in ministry. Women's ministry. I knew this after studying the Bible for a year in a "women's program" at Denton Bible Church in TX. I was so encouraged by women who desired to invest in my life as a young christian woman.
I really enjoy communicating. My speaking skills were tested and improved and flourished as a Trainer for a ministry called Upward Unlimited (a sports ministry)Marriage and babies came along in my life….and here I am a stay at home mom praying and knowing that God has big plans, if I wont freak out and run away.
Bette Bronson [email protected]
Nadia Swearingen-Friesen would really benefit from attending the She Speaks conference. She is a great speaker and writer!
June Oosterhoff-Hoops
[email protected]
Like so many of these precious women, I too was called by God. Oh, that He would use even me! He called me as just a freshman in high school, and my heart's desire is to be obedient to that call.
Thanks for this opportunity…I'm so excited for the one whom God has already hand-picked to be there through this generous scholarship!
Katrina Arbuckle
[email protected]
For as long as I can remember I have felt called to speak for the Lord. The Lord has taught me so much this His love letter in His word and I just can't keep it in. I love speaking to woman and seeing the Holy Spirit move in their hearts. I have been blessed to teach womens conferences all over south asia and in some places in America and find it a true joy. Attending She speaks would be such a dream to recieve training in this calling and I cannot attend without either a scholarship or God's people giving. What an awesome ministry!
Jenn Hand
[email protected]
I saw the information for this conference for the first time last year, I was pregnant at the time and my husband was home, knowing he would be deploying soon and I would have 2 children to find care for rather than one I really wished I could go then but there was no way we could afford it and nothing happened to make it possible. At the time I thought “maybe next year” but knowing I would have two children and a deployed husband I kind of pushed it from my mind and forgot about it until I started seeing blog posts about it this year. I didn’t really let myself get excited about it because I now have two children and a husband in Afghanistan so not only can we not afford it I would have to arrange for childcare (and it would be the first time I left my baby). Then I saw this contest. WOW, I actually teared up at the idea that it might be possible. If I’m supposed to go to this conference I KNOW God will provide the way, the money, the childcare etc. Perhaps this is how He will provide the money I don’t know. But I do know that if I win He will also provide arrangements for the children.
What does it mean? What is my passion? Well, I’ve always LOVED both writing and speaking And I think I’m good at both honestly. I have done speaking/training in my job (secular) before and LOVE being in front of a room full of people. I currently need motivation and direction to get going in this area. I need practical tools to make my writing/speaking organized and meaningful. I love sharing information, I get all fuzzy inside when people ask me a question about anything that I have an answer for (seriously I get excited about diapers lol). I currently don’t have the confidence to write/speak about my faith, I’m afraid of being wrong and then telling everyone else something wrong. I know this is something I can and should get past I just need help! I would love to have the confidence to lead a group of women in Bible study or speak at an event! Thank you for this opportunity!
sobyn at hotmail dot com
I have been praying for an opportunity to attend a She Speaks conference! I would cherish the blessing of beinga ble to attend. It would be a timely affirmation for me!!
I've been writing for almost exactly a year now on my blog and speaking a bit here and there. I truly feel God's calling to uplift and minister to women.
It has been a very difficult year for me and my family and I feel like the Lord has much to share through my adversity. I would be so grateful for the gift of a scholarship to attend.
Blessings! Michelle
have been a “closet writer,” so to speak, for the past twenty years. It was this past June, after facing unemployment for the first time since I was 15-years-old, that I attended my first ACW Conference. Though I still consider myself a beginning writer, I am making quick progress and currently write for five monthly online publications.(for free, of course) I also will have my first write-for-hire book published later this year for Atlantic Publishing. So, I am pleased with my progress with writing so far.
But it is time to go deeper. Think bigger. Take more chances. To get out of the boat and test the waters and see if Jesus will help me walk on them.
My goal is to share the true stories that can change lives. I long to be able to do this through face to face contact as well as through the written word. I consider this a weakness of mine, and would appreciate the opportunity to attend She Speaks so that I may strengthen my ministry. Though I have taught junior high girls classes at church for years, I am in no way polished or professional enough to do so in large groups without my voice quivering or fidgeting at the podium.
The testimonials that come from this conference prove that God is very much a part of the process, inspiring those who participate to go further than they ever dreamed possible.
Thank you for your consideration.
I want to attend the She Speaks conference so badly. This year I made my decision to listen to God and stop furthering my education to teach nursing so I could further my education by reading God's Word and teaching it. What a ride it has been! I know He has great things in store for me and I feel that this conference will get me on my way to reach this journey He wants for me. Please consider me for this scholarship. My husband is not getting enough work even to pay the power bill let alone for me to come to the conference. I know God will provide and am praying that you will choose me for this wonderful opportunity. I had not heard of She Speaks conference until this year and when I felt God has called me to teach His Word to women again (which I did not 14 years and then stopped for 5 years)I felt like this was confirmation to get me on my journey that God has called me on with Him. Reading all these comments on all the blogs – wouldn't it be wonderful if all of us could go and meet each other and with all of us being trained and starting to lead and teach women throughout the United States – there would be GREAT REVIVAL among women!! Wouldn't that be awesome! I am so excited to be a part of all of this whether I am chosen or not to know that I am part of God's chosen women is a great honor!
What a responsibility! What I first embraced as a passion to speak and write for my loving God, I now hold so very dear to my heart and I want to walk both faithfully and carefully down this path that God has made for me. I know God has called me to speak and write for Him and I taking each little baby step that I can with Him and embracing with this journey every open and closed door—trusting that God knows best and is leading the way.
I have researched ways to sharpen and better equip myself and I have not found anything like “She Speaks.” I have been praying about attending the last couple of years and honestly, the funds are tight and I have not been able to fork the bill on top of the airfare. If I am chosen for this scholarship, I will know that God desires to use the women at the conference to inspire and equip me to serve for His kingdom. To God be the glory, amen.
Julie Lane
I would love to win this, I would love to be taught, by these women of God. And I would love to acquire the knowledge, and opportunities that this seminar would offer me. Thank you so much for the consideration!
Monica Gwin
[email protected]
I am writing to ask you to consider Nadia Swearingen-Friesen for a Scholarship! She is an amazing speaker and loves to share her journey with other women. Thank you.
What would it mean to me to attend the She Speaks Conference? The sustaining of new life stirring. The continuation of a mysterious story God has been weaving in dark places. God used a brilliant study on the creative process to clarify my gifts and callings. Doubt has since crept in, telling me that the dreams he stirred in me were just lofty dandelion fluff. “He’s not THAT good. My gifts aren’t THAT valuable.”
If anyone believes in us to the death, it is our mothers. Today mine was fighting tenaciously for me while I dusted her with my doubts and unbelief like the heavy pollen raining down outside my window. Mom mused, “I held you on my lap in church when you were three, and I sensed that God had a special call on your life. My mother’s heart ached as I thought of the suffering it might involve and how it would take you far away.” I listened half-heartedly, pulling up the She Reads blog as I got ready to hang up the phone. Two powerful words arose from the screen. She Speaks. Tears ran at the sound of “my name”. Jesus made me to speak, to read, to write! Mystery still surrounds my story, but I need to tend it with my words, so that when it is full, I will be equipped to share it!
[email protected]
Between church and my professional career, I am overexposed to various levels of hurting women. My heart aches to help because my faith can see the best in them. Attending this conference would allow me the opportunity to polish all the necessary tools to effectively achieve spiritual success in the lives of these women. Iron sharpens iron, so I'd have no choice but to leave with an attitude of 'help me, help you!'
Mary Harris
[email protected]
I am brand new to Proverbs 31 it was by accident you could say that I found you. My sister sent me a word of encouragement and it was written by Wendy a proverbs 31 member and she mentioned " She Speaks " from that day to this I have been asking God if this is my season to launch out. God has given me a word for our sisters that have came through sexual abuse. I have shared my testimony in small groups for a few years now. My hearts desire is to reach the young girls who have not told anyone their secret yet. I remember the years that I held that secret so tight I wish for death. I need to know how to take the next step and obey God and share my story. God Bless all of you for all you do you are sent to us from God. Venus [email protected]
I am feeling the tug of God on my heart to go into a speaking ministry. I am like Moses was when God told him to go speak to the people and Moses didn't feel he was worthy or able to do so. God is not letting me use that excuse. I feel convicted to do to this.
I believe my life experiences could reach many hurting women.
My mom said that when I was born with a heart murmur, I turned blue in her arms, and she thought she'd almost lost me. She told me on my birthday when I was a teen, and this reminded me that from then on out with every extra breath I'm given, I should praise the Lord (Psalm 150:1)
"Breath" to me has translated into playing field hockey in college with all my heart for God's glory despite having asthma…and short legs, leading Children's worship with all my energy, despite not being able to sing a complete octave, and sharing with my voice the goodness of God to friends and family, and whomever I meet.
Winning a She Speaks scholarship giveaway would be like winning big on OPRAH. I didn't pray that I could go to She Speaks but I do pray that God will use me. Going to She Speaks will allow me to speak with a more effective "breath". I feel like God has gifted me not only with the ability to write through story telling and experience, but that he has also given me a passion and courage to share how He works in my life. I'm now 26 and thankful for the many breaths I get each and every day. I want to speak!!
I remember hearing Lysa TerKeurst at a conference wishing that someday I can also use my words to help people passion for Him.
[email protected]
I would love to be a part of She Speaks. I am in a study on finding your mission and the question came up "What would you do if?" and my answer was to be a courageous, authentic speaker for Christ and I think this would be a great next step.
Thanks for your blog Renee and your encouragement and materials on finding your calling. They have been so helpful!
[email protected]
My heart for speaking to women started at the age of 19 when I began teaching a 7th and 8th grade girls sunday school class. Over the next 10 years God allowed me to share my heart, and desire for women to find their complete satisfacition and fulfillment in Christ alone, and challenge them to get into the word DAILY!! My ministry took a very interesting turn in 2005 when I got married and revisited an issue in my life that I had known about since I was 13. I found out as a teen that I could never have children (details a little long so just leaving it at that). Since that day I had always planned on adopting my children and my AMAZING husband was very much on board. After our first year of marriage feeling of inadequacy krept in and I began to struggle with "why" God worked through His word and my sweet husband and in 2008 we adopted out PRECIOUS daughter Celeste, and in 2009 another daughter Olivia. We are a multi-racial family or daughters being african american and us being about as white as they come. The struggles of infertility, the joys and heartache of adoption and the hilarious, and thought provoking moments that being a multi-racial family brings I HAVE GOT TO SHARE! Speaking scares me because I don't want it to be about me but the message God has given me (which HE is still revealing to me). THAT my dear Miss Renee is why I would be THRILLED and delighted to attend "She Speaks" My husband is an associate pastor at a local church and talked starting an adoption minsitry (at some point in the future) where we share with anyone who will listen what God has done and how he has changed OUR lives thorugh adoption and to encourage others to support adoption in general any way they can. I feel attending She Speaks will begin the path to me refining what God would have me say and how to say it.
WOW – can you tell I"m excited! Going for the longest comment known to man or woman 😉 Praise God for what He is doing through P31!
Emily R
[email protected]
would love to be able to attend She Speaks, but financially it has been a difficlut season. I pray God will bless the woman who is supposed to win this scholarship, but that He will enable all of us to continue to tell our stories.
I believe that we all have a story to tell. Our stories are all different, but I believe that God is truly the author of them all. My greatest desire is to use my story to show His glory in my life.
I want to enable others to see the Hope that they can have as they trust Jesus on the journey. I love teaching and would like to broaden my Ministry by speaking as well.
Renee, my name is Tekesha Austin and my email [email protected]. I first heard about Proverbs 31 about a month ago. I was sitting at my desk and got an email from my friend. I was going through it with my husband badly the night before and contemplating divorce, Lysa was speaking on marriage. I went and bought What Happens when Women say YES to GOD read it and said ok GOD I hear you. After reading that book, purchased Becoming more than a good Bible study girl, I always knew that GOD was working through me, but this book definently confirmed that. Okay I just purchased on yesterday What happens when Women walk in Faith, so excited about how GOD is transforming my life. I would love to attend the conference I have been called to minister to people. My grandma said that I should have been a counselor, I am a people oriented person and people value my opinion and they want to know what I'd do in a situation. I have a drawing spirit and I know that GOD is perfecting some things in my life for his Glory. I have been allowed to go through certain things to have experience to be able to help someone because if I never go through anything how can I be qualified to tell of the goodness of the LORD. GOD orchestrated me to become involved with Proverbs 31 ministries so that I can become qualified and experience him on another level, so this conference will be a benefit to spiritual growth and walk so that as I continue to work for him, I'll know how to through HIM. The GREAT I AM…
It's only by God's grace that I desire to speak. I'm the one who was in speech therapy in 2nd grade. I'm the one who sang in front of a church in 4th grade and started laughing from nerves and couldn't stop. I'm the one who messed up on my ONLY line in high school drama the night of our play. Only to hear at my ten year class reunion by a then Calif. news anchor after she peeked at my picture and name button I was wearing. "Oh yeah, I remember you. You're the only who messed up on your only line is our school play." Oh gee, thanks.
God has given me a strong desire that will not quit to share HIM and His love and the way He has changed my life.
As a speaker, I have NO formal training. I'd love to come to She Speaks so I could learn more about the craft and so I could meet new friends. I love being a part of what God is up to. And I know this ministry is just that.
Currently I have no income from writing or otherwise to do conferences like this. It's just too much. So winning would be an amazing God sized gift!
The Lord has often spoken to me about a life of public speaking. I have stage fright so I told him I thought he must have the wrong person. I need a chance to learn so that I can be able to obey my Lord and get over my jitters. We are trying hard to get out of debt so I cannot spend the money right now.
I want to speak on healing along with the healing God has done in me. He said to me “I have delivered you for a purpose.” Part of the reason I have stage fright has to do with overcoming my perfectionism but also fighting against the lie Satan put in my mind many times that “No one wants to hear what I have to say.” I speak softly and often remember my parents criticizing me and laughing at me when I was a child. I would love to go to She Speaks with Christian women so I can also receive prayer and be freed to speak what God has placed on my heart to share.
Gretchen Flores
Thank you for the opportunity for a scholarship. Why would I like to win? Well, many of the reasons already listed here… I have a heart to share how great our God is, how He is capable of anything. I feel that God gave me this heart to serve Him and part of that is to reach out to others. I feel fairly comfortable to speak in front of people, but the opportunity to learn, to have some sort of guidance – well, that would just be awesome. The tools and the experience I don't really have. The heart… I do. And to the fullest. I can't afford to get to the conference on my own. My husband supports us and it has been quite difficult. I trust that God already knows the winner – so congrats to whoever that may be. I would be honored if He would pick me, but if not, will remain faithful to know all things are within his timing.
Thanks again,
I've been speaking to groups mostly through songwriting and music as I lead them in worship. I would love to gain more tools and connections to help encourage others on the journey.
Winning the She Speaks Conference Scholarship would mean the Lord is bringing me one step closer to the desire of my heart. I know the conference would equip me with the skills I need to go forth into His creation and share what He has done for me and what He can do for others. Thank you for this opportunity.
Colleen M. Geyer
[email protected]
In my life, I continue to live in awe of God's faithfulness during times of famine, testing and struggles. Recently, (March 2010)I lost my job while I was out on medical leave from an unexpected hysterectomy. This year, my husband and I will celebrate our 26 year wedding anniversary on May 26. I been praying for my husband to become the spiritual leader of our home for over 25 years. As a result of my recent job with this ministry, I spoke at many different churches to build awareness and to raise funds for programs to help urban youth, homeless men, women and families as well as incarcerated individuals. My husband would occasionally join our daughter and me when I would visit and speak at area churches. It was through these opportunities that we found ourselves in a new church, one where we felt at home. Although it was difficult for me to make this change, God made it very clear that He was answering my prayer of bringing my husband back into a relationship with Him. Today, my husband not only attends church with us, but He also joined a 6 AM men's bible study that he faithfully attends. He has volunteered using his gifts helping to build and to repair homes for hurting families who desperately need help during difficult times. His business is being blessed by God and our relationship has improved tremendously as well. My life is filled with examples of God's faithfulness! And now today, I find myself again at a crossroad, seeking God's wisdom and His direction as I actively look for a new job. I had prayed the dangerous prayer of wherever you want to send me, Lord, I will go. Every day I continue to receive feedback from Him through His word, answered prayer, encouragement from others and just by sitting still and waiting to hear His voice. As I seek His guidance, the Lord has continued to direct me that He is calling me to use the gifts of speaking, writing and encouraging others to serve Him as His obedient child. I can look back on my life and truly appreciate the difficulties and struggles that God allowed as He refined me to become more like Him. God has taken the brokeness of my life and healed me as only He can. My life is an amazing example of how He calls us by name, and how he brings us out of the fire and out of the floods of life to an abundant life that is possible only through the saving grace of His son Jesus. It would mean so much to me to attend this conference and I know that I can trust Him for the outcome. I have faith that Jesus has a plan for me and with this training and this opportunity to network with others, I could continue to develop the gifts He has given me as a speaker and to be an encouragement for others. Thank you for offering this scholarship and for your daily words to point us back to Jesus. That is my hope, my dream and my prayer to glorify Him in all that I say or do, and to always be ready to give an account of His faithfulness. "Each one should use whatever gift he has reeived to serve others faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ." I Peter 10-11, NIV
[email protected]
Chrystal Maxwell
I love speaking to women! I believe that God uses me to do just that, I have spoken several times to the women here at our church. I have spoken at our annual retreat along with two other ladies every year for the past 5 years. I love to encourage women in their walk with God. I also believe that I am to write, but I don't even have a clue as to how to go about it. I would LOVE the opportunity to come to this conference and learn what a blessing it would be and an honor. Thank you so much for considering me. God Bless, Debbie Myhre
I met Holly today in Abilene Texas where Lisa spoke. I am blessed and as she and I spoke I am called to speak and write I just am not sure how/where to get started. I know I need training and mentoring and honestly a good kick in the bottom to get started and hope to attend the She Speaks conference either by winning the contest or finding a way to be there.
Blessings – Leah Holamon
[email protected]
I love every morning how my spirt is lifted thru Proverbs31 and the women that are associated with it. since last Sept. my life has been a roller coaster. my brother who is just 37 has lost both kidneys and is waiting for a transplant.But after thanksgivins he spent 25 days on a breathing machine with no hope but my awesome God gave him another chance. My husband and I have dealt with a family battle on his side with a teenage neice. God has gave us so much. I am so thankful daily for what he has gave me and what he is gonna continue to do in my life. I look forward to spending the weekend me and my best friend with other christian women and having our souls feed. may God continue to bless your minitsry.
Michelle Brock
[email protected]
I have been a single mom for almost 3 years. The night I discoverd my husband's extra marital activities was a turning point for me wherein I finally saw Jesus as my only true security. I had always looked to my dad (who had passed away 6 months prior) or my husband. The relationship I have now with Christ is exceedingly and abundantly beyond anything I could have possibly imagined I could ever have. God has very recently called me to become a Personal Guidance Minister for Scope Ministries and I begin training for this in May. I am so excited about sharing my experiences and the love of Christ with other single mothers that I cannot right now keep up with my fingers as I type! I think that I am much more comfortable with speaking than I am with writing and I have never been to a "She Speaks" conference! This would be an amazing experience for me, especially right now during the dawning of my calling! Thanks for providing the possibility of being blessed with a scholarship to this event! I don't think I will be able to attend without such a blessing this year, but maybe someday soon!
Melanie Broadway
[email protected]
I have felt God calling me to some sort of speaking ministry for a while now. I am not sure what it will look like…waiting on Him to show me! I currently am the lay Women's ministry leader at my church and teach a ladies Bible Study. I have recently been appoached about leading a session on mentoring in our local area. I am excited to see what my Jesus has in mind. I would love to attend the She Speaks conference and polish my skills and connect with others who feel His call in this direction. Thank you for the possible opportunity to attend!
Cherie Orange
[email protected]
I loved your Q&A; section. I treasure the wisdom and knowledge that I glean from other speaker/writers. I have so much to learn and would love to have the opportunity to attend the She Speaks Conference. Without the scholarship, I am unable to attend.
Also, I clicked on your friend, Lisa Smith's site. She seems to be a very special woman. I will be praying for her.
Bless you!
Nan Jones
I truly believe that God has given each one of us a unique testimony to tell. Whether you speak to an audience of one or one-thousand, His message MUST be shared. I am ready to proclaim the message that I have been given. This is my season to move beyond self and to God's level of beyond beyond!
Writing is something that I have been doing for a long time, and I've managed to keep it to myself in my journal… until recently.
Speaking is something that I very recetly felt called to do as I wrote and led the fall womens' retreat for my church in '09. This was the 1st time I had ever done anything like that and it was WAY out of my comfort zone!
Since then, I have been feeling the call to vocational ministry, and I believe that She Speaks is my next step!
Will you consider me for the scholarship?
My husband is without full-time work (since December '08), and I know we can't afford it on our own.
Writing is something that I have been doing for a long time, and I've managed to keep it to myself in my journal… until recently.
Speaking is something that I very recetly felt called to do as I wrote and led the fall womens' retreat for my church in '09. This was the 1st time I had ever done anything like that and it was WAY out of my comfort zone!
Since then, I have been feeling the call to vocational ministry, and I believe that She Speaks is my next step!
Will you consider me for the scholarship?
My husband is without full-time work (since December '08), and I know we can't afford it on our own.
I have been a teen mother, an abused wife, a church secretary, and now watch my children struggle in many of the areas I did. So I am not really sure why putting a request for a scholarship terrifies me both for winning it and for not winning it! To be able to potentially speak about God's grace to other women of all ages would be an incredible blessing although opening those painful areas doesn't always feel like a blessing at the time, maybe He could use this jar of clay to help another broken heart. Please consider me for this scholarship, with the cost of the flight, conference and the current situation we are in, would be a financial strain. Thank you for Proverbs 31ministry, it truly blesses me on a regular basis, I love how each woman involved speaks and writes from a "real" heart.
I have had a part time ladies' ministry for about 7 years. However, about 21 months ago, right when it SEEMED the Lord was leading me into a more full-time speaking ministry it virtually became non-existent. Not through any wrong doing of my own, but through some pretty tough circumstances that instead, had me sitting at His feet and simply being still as He worked on transforming me in ways I could never have imagined (which He is continuing to do). Not to say that every day was spent "being still" because I had many days of doubt, questions and wrestling matches. The reality is, God WAS leading me into more of a full-time capacity, except it was God's plan to first take me through the fire … "But He knows the way that I take; When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold!" [exclamation point mine] Job 23:10.
God already knows which precious lady will be the recipient of the She Speaks scholarship. I'm simply excited for the opportunity to throw my name into the hat and will be thrilled for whomever is selected.
Shelly Brown
[email protected]
A very inspiring site! And a wonderful contest, what a prize! To think how many women can be saved through this has lifted my heart and the angels of the Lord are rejoicing! I see a sister in the Lord, Mallory Kristjanson, has placed her name up for this Scholarship, and I pray that the Lord would strongly consider her. She has done so much for suffering women and men through her devotion and her spirit.Her life's transformation and new life are a true testimony to how God loves us by giving us a second chance. I thank God that He is using her and for her willingness to put her pure faith in action. She is an amazing speaker who is genuine and lives her life in service to our Lord – working with the downtrodden, the poorest amongst us, she has been blessed with a compassion seldom seen. She has reached out to so many suffering, many who were considered lost, hopeless and useless by the world – leading many to the Lord.
I know the winner is randomly chosen, and ultimately is in the hand of God, but when I saw her name on the list I couldnt help but tell others about her! May God bless whomever is chosen,
what an exciting opportunity- many people will be blessed! There are so many suffering people on the earth and I'm truly grateful for what is so generously being offered.