Proverbs 31 Ministries announced today that we’re giving away another SHE SPEAKS scholarship from Cecil Murphy ! We thought it’d be fun to introduce you to our team who will be leading the conference, so we’re hosting a carnival of P31 blogs. That’s where we’ll be sharing a personal story about being called to speak or an experience at She Speaks. From your comments we’ll draw a random winner! I decided to answer some of the most common questions I get about speaking:
What came first, your speaking ministry or your role in the Proverbs 31 Ministry? My role with Proverbs 31 Ministries came first. I joined the staff in 1995 as editor of our P31 newsletter (before it was a full color magazine) and served in that role until1999. For the next two years, I volunteered in various capacities at the ministry but mostly I spent my kids’ nap times digging deep into God’s Word and letting Him dig deep into my heart. I would write down pages of Scriptures and journal about everything God was teaching me. I didn’t know it, but it was a season of preparation. God was doing a new and very deep work in my heart.
How did your speaking ministry begin? My speaking ministry started at my home church. During my “digging deep” season, the Lord laid it on my heart to write a small topical Bible study for a supper seminar my pastor’s wife had taught. The leaders had been praying for a gift to give the attendees but I didn’t know it, so they asked me to write the Bible study. At at the end of the last fall supper seminar 1000 copies were given away. I was overwhelmed but loved seeing how God was using all He had been teaching me to encourage other women. In the spring I was asked to share my testimony at a supper seminar and then teach a 4 week series based on the study I’d written.
How did your speaking ministry grow? The next year, I wrote another study and taught two more series. Then in 2001 Proverbs 31 Ministries hosted our first annual She Speaks Conference and my church sent me to it. At the end of the conference, I sensed there was more. God was moving in powerful ways in my heart to confirm a calling I had sensed for 10 years but run from due to many fears I’d had. Lysa shared that P31 wanted to build a speaker team of ambassadors for the ministry. All I’d been through and all God had taught me had led me to this place. I’d been serving at P31 for years and had such a passion for the ministry. From that point on, God grew me, my messages and my speaking ministry through opportunities at my church’s events, Bible studies, local dinner events and MOPs groups. Then God brought invitations from churches in other cities and eventually in other states. Each year God enlarged that circle and now I have the honor of getting to meet God’s girls and speak His truth into their hearts from coast to coast.
When it became obvious God was calling you into a speaking ministry, how did you choose the topics you would speak on? Every one of my topics is birthed and developed in my heart through life experiences and lessons God is teaching me personally. My messages reflect my greatest desires, struggles and passions such as reading God’s Word and allowing it to transform my heart and the way I live in my everyday life and relationships; hearing, recognizing and listening to God’s voice and not the enemy’s accusations; living a purpose-filled and balanced life as a wife, mom and child of God.
Are there resources you recommend for someone who feels called to speak?
The Reason We Speak, Gen Ed Marybeth Whalen
Communicating for a Change by Andy Stanley
To Enter the She Speaks Scholarship Contest
1. If you’d like to win, or try to win this for someone else, please leave a comment below sharing why you’d like to win by clicking on the word “comments.” Simply type in the white box. If you don’t have a blog, click anonymous. But be sure to include your name and email so we can contact you if you win.
2. We’d like to give this scholarship to someone who has not attended She Speaks before since two of the others went to graduates.
3. Our other scholarships have been for writers, so this one is for a woman who feels called to speak. Be sure to let us know what this scholarship would mean to you to fulfill that calling.
4. Visit as many blogs as you can (linked below) and leave a comment (it can be the same comment) to increase your chances! We’ll compile the comments left on our blogs through Friday at midnight and send them to our home office where a random drawing will be done. The winner will be announced on Monday on the P31 homepage.
So, leave a comment and click away. You have until midnight on Friday. I can’t wait to read your comments!
Wend B
Wendy P
She Seeks
She Reads
Being able to attend She Speaks would be an amazing tool for me, to be around some of God's beautiful ladies who can help fill me with tools I can use to spread God's good news to more beautiful ladies : ) I am excited and ready to learn more about speaking to women. Due to our lack of financial fullness at this point in our life, I am unable to attend this on my own and would love to win this scholarship! Thanks for the chance!
Cec Murphey's generosity is truly inspiring! Every time I see the opportunity for scholarships to "She Speaks" and to other conferences, they always come attached with Cec's name as the benefactor. So thank you, Cec and thank you Proverbs 31 women for offering yet another opportunity for a chance to go to this wonderful conference.
As a speaker of over 20 years and a newbie to the world of writing and publishing, I find that the simplest way to express why I want to attend "She Speaks" is because I feel as though I'm supposed to be there and I know that unless the Lord provides financially for me to go, it's just not in our financial cards this year.
Not only do I sense that I'm supposed to be there, but also that I "need" to be there, as well. I can't explain it. But I'm truly looking forward to how the Lord will use my time at "She Speaks" to change me, to develop me, and to give me the opportunity to do one of my favorite things…spend time with like-minded women who long to make a difference for the glory of God.
Thanks again for this opportunity!
Eternally His,
Stephanie Shott
Phil 3:7-14
[email protected]
Hi Renee, I would like to first comment on the “The Reason We Speak” by Marybeth Walen. I have read it cover to cover and it is an excellent book! The entire time I was reading it I knew God was preparing me for a much larger journey in my life. Larger than anything I had done. I feel like the calling is to become a speaker and minister to women, to serve the needs of the brokenhearted and to help others find the intimate relationship with God that I have found. Since that time I have a God-Given purpose in my life and a clear goal at which to aim.
I have never attended “She Speaks” nor have I ever had the funds to attend. My husband has been without a steady income since last May, so this will not be the year financially I could attend without a scholarship.
If I win, it would be life-changing and I know the knowledge I would gain would give me the wisdom and the faithful instruction to pursue the heart felt endeavor I so desire. If I don’t, I’ll keep on blogging at “My Faithful Living” and will continue to minister the word of God. I want to be a spiritual leader but I am also a spiritual learner. He is in charge! I can only be a tool to accomplish His purpose for us here on earth.
I have heard of “She Speaks” conference only from Proverbs 31 ministries.
I looked up the information on the web and became very interested very quickly.
When I was a young woman (teenage years) I had a woman minister speak into my life and tell me that I was someday going to tell the world my story, being young and naïve and I had a “Whatever “ attitude and went about my business.
Here it is 15 years later and I remember that day like it was yesterday, because through all the pain and suffering in my life I have recently (2 years) have finally decided to do it God’s way. God has put a book in my heart to write entitled “I’m Nobody’s Secret” It is the story of my life and how God has stamped those very words on my heart and through lots of prayer and counseling I am realizing how valuable my life is to Him.
I have looked at different resources to help me in accomplishing this God dream and because of limited money on my part I know that anywhere I go will only be by His command. Thank you for the opportunity to share. Maria Olvera – Lomeli
Yay! Another contest! I'm going to be like the friend in Luke 11:5-13; y'all are going to get so sick of my entering all the She Speaks scholarship contests that you'll eventually award me one! I'm really believing that I need to keep asking for this opportunity because I know I need to be there this year and this is the only way I can manage it (I even live right in Concord, but have never been able to attend).
I'm an accidental speaker. I never set out to speak publicly, although I'm not afraid to be in front of a crowd. I started writing a few years ago (also kind of by accident), and then people started asking me to speak on those same topics. Knees quaking and voice shaking, I have spoken a few times. I have a few more speaking engagements lined up, but I need so much help and direction to move from being an adequate speaker to being an excellent speaker.
Thank you, thank you!
Bethany LeBedz at gmail dot com
I am a "new" Christian and just came onboard with the Lord in the fall of 2009. I have a wonderful infertility story that was totally left in God's hands and he worked miracles in my life… but I still struggled with coming to Him. I love to share my story and hear everyone's story. I have been told that I am so funny and yet so sincere in my testimony that it makes other "long-time" Christians feel that same "newness" all over again. I LOVE THAT! I recently listened to Lysa TerKeurst messages through some Hearts At Home CDs my friend loaned me. I just love her and her style and her funny stories… "WHITE SHOES" I do feel called to be in front of people, sharing, being funny and bringing out the laughter in their hearts and helping them to feel "new" with God again. Let me know if you want to hear more of my story.
Amy Dunham
[email protected]
I have been involved for many years in my local church teaching Sunday School and Girls Club. I have to say that Girls Club ministry is very special to me. About two years ago I began to feel a need for teaching on a deeper level to teenagers and new converts about really connecting with God and developing a personal relationship with Him. I feel that attending the She Speaks conference would answer questions I have about moving forward and following this calling I feel in my life.
Rebekah Lilly
[email protected]
My roommate went to She Speaks last year. We were not roommates when she signed up for the conference, but by the time it rolled around I was super jealous I wasn’t going too. She was a little timid at first, but it totally changed her and gave her a boldness I hadn’t seen in her before. So, this whole year, I’ve been wondering how I could find a way to go myself.
I don’t have the money…like a lot of people these days. I do have a heart for women. I’m developing a love for writing that I don’t understand. I have always been a bit of a performer so I’m comfortable speaking/talking with people, but I have no training in either. I’m not sure where God is directing me, but I know I need some honing in both these areas to get there.
Lots of potential…needing some direction.
To attend a "She Speaks Conference" would be an answer to many years of praying! I could never afford to enroll so to win would be my miracle and I would be so grateful for the opportunity. I have felt "called" to speak from the very first time I shared my testimony in Bible College 28 years ago. Since that time I have been developing my "credentials for sharing" as Barbara Johnson referred to her difficult places in one of her books. In and of myself I have nothing to say but because of Christ and His amazing grace over my life I have been on a spiritual journey that shows forth just how awesome my great God is. I want the world to know that God has brought me through everything I have ever been through. I used to read Ann Kiemel Anderson books and want so badly for the opportunity to share my story also but I have never known how to get started, where to find a platform and so I basically have put my "calling" on a shelf for a lot of years and it is time I attend "She Speaks" and get about the business of "speaking"!
As an "older gal (over 50 BUT under 60!!) I have prayed that God open new doors, as my life, albeit great, has been on a vertical hold. Recently, doors have opened for me to speak at a few meetings…sharing my testimony as a single mom. Who t'woulda thought! Anyhoo, the timing of this conference sounds custom made!
[email protected]
The honest truth is this: I feel called by God to be a speaker to women, especially young adult women. I am a youth pastor's wife and minister to teenage girls. I just feel I need EQUIPPED to go out to do what God has called me to do. "He equips those he calls" – so I am grateful for an opportunity to come and learn from those with more experience and take those tools and apply it to the life God wants me to lead. Greater is he that is in me; Lead me O Lord through the paths you have laid before me.
I am so overwhelmed and stirred in my spirit from reading the stories and personal testimonies on all of the different P31 blogs I've visited this morning….thank you all for sharing!
Now for generic contest entry spill that I'm posting on several blogs! haha….
I was very excited to have the opportunity to enter the contest for the writing scholarship…so excited, in fact, that I dreamed up the wrong deadline date and missed submitting my entry. (sigh.) Perhaps, this is my second chance! Or, perhaps, my entering has nothing to do with the contest and everything to do with saying the words again. (Kind of like cleaning your coffee pot…sometimes you just need to do it.) So, with that said….I feel that I am called to speak (even though I get butterflies just saying it), as well as to write, encouraging other women as I encourage myself. Attending this conference would (hopefully) help to clarify what my next season holds, allow me to connect with some amazing women (most of whom I have just recently found in blog land!), and encourage me to take the next step….whatever that might be!
Thanks for this Give-away and thw questions you answered. It is always so exciting to hear about how God uses everyday women for His Glory.
Kimberli S [email protected]
God led me to the Proverbs31 site today! I am thrilled to be considered for a scholarship to SheSpeaks, as our finances on my husband's retirement income are adequate for daily living, but certainly not overflowing. I know God has given me a passion for ministering to women by encouraging them in their personal walks with God. Whether it's through a platform of leading Bible studies and small groups or stepping out into a broader speaking role remains to be seen, but I know God is preparing me for something more. I can't wait to see what is in store!
Rachel Binney
[email protected]
God moves in mysterious ways. I thought my season of "public speaking" had passed. I instead have been focusing on writing, while raising my three lovely daughters. I was completely comfortable with this shift. Several years ago a friend encouraged me to attend a She Speaks conference but the cost was prohibitive. So I put it all in a "past season" category and left it at that. This morning when I read that another scholarship would be offered I felt compelled to read about the details. All while reading I was thinking "this will be so nice for someone else." Then a small voice said "do it." Uh-oh was my first thought, it seems God might want to take me out of my comfort zone. Since then God has led me to scriptures of confirmation that I am to enter this contest. For what purposes I do not know, but I do know that when God speaks and you follow amazing things always happen. Thank you for offering this wonderful oppurtunity and encouragement to so many women, who like me have a God story to share.
Amy Peterson -average Mom with and AWESOME God!
[email protected]
God knows my fearful heart………but I'm gonna do it afraid.
Thank you for a chance to win the scholarship it would be an answer to prayer.
[email protected]
On July 20th, 2006, the Lord led me into a wilderness of brokenness I’ve never known before. Everything I held dear, He gently and very quickly stripped away-my calling, my home, my church, my friends, my comfort zone. God brought me to a new arena that was very frightening to me. Being the ultimate Girl Scout, I always prided myself in knowing what was going to happen next. I was serving the Lord but with a prideful resistance. I could have never foretold the pain I learned in this desert wilderness. I was so completely broken and stripped bare of any resemblance of self.
As God ordained each aspect of how the brokenness came forth, I heard His gentle voice speak, “I am going to use your mouth to encourage women. I am going to publish things through you. Where you are is not where you are going and I am getting ready to accelerate things”. I sure wish I could say I believed Him. In the pain and the countless tears of grieving over the life I thought was mine, I was very angry with the Lord and verged on much disrespect toward our Heavenly Father. I tried to bargain with Him that I would do anything, absolutely anything if he would just give me my old life back. I yearned for the familiar for what I thought I needed and even though my calling was crystal clear, I seemed to be paralyzed by fear. Many questions stirred in my mind…How Lord? How are you going to accomplish this calling?
Being completely and utterly honest, at that time, I didn’t even like women. In my past, I have been on the receiving end of spitefulness which included haughtiness, jealously, and fakeness to say the least. Why would you call me away from my love of being a Children'sMinister to encourage women? But Praise God, His ways are always higher than my ways.
These last four years since my calling was revealed, I have experienced God in the most phenomenal ways. I have been an eyewitness to his grace as He is opening door after door to speak, to encourage, and to minister to all women who steal my heart. He alone, spoke Isaiah 61, “you are a planting of the Lord to display my splendor”. And from this verse, my speaking ministry, Unveiling His Splendor, has been launched as I am daily watching God open doors that no man could open. God has supernaturally used many people to bring me to a platform where I can boldly proclaim His truth, His love, and His grace. I no longer expect an ounce of self to bring forth the perfect will of the Lord.
I eagerly await each new door that presents itself and consider it a privilege and an honor to stand on this platform hand in hand with every woman I encounter. With each new speaking event, He is daily teaching me to lean more on the Holy Spirit and less on myself. In the movie Spiderman, Peter Parker’s uncle states "with great power comes great responsibility.” I feel that way about my speaking ministry. I received power when the Holy Spirit came upon me and God has handpicked me for some unknown reason with this precious calling to love on women.
I would consider it a special honor, another open door, if the Lord allowed me to attend this years’ conference. Being a military wife to a husband who deploys six months out of every year, I have learned to not only rely on God's solid word, but to also trust in His timing. I have dreamed of coming to the conference for three years now but to no avail. I know and trust He will perfect those things which concern me and He will keep me in perfect peace as long as I am focused on Him.
I would humbly accept the scholarship and would be thrilled to attend. I know I would glean much information as I come under the authority of the P31 Ministry Team and as a result, would enhance my skills and strengthen my serve 🙂 Pun intended! May God bless you richly as we serve hand in hand with teaching and equipping all women to walk in love, to stand on His powerful truths, and to fulfill our specific purpose. Much love and many hugs
Unveiling His Splendor,
Ashley Cloninger
Mallory Kristjanson
Saved by Grace. Called to minister to the women who are broken, left on the streets and unsaved. I have volunteered in Ministry throughout Lethbridge and surrounding community, namely to the lost, street ladies and women in jails. This is my calling and this experience would be a life changing step in my walk with God.
[email protected]
Your sister, from Canada.
Thank you for this opportunity. My life has changed and I have been sober from alcohol and drugs for almost four years 🙂 Saved by Grace and called to serve!
Mallory Kristjanson
Saved by Grace. Called to minister to the women who are broken, left on the streets and unsaved. I have volunteered in Ministry throughout Lethbridge and surrounding community, namely to the lost, street ladies and women in jails. This is my calling and this experience would be a life changing step in my walk with God.
[email protected]
Your sister, from Canada.
Thank you for this opportunity. My life has changed and I have been sober from alcohol and drugs for almost four years 🙂 Saved by Grace and called to serve!
Although I have been teaching & speaking for a number of years, I realize that I need to take the next step of faith and attend a speakers/writers conference. As a teacher/speaker everything I learn I pass on to others thru various venues. What a awesome experience it would be to attend the She Speaks Conference. It soounds like a little bit of heaven just the thought of the opportunity to meet and speak with other women with the same passion and the opportunity to receive professional training doesn't get much better. It would be such an honor to attend. Please make my dream come true!
Cindy Saab
[email protected]
God has been nudging. He's got me writing devotional blogs for women; now I'm feeling a nudge towards an eventual teaching ministry. I'm sure this will include speaking at some point. I don't know when, but I do know it is my responsibility to become ready for the call when it comes. Scary but exciting. I was a high school teacher before I was a stay home mom, but getting up in front of a group of my peers to teach them the Word of God is intimidating. I would like to gain some confidence here, and I believe She Speaks could do that. With my husband in full-time ministry, your scholarship would allow me to attend when I otherwise would not be able. Pick me!!
Misti Gil
[email protected]
I would love to win a scholarship becuase it's the only way I can afford to attend! 😉 Just keeping it real! I am "the preacher's wife", so one income stretched over a family of six is very… stretchy!
Just a few months ago I told my husband I felt like the Lord just might be calling me into a public speaking ministry. A few days later I "accidentlly" stumbled on to the link to teh She Speaks Conference website, and as soon as I read it, I said out loud, "this is for me!" And I am confident that if it's teh Lord's will He will amke the way. If not this year, maybe next. I trust His timing!
[email protected]
This is so exciting! A scholarship!
So let me tell you what God has done for me! To start I am a 26 wife and mother. Been married for 7 1/2 years and have a wonderful 3 year old son. From the time I was a little girl I gave my life to the use of Gods work.I believe without a doubt that God has something "big" for this girl to do. I am just waiting on his timing!
I was saved at the age of 6 and have been amazed at how God has blessed and watched over my life.
I have tried-notice I didn't say always have- I have tried to be obedient to Gods will but I had a stumbling block- my husband. My husband is a great man however he hasn't shared the same love for the Lord in the past as I have. I have always served actively in the church I attended. With VBS, leading womens Bible studies, teaching the children and various other jobs. My marriage was in trouble and I prayed that God would fix it for over 7 years but God doesn't work on our time tables. Instead I listened to my husband, gave up serving in my church becuase it caused me being "away from home" to much and I quit going to church at all. Truth is I was mad at God for not answering my prayers as I seen fit. Praise God that "Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth.." Heb 12:6. God has changed my husband to be so much more than I could have ever asked for and he taught me so much along the seven years of what I thought was unanswered prayers.
I know without a doubt that God is going to use me in ministry as He has already been doing so but He has put a big dream in this girls heart! I am ready to go whenever and whereever he says.
This scholarship would help me so much to improve and prepare me for the future God has instore for me. As you can imagine funds with a 3 year old are limited. Nevertheless, if the scholarship doesn't go to me He has another route at another time. Jer 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." AMEN!!! Thank you for your time to read this. God Bless
Kyliegh Kite
[email protected]
I need some "me and Jesus" time but simply have no idea how to make that happen. Something always comes up and my time is shot. I want to attend this conference so much….just for the fellowship and teaching that would be uninterrupted and I could focus on Him.
deesjorgygal at aol dot com
Because I can't shut up! I've tried! For the last 12 years, my family & friends have said.."When are you going to be on stage?". I can't help but laugh at them for thinking I could actually do it!
God has given me this desire…but I have allowed fear to keep me from really stepping out!
My passion is for other women to know of God's love and forgiveness. Over the years, I've been asked to speak at a few women's events (and I loved it)!
I cannot escape the pull this ministry has on me. Just when I think I can, someone calls me to do it.
I want to obey!
She Speaks is a dream for me. If I were to win…I'd be the ding-dong jumping up and down squealing like a crazy person (yes, it would be that exciting!).
Thank you, Renee. You are a beautiful inspiration in so many ways. I love your blog and ministry! And I'd love even more to get to meet you in person.
I spent part of my day reading up on the She Speaks Conference, wishing that somehow, some way there would be an opportunity to go! I had no idea there might be another scholarship available … to best understand how I would benefit from this conference, you can read my story here:
Feeding sheep, Tina
[email protected]
I've been a bible teacher at my church now for over 5 years. I would love to attend She Speaks to gain more skills in communicating. I feel such a passion to share what God has done and is doing in my life!
Thank you for the opportunity to win a scholarship. My dream is to take the gifts God has given me to an new level.
I'd like to share how I stumbled upon the talent of speaking that God has bestowed on me.
My mom is a quiet and passive woman. Even when it came to giving me advice or disciplining me, she never felt comfortable "confronting" me. But she knows me so well. She knows how much I LOVE reading. So when she has a message to tell me, she usually buys me a book. The first book she bought me was "How To Manage My Emotions" by Joyce Meyer. I was a teenager then, a cranky one. Later in university, she gave me another book called, "My and My Big Mouth" by Joyce Meyer as well. I guess she noticed that I loved to talk. But the truth is she saw the talent of speaking in me and she wanted me to use it for God. I didn't see it back then. I didn't even read the book until much later. I've been comfortable speaking in public. I've done many presentations in university, at church and in my career. When I read that book, I saw what my mom had envisioned. I want God to use my mouth, this oh so big mouth of mine, ALL FOR HIS GLORY. I hope to learn more about how to do that at She Speaks.
Thank you for this opportunity.
I would absolutely LOVE to win this scholarship. I find Proverbs 31 so inspirational. Unfortunately, the reality of my life right now is that I'm having a baby in AUgust so I'm not really travel-ready for the conference. Hopefully next year I will be ready to hit the road and learn more!
I have shared a few times, in a large group, my testimony about over coming death in my life of my Father when I was 17 and my Husband when I was 23. For me it's nice to know when someone else has "been there" and they can walk you through it and hold your hand. In the midst of losing someone the power of others prayers is amazing! I would love to be the person to pray for someone and hold their hand and tell them it will be OK…God is in Control!
It's never easy for me to stand in front of a crowd and I would love to learn to do this without fear.
I'm not sure what the specifics are, but I know God is.
I'm not sure where the destination is, but I know He is.
All that I'm sure of is that He is moving in me, working in me, preparing me, and beginning to open doors that are beckoning me to enter. It's due to those recognitions that I am stepping out, beyond my fears and entering this giveaway.
Lord, if it is in Your will for me to attend She Speaks, I pray for the door to be opened and for the courage to leap through with abundant faith. I pray for each woman entering, that You will clearly manifest Your way and Your will for their lives. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Alone, I am not worthy to attend SheSpeaks. With God this is possible. I feel a need to scatter and grow His Kingdom. If he can take this hot-tempered, silly,stubborn woman to help others. Then that is what I need to do! I would truly appreciate this awesome opportunity!
Many Blessings,
Kendra Graham
[email protected]
God has provided a few opportunities over the years allowing me to teach and speak. I always get a thrill from speaking because God provides such peace and guides my words. However, just thinking about the prospect of being on the "front lines" and opening myself up to the criticism and the scrutiny that one bares serving in this capacity, almost paralyzes me with fear. And though I know God equips anyone He desires to use, I still feel insecure about my abilities.
The She Speaks Conference has always interested me but time and money kept the door closed on this opportunity. This year was no different because I was scheduled to participate in the International Hearts at Home Conference in Europe. The conference had to be cancelled due to the volcanic ash. This in turn, opened up the time needed to attend the She Speaks Conference. And now this contest has presented me with the chance to overcome the financial burden. So I feel as if God is telling me to "get out of the boat."
So here I am, following God's orders, trying to keep my eyes on Him and not the fear that is threatening to overwhelm me. Thank you so much for this opportunity.
Connie Johnson
[email protected]
I have wanted to attend a She Speaks conf. for two years, but haven't been able to do so. I have felt a calling to speak to women and ten girls for nearly two years. I have been a youth leader and got to teach many that way. I am now in a new phase of life and feel an even stronger calling to reach out to women and teen girls and just have not been able to figure out how. Getting this would be an answer to prayer of how I am to start and continue in God's will.
Thank you,
Tara DeMaris
[email protected]
I've never attended a She Speaks Conference and would love to be able to. We haven't had an income for the past 6 months and so the scholarship would be an amazing blessing. It’s the body of Christ working together that completes us and makes us whole. I know God's calling me to speak and since "iron sharpens iron" I'd love to have my iron sharpenend at a "She Speaks Conference".
Julie Gorman
[email protected]
It's great to see the 'birth' of your speaking ministry. It truly reminds me its in a relationship wtih Jesus that it develops and comes to be! Thank you for sharing your heart!
On Purpose,
Oh my, What a blessing!
I would be so thrilled to be able to come to She Speaks. My speaking ministry was birthed at my home church through leading Ladies Bible study and God pushing me in this direction.
I am planning on coming to the conference, just waiting and watching God provide the way to do it!
I've never been before and would love to come and gain all there is to learn from such a great event!
As I type this comment, I'm full of pain and sadness as it appears the Lord is testing me or training me in the areas of loss and long suffering. Testing or training…. Right now I don't know that one is any better than the other.
I know what the words of Galatians 6:9 read, and I also know, without a doubt, that I'm so close to fainting.
I'm the last person who would ever voluntarily want to speak, but I felt the call to speak to women many years ago. My story, my path toward speaking has been much like yours, Renee. I wrote my first Bible study and led a small group of women through it back in 2008/2009. Looking back, I've never been happier than I was during the time I did this.
Just days ago I sat with a friend who was preparing to bury her father. She was a member of that small group in 08. She told me I have no idea how much she talks about and references our nine months together. Listening to her speak of how God used me (a flawed leader and wannabe speaker) and the lessons i penned out of the dephs of my own life to impact her life even during this time of loss and pain somehow refueled my desire to speak, teach, and lead women. Somehow…in the midst of my own pain the ministry of my hear took on a face. It became real.
I've entered a previous scholarship contest for this conference. When I didn't make he winners circle I chalked it up as another loss and God moving me away from my quest for validation. I've wanted to attend the conference for at least the past 6 or 7 years. At the end of the day, I believe I'm just thirsty to be around other women who share my passion for pouring into the lives of our sisters. I saw the announcement for the scholarship for writers, and although writing is a large part of my calling, today out of the abundance of my heart my mouth wants to speak.
I realize the winner will be randomly chosen, but I know God already knows the outcome. Maybe it truly isn't for me to attend this year, but I won't stop until the conference doors open and I do or do not walk through. Then and only then will I know God's perfect will. In the meantime, I'll continue striving to speak.
I am new to proverbs31 ministries, but I just finished leading one of Lysa's Bible studies with a group of ladies from church. The scripture that she included in the study was exactly what I needed to hear. I have felt the call to speak to women since I was in college and I feel like women need other women for encouragement and strength.
Susan Toler
[email protected]
I look forward to my morning devotions everyday with Proverbs31 women. Everyone of you are truly a blessing each time you post something to share. I currently have my divorced daughter and her 3 children along with my elderly parents living with me and I would love to be able to attend one of your She Speaks conferences for a fresh annointing of the Holy Spirit.
Love & Blessings,
Debbie Cox
[email protected]
Wow! I am truly humbled and amazed to see so many women following a call to minister to others. As a greenie starting out in a fledgling ministry even if I did not get to go this time, I see there are more than enough sources to which I could gain insight in refining my skills. Praise God! He always provides!
Julie Morgan
[email protected]
She Speaks! I'd LOVE to attend this Conference (and win a scholarship) because, by God's calling, I've been asked to 'step up my game' and go from writer, editor, blogger – to speaker.
Here's my story. I have been a Christian-genre writer, editor, and publicist for many years. I worked for my wonderful church (Lake Pointe Church, Rockwall, Texas) for six years as editor-in-chief, lead writer, for their magazine. It shared all the good stuff going on within and through our congregation. It was such a blessing to prepare each time! But God called me out – out into the wonderful world of freelance, where my ministry focus could expand to His entire Church, not just the one I attend/worked for. So, I quit my day job. I have been freelancing "on the side" for 12 years and have edited many books written by Christian authors (some listed on my new blog at Then, one week later, my mentor (and a client) Thelma Wells, A Woman of God Ministries, asked me to do the unthinkable: she asked me to join her and others on TV and on a Webcast University that she is preparing (she's a busy, busy lady for God!). I can't say no – nor do I want to – but I have no speaking training. Teaching Bible study for 7 years has given me lots of confidence, but I've never taped a presentation nor stood in front of a crowd larger than 50. I want to take this next step – to speak – and allow God to use me as He has prepared. And, ladies, I do believe He is preparing me for Kingdom work!
I know graduates of She Speaks!, namely author Mary DeMuth, and would love the chance to enhance my profile to include SPEAKING for Him! It would be a wonderful adventure and the fulfillment of a tugging that I've not been able to ignore.
Thank you for making this contest available. I'm sure whomever wins will be the RIGHT choice! Blessings to you today in all you do for His kingdom!
Amy Van Vleck, Rockwall, Texas
[email protected]
[email protected]
Thank you for sharing how you got started. It is helpful to hear how God works His way through us in steps so that we are prepared. Sometimes I just want to jump in before God and do everything NOW!
I would love to go to SheSpeaks for so many reasons. I have watched God prepare me through the trials and victories of my past to share with other girs and women where our worth comes from. I like other people have commented, would love to be surrounded by other women who love to share through speaking and writing.
I spoke for the first time in January and my heart just about lept out of my skin when I was done….God breathed such life in to me when I was able to share His Word with others.
I know that God has more preparation for me and I long to walk with Him through the process.
Thank you for offering this scholarship!
I would love to win a scholarship to this year's She Speaks. I have attended one time before, so I understand if you don't included me in the contest. I participated in the Writer's Track last time and have an overflowing desire to attend again and take the Speaker's Track. I am continually blessed by the P31 Ministries. Thank you!
My devotional calendar for today says "You pay God a compliment by asking great things of Him." ~ Teresa of Avila. "If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us." 1 John 5:14
So far, this deeply embedded dream in me to speak/write has been a prayer answered by 'wait on Me!' But, God is stirring in me to believe with great FAITH that this scripture in 1 John will be fulfilled. So, with great faith, I am asking to be considered for this scholarship so that maybe, just maybe, this will be the beginning of God's answer to my prayers changing from 'wait' to "Child of Mine…Go For It!!" Thank you so much for this chance to be my beginning…
Kim Wideman
[email protected]
The past year has been difficult.
Shattered dreams? Check.
Shattered heart? Check. Check.
But I'm starting to see God work in those broken places. Weaving them back together. They won't ever be the same, but I think He is going to be able to use me in new ways because of them.
He is putting a new song in my heart. "Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it?" Isaiah 43:18-19
I would love the scholarship because I think it is in these places where we have experienced God's hand that we are in turn called to share with others.
Kate (thequirkyredhead AT gmail DOT com)
My work as a speaker began several years ago and has become a deep passion for me. I consider it a blessing to be used by the Creator to encourage and empower women in their work as moms. God has been very clear to me that it is time to grow this ministry beyond what I can do alone and I believe He is calling me clearly to attend She Speaks this summer. I deeply respect the work you do to encourage women as they seek to build the Kingdom. I would be honored to receive this scholarship. Thank you so much.
I felt called to teach women since a very powerful experience in 1998- a true Holy Spirit encounter. Since then, I've had many opportunities, small and large, to teach my sisters and even have had a few small speaking engagements. I want nothing more than to know how to do a better job, so that I can do a better job of getting out of the way and letting God do His thing in me! I feel that She Speaks would do that for me!
Heatherly Sylvia
pinkdaisyjane at hotmail dot com
So excited about you hosting this contest today!
Love you friend and hope you have a great day~
Your question and answers inspire me! And I'm sure attending She Speaks could only do the same. I would love to be surrounded by other woman that our on the journey of discovering their calling from God. Thanks for the opportunity!
Melissa Reynolds
[email protected]