Today, I have a gift I want to give you. I’s a gift EVERY WOMAN NEEDS! And it’s tucked inside this short video. I recorded it last week for a friend’s Christmas give-away, but after I finished it, I just knew God wanted me to give it to you too! So, instead of reading about it, please click the arrow below so I can tell you about it.
I’ve got a question and a give-away for you, but first here are some things I want to share::
Printable Christmas Prayer
For those hopping over from my P31 devotion today, welcome! That story I share in the video is the year that led to the writing of my Christmas prayer. If you’d like to receive a FREE printable version of it, please enter your email in the box below and click signup.You’ll receive an email within 24 hours that include links to download the prayer as a printable 4×6, 5×7 or 8×10 you can frame for yourself and give as gifts.
Confident Heart Online Study
I also want to invite you to join me and women from all over who will gather here beginning January 16th to read through my book, A Confident Heart. We’ll walk through each chapter together and discover how we can overcome self-doubts and strong or even subtle insecurity by learning how to to live in THE security of God’s promises! I’m so excited about all God’s laying on my heart for our study, and I’d love for you to be part of this special community where we’ll share encouragement, prayers and stories of all that God is doing in and through us!
To join us, enter your info and click Sign Up..
To find out more details about online study, click here.
Enter Today’s Give-away
How you are going to give yourself grace this Christmas? I’ll share my answer in the comments below. You can share yours and any other thoughts you have about video message or the topic of my devotion and you’ll be entered to win this gift pak just in time for Christmas:
- Copies of my book (for you & two friends)
- 3 Sets of Confident Heart conference calls (optional)
- $10 Starbucks gift card
- Godiva Chocolate Bar
Click below this post where it says “Share Your Thoughts” and do just that. Then be sure to share this post with friends (see those tell-a-friend buttons? They make it really easy). If you do, leave another comment and tell me. You’ll be entered twice! {Update: Congratulations Angel Miller (your were selected in our prayerful yet random drawing for a winner. We’ll email you details! Thank you all for entering. Be sure to sign up for email updates in the sidebar so you don’t any future give-aways!)
I am re-discovering myself, my home and my heart. I have let myself go this year and I am tired of living in the dark. I have just recently stumbled upon Proverbs 31 and I am loving it!
thank you for your Prayer to The Lord! this Christmas through all of our trials, I am growing in The Lord, leaning on Him with all of my Heart. Trusting in HIM and not myself. He Loves me so. My family and I are apart from each other however what we are going through had to pass through my Fathers hands before it came to me. I am thankful to The Lord for His Favor, His Grace, Most of all His Mercy and Forgivness, and The Special Way He has been providing for me and my family, I am grateful to Him. but I do fail when it comes to spending quality time with HIm, making it very difficult for me to hear from Him. I end of falling asleep on Him without spending the time i want and need to spend with HIM. I also am waiting on THe Lord to bring my husband safely home to be with us,and give us a second chance , in His time according to His Perfect Will. I will be sharing this devotion with my 2 very special sisters. I am truly blessed for my sisters, mom and my brothers, family and all friends. i am truly grateful to THe Lord. Merry Christmas Renee to you and All of YOur Family! God Bless you.
We’re doing children’s decorations this year. instead of stressing that they will break a precious family treasure, i’m leaving those in the boxes and covering our tree with things they’ve made. they love it and so do i! plus it’s less pressure to look ‘perfect’!
GRACE. Such a big word. Such a needed word. I need grace everyday. Most of the time I feel so unworthy of the grace that I know God has in store for me. I am the mother of 7 children. 5 girls (4 of them teenagers) and 2 boys. 2 of which have birthdays the week before Christmas. I feel like I’ve been washed and hung out to dry by the end of most days. This year I decided to do things a touch different (I guess you could say this was me giving myself grace). Our church has 3 gatherings this month, we have 2 birthdays, our company dinner all requiring me to make and bake food, plus some other visits that has pulled my stress string till its taut. So, I decided to stop and tackle each gathering separately. Not to stress if the cake was a touch sideways, or if I forgot a 2-liter. God has made himself more real to me this year than ever. I’ve been teaching my 4 year old boy about what it means to give gifts and why we do this. He knows about Jesus, even that He died on the cross. So, I wanted to add this to his store of knowledge. I don’t know where I’d be if God didn’t give me new grace everyday. He is so awesome that way. Thank you for the video and the words of encouragement.
I am passing this on to my 2 oldest children, and then also to my sister and mother.They will enjoy this.
I was just thinking yesterday that it just doesn’t feel like Christmas to me. Your video and devotional helped me remember that without Jesus, it really isn’t Christmas. I will show myself grace by not worrying that things may not be how they usually are each year but that what is important is and will always be the same… Jesus! Thanks Renee.
Thanks for the encouragement and grace. I too try to put many expectations on myself. I am trying to show myself grace this month by asking God for HIS plans for each day. My to-do list is far too long and my time and energy short. I am only going to attempt to accomplish the things that God lays on my heart each morning and trust in Him for the power to do those things. I don’t really know what my Christmas or gifts or home are going to end up LOOKING like, but I know I will FEEL peaceful with the knowledge that I have obeyed and pleased my Savior. 1 Sa 16:7b “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
God brought me on a long journey with Christmas…I must admit…I swung the pendulum out to the edges…but He has now brought a gentle swing…and I have come to realize… I can’t hammer down…and proclaim…this is it…this is how I will celebrate…because life is fluid…and so must my traditions…
Grace………. He gives so abundantly, so richly, and so freely.
I am going to remind myself, every time I have that, “I’m in over my head” feeling, to take a deep breath and remember His promises to take my burdens.
If we deeply breath in His grace, we’ll be able to give it to others.
Thanks for the reminder. 🙂
Thank you for the devotional. Just what this weary heart needs. In the midst of the holiday bustle I will have surgery, our families christmas, his families christmas and my families christmas – whew!! I have yet to buy a present and feel totally unprepared this year. I have longed for Jesus to be the center of our Christmas. For a while now I have been trying to find ways to keep his presence first and foremost; its tough though, usually what I end up feeling though is lacking in Grace instead of abounding in Love. I look forward to your study at the beginning of the year. Have a very blessed and merry Christmas!
I am trying to slow down this year & enjoy each moment such as, watching Christmas movies, enjoying the sights & sounds of Christmas etc.. I’m not even half way done with my shopping yet, but I’m not stressing. Instead, I’m praying & asking God to help me each step of the way!
Merry Christmas,
Janet W.
Thank you so much for the wonderful reminders. I need a little more grace this year, for sure. My daughter and her husband have not been home for Christmas the past two years, but they are coming home this year for a very brief visit. My initial “to-do” list for their visit was pretty ridiculous, as I wanted everything to be absolutely perfect this year. I have since given myself a little grace on those expectations because I was not in a good place with all that added stress because it had taken over my priorities above all else for a time. Advent and Christmas are so much more meaningful for me when I stay focused on the coming of Christ over all, while still attending to some holiday activities and chores. When I turn those two things around in priority, things are just not good. Scheduling regular time with God for bible reading and prayer helps to keep my focus on what really matters, and the Christmas season is no time to let that slip.
With me laid off from work I have become closer God and have realized that more isn’t always better so this Christmas season my family will be celebrating more of reason for the season then all the commercialized things. I have prepared my children for a small Christmas and I think they are ok with it. I have just prayed and asked God to bless our family for the season and lets just enjoy having the ones we love around for the season. That is my grace. To have the true meaning of Christmas and not get all caught up in everything else. Thanks so much for sharing with us.
Thank you so much for the devotional and for your honesty and encouragement. I am giving myself Grace to just be in the moment. Get out of my head, with the planning, to do lists, and activities. And instead, njoy the moment that is right now, whether it be the quietness of my home as my girls are at school or in the craziness of four excited kids all talking at the same time, telling me about their day. The Grace to show them (and myself) acceptance and love during this busy and beautiful Christmas season. Praise God for His never ending Grace!
I am giving myself grace by not stressing over having the decorations up early and everything having to be perfect. I am going to focus on Jesus, the reason for the season.
I shared the devotion thoughts with all three of my sisters via e-mail for my second entry:) Thanks!
I have been on my knees a lot lately but sometimes the busyness of the season on top of the regular daily routine does get to be a bit much. Thank you for the devotion & reminder to take time out for devotions & prayer. It truly is the only way my day will go right. Thanks for the give away too-I would love to share the book with my sisters & mom-we would all take turns reading it (I have 3 sisters:). Thanks again!
Thank you for reminding me to focus on the most important thing. Immanuel . His grace is with me everyday, but I often forget to really ponder what that means. I love your poem & I’m going to share it with friends!
Love this post. It is so true and we all need Grace. Even more so this time of year. I know even now I let myself get caught up in the hustle and bustle of Christmas and forget why we are really here. This past week I have made myself stop and focus on him. It has truly calmed my heart and my anixety.I love God in all that he brings, that he knows before i know. It is hard to just give it all to him and trust in him but this time of year you just have to. I thank you fo rthe encouraging words. I need that this week. We have had alot of health issues in our family and it is making it very hard to be in the spirit of Christmas. You helped give me a reality check reminding me that it is not the holiday but our savior we need to be celebrating.
“Invade my soul like Bethlehem” touched my heart this morning as I read your poem. It made me wonder how often the presence of the Lord is knocking at the door of my heart during the holidays and I have consciously let Him know I had no room in the inn so to speak. I appreciate your video and Lord knows how much we all need GRACE! I have heard the acronym for Grace, God’s Riches at Christ’s Expense. For the holidays I have changed it to God’s Really Amazing Christmas Encouragement. Thank you for being there for all of us.
I will spend more time meditating on the Word of God.
Thank you so very much for sharing about grace today with me. This is exactly the advice and wisdom I needed at the right time to have a meaningful time every day during the Christmas Holiday! I am sure that because of keeping grace with me, many more people will also be touched by God’s Holy Spirit working through me! May God richly bless you, Renee!!
I am giving myself grace everyday throughout this season by just learning to relax and take it easy. I have simplified Christmas every year and cut out things that may be considered “musts” to most.
Thank you for reminding me to be still and quiet in His presence. It is so easy during the Christmas season to “make” ourselves so busy that we forget the real reason we are celebrating Christmas. Thank you for sharing your talents with us, I am going to post your poem throughout my home. Merry Christmas.
I am giving myself grace by forgiving myself and trying to like myself where I am in my journey today, instead of being hard on myself and having too high of expectations.
I am giving myself grace by forgiving myself and trying to like myself where I am in my journey today, instead of being hard on myself and having too high of expectations. I will just keep trying and just keep praying. Thanks for sharing!
I need God’s grace EVERYDAY. It is very hard to not expect too much of ourselves, especially during special times of the year– holidays, birthdays, etc. We should try to remember the story of Mary and Martha. I definately tend to be more like Martha and need to remember what truly is the most important thing.
This devotional touched my heart as Christmas is always at my house. My family is large with my parents being in bad health. All the planning is my responsibility and each year I am so stressed trying to make everything “perfect” This year I will have surgery on Dec. 16th and everyone knows they need to pitch in. I am not going to worry about the perfect Christmas, I am accepting God’s GRACE and taking care of me.
I love the words (and the reminder) to “unwrap His presence each day” and I can do that when I give myself God’s grace to take the time to sit and experience Emmanuel, God with Us. What a great way to start out my day!
Thank you for this devotional and video. It is so important to remember and unwrap God’s grace each and every day. This year I’m encouraging my daughters to give gifts to those less fortunate through our local Angel Tree gift program. They are truly enjoying the process of choosing, making, buying and wrapping these gifts for others that they will never meet. May God bless everyone’s Christmas!
Renee, Thanks for the reminder today. I am tired of trying to meet so many people’s needs this Christmas. I need God’s grace for me to be me and not to have unrelaistic expectations. I need to rest in his plan, presence and promises. And today is just the day to do just that! Your devotion is very timely just like God has planned it especially for me! Blessings to you and yours. Bing
I too have been longing for God’s presence. As I balanced my checkbook, I realized that I need to surrender my finances to God. My time and my diet to God. Although I haven’t felt the Christmas rush, I have kept myself busy enough that my time alone with God has been compromised. Your devotion and prayer touched my heart because I have been missing that quiet presence and time to reflect on the Christmas miracle.
Christmas seems to hectic on the day so I try to make the days leading up to be peaceful and draw to Jesus. I try to really focus on Christ birth by spending time in the word before my day begins I have to get up early but it is worth it.
This is my first Christmas without my mom I am trying to give myself grace and allow myself the sad feelings that I am having. While others are planning holiday get togethers with family, my family is spread out and will not all be together during the holidays. I am praying for a peace around that and focusing on the true meaning of Christmas…not the stuff…not the decorations….not the get togethers….but Jesus!
Thanks for the message! I am giving myself grace by not stressing over where my adult children will spend Christmas day…with me or their dad or their in-laws. I will be here whenever they are able to come over and celebrate Jesus’ birth with me.
In speaking with my 25year old daughter who seemed so stressed out .we spoke about expectations . I told her if we have big expectations and they are not met we become disappointed. So we need not only to receive grace but also give grace when those expectations are not met. We will be much happier and less disappointed and we can see God does to meet our need.
I came to your blog this morning empty and committed to reconnecting with Christ so that I would focus on what Christmas is really about. This was perfect! I intend to give myself grace by realizing that it’s ok that I can’t hold it together all the time and that I can’t figure out what is best for everyone. Thank God He can do both and I pray that every time I start to feel overwhelmed, doubtful, or scared, I will remember to quickly run to the cross. Thank you!
Wow. Until I read your devotion and watched your video today, i didn’t realize how much I have NOT given myself grace tbis year. My husband is working out of town and I am stressed and frazzled already. Thank you for the glasses I needed to refocus and set my priorities in perspective!
I’ve tweeted!
I’m giving myself grace by letting others help me during this difficult season in my life. I’m giving myself grace by letting God take control of my life!
I am giving myself grace this Christmas by living each day of the holiday season to it’s fullest & not rushing ahead. Each day I take some time to enjoy the holiday. Maybe a little baking, or some decorations, playing a carol or 2 on the piano. Each day, is special, a gift to enjoy from God. As I am blessed I hope to bless others. Thank you.
I’m giving myself grace this season by letting my grown children take a more active role in our family gatherings. I ‘m not the one doing all the cooking and baking this year! 🙂 This has allowed more time to truly enjoy this Christmas season.
This Christmas I not only desire grace but am working very hard to give grace to my family as well. With the busy season, work, homework, laundry…etc I continually forget to drop my expectations and just be thankful for what people do in my life and/or who they are. So I’m going to slow down and take a deep breath and desperately try to remind myself…”it’s okay” Have a blessed day!
This prayer was just what I needed. This time of year is extra stressful for me because I teach and have to do testing for report cards while the students are extra excited about Christmas coming up. It gets overwhelming and I plan on carrying a copy of this prayer with me. Thank you for sharing this wonderful gift.
I love this time of year so much but it can lead to overwhelmed feelings. This year I am trying to enjoy things more and if I don’t send out cards, it’s ok! I want to enjoy my family and help them have happy memories of Christmas – centered around our Savior – not memories about mom being a stressed out mess! ( : I hope you are having a wonderful December too!
I love your thoughts about grace and letting yourself off the hook to more fully enjoy the beauty of the precious moments of the holiday season. I experienced grace by letting my very young kids (2, 4, and 6) help me decorate the tree. Usually I get so uptight about where the ornaments are placed and worry that they will drop them. This year I relaxed and let them enjoy the stories behind each ornament (some are from my childhood) as they got to place them by themselves on the tree wherever they wanted. Seeing their little faces light up with delight as they made the tree beautiful was so much more festive, and “in the Spirit” than me frenetically placing them while calling the kids down. My tree was overloaded on the bottom and unevenly spread, but I could see the joy of being together, sharing stories from childhood and the Bible, and having fun as a family were far brighter memories than perfect decor.
I am giving myself Grade this Christmas by not expecting perfection. We don’t have the perfect tree, but we do have the perfect Savior. I pray that I will remember this as I wrap, bake, and prepare. I’m also planning my son’s 2nd birthday two days after Christmas and I’m reminding myself about God’s grace in this as well. Thank you for your beautiful post and your reminder. Just before I read your post- I said to my husband frantically- when are we going to shop, none of the presents are wrapped, and we need to clean and so on…….. And then I went to God and he gave me rest and your message!
Merry Christmas!
I listed the wrong blog address above. You can find me at…
God’s Shining Stars
and at Creative and Curious Kids!
I am giving myself grace by letting everyone truly help with the decorating, the joy of how our children remember the traditions and letting go of my expectations and taking the time daily to enjoy God’s gift of grace in my life.
I am giving myself grace with much less Christmas baking.
I too, am letting myself “off the hook” this year with respect to the usual decorations. At present, my house is in disarray while my brother in law is laying much needed new flooring throughout my house. Due to living on a very tight budget-the assistance from this family member is most appreciated. The trade-off however is waiting patiently as he can only work the pro bono project when he has a day off from his job.
While visiting the cemetary to place flowers for my father’s gravesite yesterday-an awesome thought occurred to me as I was spending time in my thoughts with God. The cemetary sight is surrounded by beautiful evergreen trees. I gathered a few branches while there to place on the mantel for “light” decorations. This will also serve as a reminder to me of my special visit with God in the midst of my sadness. 12-13-11 marked the 3 year anniversary of my father’s death after having committed suicide. This date, two days after my birthday, and of course-12 days prior to Christmas Day brings on much sadness for me. However, my GREAT REDEEMER is here with me seeing me through these days as He does every other day providing sufficient GRACE!
I’m giving myself grace in not sending Christmas cards this year. And Im choosing not to feel bad that our Christmas tree isn’t up yet. All our nativities are and that is the centerpiece of our celebration. Hopefully the tree will get put up and decorated “lightly” this weekend. Grace, grace, and more grace. It’s what I need and what I’m receiving from Jesus this Christmas!
I’m giving myself a big break this year. For the first time ever, i’m not doing Christmas in my home. I gave the honors to my eldest daughter. We’re having Christmas at her home. Such a big weight off my shoulders. She really loving the honors of having it at her home too. As well as Thanksgiving was at her home. This is a many of first time this year for her and my 18mo twins grandbabies too.
You message hit me between the eyes this morning. I so want this rest and grace. This will help me
receive it once again but during the Christmas bustle especially. I expect great peace as well by reading y our poem daily & stopping during my responsibilities to listen to Him in the manger of my heart.
I shared this on facebook!
I shared on facebook also
I am giving myself grace today by focusing on the precious gifts that the Lord has given me… my children! I have an 8yr old and 6 yr old son and we recently adopted a baby boy. I have been trying to keep up with life as if a newborn was not affecting my schedule. WRONG! I am choosing to slow down and enjoy this precious time (even when it is hectic and sleep deprived). Every time I look at our sweet new addition I am reminded of God’s grace. Thank you Lord for your kindness and love and for blessing us with your son!
I am giving myself grace by reminding myself that this is going to go down in the memory books as the ‘Christmas that was’. In the future my family and I are going to see the rough patch we are going through now as our memory of how we made it through, endured and grew in our faith and trust in the One this season is all about. No matter that my house is not decorated, cookies are not made nor a single gift bought. Our hearts are (hopefully)being filled by a love that surpasses understanding.
I so love this post Kelly! We are struggling also this year. It will be just my daughter and me Christmas morning. Trying to remember that Christ will be there with HE always has been.
I am giving myself grace, but letting go of shopping for everyone and being more intentional about sitting in HIs Presence. Spending more time with others and being intentional about quality time and not material things.
I am spending the holiday season traveling to be with family, and celebrate this glorious season of Jesus birth, with those I love. Introducing my family to my boyfriend and meeting his family and bring happiness and worship into their lives with the message of our Saviour. This will be the best holiday season every.
Perfect timing on this message. Grace is an amazing thing and God has given me grace so often in life. As I drove home from dropping my son off at preschool, to later have to go back and see his Christmas play; I began my conversation with God & reflection on all the things I’m grateful for in my life. Whereas the past few weeks I’ve been thinking about all the ‘stuff’ to do. Today, I woke up knowing it was simply time to slow down and appreciate my blessings and what the true meaning of life really is. As I reflected on my drive, I thought of all the people who have helped me in some little or big way along the way these past few years of life. I teared up thinking about genuity, love and grace given to me on so many occasions. I felt humbled and grateful. I came home sat down with my coffee and saw your message on FB. What perfect timing that God has to affirm He is and should be our focus. Simplicity permits grace and today I am especially thankful for this message about Grace. This month, I gave myself grace by canceling ‘travel’ for work and opting to work remote from home so that I could be …home where I should be with my children. I don’t feel guilty. I feel peace. Thank-you Renee.
Lisa- Thank you for posting this video on Facebook and connecting me with a wonderful Christian resource. I respect and admire you for your dedication! You encourage and support people, organizations and beliefs with a sincere heart and warming smile. To see you seeking growth as a Christian woman is so uplifting! May God bless you and keep you- as you firmly plant yourself in a solid foundation to benefit your life and that of your family and friends.
Venecia –Thank you so much!! You are awesome! I too appreciate your posts on FB when they show up in my news feed. The respect and admiration is mutual.=D Wishing you many blessings full of love and grace through-out this month and next year. <3
Thank you, Renee, for having the courage to share your heart with us! You have helped me tremendously and I know many others as well!
This year I am giving myself the gift of grace by only decorating a tree…no other decoration required! I’m going to extend grace as I learn how to be okay with not buying presents for everyone. And I’m accepting grace in the knowledge that I don’t have to make this Christmas like all the past ones.
Thank you Renee–I too am giving myself grace by not allowing myself to rush to decorate our home just because everyone else has there’s done. My daughter, Alma, my only child, has not spoken to me in 2 1/2 years because of wrong choices I made when she was a child (she will be 32 on 12/31) I am giving myself grace by accepting God’s forgiveness for my sins and knowing that HE forgives me and gave HIS only son so that my sins are forgiven. By God’s grace and through HIS promises I know that HE is working in the unseen world and I thank him each day for the healed relationship between me and Alma–even though I don’t see it in the seen world. I am giving myself grace by giving money I would normally spend on family to other’s that have no money to bless there children due to financial and health reason. I am giving myself grace because that is God’s will for me in Christ Jesus!
I’m giving myself and my family Grace this by not stressing out on buy those expensive gadgets but instead by sharing with them the awesome good news of Christ during christmas, by starting new traditions rather then every year run aroud looking to please them with expensive gifts that truely are not needed. This year I didnt put up our christmaas tree until last week, but however quickly put up an Advent Wreath on thanksgiving to prepare for the 25 days of Christmas and have been doing activities with them every night, also took them to a live nativity to help with the 25 days of Christmas. This is the first year that we have found CHRIST & GRACE, so to share all the good news is awesome and especially very special to experience it all with my family. My husband and I decided that we would send our little extra tioletries to our church to help out where needed. AWESOME IS our SAVIOUR with all his overpouring GRACE!!!!
Thanks Renee for the encouragement. I love the holiday season, but I will continue to focus on Him. The greatest Gift.
We are not doing Christmas cards this year either. I am seeking to find the true meaning of Christmas. I have not done any shopping for my family and I do not want to wrap another gift. I walk through the stores and do not see one thing I wish to have for myself or any inside my home. I would love more than anything to have the social view of Christmas taken from our home and celebrate it as it should be.
We do have our little wooden house up and in each door we have placed a piece of candy and a bible verse form the Christmas Story. Each morning one of our five children take their turn in opening a door, and removing the verse. They have the whole day to carry it with them and learn it. They may also look up the verse in their bible or all the bibles and learn the one they like the best. At dinner we say grace and then the verse will be read. After dinner they will get the kiss, that was left in their door for the day.
I love it. This is what makes my day. We are also having our 3rd annual Carenet Christmas party. I love it because it is a time for fellowship and spending time with those God has blessed us with. Everyone brings an item for Carenet. Then I get to take all the items to Carenet. They will give them to those who choose life for their unborn child and to make a better life for themselves. As these women come and watch child birth videos and get involved in bible studies and go to all of them OB appointment they earn credit and that credit it what gets them the items we donotate to them. I love this!
Thanks for this great opportunity – I pray that whoever wins your drawing will be blessed tremendously through the study… and will bless others through working through the study with two friends. What a smart way to encourage relationship building through the giveaway! 🙂
Thanks for the opportunity!
Hello Renee,I love your site.I would love this gift to send to my best friend who does not alot of money for your books.She all of these things you are offering.Thank you for all you are doing for all the women of the world.Love,Elva
a good book AND good coffee! need I say more? =)
great blessing to recieve
I set a goal to finish up the holiday rush of shopping and wrapping so I can sit at His feet and enjoy the blessings of the year with family and friends. Life has been crazy for all of us, but it is time to slow down so I can hear what God is saying to me!!!
As I listened to your video the troubles that has already taken the joy from my daughtercame to mind. she is in nursing school and getting married this going May. She will be done with college at the same time. Her boyfriends parents got a divorce this past year. His mother is remarried and his father has a live in girl friend and her children. My daughters boyfriend was asked to move out since he was getting married in May anyway. Our family took him in. He lives at our house but they dont live together. they have different rooms and rules they abide by with no problem. May daughter tried to plan their Christmas with all these new families. I told her Christmas was not to be this way. Christmas was a time for us to be thankful to God for our Savior Jesus. It was about Peace and Joy not about making everybody happy. In return for her tring so hard to please everybody she got a text from her boyfriends Father telling her not to even come to his house she was not welcome if she could not come
Last year my spirits were not high during the christmas season; I didn’t even decorate. This year all is well, but I think that I have given myself that rest; or grace in what I am giving to others. I am choosing to give not the “perfect” gift, but ones that I want to give and I’m going to be o.k. with the fact that it may not be one that they “totally love”. I have truly learned it’s about the giving and I have confidence in the things that I am giving that they are blessed by God. My goal for next year is to constantly work on having a confident heart in everything that I do because I know it will be the work of God. Thank you for your message!
I tend to want everything to be perfect. Thank you for reminding me that I don’t have to have everything done; I just need to slow down and enjoy my family.
True humility requires us to empty ourselves and be filled with Him. This is where we discover the reality of God’s presence and power. When we choose to humble ourselves, we deal with the very core of our sinful nature. Then, we are in a place where God’s grace and mercy can be poured our on us. Lord , help us to understand that your strength is perfected when we choose to humble ourselves. Forgive us for depending upon our own strength and not Yours. Help us to understand, that we must decrease so that You can increase in us especially during this holiday season.
I love the message of your video. I am terribly hard on myself and making sure that all school parties are taken care of, every child has their gift for whichever activiity we are headed to, baking, cleaning, and still trying to remind my family of the reason we are allowed to share this season!
I cannot wait to have a confident Christmas!
God Bless you!
This advent season has been one of expectation… of hope, joy, peace, and love… and getting back to the simplicity of Christmas… looking to the infant-King and being like a little lamb…. silent, and bowing before Him in rest…
Sticking with a “less is more” theme…Finding those special few decorations and candle holders to strategically place around the living room. A tree with special ornaments…
Reading the Christmas story is first before any other gift is open…and those gifts are not as many this year either… simplicity… we really don’t NEED anything…
Joy in Jesus,
I’m giving myselg grace by not feeling obligated to have my Dad for Christmas. I will instead visit and celebrate with him at the nursing home. He isnt comfortable having me care for his incontenace and since thanksgiving was a disaster, I think this will give each of us a more pleasant time together. Having a hard time overcoming the guilt, but that’s what God’s grace is for is’nt it.
I so think your video was written just for me today! I so need focus on God’s grace. I am giving myself grace today, staying in bed to red while recovering from strep throat! I also felt God saying earlier this month that one Christmas tree was enough, not the two as I usually put up. My Christmas card list was reduced to those only out of town! And I am sure there is much more I can trim, with keep God as my one and only focus! Thank-you for your beautiful message!
I’m giving myself grace this year by drowning out the chaos of life and listening to God’s leading in the days leading to Christmas with all the “worldly” things to do leading up to Christmas day! I wasn’t planning on writing up Christmas cards for all my co-workers, just the ones I was close to, but the thought, “remember the reason for the reason: giving” was laid upon my heart, so I wrote up a card for all my co-workers. I have been praying for the Lords will in my practicing one random act of kindness every day in my small attempt at changing this world & as challenging as that sounds, the Lord has been answering my prayer in that area doing small but meaning good deeds for others. For the first time since I can remember, I can actually say I don’t want a “thing” for Christmas, all I want is to “rest” in Him, celebrate Him and what that means for me/us. I believe the power of prayer is huge and I’m spending more time praying and leaving my concerns in His hands and in His time, not mine. I praise the Lord for the work that He’s doing in all of our lives. God is good all the time, God is good!
This video has really touch my heart! The way you explained that emptiness in your heart this season is how im feeling and i hate it. But Gods grace and mercy is so awesome because the scriptures that you shared are the same ones God had been showing me Matt 11:28 & Jer 29:11. Thank you so much for being obedient to the Holy Spirit! May the Lord bless you & your family this holiday season!
Oh by the way, I’ve only put up my tree and decorated my fireplace and thats all im doing. And you know what, I feel great!!!!!
It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays and to forget what its all really about. I am giving myself the grace of slowing down and enjoying what all I really have and by doing so will be able to share grace with those around me. During this time of year, I often wonder how many people ask “what do you want for Christmas this year?”,,wouldn’t it be awesome if everyone would just say “GRACE”???!!!. Yes,,I AM giving grace to myself as well as sharing it with others this Christmas season and hopefully far beyond it. Thank you Renee. Grace to you and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Just what I needed today Renee, thank you! I’ve had long hours at work this week and events and night so I’m stressing on how I’m going to get the sugar cookies baked for Saturday. I started a tradition with my nieces and nephews as soon as my daughter came along (3 years ago), to have them decorate sugar cookies when we get together for the gift exchange. I have another event tonight, so that only leaves Friday night to make the cookies. Your post has made me realize that we normally forget the real reason for the season amid all the hustle and bustle. I’m not hoping that grace will forgive me for buying sugar cookies instead of making them and using that time to study God’s word, another thing that gets pushed back due to daily events. Thank you Renee!
I’m giving myself grace this season by not feeling bad about how un-nerved I am facing this coming season. It’s scary to me. But I’m trying to embrace it. And trying to embrace it, I wish I could just embrace it and sound very faith-y, but I’m not really feeling that way. So I’m giving myself grace to not even be great at accepting the season I am in.
Thanks for sharing Renee 🙂
Renee, I’m living in the same place of grace – not sending out Christmas cards. I’m choosing to invest that time in my family and my Jesus. Filling up with Him and them gives me an infinitely merrier message to share!
I also gave myself grace this year in not sending out Christmas cards. Just something I could not do this year. I also only decorated ‘lightly’ this year and it looks very nice actually. I am just about finished with A Confident Heart study and it has been amazingly wonderful. WOW, what freedom we have in accepting God’s wonderful GRACE!!!!!!
Im learning to let go and let God.. That is hard for me . Im learning when things dont work out for Christmas and when your kids cant be with you. . God will work things out ♥ i’m learning to let God have control =) Im learning to not be dissappointed ..God always comes through in his timing .
I shared ! =)
Thank you so much Renee for sharing your beautiful poem A Christmas Prayer. I also am looking forward to joining online to share in reading your book, A Confident Heart. May the Lord’s Grace continue to Bless you and your Family.
I am giving myself grace this year by only putting up a single strand of lights for Hanukkah,that lights up the living room nicely, it reminds us of God’s light surrounding us in the dark. I am slowing way down, focusing on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as my daily refreshment and sustenance. I am not planning any big events, although we are planning on attending several parties that are focused on Him. Trying each morning to spend that precious time with God, He remains my focus throughout the day, and my joy is more constant and abiding. His is truly the joy of my strength! 🙂 He is the light of the world, the light of my world, and He gives me more Grace than anything.