Today, I have a gift I want to give you. I’s a gift EVERY WOMAN NEEDS! And it’s tucked inside this short video. I recorded it last week for a friend’s Christmas give-away, but after I finished it, I just knew God wanted me to give it to you too! So, instead of reading about it, please click the arrow below so I can tell you about it.
I’ve got a question and a give-away for you, but first here are some things I want to share::
Printable Christmas Prayer
For those hopping over from my P31 devotion today, welcome! That story I share in the video is the year that led to the writing of my Christmas prayer. If you’d like to receive a FREE printable version of it, please enter your email in the box below and click signup.You’ll receive an email within 24 hours that include links to download the prayer as a printable 4×6, 5×7 or 8×10 you can frame for yourself and give as gifts.
Confident Heart Online Study
I also want to invite you to join me and women from all over who will gather here beginning January 16th to read through my book, A Confident Heart. We’ll walk through each chapter together and discover how we can overcome self-doubts and strong or even subtle insecurity by learning how to to live in THE security of God’s promises! I’m so excited about all God’s laying on my heart for our study, and I’d love for you to be part of this special community where we’ll share encouragement, prayers and stories of all that God is doing in and through us!
To join us, enter your info and click Sign Up..
To find out more details about online study, click here.
Enter Today’s Give-away
How you are going to give yourself grace this Christmas? I’ll share my answer in the comments below. You can share yours and any other thoughts you have about video message or the topic of my devotion and you’ll be entered to win this gift pak just in time for Christmas:
- Copies of my book (for you & two friends)
- 3 Sets of Confident Heart conference calls (optional)
- $10 Starbucks gift card
- Godiva Chocolate Bar
Click below this post where it says “Share Your Thoughts” and do just that. Then be sure to share this post with friends (see those tell-a-friend buttons? They make it really easy). If you do, leave another comment and tell me. You’ll be entered twice! {Update: Congratulations Angel Miller (your were selected in our prayerful yet random drawing for a winner. We’ll email you details! Thank you all for entering. Be sure to sign up for email updates in the sidebar so you don’t any future give-aways!)
I give myself grace by telling myself that next year will be better so whatever happens this year. I look forward to better things to come in next year.
Thank you so much for sharing this with us all this morning. I was sitting down to write out Christmas cards today and now I have decided to give myself Grace by letting it go. Thank you for the gentle reminder today of what this holiday season is really about…God’s Grace…God bless you and your family!!
Too many people get caught up in gifts and festivities and forget the true meaning of Christmas, Jesus’ sacrifice of His life that mankind can live set apart and free from sin and its affects. I no longer give gifts during this season, but give throughout the year. We get so caught up in doing that we forget to rest our bodies and spend time with God. My gift to myself and God is taking the taking time to rest my body, mind and spirit and seek to be more closely united with my Daddy, Father God.
I am giving myself grace this year by taking an extra week off homeschooling my kids so we can just enjoy each other without stress and schoolwork!!
I just shared this on fb; I pray it is an encouragement to anyone who views it!
My husband and I have been married four years, and we don’t have any children yet. I want to develop this mindset of grace and the true meaning of Christmas now, so that we can raise our children in a home that truly celebrates Christ. Thank you for this reminder of what Christmas is all about and for giving us tangible ways to seek His grace this holiday season!
I’m giving myself Grace by taking the time to enjoy the season, the decorations, the joy of every step of the holiday process. Never did it before…it takes time but well worth it!!
I’m giving myself and my family grace this year by not stressing about bringing homemade stuff to functions. I’m bringing a store bought food item to a party this week, because I wanted to fellowship with friends and not stress about baking! God bless you all and may your burden be light!
Align with God’s plan
Concentrate on and celebrate the birth of Christ
Enjoy time with family and friends
My heart is overflowing with thanks for His unspeakable gifts to me this Christmas. Your devotional was the timely reminder I needed to realign my soul as I look forward to what He will accomplish through my weaknesses & inability to meet other’s expectations of Christmas. I am far to sick to be & do all I wish I could–& this season is the one where expectations are magnified & even idolized. May His provision be my sufficient grace I so need. Thanks for the attitude check.
Hello there
This year, like every year for the last five, I refused to give myself to the craziness of the season. This is something we have done to ourselves, not anybody else. I refuse to give in running around for a present, to worry about what to make for dinner, to send cards, anything like that. But to make sure I call those I love and tell them so. To let them know I love them and appreciate them every day, not just Christmas. And also very important, that I try to help someone every day of my life, not just at Christmas.
I am giving myself grace today by reminding myself that it isn’t about the gifts, decorations, baked goodies, and all the other stuff on my to-do list! In fact, it doesn’t matter if that stuff doesn’t get done in the grand scheme of things (though it may result in a few unhappy people).
This is about Jesus coming into the world to re-unite mankind with God. If I really remember that… who cares if I get the 6 batches of brownies & 3 pies made in time. Sometimes that is hard to remember, amidst the rush & chaos of things, but… really, it’s all about Jesus, plain and simple.
Thank you for reminding me about God’s Grace. This year is especially hard on my family and having God with me and knowing that his grace is for me is wonderful. I keep telling myself…Be still and know that I am God. We often get caught up in the extra small stuff to realize what is really important in our lives. God is first and then my family. I am so blessed to have my needs met by a wonderful God who provides living water and the bread of life.
I loved the message from the video. I really needed this to remind me that it isn’t all about the amount of money you spend but the quality time spent with family cause we are not promised another day with them.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!! Thanks for sharing your heart 🙂
How do we enter to win this wonderful giveaway? I am sharing todays post with my friends!
Shared your message on Facebook!!
This Christmas will be my first Christmas without my mom. My mom passed away in Februrary and this year I have looked at Christmas in a different light. Everything has seemed to just come together. Shopping for gifts has been extremely easy this year. God has made my list for me and laid everything out in front of me. Last week, I thought wow I only lack four gifts being through, everything is wrapped and under the tree. I haven’t been stressed one time. Then Sunday morning during the worship service our preacher said something that made be realize why things have been so different, He said put Christ first and buying presents second. If you are more worried about the gifts and not thinking about Christ it is a struggle, but let Christ take control and everything will come together (not exactly the way he said it, but close). I realized that in previous years I have not been as close to God I should have been, but since mom’s death – I have found myself much closer to God and spending more time in prayer. My life’s focus has change so much during the past year.
I am giving myself grace this year by letting go of all those “have to”s and focusing on the one important thing this season: my relationship with my King and Creator. I love all the trappings of the season and was heartbroken when circumstances in my life dictated that I wouldn’t be able to afford any of them this year. However, He reminded me that the most important thing is not the things, it is the relationship. I am finishing up this season with a joyous heart because my Savior is walking alongside of me.
Wow, God knows what we need when we need it! I am a full time children’s pastor, and the mother of three little boys, ages 7, 5, and 10 months. It is never a problem for me to give grace to other’s when life is crazy and they need it! But I have a very hard time giving grace to myself–I always want to give 100% to my husband, children and church and I struggle when I can’t do it! Even as I write this, I know it will be hard for me to give myself grace, but I’m going to try! I will not feel bad if the Children’s church Christmas program and party do not go off perfectly! I will not carry guilt because we are not hosing a Christmas party at our house this year! It will be ok if the tree topper sits beside the tree instead of on this year (That’s the husband’s job!) 🙂 Even though my little guys say that our house has no Christmas Spirit because we have no lights on the outside, I will be happy with just my wreath! They can do the lights when the get older! I will take time to get in the Word and prayer, I will crawl around on the floor with my baby, I will play board games with my fellas, while laundry piles up and the dust balls roll by—-and NOT FEEL GUILTY!!! I accept Grace to embrace what;s really important this year!
Thanks SO much. I needed to hear that today. Resting in His promises and giving myself much grace so I can truly, thoroughly, enjoy my family and celebrating Christ’s birth.
I am giving myself grace this Christmas by striving to seek the manger more fully this year. It has been a year of changes and as my kids are teens this year and will not be with me on Christmas morning I’m trying to make the best memories for them. Just spending time and trying to show them it’s all about where you are with God not what’s under the tree.
Gods grace has been sufficient for me! This year I have had to choose Joy and Grace this Christmas. My 17 year old son has been missing for over a month. So this Christmas will not be the same for my daughter or I. When the state police called saying they needed a recent picture of my son for them and the Missing and exploited children my heart wanted to sink into despair, but God has given me strength to choose joy and keep going and doing all that he wants me to do. We are going to celebrate the birth of Jesus because He isworthy of that celebration whether or not my family is together for Christmas.
Thank you for all your encouragements Renee!
Thank you so much for sharing your heart. There is something peaceful about spending quiet time with God then going away feeling refreshed in His presence and to know His grace.
Just don’t remember if I posted before or now, but I really enjoyed listening to the message.
at first i was like “yay! giveaway” and jumped right over but you video really spoke to me. you reminded me to pause be in rest with God. i love how you are gracing yourself with not doing Christmas cards. that was the one thing i hurried to finish and i was just going to do a card and not a mini letter but still did it all. i think its true we as women don’t tend to give ourselves a lot of grace but after listening to this i am looking for opportunity. thank you!
I so enjoy reading the emails that are sent to me everyday from Proverbs 31 Ministries. It really helps me stay focused. I am giving myself grace with much less perfect expectations this Christmas. Looking forward to spending Christmas with my wonderful family.Jesus is the reason for the Season. I also shared on Facebook.
I am giving myself grace this year by slowing down and enjoying the season with my family. It really doesn’t matter if every kind of cookie or baked good doesn’t get baked or if every stocking stuffer is not bought. I always put a lot of pressure on myself to get everything done. This is the first year that all my kids are out of the house and what really matters is the time we spend together. Jesus is the reason for the season and although I enjoy all that goes a long with the season it is truly not worth getting stressed over. I just want to enjoy my time together.
I am going to give myself grace by not having to have the “perfect gifts” for my kids. They have enough stuff, that’s for sure! I always want to get that perfect gift, but the real gift I can give them is centering Christmas around the true meaning – Jesus! We have been having worshipful Christmas music playing as much as possible and it has led to a very peaceful, instead of stressful, Christmas season!
YES! Grace, Grace, AMAZING GRACE that saved a wretch like me; I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see! I am so thankful for the gift of Grace! Thank you for sharing; I, too, enjoy my manger scenes and they are the first part of my Christmas decorating. All the other is just bells and whistles. I pray you have a GRACED FILLED Christmas as you rest in Him!
My family is giving each other grace this year as we have decided not to exchange gifts… just enjoy being together and celebrating the birth of God’s greatest gift to us…his son. It doesn’t matter what is under the tree, it is about the people together around it. Merry Christmas and Blessings to you all.
I am allowing myself time to feel God’s Grace by eliminating much of the craziness of the season. No Christmas cards, no excessive candy making and baking, not trying to be super woman. I am making time to spend with friends and family. I am focusing on honoring my husband and son with as much positive energy and prayer as I can muster. I am eternally grateful for the life and blessings God has given me. Merry Christmas and many thanks for all you do!
I shared this on Facebook! Thanks for the holiday spirit!
Grace… is a gift from God. Relax during Christmas and enjoy Jesus’s Birthday with your family. Family time is MORE important than any gift you can purchase.
I will give myself grace ths year by just embracing what this season truly means. My 15 yr old daughter decorated the tree, without me ” re-arranging” the ornaments. She was just beaming. She took joy in being allowed to decorate her way. I just sat and fed off of her excitement. We also started Advent devotions this year. When finances are low, it brings God and sharing His love with people the focus as opposed to the stuff we buy.
Tweeted to 159 followers … at least one of which is someone I follow since that’s how I knew to come here! 🙂
I shared this giveaway on FB!
Having just completed the online Bible study “A Confident Heart” with Melissa Taylor, I’m already learning to rest in God’s promises. I am preparing to share this book and study with other women of our church in the new year as we lay the foundation for a women’s mentoring ministry.
Instead of rushing to complete my list of things to do, this year I am slashing the list and slowing down to look for God in the ordinary. I want to take advantage of those divine appointments He has prepared for me so I may show His love and grace to others.
I am giving myself grace to enjoy Christmas this year even though it’s not going to be exactly like it is every year. Some family won’t be here Christmas day, most of us are on a tight budget. I’m going to relax and just enjoy time with family, and not worry that there aren’t tons of presents. Because really it is about Jesus’ presence, not worldly presents!
I am going to give myself grace by focusing on God this season and not on pleasing those around me! It is not my job to be everything to everyone in my family during this season but to focus on the joy and love we were given!
I’m a stay at home mom since September, so God’s blessed me with time and by His grace I’ve not filled it all up yet! I’m experiencing grace in being able to have ample time for prayer/devotions and also work through a bible study with a neighbor. Our Christmas season has been very peaceful and I think part of it is because of these things, but also letting go of the Christmas cards, deciding to give to those in need rather than stress about the perfect gifts for family who really have more than enough. We’ve tried really hard to shift our focus to Christ and God’s heart this Christmas instead of Santa, presents, baking and the craziness that quickly follows!
Thank you for that reminder that we can rest in God’s grace. That is something I have been struggling with lately and been trying to love myself the way that God loves me. And then to pass that love on. What a terrific way to enter into the Christmas season. Thank you for sharing.
I learned to give myself grace by not allowing Christmas to be about gifts. I can’t always afford things for my kids and I used to feel very guilty about it. I’m trying to teach my children grace by reminding them that we are supposed to be celebrating the gift of our Lord Jesus Christ and that nothing that we can give one another measures up to that. I spend plenty of time beating myself up over other things…this year I actually had the tree up more than a week before thanksgiving. I have always dreaded Christmas in the past. I will never be a perfect parent, spouse, house keeper…but all God expects is for me to try to do the right thing by him.
Hi Renee! Thank you so much for your words of wisdom! This year, for the first time in a long time, I am noticing the grace God affords me. Glory! Can’t wait to participate in this study. Praying unabashedly for a win but if not am saving my money to buy the book. Will be back after I post on Twitter!
In His Name,
I’m going to give myself grace in not worrying about the little things. I’m going to focus on my family and spending time with the ones I love.
Your video came at the perfect time for me. Just had a conversation yesterday with my daughter-in-law about ALL the expectations on women..not only THIS time of year but daily. How we as women compare ourselves and feel guilt and shame and disappointment that we aren’t as “good” as our girlfriends. I went to our Sunday School class Progressive dinner on Saturday night, and all the homes were beautifully decorated with LOTS of presents WRAPPED under the tree. I have not even bought presents to wrap to put under a tree, so once again I start “judging” myself and wondering why I can’t be a SUPER full time, care for my mom, husband, children, grandchildren, keep the house in order, cook wonderful meals, clothes always cleaned, house beautifully decorated,……everything in order and perfect….and of course sleep a little bit too…Your video was just what I needed. I need to claim the wonderful Present of God’s son and receive His grace on a daily basis. Thank you for this gift to me this morning.Blessings this Christmas season.
Thank you Renee! I am giving myself grace this year by spending more time with the in-laws and trying to be a better daughter in law instead of the perfect party hostess. I am also going to stop when things gets crazy and set my compass back North to the reason for this magical season!
I also shared on facebook!
I gave myself a break from sending out a Christmas picture – no coordinating with someone to snap the picture, no having to be dressed & primped just so, no multiple takes, no ordering photos, no sutffing pics in Christmas cards…..aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!
Love the Christmas prayer sharing with my friends. Also hope to start Confident Heart study!! I got my book, now a couple friends need so we can study together!! Merry Christmas!!
i am buried up to my neck between my job, my home and my church. there are many things i am a part of that leave little time for me. i have to remind myself daily that “but for the grace of God” i would not have the ability to go day to day and accomplish the tasks before me. the gift of grace for me this year is being able to take off the entire week between Christmas and New Years. my husband and i agreed that will be our down time to work on our home projects that we have been wanting to complete.
I am giving myself grace by not stressing about decorating the house. We have a tree and that is about it. No one else seemed to care as much as I did and in all honesty, I have decided not to waste the precious time on something that doesn’t matter or make a difference this year. Instead, we are cleaning out closets to donate to other families, working at the food bank, and making cookies for neighbors.
I’m giving myself grace by slowing down and talking to my 16 month old about Christmas, trying to remember to squat down and show her the pretty tree more than I harp “no touch,” and reading her little “The Story of Christmas” book to her at least once every day. She has learned to say Mary, Joseph and Jesus in her own sweet way. No gifts have been purchased quite yet, there are no outside lights up on our house this year, and our Christmas cards aren’t even ordered but we’re spending time with her, teaching her about the reason for all of these lights and decorations. 🙂