When life gets overwhelming, do you ever feel like you might suffocate under everything you need to do?
Does worry ever weave it’s way into your heart and consume your thoughts with concern?
If I’m not careful, worry can wear me out and make me want to quit… just about everything!
A few years ago, I took my husband’s advice to write down everything on my plate so I could ask God what needed to be cut back. I listed my commitments and concerns, deadlines and dates on my calendar with every appointment, event, conference call and meeting I could think of for the next six months.
And I prayed: Please God, show me where I need to make changes.
I assumed the Holy Spirit would suggest adjustments in my schedule, but that’s not what happened. God didn’t tell me to make cut backs at work or in ministry. He didn’t show me our family had too many activities. He didn’t challenge me to take a sabbatical, although I was hoping He would.
Jesus showed me it was worry — not my workload — that was making me weary.
You see, without realizing it I was spending as much time thinking and worrying about concerns, commitments, circumstances and deadlines as I did working on them.
It was not only how I spent my time, but how I spent my thoughts that left me depleted.
But it wasn’t until I brought it all to God, and wrote it all out, that I recognized what was happening. I wonder if that’s why Peter tells us: “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)
The apostle Paul tells us the same thing, and shows us how:
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and A him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7, NLT)
But it’s not easy. Honestly, our natural tendency is to take control. And we have an enemy who suggests we do. But we don’t have to listen to the lies. Instead we can listen to God’s promises, and take these 3 steps to get God’s peace:
CLICK HERE to Download “3 Steps to Get God’s Peace”
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I love your books and messages. They always encourage me. Thank you for you faithfulness to share the love of God with us all.
I loved how you said God is good at being God so often we forget this and let worry consume us. Thank you for you 3-steps.
Woowee this blessed my soul indeed!! You clearly put me back on focus to understand God really does care for us in EVERY WAY, for EVERYTHING. We often pick up way too much we have already put at Jesus’ feet. God is more than able to keep us and to keep us sane and at peace. Thank you for this wonderful post. I am going to keep this in my “Soul Food” arsenal. I need to continue to combat worry and fear with this post. xo
I love these 3 steps! I know I will use them daily and I will share with my ladies at my church on our next get away. With so much going on in our life, we need to know the Peace that God will give us!!
This devotional really helped me to give my worries to the Lord. Instead of focusing on things I had no control over, I focused on praising God for all He has done in my life. And, I felt God peace, especially in a situation that I had worried about for awhile!
Thank you for this. Just did a woman’s group and had them write down things on a piece of paper then we burnt them. Worry causing depression is a constant in my life so I am definitely going to down load the 3 steps, and take pen in hand for a chat worth my Lord.
Thank you or this devotional…it was as If you were speaking directly to me…I have been so worried…I try to hide it pretend that I’ve got this under control all the while doing exactly what you said when God doesn’t answer trying to control it….I’ve been trying to sell my house …since my husband died I’ve been trying to keep it all going but I just can’t afford it anymore ..it’s been on the market almost 4 months and no one has put a bide in….I’m running out of time…and have been trying to wait patiently knowing God will bring the right person along…but in the back of mind doubt sits ….I’ve had to constantly remind myself that God has a plan for me …..and it better then I can imagine….I don’t want to Doubt God’s goodness for me anymore…..Thank you so much…..
Working full time and teaching part-time has become “overwhelming” !!! I have resgned from several committees a few months ago to alleviate my responsibilites. I have realized that I need to balance work with time for prayer, self, and family.
Thank you Lord for ordering my steps and for providing the vessel to bring forth your direction in my life today. I needed that refreshing because I had strayed from the valley of peace and tried to take control, but Lord you are in command and you took command back. I release all to you and humble myself before you. Grace, mercy, prosperity, peace is all mine is all my family IS ALL. Thank you for the covering of the blood. In JESUS NAME. Amen
Thanks so much for the great advice! I’ve never thought of it like that before! I’m excited to try this! 🙂
As others have said I to want to thank you for your message today. I grew up in a house full of worriers. That’s what I’ve know all my life. I’m so glad for your suggestions on how to stop worrying and reverse things. You have a very wise husband that directed you in the right way to go. The steps seem easy enough but my problem is carrying through. I start something completely gun ho and then my enthusiasm dies off. I pray that I can start this and God will help me carry through. There’s my biggest worry already. I thank God for all He has done for me. I wouldn’t be here without Him. Keep up the wonderful messages you share with us.
I have been struggling with this very things lately and this was a wonderful reminder. Not only that but I was also able to share this with my husband. He has been feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders and this devotion came at the perfect time.
Thanks Renee. Great ideas based on God’s Word!
Thank You Renee for your words of encouragement. My Husband and I moved to a new state 7 months ago and I am still in need of a job and bills are piling up! But I know using your “3 Steps to God’s Peace” is going to be a big help to my Husband and I. THANK YOU for all that you do!
Perfect devotional for my heavy heart today. Due to circumstances I can’t openly share, but prayer support is definitely appreciated.
My husband says if I don’t have something to worry about I worry about that. I have a black belt in worrying. I am blessed by your blog. Thank you.
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.” What a much needed reminder — this helped me realize how much time in my life has been stolen by worrying and not breathing and giving it to God in prayer.
The more time that I spend with GOD and have a closer relationship, the more I am aware of his presence and the many blessings that he provides. The peace that HE brings me is so amazing and I could not imagine a life without HIM. I just hope that everyone would just know HIM and experience what he has to offer.
My husband says if I don’t have something to worry about then I worry about that. I have a ‘black belt’ in worrying. I know God will take care of everything if I will just let go and let God. It’s much more difficult in practice. Your blog is such a blessing to me. Thank you.
God really has some “neat” thoughts, words, feelings, and I think God keeps me moving on positively in my life. I have always been told that “When you worry–pray!” Well, finally I have tried it. (But I was really spectacular saying the words to friends, neighbors, and country men.) Then it became a necessity that I listen to myself and extend my prayers to help #1 first which is me, and then go on to what I was worrying about. I can say that for me….slowing down, breathing so I relax some, maybe holding my cat…that my prayers instead of worrying are simple, understanding, and to my BEST FRIEND God! I believe God is gentle, helpful, caring, and He gives a ” positive hoot” for me and what I am worrying about. Thanks Renee!
Wow! I surely needed this today. I think that worry is my biggest downfall. I am always anxious and tend to worry so much about things in life. In the past I have been through a lot and at times continue to go though some very difficult things. This verse about worry is one that I try to keep close to me. Sadly, I let worry win most of the time. I feel empty when I am praying and even like I am doing it wrong. I know in my heart that is not the case, but sometimes I let these thoughts overtake. Thank you for this today and I am putting this printable in my desk area to remind me!
Worrying runs in my family. That along with the fear to make a decision….about anything. My grandmother and my mother never taught me to be positive or to pray about problems even though they were Christians and attended church regularly. I have been trying hard to break that cycle over the past year by staying in the Bible, only listening to encouraging Christian Contemporary music, and prayer. My daughter is a senior in high school, is about to start college, and unfortunately worries and stresses out more than I ever did. I am counseling her the best I can, sharing scripture and devotions with her (I sent her Renee’s devotion about worrying) and telling her to give everything to God. I am very thankful that the Lord put it on my heart to learn how to trust him in all circumstances so I can help her while she is young, and hopefully break this cycle of worrying.
I love these reminders. I would love to win these to keep me in check.
These are exactly things that i have to do in my life. I am always stuck in my own worries and forget those 3 steps. I think the first step is especially important for me because my thinking has been set on automatic speed dial on the need to find a quick solution for my problems. Stopping is truly necessary. I need to stop being like a three years old running around in circle and not being able to listen to what God has to say to me.
It’s been a life battle vs BUSYNESS! What a great thought that worry was making my to-do list unmanageable! Thanks for your insightful post!
I so enjoyed your thoughts on When Concern Consumes Me as I have been feeling weary I thought from my workload. After reading your devotional, I realized just how much worry can be exhausting. So thankful that we have a listening Lord who cares about our concerns and already has an answer!
I am going to start my list today. Life does get overwhelming with all my thoughts and decisions daily that are on my shoulders. I honestly have that same feeling after I have went on vacation. Its wonderful to know that I am not alone. That God is with me and ready to lift my burdens.
It is very hard for me to stop worrying. This is an area I really struggle with. Even the slightest every day things give me anxiety. I needed this reminder, especially today. I will keep praying!
I have recently transitioned to a new job, which is outside of our home. My initial thoughts were that this was God’s leading. But, as I began the hard work of learning the job, I began to doubt. Now, as I am getting more comfortable in my new environment, I begin to see it is overwhelmingly worry that causes my doubt. Thank you for your words; they show what I have felt. I am where He wants me in the path He has created so He will be glorified. Thank you for your encouragement!
Thank you for this lovely post! This devotional was a blessing to this busy mama!!
I don’t always get a chance to read the Encouragement for Today, but for some reason I was compelled to open – When Concern Consumes Me. Maybe because just 5 minutes before this I was telling a friend that I was feeling anxious this week. If someone didn’t respond to a text right away, I started worrying that maybe they were mad at me. Then started that feeling in the pit of your stomach – when you think you did something wrong. Also at work I was feeling overwhelmed at the amount of work I have, and was thinking, why bother, I’ll never catch up.
So your devotion was a perfect fit for me today – I am spending more time worrying about things, than actually accomplishing them. I need to give God all my worries, and focus on the things I have to do, one job at a time. And as for the friends…. just because they don’t respond right away, usually has nothing to do with me. I need to let go, and trust God – He is my refuge and strength – He will never abandon me and will always hear my voice when I cry out to him with my troubles. Praise his holy name!!!
What a great way to start the day, and to share with friends! My work is so overwhelming. God has put answers in the midst just yesterday, now I am just waiting for His timing and having patience, continuing to thank Him. I could not do my work without Him. Thank you for your 3 steps I will keep this at my desk at work and one at home. You encouraged my day!!
One of my favorite scriptures there. I like the way you’ve shared it. Thanks and God bless!
I awoke this morning with a heavy heart for a teenage who just had a baby (beautiful, I might add), and a co-worker that has given up on her marriage (she is literally having a “mid-life crisis”!). We all know a heavy heart often means a worried heart. I debated on reading my bible or reading a devotional on Proverbs 31 Ministries this morning – I’m glad I chose the latter. I’m worried! Have you ever had the urge to shake someone- you know – shake some sense into their head and knock the stupid out? Your devotional has been a great help and eased the worry – I’m still worried but will give it to God. I’m going to pray more for these two women and worry less. Thank you and God bless.
This was so perfect and timely for me right now. As of late, I’ve struggled with some serious anxiety and haven’t been able to make sense of it’s origin. I’ve been working through this a lot and your post has she’s a lot if light, encouragment and PRACTICAL help! God is so good. Thank you!
I am going to set the 3 steps picture as the lock screen on my phone! 26,single mom of two and I am in desperate need of brain surgery. Worry is something that I can’t escape. I live in a battle field of fear and worry constantly giving myself a hard time. I have been seeking a way to find peace but have been unsuccessful, keeping myself up late at night wondering if I will ever have enough money to pay for surgery.
Thank you for these words of encouragement.
This past year I have learned so much on how to surrender my worries to God. The majority of my worries are behind me and I’ve learned to lean on God’s strength so much. He has provided me peace, knowing that He makes everything happen for a purpose.
Now……of course, there are always those worries in life that seem so BIG, that you just can’t imagine letting someone else take control……right? Even if you do allow God to take control, there is sometimes that thought of taking certain worries back into your hands.
I am in this state right now.
I’ve been offered a job that pays well and will make me the youngest woman to ever work in this specific field. This was very attractive to me and I began to dream of how my life could be…..enough money to help bring the gospel to the third worlds, big home with extra room for missionaries, luxury car, and being able to buy nearly anything without worrying the cost. I thought to myself, “This is totally the Lord!” Right!???…….Wrong. You see, I never prayed about this first. Thinking that I was already destined to work for this company, I felt it was “the Lord’s calling” and He would work it all out for me. After a couple months of studying I was ready for the test. I took the test. I did not pass. But, the company was impressed with the scores for someone my age that they decide to work with me until I passed, even if it took a few more tries.
Though I was thrilled about this, I never felt at ease whenever I prayed throughout this three-month process and even when praying about the future tests that were planned. Inside, I KNEW that God did not want me to continue. It was oh, so hard for me to believe this truth. It hurt so much that I did not know what to do. How could I make the right choice without His guidance and strength? There was no way! So after a couple months of struggling with this “tug-of-war” game in my mind, I finally gave in and asked God to give me the strength to say “no” to this job. He did. What a tremendous peace that came over me that day!
Currently, I am in a “Famine” stage after crossing that line. My future is completely “blank” to me as I am not taking any more college classes. I did not feel compelled to achieve a degree, I don’t know if I will ever get married, and the only passion I have is encouraging other young women in their walk with God.
I know in reality this seems like a recipe for disaster.
But, how much does God need in order to do something incredible with one’s life? Pondering that, I realize He just needs someone willing to listen and obey with a passion to encourage and serve.
He is the potter…I am the clay. I can’t remember the last time I heard of the clay fighting the potter!
Though I’ve continued to go back to “the line” and say to myself, ” Maybe I need to try again”, I realize that this is just a game between my will and my God. Each of us is drawn away from God’s perfect will for us because we are mesmerized by the desires our flesh. We, each of us, really needs to take every thought captive and invite God to come beside us to help us choose that which will bring us to what we were called for.
So, It’s my choice to live for me or for Him………I always choose the latter.
Many blessings,
Just more confirmation from yesterday of what I need to be doing with all the unrest, anxiety, and turmoil within my soul over things from the past and present over which I have no control. Thank you for allowing God to use you as a reminder and confirmer of what He has placed on others hearts.
Thank you for this! We are a military family overseas and are seeking guidance from God for how He wants to use us now and what steps we should be taking for the future. I am praying hard for peace and patience as we listen for an answer.
This is exactly what I needed to hear today!
Wow what a blessing as I picked up Stress less living today to reread and then this. Thank you Lord for how you fill me with women who love you and love others. This message I feel was written just for me and how I feel right at this moment. Thank you for Renee for listening to the Holy Spirit who is guiding you to help others. I am confident that this message will help others and I am looking forward to the continued blessing of this message thank you again and God bless this much needed message to women.
Wow…. It was like God had you write “when concern consumes me” just for me. Thank you. I should never doubt God’s awesomeness! God Bless!
Thank you for the inspiration! I call on God often but I need more confidence that He will grant my requests. I need to let go and let God take over.
Thanks for this reminder today, Renee! Just last week I thought I couldn’t handle “one more thing!” and God allowed me rest in the midst of my already busy schedule to just be (and go to bed early) and that helped me re-focus on what was really important. And that was making sure I didn’t miss the “one thing” in my day that helped balance my day, therefore my week, and that is time alone with the Lord each morning before I start my day. 🙂
Just when I feel that I can’t do it all, I take a minute to say a prayer and ask for help and guidance. Works every time. God is good.
I am so guilty of worrying about things instead of praying about them. Learning to lay my problems at the feet of our Lord (instead of worrying about them) is one of my most important goals. Please pray for me.
I totally understand a “meltdown”! I’ve allowed at times my thoughts to wonder about the outcome of my Setember 2014 breast cancer diagnosis. It always seems to hit after my husband brings me home from a “chemo day”. The Lord is forever faithful to whisper to me “I care about EVERY detail of your life”. It’s just remembering to take those negative thoughts captive thru the tears!!!! Since my mastectomy in February, the cancer is gone but I will continue infusions every 3 weeks until September 2015.
Thanks Renee, for more truth on receiving God’s Peace! Your book “A Confident Heart” has been a life saver when I need to adjust my thinking, and hear God’s truth.
Blessings to you!
O my gosh I LOVE this!!! I loved participating in the Confident Heart ObS and I would love the devotional book!