Satan is a bully who tries to make us feel small, inadequate, less than and insecure. But we don’t have to believe him anymore.
Often times He’ll use something to trigger our self-doubts and then he’ll pounce on us with lies. Today can be the day you decide YOU ARE are more than a conqueror through HIM who loves you!
I’ve got a short video message based on my book that will equip and empower you to stop letting doubt and discouragement beat you up and start letting God’s Word build you up instead! Watch this for a practical way to beat the bully of doubs with the power of God’s promises.
{Download FREE Confident Heart “Triggers and Truths” Printable here}
A Summer Diet of a Different Kind!
Lose the weight of self-doubt by joining over 40,000 other women who have gone on my FREE 7-Day Doubt Diet. Filled with daily insights, powerful promises and scripture-based prayers, you will receive a week’s worth of life-changing Confident Heart devotions.Sign up here
“Confidence Boost” Giveaway:
Today I’m giving away a year’s subscription to the P31 Woman magazine and a copy of my book, “A Confident Heart” (to keep or share with a friend) along with my message “Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence” on CD and a Starbucks gift card! To enter, click “share your thoughts” below this post and let’s talk about those things that trigger your doubts and what truth God spoke to your heart today through the video message and/or my P31 devotion.
And the WINNER is…. Erin Maxwell {announced July 26, 2012}
Receive More FM thoughts each day on my Confident Heart Facebook page!
Heard a message on Z88.3 FM, about checking out an article called “my true identity” on Renee’s blog but I looked and couldn’t find it, can you pleas email it to me. Thanks..
This site really hit the nail on the head for me. As I suffer from insecurity, inferiority, and lack of self confidence. It’s like as time goes on, it’s been just getting worse. .
I’ve been noticing struggles of inadequacy lately. Thank you for your message and practical advice on the AM/FM application
In January I was fired from a position I had held for 3 years and in a field I had worked for over 15 years. After reading your P31 devotion, I starting thinking about why I have not put my full heart and energy into finding another job. That was the first and only time I had ever been fired from any job and it really filled me with self-doubt and questions as to if I should to return to that type of work. Since I don’t have many skills in anything else, I have avoided looking for work in a new field.
I can see how Satan has done his work in me.
Thanks for opening my eyes and heart.
I so appreciate everyone’s honesty on here. It really helps to know that I’m not the only one who struggles with insecurity. For me it feels like an eveyday battle (sometimes minute by minute). It doesn’t help that my husband isn’t walking with the Lord and can be very critical of me. I find myself often striving to be “good enough” for him (and of course failing because he is man and not God) and that really triggers my self-doubt. I need reminders like this post that I am good enough for Jesus and that is what is most important.
i have a difficult time focusing on the positive-negative thoughts always seem to creep into my head and i can’t seem to shake them. This is especially difficult when it comes to my marriage. thanks for sharing what God has put on your heart.
Thank you for sharing…a wonderful devotion. God has been helping me gain confidence for some time now and I can see how He is continuing to do so. I realized that shy was just a fear I had as a younger person but now, thankfully, I am pretty outgoing. I am excited to watch what He continues to do. Keep up the good writing.
Thank you for your thoughts and new book. I need all these messages yesterday. Rading over these posts and prayer requests, make me feel not alone in my struggle with self doubt, insecuriey, aloneness, putting my esteem in a box and handing it to others to judge and then totally focusing on what they say even when I know it is not from God. I feel so trapped at time. My friend has told me numerous times to believe what God says is tru about me and not others. I can’t wait to readyour book Renee and gain the tools to know what God says about me is true. Thank you for your message and to all the women before, be still and we can start anew with God.
Thank you Renee for the inspiring reading – its really a revelation for me. It just clearly sums up what I’m going through day in day out. Before I read this, I can’t even begin to explain my problem myself – but today’s reading just laid it all out clearly for me…thank God & thank you.
I’ve even sort of developed coping mechanisms to it that it wasn’t until just recently then I realized I was putting limits around my ability as this fear/doubt/insecurity continues to control the way I deal with situations and people around me. I’m paralyzed with doubt, fear and insecurity eveyday it renders me inactive – I’m almost always passive and reactive & uhhhhhhhh I can’t t stop…part of me was starting to believe that I’m just wired this way (a cautious person, strategic thinker, have to be reassured before acting – thus not reckless) in fact I realize that the devil being the liar and deceiver he is is putting me under this bondage – I’m living in a great ball of fear that will never allow me to do anything beyond self assurance so as to protect myself from humliation/embarrasement etc…its crippling.
I can’t honestly voice out my opinion, I can’t do what I think is the best way to do things…I can’t even think the way I normally think..its like my whole person is being altered. I think way too much about what other people will think…I just feel like a prisoner in my own thoughts. I’m having a normal conversation with someone & my mind is running 2, 3 steps ahead…& bam I can’t say anything – coz I’ve already analyzed the unfolding conversation & there’s no ideal thing to say that would fit perfectly in to the conversation without the other person shooting me down in any way (small or big)
But thank God for His grace – I believe in my heart today is a new beginnning for me & through Him I will beat fear/doubt/insecurity & satan & reach beyond my abilities to God’s plan & promises of prosperity in my life….
Thanks for sharing your story. I have an awful time with discipling myself to study God’s word or to unclutter my life. Right now I’ve become a recluse after my two surgeries and just hate leaving my house. I used to belong to several civic active groups but the thought of leaving the house frightens me. If I do have to go anywhere like doctors I want to get back home as soon as possible. I just don’t know how to break this and get back to my oldself. Its become like an addiction. Can you help. It’s the hardest also to read a book. I can’t concentrate as I read and wind up reading the same thing over and over and then give up. It’s about like Post Partum Blues without the Post Partum. Thanks, Sharon
I am far from perfect and struggle with my own fears and insecurties. But, one thing that does help me is to remember Philippian 4:13- “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Recite that verse over and over as you leave your house and believe it in your heart. Maybe start with a small Bible study group to go to and work up from there to other activities as God would lead you. The more you stand on God’s word, the further satan will flee from you and you will become your old self again.
Blessings to you!
I struggle with the same doubts most of those who posted do. I struggle with not feeling worthy of God’s love because of my sins. I often compare myself to others and base my worth on what other people think of me instead of what God thinks. I am working on it but I still struggle. I hold on to the scripture “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Without Him I can do nothing.
As a mom of a teen & pre-teen I so desperately want to instill Godly confidence with humility in my children, but am overwhelmed about how to do this when I so often struggle with my own confidence & doubts. Thankful for the thoughts & encouragement you have for this prevalent problem of so many Christian women today. We need reminded and encouraged of who we are and what we have in Christ continuously.
Your message confirmed what I need to do: be intentional about spending time with Jesus and getting into the Word. Thank you for sharing. It is so easy for me to get caught up in how I feel about a situation and lose track of what the truth is.
I am interesting in feedback concerning how to overcome doubting one’s salvation, manifesting itself through a fear that one has not believed enough in that regard.
My doubts come from listening family members that let me know they don’t approve of the life decisions I have made. I am thankful for Christian radio too. I have my car on Air 1 radio and at work I play it on the radio in the office even though I am in and out. I will here part of a song and then sing it in my head until I step in again.
“HE SAID” by Group 1 Crew is the one that I come back to often lately.
“I won’t give you more
More than you can take
And I might let you bend
But I won’t let you break
And know, I’ll never, ever let you go”
Don’t you forget what He said
Don’t you forget what He said, He said
I see now that I HAVE to be INTENTIONAL to battle my thoughts with God’s promises—-cause those doubts & insecurities, fear, etc. slowly ease in unbidden. I’ll practice this new habit until it becomes automatic AND THEN….I’ll keep on practicing !!!!
Satan, the bully, accuser has been after me for the last year..last December at my 20 week ultrasound we discovered that our fourth child has a heart problem, each month we would go to the doctor for ultrasounds and follow-up appointments until his arrival in April. Before our son Hexakiah was born we were aware he had a congential heart defect, but a more serious condition a congential diaphramtic hernia, he had a very low rate of survival. The doctors could give no explination for his conditions, his DNA appeared to be normal and no other defects were present, so thats when Satan started in on me telling me its my fault, I am a failure as a mother..look what has happened to my baby.. when Hezakiah was born on Aprill 11th, 2012 I was thrilled to finally hold my precious 4lb 4oz baby..but it was so very bittersweet, he lived for 58 minutes and is now in heaven with his heavenly father.. this loss has been so difficult. I have 3 beautiful sons that I have to keep on for, and some days Satan just hold me down with doubt and fear and guilt… I am encouraged and reminded that God is in control, and although we still have no explination for my sons congenital defects God had a purpose and a plan for him Jer, 29:11.. as much as my heart hurts and longs to hold my baby I know he is in the best place possible and is with the one that created him in me.. and I have to remember each day that I am not to blame, that God is in control, and that I must trust him.. my son has brought my family closer together and closer to God and for those things I am forever greatful!!! Thank you Renee for your encouraging words and reminding me of God’s strength and power, for we do have victory over Satan when we put our trust in him!! Bless you!!
Thanks for the video. Being stressed and/or being extremely tired triggers my insecurity and lack of confidence. Although I was high school valedictorian and received many academic accolades/awards, I always had a guilt trip layed on me whenever I did not get an “A” in a class, even if it was not an academic class, i.e., it was an elective. It is difficult to be confident when you still are criticized when you are doing well. I need to actively fill my thought with godly thoughts and HIs truths — prepare ahead of time — so I can replace the AM thoughts with the FM thoughts.
I have struggled with fear of not being loved, failure, not belonging, I’m not good enough, I’m not capable enough…..the list goes on. Now that both of my parents are gone, I really feel like an orphan–I have three older, married brothers however they have their own lives with their wives, children and grandchildren. I do have a wonderful Godly husband and two awesome sons and one daughter-in-law. My relationship with my daughter-in-law is great however I have different expectations from the “mother-in-law/daughter-in-law” relationship than she does. I am leaning on God to give me the patience I need for this relationship to grow over the years. Sometimes I feel like I am on a roller-coaster, one day up, the next day down, and the cycle starts over again. I have friends that tell me I have an outgoing personality, I can talk to people very easily, I can make people feel comfortable but inside I feel that I don’t measure up. At the end of the work day, I go home and retreat the solitude of no people around except my husband.
Hello, God Bless us all !! I could”nt help but notice all the wonderful little quilt squares in the conner of each person’s reply and thought that is what God made. Through all of our experiences, each one different but the same we are all awesome and together we make a quilt that covers us gives us warmth, comfort and surrounds us with love. Making a quilt takes time and a lot of Love goes into making one, which is what God is doing with each one of us.Ican’t tell you how much your book hit home for me, and I look forward to learning more and being free of all the negitive clutter in my head!
I am often being told that “everyone is not like you.” Meaning that I am confident in my walk with Christ. I took the Doubt Index Analysis. I scored a 76. I am very interested in this book because I want to ensure myself that my boldness in Christ is not Boasting. I don’t Boast but I do let those around me know that this is God. I walk in His word and I love this life. I will be sharing this book with friends and family. We are starting a bible study among friends and I will be sharing this book with them. I have found that being in God’s word is what is keeping me walking in His word. Daily with the devotions and friends email I stay in His word. My goal is to be in His word before I get to work and not all while I’m at work. Keep me in your prayers. I’m still striving to be what He wants me to be.
My questions & doubts have to do with the relationship I don’t “feel” & haven’t “felt” for some time now. I always felt so close to God & so hungry for relationship with him & knowing him. Now it too often seems that it doesn’t really matter. And I KNOW that is wrong, but I’m stuck. I want so much to be disciplined and to spend time in study & prayer, but don’t find the energy, desire, or time. I KNOW its my fault, but I can’t seem to get over it. Anyway, that’s where I am.
A great reminder that it doesn’t matter if we don’t measure up to others expectations or our own for that matter. So often I counted myself as others judged me. Not so now! I know I matter to the King and that is all that matters!
I have struggled with insecurity my whole life. Help me.
I have struggled with inadequacy all of my life. This feeling of being inferior blossomed when a boy began to call me “Fatty” every day that I walked past his desk on the way to my locker. The pain clutched my heart like claws. I still feel this pain at times today. At age 11, I found my precious 20-year-old sister dead on my parents’ bed with a gun pointed at her head. I will never forget all of the blood I saw. I adored my sister and always wanted to be like her. I felt as a young child that I had failed her — perhaps I had not let her know how much I loved her enough or maybe I did not say the right thing the night before. This fed my feelings of inadequacy. Please pray for me as I still struggle with feelings of inadequacy with my children, grandchildren, and friends. I deal with fear of losing my closest relationships. Thanks for sharing your insight from God!