When life gets overwhelming, do you ever feel like you might suffocate under everything you need to do?
Does worry ever weave it’s way into your heart and consume your thoughts with concern?
If I’m not careful, worry can wear me out and make me want to quit… just about everything!
A few years ago, I took my husband’s advice to write down everything on my plate so I could ask God what needed to be cut back. I listed my commitments and concerns, deadlines and dates on my calendar with every appointment, event, conference call and meeting I could think of for the next six months.
And I prayed: Please God, show me where I need to make changes.
I assumed the Holy Spirit would suggest adjustments in my schedule, but that’s not what happened. God didn’t tell me to make cut backs at work or in ministry. He didn’t show me our family had too many activities. He didn’t challenge me to take a sabbatical, although I was hoping He would.
Jesus showed me it was worry — not my workload — that was making me weary.
You see, without realizing it I was spending as much time thinking and worrying about concerns, commitments, circumstances and deadlines as I did working on them.
It was not only how I spent my time, but how I spent my thoughts that left me depleted.
But it wasn’t until I brought it all to God, and wrote it all out, that I recognized what was happening. I wonder if that’s why Peter tells us: “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)
The apostle Paul tells us the same thing, and shows us how:
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and A him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7, NLT)
But it’s not easy. Honestly, our natural tendency is to take control. And we have an enemy who suggests we do. But we don’t have to listen to the lies. Instead we can listen to God’s promises, and take these 3 steps to get God’s peace:
CLICK HERE to Download “3 Steps to Get God’s Peace”
Click “Share Your Thoughts” and do just that. Your comment will be your entry into my “Heart-and-Soul Spa” gift-pack GIVEAWAY that includes my A Confident Heart Devotional book, my favorite prayer journal from DaySpring and a $10 Bath & Body Works gift card!
Thank you for these words of truth. Worry does deplete us. I’ve heard it said “Turn your worry into wonder…what is God going to do?”
I am always in awe of the gifts God puts in my path. Today it was your post about worry and the reminder to be thankful for all we have been given.
I am coming up to having bloodwork done to monitor things after treatment for non-Hodgkins lymphoma. My worrying began about 2 weeks ago. My mind is swirling with worrying thoughts. I pray. I remember all the twists prior to the final diagnosis, when things looked bleak. I remember that I was able to put it all in God’s hands and I remember the peace I felt. So why is it so hard to get back to that wonderful feeling of peace???
Thank you for offering me the steps to help me get there. Once again, He came through for me and sent you my way!
Absolutely needed this today. I have been struggling with worry and this put me so at peace and helped me to refocus. I am feeling relief already.
It’s these kinds of reminders that make me successful with my relationship with Jesus!
I am so grateful…..thank you!
This resonated deeply with. I experience extreme anxiety and struggle so hard just to lay it at God’s feet. thanks for the great and encouraging post.
You are so right! I need to ‘take it to the Lord’!! Thank you for the wonderful reminder. I printed out 2 of the pdfs and I will be sharing it with my sister. Thank you!!!
Greetings! I really appreciate this devo, especially the phrase “. . . how I spent my thoughts that left me depleted.” I am an over-thinker, and I also magnify things unnecessarily. The three steps you gave will be very good to use. Thank you, and God continue to bless you richly!
Do you know me? It’s as if you do! God had me read this even as I have a lot to do this morning. I went to bed last night with so many concerns and asked God to take them. I must not have let Him because I woke up feeling more weary than when I went to sleep-unless it was that crazy dream I had, chasing a bus…but that’s for another day. Anyway thank you! I really needed this. I have been experiencing extreme personal stress this year-there’s a huge list of what I’m worried about, but really only one answer-give it to God. I do pray to do that every day but I’ve not had much luck in actually lettin it go. God bless you and your devotions. Have a wonderful day!
The devotional for today, coupled with this post has helped me greatly. Recently I have been dealing with something so burdening and heart wrenching that I did not have an option but to turn to Christ. Even in my darkest hours, I find that the anxiety that builds up is mostly from the thoughts popping into my head. Although the situation is quite difficult and sometimes unbearable, it only gets worse when I worry. Bringing all of my concerns to Him like Philippians 4:6-7 tells us to, praying and reading encouraging scripture and posts/devotionals such as this one will bring us to peace that transcends all understanding.
Have a blessed day!
There are times when I feel everything caving in. I feel overwhelmed with insecurities at work, home, and being a single mom. To the point where i just want to quite and never look back. I get caught up in the business of having to make ends meet and making sure my son eats before me. I have more break downs in the last few months thinking when it everything get better. When will I be ok, all i ever do is worry. But reading this devotional this morning before i started my work today made me feel like im not the only one that feel this way. And its a great to know how others get through times likes this.
I started reading my devotional every morning before I started my day. I have always heard that God provided peace for those that “sought” Him, and doing so has brought me a peace in may daily life that is LIFE CHANGING. I never fathomed it could be so easy to let go of daily struggles in our lives if we dedicated our “first fruits” to Christ. I have sure learned that this few minutes each day is providing everlasting and overwhelming peace in my life. God is so Good!
Hi Renee’! Thanks for the reminder. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of listening to Satan’s lies even though I know he is the author of confusion and chaos – the opposite of peace. The Bible is full of good advice for us and our stinking thinking – ‘renew your mind’, ‘take every thought captive’, ‘pray without ceasing’, ‘in everything give thanks’. God loves us so much and He gave us instructions on how to live abundantly on this earth. We just have to seek His peace and know that nothing is too small or insignificant to bring before Him. Thanks for the printable!
I think we forget how awesome and big our God is! We/I tend to put Him in a small box and fail to trust in Him and believe in what He is capable of doing in and thru us. Faith, just to touch His “garment” and I am healed. Wow!
I am so glad I was able to read this particular post today. As I have been dealing with a lot over the last few months and this post put it all into perspective. I will admit I have found it difficult to pray lately because of all of the issues I’m facing plus the thought, which intellectually I know is erroneous, that God is punishing me.
Thank you.
This hit home today. I will download the 3 steps to remind me when I get overwhelmed. I know a lot of my stress comes from my thoughts more than what actually needs to be done.
I find myself overwhelmed a lot lately, and slowly insecurities and doubt have been creeping into my mind. I have been praying for balance, and this is such a great way to do that (you have a wise husband). I know once I see everything I will be able to balance and find my own peace!
Thank you for your devotion today. I am anxious to get your book on confidence. Right now in my life I feel like I need more to make each and every day.
thank you for supporting women who want to walk in faith and and stay connected to God’s word. I don’t really get to stressed out but one thing i find myself thinking about the most is the future of my kids and will they make good choices growing up and into adulthood, i am raising them with no Father in the home or no real male rolemodel and that worries me a lot. I know God will and can make up for that missing earthly father and i want God to show me the way!!!!!!
Your devotion really spoke to me today. Worry is something I struggle with regularly and your words encouraged me to remember Who to turn to. Printing the 3 steps as a daily reminder!
This is exactly what I needed today I I’ve always worried a lot but this season of my life is gonna so make me a bolder stronger person!!!please bible study lady’s be in prayer for me going thru some financial troubles. God bless you all
Thank you, this is definitely what I needed right now. Most of my life has been consumed by fear and worry and I am just so exhausted. I feel like I’ve just been living from one crisis or struggle to the next. Lately, I’ve been so focused on dealing with my children who have been sexually abused. My fears and worries about their phsyical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing has been a heavy burden on me. Lord, please help me trust you completely with my children. May I today finally lay all my fears, worries and burdens at your feet and seek rest from you alone. Amen.
As mom of a 15 1/2 year old daughter who is fighting her way back from depression and anxiety, I worry about this coming summer and all the additional temptations that could be lurking. I worry about my ever-growing work commitments and how I can balance being there for her and her siblings this summer and yet, continue to provide them with food on the table. My husband and I are hoping we have a plan to juggle jobs and parental attention and hoping that we can trust our daughter, but I still worry. I rely on the Lord to help me get through these days and wish my daughter would learn to rely on him more too.
Thank you for sharing this today! I keep thinking I have too much to do, but don’t know what to cut out. Perhaps I’m worrying more than I realize about what I need to do. Will definitely pray about this. I’d love to win the giveaway for myself and also to share with friends. Many blessings to you!
Thank you so much for your encouragement this morning! Definitely a great reminder especially on the hard days when I want to throw everything up in the air and yell FORGET IT! I know that God is always for me and that he is ALWAYS there when I need him no matter what the cause!
Thank you for the timely reminder to take everything to God in prayer! “Cast all your cares upon him” is the best advice for each of us to make our lives less stressful and productive. Thanks for the awesome devotion!
Thanks for the great words today! Just what I needed!
I am dealing with a tumultuous relationship in my marriage and trying to hold myself together to get through work and take are of my boys. Your words of encouragement to trust in God help so much. I want to have time for me to cry, scream and shout, but don’t. Knowing God is there to take these feelings for me helps so much.
Oh Renee your words spoke loud and clear to me. This has been a very stressful season in life with worries about parents health and care, caring for 2 teens/tweens and working full time. I just want to run away somewhere and hide.Thanks for the beautiful words and we just need to run into His arms as He has us covered. Many blessings
Thank you Renee for this post. It is very timely. I have been under stress and anxiety with my health…which I am recognizing has been because of my wrong thinking. Plus not surrendering because I should handle it. Feeling like I’ve made a messvof things and I should fix it. I was…am having major panic attacks. Then I really started to seek the Lord and asking the Holy Spirit for discernment. My answers and guidance have been moment by moment experiences. Just like your post gently exhorting and affirming me. Thank you Lord Jesus for loving me so much.
Thank you for this devotion. When I got to the line, “You see, without realizing it I was spending as much time thinking and worrying about concerns, commitments, circumstances and deadlines as I did working on them.” I really took notice. This is so true for me. The worry is so heavy and such a burden and getting rid of it makes everything else doable and God wants to take that burden from us. I am so thankful to Him for that and to you for reminding me of it.
I can be the queen of worry and control if I don’t spend time with God first thing in the morning. I need the time with Him to go over the day. It never fails, if I don’t do this I’m sure to have an epic melt down. P.s. my favorite verse Jer, 29:12. Thanks Renee, good way to start the day.
Thank you for your words from Our Father’s heart today. This is something I’ve struggled with for a while now, but I believe God would have me cut back my list of commitments (which includes an extra part-time job due to finances). We are expecting a baby and are doing our best to be diligent with all that we have. I’ve been convicted of trusting God to provide for all of our needs – not a job – that HE will make a way and that I don’t need to sacrifice my family time or energy, because my God is more than enough. We’re believing and having confidence for a perfect full-time job and that our Father would open those doors in His timing.
This was such an awesome reminder of how we don’t trust Jesus as our friend. In the hymn What a Friend we have in Jesus, clearly states that we should carry everything to God in prayer! Thank you for allowing God to use you in such a powerful way. Oh how awesome it is rest in the comfort of knowing that when we call him he will bring us back from captivity. Love this message. Have a fabulous Wednesday everyone .
Thank you for these words! Worry often consumes me and God and his word is the answer to all the questions!
Thank you for this very timely meditation. I tend to load up my plate with activities, and although I don’t consider myself a worrier – I do believe it creeps in, just like you said. Praying today, asking God to show me where I don’t trust Him in my life.
Thank you Renée for such a thoughtful and insightful post! In addition to the things you mentioned, I tried to listen to comedy and cultivate a sense of humor – about myself as well as in general. I’d love to receive the giveaway!
Thank you for this post. I have been thru a lot this past year, divorce, sickness, not getting paid while out being sick, having to take care of my 3 beautiful boys alone without the help of their dad. I’ve spend many days worried about the outcome, looking for the light, but I’ve realized I have to cast my burdens on the Lord, and he will provide. Its a very hard thing to do, especially when the trials of life are coming one right after another, but He will never ever leave or forsake us!
Worry does consume my days and the promise that God is there to listen and help that worry is so comforting. I will be printing your printable to place by my bed to remind me to turn to God.
I have been feeling overwhelmed the past several days so I took your husbands advice and I wrote down all my work and outside commitments. I am also considering a job change but am not sure if it is me or God sending me in this direction. I will be praying over all of this and see where God leads me. Please pray for me as well.
Thank you so much for this post today! I have had a crazy busy time at work these last couple of days, and it has been very overwhelming. Your post reminded me I may have been ignoring God’s Word to me, to REST and depend on Him. I have much more peace going into today. Thank you!
Thank you. This has given me new perspective.
I needed to read this today! Thank you for your words of wisdom. Incidentally our church encourages us to choose a word to focus on for the year. In the past I’ve had words such as Trust, Truth and Joy. My One Word for this year is Peace. So this is an extra encouragement for me today as it helps me focus on my word for the year and seeking God’s help to have peace in my life.
This was just what I needed to hear today. God has been trying to teach me not to worry, which is hard for a type A, perfectionist like me! I like to have everything in my control, but then worry what could go wrong or a decision I could make that is not good in the end. Thank-you for posting this. I like the three steps to do when I begin to worry!
I prayed to God last night for guidance in a stressful situation. Your devotion today was the path to help. I wrote my three things down on paper and sealed it in an envelope to give to Jesus. Thank you.
Great devotional for me today. I can work myself into a tizzy worrying about “what if” mostly with my children, but also with my work. It steals my energy and my joy. I keep postcards in my car and on my counter of verses to help me stop myself from going there and to think about what God says instead…
This devotional is so on point. i’m sending it to a family member who is in the midst of crises after crises in her family. She is very broken and discouraged. Thanks for speaking to my heart so I can encourage her in her tough times. I will also encourage her to subscribe to Proverbs 31 Ministries. Thank you for blessing me to be a blessing.
Thank you, your devotions and your book A Confident Heart have blessed me in oh so many ways.
May you continue doing God’s work.
In the natural we attempt to carry things we aren’t meant to. The weight of all our cares and concerns not only weigh us down but also distract us from the focus we need, which is upon Jesus. The Lords desire is for us to cast our cares and not claim them as our own. It is in the ownership of these woes where we stumble.
Renee I loved your post. So many truths and so beautifully written. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you. I needed that reminder today.
As a middle school teacher nearing standardized test time and the end of the school year, I find this incredibly helpful. My personal life is wrapped up in a messy divorce struggle, and I am caught in the “hurry up and wait” limbo that steals a lot of my joy in the moments that are here and now. Thank you for this reminder that God has this. I believe worry is more than a thief; it is a sin, and many of us struggle to let God have our worries, but if we let Him, he will handle things far better than we can handle them. It really boils down to a control issue, don’t you think? Worry seems to be more about me trying to control things in my life, schedules included, than turning them over to God. Again, thanks for the spot-on reminder.
To say that I needed this devotional today is an understatement. I woke up feeling beyond overwhelmed by everything going on in my life. My thought and worries have me to the point where I am becoming someone I don’t even want to be around. It is hard to focus as my thoughts race with everything I need to do and deal with.
It sad that I never thought to take time to ask God for the help I need especially since I teach my daughters to turn to Him.