Today, I have a gift I want to give you. I’s a gift EVERY WOMAN NEEDS! And it’s tucked inside this short video. I recorded it last week for a friend’s Christmas give-away, but after I finished it, I just knew God wanted me to give it to you too! So, instead of reading about it, please click the arrow below so I can tell you about it.
I’ve got a question and a give-away for you, but first here are some things I want to share::
Printable Christmas Prayer
For those hopping over from my P31 devotion today, welcome! That story I share in the video is the year that led to the writing of my Christmas prayer. If you’d like to receive a FREE printable version of it, please enter your email in the box below and click signup.You’ll receive an email within 24 hours that include links to download the prayer as a printable 4×6, 5×7 or 8×10 you can frame for yourself and give as gifts.
Confident Heart Online Study
I also want to invite you to join me and women from all over who will gather here beginning January 16th to read through my book, A Confident Heart. We’ll walk through each chapter together and discover how we can overcome self-doubts and strong or even subtle insecurity by learning how to to live in THE security of God’s promises! I’m so excited about all God’s laying on my heart for our study, and I’d love for you to be part of this special community where we’ll share encouragement, prayers and stories of all that God is doing in and through us!
To join us, enter your info and click Sign Up..
To find out more details about online study, click here.
Enter Today’s Give-away
How you are going to give yourself grace this Christmas? I’ll share my answer in the comments below. You can share yours and any other thoughts you have about video message or the topic of my devotion and you’ll be entered to win this gift pak just in time for Christmas:
- Copies of my book (for you & two friends)
- 3 Sets of Confident Heart conference calls (optional)
- $10 Starbucks gift card
- Godiva Chocolate Bar
Click below this post where it says “Share Your Thoughts” and do just that. Then be sure to share this post with friends (see those tell-a-friend buttons? They make it really easy). If you do, leave another comment and tell me. You’ll be entered twice! {Update: Congratulations Angel Miller (your were selected in our prayerful yet random drawing for a winner. We’ll email you details! Thank you all for entering. Be sure to sign up for email updates in the sidebar so you don’t any future give-aways!)
Give myself grace this Christmas…this is something I am trying to figure out. I have not had a chance to slow down with working and trying to prepare for the vacation to see family. I plan on enjoying the holidays with our family because we only see them twice a year or so. I like to go to my hometown church Christmas morning because I have not been there in years since I moved out of state.
I am giving myself grace by removing the expectations of Christmas. The pressure of finding the perfect presents, the baking, the house being just right. I want to enjoy the reason for the season, JESUS! I want to spend quality time with my family.
Have a very Merry Christmas and God Bless!
Renee, Literally MOMENTS before I watched the devotional video (and I had to still myself for SIX WHOLE MINUTES to watch it!) I had JUST shared Psalm 46:10 on my Facebook page for myself as well as others, in attempt to Just Be. Your words have, once again, resonated. I thank you for your obedience. I hope someday to tell you just what your words have meant in my life these past several months. Giving your book as a gift this holiday season would be truly special and meaningful. God bless.
P.S. I shared with this with all of my friends and family on FB.
Giving myself the gift of not fussing over unnecessary stuff. Baking less, but WITH the kids. Messier but a lot more fun.
I’ve given myself permission to take my time. Christmas this year is “no pressure”, and letting others share in the “work” in preparing for the family gathering. grace… such a beautiful word, a wonderful gift… thank you for the reminder…
Thank you for the reminder that Grace is something we can have and not feel quilty. I think we as women always have guilt feelings. The holiday season is a perfect reminder – did we do enough, did we buy enough, is there enough ?????? It can easily get out of hand. Thank you again for the reminder.
Love Patti
I saw your picture on a friends FB page. I am glad I clicked on it. I really needed the GRACE that I feel right now. Even if it is only for right now. I am going to get up from the computer and work on just what I can do now and not worry about what needs to be done late. Thank you for your words.
I am giving myself Grace this year by helping the less fortunate more than myself. I have headed up the Angel tree at our church this year and it has really helped me stay focused on God’s provisions to all. He has given so much to us, and I am thankful for that. Also He is showing me everyday that he provides love through strangers to the community where it is needed most. We are all Children of God no matter are age and even if we have nothing, we still have God’s love. I am so thankful that I have been able to show this to others!
I am giving not only myself grace, but also to my sweet family. I tend to be kinda high strung and I am resolved to not get bent out of shape if something is not perfect. It not only gets me down, but puts a damper on the mood of my home. Also, I am letting Bob Evans help me out with my Christmas dinner. He is such a great guy! Merry Christmas!!!!
I am giving myself Grace by realizing that running here, there and everywhere this Christmas season is not helping my family focus of the greatest Christmas present of all, Jesus Christ! So I have told all of our extended family that our family of five will spend Christmas morning focusing on our family of five!
I am giving myself grace by enjoying being instead of doing. Too often, I miss the moments of being with people because I am too busy with the tasks I feel I must be doing to have a ‘successful’ holiday. The Lord has been teaching me about the most important thing ~ the relationships with which I am blessed! Merry Christmas!
I am giving myself grace, by not stressing on how much “stuff” my 2 year old gets for Christmas, but rather focusing on how much LOVE we can give to other people. Today marks three years that I lost my 14 month old child in a car accident. I am also giving myself grace every Christmas with the guilt that lives in my heart, as the “accident” was determined to be my fault. This tragedy made me realize how important it is to show love to others and help others, as it may be your last day on this Earth. RIP Malachi 10/05/07-12/14/08 Mommy misses you.
I’m giving myself grace this year by scaling back the gifts & purchases this year. It’s my son’s first Christmas and I am trying to start traditions that don’t involve tons of plastic toys under the tree, but rather meaningful celebrations that create lasting memories & glorify the “reason for the season.” Thank you for the beautiful message!
Love the daily guidence, such a help and blessing, hopeing to win the giveaway, to share the books with friends to help encourge, Praying I will be chosen, Thank You for this opertunity.
I am giving myself grace this year by trying not to be overwhelmed by all the hustle of Christmas. We are actually staying home and not traveling to visit family. We have planned to important events for our family. A birthday party for Jesus and serving the less fortunate Christmas Dinner on Christmas Day.
Great Message! Thank you! Aloha.
I’ve also shared on Twitter! 🙂 Merry Christmas!
Giving myself grace if I am not perfect this year. Family calendars may not be finished or perfect, I may not make all my candies this year, and my house doesn’t have to be spotless.
Shared on FB; and I’ve started thinking about the third person who will enjoy reading your book (when I am the chosen winner!). LOL. Merry CHRISTmas.
I enjoy all that you share with us so freely and I am looking forward to more of your insight. You have blessed me in ways that I didn’t know possible. Thank you so much.
I am giving myself Grace by freedom from perfection. We did a lot of construction in our home this year–both in bathrooms, bonus room and the rooms of our hearts. With table saws and building materials blocking the entrance to our attic in the garage, my three Christmas trees and 18 tubs of decorations are held captive. I’ve accepted that there will be no decor this year, given myself and my home grace and freedom from perfection, and spend my moments loving my hubby and our new bathroom instead of nagging him about boxes of bulbs and bells. (Plus, I’m looking forward to NOT having to pack it all up on January 2nd!)
This has been a year of God building confidence and grace–knowing that I am good enough in Him and that He has made me perfectly, cellulite, pre-menstral crabbiness and all. He is good, and in His goodness I am good enough because He makes good things!
Wow! Amazing grace is in the form of no tree up yet, no goodies baked, no cards-photo-letter ready to go, still have shopping to do, etc!! All our kids are grown now and the season feels different. Add to that the lack of snow for a white Christmas and it doesn’t “feel” like Christmas here in northern MN. I’m a little sad for the change and excited at the same time. We’ve always know that Jesus is the reason for the season but now we have the opportunity to show that in how we celebrate Christmas! Think I’ll start some new traditions! Merry Christmas!
I am experiencing God’s Grace this year by not stressing out about the fact that we just do not have the funds to have the same Christmas we usually do. We have no tree up, and I’m okay with that. My nieces and nephew will have a great Christmas, will get more than they need, and the adults, well, we can suck it up. We have already received the best gift ever, that of God’s Love, Salvation, and really, just the chance to be together this holiday season, and enjoy each other’s company. God will provide for our needs, and the wants, they will just have to wait for another time. Also, I’ve told my husband that he does not need to buy me anything, and this year, he knows I really mean it. It’s going to be a great Christmas, filled with the most important people, and that’s what I’m excited for!
Beautiful, Jennifer! May you be richly blessed with peace, joy and love in this season and the seasons ahead!
I totally needed this. I get so anxious this time of the year. No matter how much planning I do, it just does not matter. I need God’s peace instead of resting in my plans and organizational ability (which sounds great – but the execution, not too much). Satan is going to do whatever he can to sabotage my plans, which is why I need to rest in God’s plans and order my day and my heart according to Him. Now if I can just do that every day.
I’m giving myself grace to not stress over every little thing this year. I am allowing myself to spend time with friends and family and truly enjoy the season
I am giving myself grace this Christmas by simply enjoying this time! Rather than gifts and baking, I am focusing on prayer and reading scripture. It has given me a peace that is normally absent during this busy time.
Thank you for your message today. It is in the hope of winning the 2nd book for my daughter. We were recently reunited and it is my prayer that she too knows who she is in Christ. That would be the best Christmas present. I cannot wait to share my coffee and chocolate as we develop our friendship while reading your book. Merry Christmas and thanks for giving HOPE.
Thank you for the reminder about giving ourselves grace this year. It is so easy to get caught up in all the “to do lists” and not stop and rest in His presence. This message spoke to my heart today and I will choose to focus on Him in an intentional way throughout the next few weeks. I love this time of year and the Christmas celebrations, but want to be sure I don’t let perfectionism and tasks crowd out the true meaning of the season. Thank you for sharing your heart and may God richly bless you in the coming year!
I am giving myself grace this year by focusing on experiences with the kids instead of perfect decorations, perfectly decorated cookies, perfectly wrapped presents. We’re also buying less gifts and sending out less cards. Just less stuff all around and more time and memories as a family.
We have scaled WAAAAAY back this year. Very simple decorations, making only a couple of cookies, not sending our Christmas cards or my usual handmade ornaments, not giving gifts to everyone on the planet, etc. We are in the midst of a cross-country move and I’ve been trying to tell myself that all the cutting stuff out is “Ok”. I’m glad it really is. 🙂
No Christmas cards going out this year. Buying for less people. Spending less money. Not baking as much. And I still feel overwhelmed and behind! I think I will just “let it go” and do what I can.
This Christmas season I will give myself some grace by not getting discouraged or overwhelmed if I don’t do everything perfect. I will remind myself this holiday is not about me or material things, but about the son of God!! Merry Christmas!!
I also shared this on FB 🙂
I’m giving myself grace this year by focusing on what I am able to give and not on what I could not spend due to finances. I am giving myself grace that it’s ok to not have found a job by Christmas because I know God has bigger and better plans for me than all the applications I’ve sent out so far. Happy Birthday, Jesus!
I’m sharing this with my friends on Twitter!
I’m giving myself grace this year to realize that I can’t do everything. I’ve got two toddlers – and live 10 hours from home… so with traveling and taking care of the kids – my husband and I have decided to give each other money toward a big purchase for our Christmas gift this year. It saves on having to think about, shop for, and wrap “the perfect gift” for my spouse!
Renee, thank you for this message! I’m giving myself grace this year by spending less money and having a Homemade Christmas- the kids made paper chains for garland, $5 wreath on the front door, and homemade goodies for teacher presents. Not jumping into the shopping frenzy has helped me to slow down and enjoy the true meaning of Christmas. Hope you have a blessed Christmas!
This year I am allowing God’s grace to just rest in my home! I am giving myself grace that I don’t have all if my Christmas decorations up yet or my goodies baked. I am also showing myself grace by not worrying about all the medical bills that have piled up after almost losing my husband 3 months ago to a massive heart attack! There is definitley more to life than doing, doing, doing! I am taking the time this Christmas to just “be” with my family! It is by God’s grace that we will get through and enjoy this Christmas season and then move into the season of planning my daughters’ wedding and it is by the grace of God that my husband and her Daddy is still here to celebrate the next step in her journey of life 🙂
I am the kind of person who likes to give gifts to my good friends and to our families but that is not always possible. Especially this year due to my hubbies lay off and his continual search for a job. It really frustrates me because we both are givers and he is trying so hard to find a job. If it wasn’t for God’s word and knowing that He is providing, I think I would be so depressed. I refuse to give in to depression.
Thank you for your message today.
I am giving myself grace this year by not going overboard with gifts. I have cut way back this year. I am not giving to very many people and my children are not receiving as much. First and foremost because I cannot afford to but secondly, my family is realizing that it is not about the big expensive gifts, it is about the true meaning, Jesus and spending time with your family. And, I am not spazzing over this either. God has put me in a good place, I have peace and confidence.
Have a very Merry and Blessed Christmas!
I shared this on my facebook wall…I have lots of girlfriends who need to know this and do it!
I’m giving my self grace to not stress about the little things…or the big things. I’ve done no shopping yet, no Christmas Cards out, no Family picture yet. I’ve been so busy with travel for work, planning our Wedding Vow Renewal (happened Nov 25th…YAY!) and all the “kids” stuff that I have been needing to just rest in the Father’s arms. SO I am going to not worry about Christmas cards this year and just take a break and rest in His arms.
I’m letting the children do the decorating this year. We also agreed to keep gift buying low. We choose to rest this season and enjoy our time together as a family.
I’m allowing myself NOT to give EVERYONE a gift. I have so many people in my family and people I am close to, so my list of giving tends to be longer than my wallet is deep! I was excited that I sent out Christmas cards to everyone for the first time EVER, so that is my gift this year.
<3 Heather
BTW, I retweeted your Tweet and sent it out via FB 🙂
its my 53rd birthday ….DEC 25th…..i will enjoy my day with the Lord and family
Thank you so much for the Christmas prayer…….I can’t wait to share this with my friends and family. We do get caught up in the expectations of this season. I have felt like I was doing something wrong if I didn’t a a certain feeling. I need to be reminded there is abundant grace for all of us and remind ourselves it’s not about us.
My grace started last year when I didn’t include our annual letter in our cards. So freeing to not stress over it. This year I got it done the first week in November and condensed two years worth of happenings into one simple letter. Grace this year is not going to every single thing that is on the calendar! Our families live out of town/state so we will be with good friends during the holidays at various times and so we decided to nix gifts for the adults and instead of trying to cram one more thing in between now and Christmas, after the first of the year we’ll go out to dinner together and just have fun being with one another. I was just telling my kids this morning on the way to school, before reading this post, that we have the best present ever to open every day the gift of Jesus! What a reminder as I get ready to have a pretty busy schedule over the next few days. Thank you Renee for reminding us that we don’t have to set such high expectations for ourselves and to just spend time with the Lord enjoying Him this Christmas!
I’m going to give grace to me by not to participate in any group to perform at Christmas event held at church
on 23 this year, which is national holiday in my country. Rather than making myself busy for practicing, I will slow down and allow myself to rest. Thank you so much for your message, Renee!
Because I’m not working right now I’ve been able to focus more on my relationship with God. I plan on continuing even when the kids are home from school. I’m also looking forward to my daughter coming in on leave from the Navy for Christmas but I’m not going to stress over it…just enjoy her company. 🙂