When life gets overwhelming, do you ever feel like you might suffocate under everything you need to do?
Does worry ever weave it’s way into your heart and consume your thoughts with concern?
If I’m not careful, worry can wear me out and make me want to quit… just about everything!
A few years ago, I took my husband’s advice to write down everything on my plate so I could ask God what needed to be cut back. I listed my commitments and concerns, deadlines and dates on my calendar with every appointment, event, conference call and meeting I could think of for the next six months.
And I prayed: Please God, show me where I need to make changes.
I assumed the Holy Spirit would suggest adjustments in my schedule, but that’s not what happened. God didn’t tell me to make cut backs at work or in ministry. He didn’t show me our family had too many activities. He didn’t challenge me to take a sabbatical, although I was hoping He would.
Jesus showed me it was worry — not my workload — that was making me weary.
You see, without realizing it I was spending as much time thinking and worrying about concerns, commitments, circumstances and deadlines as I did working on them.
It was not only how I spent my time, but how I spent my thoughts that left me depleted.
But it wasn’t until I brought it all to God, and wrote it all out, that I recognized what was happening. I wonder if that’s why Peter tells us: “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)
The apostle Paul tells us the same thing, and shows us how:
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and A him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7, NLT)
But it’s not easy. Honestly, our natural tendency is to take control. And we have an enemy who suggests we do. But we don’t have to listen to the lies. Instead we can listen to God’s promises, and take these 3 steps to get God’s peace:
CLICK HERE to Download “3 Steps to Get God’s Peace”
Click “Share Your Thoughts” and do just that. Your comment will be your entry into my “Heart-and-Soul Spa” gift-pack GIVEAWAY that includes my A Confident Heart Devotional book, my favorite prayer journal from DaySpring and a $10 Bath & Body Works gift card!
today i was visited yet again by regrets of past mistakes that have consequences that will most likely be with me the rest of my life. i have days when i get very discouraged because i can’t find a way to fix things. i needed this blog to remind me God is bigger than my mistakes!
This was a wonderful devotion to remind us to “listen” to what God is revealing moment to moment and to turn all of our concerns over to him, moment by moment. Thank you for your words of encouragement today and using what God has given you to inspire people in all walks of life. Clarity of mind in making the best decisions regarding time, and using it in the way God desires for me at this stage of my life is eluding me. Your words today are a reminder that God is a healer and can certainly provide the peace needed. Thank you.
Thanks for the encouragement. Many sleepless nights as feel I’m the “Evil Step-mother”
This is me to a tee! My son has told me for years that I make mountains out of mole hills. I often lets my thoughts overwhelm me and cause me to worry when all I need to to is remember that Jesus will hear my prayers if I would just go to him and ask him for peace and guidance.
Will post this on the frigde as a daily reminder thanks
Thank you for reminding us that worry and anxious thoughts can rob us of our peace and joy. I believe that is why Jesus always said “My Peace I give you or leave with you”. Satan’s major tactic is causing us to fret and worry.
I am leading my first Bible study beginning this Saturday and I find myself worrying about whether I will be good enough to do this – will I be smart enough, funny enough, engaging enough, etc. In reality, I know I am not enough alone but with God I am more than enough because His will be done if I let it. I am praying for His words, His vision, His guidance in this endeavor and I am grateful He is allowing me to be a part of it!
I am a constant planner! God is teaching me to REST and let him do the planning! That helps me with worry! Not my agenda but His
(for a change)
“Many are the plans in the mind of a man but it is the purpose of the Lord that will last.” Proverbs 19:21
Dear Renee, Thank you & God Bless you abundantly for all of your sharing from your heart. I am so blessed to be following you for sometime now & just want to say thank you.
Have a Blessed, restful day in the Lord! Amen
I have been consumed with worry the last few months. I know it is affecting me emotionally and physically. I have been trying to place my worries in God’s hands but once I do that I don’t know how to really stop worrying.
Thank you so much for this devotional! As I was reading I thought, “I could have written this”. My husband is a pastor and we just recently moved to a new state/new ministry. In our previous ministry I was home a lot and had gotten “comfortable” just being a mom and wife. Now, we are constantly on the go and extremely busy. I enjoy everything I do, but just feel so unorganized, and a lot of times stressed, with all that I have to do. Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions to give it to God. I will definitely work on that! 🙂
My mother, and sister need to read this book, they allow stress to consume every second of their life, it is so bad my mother has ended up in the hospital three times for several days, the number one factor, stress. Not that I couldn’t use it right now. God knows I definitely could what with mom in and out of the hospital, eight siblings to care for, a farm of 100 chickens, and 40 goats, and a boss with mental problems who is four pay periods behind. There are days when I just want to say, someone else’s turn, I can’t do this. But I know, I can because God is with me. A stress away pack would be fantastic right now though.
I SO needed this today. I work for a Christian School that I love very much but sometimes I get frustrated with things and feel helpless to make them better.
Thank you so much for devotional.
This was such a great reminder for me today. I’m very overwhelmed right now, and what-ifs have been consuming me. Thank you for this…I will definitely be making my list!
This was so encouraging. As a worrier who currently feels overwhelmed, this is what I needed to read this morning. Thanks for your words!
Thank you for the reminder on how I can receive the Lord’s peace.
My husband and I are walking thru a seemly impossible situation and
have been terribly wounded.
Our Faithful Father has been reminding me of His goodness in the
past and that I need to trust Him for the future. Your blog post has
confirmed His Word to my heart. May He bless you and continue to use you!
I want to take some time to really meditate on this. I know I can start to resent my schedule – even the people I have appointments with when I get overwhelmed. Feel like I’m letting someone down no matter my choice – either not enough time with my family, or not enough with others in need or not enough with friends who encourage me. Sometimes so scattered that I’m not fully present in each event so though I’m spending time with people, or on things, I am not having the impact I could. I want to be lead by the Spirit more and by a sense of duty less and I definitely don’t want to waste precious time worrying!
I need to remember AND do this everyday!! I’m a single mom with no help, and am blessed with very smart, athletic girls!! My Dad just passed away, so I worry about my Mom. I worry about work, our future, colleges, drama, etc… I pray, take a deep breath and take one day at a time!! I live in the mountains, but would love to run away to the beach!! 😉
Thank you so much for the advice, bible verses and prayers! This is all so true! So many times I try to do it all on my own and all I do is worry! I MUST stop and pray! It’s really hard sometimes to stop my rushing and worried thoughts though! So I will pray about that too! Again, thanks!
Your message came from the Spirit today!! My husband and I just discussed this exact issue….thanks for the suggestions!
Sometimes I find peace eludes me when I look at what needs to be done and see the limitations of those responsible for accomplishing the tasks rather than trusting God to provide a way.
Good point, Carla. Thank you. We must keep our eyes, hearts and minds fixed on Jesus, and trust Father God!
Thank you for this fairly simple yet profound truth – it’s one of my favorite verses. I find myself frequently paralyzed with worry and emotion. When I can give that to God, I am freed and incredibly productive.
I think worry and anxiety actually seem normal to most people now, and we don’t realize we weren’t designed to stress. I constantly have to remind myself to stop worrying so thank you for the tips!
Thank you for this timely wisdom. I have been overwhelmed with so much lately.
if there is one thing I know about The Father it is that He will let you know he has heard your prayers. This morning I awoke at 5:00 A.M.. I had slept through the night ( which is something I have not done in weeks due to an injury from a car accident.)and was wide awoke , so when I looked at the clock and saw the time I decided to pray.There were so many things on my heart and as I prayed I spoke all of my concerns.All that was stressing me out , all that was causing worry and even more pain than I was already in and I laid down at about 6AM and went back to sleep. I awoke feeling good that I had left my cares with the Lord.He let me know He heard my cry through two pastors and now this blog.I realize He is calling me to rest and move aside and let him be the God of my life.I have rested in Him before and He worked so why shouldn’t He this time.I am grateful that He has led me to this blog and this ministry of women to help and guide me along this new path He has put before me.Thank you Renee and may God bless you and your family.
Thank you for your wonderful wisdom and uplifting message. This couldn’t come at a more perfect time as I work in Hospice and my team is currently undergoing a federal survey. This time is very stressful and exhausting as everything they could find us doing wrong is being pointed out, causing self doubt and worry. The gift bag would be a perfect gift to the nurse or manager that goes above and beyond every day only to be drug down by mandates. Thank you again for pointing us all in the Lord’s direction during EVERY difficult task we face no matter WHAT it is!
Thank you for sharing your heart with us and a tangible way to keep the worry away. I find myself up at night- worrying about my husband, my 3 children, my mom who is battling stage 4 cancer and just the concerns of the next day.
I am learning to lean on God in the midst of all of this and read His word. Thank you for encouraging us ladies and letting us know that this struggle is real and we have a Big God who can handle it all an loves us Big!
Have a blessed day!
I am in a busy season right now. All joyous things, but all running together. I was feeling overwhelmed this morning but this devotional hit home!! It reminded me to turn to Him in all things. Thank you!
I think fear and worry tend to go hand in hand. I’m struggling with allowing each to make the other bigger. I have been growing spiritually over the past year in a situation that I’m confident will be resolved in God’s way and in His time. Please pray for me, as I strive for patience to give my cares to Him and wait for him to resolve those issues in a way that is far bigger than I could ever imagine. Today, I’m asking for the courage to make a list that will shrink things down to their proper perspective.
As care giver for my 85 y.o. mother I find myself frustrated by the limits on my free time to go accomplish multiple errands in one outing rather than multiple trips. Also limited quiet time to focus on God.
Thank you for the 3 Steps to get God’s Peace. As I am getting older, I don’t know why, but worry creeps in more and more. I know Philippians 4:6-7, but thank you for “putting it” this way. I was inspired to make bookmarks for myself and my sisters in Christ!
Thank you, this is exactly what I needed today. I had a complete melt down yesterday and I think it was as much from worry as it was from all that is on my plate. I have a huge project that I’m working on at work, I don’t feel like I get to see my two small children enough, I’m in the early stages of a third baby that I don’t know how we are going to add to the mix, I’m worry about how this baby is growing, my husband is worried about it too and constantly talking all sorts of crazy, and I’m just overwhelmed. Thank you for reminding me to hit the pause button and to pray. And the reminder to keep thanking God after that. I know this, but I forget it. I left life’s worries, problems, and crazy overwhelm me and when I should be running to God I’m stuck where I am having a melt down without Him. Thank you for sharing!
Renee – thank you for being open and honest and sharing this devotional with us. This is exactly what I NEEDED to hear. I’ve been so guilty of letting worry consume and wear me out. I’m starting to learn how to listen to God’s truths and to use them to combat the lies the devil tries to tell me…to guard my heart and mind with His peace. Thank you again. God bless!
good morning,
I have been consumed with worry and one day I layed in my bed face down and prayed to God and sincerely prayed for peace and direction and I tell you it really helped and still in the midst of what is going on I still praise God and listen to sermons and praise and worship music just to keep myself knowledgeable that God is still present and he is working on my behalf , Stay encouraged
thanks so much for this- i really need this today. endless things to do, countless errands, prayer requests, never ending thoughts and worries.
you remind me that these are not all mine-
Well I definitely need this reminder as my husband & I are walking through a very tough season that seems to have no end in sight…but I know God is faithful…I just need to keep faithfully looking at Him & not the problems that are overwhelming. Thanks for sharing…timeless wisdom!!!
Thanks for this devotion. It was what I really needed today.
Wow – your devotion was eye-opening. I have been overwhelmed with worry. What a great word to help me gain perspective. I will definitely be working on my to-do list and praying over it. Thanks!
Not worrying and leaving “situations” to God has always been my strength. Lately I have let worry consume my life. Trying to take control and not allowing God to work in my life. Thank you for allowing God to use you and touch my heart today. I need reminding that God is and always has been in control. Worry is wasted time, a detour in my life and something that has blocked my walk with Him.
Thank you for your devotional today. I am going to try this. I have some heavy things on my mind and I allow myself to worry too much instead of running to my Father. I know he will take care of all my needs. I just need to trust more and worry less.
Renee; I’m so thankful for your devotion today on worry. I too, tend to get overwhelmed often, not because I haven’t enough time, but because I can’t seem to organize in my mind, all the things I need to do. I like your suggestion to make a list of my concerns. I believe that will help me look at my life from God’s perspective. Thanks again; Nena
You are so right about not allowing ourselves get overwhelmed with worries now being a mother of teen agers it is something I have to work at hard everyday. You and your entire staff help me do that I am so grateful that I heard of Proverb 31 on our Klove radio station. May God bless you and continue to strengthen you, thank you .
Driving to work several situations I’m going through were really weighing on me. Today’s devotional was exactly what I needed to put everything into perspective. You know in the back of your mind you should turn it over to God, but often that is the last option you think about. This was a wonderful reminder of what our first priority should be when an issue creeps into our lives. Thank you so much.
Thank you for this! I was just
Feeling overwhelmed with my own expectations to be physically, emotionally and mentally strong and sometimes so easily try to find this on my own strength. Thank you reminding me through the scriptures and He wants us to run to Him, and I can do that and depend on His grace because it’s sufficient for me!
Another lie we listen to is that everyone else can handle so much more than we can. We feel alone in our inadequacies. Thank you for sharing . We can’t forget that God is waiting for us share our inadequacies and He will give us joy.
What a wonderful relief to me this morning. What a beautiful morning meditative prayer. I may just be a stay at home mom, but I feel overwhelmed a lot when I walk around my home and begin to make mental lists of everything that needs to be done on top of raising my 3 girls (under 4 years old). This is a beautiful way to start and go through my day. Thank you!!
I needed to hear these words today more than anything. As a single mother of two small children, working full time in the ER and being a full time online student there are days I feel like giving up. Days I feel worthless, not a good enough mother and missing out on time with my kids. There are times I find myself laying in bed begging God to give me the strength to make it one more day to be the best mom I can be and to know that HE is in control! Even times that I feel alone I am not. My God is my refuge,my peace, and my comfort!
Oh how I needed this today!! I’ve been so overwhelmed lately with so much going on between now and 12/12/15. I have to remember that I can’t achieve goals, deadlines or be successful without fully surrendering to God and having Him with me every step of the way no matter how big or small the task.
This is exactly what I needed to read right now. I struggle with saying no, I love to help people, but then I become overwhelmed, but maybe I need not worry and just trust God more.
Wow what a great way to start the day. I love your wisdom and will remember these pieces of truth when I feel this way. Thank you for the chance to win such an amazing giveaway! Blessings on your day.