Today, I have a gift I want to give you. I’s a gift EVERY WOMAN NEEDS! And it’s tucked inside this short video. I recorded it last week for a friend’s Christmas give-away, but after I finished it, I just knew God wanted me to give it to you too! So, instead of reading about it, please click the arrow below so I can tell you about it.
I’ve got a question and a give-away for you, but first here are some things I want to share::
Printable Christmas Prayer
For those hopping over from my P31 devotion today, welcome! That story I share in the video is the year that led to the writing of my Christmas prayer. If you’d like to receive a FREE printable version of it, please enter your email in the box below and click signup.You’ll receive an email within 24 hours that include links to download the prayer as a printable 4×6, 5×7 or 8×10 you can frame for yourself and give as gifts.
Confident Heart Online Study
I also want to invite you to join me and women from all over who will gather here beginning January 16th to read through my book, A Confident Heart. We’ll walk through each chapter together and discover how we can overcome self-doubts and strong or even subtle insecurity by learning how to to live in THE security of God’s promises! I’m so excited about all God’s laying on my heart for our study, and I’d love for you to be part of this special community where we’ll share encouragement, prayers and stories of all that God is doing in and through us!
To join us, enter your info and click Sign Up..
To find out more details about online study, click here.
Enter Today’s Give-away
How you are going to give yourself grace this Christmas? I’ll share my answer in the comments below. You can share yours and any other thoughts you have about video message or the topic of my devotion and you’ll be entered to win this gift pak just in time for Christmas:
- Copies of my book (for you & two friends)
- 3 Sets of Confident Heart conference calls (optional)
- $10 Starbucks gift card
- Godiva Chocolate Bar
Click below this post where it says “Share Your Thoughts” and do just that. Then be sure to share this post with friends (see those tell-a-friend buttons? They make it really easy). If you do, leave another comment and tell me. You’ll be entered twice! {Update: Congratulations Angel Miller (your were selected in our prayerful yet random drawing for a winner. We’ll email you details! Thank you all for entering. Be sure to sign up for email updates in the sidebar so you don’t any future give-aways!)
I have not allowed myself grace this season, and my world has been crumbling around me the last few days. I opened up my email and clicked on the link to this page and while listening to you I reaized that I need to accept the grace that God is so willing to give to me. I am going to try and see myself in the same light that he sees me in. Trying to remember that I am fearfullyl and wonderfully made, and that I was made for his glory and not to please those around me but to please God and his kingdom. I had a friend tell me today that I am very distorted in the way that I see myself and that i need to stop and let those negative, doubting thoughts leave and let the love and blessings God be mine. Listening to that video was a great reminder of the Grace that i need to allow myself, thank you.
Renee you are a precious gift from God and this message came at God’s perfect timing. I am home sick and panicking because Friday is my work Christmas lunch and then my Bible Study’s Christmas party is Friday night but God needs me to rest, to sleep soundly and be strong to serve and love him. I shared this on Facebook with a specific friend who I know needs this message! Thank you God for your Grace and not giving us what we deserve but washing us clean and loving us no matter what!
This is probably one of the hardest years for me, for my husband lost a great job in July and one of my sons is in rehab for being a her ion addict. I believe God took me to your website today ( I have never known of) to remind me what Christmas is truly about, and that He is giving me the Grace to be happy, and thankful and to have peace in His Presence everyday…He also fills my heart with so much Hope for my husband, my family and that He will heal my son.. Thank u for your words of encouragement..I will definitley make your website part of my daily readings of Jesus.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Shared this on my facebook page too. Would love to win this for my sisters. I have the book but I know they too would benifit from it! Thanks so much!
I want to thankyou for this reminder. I heard you speak in Ohio @ a womens day away and been so blessed by your message! It’s always been a struggle for me to see my self worth in Gods eyes and has effected many areas of my life because of it. Really trying to slow down and enjoy my 3 children and husband this year and not worrying if everything is not perfect. Keep speaking out, because I know its a huge struggle for so many!
My grace for myself is in giving inexpensive gifts to a couple that have everything but don’t typically want what we can afford to give……this year, their gift is personal and lovingly put together and is now in God’s hands as to how they will react.
Thank you for your message! I am giving myself Grace this year by allowing God to meet me where I am for a change. I have always worried about getting the right gifts, spending enough money, getting cards out, decorations up and the list goes on. Even worse, year after year it feel like my family is being swallowed up by the commercialness of Christmas. This year, I decided that it will get done when it gets done. Yes we have a tree up (finally) and some decorations around the house, but no lights this year. God put on my heart that it’s ok not to compete with the Jones’s! As for the commercialism, my kids have decided to make some presents rather than buy them. We are raising them to be Christ-centered so we talk a lot about what Christmas really means and how we might be able to serve others rather than satisfy ourselves. Thank you for your ministry!
This is hard to do, but so important, isn’t it? Thank you for sharing with us. I am trying to slow down this Christmas, let go of the stress, and instead focus on my family.
I decided for Chirstmas that we as a family would be showing Grace and God’s love to a family that was has fallen into a dark and hard time…. we only bought gifts for that this family and bought TONS!!! We included a family devotional, bibles for everyone and a sign like yours “GRACE” with a copy of a book that has helped me with showing GRACE and Mercy. Although, I am not doing something to show myself Grace and I thought they could use more love this Christmas so they could have a God-filled Chirstmas.
I am giving myself grace to not think that the house has to be perfect before my company arrives. Now if my husband would give himself grace in that area. 🙂
WOW Renee! This is great- caused me to pause for a moment and ask if I am giving myself any grace this Christmas season. My children are ages 1, 5, and 7, and I work 25 hours a week outside the home and still want to “do it all” and maintain a Christ-centered home and Christmas. I feel like I’m so overwhelmed this year with the balancing act- reading the responses from these ladies helps to gain some perspective. I think I need to give myself grace with the expectations I set for myself. I’m eager to read your book A Confident Heart. Thank you for the ministry you offer. Merry Christmas!
Grace that it doesn’t have to be perfect…the cards can wait…the crafts can be a bit messy, the floor can be a bit dirty…just spend time basking in the glow of Jesus with my boysies and let His grace flow over my family.
this time of year has become tough for me in the past few years…. I am overwhelmed with the commercialism of Christmas and being everything to everyone thanks to the reminder of giving myself GRACE !!
I am giving myself Grace this season by not sending Christmas cards and by not allowing stress to take over. I am taking each day as it comes, and seeking the Lord first. A beautiful birth mom is giving me the best Christmas gift I could ask for – a baby girl! She is due January 13th! and I can’t wait!
Thank you, Lord, you are so good and faithful.
I am giving myself grace this Christmas by not expecting perfection. And I am not beating myself up when things do not get done. This is truly helping me to enjoy the Holiday more, and remember the true meaning of Christmas. Christ birth..
I am giving myself grace this Christmas by giving myself “Me and Jesus” time, instead of worrying if the house is clean/decorated/etc. When I am stressed or upset, I tend to clean and tidy things up. Not anymore. I will run to my Savior like I am supposed too, soak in His goodness, and let His love de-stress me instead.
I am giving my self grace in that I am also not sending Christmas cards either. My husband and children put up the tree and decorated it while I was at class last night. The stockings will be hung with care in the knowledge that rest will soon be here. I am giving myself a gift this year. I will not be motivated or moved by guilt anymore. If I can I will, if I can’t, I can’t. Guilt has stolen so much of His peace from me. Peace like a river and no guilt over the boulders which causes the water to spray and part. I did not put the boulders there and I will feel and accept no guilt or condemnation for what was, what is beyond my control, and what h not happened yet. Peace be with you this sewon of joy.
My hope and my future revolve around grace, with mercy trailing close behind. So glad I can’t out run them!
Your book is on my Christmas list!!!!!!! PLEASE enter me in the drawing!!! I would love to win your book!!! Thanks for your heart for HIM and others!! Merry Christmas!!!
Thank you so so much for this reminder! I’m currently in a season of trial and it can feel all the more overwhelming amidst all of the other stressors the season of Christmas can bring. So thankful for the reminder to come to my sweet Savior, because He is the only One who can give rest to the weary!
A merry and blessed Christmas to you Renee!
My gift is physical, emotional and spiritual fitness. My plan is to exercise, rest, read, study, vist, relax, enjoy, work, play, laugh, pray, cry, forgive, share, and love.
I have been there too. Where the crazy over rules the Reason we celebrate. I have toned down and relaxed all the way around. We do not over do our schedule with holiday parties, we pick the ones that will mean the most to us. We don’t go crazy shopping for gifts (I hate shopping). I make as many gifts as I can doing the things I love to do:) We remember Christ in every preparation that we do, from decorating to celebrating to just feeling the love!
I posted this to Twitter
I posted this to facebook
My Grace this year is coming in the form that I am going easy on myself about having to accomplish all the Christmas traditions, baking, cooking, cards, decorating and not stressing about gift giving. Instead I really want to focus on the reason for the season and instilling positive values in my children. I need super amounts of Grace this year and am soo grateful for Gods Amazing Grace.
Thank you for the message. We try to keep things simple at Christmas to help keep the real reason for Christmas in our minds and hearts. (I like your ABC book in the background … one of our kid’s favorites!)
I am giving myself grace by focusing more on my kids and teaching them the true reason for the season. Instead of getting frustrated with how they slow me down and don’t do things exactly how I would like, I am trying to involve them more so that they can experience the joy of giving.
Grace is a person and I am so confident that grace will be added to my being as I focus on walking in the spirit, turning to Him in all things, big or small. The gift of Jesus is my only need. I have sent your prayer poem to many on my e-mail list as I feel it will impact their lives as it has mine. Your writings have inspired me to enjoy the Lord daily as I begin my day with the Word and let Him have His way in all I do and say.
I’m giving myself grace this year by focusing on Jesus and his birth. I am no trying to do everything myself this year. I am letting my kids help out more. We are planning on spending more quality time playing games and just enjoying each other’s company.
Our only child was married in September. She and her husband were intentional about the focus being on God. They were successful. It was a blessed day that brought our Father much glory. Besides spending April through September on wedding details, we had many of our loved ones going through tough times. At one point I was feeling so overwhelmed that I cried out to God for wisdom in which needs were priority and how to help. He gave me the strength to do what needed to be done AND the grace to let go of things I felt needed to be done. Among other things, He reminded me that being available to people is more important than a clean house. Well, it is mid-December. Life is still crazy busy. Many of my loved ones are still going through tough stuff. I’m giving grace this Christmas by encouraging them to focus on Christ instead of traditions. I’m receiving grace this Christmas by reevaluating and simplifying. Sunday my husband and I went with our daughter and her hubby to get Christmas trees. We enjoyed our time together and took pictures of them decorating their first tree. As for our tree…this year we didn’t hang any ornaments on it. We just hung the lights. It looks beautiful. Lord willing, there will be other Christmases to bring out all the ornaments. If not, oh well. Christmas is about celebrating Christ’s birth not getting so caught up in details that I have no time or energy left to rejoice over the light of the world.
I am giving myself grace by decorating less, by living one day at a time, and not stressing out over time restraints or busyness. I am spending time in the Word truly anticipating the presence of Christ with me.
I am giving grace this year by not worrying about the food,gifts, decorations and the hustle and bustle. I am focusing on my blessings. Not whether I have this or that. Also by not putting attention to having to please others. I want to focus on Christ. The other STUFF will fall into place. I am also opening our home to people who have no where else to go.
I’m giving myself grace this year by focusing on Christ and His blessing in my life rather than what has happened in my past during this time of year. I am focusing my family on a new way of doing gifts this year. We will focus on 3 gifts per person rather than a lot of different things. I am excited that my oldest son will be able to spend Christmas at home with us this year.
I love the topic of this book and think it would be a great small group study with some of the other ladies from my church.
Grace IS what we need! Thank you for the reminder – I need to be seeking HIM for His rest, His presence, and His grace. I sure would love that Starbucks card to go and steal some time with the Lord in peace! =) I also loved when you said that your manger scenes were up Renee – truly the heart of Christmas! Thanks for your insights!
Grace is so wonderful. After going back to work part-time this year I am needing God’s grace as I feel so guilty when my kids say they miss me. Thankfully, the job is over in a month and I’ll be home again. But when you son writes you a letter at school because he was crying, OUCH!!!!! I’m am allowing myself to not get so much done, not spend time with people I “should.” I’m just focusing on what is important!!!
I am giving myself grace this Christmas by lowering my expectations! Instead of focusing on everything being perfect (which by the way is completely ridiculous, especially in my blended family of 7!) I am focusing and re-directing my families focus on the miracle of Jesus’ humble birth. Instead of making a huge pile of gifts under the tree, my husband and I gave our 5 children money to use for Operation Christmas Child. They each will receive a few simple gifts under our tree. Already this season is more of a blessing than a burden and I am so full of Joy.
I am giving myself grace this year by saying it’s perfectly ok not to buy for every extended family member this year (we are only buying for the kids), I am also keeping my calendar pretty clear for this season, only a get together with friends this weekend. I started my shopping earlier this year so I don’t have a lot of last minute shopping to do, it should all be done by this weekend, Lord willing!
Have a Very Merry CHRISTmas!!! I loved your devo today and your poem I signed up to get a free copy.
God Bless!!
Thank you for the message! I really needed to hear it! I had been sick and felt bad that I had not put up the first Christmas decoration, yet. I needed the gift of grace!
I am blessed to have found this post via Prov 31. I am sharing it with several. I think I’ll do the online bible study too!
Thank you for reminding me about God’s Grace. I am so blessed to have a relationship with a God who provides living water and the bread of life. I tell myself “Be still and know that I am God.” I sometimes get caught up in the small unimportant stuff and forget what is really important in my life. It is easy to do but I am reminded that God has grace over us and is with us always.
Encouraging others by posting on Facebook.
I want a copy for myself….but the most important reason I want to win is to share the word. I have started a Women’s Ministry at my home church. Before I started this women came to share things they have not shared with others before. We need a Confident Heart…we lack it more than I knew. God has laid it on my heart to help women you may being going through what I have overcome. Learning there is a God and when feeling so alone he is always there. When feeling unloved that no matter what others say His love is an unfailing love, a love that last forever. We just need to let Him in.
I sooo want to win! Would be a great start for my ministry 🙂
Merry Christmas to yall
Wow do i ever need God’s grace this Christmas season. It has been really hard for me the past couple of years not being able to give to my family like i would like. But the Lord always sees us through. Thank you for the wonderful video to remind us what Christmas is about. Tanya
Grace…what a powerful word! This year grace is needed as a with a home with four little ones the tree is kind of slanted, the cookies – well you use your imagination, and the presents that were wrapped are a little torn around the edges. Grace. Thank you for helping me refocus on the true meaning of it all – Jesus Christ!
I’m giving myself and my family grace by just enjoying the moments each day. I’m not stressing about what I’m not doing. I’m extending grace to my family and not coming down on one of my children if they act out. We, as mothers, expect/want/hope/crave for our children to behave because it’s the holidays. But I have to remember that Dec 25 is just another day when it comes to children’s behavior. If they disobeyed on Dec 24, they just as well may disobey on Dec 25. I want to correct them with grace and love but not with anger. Blessings to you, Renee.
Thank you for such a sweet giveaway.
Renee, your story has given me hope. This year my family cannot be together for the first time ever. My sons are serving in the military in South Korea, one daughter lives in Phoenix, so it will be my husband and 21 year old. The grace that I have received from God is peace and rest. This year there isn’t the busyness of the Christmas season. As much as I will miss my family, I realize that this is an opportunity to be still. To mediate on the gift that God sacrificed 2,000 years ago. There will be a little sadness on Christmas morning, but it is a time to pray for others, praise the King and listen to Him.
Great reminder to not get caught up in the hustle and bustle, and keep time with the lord a priority. Even a moment in the closet.
I found myself so disappointed after the Thanksgiving rush. As I head into the Christmas rush, I am going to place all my focus on God and the gift of His Son. God NEVER disappoints!
I shared on FB!!!
Thank you for following the promptings of God and sharing this. You have no idea how much God touched me through this message.
This Christmas, I am giving myself grace by ignoring the petty “to-dos” surrounding the days before and after Christmas so I can enjoy some time with my husband who’ve I’ve only been able to see 5 days in the last 3 months. He lost his job twice this year and was blessed to receive another one even though it’s over 20 driving hours away from home. We have three very young children and it’s so easy to get caught up in the stress and business of taking care of them AND trying to meet every one else’s needs and expectations during the holidays. I will give myself grace by ignoring the hustle and bustle while he’s home so that we can enjoy the time we have with each other.
Merry Christmas!