Today, I have a gift I want to give you. I’s a gift EVERY WOMAN NEEDS! And it’s tucked inside this short video. I recorded it last week for a friend’s Christmas give-away, but after I finished it, I just knew God wanted me to give it to you too! So, instead of reading about it, please click the arrow below so I can tell you about it.
I’ve got a question and a give-away for you, but first here are some things I want to share::
Printable Christmas Prayer
For those hopping over from my P31 devotion today, welcome! That story I share in the video is the year that led to the writing of my Christmas prayer. If you’d like to receive a FREE printable version of it, please enter your email in the box below and click signup.You’ll receive an email within 24 hours that include links to download the prayer as a printable 4×6, 5×7 or 8×10 you can frame for yourself and give as gifts.
Confident Heart Online Study
I also want to invite you to join me and women from all over who will gather here beginning January 16th to read through my book, A Confident Heart. We’ll walk through each chapter together and discover how we can overcome self-doubts and strong or even subtle insecurity by learning how to to live in THE security of God’s promises! I’m so excited about all God’s laying on my heart for our study, and I’d love for you to be part of this special community where we’ll share encouragement, prayers and stories of all that God is doing in and through us!
To join us, enter your info and click Sign Up..
To find out more details about online study, click here.
Enter Today’s Give-away
How you are going to give yourself grace this Christmas? I’ll share my answer in the comments below. You can share yours and any other thoughts you have about video message or the topic of my devotion and you’ll be entered to win this gift pak just in time for Christmas:
- Copies of my book (for you & two friends)
- 3 Sets of Confident Heart conference calls (optional)
- $10 Starbucks gift card
- Godiva Chocolate Bar
Click below this post where it says “Share Your Thoughts” and do just that. Then be sure to share this post with friends (see those tell-a-friend buttons? They make it really easy). If you do, leave another comment and tell me. You’ll be entered twice! {Update: Congratulations Angel Miller (your were selected in our prayerful yet random drawing for a winner. We’ll email you details! Thank you all for entering. Be sure to sign up for email updates in the sidebar so you don’t any future give-aways!)
Thank you for this Renee. I feel so pressured every year to be the one that has to plan everything for the family. We have a fairly large family. My grace started on Thanksgiving this year. My husband and I went on a short trip to Anchorage the weekend before thanksgiving. Well of course this time of year up in Alaska the weather goes down hill fast. I started to stress out about getting back to my home town, Kodiak. My husband kept saying don’t worry about it but of course I was trying to make him understand how important it is for me to be back to prepare. I couldn’t believe he wasn’t being more understanding…..funny ha!! You would think by now I wouldn’t be using that excuse to get stinky with him, but I did. The phone calls started coming on Monday afternoon asking what the menu was and what’s everyone’s assignments. After i told everyone that I wasn’t doing dinner this year because i wasnt sure we’ld be home in time I was at such peace that my husband and I enjoyed our extra three days of our minny vacation. You know what….Thanksgiving still happened, we all had a great time and I wasn’t in charge what so ever. I didn’t realize until thanksgiving day what God was doing for me. He forced me to take a break and He revealed to me through those chain of events that He’s in charge and to keep my eyes on Him. I intend to do that very thing this whole Christmas season and I feel more free this year than ever before. Oh, and we didn’t get home until the Wednesday afternoon before thanksgiving.
I really love how God works. He is so gracious. Have a Marry Christmas Renee.
Love from a sister in the Lord. Lori Ryser
Oops, Merry Christmas Renee. 🙂
I think I need to give myself grace this year because we can’t give our children as many gifts this year, because money is tight because we have a new baby (she will be 7 months in a few days). I have tried to teach them that it’s not about gifts, it’s about THE gift, so I think they will be ok with it. I will try to focus more on the real reason for the season and get my older 2 involved in teaching this to their new baby sister.
I had surgery the first of Oct. It didn’t heal up and so I had to have another surgery 2 weeks later. Long story short, it’s already Dec. and it still hasn’t healed. I’m taking Christmas and trying to heal from the inside out and be grateful for what I have and where I’m at. Plus, I’m home bound so I can’t go anywhere if I did want to. I need God’s GRACE more than ever.
I will enjoy life just relaxing and not make too many plans. I will limit my project goals so it’s manageable. I will say “no” a lot lol
Honestly I’ve never thought about Grace in this way, probably because I’m 19, but watching this video really spoke out to me and made me think in a new perspective on the idea of it all.
Beyond inspired by your devotionals you post on proverbs 31 ministies… I asked Santa for Christmas I want you’re book a confident heart… I’m so inspired by how god speaks thru you and I have so many friends that would be honored to receive your book as well… I can’t thank you enough by inspiring me with your word…
Starbuck’s hot chocolate, Godiva’s chocolates and a really good book to read, and copies to share. What woman wouldn’t love that for this Christmas season.
Our family tradition is that when you reach the age of 16 your Christmas present is a donation to the charity of your choice. This is intended to keep the focus off of caring about yourself and your wants,and focusing on other’s needs.
I’m looking forward to reading A COnfident Heart, whether a free copy or a purchased one.
I really do enjoy starting new traditions that involve more so the “Christ”mas side of Christmas and I had heard on a radio station that this family had been getting their children only three gifts a piece (the same amount that Jesus got on his first birthday) for their children every year since they were born . I found that to be an awesome way for our kids and us to remember why we celebrate Christmas. I’m excited to take on that new tradition as our own and excited that I won’t be running around the stores as much! I feel like I will actually get to experience the grace that you spoke about instead of just saying ” that’s nice hope it happens for me too”… Thanks Renee! 🙂 merry Christmas to you as well!
I’m giving myself grace by not stressing about little things. I’m going to enjoy my Christmas and keep in mind the real reason for the season. I’m going to relax and just be at ease for a change.
I will give myself grace by trying not to stress about thinking that everything should be “perfect”. I have not put out as many decorations this year as I usually do. I received much appreciated help from my daughter & daughter-in-law in decorating the Christmas tree. I will also graciously accept help from them in bringing food to our family dinner. I will also try to slow down and spend more time on my devotionals. I will email this to my daughter and daughter-in-laws. Merry Christmas to everyone!
I am giving myself grace this year by spending more time treasuring the time I get with my family instead of worrying about trying to please everyone the whole time. Thanks for the best reminder for the season.
I am giving myself grace this year by just doing the best I can and reminding myself that presents aren’t the important thing this year but to give more of myself to others. Time with my kids and family is more meaningful to them than lots of presents.
Oh I was so touched by this that it brought tears to my eyes… I hold a Ladies accountability group at my house on Monday mornings and this would be such a blessing to friends. Ohhh how we need grace!
I already won the Gift~ Jesus Christ! I am just overjoyed this morning I needed to hear this!
Thank you for all you do in touching lives.
Merry Christmas ~ And God Bless You
I gave myself grace by putting up less decorations this year, and not giving out so many gifts. I usually try to buy something, even little, for so many people and it gets overwhelming. My daughter was also looking for ways to earn extra money for Christmas, so I gave her lots of little chores and had her help with Christmas cards, etc. It was such a load off of me, she was more than willing to help, that the little bit of $ I gave her was well worth all of the help. She does usual chores around the house, but this was all extra things that I just hadn’t been able to get to myself. It was a “win-win” for both of us!
Thank you so much Renee. This is exactly what my heart needed to hear today amidst the Christmas chaos. I shared it on my facebook wall and know that it will bless many others also.
I LOVE that my Daughter is raising her Children Knowing the TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS..& that is NOT about gifts they get..BUT The Gift GOD Gave US..& They are learning its better to give than receive..& most Christmas’s they pass up getting presents from their parents..& have them give what they would have gotten to those less fortunate..Warms my Soul..TY JESUS!!!
I need to hear that this am, GRACE and to rest in his PLAN for ME . Thanks GOD is great and using you in a mighty way . Thanks for your time and your love for Jesus and using the JOY in your live Jesus Others Y ou
I am giving myself grace by laying it ALL at the altar. I have sacrificed my entire life raising kids and grand children. I did so voluntarily. I put my life on hold. Well, after 21 years of not dating I have decided it is time for ME! I met a man that told me I need to lose 50 pounds (I am 15 pounds over weight), my baby girl just had a baby last week so I have been cooking for her and watching her four year old, my son is in Iraq and seems emotionally drained and my daughter that is still living with me does little to help me. So, despite my desire to live for ME now, I am still devoting my time, attention and energy to help the people in need. His grace, wisdom, peace and joy are all I need to get me through!!!! His will be done!
This year, for the first time in over 23 years, I did not decorate the tree. I let my children do it. This is also the third year we have not bought gifts for extended family. (our children still receive 3 gifts) My husband lost his job a few years ago and was unemployed for 9 months, which fell over Christmas. God used that year to teach us what He wants us to do at Christmas. Since then, we celebrate the reason. Each year we add a new way to celebrate Jesus. Each year we teach our children to give in honor of Jesus instead of expecting to receive. For the past couple years, Christmas has been not stressful. Christmas has been a restful time with my family celebrating the greatest gift we have received, Jesus!
I let my kids put up the tree and didn’t allow myself to fuss over it. It looks great! I’m reminding myself to stop and take moments through out the day to breathe and reflect and pray. I’m remembering the reason for Christmas, and it’s not to spoil my kids rotten. As a military wife I’m under a great amount of stress. And I’m forgiving myself some of my “moments” and attempting to find that grace on a daily basis. Thank you.
I am giving myself grace to focus on the important things this Christmas season – Time spent with Family & Friends. Carving out quiet time with the Lord. Showing love to others. Praising & thanking God for sending Jesus. I am giving myself grace to not feel guilty or worry about the other things I just find I don’t have time for.
I will give myself grace and not overwhelm myself with trying to outdo myself in spending money on materialistic things for my family and friends. I have so many who I would love to give a present to and I always come down hard on myself thinking that one gift isn’t enough or a guilty feeling of I could have done more… Not realizing I’m not even defining that true meaning of this holiday. And that is to honor the king my heavenly father. Every year my pastor tells the church that our gift to God for christmas should not be a smaller amount than to those which we spend some much money on with gifts. I honestly got a wake up call from this video.. I don’t want to have an empty heart after all the celebrations. That would make me feel even worst than from the moments I will feel for not being able to do for people like I want. WELL this year GOD will be getting the greatest gift of them all. I will be marking down all of my gifts for people and I will give God the most expensive.. He is so deserving of it. He’s the one who supplies every single one of my needs and loves me unconditionally.. How could even think to give him leftovers. NOT THIS YEAR and I mean it. Thank you Renee for this beautiful reminder of GRACE and the power of those words. I thank you for helping me to understand that empty feeling inside of me after doing what I thought was good deeds and that was because I hadn’t fulfilled my duties as a child of God by honoring him with the best gift of mine xoxo
Wow! What a wonderful gift,GRACE! Thank you
Today’s message,Renee,could not have. come
a better time. I have had the worst case of the flu I’ve ever had and I was sitting in bed this morning feeling sorry for myself when I checked my email and heard your video. In thinking back over the plans I made for this holiday season I realized I was feeling sorry for myself because none of my plans had come to fruit. Last night I missed the cookie exchange at my mothers house my plan had been to work for two weeks before the children let out for Christmas vacation at the public school where I substitute. I plan to have extra spending money to pay some bills that desperately needed to be paid in January. after listening to your video I realized that I had made the mistake of putting all of my expectations around my plans and not God’s. Tears came to my eyes when I realized that he knows the plans he has for me and I realized I needed to give myself the grace of the recovery time I truly need. I realized I had left him out of all my Christmas plans. Thank you for your timely message and God bless you
Just shared your gift giveaway with friends on facebook.
Hi, Renee! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and your experiences with us. I hope you are being blessed just as we are! I would love to win a copy of your book for me and my friends, theres nothing better than giving a meaningful gift! Its hard being a single mom and between trying to get a college degree, work and raise a child, i mean, a teen, to find time to calm down and accept that things that i would love to do might not get done for this Christmas…
I shared on FB 🙂
I am a young, single woman who recently joined staff with an amazing ministry to reach college female athletes, which means I am in the process of raising up a team of ministry partners to help fund my outreach. Praise the Lord, He is the great provider and all of my basic needs have been met, but I do not have even an extra penny to my name. Thus, buying gifts for my loved ones this year is nearly impossible. I love people through giving gifts and although it is extremely difficult, I’m giving myself grace to not feel guilty about not being able to buy people big, wonderful gifts this year. My prayer is to be a light to my family, that Christmas is about so much more than presents under the tree… its about the gift of eternal life. Merry Christmas.
Thank you so much for sharing that video. I needed to hear that. As a single mother of 3kids (2 teens -1chronically ill & a 10 yr old) I’ve surpassed many of the expectations people have put on me because of the statistics and odds against me. Because of that I’ve almost placed sky high expectations on myself this holiday season but theyve been directed in the wrong place. Remembering the real reason for CHRIST-mas is and should be my top priority but like others I’ve gotten caught up in the gifts and gatherings. This year I have to diligently remind myself to maintain in the spirit of gratitude to the one who has carried me and met me all those times I’ve fallen short of strength, patience, finances, wisdom not just during the holiday season but throughout the year. Though the world calls me a single mom, I’m really not.. He is my other half, my best half. Thanks for reading..
We will be moving to a new station over the holidays with a visit to our hometown, which is a great opportunity to give myself grace about making everything so “perfect” for everyone for Christmas. We have each other and we are celebrating the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ, so that is plenty perfect!
I am showing myself grace this year by allowing new traditions to be started in my new family. We are a blended family with a new baby. Lots of changes and strife in the last 2 years and I just decided that it’s time to get back to basics.
I will no longer run around ragged trying to buy things that will make people in my family happy. Instead, we will plan a weekend to go away, see holiday displays and make new family memories.
The words that you shared just help me see Christmas for what is. I am encouraged to hear the message of hope from God’s word, that i can just go to God and He will give me rest! Merry Christmas!
I am allowing God to bless me with his grace this Christmas by resting in the fact that He does not expect perfection from me. I’m trying to take one day at a time, trusting that He’ll give me the time and the patience to do the things He would have me do, and I’m trying to only commit to those things that I absolutely have to do so that this year is not so stressful and overwhelming. I’m making sure that I am not skipping my daily time with God and church activities so that I can get everything I think needs to be done done. I’ve had a lot more time this year to be more spontaneous with my family, to actually enjoy the Christmas activities that we find time to do, and to keep Christ at the center of the season.
I enjoy the Christmas activities and love giving gifts to those I love. But most of all something that often hits me is: “Immanuel – God WITH US!!” Love it! And not only during this time of year, but always.
I am giving myself grace this year by letting dishes sit in the sink overnight and laundry stay in the dryer for a couple of days. Little things for some but these are huge for me and are really teaching me that my family is OK with these chores not getting complete right away and that they would much rather spend time with me than watch me run around trying to get everything done. I am being intentional about our cuddle time and time together as a family. I love the scripture of Matthew 11:28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. In fact my 7 year old wrote it out on my white board as a reminder to all of us. Love it when God uses our children to speak truth to us.
As a working mother of two and a doctoral student who is desperately trying to finish up a dissertation by the end of the month, I get so caught up in the guilt trip of not being there for my kids and not having the house perfectly decorated. Thanks, Renee. I needed that reminder this morning. HIS Grace is sufficient for me.
Hugs across the miles, Carla.
I am letting myself off the hook in that this will be a quiet Christmas for us this year. In past years it has been rush through everything from rushing to make a Christmas Eve Service at Church so we make it to one family gathering to rush through that to make it to family gathering number two…to go home and wake up Christmas morning to rush my kids through the morning festivities to rush to get to family gathering #3 and then rush to family gathering #4….I opted out of some of these family gatherings this year (with a lot of anger from others) so that we as a family (my husband, myself and our 4 kids) can get out of our Christmas Eve Service what we should…the celebration of His birth, so that we can enjoy our time together for the family gatherings we will do…He is the reason for the season, He is the one we need to stop and celebrate and not be obligated or pressured to rush through our time to reflect and cherish that.
I’m showing myself grace by not stressing and totally trusting in Him that I will get to see my daughter during the Christmas break. We have 4 dollars to our name, and my current plan about going and getting her fell through due to this, so I am totally trusting in Him that He will make a way. I truly enjoy your devotionals and your Bible studies. Thank you for sharing His Word with all of us! You have been a blessing in my life!
Grace. That’s what I need to get through a Christmas season where, for the first time in a long time, I am feeling the “guilt” of not being able to give presents this year (I am currently unemployed). I know gifts are not the most important part of the season, but it is still a challenge. Thankfully, God DOES know the PLAN He has for me…and I can trust in that.
There are tears streaming down my cheeks. God led me to this message very clearly this morning and I needed it!! I have clinical depression and right now it is swallowing me up. I told a friend that I hated Christmas. I will spend today finding ways to take and appreciate God’s Grace and then cut myself some slack. Thank you!!
Ps… I will be sharing this with that same friend via e mail and sharing on FB!!!
I was excited to share on Facebook and Twitter as well! 🙂
I have decided to have a Mary Christmas this year…. instead of my usual Martha Christmas!
I told my friends on facebook. 🙂 I love that I found this blog and that God is using you in a Mighty Mighty way. Blessings to you and your family.
Thank you for your encouraging words, Renee. You have reminded me to be still and take time throughout my day to focus on God and the Grace He has for me. ……I am giving myself Grace this year by doing very little baking, sending Christmas letter’s via email, focusing more on helping others that are struggling this year, to be sure that they have a Merry Christmas and experience the love of Christ. My family is with me on this therefor I am doing less shopping for us because it’s not about us. Christmas isn’t about the gift, but what is in the heart. I desire to share my heart with others. God Bless you this Christmas, Renee.
Wow, I love to hear the grace that others are giving themselves this year. I’m giving myself grace to not send out Christmas cards and all the rigamarole that goes with it, like pictures etc.
This is very true. I know with small children in the home- it’s so hard because you want to shower the ones you love with what “you” think will make them happy. Just as this post talks about, that will just leave everyone with an empty heart. I do need an extra helping of Grace, and not feel bad that I will probably fall short of the expectations that I have set for myself. Trying to remember that God loves me- just like I am!
I am giving myself grace this year by not stressing out about gifts for everyone this year. My kids are young enough that they don’t care if they get a bunch of presents or just a few. My husband and I are in the midst of buying a house, so we aren’t buying a bunch of presents.
I shared on my fb wall and am looking forward to joining your for your Confident Heart study!
Thank you so much for your message. This has been a difficult year for us. My mother-in-law passed away the end of August. So this is the first year we have had Thanksgiving and Christmas without her. Over Thanksgiving, I put so much pressure on myself to make sure my husband had an enjoyable day and was not stressed, that I had a miserable time. I’m praying for God’s grace to be with us during the Christmas season. That His grace will feel our hearts where there is emptiness. I’m giving myself grace to be sad and grieve the loss of my mother-in-law as well as allowing my husband to do the same.
Thank you again for your message.