When life gets overwhelming, do you ever feel like you might suffocate under everything you need to do?
Does worry ever weave it’s way into your heart and consume your thoughts with concern?
If I’m not careful, worry can wear me out and make me want to quit… just about everything!
A few years ago, I took my husband’s advice to write down everything on my plate so I could ask God what needed to be cut back. I listed my commitments and concerns, deadlines and dates on my calendar with every appointment, event, conference call and meeting I could think of for the next six months.
And I prayed: Please God, show me where I need to make changes.
I assumed the Holy Spirit would suggest adjustments in my schedule, but that’s not what happened. God didn’t tell me to make cut backs at work or in ministry. He didn’t show me our family had too many activities. He didn’t challenge me to take a sabbatical, although I was hoping He would.
Jesus showed me it was worry — not my workload — that was making me weary.
You see, without realizing it I was spending as much time thinking and worrying about concerns, commitments, circumstances and deadlines as I did working on them.
It was not only how I spent my time, but how I spent my thoughts that left me depleted.
But it wasn’t until I brought it all to God, and wrote it all out, that I recognized what was happening. I wonder if that’s why Peter tells us: “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)
The apostle Paul tells us the same thing, and shows us how:
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and A him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7, NLT)
But it’s not easy. Honestly, our natural tendency is to take control. And we have an enemy who suggests we do. But we don’t have to listen to the lies. Instead we can listen to God’s promises, and take these 3 steps to get God’s peace:
CLICK HERE to Download “3 Steps to Get God’s Peace”
Click “Share Your Thoughts” and do just that. Your comment will be your entry into my “Heart-and-Soul Spa” gift-pack GIVEAWAY that includes my A Confident Heart Devotional book, my favorite prayer journal from DaySpring and a $10 Bath & Body Works gift card!
I am so thankful that God uses this ministry to encourage us & remind us to look at Him and to Him. I am and have been so caught up in my self worry that I needed this reminder, Thank You! I need to seek Him wholeheartedly and also get into a bible study Asap.
So grateful for the encouragements.
I am so thankful God loves me: flaws, failures, cracks, crevices and all! I’d literally be lost without Him and HIs love! I’ve been wondering what God has next and I just wish I knew…until then I’ll keep praying and asking for God’s direction and blessing.
I often worry too much. Thank you for the reminder that He is in control so I have no need to worry.
Thank you for this! It’s so easy to try to take matters into our own hands without praying and handing it over to Him.
Oh how this message applies to my life! Ever since the doctor handed me my first child it was as if this cloud of worry and fear was instilled upon me. I was a new mom- needed to protect and care for this child, sleepless nights, crying….. I would ask myself?! Who says being a mom is fun?! I was consumed with fear. Husband was deploying & now my second child was born. A year apart…..the sleepless nights never got better. I was moving into my parents home into a one bedroom with 2 kids until my husband returned from deployment. The worry, stress, depression & this job of being a mom that seemed like the hardest most challenging thing I ever did!!! I got home and it was chaos. But it was here where I found a church home, support, Gods peace!!! Surrendering my kids, my life, my worries to him hasn’t been easy, I still struggle but it’s been such a blessing and a wonderful experience! God is good! Thankful for everything he has done.
Why do I still worry? Silly me. God has always been there, every circumstance, every time. His faithfulness is new every morning.
Thanks fir this devo! I havent been a worrier in the past but it seems as our family group grows, staying connected to God so that I don’t worry is huge!
worry is like a cold virus that wont go away no matter what you do to get healthy… there was a time would literally worry myself to illness, i worried about food, money, health, my children, work, loved ones.etc… then god spoke to me one day. ” my dear why you worry so much for all these things do not worry for i am in control and will provide you with just what you need and how much and when” i’m proud to say i’m fully recover from the dreaded “worry virus” although i worry a little god’s still and comforting voice remains me that all is well in my life and there is no need to worry!
“do not worry of what you will eat what you will wear for see the birds do not worry what they will eat the flowers do not worry for they will bloom let me worry for you and provide to you all that you need” ( sorry do not remember which book this from) 😉 a nice little gift from bath and body works sounds real nice for this busy mom of two and teacher!! i spend so much time ensuring my children are cared for and my students are cared for i often neglect my self in needs .
Thank you for these clear thoughts. Praying I remember to apply these as I walk through a difficult time with my 21 year old. The “what ifs” in my thoughts need to stop as I take it to God.
I thought I was prepared when I prayed, Lord if it’s your will to heal Jimmy by taking him home with you, Then so be it………But now, 3 weeks after Jimmy went home to be with the Lord, I question my prayer….My selfish heart misses him so badly, It physically hurts….I can’t stop thinking, IF ONLY I HADN’T prayed that…Now, I’m alone to finish raising our last 2 children, yes teens, but still under my roof…No life insurance, Jimmy’s med bills, then nursing home costs depleted our monthly income…I’m hurting so much, misses him so much, I’m so angry at myself for praying…Him for not loving us enough to try harder to get well……the tears just keep coming….My heart & spirit are soooooo broken…….I pray every constantly , Lord, heal my heart, my spirit, strengthen my faith….but all I hear is my broken heart screaming at me, Why did I choose those words?????????????????
Stress and worry…those two words seem to be what my life has been all about lately. Some days don’t even seem real they go by so fast. And in the mix of trying to get everything done so my list is clutter free, I miss valuable prayer time with God. My priorities get lost, and I in turn lose my way. I know God has my back and he always comes through, so why do I fret? Because I get lost in the moment and forget He is greater than I. I am not in control. Lord, please help me to keep calm and seek Your face always. Thank you for loving me even when I am unworthy. Amen
I feel like all I do is worry. I know that the worry comes from Satan. I know that the worry feeds my low self-image. I guess my problem is that I don’t know how to not worry. I guess I probably need your book. lol
This was a greater reminder of how wonderful god is. Thank you!
Thank you for this encouragement! My church just finished your Confided Heart Bible study. It has helped me so much! My mom recently passed after a lengthy battle of cancer at the age of 70 and my daughter is graduating and going off to college in the fall. I worry about loneliness and missing them both so much. They are my best friends.
I think your book would be most helpful to me right now! My family has been going through a lot of changes this last year and it’s not over yet. I have been in a constant state of worry…just when I think I’ve turned it all over to good I seem to take it back. Sigh…I feel as though there will never be light at the end of the tunnel. The last few days of reading your doubt diet via email has been helpful! I need it to continue! Thank you for that!
I am giing to try this when anxiety overcomes me, or when I feel so broken. It is a great reminder to look to God in these times and to man. That God is there and by my side during the stressful, tearful, anxious, and all other moments of my life.
Thank you for the reminder to give all our concerns to God. None are too big or too small.
Thank you for the words of encouragement. I feel like I’m constantly worrying. I need to take a moment and reflect on God. Thank you for the reminder.
Thank you for the 3 Steps! I continually worry that I somehow do bad things to people in hell. I worry that my boyfriend won’t get saved and is destined for hell. I worry that I will go to hell because I smoke and so can’t be saved.
I was reminded by today’s post….I can trust God for any problem that will come my way. I am a missionary with SIM in Guinea . I was not allowed to return due to Ebola. Since Sept 2014 I have been living in the unknown. Just today my plans completely changed and I was finding myself starting to go down the path of doubt and fear. The post got printed and will be posted where I can see it daily. Thank you for your ministry.
Greetings Renee,
Oh boy, can I relate!
As a wife, mom, ordained minister, juggling church ministries and work sometimes I’m not sure if I’m coming or going!
Most days life in my home is lived on fast forward, and as a result I find myself in pickle…up the creek without a paddle!
It’s all about the Word of God, balance, reflection, and TIME, TIME, TIME! Good use of TIME!
It’s all about God’s TIMING!
About letting it go…and letting GOD!
I do realize that I cannot do it all myself. I realize that I need God and His wisdom, and His love, and especially His Word!
Thank you for the reminder that Yes,I have to STOP worrying, and yes I have to START praying {when worry creeps up on me}, and YES I have to KEEP thanking God!
Thanks for this great reminder. WOnderful giveaway, too.
I have not considered that it was the worry the was causeing me to feel depleted, I thought it was just the number of things on the calendar. Thanks for a new insight.
I’m a HUGE worrier…..mind games consistently wake me up around 2:30am and I can’t turn them off. Definitely needed the reminder to THANK GOD for all that He has done in the past and will do in the future. His timing is always perfect. He is in control.
I always come away from reading you devotions inspired to be a better person, wife, mother, daughter, sister, etc. Thanks for sharing you beautiful gift of writing for God’s glory!
Such truth in this share! Thank you Renee! I read your book about 3 years ago and it really aided in developing my confidence in Christ. Which from that exudes in my every day confidence around others. You show where to look in the Bible for Christs unending love and mercy for each one of us. And that through Christ, we have everything!
Thank you so much for sharing your experience. This has touched me more than you could possibly know. I have been feeling so overwhelmed and like I just want to run away. When I read this, I realized that it is not all the activities, dates, deadlines, etc. that are overwhelming me. Just like you, I worry about EVERYTHING! I try not to, but I can’t help it. That is what keeps me up at night…thinking about everything that needs to be done and worrying if I will accomplish it. And when I forget something…such as missing the deadline to sign my daughter up for camp, I feel horrible. Thankfully, God is always there and makes a way…I was able to still sign my daughter up for camp. That is the reminder that I don’t need to worry because God is ALWAYS there. Thank you so much!! <3
So needed those three steps to get God’s Peace. My mind is in a whirlpool and I’m forever beating up myself about sometime. I study the word but I still feel like I’m failing God and my self. Right now I feel like I’m at the end of my rope.
Thanks Renee, I am going to do the same thing as your husband asked you to do. It never dawned on me, but I think I may be suffering from the same condition of exhaustion and overwhelmed by worry. I loved your Confident heart book and the OBS, I would love to get the devotional. Have a blessed day.
Thank you so much for this wonderful reminder not to worry. It brought to my attention that I have put too much time and energy into worrying when I should be wondering what amazing thing He is going to do next. Glory to Him!
In our heart, we know that God is able to do anything, solve any problem, work good out of our bad situations. We know that God knows everything that is going to happen to us, He never leaves us to handle these problems on our own…we know that and yet we worry or we think that we know how the problems should be resolved…so how does our head believe our heart? I am so thankful for His promise of perfect peace, ours for the asking, any time, any where. He is faithful!
Thank you so much for reminding me that sometimes I just have to slow down and remember to pray. Worry can consume us if we don’t remember to lean on God and thank him for everything he does for us daily.
What a timely post. I’m so encouraged reading God’s word and his love for us. Sometimes we forget just how much he loves us. There was a time when there was great distance between me and God, so I am so thankful and grateful for prayers and his ultimate peace. Your printable is such a wonderful reminder. Thank you. God does hear our prayers and will grant you peace that only HE can provide. I’m proof of that. Thank you again Renee for such a wonderful read this morning.
This was a great Word! This is so applicable to so many women (and men) and I can’t wait to share it 🙂 Thank You for encouraging us all with your wisdom and insight!
Dear Renee,
thank you for encouraging us to take it to God. I guess practice makes it perfect, so I shall stay applying and learning to surrender to God my worries not only first but permanently. I think this is my main problem- I surrender for His solutions, but then after a while I take them back thinking I can do it on my own, and so I go- back and forth….
Thank you for this!! I am a working mom of 2 girls with a husband that has a not so convenient working schedule so there is a lot of time I feel overwhelmed and doing it all by myself. I do try to give all my worries to God, but sometimes reacting takes over before I can truly think through the process of what I should do in a stressful situation.
I love these 3 steps and am printing them off to re-read often. It is very hard to “let go and let God”.
I have always been a worrier. I was always thinking of two or three things that could happen in very situation. No choice was simple. I included God in my concerns, but didn’t really listen that he would help if I believed he would. Then, one day I went to the doctor and found out my blood pressure was 175/90! When asked if I was having some situational stress, I said, “maybe”. Who was I kidding? I was stressed everyday over some little something. That was a real wakeup call for me. Now I am intentional about praying for God’s help with worry and decision making. I want Him to be in control, not me. Thank you, Renee, for that confirmation. I do need constant reminding that God will do the work he promises. I only need to thank and ask. Peace is already washing over me.
I am learning when I stop worrying and give it to God everything falls into place. It is hard to do but I try everyday. Thank you for all you do to keep everyone encouraged.
Renee. Thank you for this post. Although it was yesterday’s post,
God waited to let me see it today. It was exactly what I needed. I have cried the past two days. I have so much pressure on me and I have been consumed with worry. My mom just died 6 weeks ago. The day after her funeral, classes started for my last quarter of college. After 28
Years I am set to graduate on May 22nd providing I can get this research paper done by next week. Grief has prevented me from focusing. Days have turned to weeks and time is ticking by. I am frozen. Thank you for reminding me that Gods peace is always available and for me to present my requests to Jesus. Thank you so much for allowing God to use you to help me today. I saw you at the Cowgirl get together back a few months ago. I loved your testimony. Thank you again and I ask that you pray I can keep it together and graduate. My mom left this world knowing I would graduate and I need strength to make that happen. Love in Christ!
Thank you so much for sharing this. Perfectly timed~as always!
I immediately pinned it! I havent yet read the book but a devotional would be a kick start! I am printing and posting asap!
I worry even when I don’t think I am worrying. I give to God then take it back. Ugh! What is wrong with me? Lord, please forgive my unbelief and help me keep my focus on you.
I love that we can go to God with every worry, burden and need. This is a wonderful reminder to leave it all in His hands and to pray to him. I often converse with him when I’m driving in the car. Laying everything out before him and thanking him for the great God he is and all the amazing things he does in our lives. Be blessed. xxx
Until I read this post, it didn’t occur to me that my fatigue could be from worrying so much. I need to “let go and let God”. That is my goal for this week. I forget that I need not worry. God’s got me covered. Thank you for the reminder. And thank you, Lord Jesus, for taking away my worries!
I love this 3 step approach and found that keeping a thankful journal has helped me — as it causes me to stop, think, praise and thank God and put my schedule/thoughts/attitudes/all before God. This process helps me to see the good and realize these are blessings/gifts from God. With this, I find my heart softens, my pulse lowers and peace and grace allow me to look at my life/circumstances in a new light.
Great plan, bring request to God, thank God for His purpose and plan
Love this concise and effective reminder! Thanks so much!
Thanks for the great message! Especially love and need to remember to talk to God about EVERYTHING! Being a control freak this is so hard to do. Thanks for the 3 steps! Will try to put those into,practice.