Today, I have a gift I want to give you. I’s a gift EVERY WOMAN NEEDS! And it’s tucked inside this short video. I recorded it last week for a friend’s Christmas give-away, but after I finished it, I just knew God wanted me to give it to you too! So, instead of reading about it, please click the arrow below so I can tell you about it.
I’ve got a question and a give-away for you, but first here are some things I want to share::
Printable Christmas Prayer
For those hopping over from my P31 devotion today, welcome! That story I share in the video is the year that led to the writing of my Christmas prayer. If you’d like to receive a FREE printable version of it, please enter your email in the box below and click signup.You’ll receive an email within 24 hours that include links to download the prayer as a printable 4×6, 5×7 or 8×10 you can frame for yourself and give as gifts.
Confident Heart Online Study
I also want to invite you to join me and women from all over who will gather here beginning January 16th to read through my book, A Confident Heart. We’ll walk through each chapter together and discover how we can overcome self-doubts and strong or even subtle insecurity by learning how to to live in THE security of God’s promises! I’m so excited about all God’s laying on my heart for our study, and I’d love for you to be part of this special community where we’ll share encouragement, prayers and stories of all that God is doing in and through us!
To join us, enter your info and click Sign Up..
To find out more details about online study, click here.
Enter Today’s Give-away
How you are going to give yourself grace this Christmas? I’ll share my answer in the comments below. You can share yours and any other thoughts you have about video message or the topic of my devotion and you’ll be entered to win this gift pak just in time for Christmas:
- Copies of my book (for you & two friends)
- 3 Sets of Confident Heart conference calls (optional)
- $10 Starbucks gift card
- Godiva Chocolate Bar
Click below this post where it says “Share Your Thoughts” and do just that. Then be sure to share this post with friends (see those tell-a-friend buttons? They make it really easy). If you do, leave another comment and tell me. You’ll be entered twice! {Update: Congratulations Angel Miller (your were selected in our prayerful yet random drawing for a winner. We’ll email you details! Thank you all for entering. Be sure to sign up for email updates in the sidebar so you don’t any future give-aways!)
Thank you so much for being such an inspiration.Your devotions really help me a lot.I’ve been going through a rough patch but everytime i read them my soup is revived.God bless u and your family.Blessed christmas and new year
soul*…excuse my typo
Thank you for your message. It was just what I needed to hear today. Your messages always inspire me!
Should have been a good lamb but sometimes when all the chattering is going on in my head – I feel like there is more than one of me. lol
I really needed your Christmas prayer. I have been so preoccupied with material things and worrying about my grandson. I forgot to thank God that my grandson is safe in my house. I moved to live with my daughter in a new home and have a new craft room. I have time to be in His presence and thank Him for his wonderful promises. God is a faithful shepherd and I so want to be a good sheep. In fact, I am. He died for me. Blessings to all during this holiday season in which we are assured of God’s continual care.
Hopefully I’m not too late for this giveaway. Renee, I loved your video. It’s just what I needed to hear as I’ve been running around like crazy finishing up work and school, trying to get “ready” for Christmas and not feeling like I’m accomplishing the job. I am going to give myself grace by also not sending out Christmas cards. I have this week off, and look forward to sitting quietly with my Jesus so I make sure I remember just why we celebrate Christmas.
Good bless you!
I need Grace for everyday for sure, not just the holiday season. Thankfully Jesus gives it abundantly – I pray that I will be able to give it also.
PS – I’m trying to re-subscribe with my new e-mail address and I can’t sign in anywhere. I’ve bought the book for the study in January, but since my sign in isn’t working I’m afraid I’ll miss it. Help!! Thanks.
Ah!!! — one click finally worked!! Thanks.
Renee, just had to say that I shared your poem with the entire fellowship of church this morning. It really came just in time to make me realize that I needed to take things lighter and let God handle the situations. I am giving myself God’s gift of grace by not worrying about who is or who is not showing up at the house. and alot of other minute details. Maybe my blood pressure will go down. from 190 over100. Thanks for your ministry and drinking Starbucks is my way to treat myself along with a good book to read and study.
Renee, The Lord has initiated a weekly Bible study in my home regarding His Word in conjunction with your book A Confident Heart.
He and I spend much time together in prayer for the precious women who faithfully come for breakfast, worship and study each week. And without surprise on my behalf, He shows up each and every week to pour out His love and Holy Spirit on our gathering.
We have seen a woman delivered of the results paralyzing pain of childhood abuse. One woman shared of the brokenness she experienced as a result of the broken marriage of her parents. I was once and for all finally released into my destiny after praying the Jabez prayer and believing a friend, who sent me a message 9 years ago urging me to claim Jer. 29:11 for my life. Some of our women have learned to claim the promises in God’s Word for themselves because you followed God’s plan for your life by writing this anointed book. God is working in and through your ministry Renee.
I ask that you would join me in prayer that our Bible study members and I will fervently seek the will of our Father as He releases us to minister to the hurting and the brokenhearted.
I believe there is work to be done around every corner.
My request of Our Lord is that I don’t miss my calling. He has made it quite clear that we are all called. However, I believe that that calling is suited specifically to each individual. So please pray for patience and dilligence as He reveals His will for each of us, yourself included.
It is so tempting to see a ministry need and throw ourselves at it full force. But I so desire to be in ministry where the Lord can be most effective through me.
Your book was an early CHRISTmas gift th the members of our group. And hands down, this has been one of the most meaningful gifts many of them have ever received.
Thank you for following the will of our Lord upon your life. We are all the richer for having read and shared your book. May God richly bless your ministry Renee Swope and Proverbs 31 women.
I’m giving myself God’s gift of grace and taking off the pressure of baking dozens of Christmas cookies that we do not need to eat! I’m also going to stop feeling badly that my family or my husband’s does so little together any more and celebrate my own little tiny family.
Opps I forgot to say Thank you for the poem. I am going to share it and bless as many as I can. God bless.
In the midst of the craziness. We need to hear encouragement. It is amazing how we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of this world. Someone asked me at church today, if I was done with my Christmas shopping and I have not even started. I have been a little financially challenged. However, yesterday thru our Church and Make A Way Charities. My two children and I received blessings. I was speechless. and so thankful. God is awesome and always meets every need especially when we wait and trust in Him. Thank you for sharing this. I really needed to hear this. God bless you and your family,
Renee, The Lord has initiated a weekly Bible study in my home regarding His Word in conjunction with your book A Confident Heart.
He and I spend much time together in prayer for the precious women who faithfully come for breakfast, worship and study each week. And without surprise on my behalf, He shows up each and every week to pour out His love and Holy Spirit on our gathering.
We have seen a woman delivered of the results paralyzing pain of childhood abuse. One woman shared of the brokenness she experienced as a result of the broken marriage of her parents. I was once and for all finally released into my destiny after praying the Jabez prayer and believing a friend, who sent me a message 9 years ago urging me to claim Jer. 29:11 for my life. Some of our women have learned to claim the promises in God’s Word for themselves because you followed God’s plan for your life by writing this anointed book. God is working in and through your ministry Renee.
I ask that you would join me in prayer that our Bible study members and I will fervently seek the will of our Father as He releases us to minister to the hurting and the brokenhearted.
I believe there is work to be done around every corner.
My request of Our Lord is that I don’t miss my calling. He has made it quite clear that we are all called. However, I believe that that calling is suited specifically to each individual. So please pray for patience and dilligence as He reveals His will for each of us, yourself included.
It is so tempting to see a ministry need and throw ourselves at it full force. But I so desire to be in ministry where the Lord can be most effective through me.
Your book was an early CHRISTmas gift to the members of our group. And hands down, this has been one of the most meaningful gifts many of them have ever received.
Thank you for following the will of our Lord upon your life. We are all the richer for having read and shared your book. May God richly bless your ministry Renee Swope and Proverbs 31 women.
I am out of my comfort zone and comforts of home this year. Whereas I would be deep in baking and my house full of decorations, I am staying in the home of another and content to just take a break in grace this Christmas season.
a good book and good coffee! great blessing to give and receive…. You are a blessing. =)
Thank you for sharing your heart & your prayer poem. It is a real encouragement to me to stay focused on the true meaning of Christmas. I also really enjoyed your video clip & the much needed reminder of remembering His plan, presence & promises. I am going to e.mail your devotional & prayer poem to the ladies in my tuesday morning bible study. Iam also going to share with them info on your online study, maybe this way many more women can join that would of not been able to come out to the bible study. Again thank you so much for all your time & effort you put in.May the Lord Bless you &Keep you & make His face shined upon you & give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26
I am so excited you are doing a give away again . . . I keep signing up and praying it will be my turn this time :o) – – My grace is coming in the way of me telling my mom I can not do Christmas dinner this year due to 6 lil ones finding Santa gifts, unwrappng all their presents and leaving the most glorious mess on the living room floor. Truly is the most beautiful mess. Also to the special service at church we will be attending on Sunday Christmas morning as well. I said ‘no’ to my mom . . . I’m starting to wonder if I overstepped the ‘grace’ boundaries . . .
I wish I had connected with you years ago but this year I really need the encouragement, fellowship, support and His grace more than ever. , I haven’t sent Christmas cards, put up any decorations, gotten a tree, baked or gotten more than a handful of gifts since my husband died 10 years ago.This time of year used to be so wonderful. I looked forward to each of those things as I prepared for the celebration of the season of His birth, with my husband, his family and friends. I have no children, my family isn’t close, and I lost my job 3 years ago. thank you for giving me the one thing I need to focus on – Him instead of me.
Hi Renee, I sent an email to my friends about the gift we all need and the giveaway. Somehow I missed that detail the first time, that we could do that and get another entry. I don’t have facebook or twitter, but I did send several emails. I really need a copy of your book!
Merrry CHRISTmas!
Thank you Renee, for sharing the gift of Grace from God, It is what my weary heart is needing right now.
Your message really spoke to me. I pray that all who are weary will find rest in God and comfort in his promises and love.
Oh my goodness – I’m searching everywhere for Grace – trying to enjoy this holiday season for once 🙂 And I am 🙂 Such a blessing!
Thank you so much for an inspiring look at the true meaning of Christmas! As women of god we need to share and help each other win the battle of the flesh. God’s Grace is such a wonderful gift and embracing that gift truly brings us closer to Him. I, too, tend to get caught up in the fury surrounding the holiday season. But your message warmed my heart and brought me the perspective I needed at just the right time. God Bless and Merry Christmas!
You know you should read your devotion over and over again and each time it will become so much more real and you’ll get a deeper understanding of what God shared with you to share with us. Grace is such a beautiful word that stands for motherhood and womanhood. Without it we couldn’t manage to take care of all we have to do and still take time for ourselves. Life is just to busy to stop as I’ve heard so many times and smell the roses, pray for ones that God has brought to our mind. Your terrific and so is P31.
Love you, Sharon
Even thought I was not able to follow along weekly with the group to read “A Confident Heart”, I was able to finally read the whole book. And the book was excellent. Thank you for your ministry.
The book was full of truth and very practical. I will keep this book as a reference book to go back to and recommend it to other women.
Thank you so much I needed this and do need so much with God confidence in my life!
Renae, I also shared the link on my Facebook wall…. perhaps there are others who need to hear your message of Grace and God’s presence…
Renae, I have loved reading your book, “A Confident Heart” and I enjoyed your video message about Grace..I am recuperating from surgery and have been struggling to get everything done…Thank You for reminding me Who this season is about. I would love to be able to share this book with a few friends! Thank you for writing the book and answering God’s call on your life!
It is the season to seek Grace! I think everyone gets caught up in the hustle and bustle even if you aren’t doing the big shopping thing. My sixteen year old is out for Christmas break, so I have things planned every day in the week leading to Christmas. Baking cookies and sharing them with grandparents, visiting a relative in a nursing home, work on a home cooked meal together for my husband, and just spending some quality time with family. Thing are always so fast paced, I feel the need to slow down and just spend time reflecting on the the Lord ‘s Grace and how blessed we are. Bur also doing what Jesus would do, share his Love and Grace with others. Merry Christ,
Mas and many Blessings,
Laura Hegemann
Thank you for your reminder about God’s grace. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I’ve already cut back a lot on what I normally do for Christmas (not hosting the Christmas party, not baking six types of cookies, etc..) in attempts to “simplify.” But I’ve done this without embracing God’s grace, and not surprisingly, I feel just as burdened and empty as in previous years. With nine days until Christmas, I am going to start again–try to be still in God’s presence and celebrate His amazing grace.
Thank you, Renee, for the gift of your video. It is true that we can get lost in the commercialism of the season, so I really appreciate your reminder to feel God’s grace.
I am giving myself grace by letting go of some holiday expectations and being available to more spontaneous, simple time with my little children and husband. I also need grace (and motivation) to finish up some large tasks I have started that weigh heavy on the kitchen counter 🙂
Hi, thanks for the message about grace. I sure need it and am thankful for God’s gift. We don’t have the decorations up Yet, and I am struggling with even being interested in Christmas this year. Your message helped me get better perspective.
Thank you for sharing this!! It was wonderful!! I am giving myself grace by not getting caught up in the hustle of Christmas. Taking it easy and making memories!!
Thank you Renee for this wonderful reminder… I have been wrapped up in the stress and pressure of planning and preparing for the Chirstmas season, and I have forgotten to unwrap the greatest Gift given to us that first Christmas, Jesus. Thank you for encouraging us to find rest in His presense this Christmas.
I am sending Epiphany Cards-rather than Christmas Cards….I am not decorating the whole house. The tree is up, and the kid’s Fisher Price Nativity is out (my kids are 3 and 6, so my ceramic one stays in the attic). I am not going to lament the few cobwebs when my parents and brothers come for Christmas Eve dinner 😉
I am sharing to facebook as well!
As I sit here in my home in Texas and listen to the rain fall, I am experiencing God’s Grace. We have had such a drought and I know that we do not deserve the rain, but because of His grace, love, and mercy, He is showering our land right now with rain. For me, I need His grace as I struggle with my addiction to food. Just today AFTER I downed a bag of peanut M&M’s I immediately started the verbal abuse. “How could you be so stupid”, “why do you do this when you are already so over weight”, and on and on it goes. I know that God loves me just as I am, however, I need grace to love myself. I hope to be able to join the study and with the gift of your book, I will not have an excuse, Thank you for your vulnerability as you share your own struggles with your weight. It helps when you know that others struggle. I know that I am never alone, because God walks with me, but it is easy to feel alone in this battle. Thank you for sharing your heart.
grace to simply enjoy the season and not get caught up in gifts, big meals, being every where. but to simply experience it all through my children’s eyes
You have touched my heart so much. You truly inspire me. I love love your Christmas Prayer. I plan to have grace during this Christmas season. I have had such a stressful year this year with my job going thru a merger and I didn’t even take down my Christmas tree, yes you heard correctly. I decided that I would remove that stress from myself. We had limited time to take off. I want to enjoy my family, my church, and the reason for the season. What a blessing to be able to be in the House of the Lord on Christmas morning. Renee you are a true blessing and I want to thank you for helping me get thru my day. Thank you for sharing yourself with all of us.
Your words of encouragement give me such freedom and to explore ways to experience grace without feeling bound by expectations of others and especially of myself! Your book would be such a wonderful addition to my library. God uses so many people to impact my life and you are one of them.
This year GRACE has been given to me by God through my family. I took a part time job to be closer to family and of course that meant budgets had to change. As a family we decided for the adults not to swap gifts this year. What a blessing for a family to understand and make it easier for each other. At moments it still hurts to not be able to afford to purchase gifts for everyone like we would normally, but what a blessing it is to call up a family member and be able to say come over for dinner. We talk, vent, laugh, share, and enjoy our time together!!!!!
Just watched your interview on 100 Huntley, encouraged by a dear friend who had watched it. We have decided as 4 friends to read your book as a book club study, we discovered that we all share the same insecurity because of not feeling wanted by our parents. We were never physically abused by our dads but were made to feel like we were a burden. Because of this we have a brokenness as women, trying to find our identity as 45+ women. We look forward to reading your book and sharing with other women to help them walk in freedom! Thank you for sharing your heart with the world!
Karen Friesen