Satan is a bully who tries to make us feel small, inadequate, less than and insecure. But we don’t have to believe him anymore.
Often times He’ll use something to trigger our self-doubts and then he’ll pounce on us with lies. Today can be the day you decide YOU ARE are more than a conqueror through HIM who loves you!
I’ve got a short video message based on my book that will equip and empower you to stop letting doubt and discouragement beat you up and start letting God’s Word build you up instead! Watch this for a practical way to beat the bully of doubs with the power of God’s promises.
{Download FREE Confident Heart “Triggers and Truths” Printable here}
A Summer Diet of a Different Kind!
Lose the weight of self-doubt by joining over 40,000 other women who have gone on my FREE 7-Day Doubt Diet. Filled with daily insights, powerful promises and scripture-based prayers, you will receive a week’s worth of life-changing Confident Heart devotions.Sign up here
“Confidence Boost” Giveaway:
Today I’m giving away a year’s subscription to the P31 Woman magazine and a copy of my book, “A Confident Heart” (to keep or share with a friend) along with my message “Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence” on CD and a Starbucks gift card! To enter, click “share your thoughts” below this post and let’s talk about those things that trigger your doubts and what truth God spoke to your heart today through the video message and/or my P31 devotion.
And the WINNER is…. Erin Maxwell {announced July 26, 2012}
Receive More FM thoughts each day on my Confident Heart Facebook page!
Call it a so God moment….as i opened my devotion this morning and realized the topic….self doubt, insecurity, etc. I am a very bad place mentally. My faith is strong but the pain in my heart is unbearable at moments. I keep looking up and Satan keeps attacking, ….I am feeling less than adequate, rejected, alone….ironicas God does not feel like enough, and yet he is. Sometimes you just need another human being to talk to or share with- someone/something tangible. I am not certain how the drama crept in my life as i stay on guard continually–all I know is from work, to my children, to past experiences, to helping my community/military, a friend–something has gone wayward. I am doing all I can to be confident and trusting God–reading my Bible, praying–living in the moment trying to not think–but I can’t help wonder why God is allowing these things…and if it is that my faith is not enough, or am I just too blind to read the neon sign to guide me–I am afraid, doubtful, insecure, alone and unsure but I will continue to pray through it–be steadfast tho- I am not…maybe at the end of the day I will have a peace and understanding. Thank you for your devotional, I will buy the book today…meanwhile, pray these chains be broke from me–as well as for my dear friend who struggles daily with PTSD.
I’m sitting at the table…coffee in hand , tears streaming down my cheeks bc I so needed this this morning! I don’t have to write a long comment… Bc God knows what I need at this VERY,MOMENT!! I would thoroughly enjoy this gift. But even if I don’t win, I am blessed by that video and so glad that I found u on FB!! THANK YOU RENEE!!! LOVE you!!!
Thank you for the words of encouragement ! I am learning to redirect my thoughts!
I have always struggled with insecurity. As I am the “black sheep” in my family…..the only church goer, the one who has always battled weight and now and seriously struggling financially. My husband and I have two girls, 6 and 7, and as this has caused severe depression. And other serious issues in my life and Also consumes me daily I am terrified my own children are going to take on these feelings. I pray daily for God to change me but feel it’s just not working. I believe He can, and I’m sure it’s mostly me!!!!! I just don’t want my beautiful girls to suffer the way I have and I am clueless How to change. I pray for this chance or one day to be able to get this book. Thank you.
Thank you Renee for sharing this great devotional. This is such a huge problem for women – doubt. I do believe we need to stop listening to the lies of the enemy of our soul and keep focused on God’s Word that tells us the Truth about ourselves. You used one of my favorite verses – “You are more than a conqueror”! It’s great to be a conqueror – but God tells us we are “more” than a conqueror! How great is that!
Thanks always for your great words of encouragement!
Susan G.
Doubt & insecurity enter in when I am discouraged, when I feel rejected, and when I let fear control me. Listening to the video message makes me realize there is truly a simple cure. Be alert– be prepared to replace our AM thoughts with FM thoughts. So simple, yet a struggle to do consistently.
Maybe it comes down to a faith issue– do I truly believe in the FM thoughts. Dear Lord, help me in my unbelief.
I lead a group of ladies at my church through your book and we finished 3 weeks ago due to schedules. I enjoyed every single chapter and thought I was done learning from the book. But I still received emails and would take time to read them and today hit me like a ton of bricks. I have been struggling with not feeling equipped to do my job because in the worlds eyes (qualifications) I should not be a director of a preschool but I truly believe that the doors opened because of My God and not man. We began as a 5 day preschool in January and were trying to add a kindergarten this fall. We did not have the demand we thought we would and now can not offer it, the teacher is VERY angry right now because we can not pay her that salary but she still has a job, just not as the kindergarten teacher. She has made hurtful comments on fb and to her friends. I am struggling with what I am suppose to do because my twins were going to be in this class and now I have to send them to public school, which I did not want to do. In the meantime, our family finds out our renter in our home in tn is having to move out 5 months early due to his wife returning from deployment and cleaning out the bank accounts and leaving him. Both me and my husband work in ministry, which at times does not pay enough. This is a 1500 mortgage payment that we don’t have to pay right now. It is on the market and we are praying that God brings the right buyer. My wonderful husband points me back to Christ when I have days like this. He says what is the worst that can happen we lose that house and go into foreclosure. Our credit in this world is not what matters….it’s our love of Christ. I was also reminded by a dear friend that no weapon formed against us will prosper. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, i am not perfect and I will fail those around me. I pray that God continues to lead me and that I am obedient to follow.
I have so many negative thoughts about myself. I feel discouraged and feel I am not competent to do what God has called me to do. I know that he is there with me (in my heart) but my mind makes me question. I am getting ready to start a new with my new precious kindergarteners and am fearful that I will allow myself to get caught up in the old AM thoughts comparing myself to others, doubting my capabilities to do a good job and show my new students love, compassion and the desire to learn. I love the idea of using FM thougths and having one ready when one of the old doubts reappear. Thanks for some good thoughts and ideas to get me back on track!
Thank you, Renee, for a great devo on exactly what plagues me. Love how you are so relatable and provide us with the truth of God’s Word on how valuable and loved we are. I need a daily reminder.
Thank you Renee for the video message. I’m a little behind in the book right now, but the video spoke to me in that I too often listen to the AM thoughts when it comes to my happiness (I suffer from the “if only’s”) and when it comes to my self-resteem (I suffer from focusing on my clothing size and weight instead of who I am through Christ Jesus). The truth I learned is that I need to ensure that I’m focused and immersed in God’s word and let that truth fill my heart. Thank you for the triggers and God’s truths as well. Those are helpful.
I struggle with being happy with the way i look and how smart i am as a person. i know in my heart God made me i am beautiful and i am smart enough for what ever God has me here for. but where i came from most look down on others knowing the truth now to make their self feel better. but as a child those things stick. and then satin’s lies. it defiantly a battle!!! i enjoy your devotional and it encourages me deeply! Thank you very much!!
Thank you so much for your encouraging words!! Satan has had me under attack with fear and doubt for the past week and I’ve been asking God to show me truth. Well like always he delivers! Only I can allow others to affect me but I must believe Gods truth for my life that he has set before me!! My past is no more and can have no strong hold on me unless I allow it!! Thank you for your wonderful ministry to others and obedience to God!!
Please pick me….this video really spoke to me…..we all need to lean in and believe He can clean out these oh so frequent negative thoughts and replace it with His Way. I am so glad I have found this website. I’d love the P31 magazine!
I thank you for sharing the message about doubting yourself and how so easily someone can forget about who Satan is and how he uses doubts, the one of his many tactics used to try to steal all the gifts and blessings we have in Christ. I am struggling so much with doubts about myself not only as a wife, mother, but even a person who is here on earth. I know that I am here to serve God and tell others about Christ be a living example of Christ inside of me and the testimony that my life has to share to others, but since I moved out of state to Az. I haven’t found a church I could call home nor have had any luck making friends. So I really want to thank God for allowing me to come across crosswalks website.
Wow. Today’s devotion really resonated with me. I hadn’t even considered how a single comment could bring down my whole week. Yet, when I look back at times that I’ve felt unneeded, not useful, or all around weary, it’s usually after a time of weakness or a single event of negativity. I’m excited to read this book.
I have gotten so much from going through this study, especially using the FM thoughts to counter the AM thoughts.
I always feel insecure about what I am supposed to do or what I am able to do. I am constantly criticizing myself for the mistake. I tell myself I am stupid. I look in the mirror and constantly find fault in the way I look. I feel like the ugliest creature in Gods creation. I work with many men. I hear them talk about women and discuss whether they are attractive. I constantly think. If they don’t think she is all that attractive then they must think I am a hideous dog. I see these women I think they are definitely beautiful. Then these guys say “oh she is a 5” I can’t help but think, “if she is a five i must be a negative 8”. They are not talking about me at all but i feel like they are criticizing me. if we are discussing an issue and we disagree I automatically think they disagree because they think I am an ignorant woman. Its hard to live this way but it is a constant thought in my head. When i am driving somewhere new and get lost. I think and say i am the only idiot who cannot follow simple driving directions. I feel like God could never use me or love me at all. It seems like God created all things to his liking and as an afterthought he created women. You read or hear men talk about how they are better at this or that than women. I feel if God created me to not be as good as men at those things then i am useless to him and all others. it is never enough. I am never enough. I don’t matter to anyone. I cannot do anything. Why bother. I don’t even feel as if God wants to use me and he never answers my prayers or leads me to anything. i feel as if I am just drifting through life.
I doubt myself all the time. I lead worship at our church once a month and no matter how many thank you’s or good jobs I still struggle with the feeling that I am not good enough to be up there leading. It isn’t a thought of I want people to think I play my guitar or sing well, it’s that I don’t want to be a distraction and cause people to miss out on true worship or God touching their hear. I know God wants me there. He put a guitar in mu hands a few years ago and doors started flying open.
All the insecurities seem to come from negative or silly comments in the past. Even after I’ve had good comments to replace the bad, the bad seem to be what’s remembered. I hope I’m making sense. I had my tonsils out yesterday and the meds are causing me to have a hard time forming complete thoughts.
One of my triggers is when people ask me questions during conversations. I immediately think I’ve said something stupid or wrong. And most of the time the questions are just for the sake of conversation or they really are interested to hear more. It happens so fast I don’t even realize it. Ugh…
Lovrd the thought that she was able and willing to search deeper into the reason for her insecurities. I pray that I will be motivated by God to search the real reason for my hesitancies and sometimes refusals to do what God has called me to do.
Wow. 246 comments ahead of mine. So many sharing much the same. I find it interesting how paralyzed I became with fear this past weekend. What I experienced was lack of confidence and feelings of inadequacy and doubting my abilities (so self-doubt). I haven’t been able to identify why. I need to spend more quiet time and be in the Word to let the Lord show me why. I have a deep passion to carry on a ministry and a work that has not yet begun, and I believe the fear is attack of the enemy. What has helped is scripture, taking God’s promises to heart, and confessing who I am in Christ and who He believes I am. I have yet to read your book. It sounds like it would be most helpful. Thank you for sharing your heart and what the Lord is teaching you.
Renee, thank you for today’s message, you found me right where I am today. Definitely you were lead by God, I needed that message so badly. Since we moved to England four years ago, my health has worsened and I am mostly house bound, I have major depression problems too, that I am fighting with my faith, it was good to hear today that I’m not alone in these thoughts. Thank you for the opportunity to win your book and CD, I really need help and direction. God bless you in your ministry. Kind Regards Mandy Currie ([email protected])
I have lived in the land of “self-doubt” forever and I want to move away permanently. I am going to study this deeper and prepare for the move. I do not plan on needing a moving van. I am only taking myself and plan to “decorate” my new home with the interior design line with products such as “Positive Paint, Fabulous Flooring, Super Seating and Confident Curtains”. Corny maybe, but I am a visual person, so I need to see myself in a new setting. Everyone is invited over for tea!
I don’t remember ever NOT having self-doubt and insecurity over almost everything. My childhood was filled with so much abuse and rejection that I thought for a long time that I was just damaged. I learned at a young age to put on the happy face and often overachieve, always looking for the approval of others and never wanting to upset anyone. I did that for so many years trying to “earn” the attention and affection of my earthly father. I just wanted so much to feel that I was worth fighting for. My stepmother never accepted me and resented me being around. And my mom has battled depression and addictions my entire life compounding the instability of multiple marriages and homes. What made matters much worse was the fact that all of these adults in my life making such horrible choices that profoundly changed my outlook on life were Christians. So although I believed in God, I think I always felt He was more AM that FM. As an impressionable child, it really made it difficult to grow in faith and trust of Him and to not doubt HIs love as well.
I have a great husband and 2 great kids, but I never feel secure in any of my roles (wife, mother, daughter, friend, etc) and always struggle with fear, doubt, and it’s ugly sister worry. I have times where it gets a little better and I’ve noticed that it directly correlates to how much time I’m meditating on His word and working to replace my AM thoughts with FM ones. Satan definitely knows these weaknesses too. I have been fortunate to also come across some excellent Bible studies, like Beth Moore’s Breaking Free. I’m currently reading Lysa’s book, Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl. I have printed the AM/FM thoughts page (twice actually-think I lost it the first time!) and the Triggers & Truths. I know I need daily, sometimes hourly, reminders of Truth and FM thoughts and I think what you said in the video is so true…I need to be armed in advance!
I would love to read your book and if you make it into a Bible study, sign me up!!! In the meantime, please keep me in your prayers as I continue to allow God to help me identify my triggers and fill my mind and heart with HIs Truth!
Your devotional today was so though provoking. It really made me think about how much I doubt myself. I have let it overwhelm me now that I am a wife and mother. I am excited to read your book.
I am so thankful for your book and this study! I have always struggled with self-doubt and it’s so good to have these tips to help get through the worst moments. I never thought about looking for triggers before and then trying to do ‘battle’ to counter-act the trigger. I’m looking forward to learning my triggers, how to do battle with them, and winning this war against self-doubt!!! I am so thankful the Lord loves me too much to leave me as I am and that He never gives up on working on me to make me more Christ-like <3
How fitting that I read this the morning after I blew it with some friends because of my doubts about being good enough for them. I have been working for almost a year to repair a hurt friendship, and reacted to a couple of situations this week in a manner that showed how much I HAVEN’T grown… All because I don’t feel like this 30-something single will ever fit in with the married mommies that surround me. In it all, God is teaching me what it means to be accepted by Him, and what that looks like played out in real life.
I really enjoyed todays post & video. I’m saving the “Triggers & Truths” verses to read daily. Another one of my favorites when being assaulted by doubt is Jeremiah 29:11. Thank you for sharing and letting God speak through you. 🙂
I have been really struggling with discouragement, doubt and lack of self confidence lately, it just seems like satan has a foothold, he has found a weak spot and keeps attacking.
I have a job that I truly enjoy, I believe God put me in this position, otherwise I do not believe I would have been hired. The timing and everything were perfect. It was a blessing. Lately though things have kind of gone down hill, it seem like coworkers are focusing on the negative, I am very hard on myself too, I tend to make mountains out of mole hills.
I read the first chapter of “A Confident Heart” and it was almost like she had crawled into my head and wrote it about me. This morning on the way to work satan started ‘reminding” of what my mom told me years ago when I was a teen, she told me “you will never be able to hold down a job”. I told satan, “just leave me alone, I am God’s precious gem, no value can be put on me, I belong to him, so just leave me alone”. I am working on focusing on what God says, not what my mom told me. That was the only time she said that, only that one time, there were a couple other things at other times that were said that he also tries to use. I guess that is part of what James was saying when he spoke about the tongue, it is such a small part but can do such harm. I know that as Goad and I work thru this I will gain strength, and insight to what God is really like and just how much he does love me, which that he loves me in spite of myself, is really pretty amazing. I am looking forward to see my self confidence grow, the doubts leave, and the discouragement dissolve in to being able to encourage others. Just writing this little note I can already feel some of this happening. Maybe those AM thoughts really can be turned into FM thoughts.
Insecurity and fear have been a struggle in my life for years. Probably because i was told as a youngster, over and over, that I was stupid. No matter what I did wrong, small or large, that’s what I was told. I say that to myself sometimes when I drop something or lose something, etc. I know God loves me and I am working on internalizing and taking that truth to heart and sometimes that is easier than others. Thank you for all you do to help us walk with the King!
I guess that I’m just realizing that my obedience is not as good as it should be because I have not been fully forgiving and holding in anger and resentments. I realize that God Loves us unconditionally and that I should as well. I was letting my pride get in the way of growing spiritually and my prayer life. And it was getting in the way of growing as I thought it should and I was confused of why God wasnt working as I thought he should.
I know here you say that what we thing determines how we feel and that shows in how we live. Unfortunately I often operate by letting what I feel determine what I think and that is where doubt creeps in. When what I’m feeling is frustration or discouragement it leads my thought and then my actions are not very reflective of someone following Christ. This message is so important because it reminds me to keep my mind thinking clearly by knowing and being in God’s word so my feeling and life can reflect that instead!
Thank you for sharing. We have gone through 5 challenging years of financial difficulty, miscarriages, challenges with joint child custody, and they all have taken their toll. A toll on my belief and trust in God, and a toll on my confidence to persevere. It feels like the situation will never change. Job hunting is a real challenge to one’s self confidence. Rejection letters and no calls back on resumes, causes me to question myself.
Today’s devotion reminds to me to seek God for the causes of the doubt and to work through them with HIM, not try to process them on my own.
What triggers me is when I fear that people will see my weakness, particularly my weight, and judge me as not worthy. I also tend to give in to feeling overwhelmed, thinking that things are just too hard and that I’m too tired to get through it. What helps me is to be still and know God is at work, and to remember how deeply He loves me, knowing that is all that really matters.
I am anxious to dig into this area with a small group in the fall. I know this is an area I need help from God and accountability from some local sisters;) I need all the resources I can to look at this area. For a lifetime, I have let my insecurities speak into my heart. Time to fill it up with Jesus’ promises on a minute by minute daily way! Thank you for sharing these promises…they help me so much with my new journey of being a Mom of toddler;) love ya!
About 7 months ago, God began calling me to homeschool our children once they start school. I always had my own opinion of homeschooling and never thought it was for me. Doubt popped in and I felt I wasn’t good enough or smart enough to be able to teach them everything they need to know. I do have a lot of support, including my husband, but there are so many people who give me their opninions that cause me to doubt the whole decision. But after reading this book and hearing what you said in your video, it is just another way God is showing me that I am capable and his truth is much more important than others opninions. God is so good!
“Satan is a bully” says it all for me! He bullies my confidence, fear of want/need, how good of a stepmom I’ve been, why no godly man stands beside me in this life, but worst of all, my trust in God. This is something I need to repeat daily when I feel satan is bully my heart, spirit and confidence. Thank you Renee. Blessings!
When I find myself overwhelmed by my circumstances I can use “FM thoughts” to change the way I feel, the way I think and the way I live. But I do so remembering that I may have to repeat the process again until God has brought me through the circumstances to freedom in Christ.
I love this book, and am learning more and more about seeing myself as my Savior and my God see me. I love the encouragement I receive from reading your posts and devotionals as well. So blessed by your ministry.
Dear Mrs. Renee:
I also like all of the other responders,struggle with doubt. My situations revolves around a major fall at my own hand, as a result, I doubt the power of God in me when applying for a job. I sinned severly against God and Cesaer (my job), I leaned to my own limited understanding, allowing the Spirit of pride, and the Deceptive Spirits, to rule me. if you don’t mind me sharing the affects of my life(in that season) with others, I am sure it would not only transform the doubt in their lives, but allow them to see God a work. I was responsible for a transit program( the program was the first of it”s kind, in my workplace) I prayed that God would bless the people with the program (it was a subsidized pass program, helping people get to and from work using public transportation)He did, He gave us the victory, and the program was running and flourishing. I began to pray less and instead of God being my source of help, direction, and strength, the program became my god. I prayed less and worked more. I was blinded my pride and power. I would help some that couldn’t pay, by giving them “free” passes, and sold them to others that had nothing to do with my job. (confession is a bear!!!!) Nevertheless, I was so “stuck” that I didn’t see the destruction that was present, not until, it was too late and I found myself with criminal charges, a lost job, and on the verge of clinical depression. I cried out to God, confesed my sins of having another god before him, my failure to guard what He trusted me with and the sins of pride and disobedience.
God not only kept me, I served no jail time ( have court fee and restitiution) and He used my failure to be a testimony to others. I was used as a witness, then and now. He never fails, even when we fall.HE IS EVER FAITHFUL AND PROTECTS WHAT BELONGS TO HIM…1John 1:9- is my story.
My fears come when I appkyfor jobs and get rejected, because of my charges, but God!!!!!
Satan is a bully… Thank you for stating that in terms that hit home today. I am a teacher and mom who relentlessly tries to encourage children to do the right thing, because it it the right thing to do. When a bully enters an environment, our thoughts change and doing the right thing in confronting the bully, isn’t always easy. However, with Satan the bully, the victory has already been won by our Lord, Jesus! He has no power over my thoughts, unless I take my focus off of who I am in Christ. The next time I am made aware of a bully in a child’s life, I will recall your words and encourage my son’s to remember who they are in Christ, and thus become more accountable for recognizing Satan as the bully in my life that tries to take my eyes off of my Savior, and turn them inward, allowing the thoughts of inadequacy and doubt to flood into my mind. The battle has been won by Jesus! Help me, oh Lord, to trust you more and love you more.
I have been overweight most of my life, and that has colored my perception of myself. Being overweight is hard emotionally and physically– I had no energy, and pain in my legs and back every day. I know that my overeating is my fault– I was using food for comfort and stress release, and not God. So, this spring, I began a diet, and have now lost 55 lbs. I feel so much better, and I am so thankful that God has been with me every step of the way. I still have a long way to go, and I worry sometimes that I will lose the progress I have made– the urge to binge comes upon me whenever I have a stressful day ( and who doesn’t have those?) So, I look forward to reading your book, learning from it’s pages.
Denise, that is such a strong urge and I struggle with the same thing. I too am trying to find my identity in Christ so that all my hunger will be from Him, and He will be all that satisfies me. It isn’t easy though, is it?
Wow! I needed to see this message today. I have been paralyzed by doubt for some years now. I continuously go to school in order to have accomplishments but I still feel empty inside. I have never felt good enough and I HATE THAT FEELING. I have three beautiful daughters and a son and I want them to see me happy but despite the accomplishment I feel inadequate. I have fallen many times and failed at one marriage and it looks like my current marriage is not far behind. I know God and i feel like I have a calling to speak to other women like me but I can’t understand why? My home life is not in order and I have so much depression I am not sure what to do. I spend time crying and praying and everyone says be still but what does that mean? If I knew for sure what go wanted me to do I would do it I just can’t hear him. I thank you for these steps because I feel like I needed to send it. I received this message from a friend and I started to cry while I was listening to the video. I really want to have a confident heart but how can I fix the burdens that weight me down. I want to walk close with god and let him take control but I am not doing something right because I feel alone. I guess i just needed to get that out and it’s easier this way. Those that really know me think I have it all together but on the inside I am a wreck I need Help… Thanks for listening.
Doubt triggering things for me are past sins, for which I believe God has forgiven me, but I can’t seem to forgive myself for, totally. They’re there in my mind and I think, wow, I can’t believe I let that happen, I should have known better – I DID know better and did it anyway. Then, I go down roads like, I am just not making spiritual progress, and how can I possibly be confident enough to know that I WILL go to Heaven…you get the picture. Sideroad after sideroad leads right to – DOUBT.
We just discussed this topic last night in our Ladies Bible Class. Just going around the table discussing what causes us to have doubts helped us all realize that we are not alone in what we feel. That realization will help us reach out to others. I AM thankful for the life God chose for me.
I’m so glad I have had the opprotunity to share in this Bible & Book Study. I face self doubt daily, my husband tries daily to point out my short falls. I love him and feel sure he does it because of his own doubt. He is 21 years older and has a lot of medical problems. I pray daily for strenght to put his bitter remarks out of my mind & for God to give him peace and a forgiving heart. He has issues with all his children and most of his grand children; he rarely sees any of them. Ladies I aske that you all pray with me. I know God can and will see me through. Renee your message was very inspiring and I truly believe that God guides us to do things because He already knows what we will need tomorrow. I love that you just decided to change the station on your alarm. God is always so very good to us. Thank you for your book and all the energy you are putting into helping us all become more confident in our relatioship with God which also makes us more confident in our daily lives.
I need to be more intentional about thinking for me thoughts rather than my automatic against me ones. Often times I am my own worst enemy!! I’m sure Satan gets a kick out of this. This week I will kick Satan and his schemes to the curb and w/Gods love and guidance I will work on becoming the women He intends for me to be!!! Jeremiah 29:11.
I love that you remind us in you video segment that God is in control. That God chooses us and uses us as He see fit. He does not ask for more than we can handle. Often times we “think’ it is more than we can handle, but doesn’t God, our Father know better. I am ready to be obedient, to say Yes! to all He calls me to do.
the buly beast yes, he knows my home address… He seems to always come at just the right time to scare me… Thanks for the am/fm idea… I need to remember those promises when he comes knocking…
I have doubts about my spiritual growth due to my past. The more I try to fight against those feeling or thoughts the more they interfer with my journey to become closer to God. I want to be encourgaed by the daily devotionals, but often times I become distracted with everyday problems and issues, on the job and at home. I pray daily that God gives me the strength to move doubt out of my way, and that I can become stronger in his name. I want to move forward, toward being able toinspire others, by spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ, Our loving Father, who wants and will be there for us through all things.
Todays devotional was truly something I needed for this day and beyond.